The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 19, 1915, Image 2

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Wednesday, May 19, 1915,


Editor & Pro'r.
win r:CE $1 A YEAR
Na. .......00 Cents
1hic Months. . 20 Cenis
Diugi e (oples........« Cents
Sawpic Copies........FREE
Entered at the post office at Mount
Joy as second-class mail matter.
All correspondents must have their

friends in
of Done-
afternoon at Ho-


te Milton Grove.
Harvey Kulp, a local artistic dec:
orator is busy papering and frescoe-
ing rooms for the town patrons.
Mr, and Mrs. Ira Bricker of Rose
Hill, were the guests of John Rasp
and family over the Sabbath.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gruber of
View, spent Sunday with

lizzie Gruber in town.
smaller acreage of
it 1s
believed a
tobacco will be planted in this sec-
tion than that of last year.
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine 0. Grosh
spent a few hours very pleasantly in
Elizabethtown the past week.
Bli F. Grosh receives 1200 to 1500
dozen of eggs weekly at his store
from his surrounding patrons.
Red squirrels and pole cats, so Te-
ported, are unusually plentiful in the
groves bordering the Conewago hill
Reg. assessor C. H. Wittle is out
taking the census of voters in the
68th, or Milton Grove election dis-
The straw hat is in season, accord-
ing to the calendar, but it still has
to take some risk of getting frost
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kulp and
daughter of Donegal Springs, spent
Sunday in town as guests of C. Good
and family.
Henry G. Flory, of Old Line, putin
an appearance here Monday and was
accorded a hearty welcome by a host
of friends.
Road Supervisor Hiram Enterline
is engaged macadamizing some of the
highways in the lower tier of the
Weather sharps are now predicting
probably convinced
already had the hot
a cool
that we
part of it
A large contingent from town were
the Brethren in Christ
in Mastersonville,
present at

baptisiual services
Sunday afternoon.
Herman Geib and family of Sunny
{ Jide, were Sunday visitors with the
ather-in-law, J. Souders and other
lat in Rheems,
Shenk and his daughter
Miss lizzie visited the former’s son-
inlaw, H. Grube and family near
Newtown, Sunday.
It they keep on increasing the
range \of those big guns, our country
may have. to remove their coast
cities farther inland.
sister Miss
to her
geveral weeks with her
Lizzie Gruber has returned
home in Naumansville
Sunday night a young man passed
throngh town on a bicycle that
citizens have branded as a human
calliope and lusty megaphone.
Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Thome and
daughter Miss Louisa and son Ber-
nard anl Mrs. Louisa Gingrich autoed
to Lancaster Saturday afternoon,
Over fourteen hours of sunshine;
lawn mowers are in evidence in
house lawns and the barefooted boy
and girl pranceth are three items
in a nutshell,
E. F. Grosh had the misfortune to
fracture the ulna, or inner bone of
hig left arm. Dr. Thome reduced the
fracture and the broken part is
mending nicely.
Albert Gingrich purchased a second
hand automobile from Dr. A. J.
Thome and he speeds over the road
that would put a 20th century Ex-
J press engine to shame.
| Jacob H. Haldeman the corpulent
calf dealer of Florin makes his heb-
domatical tours in this section. He
carries his 232 avoirdupois with the
dignity of a Newville ’Squire.
Mrs. Ella Bruner of Bressler spent
Tuesday to Friday at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank B.
Grosh and her husband Calder
Bruner from Thursday to Friday.
Listed on the disordered docket
for the past month is Samuel Nagle,
proprietor of the carriage body
factory, who is no longer a clinic and
is convalescing, which is pleasing
tidings to his many friends.
Migs Lizzie Rider the debutant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Rider of Risser’s Corner hag been the
of honor at a dinner given on
nday at the Zook’s manse by Miss
Meta Zook.
The school directors
the High School building, Saturday
morning with a full quorum, and
transacted business pertaining to
the interest of educational affairg of
the township.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Grosh, went
by Mr. Young's auto to Falmouth,
Bainbridge, Msytown, Marietta, Co-'
~ lumbia, Lancaster, Neffsville, Oregon
to Brownstown! and returned same
convened at

er munications reach this office not
later than Monday. Telephone news
of uupultlance petween toatl time and
12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Chan-
ges for advertisments must positive “5
ly reach this office not later than the
Monday night. New advertisments
inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday
nigh Advertising rates oun applica-
Mrs. Fanny Walters after spending °
| the driver.
| Bddie Fry and Jos. Ginder each
own a motorcycle. The motors are
enough to puncture the ear drum ofa
mule. They ave positively gutteoral

about a foot higher than the bottom
of the box, apply to H. and E. for
Mr. James Hostetter was un’ortu-
nate enough to crush hig finger and
have the roller pass over him all in
one day but as “Jim” is pretty tough
»ffects were not serious.
Mr. and Mrs, John Hershey, Mr.
ind Mrs. Menno Risser, Mrs. Caslow
and children, Mrs. Randler and Mr.
and Mrs. I. P. Eshleman and children
visited in the David Greiner home on
Sunday evening,
[.. P. Eshleman. Menno Risser and
Phares Stern took in the sights at C.
S. Frank's Mt. Joy on
bought two
sale at
Saturday former



Copyright Hart Schaffner & Marx
Memorial Day 1915
T is well to set apart at least one day in the year as
in their profanity and proceed to
spit out epithets that drown all at-
tempts at conversation, The propel-
I's 1 u and harangue like
Chinese h 1 tong war
A be I removed his
sehold parphernalia to another
elling house in the immediate lo-
lit eports that the house now
sed is infested and over run by
certain blood-sucking hemiferous in-
s who al ngering the bodily
omf and domestic felicity of the
mily, and crawl over them with
* ugly forceps with malignant fine hogs which he expects to keep
joy { for 500 pounders next winter.
The annual meeting held last Mon-| Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Good and fam-
f the Milton Grove cemetery ily of Elizabethtown visited in the
issociation the following directors home of Norman Greiner last week
> unanimously re-elected to serve one dav. Mr. Greiner was confined
for the ensuing year: E. F. Grosh,|to his bed with tonsilities, but is
Henry G. Flory, S. C. Myers, John G.| better at this writing,
Moyer, Jacob W. Moyer, 8S. F. Dif-| On Sunday while “Dutch” Greiner |
fenderfer, George Gantz and Leander trying to run his father's Ford
Gantz. The Board elected Henry G. forgot to say whoa! quick enough
Flory, President; Frank B. Grosh, with the result that he backed into
Secretary; 8. C. Myers, Treasurer,|[, P, Eshleman’s chicken house with |
and Jacob F. Fry, Superintendent. h force that, could the building |
TY spoken, it would certainly have |
MARIETTA {| complained of several ribs badly
m— rn bruised.
Albert Lutz, Jr.. Wag Bitten in the | The following .were royally enter-
Face by His Pet Dog | tained in the Jacob Garman home,
eee (Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. John Heisey
Mr. Frank Pike of the W. S.|.nq children, Alta, Paul and Abram
Secret Service, spent a week Ino Elizabethtown, and Mr. and Mrs.
town with friends. |
Miss Elizabeth B. Miley spent ov |
eral days at Bainbridge last week |
the guest of her cousin.
John W. Rich of Philadelphia, |
spent several days with his parents, |
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Rich. i
Wm, H. Haas, of Philadelphia, |
spent Thursday with his parents]
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Haas. {
Mrs. Fannie Hinkle of Philadel-/
phia, spent several days with her |
mother, on Second street.
Miss Amanda Carroll has returned |
home after spending a week with her
sister, Mrs. Myra Ruth at Philadel-
James Donecho of New York,
spent the week end with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Donecho.
Mrs. Ralph Fitzgerald and daugh.
ter Elsie of Lancaster, spent a week
with the former’s mother, Mrs. An-
nie L. Engle.
J. Nissley Brandt was spending
last week at Williamsport, where he
represented Chiques Council, No.
1825, Royal Arcanum, of thig place,
at the state meeting held in that
The fourth annual sermon to the
members of Pioneer Fire Company,
No. 1, of Marietta, was delivered to
them by Rev. E. Elmer Sensenig, in
Zion’s Reformed Church, on Sunday
Miss Ella Kihler, employed at the
Cross Keys Hotel, met with a serious
accident on Thursday evening. She
was engaged in cleaning windows,
when the window slipped from its
fastening and injured her severely.
Dr. T. E. Ingram was called and
rendered the necessary medical aid.
A false alarm of fire was sounded
from the Town Hall bell shortly
after two o'clock Friday morning, by
some smart alerk. If he could have
been caught in the act by some of]
members of Pioneer Fire Com- |
pany who were aroused by the false
alarm from their slumbers he would |

have received a very warm reception, |
While Charles Slider and BEarl|
Carver were out testing a motor-
cycle recently purchased by Carver,
they lost control of the machine and
them off and took consider-|
“hide” off them and also put
Slider on crutches. When Slider was |
asked what happened to him he said |
he was burned with a gasoline stove.
Joseph M. Stafford, District Sec-
retary of the Grand United Order
of Odd Fellows, is seriously ill at
his home on Walnut street. Mr.
Stafford was taken ill a few days
ago, and at this writing is not
much improved, Mr. Stafford has!
acted in the capacity
it threw
of secretary !
of the order for nearly forty years,
and is well known in Lancaster Co.
Albert Lutz Jr. was badly bitten
in the face by his pet dog Thurs-
day afternoon, The lad was playing
with the dog, when the canine sud-
denly jumped at his face, tearing
the skin around the right eye, and
injuring the lid to some extent.
He was taken to the office of Dr.
Reich, who cauterized the wound.
Eugene and James
er spent Sunday at Lawn. |
Messrs, Hostet-
Mrs. Jacob Garman spent Thurs-
lay at the county seat.
Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Eshleman
spent Sunday in the home of Henry
Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Eshleman were
entertained in the home of Oliver
Hite on Sunday evening,
Miss Stella Greiner is still confined
to her bed with rheumatism but is
improving at this writing.
Miss Fannie Good of Elizabeth-
town. made a brief call in the I P.
Eshleman home last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hostetter and
daughter Orpha of Lawn, called at
the C. 8. farm Saturday evening.
A new auto made its appearance
in the Monroe Hollinger home. “Max-
well” ig it’s name and Hollinger is
Our neighbor correspondent, Hon.
1. 8. Hollinger. was a pleasant caller
at the Crystal Spring farm one even-
ing last week.
For instruction in
heds on a wagon when
loading stone-
wagon is

| doing justice to the big eats and tak-
| mules in
I. P. Eshleman and children, Jay
Harold and Ethel, of the C. S. farm.
The day was spent in sightseeing,
ing pictures. at which time a picture
was taken of a pair of the largest
Mr. Garman is
making quite a few changes and im-
this section.

provements about his farm, go there
were plenty of new things to see and
talk about.
Mrs, Samuel K. Weaver Entertains
the U. B. Bible Class
Mr. Elmer Hoover, the Conoy
township thresher, made an early
call on Cyrus Evans Monday.
Edward Rider, saddler, received a
large supply of leather at his shop.
Miss Anna Mary Sumpman of
Lanoaster, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. H. H. Bard and daughter.
Cyrus Evans has been employed
by East Donegal townhsip, to scrape
the roads with his traction engine.
Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Kauffman of
Mechanicsville, were the guests of
Mr, and Mrs. Jos, W. Kraybill on
Ascension Thursday
was observed
quite a few persons spend-
ing the day along the streams in
quest of fish.
Mr, and Mrs, Hiram Ginder of
near Silver Springs, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Shonk on As-
cension Day.
The supply of egg plants and
sweet potato sprouts is exceptional-
ly large at the Rheems hot house
this season.
Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Heisey, son
Chester and daughter Ella were vis-
itors at. the P. N. Kraybill store
one day las week.
Mrs, Jacob Shank boarded the
10:18 train Monday for Middletown,
where she will visit among rela-
tives for several days.
B. Frank Shank, post master, will
endeavor to beautify the surround-
ings of the post office. When com-
pleted it will resemble a flower
garden, .
J. Shaffner and force of Maytown
were engaged for several days last
week beautifying the homes of Mrs.
Susan Wolgemuth and P. N. Kray-
Hiram Shonk,
smith, turned out a
for Frank Eshleman, salesman for
the Lancaster County Farmers’ As-
sociation in thig district.
Hiram Enterline, Mt. Joy
ship supervisor, procured a
of coal at the D. G. Brinser
vard last week. He wil]
the steam roller engine,
the village black-
fine jennylind
use it for
a time for remembering; a day when we think of
otism, and heroism, and sacritice, and fearless,
unquestioning devotion to duty; when werememker the
brave men, North and South, who gave théir lives to a
cause they believed in.
Getz Bros. Clothiers, Mt.
The differences for which they battled have dis-
appeared; our Memorial is no longer for the Cause; it
celebrates the Courage.
their graves, or not; the true memorial is in the hearts
of the men and women and children who now share
We may formally decorate
the heritage of hervism those men left to us.
You may not see what this has to do with the clothing business; there’s no particular field for
heroism in such work. We Don’t have to “lay down our lives” in selling clothes. But we have
the same sort of spirit in it; a willingness to do all we can in the interests of our customers.
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
are one evidence of such a spirit; and we'll try
to show you others
when you come here.
Priced $7, $10, $12, $15, $17, $20

nevolent pretzel baker, A, F. Ricker,
used his large auto
The afternoon was spent
the party.
in Bible studies etc.
lowing were
Mrs. Murts,
ter, Mrs. Hilt, Mrs. Sheetz, Mrs. Monday, June 7, is the day fixed
Myers, Mrs. Stern, Mrs. Shirk, Mrs. to appoint the teachers for Rapho
Lane, Mrs. Hawk and daughter, township. There are about one-half
Mrs, Seldomridge, Mrs. Olweiler, dozen vacancies.
Mrs, Brememan, Mrs. Meckley and Mr. an@ Mrs. Abram Koser and
daughter, Mrs. Hoffer, Mrs. Bishop Miss Dora Lehman attended the
and daughter, Mrs. Heisey, daugh- funeral of Mrs. Jacob Floyd at Co-
ter and son
Mrs. BE. H.
dis and
Mr. and Mrs, Larue Gockley spent
Sunday at Hess’ church. ER
Mr. John Spangler of Lititz, spent Of Loca] Interest
Sunday with Walter Breneman. The following appeared in the
Mrs Walter Sherer spent Tuesday Philadelphia, Dailies on Friday and
evening with Mrs, Paul Long. is of local interest: iE
Mrs. Christian Nissley and Mrs. In the patent infringement suit of
Larue Gockley spent Tuesday at Rollman Mfg. Co, Mount Joy, Pa,
Halfville. vs New Standard Hardware Works,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul /Long spent Sun. Mount Joy, Pa., Judge Thompson of
Lititz. with Mr. and Mrs, U- S. District court for Eastern Dis-
day at
Frank Risser,
Mr. Henry
Arnold spent
Crossroads lovefeast.
Miss Ella
Fetter spent
Miss Esther

The Church of the Brethren held
their regular Sunday morning ser- |
vices at this place last Sunday. |
Revs. Eshleman, Kaylor, Shearer |
and Nathan Eshleman officiated.
The demand for Purity ice cream |
hag compelled Miller Weaver to]
purchase a larger ice cream cabinet |

1ghters. L
esday eve
daughter Gladys and
Henry of Rheems.

at Lancaster
nd Mrs.
daughfer. Ruth and niece Mary Light
Sunday at Sporting Hill
gir. and Mrs.
town on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Herr of Man-|
heim, visited Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Hoffer, Sr., on Sunday. |
Mr. Phares Strickler and family
visited Daniel Brandt and family at
Elizabethtown, on Sunday,
truck to convey
after which
were served. The fol-
present: Mrs, Barnes,
Mrs, Moyer and daugh-
noy, on Wednesday.
Mr. E. H. Hoffer and family en-
tertained Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nau-
man of Manheim and Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel] Wolgemuth on Sunday.
Mr. Samuel Haldeman and family
of near Manheim and Mr. David
Hengst of Old Line, visited at the
home of Phares Becker, Sunday.
of Elizabethtown, Mrs.
of Pleasant Hill,
Hersh, Mrs. S. H. Lan-
Mrs. John M.
DE erm
ha handed
ordering the defendant to
produce documentary evidence, Judge
Thompson has also filed two orders
in another between the same
ligitants, one refusing motion to dis-
miss bill of complaint and the other
granting leave to complainant to file
supplemental bill,
G. Ross Eshleman, Esq. is Master
in one of above cases; Coyle & Kel-
ler attorneys for plaintiff and Jno. A.
Hipple for defendant,
a —
triet of Penna.
/ opinion
Rohrér and Mr, Walter !
Tuesday evening at the
and Miss Anna eae
evening with
Weaver igs spending a
with her
Martin Yingst and
Isaac Walborn and
eona and Alverta, spent
ning with Cyrus White's.
Its 60th Anniversary
The Page Literary Society of the
in order to supply his increased | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Breneman State Normal School at Millersville,
number of patrons with cream at ! and{ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller and Will celebrate its -60th anniversary
all times. | son, Barl spent Sunday evening with On Friday evening, May 21st.
Mrs. B, E. Risser of Lawn, spent |
Ascension Day with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Jos. W. Kraybill, She
presented a fine string of cat fish
to them that were caught early in|
the morning in the tributaries of |
the Conewago Creek.
Mr. Pacrick Henry, son of Mr. |
and Mrs, David Henry, met with an
unpleasant experience on Saturday
right while out among the fair ones.
He claims some person started the
horse away from the place where
be had been tied. Mr, Henry was
unable to find any trace until he
reached home, where he found the |
horse but no wagon. Some time!
during Sunday the wagon was lo-
cated several miles away, with the
wheels and shafts broken and oth- |
er damage done, The wrecked ve-
hicle wag promptly placed at the
Hiram Shonk wagon works for gen-
eral repairs.
Saturday Mrs. Samuel K. Weaver
entertained the Ladies’ Bible Class
of the United Brethren Sunday
School f Flizahethtown. The be
John'| Zug and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Geib and sons
Charlés, Elw
Sunda; with
Hollinger an
Mr. and Mrs.
and daughter,
evening ‘with Mr.
Hershey mear Manheim.
Mr. and. Mrs.
Harry i and daughters, Beulah
and Anna gpent Sunday at Lebanon.
Mr. and Mrs,
| daughters, Grace and Anna and Mr.
and Mrs. Hahvey

Krall Meat Market
ood and Stanley, spent
Mr. and Mrs. Norman
d family.
Clayton Breneman
Grace spent Sunday
and Mrs. Henry

I always have on hand anything in |
the line of Smoked Meats, Ham,
Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Etc.
Also Fresh Beef, Veal Pork and |
Mutton, Prices always right.
West Main Street,
Jacob Weaver and
ella and Mr and Mrs.
Fmlen Fetter and
Fry spent Sunday
with Mr. ang Mrs. John Zug and {
family. } MOUNT JOY, PA |
PO Eee Sell Telephone.
oLM LINE —_— —-
Mr. and Mrs. ‘Martin Greiner vis-
Many People In This Town
iter Aaron Sauble and family on never really enjoyed a meal until |
Sunday. \ we advised them to take a
Mr. and Mrs. AWen Hoffer ir. exall Dyspepsia |
visited in the home of Abram Kos. Tablet
er Saturday. | before and after each meal. Sold only, |
Mr. Frank Kulp find family visited by us—25¢ a box, | |
the \former's pa pits at Naumans- | E. W. Garber.
\ l


down an =

Pure white stones of good
size, mounted in fourteem carat
Solid Gold Rings at
E00 1
11 1
Also unusual values in Eight
= Day Clocks from $3 up.

Don W, Gorrecht
(Near Bowman's Store)

1 RSS |
10 0 01 OR

Public that They are Prepared to de |
Practical Horse Shoeing
At Jno. Bombach’s Stand, Mt. Joy
Special attention
tended to. Your Work Solicited
Our Advice Is:
When you feel out of sorts from consti-
pation, let us say that if
” .
2 3 S/T :
dy will,

given to all work |
All diseases of the feet promptly at:
General Blacksmiths and Horse-Shoers |
{}'Two and a half million readers find it of

Bring us your Films for

We use the tank method, and our
experience and expert equipment im-
@ sure the best possible results. Every
5 care taken and quality of the werk
East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa,
Electrical Contractor
Electrical Supplies and Fixtures For Sale
At my Place of Business
I will be pleased to estimate om
the wiring of your house.
Ind. Phone No. 850 feb 18 me,

For Father and Son
absorbing interest. Everything in it is
Written So.You Can Understand It
We sell 400,000 copies every month without
giving premiums and have no solicitors. Any
newsdealer will show you a copy; or write the
publisher for free sample — a postal will do.
$1.50 A YEAR 15¢c A COPY
Popular Mechanics Magazine
6 No. Michig e., CHICAGO




os An mn rl ah os el A od nS eR se ae

Nee ee bh