The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 28, 1915, Image 3

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La a a

BeslraReadieeiaisaiisaiiisalataliacal a ub. sm
NTT ile ee fec]ende
a a a

Houses in America.
Description Is Necessarily Incomplete.
Idea of The Phenomenal Values We Are Offering In This Wonderful Sale
Hats Worth $1.50 Will be sold for 49c
Hats worth $3.00 will be sold for 98¢
-All.Kinds Worth 50c to $1.00 For 29c
Remember All Merchandise In This Sale Is
i Hats Worth $1 Will be Sold for 29c.
Hats worth $2 will be sold for 79c.
al TN
nt Trimmings of

oofook: Bebb
Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats - Flowers - Fancies

Women and Children--Young and Old
Ny ye

Advance Notice!
Monday, May 3 & 5 Following Days

Notice to Millinery Stores:-
You will find that the prices that prevail during this sale are much
lower than those asked by New York and Philadelphia Jobbers.
This Sale is the Result of a Most Fortunate Purchase From One of the Greatest Millinery
The Collection of Merchandise Which in Bulk Rep-
resents An Entire Carload--Embraces Hats Suitable for
The Following Items Will Give An
Fine"New Stock Some of Which Has Not Yet Been Unpacked
Fic., Etc.

 8 0.0.0 .8

2.8.8 2 a
efor dodododododododd ooivdioode Soodoodosestortontosioodsslootoodestestootoofeaostood
TE ETT a rrTNrTr Tree TeTeY

Hats Trimmed FREE As

Will Be Trim-
The Prices In This Sale, All Hats
e Dowbvan Expert Milliner s Free of Charge
A Pur
Shape and

hased Here.

A Free Exhibition
Of Irish Arts, Crafts and Industries, Will Be Held In
This Store On The Second Floor

Lace Making, Rug Weaving, Music

All Welcome--FREE

32-38 E. King St,
foojocgenfocfecfecfoefocfecifooferiorfosfecieoferfecociecfocfecisdrofonfenoofesioeroctosfoofeofesfeciecfoofesfeofocfecfosfocioefoofoofoaioalbidoafoofrofecfecfoofoofosiuordrafodnofestocteforfosforfoioofesiocfosfesforfectesfeioriestestosfonfasfonfenfesfesforfesionie ecforfesiosocferireiorioofeciocorfosforfecioofocfeefecfocfortorforfoofocfefodferdody

Successors to Williamsons and Foster & Cochran
Lancaster, Penna.

On Mose. IrQosts You NoTHING. Ask om IT.

IRemrier Si Starts on Saturday, May 1st at 8 A. M.




CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN MET, The work of the Conference passed rge G. Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs, George CONTRIBUTED RAW FOODS Odd Bits of News
off very pleasantly. J. H. Longen- Strohm, sr., George Strohm, j Mrs —_ ( Mass. —T services at
Ten Thousand Dollars Given for Mis- ecker, of Palmyra, Pa. and John Daniel Strohm, Mr. and Mrs. George Rev. C. D. Rishel Still Agitating Little Talks on Health and Hygiene ast Sunday
sions During Past Year Herr of Myerstown, Pa. will repre- W. Kame, Miss Gertrude Y ill Street Markers for Mount Joy Bi Ganivel G Bison NC ft pulpit RE
——— sent the district’ at the Annual Con- Mrs. Joseph McLain,, Miss Ann — Y : : eT sons of the
The East Pennsylvania Conference ference to be held at Hershey, June Clain Miss Jane Hendrick Mr We are looking » a greater Mt SL g ovs io stud
the Church of the Brethren was 2 to 10. Two papers were sent by Clayton Brenner, Miss Ed: B Joy Its boundary been enlarg- > 18 5 am : a
held at Elizabethtown on Wednesday the Conference to the Annual Con- ner, Mrs. George Dunkleberbe MV ed reatly nee \nnex to our e 1 1 ; :
¢ . > es S
Thursday. The retiring officers ference. Margaret Dunkelberker, Miss Anna- Public School hailg 0 8 va
resided until the new organization The next district meeting will be May Musser Mrs Phi Staley, erecte a The chocolate factor: hei 1b > a
as effected at three o'clock on Wed- held at the Mohler meeting-house, Marietta; Mr, an Mrs Smith, sured. What next? the warm earth. The seaso: ne
afternoon. The retiring offi- near Ephrata, the last Wednesday of Bainbridge; John MeCl Paul About ears ago tl oft
cers serve as the Credential Commit- April, 1916. and Thursday following. Brenner, John Shue, Marietta signed secured ab 1n S s
: Bric
The new organization resulted epi ms A Ann and fifty one am etitio ers € =
. nt
with I. W. Taylor, of Neffsville, as no 3 C Cid
foderator; Ralph Schlosser, of Eliza- LOE 101—He Never Worried t z sign os
bethtown, as Writing Clerk; Jesse Pincus Zatulove, w never wo r e x
A S Large Gathering of ‘He a ; ; ndnv ¢ :
Ziecler, of Royersford, Reading Clerk. y mg Har Many died Monday a of 101 vg ne of the st T
’ Tr Friends on Friday Evening ) : ; h >
All t churches of the district I'S. and seven hm “om ic pres ¢
were represented by delegates and Siar EE ay el N 11¥ 9, the Cou act ¢ S
the Conference being A IDTISe arn Vas endered, his birthday UrtY- and fe 1 Nn seems that s X
i Mrs. David Heisev vho resides oni fo ne reat- : =
1. The State District has a . ve . ie boards, so highly servicea =
. the Baker farm ear Chickies, Fri-| oprandehildre ome »
bership of above 6,000. > S at dre Ome guickly be pla )n our street owe i for
day evening. and to say that she was!gnd, despite Pin Zatu- a g A having
he sermon of Wednesday even- surprised. is putting mildly Mrs. | 10 x : ; ers. Se( having
surprised 18 1tting mildly. I love wi the yarty : i 3 3 mine accel
ng was preached by J. W. Myer, of... = ofte asserted the e Mats ine . Bey Months and years have disappear- ¢ )ften the borers 1 Bye . aceident
{ 2 Heisey often asserted that:no on Total abstinence from Worrying, .3 in eternitv. bu ~ - Q ars ago, he was elected two Tu
ncaster city. could surprise her. and that evening|ione 1lks, plenty of y air and. Stern ards OF gardens and S¢ n 1 the Republican t Y
The business pr ~ was opened at 3 is : = : BE aa : 5 . sign plates where are before reachi cons T Republican Heket andi
I'he business proper was OL she was given it—the surprise of her! oderate indulgence in tobacco and Shall th + i efficient officer.
8 a. m. on Thursday. The mission {ifs The evening was very pleasant-!jiquor made ap ‘Mr. Zatulove's long Sha 1e reques petition- 5 eless in the us ? o s dhe se ok Son hrg
rk i State District was given jy : aon ’ hE 2 : . > ers, be passed by without more than fertilizers and some piel pre : Ais US, Sanit vate
work in the State Dis g ly spent in playing games. voeal and |ife recipe. He was born near Kiev. : 4 ; } ; is able to tur th
Ss > : a : i . § I I I ' a passing notice? Why? Bare the verotdbics his 3 e turned 1 « rn e leaves of
careful consideration, and encourag: instrumental music and at a season-|pygsia, and come to the United se asd h oe : Ba : oks. write and answer th
7 s S 1 strange at an elt a ot § HOSE = k
ing reports were given by the Work- pple hour refreshments of a large as-| Qtates thirty-five vears ago Until SSemy singu a range that are also careless to a 3 hone all by the us t .
we in the several. ficlds. The New oy : st i Soap 2% our good council, to whom we 100k almost criminal. Co I Bil re- : e of his
ers in t 8 sortment were served. twelve vears ago he was engaged in o_o... pertain the Dest hay ~ol I ‘and Opposed to Clements, on the
a me BT'S aiming 1 es 1 : ie ne iar EA ( the Colonel, ana . y
Mission at Lake Ridge, N. Y., looks The guests present were ag fol- the manufacture of shirts. Ai that interest of Mount Jo hould with All vegetables to be eaten raw d ik a oe mea i _,y cratic ticket, was George
very promising, that being a fine ag- | _.. toi en Farmer, Miss Malinda time he retired from business. His ont ‘any rr ie Te as 5 % 5 " berries, even at the risk of slightly nenceiorta r be ee smith, selected by hig party fn
ricultural country, with land at rea- Farmer, Miss Elsle Farmer, William wife died fourteen years “ago. x : os A A 801 gnore injuring their flavor. should be F 4 ody. J J 5% been ap- that he might Bot have an ag
sonable prices. Farmer, Washingtonboro; Misses their rumble: petition thoroughly washed before being eat. POT Judge . Advocatestensra) of over his opponent. Hensm
: { ihe I heard from some source that the the military forces of Wyoming by . Hensm
The Sunday-School secretary gave nary Figenberger, Emma Heidler, robe holds outy: ohiect ie 4 en be 3 trick no legs. )
& report, Showing @ ake) Irons Mr. and Mrs." Amos Heller, Mrs, We i Furnish [Them 3 Po rd i oo ® ap Gardeng should be fertilized with foternor Rendrlex : im
fn the schools in attendance, interest Mary McCanna, Mrs. Emma Cristy, | We have arranged with one of tbe : wi a t 22g et ee care. No night soil should be used Savannah, Ga.—Wearing a placard The Water Wakn't D
and contributions. Upwards of $10,- columbia: John Inners, Mrs. John (largest manfacturers in the United . a. ad Owns " g = on truck gardens from which the on which was her name, destination Mrs. Frank Shultz, \w!
000 was raised during the year for rpners, Miss Margaret Inners, Hliza-| States to supply any thing in the( PAT o ose signg regardless produce way be served’ uncooked and 15 cents in parcel post stamps, , sald to be about 270 be
mission work by the district. A NeW pethtown; Miss Flizabeth Burtner,|line of lead, slate, copying penells, *'f! IGOR wires must mot be grown in SIXVearold Mina Neft passed tT Gown the floor over the
church will be erected at Shamokin; magt Donegal township; Mr. and Mrs.| with or without erasers, also many} SY ~ t. polluted streams, Watercress from the terminal station here On her yo. pone at Marietta
also at Lincoln. |John = McCurdy, Miss Lilllan Meo designs in pen holders, with any- { . iy a polluted streams often produced epi-| Tom Peneacola, Fla, to Christians. ,;; sop ynes ne water.
| £g wai -
Two new churches are under Curdy, Miss Mary McCurdy, Albert|thing printed thereon you wish, at C. D. RISHET, demics of typhoid fever. Bananas burg, Va., where her father a ted | ent to her ald ang
course of erection at Bareville and
Boonsboro, Md. The church house
Clepper, Mrs. Albert Clepper, Mrs.
i Clementine Kame, Miss Florence
f Eonista will be enlarged and Ney, Miss Jennie Stultz, Charles
acid] accommodations made for the| Latchtord, Maytown; Mr. and Mrs.
p Sunday-school, ) John ¢. O’Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Geo-

prices that will astonish you. They
are a crackerjack advertising nov-
elty and we will be pleased to show
samples and quote prices to any one

rr — Een
Mt. Joy's Best Paper—Bulletin.
Oar Ads Bring Results—Try ft
th], p the Mt. Joy Bulletin
as they come into

| during transportation- will
| conveyed to other edibles.

should be thoroughly washed as soon
the hands of the
consumer, so that the dirt taken on
not be] Our Ads Bring Results—Try it. | Read the Bulletin
! Advertise in the Mt Joy Bulletin |

| fifty pound limit.
mr ma— ABI ————



weighed just under the
| rescued her.
| bruised.
She was


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