PAGE SEVEN THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA. Wednesday, Ma; a, 0 selves were correct in giving you this advice and we again advise you by all means to accept it as true because All Automobile Dealers Told You So We say to you as we have alway said and we are backed up by the largest automobile factory in the world today in making the statement that the “Buick Overhead Valve Motor ig guaranteed to develop more power and to give riore mileage per gallon of gaso- liae than any other motor of its size, either American or foreign = make.” 11 rt) AL = (waste a lot of good feed. may be, as some say, a bad cow is {simply a heifer grown up, that has | been ruined while being broken. | However, if they persist in tricks af- ter the second calf, it is best to let them go and try a new cow. Don’t try to make your cows eat long corn stalks. They will surely Cut the stalks and they will eat them all up clean. Let them lie in a box or ven in the alleyway for a day o1 two after they have been cut and they will heat and soften up a good Bm O10 - : Vo, NORTHWEST RAPHO | PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. Farmers Lolu nn Only those who don’t need your A S : : advice are the ones who are willing What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To @ Disadvantages of VERY VALUABLE INFORMATION | to take it, a2) | Say This Week © ey —— = FOR THL FARMERS Mr. and Mrs John Shenk visited % : = on ted in the home of Clinton Fahnestock HB | How to Control the Peach Tree | On Sunday. a 3 , Valve-In-The- Head Motors ® | Borer, Caring for the Strawber- Mr. C. G. Hollinger and family @| ries—Value of Low-Headed Tree— | Visited in the home of Harry Halde- BB Cut up Long Corn Stalks man on Sunday. : ; have been pointed out to you by every automobile dealer ever since | ; Mr. Isaac Hollinger and frien we started to sel] Buick value-in-thehead automobiles in 1905. Now #| good cow, no matter what |Called at the home of Mr. Joseph R. that quite a few of our competitors are selling valvein-the-head m breed, is worth all the care and |G00d on Sunday. ; : £ motors we presume they will still continue to tell you the ‘same gg kindness the owner can give her, Mr. C, G. Hollinger bought nine B® cory. They must do so or admit they are members of the “Anna and all the good feed she can use, | SUC¥ing pigs from C. S. Frank on x nias Club.” @ | No doubt there are very many cows hay se family ‘were : fiat of the mw | that would give a much better 3 TF aw. 8! is n 154 Fian. B Although some of the cars they sell have immitat ons | showing if they received the neces. | Sabbath guests in e ome = Buick valve-in-the-head motor in them and thoy will tell you they H| ary attention. {na Zercher at Manheim. a are “just as good” as a Buick yet th y are not a rea] valve-inthe @ Heifers are not included, as very | ‘iat Is going to happen when re- ® head motor. If this is correct, why buy an imitation? They mor often they will be gentle qe anyony | POTters begin to associate? We have » we at any time ever advised you to buy an imitation valve-in-the- = | desires, after the second calf, [It |'cierence to the younger or sporting a head motor (except since they offer them for sale.) They and our- pg sob Ich un de Polly sin der onner owen nivver ong Billy wile dart polities uff Chiques Church of the was wel] attended ing. Rev. S. 8S. the pulpit. Brethren on Sunday even: Eshleman occupied Bixler's un we mere subject fun Billy hut wora is de cooma. Der Messrs. Jno. W. Geib and C. B hahawbt es kent nemond mae arlich ide Te hie tars 0s itics gae sel d i Brandt made a Studebaker spin to °' 28 I politics gaed, ua sl hut oe the homie of Mr, Allen Ginder near Subject uf gabrucht. “Was maucht politicioner un-arlich?”’ De Polly hut druff insist os de leit wara nimmy so se ols wora un gel] war de shuldt os Silver Spring, on Monday afternoon. Mr. Jno, W. Geib sold a cow to “Jocky” Ginder last week, He algo : 5 23966. Kent e mae in office gad g bought one from J. B. Keller and one Iemond a 4 i. Win Bix] i frow : A : wara os arlich is. Em Bixler s y from Chas. Frank on Friday and W2'a 0s arlic hut ga-maned es ware wile mae tzu Saturday, respectively. shtaela wara now os es ols gawest = i how, Quite a few from this section at- Y : 2 A ym Mis Tous I Jum deal, It too dry a little water tended the baptismal services held “are, ul der Billy hut der nawgle JP oon an Proes gaa ene our Salesrooms = poured over the pile will help to near Newtown under the auspices of center Uf der kup gadruffa We a st, 22n , a : Eg : i Tn Yenry e you ome facts (backed up by every moisten them up. A bit of grain}... Roads District of the Brethren '® £%aWd hut os de leit daida at any time, and we will give y sprinkled over each ration ,will|. i rhve 5 de politicioner un-arlich maucha. hori the Uni ed States) that will interest in Christ Thirty-one applicants were $ grsoling engine authority m the : make itg licking good. immersed. { Ich hob g'sawd, “Du bisht recht, and surprise wou, In a low-headed, well-trained and : a Billy, un de weir ‘: helfa de bisniss pruned tree we have all the essem- NORTHWEST RAPHO | do. So sin shli r os de monsleit Lancaster Automobile Co. tials for a profitable one, other things being right. We have a tree that is easily managed in regard to pruning, spraying, thinning and for leit in office farfere. Won en 4 karrich ga-bowed si sull don cooma this while ash, ! se room mit era glaena bicher un Vr: 0. B Brandt xiought a cow or arsht mon os se tackla far finf from Mr. Frank Hunt. Plenty of damp and "rainy weather | Hatched March 22,1910. Weighed May 22, Raised on Park & Pollard Growing Food. Can you beat it? 1910, Beat this record The only way possible is to feed the Park & Pollard Gritless- Chick and Growing Feed just as directed in their Year Book. We sell the feed and give away the books free. The book alone is worth a dollar or more to you. Wholesale Distributors BRANDT and STEHMAN MOUNT JOY, PA HOTEL McGINNIS East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Restaurant and Lunch Bar OYSTERS IN ANY STYLE CLAMS IN ANY STYLE DEVIL CRABS TURTLE SOUPS Infact everything in season. Private Dining Room for Ladies. WALL PAF Retall at Wholesale Prices A GREAT SAVING Every Grade from 4c up to the finest made by American and foreign factories We show the largest line of patterns in Lancaster HANDSOME FLUF RUGS WOVEN OUT OF YOUR OLD CARPETS GET CIRCULAR Expert paper hangers. promptly. If you prefer to hang them we trim them and supply paste free. Martin Wall Paper Co. 18 8. Prince St. LANCASTER, PA. Next to Stevens House Bell phone 536W Ind phone 58 Work dome FOR SALES PURCHASE OR EXCHANGE ANYTHING HAVE YOU TO SELL? What YOU WANT TO BUY? OUR SERVICE SAVES YOU TIME AND EXPENSE WRITE FOR INFORMATION Keystone Service Box 497 LANCASTER, PA, 0PREEOCP 000000 CROORLIAOEA picking. Good labor for doing these things is always at a premium and it goes without saying that the amount of time it takes for such an orchard is legs than for a high- headed one. In the second place it is a well known fact that low- headed trees are far less subject to | sun scald than high-headed ones. | And the third reason is that when | orchard heaters are used the low- | headed trees receive more benefit [than the high ones. | Culuvauon or strawbeiries should Are You Undecided | commence early 1n the spring and | continue ali swwmer, announced W. ummber? where to buy your bill of Li lw. lhomas, berore the lilinois Agri- If so, all you have to do is to look | ¢.iitural society, A smail-tooth culti- at the prices we are quoting for [vator is the best and should be { used about every ten days or often- HIGH GRADE LUMBER er. If raing should be heavy and back the soil, then cultivate ag soon as well as everything that is included atter the rain as ground ig dry in building, for Interior or exterior enough, The grass and weeds from the Timber {i a your | should be removed from row and 230-238 WEST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PENNA, Selling Buick Valve-in-the- head motors since 1905 Buick Cars are sold bv Steve Ulrich, Elizabethtown, Penna. NIT FO OE) i EN 1 ORT 1 re) work, plants and soil loosened between o the Shingles om your ! foundation t ing y the plants. Give thorough cultiva- roof. tion, it will pay. The soil should be kept thoroughly loose and well pul- 2H S. M verized all summer. When the run- ners commence to grow, hoeing will Dealer in S . g 5 bave to be done with more care. When the new plant begins to form on the runner, it should be pressed down and a little loose soil thrown on the runner just behind cash price pald for the small plant. I advise letting the first runners grow after enough plants have been transferred, Cul- tivation should always be thorough, | and in dry seasons like the last it should be increased, Regarding peach tree borer all ov- er the country, George M. List, of the Colorado agricultural college, QO Coal, Lumber, Grain, FEED, HAY, STRAW, SLATE, SALT, CEMENT AND FERTILIZER A large stock of Feed constantly on hand. Highest grain Estimates of Lumber and Mill Work a Specialty FLORIN, PENNA. O0ARPORRE RO : : WY ( X a Kr 1° X has the following to say: The lar- El 4 | 0 [ : vae live between the bark and | [ > i . d u oi y & wood a little below the surface of | y oe the ground in a mass of gum and | I te oaly kind I sell-Faraiture that is Furniture woody material. It is a soft whit-| ish caterpillar with a reddish-brown | ; bead. The egg from which this | Roekers Mirrors Hall Racks hatches is laid on the trunk of the | tree at or near the surface of the . . N ground by a handsome gray-flying Picture Frames Ladies Desks moth. The larvae after lhe : eat thru into the inner bark and Extension & Other Tables, Davenport sapwood of trunk or large roots, upon which they feed, causing a gummy exudation. They feed in this way for about a year, often almost girdling a large root of the tree. When the larvae are full grown they construct cocoons of the gum- my exudation, their casting and silk China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything in the Furniture Lime 2 Undertaking and Embalming are present most of the summer. The larvae reach maturity at differ- ent times, thus keeping up almost a | == constant supply of adults. The | most satisfactory method of control ARS 1 1 VB | has been to 20 over the trees and Barr’s Repair Shop & Garage = we ma wn in sens on MOUNT JOY. PENNA | N00. [spring and again in early fall | Their presence is easily detected by the gummy exudation on the crown and large roots. ei Injured by a Fish Hook Penna, Tires guaranteed 4,600 miles and average 6,700 miles. A Steam Vulcanizing plant for tires and tubes at your service, Sub-agent for ONE TON KOHLER TRUCK $750, “FORD,” Ernest Siple of Bainbridge, while “SAXON,” “IMPERIAL.” engaged in fishing on Friday after- My cold weather lubricating Oil does not congeal. noon, along the Susquehanna river, BRAND NEW FORDS on Exhibition. Demonstrations and hiring at had a fish hook penetrate his hand all times so deep that a physician wag sum- moned to extricate it. The wound “00D SECOND-HAND FORD FOR SALE. bled considerably, He wag casting BRAND NEW FORD FOR DEMONSTRATING his line when the accident oc- | | UE EOL E00 110 E00. 0 1 1 He Can Plow Six Acres a Day John K. Witmer of East Lampeter — |is the first Lancaster County farmer ee to use an engine for ploughing. His dvertise i» The Bulletin EL 1 EOE TT RL ' machine. pulls two 14-inch or three 12-inch plows. had a dash at it and speak from ex-| perience. Colebrook Junction on Sunday after-| noon within two hours. straight as of David. Elizabeth, ~ on Sunday to see who is still an invalid. curred. He was sitting in a boat at | dt Mr, Daniel Wolgemuth fruit trees for J. K. Garman. Mr. Jno. Geib bought three fine fat hogs from Elder H. S. Zug. Mr. D. B. Eby gold his steers last week at $1.00 per cwt. advance. Mr, and Mrs. Eliag W. Geib of Elm Mill, announce the birth of a daugh- ter. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hollinger visit- ed in the home of Henry B. Shearer on Sunday, sprayed Mr. Jno, W. Geib delivered a OW | gfe. to Gingrich & Bro at Lawn, on iil day morning. Messrs. J. S. Sowers and C. S. Hol- linger made a spin to Blue Ball on] last Thursday. Dr,.:H. friends down by the Mount Joy township. Mr. and Mrs. two children of near Elizabethtown, also visited at the latter place. Wheat and rye fields are progress- | lower tier of | ing at a vz rate, while oats and corn are agdkt slow owing to the! chilly nig A new organization ig being formed in this ‘section. Its the M. | Y. O. B. Club. For officers, see | next week's issue, Mr. Isaac Hollinger and lady friend were entertained in the homes of Mr. Aaron Hollinger and Mr. Jac. Y. Stauffer down in Chorus Valley. Mr. Samuel Kendig and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Shoemaker | and two children of near Bainbridge, | were Saturday and Sunday guests in | the family of Mr. Jno. W. Geib. The] three families were Sabbath guests | in the home of Aaron M. Heisey near Hill Church, They (13 in number) | made the trip in the latters’ Stude- | baker. I | CROSS ROADS | Mrs. Thomas Derr of Columbia, | was a Sunday caller at our home. Eph. Daugherty was spraying his | apple trees on hig farm near here | last week. | Joseph Smith and daughter Lizzie were shopping down at Lancaster on | Saturday. The Brethren in Christ held their love feast at the Cross Roads church! on Tuesday afternoon. Joseph Smith is putting in a new| concrete floor suitable for housing Mr. Shirk’s automobile. Miss Cecil Smith, an accomplished | music instructor was attending to | her duties at Rheems on Saturday. of God at Elizabethtown, was a cal- | ler at the home of BE. R. Neideigh on | Tuesday. White-washing was indulged in to| t considerable extent last week, We | | William Myers and wife of Royal-| fon, were visiting Mrs, Myers’ father Christian Shirk, who is boarding at, the home of John Smith, near here. Eighty automobiles passed the. That is as! Michael Angeles statue! Mrs. Cube Spangler and daughter residing near Marietta, | alled at the home of 1. R. Neideigh! his sick mother, | Honing razors is a specialty in| llged in by Christian Shirk, at ud ] . the "time, and when the OOK home of John Smith, all work guaran. Barr S Repair Shop & (iarage SRUght he Was thrown into fe] ieos, and a shave of ‘the put. ooviBet a Pugilist : stream, but luckily, landed on his | tronage is respectfully stlicited. NEW HAVEN ON MAIN MOUNT JOY, PA. feet. ! Tt was estimated that 9.500 people | CALL 808A INDEPENDENT PHONE : ems | witnessed the baptizing bf thirty-six members of the the iron River [Brethren at | bridge near fronville, on’ Sunday. Three ministers vere officia- ting at the services. A, i ——ta— i Our Ads Bring Results Try 2 Clayton Frey and|in der campaign. { nochtmoh! oug | S 'dawler is der mon woo house is far , office, un won are’s net grawd nun- ner chalked don sawga se are ware | tsu geitzich un won se en shtim het- | ta don daid are se gawiss net gree- (ga. Era mon hard des, un wile are ' shunt glawbed os der kondadawt en ; arilcher mon is, won’s on de ’leck- shon gaed don shtimmed are far der karl woo sinera fraw finf dawler | uffs bichley hut, un won are wase os | der same karl nix gebt tsu goode socha except won are house ig far Der arlich kondawt saed des, un es naixt mohl os are rous coomed { far office don maucht are si mind uff l os mer divel ferchta muss mit fire, | un are shpend ol] es geld og are hut jon won are elect is don muss are spent Heavenly Day with | shtgela far aeva cooma. “Ich wore em ledshta shpote-yohr onera karricha fair. Bs wore usht Es wora about en dutzent kondadawta dart un so feel [ gelt hov ich in longe yohr net saena. Oll de kinner sin ga-treat worra tsu ice cream un koocha. Se hen g'fressa bis se shier far-shprunga sin | un de helft fun ena wora gronk der naixt dawg. Yader kondadawt hut es mensht gelt nows do wella, un de weipsleit sin um se room we micka um en malossich barl. Derno hen se neck-ties farkawfed. Yader neck-tie | hut der nawma fun ma weipsmensch | druff g’hot un gel] weipsmensch wore ! em mon si pardner woo era necktie ga-kawft hut. Eshut dale boomer- awilsh goot g'suit un dale wora no net so goot ga-bleased. De Sall Yud- der. woo shunt dri hoof-eisa farlora but, hut der Porra Mohler greeked, | = de de Ann Hetzel, wu in eram laeva ken beau g’hot hut un is grawd os en doter bobla baum fun da fees bis on der bawrd, hut der Mike Boomer greeked woo dri-umochtzich tzoll um de hifta messed un sex tzoll um der kup. Der P. Morton Gunsallus, woo si nawma un si hore in der fun nun- ner daled un wared en hoach os are net drivver nows shpoutsa con, hut de Betz moyer grekeed woo so centre uff der mit fun era fees kollar so sawga consht wella wake os se gonga | is won du era g’shpoor im schnae | saesht; un so wore’s en general case | fun “misfit” der gonsa wake dorrich. | Dale leit hen en holva dawller | waerdt tzooker un rawm gevva un hen derno en holva dawler waerdt| ice-cream g'fressa. Es hut se derno! nuch en holva ga-kusht far en loxeer- | ing greega fum dockter far se widder | g’sunt maucha. Hs hut mich ga- | about an inch below the surface of Phares Kraybill, wife and hisjMawned os won mer shtae uff en | (the ground, where about three or | '''sht little daughter Dora visited| Worrefshowfel laisa daid un daid se four weeks later they change to | his parental home at Florin on Sun-|derno uff der shoop-korrich lara. | O5 gety | ole J Awver eg g rak geld | E 2 mg { moths. Although there is but one | day. WVer Ss wore 20 wake far geld generation in a season, the moths | Rev. G. R. Hoverter of the Church|Maucha, un ebs letz wore odder | B 8 Ly h recht, se hen ganunk greeked far en| silvery bowl un tumbler kawfa far’s! daila. karl woo’s mensht elect worra tzum ga-nunk un-garecht far a pawr Anes fun da geld gevva hut legislature un 1 geld ei-ganumi karricha bowa, awve sider os are's hut doona de Kkarricha fairs ene net boddera is are widder lawfed, “Dohare officers sin sawg ich public | unser usht wos mere Se maucha. | En arlicher mon os ebbes um si ade gebt muss eder ous politics bliva od- der sich aweck holdta fun da leit. | far won are tsy olles gebt os ara | g'frogt waerdt don muss are gshtaela far aeva cooma, un won are nix gebt don sin si chances far elect wara about so goot os meim glaena hoond- ly sine far in der himmel cooma.” Jess Willard’ determination to in- vest in Kansas real estate shows may yet have the instincts of a conservative investor. i sari li as Those three Philadelphia children who cannot live on $30,000 a year should be presented with a copy of Pastor Wagner's “Simple Life.” — ea A A The rubber plant now can be J 2 Mount Joy, Pa. Biffle- | ®m | ED property shtaid os du net | — 3 Ca ; East placed on the frqpt porch again. J. WW. MoGinnis. PROPRIETOR CHAS. H. ZELLER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ce" nl SANDBO Settlement of Estates Collection of Rents Surveying and Conveyanciag Start Your Ford From The Seat With a turns the crank a complete revolw tion over the compressions-past twe ignitions points. New 1915 price $1400, also starters for Maxwells and Wanted 500 Farmers to Buy Sazons Presle By. : 100,000 acres of black muck corn A glter Welfley \ land better than the best in Ohio, I linois or Iowa at one-fifth to one-third Blacksmith and Horseshoer the price. FLORIN, PENNA. We can prove this to your satis faction. Drop us a card; it will cost you only a cent, and we will send you a booklet that tells all about it and shows Pictures of the corn fields. PAYNE NVESTMENT COMPANY CHARLES S. FRARK AUCTIONEER MOUNT JOY, PA. Prompt Attention given to Salesaef Real Estate and Personal Promerty. |Terms Moderate Bell Tele) Terminal Bidg., Norfolk Southern Ry. | SE Ra A NORFOLK. VA. { "Take a TO Jexald art ———— Tonight [f It will act as a laxative in the : . 1 morning - E. W. Garber. re ee eet W. M. HOLLOWBUSH NOTARY PUBLIC Author of several Songs and The German Musici- an, offers his services to the Attorney-At-Law people i Lancaster Co,teask- il. wos Main Street, Mt. Jov, Pa ing on almost any String in- = Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fre struments, Piano, Organ and day, at No. 56 North Duke Street, Pipe Organ at reasonable prices 2nd Floor Front, with W. C. Rehm, —tuning pianos and repairirn_ Esq. pipe organg a Marches. organs and -~ specialty. G. 8. voar Auctionees: FLORIN, PENN. Prompt attention given to calling all kinds of real estate and personal sales, Satisfaction guar anteed or no charges. Give me a BRING YOUR BEST GIRL TO THE trial. Drop me a card. oct. 14-1yr. SRN THEATRE meres LANCASTER, ROHRERSTOWN, MT. JOY AND ELIZABETHTOWN DIVISION | Schedule in effort January 1, 1914 Westward—Leave Lancaster, 4:00, 5:18, 6:15, 7:16, 8:15, 9:15, 10:15, 11:15 a. m.; 12:15, 1:15, 2:15, 3:15, 4:15, 5:15, 6:15, 7:18, 8:16, *9:45, 11:15 p. m. _ Bastward—Leave Elizabethtown, 5:18, . . . - 45 a m.: 12: , 11:16 p. m.; 12:30 a. m. Additional car daily except Sunday leaves Mount Joy at 6:16a. m., arriving at Lancaster at 7:16 a. m. Saturdays cars every half hour leav- Ing Lancaster from 6:15 a. m., to T:16 p. m.; leaving Mount Joy from 7:15 a mm to 8:15 p. m. On Saturdays a car will leave Lancas- fer at 9:16 and 10:15 p. m.; leave Rliza- & - = oi YOU WILL BOTH ENJOY THE EVENING BETTER SHAVING HAIR CUTTING bethtown at 10:46 and 11:45 Pp. m. ngass Sats every half hour from May to Nov. leaving ncastes J. B. HER SHEY’S from 7:15 a. m. to 11:15 a. m. and 3:18 PD. m. to 7:15 p. m.; leave Mount Joy from 8:4 a m, 1226 p. m and 418 Pp. m. to 8:15 p. m. Sundays, cars every half hour from leaving Lancaster Tonsorial Parlor % Nova spp May 1 Je D JB Jenving Three Chairs. No Waiting from 3:15 p.m. for the Middletown Steam Mount Joy on id p. m. o 8:15 p. = jundays, st car leaves Lancaster Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday 6:5 a. m.; leaves Elizabethtown 1:30 a nd delivered Friday. | m Main St. MOUNT Joy | Agent ® Daily except Saturday. For a Good Clean Shave Or a (Classy Hair Cut Stop at H.J. WILLIAMS TONSORIAL PARLORS . Main St. A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed | For Douches In the local treatment of woman's ills, such as leucorrhoea and inflammation, hot douches of Paxtine are very eflicacious. No woman who has ever used medicated douches will fail to appreciate the clean and healthy condition Paxtine produces and the prompt relief from soreness and discomfort which follows its use. This is because Paxtine ssesses superior cleansing, disinfect- ng and healing properties. Mount Joy Agent for Manhattan Laundry People Say To Us a Oo ees “I cannot eat this or that food, it does Pinkham Medicine Co, c- 1 , 1 omeied Paxtine in their & not agree with me ce to all of them is to take a Dyspepsia Tablet before and after each mes E. W. Gari private correspondence with wo- men, which proves its. superi- § ority. Women who have been relieved say it is _ worth im MN i ight in gold.” At druggists. S—— hg ll So or by mail. Sample free. bvé Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass 25cabox,