in- very vork 0 UL Home : Heuln NOT SIT UP ow Does Her Cwn Work. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- ANE Lr ——— . oN { | Ame ah R a Kee RN - | AN BU a de Tr YY 3 lafter again breaking out fiercely | ble Compound Helped Her. .... owuuws toi «sive == New Holland Defeats High School stor ‘ier non the femes tan | ee Tana weil SvaShY, Eat Gud Host | de 3 : . {ned by a still breeze, ate their way| a el mpage yn A Next Boxing Show April 29th. \rapidly toward Round Top, and fora years. When I be. 5-20udled LeU” Quler Culogus : Bol : |time that resort was in grave dan-| gan to take Lydia E, | ©4444 1 We dig ages Ouolicdivine. |ger, as was a tenement house on the, Pinkham’s Vegeta. +&Ctillly 1 leu al dilicic ln One oh New Holland sure has this town’s; The crackerjack bout of the even- [side of the hill. owned by Robert| ble Compound I ue stalGaid medical puvnCauons, | ‘goal” if any such a thing is pos-'ing was between Duflop Wormley of |Zanker’s loss will reach about $650. | could not situp. I evidently Wille by « graudate Olfgiple We appreciate the efforts of Lancaster and Young Franklin, “also | Wagon shed and corn crib, together | had female troubles and was very ner- vous. I used the remedies a year and I can do my work and for the last eight months I have worked for other women, too. I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkharn’s Vegetable Compound enough for I know I never would have been as well if 1 had not taken it and I recom- mend it to suffering women. ’’ Daughter Helped Also. “I gave it to my daughter when she Nature to cure anything I prefer t. was thirteen years old. She was in take chances with the non-poisonous school and was a nervous wreck, and | simples. could not sleep nights. Now she looks | Now, I 80 healthy that even the doctor speaks : of it. You can publish this letter if you : : : like.” —Mrs. RENA BOWMAN, 161 S. 10th | like diphtheria will use only the in- Street, Ironton, Ohio. | gredients with which he Why will women continue to suffer! Dis serum and inject that only, this kind and he sickness. matter of fact the germs do cause the disease will admit this much. he day in anlday out and drag outa sickly, | Will destroy much of the ptomajmes 'een good solid germs to est tells the tale and the only con- then | 0lation now is that lcrack at the same crowd later in the man half-hearted exizience, missing three- | that fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham’s are permitting the | propogate and Nature I quickly destroy them. will Vegetable Compound ? ome The wo ioe 2 \ i aol . 's going all | Saturday night, About | : p : A real scienust recently isolated a|°¢ ason. The score ig appended: json. Jack kept ‘the boys going all) ey y i Hou 40 acres of If you have the slightest doubt | betace i r tishi fl : the time. timber, mostly chestnut, were badly that Lydia EPinkham’s Vegeta~ -' Ss 2 Tor t 2 po 5 ing vo | NEW HOLLAND r ho ae EE CR damaged. The flames were still eCompound will help you, write | lice. This substance he called * #-{Kendig. 3b. ¢ ......... Td 2.0 Va i y ; to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co, amines,” There was only ten grains|K. Mer, ¢ p. ...:.....3 4 5 3 0 The Next Show JSON Ijering yosterdny ang Biacise) (confidential) Lynn, Mass.,forad- |, it-1n a ton of vice and yei its Te | Heol's an 0 0g The next boxing show will be 'Undreds of spectators from Mari- vice. Your letter will be opened, | Se re [Heob'r. p. 3b 5 held here in Mount Joy Hall on | ett. Wrightsville and Columbia, read and answered by a woman | moval from the exclusive rice diet Smith, 1b. .........;... 2.2990 : | —— ——a— and held in strict confidence. |of the natives in the tropical coun- |B. Men'r, ss .......... 1 2 1 ¢ of Thursday evening, April 29, when a MOSGUI TORS —_——— —————— | tries caused a serious disease with Storb, 2b. ............. 2-2. 2.-3 0 Sat il} wil be. offered, ‘In an) : Increased Business | which the medical profession was!\Veaver, cof. ........... 0 0.0 0 1}%% round windup Frankie Erne of Citire Talks on Health and Hygiene In the last two months the Done- | unable to successfully contend. By | Kochel, I elvan 0:10 10 by Samuel G. Dixon, M. D., LL. D gal and Conoy Fire Insurance Co. |restoring this apparently infinitesi- | Whit'r, rf. ............. 4 0 0 00 Ca ? has written Rew insurance to the mal quantity of vital element to theiDavis. p. .............. 6 10 2.0 Mosquitoes born now not only live amount of $350,000, |food the patients recovered. spam Bers duritmel all summer, but each female lays ac- ANNUAL REPORT | The same results are obtained in Totals ............. 14 16 21 12 2 lcording to tne species, about 150! | other conditions thru the use of the! MOUNT JOY r hoa ef eggs. These multiplied by the genera of the {old fashioned herbs and simples Of | Brubaker, 2b .......... 00-1 2 3 tions of a season would add up to| BOROUGH ACCOUNT |the old apothecary and the good old|Kingh, 3b .....5....... 0-0-2 1 0 millions of mosqoitoes, Ag their | of grandmothers. By them a certain|Brown, ¢. ............. 0.0 838 2 0 breeding season has begun we must | MOUNT JOY BOROUGH herb is credited with certain cura-|Shrite, 1b ............. 014.00 be diligent in our efforts to destroy | Sor the year ending March 29, 1916 tive powers and they get the de- | Stoll, Docherty 0:0 1 3% 1 their breeding places. Should we fail Sie : "|sired results thru its use, and then | Jantz, cf. Bevin 0 1 00.0 in our efforts we will be annoyed by | RECEIPTS | comes the chemist and takes the | Garber, Mn, et Og 0 0.0 0 their buzzing and their biting and by boy " humble herb to his laboratory in or-|Dillinger, ss. .......... 9% 0:0 0 1 an increase of malaria fever, and | Bal. in Treas. Mar, 13, 1914 $1886.79 | 3 | Prem, Foreign Fire Ins Co 30.27; der to find out wherein the cure is DeLong, rf. ........... 00:1 0 0 should yellow fever be introduced to Hotel License money ...... 720.00 | to be found and why. He bakes and | Roberts, ss. ........... 0 0 10 0 our shores. it would make for a Burgess Brown, P. OQ. rent.. 312.50 | boils and stews and distils, he gter-l ow... 0 r= serious epidemic. Burgess Bove, foe tex 399.81 | ilizes and extracts again with the Totals .............. 0 218.6. 3 The battle must begin at once, If Boo Dy, Csnses sold 387! result that the real curative ele-(New Holland ...... 45:11:19 x14 we have to use rain barrels for our OT : ment is lost in the schuffle and he! Viount Joy. i... 0000000—0,; water supply, they should be care- Burgess Brown, Bell Tele. | full : €0,, blue print. ........! .50 reports that the curative power is | —_— ully netted so that the mosquito Burgess Brown, Annual Li- 'a myth, He can find nothing thae| : cannot reach the water and lay its pa oae ak oa 1000, 441d have ap effect - such 2s Landisville 17; Salunga 2 eggs. If fresh pools exist about our rgess Brown, Part pay- Landisville opened the season at lac hey st 8 ment from C. E. Reed... 3793 claimed for the little herb and says Soturtay by: dordating Sa. places they should be filled up or w, M Breneman Collect ft is one More 'of the superstitions | ‘°° on ag id by Sa Se drains should be laid carrying away OP Hor F013 iver reens 58.82 of medical darkness exposed by the unga in a prac game. : FRANKIE ERNE the rain water and not permit it to ?. M. Breneman, Collect- light of modern science and chemis. | Salunga jeotiect and become stagnant. If our | Or for 1914 .............. 3215.18 try, but the old grandmother goes) ab r hb o a e|lancaster, formerly of Detroit, and | swamps are too large to drain and’ $6714.45 | right on successfully relieving pains | J. MOOD, If ........4 © 0 0 0 3 ie fights 9% Columbia Friday night, fill up, they should be treated with and aches ang fighting off death with Ensminger, 3b ......4 © @ @ ® uo Vi meet young Coster, the alien |petfoleum, so that the oir will pre- EXPENDITURES the humble little wayside plant in|P. Meyers, c ....... 4 1 0 5 2 2|champion of Brooklyn. In the SIE vent the larva of the mosquito from Brandt, Jno. Wi Labor .... § 2:40 which an Allwise Creator has seeret.| Kissinger, 3b ...... 3 00411 windup Duflop Wormley and Frank- reaching the atmosphere to breed. It Bombach ay Le aire py 3.70/ed a tiny speck of a chemical com-|E. Myers, tf ....... 2 0 0 0 0 of!in Hall, both of Lancaster, who put|will then drown for the want oxygen. Breneman T, M., Comm..... 62.63 | pound prepared in the mysterious |R. Mevers, 1p ...., 31 290902 1 i A Seat hae R Be last In fon places ducks, particular- Buohl J. H., Supplies ..... 27.97 | 1aborato: of Natu rot . LA. Meyers, cf ...... 3 00 0 0 ¢lsio% the balenceiof the 1s now |ly mallards, will do much to keep Bebe Bet in tesiTein nile os 96 pose er Rei Nr pe he Ww im a5 P 3 0 1 1 1 ofarranged: {down mosquito pests, as they are bake Ma 2 ; SBD ies ! {ova ants 3 Surveys aa Pe gg2u[to some ome of the ductless glands |H. Way, p, ss. ....3 0 0 2 § 3| pig [Very fond of the larva and pupa. Cling A B. Coal revere 3860) and. when that natural chemical coma! © 0 emma t Tal OLD IN tn Hisar Tomato Se ne boxes, broken Culp A, Labor ............ 25.80 pound 1s not destroyed or left oume| Totals .......... 29 2 2%n 91 - Py Pr Teighbors nd-jcups, any vessel that will hold the Darrenkamp Wm., Labor 18.59 yed Or Lomb) 5 led the Ed. Shonk sale on Saturday. |rain water will afford favorable . i 2 in the preparation of the remedy it | oe : ; : + 5 z D 70 Site John, Supplies oot. "| does the work with no chance of| ’ Landisville | A pair of twin baby boys arrived breeding places for mosquitoes. One| Dellinger B. 8. Expense o 9 abr bh oa elina family of this vicinity one day |tomato can half full of water will be! to Harrisburg .......... . 14.28 | killing the patient or of injecting in-| Dekbr. of 4 101 11 this ook fe oF We Diner A : 12 fo the pure Mood sires of an nc on as 4 : 2 43 2 or on Hoffe 1 family visit at dns Bua Dellinger John, Labor ..... 25 | 1 seen h 3RY, Dy 3b Lines Mr. E. . r an ily visit-| of mosquitoes. Ediscz Elec. Co. Lighting.. 1635.68 i No Te Je steathl eee I coin § 0:1.0 0 0|ed in the family of Rev. Allen Bru-| The gaucers under the flower pots Brgle Iho a A cerns Som voesible tmmelinte rs g Miller, 3b ....... 5 2 3 3 2 1 baker on Sunday. |in and around our houses offer favor- uy id . A pep | Diff , Mr. Elmer Brubaker, ne of our ab i 7 > ! FINE Mo Bumping rere rn ! om 4 fofongh lstiever in roa] DIAS Asaten ile : ¥3 : 2 nme township re ® oft or Dreeding Dlages. Welter vessels Frank W. B, Labor ....... 2.83 | scientific investigation into all man-| 2c iD eee, 9.30 ba ; * i , Bjihat are set out for birds and ani Fellenbaum A, Dist. Notices -63 : | Joe Baker, ss. ..... 5 2 2 1 2 0|Monday for Illinois to spend the sum |mals are often found full of mos- Pellenbaum R. Salary ..... 64.95 ner of disease and causes of ais. | oisorman 1b 3 1165 0 0 mer quito larvae. Therefore, such re- Friendship Fire Co. Appro- | ease, but such investigation should | pres i Rat nda. eras: a ; 3 ’ £ re) ker. of | On Saturday evening prayer meet- ceptacle ugh o have water priatiorr -.....%..... 100.00 | not cause us to lo igh f th Baker, of, ,.. 0. 4.2.83 0.1 of : s ought t the wate Garber, M. E. Labor... 2.63 fant th th b 28 ge 1.00% e in il dm ing will be held at the home of|changeq daily, so as to destroy any @illums H. H., Salary ..... 61.00. e at © laboratoryrof Nature Total . 37 17 16 24 11 4, Samuel Hollinger on the Aaron Ston-|eggs that may be laid in the Re ee BgsHis tho grates, op'enth sul tom nif SRR oo Cee BY 8; Salun. er farm Woter pitcher In rooms. (es on "Repairs ....... 8.30| we get our best an st re A NN itis ; er s ns. Hat are I BE te re A ee @ most TeUehle ga 1. Two base nits, Miller 3, 3. Lishtning agents are on the job omy occasionally used have often Hershey D. Hauling ....... 33.925 : Baker 2, Helserman, G. Baker, g,| this’ week. B. F. Kulp had hig barn been found fertile breeding places | Hensel W. U. Salary ..... 50.00 | —_— a Three base hit, Miller. Sacrifice hit, rodded. P. S. Strickler had the con-| and where houses were well screen- Heisia Pe Comme So | PUBLIC BEQUESTS IN WILL (Gray. Stolen bases, Habecker 8, {ract. Mr. Strickler sells the right ed they were filled with mosquitoes, | Hoffer J id EREERE 150! oar Gray 3, P. Meyers, A. Meyers, R. Kind of rods at the right price. owing to the fact that maybe one or Hoffer B., Hauling ........ 8.25 | Under the will of Mrs. Mary .A.| Meyers, Left on bases Landisville Mr. Irvin Wolgemuth and family two female mosquitoes had found ac- Hoffman Roy, Labor ...... 35.90] Brubaker, deceased, late of Eliza- | 7; Salunga 3. Struck out, by Gray entertained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. | cess to the water in these pitchers Honmaster Se bor bs 30 bethtown, the following charitable be-|6; Trayer 4; Way 3; Ellis 2. Base "1 Wolgemuth. Rev. Henry Hoffer | of a spare chamber, uate on on 1068.40 | tuests have been made: One thous-|on balls, off Trayer 1; off Way 2 | 1d wife. Mr. Jacob Ginder and fam T= AE «Kramer Jos. Constable 4.00] and dollars to Christ Evangelical Lu | Hit by pitcher, Habecker, Heiserman, HE. Mr. ig Lehman, Mr. D. Gin- Amending the Game Laws Keener J. G,-12D0r ..c0iue 30 theran Church of Elizabethtown; |B. Meyers. Passed ball, Diffender-| “© and Miss Anna Ginder. The House game code bill which Missimer, afeiinng we sirig 3.00] $100 to the Sunday School of Christ | fer. Umpire, Eshleman. Time, 2:15. DS Gece = makes some changes in the present Wjtler S " fo an 2.00 | Evangelical Lutheran Church of Eliz | tn Will Hear Testimony Later game laws, was passed finally last Mummert A.. Labor ....... 5.70| abethtown; $1,000 to the German-| Maytown on Saturday O. 3. Sheaffer, Master, A. W. Sna- week by the Senate. It goes back Mt. Joy Mutual Fire Ims. [town College of the Evangelical Lu-| The Maytown High School team| der, BE, C. Diller and George A. fo the House for conference in Sen. Nas ng Te 14309 theran Church, Philadelphia; $500 to| will play here Saturday with the | Kemper, viewers, went over that por-|ate amendments. The chief feature Nye B. Hauling a 36.75 | the Lutheran Church, Manheim, as a|local High School boys. Everybody tion of the Maytown and Elizabeth- of the bill is that it prohibits the Northern Mutual Fire Ins. memorial in honor of Susan Dissing- | come out and cheer them on to vie-|tOWn turnpike from Maytown mnorth- sale of rabbits that were killed in n | Co, Insurance ......i... 8.64 er, a sister of the deceased: $500 to | tory. ward to East Donegal and Elizabeth- this state. The bill limits the num- Penne % Co 72.00| the Trinity Lutheran Church, Cole-| = rr en etl Gee town for the purpose of condemna- ber of ring necked pheasants that Boe ir a M.. Hauling ih ‘75 brook, in memory of the grandpa- | A GOOD BOXING SHOW tion. They will hear testimony lat-|may be killed and also restricts the Reinhart H. L, Painting 7.00 rents of the deceased, Jacob and | | eT. season. Reinhart A. Labor ........ 2.00| Catherine Missemer; $300 to the Or-| The Semi-Windup Was The Greatest RY The House advanced the season I Bd Cees San o0| phan School of the Germantown! Bout Ever Seen Here | New Industry for Goldsboro for killing rabbits from November 1 Shelly H. Labor .......... ,1382|College of the Evangelical Lutheran The borough of Goldsboro, op- to October 15. but the Senate amend: Secretary Board of Health, Church, Philadelphia; $300 to the| That was sure some boxing show | Posite Bainbridge, will have a new |€d the bill to let the season stand as Appropriation ............ 25.00 Schoo! of the Evangelical Lutheran |in Mount Joy Hall last Thursday | industry, Charles Kline of Havre- it is at present. Smalizer H. abor se [141.60 | church, Topton Pa. and $1,000 to|evening Tt was witnessed by a good | de-Grace, Md., will open a shoe fac- ————ae—— Simons C. Labor... os 8.57| Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa.|crowd and they all got their money’s | t0Ty to give employment to sixty Got a Verdict of $3,700 Smith H...Labor .......... | 18.22] After making a number of personal] worth. | persons. The factory will be located | John B. Rider of near Red Hill, is Jehroll J. B., Printing ..... F735] beatests to members of her family, In the opener, Peter White of|in the warehouse of C. S. Sangler. entitled to $3,700 damages in the rE i WLS as well as to personal friends, the Bridgeport and Bumblebee Weidman | ————— equity case against the York Haven | rexler B. M.. Auditing (200! testatrix directed that the residue of | oy Borough have examine the, and Muhlenberg Callege., Allentown ts of the Union National} Mt. ank. treasurer, and audited the| [ne decedent also bequeathed the pnd find that the ledger shpws| Sm of $100 to Rev. Frank Croman pce of $1209.35, all of whicH { pastor of Christ Wvangelical Luther! ully submitted. an Church. FHzabethtown. and W. W. CASSEL. appointed y ra er attorney, a Ancaster. | © SpukKe 01 the past Prof. Now I do suppose that ii | Holland's I | rans ven, herbs wele used in the Ueatment Of |jcast one the man Who treats acute attacks| argument, terilizes | after the of T.ancaster. {four round draw. The third bout was between “Fat”! she | eiserman and “Fat” Felker, both of| H. B. Aloxafider has issued an’ex-| registration for this year passed the They are some heavies. | ecution for ga | John N. Hetrick, of | They battled four rounds with honors |Reed and C. as executor of her will|this place. age of medical darkness I woicn the | hej. attempt started. five this man was called to attend one ol!was no possible chance, | your children he would at once in With brand new uniforms, a good|Ffanklin had the punch and knew side of the hill and set fire to the| ject some form of selum Or vacci-|team keyed up to perfection fit for a how to lang it. ate in some manner in Kill world's series, the local High School a unit in the germs of the disease while as a|base ball team went to New Holland bout ever staged here. not|in an effort to do something that no! at all and so far|Mount Joy base as the serum is of value in aiding |uccomplished—defeat them. The game New Holland the first Ellis garnered four tallies in the first and not get going unti] near the end of only the fact of the wind being from Imade the circuit | times in the the | It| second. Well that about settled the were even but “when Ellis went to, The fire was started by lightning “On th e Diamond; | Flames Bun Over About Forty ball team has ever Joy’s idol in Kid Ellis and the pride The fire burneq hundred feet of the cottages before | and | THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA. | A DESTRUCTIVE FIRE Acres in York County Hills | —— © { The fire on the York county hills, | n e Ng ov Marietta which had been | smouldering for a week was gotten [under control late Saturday night, [rounds while from the fourth on!trees in falling rolled down the steep that this wag the best | wards the river shore, The brought together Mt. Which are by within windup owned to of Lancaster in Jack Wolpert. Inj was nervous and did|it was gotten under control, round. In the second honors the river saved them. Of course. our boys, like his corner he complained of pain in | Which struck a tree near Round Top [Jones’ cider, improved with age and his right hand and upon examination |Saturday night a week ago, and was second the balance of of thig place were the only the bingles | contenders. right on the | Lawn, and Miss They went scored game, Weidman | daughter of between | ceremony Johnny Mack and Kid Gephart, both |Tuomas Knecht, Sr. a goodiage at Palmyra, we get another caster Athletic Club, fon National Bank, Safe her estate should be divided in equal | White had the height, weight, reach| Deposit Box ....5 vias ' 1.00 | shares among Christ Evangelical Lu-|and punch and a good Ish. A., Labor ..........s {27.10 theran Church. Wlizabethtown: the jaw in the second put Re Treasury March $1 | Germantown College of the Hvangel-|down and out. b, the undersigned Auditors of|!cal Lutheran Church. Philadelphia,| The second bout was five by an Six- found that a bone in his right hand day night, and the outbreak on Sat-| to our two was splintered, This ended the bout. |urday was quite unexpected. A large | attending physician it was thought to be under control late Fri- Jack Milley, manager of the Lan. force of men under the direction of in the ring Yingst—Hostetter | Water and Power Company for di-| Edward T. Yingst, postmaster at|verting the water in the eastern] Amy G. Hostetter, channe] of the river to the western John M. Hostetter, of channel, according to a decision |Lawn, were married Tuesday. The handed down by Judge McCarrell| was performed by Rev.ilast week. The defendant’s motion | at his parson-|for a new trial was refused. ET —_ IE Quite a Revenue { State revenues from automobile eet Qn: Execution for $717.60 $717.60 against § | A. Weaver, {near Elizabethtown, ) H. figure of $1,185,000, which resifiing | total of the income from | during the ambaols the | Roudabush and ° his Pets in of that city. These boys are both|With $350 worth of hewn timber] Saturday to take at gcod ones and there wasn’t an idle|Were destroyed at this point. Mr. game of ball from New moment thruout the entire mill, |Zanktr’s loss will reach about $650. | diamond heroes but there|Honors were even in the first three | The embers from the burning The spectators were 4ry underbrush, and ate rapidly to- | where there | |are a number of cottages, several of | Columbians. several | was the third|State Fire Warden Kauffman, of Hel-| and gave satisfac. lam. fought the fire until a late hour Wednesday, April 21, 1915. : PB Ral ek 1101 1 NL For The Women Who Find It Necessary To Wear Trusses Abdominal Bands Surgical Bands A New Nemo Corset Has Been Invented To Take The Place Of These Uncomfortable Devices NE of the greatest inventions for the benifit of suffering wom- ankind has just been perfected by the designers of Nemo Corsets. The bays of the uncomfortable ‘‘truss” and the bulky abdominal and surgical bands are numbered- No longer will it be necessary ‘for so many women to wear these seperate support- ing devices heretofore indispensible in certain cases, but which added so much bulk to their figure and discomfoai to their daily lives. HE New Nemo “Auto-Uplift’”’ which was the recommenda- a tion aud approval of the most famous surgeons and physicians in New York, will revolvtionize and repiace the old system of surgical devices and will in the future be recommeeded by the medical profession the country over, in all abnormal cases where complete abdominal or visceral support is required. | The Principal New Features_ofs This Wonderful New Corset Are as Follows: 1. Adjustable Lastikops Bandlets 2. Invisible Pulline-Lacing Device 3. Long Incurve Front Steels The Bandlets start at the lower part of the Incurved Front § Steels and run backward, parallel to the groin gection, into which they curve. The adjustment of these bandlets is -made by a lacing | device, which is situated underneath the corset at the groin sec- tion, where the latter joins the front of the hip, The lacing device consists of two rows of eyelets, one of which is sewed into an ® open pocket underneath the corset. The other row is at the end of | m the Bandlet. When the two rows of eyelets are properly laced to- 3 = gether, in a normal position, the row of eyelets which ig situated 3 in the open pocket is one inch higher than the eyelets at the end of the Bandlet. The end of the interior laces pass through the = eyelets to the outer side of the corset. where they are adjusted by @ pulling the ends downwards, thereby adjusting the bandlets to the individual need, to make them curve snugly into the lower part of the groin section and abdomen, with the result that the abdomen is lifted up and reduced as required. The adjustment of the laces compels the ends of the front steels to fit very snugly to the abdomen, thereby enabling the use of long steels curved in at the lower ends. which give effective sup- port to the abdomen from underneath, Surgical Fittings N° store dare attempt the fitting of these! special Corsets unless a thorougly competent and quali- fied corsetiere, specially trained in this branch of the profession, is in attendance. It would be as much of an anachronism as the dispensing of medical prescrip- tions by unskilled hands. 1 0 JID 111 110101001 UR Corsetiere, the only one entitled to this title in Lancaster, holds a diploma in the,Anatomy and Hygiene of Corsetry and in individual and surgical fittings. A This diploma bears the signature of one of the most famous women physicians in New York—a specialist in diseases of women and an authority in Corsetry of national fame. 112i WE will gladly give you intelligent corset advice and will fit these corsets in our own surgical fitting room without charge. This room is furnished with a complete surgical fitting equipment. If the fitting is required to be done in your home, at your | doctor’s office or in a hospital. a nominal fee is charged. E do not in any circumstances advocate the removal of 3 truss or bandage without the advice or consent of our custom- ers’ physicians, but we will be glad atany time to demonstrate to any member of the medical profession, the advantage of this and New Nemo Corset its ability to perform the duties we claim for it and for our scientific Surgical Corset- Fitting Service. Come In and See Our Corset Expert HER ADVICE IS ENTIRELY FREE RS TAREASTER FREED - Ye bh RO —— o Cn bs RP [Dm a —— | a Rp eR : Prrvben Ros Tar Ca Pht On Ast, Pucansts Or $10.98 _0n Mose. IrQusts You Nothing. ASK RRiE °F ONOVAN CO. Successors to and Foste J 1 0 A ce