PAGE TWO EAE Zoo - EE — a - sowed their oats last week. | pS —— er oul two cows to Gingrich & Bro. hurch might have been} SUBSCR.PiiCiv PRICE $1 A YEAR| Chiquis ( Six Monihs......... 50 Cents ttended somewhat better Sunday Three Months.......25 Cents Single Copies........2 Cents Sawple Copies........ FREE cecupied the pulpit. Anybody who was out driving in | [the last thunder storm of Saturday Entered at the post office at Mount | as pleasant or unpleasant, : 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Chan-| ) ges for adverusments must positive- | saved by not smoking, Buys his gaso Inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday | ,,yje jeed. He quit chewing tobae- night. Advertising rates on applica- | tion. | —_ his wife who says he had good rea- | EUIIURIALS | son this owce and stopped his paper be-|sel so. Davy. Wish such would some- cause une sald 1¢ was always priot- ing a ior ot things about the same | people and he said he was sick off Nou loig ago au man calle rou | | it. Now when something goes wrong ' with the country the government ap- ; ! place in some slick manner while’ we gewing circle at her home on Fri- tj; vour chickens so they cannot day afternoon, Twent/four WeI€ injure nor trespass upon your neigh- present, the youngest being Kathryn ors fields and garden? If not it is Nissley Garber and Martna Jane ovident you are loving yourself more Reist, han you love your neighbor, and Mr. and Mrs. McElhenny, Sr, will you are not doing to others, as you in the near future move into the would wish them to do to you. You vacant house of Amos Hiesiand, and think this is a little matter, and Mr, and Mrs. McElhenny, Jr, will if it is, you should be able all the move into the vacant rooms at the more to attend to it, should give you home of Mr. and Mrs. John Herr. no trouble at all. He must be a dull E. N. Rodgers, who died at the minded person, indeed, who can mot residence of his son, Mr. Bertram see his moral and legal obligation to Rodgers, P. R. R. Agent at Landis- his neighbor in so plain a matter ville, was removed from his son’s ——————— residence yesterday by Undertaker PLEASANT VIEW Brunner of Mt. Joy. The body will “De wu sich gschickdt hen sin be interred in Chester County. fodich bluga.” Mr. Abram Nissley, who died on Mr. Abraham Risser delivered hay Friday at his home, half a mile east to Lawn on Monday. of Landisville, wags buriel Monday Mr. Wm, Kolp made a business morning in the Mennonite Cemetery trip to Bag caster on Saturday. at Landisville. The services were Mr. I. P. Eshleman sold 30 bushels E | conducted by Rev. 8. M. Drumm of of peters one day this week Lancaster and Rey. Hiram Kauff- Mr. I. P. Eshleman sold several man of Landisville, The attendance hogs to the proprietor of the P, V. was large and great interest was farm, manifested in the religious truths Mr. James Hostetter called on presented. Migs Helen Springer, Sunday after- a noon, . NORTHWEST RAPHO For all kinds of names ecards in gold lettering, apply to Wm. Kolp for particulars Mrs. BE. P. Eshleman was on the sick list last week but is better at A most blessed rain on Saturday and Sunday. Miss Ruth Hollinger ig sick with chicken pox. Mr. Samuel R. Gibble was blasting this writing. stumps on Monday. Mr. Trnest Horst bade farewell to Thurs- Grove, Sunday Messrs. C. P, and I. P. Eshleman on the man and horse were employed on the he'll pe John Heisey farm on Tuesday, plow- ing. ghoding, ete. Wm. Greiner farm last dav. » Build your hofse BE the most nromis] (7 a 110C0T, THE SBULLETIN | zene as the majority of them | Mrs. I. P. “dshieman and children ! ELIZABETHTOWN i { Ktoel and Jay Harold visited in the Mrs, J. G. Stauffer, of York, is the MOUNT JOY, PA. My. C. G Hollinger sold a hog to [home of C. C. Garman’s at Locust' guest of J. H. Binkley and family. —Stylepius 1 y 1 3 4 x i J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r. | Penjamin Heinhold. Jno. W. Geib | Grove on Sunday. Samuel Shertz, of Lancaster, spent rip Leng ANE Ee [egal vening while Ttev. S. S. Eshleman | Borough Council Holds a Very Inter- | spent a few days with J. H Horna- can quite easy tell whether it | phia, spent several days here, | ly reach this ofiice not later than|line and has some left. Va., who was the guest of Rev. and C. R. Hoffman, Monday night. New advertlsments| Our neighbor, Mr. Eby, effected a} arg H. H. Pulsifer, returned home. Towa, is the guest of his mother-in- co. But best of all is the report of Ohie, is the guest of her mother, A large elevator is being installed Mrs. Rachel Bowman, who is serious for quitting as it didn’t agree ly ill. Mrs. Bowman is. one of the | co warehouse at Florin. with the contents of his stomach. Is | ;jqest women in Marietta, Clarence Barnett, of Seven head of young steers prome- ple gpyjf by mail will please take Gingrich [Jared about i Indian Spring farm off hats to Postmaster Orth: who has buildings Monday morning at day- set up a refrigerator in the post of- break They got away from the fice for their benefit. times be the case with smokers. butter, meat, fish or other perish- and family for several days. i Mn Bros. of Lawn, pur- S 3: : : hased GF lead of fine cate from Fe of STYLE PLUS $17 Clothes. This week is STYLE the Masonic Home farm. He had FX) PLUS Reception week, and we jwould like to show you them shipped to Philadelphia, oY A : cs g.| The High School alumni will meet these fine clothes, as well as our other clothes at $10, Messrs, Willig Helgsey and Arthur Kieffer were visitors at Milton ® ¥ CP Eshléman and Mr. and. 1915 THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA. Wednesduy, april 21, : Ter a few days with J. M. Shookers and wife, Mrs, Sarah Hossler of Middletown, MARIETTA esting Meeting fius and family. Freres | J. K. Winters, of Philadelphia, Rev. Edwin J. Acinthe of Philadel- | spent the past week with his mother, | Mrs. Isaac Winters. Mrs, Ben Derr is visiting her pa | George Weigand, of Philadelphia, 1 Joy as second-class mail matter. { : : All correspondents must have their | A certain well known man quit | rents at Hamburg, Berkg Co. $ | was the guest of his father, J. nD. LL PN curmmunications reach this office not | smoking then he got himself an au Mrs. William R. Crites of Allen- | Weigand, this «week. Eat ed : later than Monday. ‘lelephone news| tomobile and thus far—(only a) town, is visiting friends and vrela- A. G. Ramsey and wife, of Phila- Es 3 of lwmpuriance vetween tual time and | on th tho) he, with the money | tives here. : delphia were the guests of Charles | Fee) rea | pA" wg Rev. Clark Morrison of Alexandria, | Frank and family. | of Blairsburg, | Did You Receive Your Copy of The Stylebook? We Have One For You, If You Call For It. Yi Mrs. James B. Hanna of Columbus, | law, Mrs. Amanda Gish, in the M. L. Nissley and Sor's tobac- Middletown, | oe . rir t was the guest of Johm McLanacham | This week in particuiar, we extend to you and yous hyam Marietta people who want to send friends an invitation to come and look over our showing Messrs. Samuel L, Frey and F. points a commission to investigate “ "- : : : : ! if and find out what is the matter, and Wore, nOj looking, Whose were they. | Post, a committee of Chigues Couwa- |" the High' School room this $12 and $15. y w y Tre i » K rhere | ine Q Fo T 3 SI the first thing a commission In- pi 3d tex roome rom and where | .;; no 1825, Royal Arcannm, have |S at 8 grejock, Business of ns by vestigates is the man who made tlic gid id get to so suddenly and | been appointed to arrange for the BOAR be aa tn oC quietly ? Ca . / 2 ‘ne meeting i holler to see if the holler was a pe y : c _ . ... | members*to visit Conestoga Council | an agjomrned € f ae 2 Teazonabls holle So wi appointed Those who called at the C. G. Hol- | , . ncaster on Tuesday April 20 A Friendship Fire Company will e | o fad L, > V ; rselves | Inger home: on Sunday were: Mr | : al or. will. convey the members| lield this evening at 8 o'clock ati ol v iss .onsisting selves ; 5 | special car, w One) > me | : : : 2 Comms ion ¢ ny EY x ast and Mrs. Levi Ginder and sons Clay- oo th > riett 6:15 | their Hall on South Market street. | St es > this an. e S : leaving Marietta at 6:1. { 5 ; Le Ripe lo ile Lbs ma y JUSL| ion and Paul and daughter Barbara y i a |’ An examination will be held in the followed the man's career ever since 3 Rev. A. W. Brandt, rector of St. i | IE Teplus a : or ili ba f Palmyra; Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Geib, Marys Ci f th Inmacalats | Hiekw School room on Friday morn- Anes Aa h ye knew 1e firs ing a ~ > ary’s warch of e ac 3 2 : { we knew him, The first thing that yop, Vig Henry B.- Shearer ays ; a ) try me ® o'clock for pupils from ad-| Led dal- = happened to that man was that he ind sons Samuel, Harry -and:Her- Cosmin at Fair ke : = on {joining districts whe wish to enter | 0 y orl 3 he hing 4 7. has been transferred to . A-j" : was born, but he had nothing 10 do man, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hollinger | ARs )e ee h esos tation a: the High School. Ve With it. However, we mentioned ... «on Emory, Mr. ang Mrs. M. G.| Ty §, Charen of oe ii al Father Pulsifer, of Marietta, will] him, although his parents were €D- pgjjinger and son Benjamin gnaj Marietia. Rey oS s | officiate at the services at St. Eliza- th titled to the credit. When he Was |nii.. Lizzie Hollinger {late rector, Rev. MecIlhenny, anl bet’ P. .E. Mission on Sunday i in his early twenties he got mar ee a—— | entered on his new dutles Sunday. | coo. g gclock, He will ad: to ried. We mentioned that, including MAVTOW NN Joseph Harris residing on Fair-| ninister the Holy Eucharist. x the name of the bride, the preacher, Ana | view street, is suffering from blood | Work has begun on the new Klein | re ete., in fact we mentioned every- \wiiliam Brandt, who Was Born and Yoisoning ih one rc? Ais hands. The Chocolate Corgpany building on | s an thing but the preacher’s fee, which Raised Here. Died at York hand is. swollen {most iiyice the Brown street. It is to be built of = a was not worth mentioning. We nev ! normal size. Last week while work euncrete and will be fire pwoof, A 2 er mentioned the fact that he never | irs. Mart ol | iwith| ing in the York county hills a briar| = ober of hands: will be em- E : won any premiums at the county sneumoni of a locust tree penetrated the first| . = Rn Hal fair, because he never exhibited any-| Mr Maye i Lancaster, | finger of the Ho hand he Prd AR iin | ® : 7 . 3 iio i Q { no attention to the imjury at Hurst el | ® I " . has thing. We never mentioned his ited it n Sunda LS oi MoCartoy. an aged man ond] MASTERSONVILLE z Bring us your Films for am mame in the list of committees, be- Mr. Ralph Henderson: of Lancaster, . 3 apolar 2 ar : Thé sale, held last Saturday on the | 8 © J — cause he never attended anything. \isited Paris Epler’s on Sanday. frequent visgior 0 the Lancaster| =... of Ed Shonk, deceased. © Pure white stones of good g Develcpment We never mentioned his name in the! Mrs. John Trout is at the hospital { county prisom, Friday walked agai | very largely. attended and the’ d& hieks ia (hisl Kseal & size, mounted in fourteen carat B ® \ list of donors, because he never d0-| under treatment for appendicitis. { behind the bars of justice, amd: sab| .ijciex sold” at good prices. Several a 5 en 3 rAST oi 3 7 EY » . Inlid G > + nated as much as a doughnut. We, Work on the new dairy barn on down to await a court trial for at-|,.,,..c makers: were among the) and i wh on it FA Solid Gold Rings af - We use the tank method, and our certainly have been treating this the S. G. Engle farm is progressing. } temapted rape. He was committed tO}, atitorg and therefore prices | 5 5 experience and expert equipment im- man shamefully, but we will agrea, “The best courage: man has ever | jail by Alderman Graham of Mariet-| ., oo; higher than under ordinary 2 ree » ¥ . re the best possible results. Ev i shown. is’ dari 2 ta. following a hearing that was | ....ums oa ® su 1e best possible results. ery 20 to run a nice obituary whem the shown, is daring to cut loose, and | circumstances, | erick SEAT |S A FOOD PREPARED = m : r HMo. Gores. think alone.” brought about by charges preferred The following persons did not miss | =" a AT. 134 E 2 4 = @ a care taken and quality of the work ———————— Gver have hay fever? We have it |'by Mrs. Cora Hawthorne, of tOWR. |. jay during the ' winter at Master | FOR you Y SAIORS ron H = ~ n guaranteed. : by ci Tame FIRS FE AS SALUNGA now, and wouldn’t wish it to our | According to information recelved| .,,yijje school: Beulah: Gibble, John | a SPECIAL BARGAI : Ba erie Aon. | Thursday, the man entered the HaW-| Ginder, Ralph Gibble, Vera Witmer, | _ : Pre Remains of C. N. Rodgers Taken to A mild form of zrippe Is prevalent | LQ0:lie nue Jn AL 1UWALCALEd cob | Kathryn Zug and Paul Shelly. The . . Ww B BEN DE Bur Chester County for Interment in our community, practically every-|u:uon aud acled aisoiaerty in WBE po )lowing pupils ranked 1st in their | There is absolutely nothing better | ™ I | . ® Bu {body complaining | presence or the accuses, In Uie LeSU-liojass: A class—Katie Zug; B. class { for young chicks—ducks—turkeys er - "LOCKE 0 B a R Hy E i Bur Mrs. J. Z. Kline is entertaining One of the present mail carriers | many, it Was Geciared that MIs.|__Anmie Zug; C. class—Eva Holling-|seese than Chickseat. It forms blood. 0 : 2 Bur York County friends. | horses is on the sick list. Jake says | made tne mal leave her| er. p. class—Rdna Bradley; BE. class hone and muscle. Splemdidly aids ® : : @ East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa, ur y's got e grippe.” an later bioughc swt. Mc: | _Kathr Pyle: 1st. reader—Ralph | digestion and revents diseases 10 = \lso unusual values in Eight = Mr. Jacob Weiss reports the first “he's got the grippe.” : Jos, and : gut BUR, CE Thatun Pp 5 DoT Mable Cui E ; @ WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR THE Bur potatoes up this season Hereafter Zion’s Children denomi-| Cauley had concluded hus iast prison | Gibble. which young chicks are liable. | - Day Clocks from $3 up. E ro \ Samuel Eby and family spent Sun- nation will have prayer meeting at! term only a shoit while before. His Cyrus Béhney,. our shoemaker, has seat is ne experiment. It has been AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER Bur | day with friends at Harrisburg. the Bethel of town, Saturday even-| last misstep was made Thursday af-|lost his sight partly and has dis-|tried and found to be just a food as ® REN o™ _lingg before regular services at| ternoon. continued in the profession. He now | we say. Try a pack and be con- ® - > ~ A { Miss ronnie Hostetter of Phils R i hb r¢h. Thei : | Ti regul hly ting of sid at Lawn with his daughter, vinced = OYSI ERS OYSTERS or delphia visited her cousin, Mrs, J. | Reich's church. Their first prayer! The regula monthly meeting resides at La vith his daughter, ced. : . &. Weiss meeting of the regular series was | Malietta Borough Councu was Reid | Bessie. LE a J Pp - ( : ) y - ssday evening reside 41p- There are now three homes in this 2 [ () { ( {A fine of five dollars is imposed held at the Bethel on Saturday even | Luesday evening, with wp ; Te : € Ie . e = a J . ] J If you want to eat oysters, get o lads who cut examinations at ing, April 3rd, and recurs every Six) ple in the chair, Chiel Bulgess Was town vacant and for rent or sale. e H. S. N re them where (hey are good. I serve State College. | W eeks. | present and brought to the altention | need a saddler, a tinsmith ; shoe ewcomer E (Near Bowman's Store) the Ansel primes 1 STE iB Ve Mr. and Mrs. Je Ss / | ) 3 arg & i ‘tant | maker, barber and a baker in our & vp no ry R A. Bb of Lancaster spent 2 } and Mrs. James McClure of | of the members a few importa. - x y : tor. visite i 1 ih The. fiy i hi c it- | town. MOUNT JOY, PA. | ® MOUNT JOY style. Sold in any quantity at right few | hours with his brother Samuel Lancaster, visited their old home, things, The fire ands light commit 4 : Ba on Thursday evening, [town last Wednesday. “Jim,” as he | tees repoited everything in good con .— 15 prices. Bon Miss Miriam Raffensberger #pemt)Das been familierly called by eversy) dition. Healih Oficer Windolph ap-| ATTEMPT TO BURN SCHOOL [Tren wae ew Wien ‘its GOOD ICE CREAM you ee; Sunday afternoon with her mother, & one, yas our efficient mail carrier | peared before Council relative Lo Ebidires Show That Some Fire want, I can supply you. Bub! 1 an ack river f 7 years, | . case of Phare: awthorne w < - | patient at the General Hospital. g : Be i ] Jor ig Lip : je cats of Plage HE enutnd Psa bug Planned a Clean Sweep All Flavors at All Times pl : and is widely known an ighly re- | Wi der surveillanc the ¢ y Occasionally we find fine large EY ys Ay (ne va under su ice DF Speclal Prices to Parties, Festivals, Chin rokin With what seem like bullet spected by everybody. He certainly | gepaitment on account of diphtheria, : | i b . A th yt dead on ou was a faithful public servant, and it| ang asked for an order of $26 to The Manheim school board is now Suppers, Ete, Sap wounds © em lying dead O Pb is 3 a, goes ¥ ARkinien investizatic f a SUppos-| IT strecis Would any boy kill a pretty will be long before his term of office | help defray expenses, which was hy an [7s ie J 2 a Sa Ss Dass . wi 5 ic : > atten estroy by ¢ the new | bin? \ will be duplicated. granted, Several people are in the € attempt 0 oy b: ire t | Mrs. G. H. Zeller Delli robin? \ : Word came early Saturday mOrn-| papis ’ ing’ dead. cats and school building in that borough, | -O. . to A P. R. R. flyer was the undoing . that Wm. Brandt : 'f York had habit of throwing dead cats an which was recently completed at a| Marietta Street MOUNT J Delli g the V , ran C K,- had { ohickena i o alle c it ia " : as c J npieted ¢ ] of Bobby Eby, who went just one _. or a E Of Jan chickens in the alleys, and it % al cost of $50.000. The alleged attempt | Delli A SDOTLY ed at 1 a. m, at the age of nearl up to C cil to bury them. Aaa : x Edis length too far, and the sporty Bob-i yo A rand ras hor I 39D Xo y was made during Tuesday night] by passed from our loving thoughts ye an ” pis hom i is a heavy fine for this, and ; when kerosene oil in eopions quanti- Toke Ne atic JOHN HH. DEIT nel Tr to canine hunting grounds. Yea noar Weyiewn to ma WE: he guilty ones are caught they |. —_ poured around the boy's and | Ra Sug Ha < Y fica Yartha s ries as aro k( 2 DO) € | He was married to Miss Bertha Al be prosecuted. W. H. Sultz-| 5.)° 7 i a : .. | The Undersigned Wish to Inform the wa er 1 There is a movement on foot 10 , .... tr town and was well known girls’ entrance. This fact was dis-| E lectrical Contractor a 1 1 wn, and 8 W¢ K I ald the "ho | i th I to < ”, start a special car from this place n hly esteemed by all. Funeral : . Or opthe Rhusiol Rod |, voreq on Wednesday morning. The | Wblic that Tey are Prepares 10 gs i 3 Hoty for the Stough tabernacle, Lancas- _ . .. = "0 Lila Sis nd Gun Club appeared relative tO .. }.. 2150 heen poured about the Practical Horse Shoel MOUNT JOY, PA. Foex ter. Evangelism is getting its grip eta his h h sre. Tue ae fore- shooting on the river shore WReR | ..,. qr for a distance of about FR%uLa, rele oeing = pri: 1 pRUE ry eo he 1 Tr i | . 3 and? $ . . . . on the people and ‘many, we hope, TACA Won made TAREE | or Buns ae guished, ad « feet. Burned matches were also At Jno. Bombach’s Stand, Mt. wid Electrical Supplies and Fixtures For Sale gar y Swel Tine sbi ii Sone 5 they were givem permission, provia- |... Sins . inl +} r.1 Spscial at foe : u I iI . tape y & oun Son ople ink the art-| Special attention rhe may be swept into tke K 3gdom o netery as raat Ee Gatire Terponel | ind. Some people ou ini the a P is tentio given to all we At my Place of Business Good Martha A. Eby entertained the reader. have. yon. UATE: Le ti et : | tempt” was the work of a joker, who |All diseases of the fect promptly at ALL KINDS HOUSE WIRING A Groff r¢ > LV JO jualal hilitv r case i ace t +O - : x 3 x7 ALL oy in case of accident. ' Com-| (,nteq to raise an excitement, but tended to Your Work Solicited a pi keh Hers Hers] plaint about young men annoying | itizens and committing depreda- yon effort will be made to ascer- BOMB. ACH & SHANK For 1 ASA and i Son 1 will be pleased to estimate om Hens ain the truth. tions was made and an effort wil} | ——— 0 Ee i : {AND ALL THE FAMILY the wiring of your house. Jew be made to stop it. Bills aggregat- Toast to Laughter General Blacksmiths and Horse-Shoers da half million readers finditof | 0d. Phone No. 850 feb 1-3 mo. Hoffe ing $222778 were ordered paid. The | fjere’s to laughter, the sunshine of MOUNT JOY, PENNA. ik g intevest. Everything initis| — Hoffe urfew law is working to perfec-| he goul the happines tthe hear 7 1 RA A Hoffn g e ul, ppiness of the heart, “a WE eo { I, tion, but a number of children were | ih, leaven of youth, the privilege of Krall ivieat Market Hono seen several nights after the time, | purity, the echo of innocence, the Indep stating they did not care. The chief | ;casure of the humble, the wealth 571.50 A YEAR Soy 1 rag i i e | - | barge ss after notifying them legally, | of the poor, the bead of the cup of | 21.2 i5c A COPY | Been wis arrest them if caught. | pleasure; it dispels dejection, banish in Mechanics Magazing | Mille : taymond Boremar, son of Micheal es blues and mangles melancholy; 6 No. Michigan Ave., CHICAGO Miller 3oreman of this place, who for the ¢,, it foe ar ow or Aeant re. -— EE een past several years has been employ- 4 us os ey WS, ihe destroy , 1 always have on hand anythiu _— RENE piey- | of depression, the enemy of the 1 t ¥ a ed in Detroit, Michigan, came home | oyjef. it is what kings envy peas- te Tine of Smal Men go, vesterday, having been injured in a | Fes Bote at : ey ! C y : ro Sologas, Dil) Beer, la) Bo Neve : yr : | ants, rats envy the poo ne 5 8 » ye aske hi i fer) 2 ? % s1so Fresh Beef, Veal Pork § 3 basket ball game while playing | cuit; envy the innocent; it's the Erupues Rock anore - : or North the city league, which is the best | heen o iv SODA WATERS Mutton, Prices always right. Co. a that oi apd fount Bbraniin 3c) Sheen on the silver of smiles, the oo re oy 3500. LARGEST VARIEWY Penne ry yi {ripple on the water's delight; the Ea H. H. KRALL Rest e city, and young Boreman iS|.jint of the gold . wi Mor : S| glint of the gold of gladness; with NHITTEMORE: Resse pomsidsted Rel lagen player. His | out it humor would be dumb, wit are West din Se UNT JOY, P Reinh ft an r 2 & Gir as : | " | § njured. e expects {0 | near” and smiles would shrivel, for ty al sell Telephrne sh remain here for several weeks [+p (RET I bi B Asin ¢ : aw ’ [it’s a glow of a clean conscience, jieL cK shoes = Shelly Jenjamin rowe reler, | 3 = = y , en) foi oe Prom, 1 he Exerr | the voice of a pure soul, the birth SOFTEN Sere has igsposed of his business to hit iv Nf ft 1 ETL i i a pp ET of. West Vitine wie ov | 3 Of purth, the swansong of sad DSLRVES| POEOOEEORROY Smelt : : | nese. i THER i a Stri sumed charge today. The new jeweler | n on ; Wears Al 78 Pr yd to serve rick ig de x « od v. Ti ® pe , : olor} SY 3RING YOUR BEST GIRL TO THE! Cornel 3g Oar A Wy DA ary i Simon $s a graduate in the profession > | | Hil Pag 3 Eat ed. considerable’ exne tei a The Frankly Jealous Editor L LUSTRE |, wel Band J ! Pure Joe 148 ha lera » experience anf | ELE 3 oe | The new electric si t } opro comes highly recommended. Mr. Pro-| e new electric sign in the front fp Fil “GILT EDGE,” the only ladics’ eloe dressing that | Spring ‘choc! well was a resident. of Marietta. five vindow of a certain county bank is § b positively contains Oil, Blacks, Polishes and Pre. el ‘amp? vanvs an i lo ha not fr or foe od A | attracting considerable attention ul iLL rubbing, id aE CH GLOS oc. Water rexle Bi . and a 2 pot ided | The sion is equipped with a | “STAR” combination for cleaning and polishing all what he will engage in. { ia A Yalta . Ekindsof russet or tan shoes, 10c. “DANDY” size, 25C. TCS Dep! a aang { series ol letters s that any word- ——— “QUICK WHITE" (in liquid form with sponge) quicks k - | ing desired | may je used Last | Wysieans sod whllens reve Sg a iN ANY QUANTITY Vv TC Sesibk : . * * cleans and whiten Ei pat why | Adjudications Filed ! week it was gaving. “Taxes now due, x IT SUEDE, and CANVAS Suors. ens round white caked Moderate Charges jon rer . ; ) nge, It hand. i Adjudication were filed in these pav at this bank” We are thinking fl i! ir{ fi [ § } a Yo Ps th J he Don’t fail to see ns before estates: | of borrowing it ana putting tm the | NIFH] ll | ; Jiguun desios dren ne peep ths Kind vow ant seid ng your oxder {HIS Year 2 . i es: | rice in stamps for full size package, charges paid, ~Y Catharine B. Smith, West Hemp-: words. “Su}fscription now due, pay | | lt | WHITTEMORE BROS. & CO., ©) ! N. Stauffer & field,” $6,63056: Mary A. Nissley | at this offide.” uu | 20:26 Albany Street, Cambridge, Mags, QU . fi al Donegal, $2,942.30, | a | Vou WiLL BOTH £ : aa Txe Oldest and Lares STERN ucluvers of on Mount Jo v. Penna. A te aia—— uv v - 1 & Barrvvilp. Mifflin county, pays | y . | #rBest paper ‘un town--Bulletin |only 12 celts a dozen for eggs. EVENING BET | Subscribe for the Mt. Joy bulletin.