PAGE SEVEN THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA. EF — Disadvantages of Valve=in-The-Head Motor have been pointed out to you by every automobile dealer ever gince we started to sel] Buick value-in-the-head automobiles in 1905. Now that quite a few of our competitors are selling valve-in-the-head motors we presume they will still continue to tel] you the same story. They must do so or admit they are members of the ‘“Anna- nias Club.” Although some of the cars they sell have immitations of the Buick valve-in-the-head motor in them and they will tell you they are “just as good” as a Buick yet they are not a real valve-in-the head motor. If this is correct, why buy an imitation? They nor we at any time ever advised you to buy an imitation valve-in-the- head motor (except since they offer them for sale.) They and our- selves were correct in giving you this advice and we again advise you by all means to accept it as true because All Automobile Dealers Told You So We say to you as we have alway said and we are backed up by the largest automobile factory in the world today in making the statement that the “Buick Overhead Valve Motor is guaranteed to develop more power and to give inore mileage per gallon of gaso- line than any other motor of its size, either American or foreign 1 rr ETL oe Farmers VERY VALUABLE FOR THL FARMERS Have Coop Handy—When to Prune Your Trees—Good Roads and Pros- perity—The Kind of Cow to Buy— Moldy Food Dangerous—Good Wa- ter It is well to have a single coop {hanging in the breeding pen into which you can put the male for (extra good feeding, as many males | will not get enough to eat unless fed | separately. It is also a good plan to {have such a coop when you are mak- Jing close matings—one male to two jor three females. In such cases | keep the male shut up each day | except for a little while. There is a lot of truth in the old {saying that one should prune when {the knife is harp. Spring is the {best time for pruning, as at that [time the wounds heal up most quick- ly. If the trees are making excessive | 8Towth a pruning early in July in | good, as there is not likely to be any |new growth starting as the results |of cutting out the old. There is also little danger of recurring growth if Column | INFORMATION | Wednesday, April 14, 19 MONEY PENNSYLV ANIA DUTCH. CORN BIG CROP I ' What Shwilkey Bumblesock' Has To 5 This Week, Statement of Farm Bureau Agent Shows Its Great Value ( | | | { | | The corn crop still continues tp be not / but of t Says F.S the { Lancaster | County We are prone! to place a comparatively large inflated relative value on the tobacco | crop and a proportionately small one | on the corn crop because the former! is marketed directly for cash the latter in the form of milk, beef, pork, horse, labor, ete, vear the county farms will credit | the corn crops with many times the profit such profits may not be as desirable as they might be expected | in either case. Again, an acre plant- | agricultural asset county or County as well, agent of Farm Bureau. the chief only of the the state,, Lancaster Bucher, and | and eggs, | This | wien GANE FISHA the country, it will doubtless permit | grundt shteckt in sime hofe, gate aer d corn will ordinarily e ’ ‘ : f ed to 7 : 3 prod tos Well buva, moria sin de trout | more 1gestible nutrients, re rea 3 Te dig Tao : , | frey un won unser kalkalashun net food value than any crop which is | : 3 . ’ letz gate well mer amole gay fisha. run in the rotation. | Mer hen en guty gang—der Jeck, Yield Above Average {der Tom (der Katunzy maenich) un If the reports of the Bureau of | ich—dry fonera sot net recht? Statistics are correct, they show Der Tom is shunt de letshta pore that while the Lancaster corn yield | wucha on warem sucha un olly is above the average of the state, or | mole des aen si kup wuvich der A feather duster] WALL PA will lay1i inthe e spring Retail at Wholesale Prices oh A GREAT SAVING m 0 n t hs w h en Every Grade from 4c up to the finest eggs are cheap. made by American and foreign factories PARK & POLLARD. . DRY-MASH We show the largest line of patterns in Lancaster HANDSOME FLUF RUGS WOVEN OUT OF YOUR OLD CARPETS GET CIRCULAR LAY OR = BUST NOV Contains the right feed — { mixed right. Brings eggs at lowest cost. Less than half the labor to care for hens money back —if you want it. Don’t delay, get started now and have eggs —plenty of them —right along. Ask us for the Park & Pollard Year Book and learn all about this wonderful feed. | Wholesale Distributors [ BRANDT, and STEAMAN LL MOUNT 40, Pa 2 Expert paper hangers. promptly. If you prefer to hang them we trim them and supply paste free. Martin Wall Paper Co. 18 8. Prince St. LANCASTER, PA. Next to Stevens House Bell phone 536W Ind phone 58 66 FOR SALE PURCHASE OR EXCHANGE | ANYTHING Whatoo vor YOU TO SELL? Work done | Your YOU WANT TO BUY? ¢ A I | of much improvement. Some will | eme noch ve en omshel de aershta | make. just the water sprouts are cut out |,reye that if two ears are grown|ols dut im freeyore. Doe der onner | HOT Cc Ni | Ou g now. where one grew before, more labor |dawk hut aer aen uf de sitzose | | le Trade Association Show 0 A ; , lies 2 : ? . ? [ B= in arse! o> a Be a ay Aim is ral © pet Pov Wren heving cows, don’t buy any will be required in the production |gfona. Aer hut en in der sock ga- | East Main Street |SAVES YOU TIME AND EXPENSE " e Hiemeng 0 2 a id > 2 le thing that won't sell well again In | prices will decrease, and profits a 9 shteckt un hut ene gonse fergessa | MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Si on Sava ms y Ral Se en gh 2 jn sas you should want to do so, The | the whole will be less. If the crop | kot, ‘Gly mole shieckt aer si hont im | WRITE FOR INFORMATION at any time and we will give yi p by vest demand is for grade cows of | were marketed as a cash crop there | sock un hut epas laventich gshpeert. | Restaurant and Lunch Bar gasoline engine authority in the Unied States) that will interest the leading breeds, and if a cow of | 1 truth in th orl hon g rec { might be some u nD the argu-| De no shpringt aer grawt hame un | OYSTERS IN ANY STYLE and surprise wou, the characteristic color markings for t, but when fed to animals it is f y : | her breed, she i iy sainbie, Other 3 S Jt 5inemi de ‘husss on. Vu, wep ous | CLAMS IN ANY STYLE K t S ; Gd breed, he is easily Sa le. on { nothing more than economy in the | ofonny hut was lets war huts ene | DEVIL CRABS | €ysS one €rvice ; Sours 2 sell a cow on the ip | price of raw material, which means | solver glechert Olly moria gate aer TURTLE SOUPS | ; 8 > o oe Hise it Dad fair to that the manufactured product, the | puner on de kreamery fer dicky | Infact everything in season. Private hw n he buy oY et t em with color com- |peef, the pork, and the eggs can be milich fer de warem feetera, | Dining Room for Ladies LANCASTER, PA. m bined with production, The chances 1d at the same price with increased | x " 1 = are, however, that once you have a ' Noi 2 : D Der Jeck, daer hut uf koars nix | om BEC = are, however, that ey re : i | i J profits. Looking at the corn crop in des duvock by laega fer in sj olty | YW. M = nice looking cow that is a persistent | {his 1icht, it ig evident what general | > 3 y CE 5) 19, " > Innis. Start Your Ford . 230-238 WEST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PENNA, w a > is light, 8 at shtinkicha pife shmoka. Mer wara | PROPRIETOR . = milker you will not be tempted to corn improvement would mean to ole letshis 0 fic { BW par: with 1 % Hort | | amole etshta summer drous fisha un t F . oo with her, no Boge ow shor | Lancaster County generally. der Jeck hut so arick gshmokt des ! Do Not Grine rom The Seat : i money you may be. bo Soaad neh As entich | Not tary | Selling Buick Valve-in-the- head motors since 1905 MY here th no Tani Sst sol fos The Cost Per Acré age Snam i 2: date Taveniiek} We have a pleasant lusative that will | With a - . . : ! Fiennes iG abhor atorinls nna. Mer hen ene in de grick | > just what you wale it to «ao i tend to prosperity to the farmers Figuring time, labor, materials, © J . 0 - y : eshmis: 3 ors ¢ { Buick Cars are sold bv Steve Ulrich, ® Who live on them. Their teams ara etc. It costs about 15 to 20¢ per gere| SSIISA un Gu hetsht enc haera sel. exall Graeniics, | Elizabethtown, Penna. not worn out with the effort to pull to test seed corn for an acre. This | la vu aer rous susiote 1t is. Es TT ore ~ Xe | ® a light load over a bad road, for consists merely of germinating about | &ersht es aer tzawt hut war: “Vu re never set better rem O11 cl they easily take a large one to mar | Six grains from different parts of | 18 my pife? bowels. S oy y by u ) turns the crank a complete revolu- ket and save not only the strength each ear in sand, sawdust or wet Now my leva freindt, won dere E. Ww. Garber. | tion over the compressions-past two By Sa Fs ~ |of the team and wear of the wagon, | cloth, The only real care to exer |fishas laesa vella, fergess my brief —— |ignitions points. New 1915 price Are You Undecided but what is of more importance still, | cise is to mark each ear so that it| net necksht wuch. SHAVING HAIR CUTTING $1400, also starters for Maxwells and the time of the owner. He gets his | can be identified when wanted. Only | Shwilkey Bumblesock Saxong for sale by. § J ’ where to buy your bill of Lummber? product to market more cheaply and Such ears should be retained for | ne J. B. HERSHEY S WwW ] WwW ] If so, all you have to do is to look that item alone tends to more pros- seed, as will throw six Strone | A girl with a dimple will laugh at Tonsorial Parlor [ a ter € erity Then, too the value of his sprouts. Weak spronts or dead grains , ine « ¢ SQV i 31 the ‘prices We ate" quoting tor pe 7 hen, he v3 e of 1} a ono wih i | anything a man says. : Blacksmith and ‘Horsg land is increased by the fact that it always means weak stalks and de | > — Three Chairs. No Waiting FLORIN, PENN : is on a well made and well-kept creased yield. Thig is a simple | phe path to success is paved with Agent for tt! Middletown Steam | ’ HIGH GRADE LUMBER a ha Sa : HeTetion ond. din enslile lone b : : road, for the heaviest tax a farmer eration and can easily be done by | good entions that were never car-, laundry. Goods called for Tuesday as well verythin is included P2Vs is bad roads very farmer who really” desires im-| oq out, and delivered Friday. CHARLES ss. 1 as every g that is ud : . . : id ; ty It is dangerous to give molded or Dbrovement in hig crop. Returns will | ES — East Main St. MOUNT JOY AUCTIO in building, for interior or exterior <,,ilcq hay and other feeds to live y's tify the effort. One large Wi t"" ha ic ! 3 : : Vhen yallot s work i k stock, especially Trees Snueh feed landowner in t OT elt was : : \ work, from the Timber { mn your : ock, especially hore Such feed 'ando he : he com.) ya be four f g time for wus CHAS. H. ZELLE R Prompt Attentioy foundation to the Shingies on your 1S apt to cause *Knes and even 2 hey BRAT ’ ok an tha Read Wat coo? death. We have heard of instances! al nohns Y : ¢- peal Eaiate an Dox: where farmers have lost a numberof In hig § . as a Terms Moderate Bel E. fod MOORE valuable animals from this ea rg :0mMmon experience at some > : E Mount Joy ® ® Care should be exercised to see that airieties will yield better unde vy I or. sXale : } a V the ro : 3 on © a all feed is in good condition Aly a ¢ 1 t of conditions than sc d hav the ailing and Clerking of Public Sales Aq oo C 4 valese ea ——rrataler Jin Vii fe ih e requires a food tonic that rm 38/ ut up when tc lamp 1 ap” ; T tart in 0 0 et Settlement of Estates build up wasted tissue 3 wn corn t arbaft vario variety would p Collection of Rents 00 Olive Oil 0a 5 um DCL, frail dried. of n lisappointing to the m . Surveying and Conveyancing AKC. Emulsion P i ch im Y In St Per Veterang ntasning Hyp 2 FEED, HAY, STRAW, SLATE, SALT, CEMENT AND FERTILIZER ¥ Yo: ae 6. Wonk o b 1 te pen- S £ St which we larg t F 5 1 har Highest cs pri id for caus ted one m st t 8 ( Ww ho 00 Farmers to Buy n Ir 1arge stock of Feed constantly on 1d. Highes cash price paid : i Q61-6F of black muck corn E. W. Carber. grain . % % i. Will Under Te i the best in Ohio, II ris | Estimates of Lumber and Mill Work a Speciality it. in mers : Mond is o » at one-fifth to onet W. M. HOLLOWBUSH a es par’ ATS a cattle < corn ic \ M F Men NOTARY PUBLIC LO 1 N PE NN A. 1 t a 5 sata 10 this to sats 4d : 5 1 z tacto Risa itn Mamas ) eoiag Attorney-At-Law rtic ly a ’ month and those who ion. DTC us a card; 1 cost a 4 a Tih than two vears are to You only a cent, and we will send Mount Joy, E LOOOCOO0OCOO00000COCO00000000D0ONLOCCO000000 for fd MIleL cova sellom ai ¢ S : en nd those who served You & booklet that tells all about it , Monday and Fri r 8 from this cause ut young ca jo 3+ r to get 88 and shows Pictures of the corn at No. 52 North Duke Street. y 1 sp; 2 5 os : : sig 1 KE pa POL. W M k H hh B i 1 i §& are poisoned and little can 1 ) nik fields. € i d € omes cau nu 8 for them. It is the part of wisdom pe: De : G. 8. VOGLE I ® Ts fem. 4 U3 Bim at to or! Te eg | PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY 3. Yoo ——— to take precautions keep feeds . 5 2 ors : Is II tio r . C( One farmer would be qu ¢ n ‘mi THERE IS EVERYTHING AT THIS STORE TO MAKE YOUR known to be dangerous away from 10 wl the demo: 2 in- | Terminal Bldg, Norfolk Southern Ry, FLORIN, PENNA. HOME AS BEAUTIFUL AND COMFORTABLE AS POS- Spin s and give io on i This. man wobly cultivate. fhe cori S NORFOLK, VA. Jap sitentios given to calling vhich is good ¢ 8 ondi-; | : Ws | y 11 all kinds al es reonal SIBLE—A REAL HOME ¥ oh @n good ane. Sound) oon with his general crop and would re Luis Of Iva osaig =n4 be Hop, ceive all corn grown on the plots. In IO) | Property sales. Satisfaction guar With such an immence and complete stock of Furniture, Rugs, Good, clean water is an essential the fall all ty would be husked, | : - uo @m anteed or no charges, Give me a Carpets and other home-furnishing lines, with quality always a fac- necessary for the comfort and well .oivhed and moistate determined to | oo : B | | trial. Drop me a card. oct. 14-1yr. tor, with values supreme, with helpful service unparalleled, with being of the dairy herd. Spring or | got the weight of actual corn. A 7 soils at experiment 3 (0 : : = modern auto delivery. service, and With our $10,000 annual location well water, if good, is possibly the o Ee 1 me lere it failed, with those | = 2 ’ * py field day meeting would be arranged Sia have iF oun ‘$3 saving, is it any wonder we are so well qualified to make your best, but when there ig not a suffi- at ne tino \Sslstanos will Ie ime atlong where 1t succeed without = CONESTOGA TRACTION CO. wb fitiine J ; 9 lectent s i 26 a tg : lime, The fact is that corn is very a r— home-out-fitting unusually satisfactory? cient supply a good deep pond does furnished so that it will require no | ae in need of lime both Ws x Author of several Songs and = LANCASTER, ROHRERSTOWN, MT. : 3 igs Ia XOX. in ¥ ¥ mn a le, L I as ¢ gh Bo Sos ps: W > have an i extra time for the farmer on whose oa food and for developing the Marches. The German Musici = JOY AND ELIZABETHTOWN ¢ | cial pond which supplies our needsin ¢,.. “OTR is oTowW / § oa ? 5 y 1 DIVISION i irecti hi ; ppg 1aTm the corn is grown. At the end best possibilities of all the other an, offers his services to the s le uary Ww tern ereer A I & M S this direction, which is ordinarily of tne second year it could definitely ao va : fi] Schedule 1 gfiors January 1, io €S g 5 4 cy ’ YErs from twelve to fourteen feet deep be st ow hat ono. 0 : 0 Sartotics | plant foods, potash, phosphoric acid |= people in Lancaster Co., teach- Bs w SeigardLeave Lancameen £30, 5:18, | ’ | be shown wha oT 4 arieties tig : de Uses :15, 17:15, b ): 15 a. m.; ts : and nitrogen, added as mixed fertili- : =e 5 1:18, ¢ IR rer ® : ccol and clean, This pond was made |. a : ity on it 0 ing on almost an tring in- 5, L115, 8:15, 4:15, 5:15, si, 7:18, 125-131 Easi.King Street LANCASTER, PENNA. py building i A pt 1 [2ze ‘hom for die eommuniy. Then it zers. But it is best that corn lands do g : ys g 3:15, *9:45, 11:16 p. m. : utlding a dam across a NOUOW | pyrther improvements were desired it : ha struments, Piano, Organ and _Eastward—Leave Elizabethtown, bil, in the pasture forty-five feet wide at ; tnaivi not have too much lime, for its | :45, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45, 10:45, 11:45 a. m.; 1%:- e De 3 could be carried further individually. presence. it Yilieral Pipe Organ at reasonable prices 45, 3:45, 3:45, 4:4, 5:45, 6:5, 1:4, Bi DO0000000LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOODOOOOOOOON Furniture a Ro Sate 2 By Si Sat \ st 2E0 [ewill continue the furniture busi- A’ =a) BS | ness on the second floor of the Al it i} 1 = Sl A Engle Building, with a complete and ii i AY R . up-to-date line of all kinds of furni- ig {i he \ ON ture. Prices are very reasonable. ihe); \ \ XN When in need of furniture call and \\'K == \\ NE see me, DAARAN N AN Repairing and Painting a Specialty \ Special Attention Given to REMODLING ANTIQUE FURNITURE West Main St., MOUNT JOY, PA; Us Seed Potatocs HERE All Varieties at | Very Lowest Prices Write for Price List | KIENZLE, N W. .orner 2nd & Dock Streets PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Review. for three weeks. | vals, {leisure, and have a good old-fashion- (ed swim when we so desire. | winter we have a place to skate, at threshing time Tt took a lot of hard bethtown, the bottom and wide enough at the | |top soateam could be driven across, in Farmers’ says an Illinois writer A wall on the inside of the was constructed of two-inch white oak boards to from breaking the dam. is not over the dam, dam To accomplish this task three teams | and four or five men were kept busy | After the dam had | settled it was built up to the neces- | sary height twice at different inter- Here we row with a skiff at In the and place to get an ice for the icehouse. but the neighborhood has the privilege |of securing all the water they wish to use. When the wells go dry there is plenty there to fill the demand. labor and back- ache, but it hag given us twelve | years or more of service. a most excellent abundance of Not only this, a D. H. Blough’s Public Sale Saturday, April 24, D. H. Blough will sell at his stockyards in Eliza- 10 head of horses and colts, also a one, two and three-horse wagon, good as new; Root plow; pike harrow; new dump cart, and BE ens corn planter with fertilizer attachment; - quarry tools; 2% bush- els seed corn and other articies. Sale at 2 B. M. 1t keep the wash | If there is any farmer who should . ry bacterial desire such community variety tests activity unduly, and with he I B ill appreciate it, a wasteful consumption of humus | run, the Far ureau wi reciate he ! es th th es not necessary for corn growth. gu e matter wi im. : taking up If then a farmer limes his clover, 0 just the extent required for sweet The outlet| AGRICULTURAL NEWS BULLETIN |ening the soil, the latter will still but on the side. ! contain enough lime general ff Soil for the Next Corn Crop speaking for the needs of the corn, when it is reached in a rotation that | Seedings of corn are not nearly so |is not too long. But, he can only be easily affected by acid water, than |safe on this point by having the corn |are those of wheat and especially |land tested. The agent for lime can clover and the legumes. It is a mat- | have a test made by the Lime Ser- ter of extensive observation that |vice Bureau at Washington telling if corn grows well on much land that |a sample of soil submitted for the | is imperatively in need of sweeten-| purpose is sweet or sour, and if sour, ing for properly growing wheat and 'if ijt still contains enough lime for | producing any of the nitrogen fixing |corn. Where this is not the case. crops. From these circumstances, |the soil must have lime in right | there is a wide belief among farmers | amount with the other fertilizers. | that corn land needs no lime. This |The increase. in the extended Ohio | belief is confirmed by official bul- | experiments, both with and without letins which class Indian corn among | fertilizers in all possible combina- “plants but little benefited by lim- | tions, and for six year averages, was ing.” The observations upon which |ten to twelve bushels per acre. Farm- their belief is based are perfectly inc is a business that is full of | correct and can hoth be seen, at the | chances and uncertainties. But, a| number of these can be overcome if amount furthers | 11:16 p. m.; 12:30 a. m. ‘Additional car daily except Sunday leaves Mount Joy at 6:16 a. m., arriving —tuning pianos and repair; organs and pipe organs a at Lancaster at 7:16 a. mn. | = Saturdays cars every half hour icav- | m specialty. ing Lancaster from 6:15 a. m., to 7:16 N IB | E ilcaving Mount 8:15 p. m. i Saturdayg a car will leave Lancas- Joy from 7:15 a. ma: ter at 9:16 aad 10:16 p. m.; leave Hilima- = Mount Joy, Pa. bethtown ,at 10:46 and 11:4 p. m, | Sundays, cars every half fh May Jo Nov. 1, leaving Lancaster) | 0 from’ 7:15 a. m. to 11:15 a. m. and 3:18 p..“n. to 7:16 p. m.; leave Mount Joy, from 8:4 a. m., 12:16 p. m. and 4:15 SPECIAL TO WOMEN 725, 5 v4 Syery halt hour May 1, Che most economical, cleansing pad rarmici i i Mount Joy from 35 p. m. to 8:18 Pp. m. germicidal of all antiseptics is AY fir Tava pr caster 2 ; ; 6:16 a. m.; leaves Elizabethtown 7:8 &. re Daily except Saturday. A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches in treating catarrh, inflammation or ilceration of nose, throat, and that raused by feminine ills it has no equal ten years the Lydia E. Pinkham ledicine Co.has recommended Paxtine | their private correspondence with ymen, which proves its superiority. ymen who have been cured say For a Good Clean Shave Or a Classy Hair Cut : Stop at H.J. WILLIAMS TONSORIAL PARLORS Mount Joy or Ww. Main St. proper season, in many sections and is “worth its weight in gold.” At Agent for Manhattan Laundry confirmed in records of experiments the farmer seeg to it, that he learns ggists. b0c. large box, or by mail | - by several State colleges. And vet, it about his own soil what is already Paxton Toilet Co. Boston, Mase gibt is a misconception hat has caused known about soils in general. The | / farmers a great loss lime manufacturers are giving every | Yes—Many People | What Is 4 the o Best Remedy For In all cases where corn thrives on ajq to this end as far as their com-| have told us the same story—distress Constipation? a sour soil, that soil contains an modity is concerned. The farmer | after eating, gases, heartburn. A Thisis a question asked us many times Ar REY CARE hE Hea inten x 4 > A a i exall Dyspepsia each day. The answer is appreciable amount of me, derived must. however, supply a fair average either from limestone hy which it is sample of his soils with which to Rexall Tablet underlain or from decomposing find out their lime need. Karl Lang-| before and after each meal will rglieve te guaranteg minerals rich in lime, which is thus enbeck, Lime Service Bureau, Wash.| YOu. Sold only by us—25c. 0. So) being added in sufficient amount to ington. ! i E. W. Garber. }