The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 07, 1915, Image 3

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To the Merit of Lydia E. Pink.
ham’s Vegetable Com-
» pound during Change
of Life,

Westbrook, Me. — “I was passing
through the Change of Life 1 had
ToT] pains in my back
and side and was so
weak I could hardly
do my housework.
I have taken Lydia
il E. Pinkham’s Vege-
| table Compound and
it has done me a lot
of good. I will re-
commend your med-
icine to my friends
and give you permis-
sion to publish my
testimonial.”” — Mrs. LAWRENCE MAR-
TIN, 12 King St., Westbrook, Maine.
Manston, Wis. — ““ At the Change of
Life I suffered with pains in my back
and loins until I could not stand. I also
had night-sweats so that the sheets
would be wet. I tried other medicine
but got no relief. After taking one bot-
tle of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound I began to improve and I
continued its use for six months. The
pains left me, the night-sweats and hot
flashes grew less, and in one year I was
a different woman. I know I have to
thank you for my continued good health
ever since.”” — Mrs. M. J. BROWNELL,
Manston, Wis.
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, is unparalleled in such cases.
If you want special adviee write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi-
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered ny a
woman, and held in strict confidence.
Home Health Club
Chicago, Ill.



Sy Dr, David H. Reeder,

How Disease Travels: The follow-
ing article taken from the well
known little magazine, “Our Tuber-
cular Chitdren,” is the position taken
by nearly all medical men that have
been through medical colleges in
recent years, but in time the entire
protession will teach the fact that
without there is a suitable soil in
the person, no germ can ever live ol
propagate and or that reason we are
i alive, Undoubtedly the germs are
in food, fingers and flies, but if we
Keep ciean there wont pe SO many
01 them and they can ado 1s 110 narm.
and our Safety lies in temperance, sunshine
ment in- and pure air.
B” I'here are 11 principal
which disease ger are carried
pe son to person; and these
ways may be easily remembered by
catch words—Food, Finge1


and 1
whe em (
SE ) y n 1
part in the spread o di
ag typhoid fever, A certain kind of
mosquito S 1dlaria, and this,
too. is impo certain districts
In tropical countries a whole host of
diseases is carried by insects.”
A fp AQ
Appointed County Controller
Governor Brumbaugh sent to the
Senate on Tuesday. the nomination
of Enos BE. Mowrer ag Controller of
Lancaster county, to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of N. Franklin
Hall, Esq.. namely, until] next Janu-
ary. A Controller for the full four-
year term will be chosen at the elec-
tion next November.
Bring Results—Try it
for ghe Mt. Joy Bulletin. |

43 10 35 TESTIFY)

| One Small Sailing Boat Carries Most
of the Passengers and Freight,
| “Many false and foolish reports
about the Dead Sea—that strange and
Interesting lake—have been circulat-
| ed,” said Abraham S. Abraams, of
Jerusalem and London, who is on a
tour of the United States.
“Much has appeared from time to
time in papers and periodicals about
steamboats navigating the Dead Sea,”
continued the banker. “This too is
a fabrication. The only boat on the
Dead Sea is a small sailing boat
about twenty feei long.
| “This vessel makes rips as the
{ wind allows from the north end. of
the sea to the bay on the eastern
side of the tongue that divides the
water near the middle. At this ter-
minus some Jews are located. The
whole concern is, in fact, in the
hands of Jews, who, at a low rate,
buy wheat and barley from the Arabs
to be delivered on the seashore.
From there it is shipped to the Jeri-
cho side and carried on donkeys to
Jerusalem, where it finds ready sale |
at a good price.
“When adverse winds blow the lit-
tle craft is in danger of being swamp
ed, for the so-called Dead Sea be-
comes a living mass of waves. No!
long ago I spent four nights such as
never will be forgotten on these wat: |
ers, and the smartness of the old
man at the helm and his boy with the
sails saved us from being wrecked
again and again. A charge of one
mejedie, which is about 80 cents a
trip, is made for each passenger, and
for a unique voyage it is not exorbi
There is some talk about a small
stream tug being put on the sea, pu!
the authorities are loath to grant
permission. It will be a great boor
when it does arrive, as it will bring
the east and sides of Jordan
nearer to each other for communica
tion and trading purposes.

Electricity Not So Dangerous As Is
Generally “yaought.
Simply because Benjamin
associated electricity with
and that most people are more or less


afraid of lightning, electricity
lieved to be a dangerous factor in
fire hazards. This is not true, for
it has been proven time and again
that electricity causes less fires than
a number of other things about the
house or office
Last year nearly fiv: thousand fires
y reported in the city of Chica-
A careful record was kept of the
of these fires and the result
showed that only about one per cent.
could i to electricity. Only
one fire used by lightning and
thirty-seven by electric wires. Of
course causes of most of these
fires were unknown, but the careless
use of atches sed 164 fires in
135 days: stoves, chimneys and flues
caused over three hundred: fifty-two
were incendiary; spontaneous com-
bustion ised 51; gasoline, 46;
g rpipes. 43; explosion of
gas, 38; gas oil lamps, 35.
Women Lawyers


ited States.
ver given to a
on by Miss
x0 attorney,
ury xibbon’s court
a verdict. for 00. The
S ag the he of the
Bross former lieutenant-
f T1linc whor SS



Big Fire at
White Oak

- YY " R °
Upper End Hamlet Almost Wiped Out
> 2 MA
Lose $15,000 |
I'he litt hamlet of White Oak, fiercely or inger's
stled sn in the hills of Penn mill. w W | by Morris H
( ip, about three miles north of ge I'he fi is supposed to have
Manheim, was Monday afternoon, been start parks from a steam
visited by the most destructive fire was being operated
its history, which threatened to alongside he Ho g mill.
vipe out the entire place. The loss 1 1 f Elias Galbreth, more
will probably reach $15,000, At a th: L qu ile from the
late hour last night, the ruins of scene of destiuc fire, but
five buildings were still smouldering. \ 1fulnesg « occupants
No one was injured. saved e building. A few buckets of
The properties destroyed were Hol- water put out the hiaze, which start-
linger’'s grist mill, saw mill and ed on the roof, where large glowing
stable; the village's electric light embe's had heen carried by the wind.
plant, and William Greeny's tobacco If the wind would have veered. the
(shed, formerly an ice house, large entire village of White Oak would
barn and pig sty. All the live stock have been razed to the ground.
wags saved. All the buildings and their con-
The burning out of the electric tents, destroyed by the fire were part-
light plant, which was on the Hol- ly insured. The Hollinger mill,
linger property, plunged White Oak where the fire originated. was burned
into darkness during the night, The just 70 vears ago. All night. a vigi-
| fire wag discovered shortly after 1 lance guard watched the ruins. to
o'clock in the afternoon. burning
prevent another possible outbreak.

Tale of the Dollar Bil}

ole :
se pd
ole :
’ .
iy i Be
oh 2
oe 5, 2
HROUGH careful inspection and compari-
son you can easily appreciate thatthe diff-
SeoTooRecRooBoolocte odes ooRootontin o Fo oko oTooTo ote o Te oToo Te olor o o%o oo oo oTo ole Fe a¥e aPe a¥e abo a0 Pa Bs Be Bo os 8 Fe a8. 9. 00 0D 0
EE EE a a TE TE TR Lo a ana a ve angen ja nian anfavione


Chicago women split “Votes.” Al-
| | “
Iways want to do the same as the “A farmer went to town, to spend erence between THE DONOVAN CLOTH-
men, whatever happens. | Some of his hard earned dough, & ING” and the ordinary kind sold elsewhere, is
$s 8 9 And in a merry jest, and just .
Sl : rice--but also of work-
In future dime novels, the sub-! To show his printing skill, not alone a matter of p .
marine will doubtless be referred to He printed his initials on manship, fabric, quality and everything that
as a lowdown rakish’ craft. A brand new dollar bill. contributes to clothes perfection.
BE He spent that dollar that same day,
Now the Uruguayan treaty has Down in the village store, Try on some of our New Spring 1915,
been signed, niversal )sychological He g ‘twas gone forever then, . .
igen mand, ave i; ® Weushi twos gone forever Heh Suit models. You will get a new angle on
peace is practically a cinch. And he'd see it no more. oo rh /
ss ss + But long before the year rolled by 3% good clothes-- abetter opinion of us and most /
Italy seems bent on a revival of Ope day he went to fill I likely of yourself--for every man likes to see f~.
the Old fashioned game of “Lemon, A neighbor's order, and 1eceived 3 . . : g
lemon, who gets the lemon? That same one dollar bill! + himself at his best, and owes himself that ad- f
$3.88 Once more he spent that dollar bill % vantage. ¥
Roger Sullivan may not so much In his own neighborhood, EY
desire fo be the power behind the ywhere it would do himself and friend wo ° )
hove 2% the power beliing the ove The most amount of good. 3 If Your Price Is i0 %
thrown Four timeg in two years it came back %
+ = = ® 3 The & i hiet 3 ao 1 du e a VO t that
As some bad pennies will; og For which uw a cood dura i h
War food orders probably account ang each time he’d go out and spend x ill 1 arde [ ays S
( the amount of starch that This marked one dollar bill, 3 core of m S h
es the aking of official war Had he been wise that dollar might 2 d the ¢ e blue se ¢ We OV ¢ ¢ 0 eq
letins Be in his town today, 3 La S ONC S
* * * * ole
] But just two vears ago 3 ! 0 1
OF Inga He sent it far away. 2 where Yor Beal) Ye
it pease The people who received it then 5
3! e 2 population of WOO | ¥ Zrow have got it still * EELS
HUA For ’twas to a Mail Order House x pot WwW Sl
s ‘3s * @» | Rtn. fn v
> 2a i3 : i & y : y SA
I'he Sheriff of New York County Ho sens is dolar pul a At $1 J Y € ind 1I0W
a Cri : A ’ No more will that marked dollar oe
Ne Yo 8: aggre Come into the farmer’s hands. 3 I S nt
. Pi Yu yea them +3 And nevermore will help to pay 3 1
nippy days The taxes on his lands, 5 Do
* * * ® o oe
3 He put it where it never can oo xy 1
Ss Dosuio fleets approach the ba Its work of life fulfill: 4 ster (
elle 1 I¢ least hag the :
lelies, Ab Hamil eas: nag He brought about the living death % 0 Spe I i
melancholy priv ¢ of saying Of + $1 a . : ‘
f that one dollar bill. 2p e IX S 1
a 0 SO oe
” : Summer Resort is Sold | bi
He! ona ois Norman T. Pickle of Marietta, has *% = =
® s 00a Of purchased at private erms the Acco jo)
ne a & 20] ot wil IW n
me mac summer resort from Leonard 3 a J Hh
; Hasty Walle st, who lived there for X v
; ; to Marietta to % yagK
Saat : has begun 4% 1
> ts 1e place, 3. S i
ing floor and *%


Wednesday, Lot 7, 1916.

Are The Three Great Characteristic of The
They Are Three of The Reasons Why You Can't Pull a
Donovan Customer Elsewhere.

£iediebdeieblleinloulenlulng ddd ddde dd ded db dodfoleodferioct sfecdeciododfosiodocfofodlsofsofests sforfocte foofectertocfosforostosfociodecfosfosfecfocfocfooiforfedforfordests

2.. 8.9.0 8.0.0 00000 es 80.

L200 a0 0
Te an
Soeecteoteoteelectectorteatoctoctoatontontoct 8. 8. 8 8 2 6.8 8

i J i i a a a a J a
Tooter Peed,
ger eegeey
Soabecbosdootoateabonte 0: a ab a: 1b. hb,
BORER RRR RT ie pee oe ofee


WRN pein vierieefeshecks
To os ibalioeleslesteoloctestootoete ots sBoetecTonte ate ce oe oe afe ae 8.
20 AAR
Freie vieefeek
Poste alast.

Sea Ww Lt obtain nourish 3
ment f at ttom of ! § ERY 3 >
the sea, but from the matter con- 1 rs You NOTHING. ASK IT. ; 3
tain 1 Sea k i re — ET ————————————————] |
a Ha J 2 g % we
‘ . 3 = 3 5 = ge
A book da i ns a de- * 9 9 % oe - a ob
scription and illustration of a foun- hi MO IN i &
T Ll " oe
tain pen. A PI Tr )t go oe
Gaga 2 DO € a M 3 3
y ae. 2 rt + s Swonther wav TP " 3 i nce of wh 2 f *
God is a discovery, not an inven-!'W her may 1 0p « 1 BBY | 1 Notice is herehv oi 5 Xa + | &
tion 0 1 eckoned itl Ss a sel ray Cit r ¥ i
L % i i
ym e—— itiona yroblem te our a 1 5 A 3:
The keynote of Christianity is es a & g the Peace, the Corons i i 2s %
woger, not words. mn es of said City and Cour i +
er el ee When Russia decided to prohibit Lancaster, that they be the t § A
. QO J ay . i 33% 5 nol there i t ir 1 roper Yer He
China cannot be expevted to show | the use of vodka, i put enough a 2 air ow! Rr 3 | Vill; al T
as g Tey : ‘ itv behind the idea +t iemon- : *elr rolls, records and ex necessnrs t i119 . 8 d F . & { h *
any appreciation of Japan’s willing- authority nind the idea to demon y ations. and 3 nicitions ans Succ SSOr's io W 111g MSons an oster 0C ran hb
3 I f i : ations, and nquisitions, ar 3
ness to step in and assist in tfie Strate that a pledge is not neces-|their other rememberances, to d 3
establishment of a new form of S2rily a mere “scrap of paper.” hose things which to their offices > o 4
‘ appertain in their behalf to be done :
Government. A + =e ee ad ws i
x men and also those who will prosecute 8: mn 9 Ca € ’ . 3
nee ee eee + | aina 5 >
Prosperity at Conewago {against the prisoners who are or ther : *
: a pm - M > » Q 4 » »
It will be fortunate if the negotia-| Building operations have been | Shall be. { in the jail of the sai 3
; | county s 4 dedeadredvederiridoadeodeidroboidrdeteiiooodododdsdidadaiidubbid thd Seeded aaa a
tions for altered ounty ol Lancaster, are to be ther | gg feofeofosteciofoeforforforordecfecfetocfooocfocionfofecfosfoeforiooforieodeoforferdu dvafeotnfeofonfoofortocooirodveiadrdreiodedodhad
fresh dissensions.
WIP eee

geographical lines, “boomed” at Conewago, by the plac:
after the war ig over, do not lead to ing in operation of another big stone|as shall be just.
{ erusher,
'to work, last week. New houses are|of
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletta being built for their accommodation |
and there to prosecuie against then

Dated at Lancaster, the 22nd day |
March, 1915.
MILTON EBY, Sheriff |
Fifty additional men went

‘lace Your Want Ads in the Mt Joy Bulleti