The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 17, 1915, Image 2

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m—— = v
Wednesday, March 17, 1915.

y / by the “dutchiffarmers” who spent
THE BULLETIN about $1,200 per mile, piking with
MOUNT JOY, PA. the same kind of stones, and oh!
Editor & Pro’r.| What a difference in the roads. How
——————— | we were wishing for a good strong
board wagon, without springs, and a
fast team, and the $16,000 per mile

Six MonthsS......... 50 Cents
Three Months 25 Cents men ag our guests. If we couldn't
Single Copies ..2 Cents have gotten a hurrah for the “dutch”
Sample Copies FREE out of them, it wouldn't have been
our fault,
The stork hag been visiting in our
Entered at the post i at Mount | community and left baby girl at the
Joy as second-class mail matter. Cs bra dacs a or So, Wy oles
All correspondents must have their homes of Mr. ang Mis Hiram Engle
e~munications reach this office nou|and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Keiser,
later than Monday. Telephone news Mrs. H. Carpenter and daughter
of importance between that me aud Ethel spent severa] days at Harris
12 o'clock noon Wednesday. an-|, Sass: 3 4 AR
3 irg, visiting fri 5 n elatives.
ges for adveriisments must positive-| siting friends and relat
ly reach this ofiice not later than George Huntzinger made a busi
Monday night. New advertisments ness trip to Tremont, Pa.
inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday, Rey. and Mrs. Joseph D. Krout
night. Advertising rates on applica | oq York
tion. gran :

Mrs. Mary Shell, of Hummelstown,
| Pa., spent several days visiting Mr.
|and Mrs, George Endslow,
"he Spelling Bee in the Maple Grovel Misses Maran and Laura Salve.
School Was a Success | man visited their parents, Mr, and
| Mrs. Jeffries Shireman.
The additions and improvements
being made at St. John's Lutheran
church are about completed and
everything is ready for the installa
tion of the new Moller pipe organ,
which is about ready to be shipped
from the builders at Hagerstown,
Miss Carrie D. Sonen, of Lancas
ter, visited her sister, Mrs. Vallie G
Roads. i a
Taylor and Long are still putting
up large quantities of tobacco at UPPER RAPHO
Christian Swarr of near Peters-
burg, looked in on former neighbors
on Monday.
Some of our village men attended
the Men's meeting at Lancaster, on
Sunday afternoon. |
Mr Philip Metzgar and wife spent
a day last week with Philip Metz
gar, Sr. and family.
The Levy warehouse is packing a
few thousand cases and the Kendig
warehouse ig also packing.
John Roland of Adams County,
spent a few days with former neigh-
bors and friends. Come again John.
There will be no preaching in the
M. E. Church on Sunday because the
Annua] Conference is in session at
Conference of the M. E, Church
begins on Wednesday at Norristown,
where the general exchange of
ministers can be expected.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Landisville,
Mr. and Mrs. Fornwalt of Lancaster
were Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Newcomer.
It looks as if the Monitor transfer
from Landisville to Lancaster city
will leave a set of commodious busi
ness buildings to our neighboring
village. |
Misses Mary and Ruth Weaver of Suearer is dangerously ill.
Lancaster, Anna Esta Graybill, Ada]
and Roy Eby of Petersburg, spent |
igh the home of Sam-
Saturday night at |took a sleigh ride on Sunday.
uel Eby. |
Messrs, Fraflk Weidman, John| Oliver Litch, who is sick wit
typhold fever, is slowly recovering.
Masethorn, with four other young

Dr. J. S. Kendig is stocking up his
Chiques farm.
Mrs. J. Z Kline attended a funeral
near Red Lion, York County on Mon-|
Miss Emma Strickler entertaineda
few friends from Lancaster, on Sun-
Quite a few of our people have |
been attending the revival at Cross
T. Spicklers.
last Tuesday.
baker last week.
caster Tuesday.
Alta and Viola,
Mr. and Mrs. Eliag Hollinger visit-
ed the former's brother, Allen at Mt.
Joy on Sunday,
into church fellowship,
linger families Sunday.
The horn penetrated the lip,

A —— ———
men started on Tuesday for a trip. |
expecting to get to California. Our
best wishes go with them.
It was with deep regret that we
took by the hand perhaps for the
last time Rev, C. B. Johnston of the
M. E. Church, Mount Joy and Rev.
Silas Drumm of Broad St. ChureR oo ost od Say.
Lancaster i
| len Hoffer jr.
The prayer meeting at
well attended.
Visslgysge warehouse | our town
er packing severa undred cases
hd shipping large es to Lan-
ppillg arse “ter, deceased.
ster. Mr. Nissley is w starting : 3
with a ¢ ave Mr, Martin Greiner and wife en-
h ¢ w hundred cases. :
er Ah : tertained on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs.
vl es Kendig writing Irom Fe
they have beer Amos Nissley, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron
ege a¥s 1ey Ne en,
: : Sauble, Mr. John Sauble and
ecently since Billy Sundays Abie ana Zong,
; . = Claude and Paul.
1gelist equally as

Sunday. Surely Dr. § S
president of State College has at
heart the best interests of his boys
and girls.
The Spelling Bee in the Maple
Grove Sct
of the
well fil

Strickler. He is sel

School house

.adies Aid


»d house. T

First c y
Weaver; A reading by Irvin
\g by Roy Eby; second
class tal t by Misg Martha Eby;
Short Play, An jour at School was
well rendered: Third class on Gen-
eraj Information, taught by Miss
Ethel Ste
young men, Each class was awarded
three prizes. A lot of homemade
candy was sold. which with the door
lagg taught

Sue Pfautz, Lottie Nissley.
man; S¢
a cn =


omph; Closing Song by
up and about the house,
moved to Elizabethtown Thursday.
receipts netted them some
S——— —
Henry Becker's Sundayed with J.
L. G. Becker delivered his tobacco
Mrs. Lehman helped Mrs. Bru-
Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Keener visited
with the latter's parents, near Lan-
Miss Bertha Patterson, of Fal-
mouth, is visiting with her sisters,
The Shearer meetings are con-
tinued. A large class was received
Rev. Ruhl and wife entertained
the B. G. Stauffer and Monroe Ho-
Abram, the son of Frank Halde-
man, was gored by a cow last week.
One man says that he shall have
a shoat for each week of the meet-
ing in payment for his services as
Much sickness prevails. Abram
Heigsey hag pneumonia, He is fortu-
nate in having good neighbors to do Weather permits.
his chores. Mrs. Henry Shearer has
|an attack of quincy. Miss Mamie
| Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Wolgemuth War prices. delivering it
| Mr. Frank Kulp and family were
Sunday visitors in the family of Al-
Koser's on Wednesday evening was
Miss Mabel Hengst wag visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. |2about April 1st.
| Mr, Ni i -
Lewis Kner Bag closed up at). r. Noah Greiner, of Masterson
ville, wag appointed supervisor, by
the court on Saturday, to fill the un-
expired term of the late John Hostet-
Anyone in need of lightning rods,
would do well by seeing Mr. Phares
1g the Moore
Brother’s copper rod and is highly
Miss Edith Strickler was greatly
d on Sunday, being her birth-
a number of her friends pay-
ing her a visit They were Misses
Emma and Elsie Sharp, Edna and
Orpha Kulp, Mary and Alice Kready,
Mrs, Benjamin Kaylor is convel
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sweigart
Miss Anna Shank and Miss Mabel ,; oi es.
Miss Duple of Richland, visited
her sister, Mrs. David Gibble, Satur-
day and Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Witmer and
daughter Vera spent Suhday visiting
the former's mother, Mrs. John
Witmer, near Manheim.
Mr. Wolfe, traveling agent for the
Miller Organ and Piano Co., Leban-
on, passed thru this section recently.
He has placed three instruments in
this neighborhood the past six
rr —————
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin
Mr, Ear] Heisey of Palmyra, was
the guest of his parents Mr. and
Mrs. Eli Heisey last Sunday.
Church of the Brethren held their
spring house cleaning one day last
week in their church at this place.
The continued services of evening
meetings at Cross Roads near Florin
were the center of attraction the
past few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schroll spent
last Sunday as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. James Berrier near Milton
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. King left for
Chicago, Il. last Monday evening

where they contemplate spending
{about 10 days.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Snyder and
Raymond Souders spent last Sunday
with the latters parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Ezra Souders.
Mr. Eli Heisey, who was suffering
| with blood poison is convalesing
rapidly being able to move around
the town with the aid of a cane.
Mr, and Mrs. Edward Rutt, the
Elizabethtown Florist were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Greiner on
Greider Avenue one day last week.
A. E. Groff, Supt. of the Hershey
Bro. Chocolate and Ice Cream factory
at Harrisburg, spent one day with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Groff |
last week.
E. H. Hersh, the Rheems practical
mechanic was summoned to Rowen- |
na one day last week to make an
estimate upon the repairs of a large
green house.
A large number from this place at-
tended the Mennonite Bible Reading
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Samue] Fry near Elizabethtown last
Thursday evening.
The John Kulp sale thus far has
the best record for prices of cattle.
Ordinary cows were sold for $150
per head. Rev. Daniel Eshleman
purchased one for $176.
The Landis Bros. are compelled to
put large teams to conveying their
stone meal to this station where
they load 7 cars per week if the
Mr, Eli Nissley, one of the Done-
gal farm Kings is not only prepared
|to buy and sell tobacco. He has
managed to fall in line with several
[thousand bushels of wheat for the
to the
Rheems warehouse the past week
p | With his four and six horse teams.
| E. E. Hernly disposed of his entire
stock and farming {implements last
week, March 12th. The day was a
| pleasant one attracting a large crowd
Abram and receiving good prices. Shoats
were sold as high as $12.50 per head.
| Mr. Hernly wil] retire, Mr. and Mrs.
|G. Greiner will be his successor
| Jacob Snyder hag unloaded the
second car of lumber for his large
modern barn on his Donegal farm
which Aaron Groff and his force of
skilled mechanics are engaged at
making necessary arrangements
about May 1. Joseph Risser the
Elizabethtown Concreter has put
down foundations for tobacco shed
and floor in corn barn.
en ln = mm
Mount Joy People Have Found That
This is Necessary

A cold, a str
A little cause may hurt the kidneys.
Spells of bucl > often follow.
Or some irreg ity of the urine.
, a sudden wrench.

A spler remedy for h attacks.
A > that has satisfied thou

is Doan’'s Kidney Pills
Thousands of people rely upon it.
Here is one case:
L. R. Carroll, Marietta, Pa., says:
“Several years ago 1 had a slight
trouble with my kidneys and I used
Doan’s Kidney Pills. They strength-
ened my kidneys and rid me of back-
Mr, George Dimeler is able to be ache. lam glad to recommend them.”
The above is not an isolated case.
Mr. Carroll is only one of many in
this vicinity who _ave gratefully en-
dorsed Doan’s. If your back aches—
thirty Miss Ada Shank was the guest of if your kidneys bother you, don’e
her cousin, Miss Gertie Shank, on simily ask for a kidney remedy—ask
distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pils,
the same that Mr. Carroil had. 5uc
Foster-Milburn Co. Props.
Lancaster called on Miss Pearl Kin- Buffalo, N. Y.
sey, Sunday.
Correspondent Enjoys a Ride Over
Misg Gertie Shank of
$16000 a Mile Road
Dr. Campbell of Philadelphia, visit. Gainor, Saturday.
ed friends in town. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs C. C
mounce the birth of a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Engle an-
pounce the birth of a daughter.
Mrs. George Shank Sunday.
Teachers’ meeting was held at the Charles Forwood on Thursday. fractions of the state automobile
Miss Edna Kavlor. Miss Laura laws, will be forced by the State
High School Satn day afternoon and
was well attended.
Mrs. Edward Hassler of Hummels-
town, visited her mother. Mrs, Ida g71t on Sunday,
Sprout. during rhe paet week.
Mr. Frank Neideigh of Rlaine. Per-
ry conntv. visited hig aunt.
E. Williams. Friday and Saturday.
Mr B PF Carder and twn cons
Bnavrely and Renjamin of Lampeter
viciteq Mr. and
on Snndav
We had the
over a read o
abone C18 NNN a
Wers soon on a
Good’s Church Friday.
Ar enn

leaanre of drivine Monday.

treteh of road built is recovering,
Grove, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ‘,
Mr. Harry Lancaster and Mrs. a
Keiser an- George Hummel, visited Mr. and
Gladfelter and Abraham Sweigart
visited Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Swe! ly reports to the department, of fines
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t
Chestnut simply asi for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that
Gillums recommends, Foster-
Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
el ———

Must Report Fines
Justices of the Peace and others
Rev. and Mrs. Seldomridge of who collect fines from autoists ar-
Klizabethtown visited Mr. and Mrs. rested for speeding and other in-
1 collected.
Bunyan Shaffer, Daniel 8. Kaylor, Many automobile owners contend
Ralph and George Charleston attend- that justices have held them up and
Mrs J. ed the sale of J. L. Ebersele near rather than be delayed they hava
paid the fines. They have Intimated
{that the justices have not paid to
the state its share. Up to the pres-
Mrs. David Garber Mr and Mrs. Samuel Fasnachr ent time there has been no check
made a business trip to Palmyra on On the justices.
1 —
| I
Mandar that cost Mr Nathan Zug, who was suffer. Subseribe for the Mt. Jovy Bulletin
Aa Continning we ing with a severe attack of quinsy.
Advertire in the Mt Jov Bulletin
We print all the news fit to print

that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta= |
ble Compound will help you,write
| entertained amcng friends at East] YOUNG McGINNIS
Highway Department to make month-

to Lydia E.Pinkham MedicineCo.
(confidential) Lynn,Mass., for ad=
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
MILTON GROVE There is absolutely nothing better
ers |for young chicks—ducks—turkeys or
High School, Commencement Will be seese than Chickseat. It forms blood,
| Here March 50 bone and muscle. Splendidly aids
Hid here | digestion and prevents diseases to
which young chicks are liable. Chick-
week visitor in this piace. seat ig no experiment. It has been
M. B. Hiestand of Mount Joy, cir-|tried and found to be just a food as
we say. Try a pack and be con-|

7 > : 3 : ” an
J. Y. Kline of Florin, was a mid- ca
ib A, i Yin
culated in thig piace, Luesday. 2
samuel L, Heisey transacted busi- vinced.
ness in Elizabethtown, Saturday.
The D. B. Forney sale attracted
ze ooo oe cine [HL S. Newcomer | Belle Mead
Bon Bons and Chocolates
were Wednesday and Thursday visit- | MOUNT JOY, PA,
ors at Lawn. |
Mr, and Mrs. A, H. Gingrich spent |
a few hours socially at the home of Bd O S¢ I N GG
A. H. Metzler, on Monday.
Services were held in the gvangel| MOUNT JOY HALL
ical church on Sunday evening, »” MOUNT Jovy, PA.
Rev. A. F. Diffenderfer.
Rev. J. S. Shumaker of Lebanon,
spent a few days as the guest of his Saturday Evening, Mar. 20
nephew, Christ Shumaker, |
Daniel Brubaker of near Eliza-| A GREAT SHOW
bethtown, was a mid-week visitor in Ladies Admitted Free
the home of S. A. Koser, WINDUP
Charles G. Hoffman was royally |

Petersburg. over the Sabbath, Of Lancaster. A classy boy
Miss Esther Young of Friiste YOUNG MORRIS
town, spent several days at
{ One of Columbia's best boys
home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Grosh.

The board of school controllers met |
in the High School building on Sat-|
urday and paid the teachers tBetr
sixth monthly salary.
The Mount Joy township Board of|
Supervisors met at Hotel Milton]
Grove Saturday and transacted busi- |
A fast boy of Lancaster



P= ”
Don’t offend her goo
taste by offering herany
but ti
confection t
an unappr
|] standard in purity, ex-
cellence and flavors.
ee ee rE EE NI TEA ESE
Not even coloring matters
are tolerated.
They are white—no tint,
no taint. The care used in
their manufacture is almost
counts for the abso-
lutely unique place
they hold in the
world’s repute, as
the purest and most
delicious confection


| . . . {
ness pertaining to their official duties. | Kid Smith XS. Kid Stone
We are glad to hear that Rev. C.| of Columbia
C. Speicher hag been appointed to
the Milton Grove and Conewago BATTLE ROYAL
charges of the Evangelical Church. | Between Four Good Colored Boys
The High School of this place, is Te {
preparing for commencement. which! Admission, 25, 35 and 50c |
will be held on Tuesday. March 30. Chart at Getz Bros., Wednesday, Mar. 17 |
The Baccalaureate ser will be aT Ir >
A0eAaNTonle Seymmm oO
delivered Sundav evening. March 28, = {
bv Rev. J. C. B. Manifold, of the I 1 d .
Hill Lutheran Church,
Pure white stones of good
of Lancaster

EE ——
State’s Raiiroads Killed Bigger Per
Centage Than a Year Ago
Figures compiled by the Bureau
of Accidents of the Public Service
Commission show that of the 563 Special attention
persons killed on the steam railroads
of the State in the last six months
of 1914, 344 were classed as tres-
passers. The total number of fatali-
ties was forty-five larger than the
record for the same period of the
previous year,
In the same period 146 employes
of railroads were killed and 3.971
injured. Eighty-four were killed by
being struck by trains and twenty-
three by fa, : or jumping from en-
gineg or cars.
Four passengers were Killed and
515 injured, as compared with eleven
killed and 600 injured in the same
period of 1913. .
Thirtv-nine persons were killed at
size, mounted in fourteen carat
Solid Gold Rings at
Also unusual values in Eight
Day Clocks from $3 up. :

= I == ;
Take Notice!
The Undersigned Wish to Inform the | prices.
Public that They are Prepared to deo
Practical Horse Shoeing
At Jno. Bombach’s Stand, Mt. Joy
All diseases of the feet promptly at
tended to. Your Work Solicited
General Blacksmiths and Horse-Shoers |
Krall Meat Market

Veal Pork and

@ = ns
(he. nhorotootad Frade Eroustnge: and : ® Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Ete.
eighty-seven injured. Twenty of = a Bite Fresh. Beef,
those Het were Tn. mitonioliles, ~] Uhr Prices always right.
wagons, sleighs or other vehicles. = - 2
Trae ere dort at cronil of e H. H. KRALL
ed crossings nneteen persons were a 0 . 011 Hh | hi est Main Street,
killed and sixty injured. # . MOUNT JOY,
——— Geer . (Near Bowman's Store) 8 | sell Telephone,
For Keener the Marble Dealer aM T B
Last week we printed 5.000 cards 8 OUNT JOY, PA. | .
on’ both sides and in colors for Mr. ¥ " La Pierre House
Jro. H. Keener. that hustling mar-
ble and granite dealer at Maytown.,
Mr. Keener ig preparing to take
care of a wonderfnl volume of busi- Usually only need a food tonic to make |
Foss this Soin. Heo fire One of. the them strong and healthy
largest and most modern plants in Rexall Olive Oil
this sectinn. entting nearly all his Emulsion
work from the rough,
eee eee Dee nee
Jos. F. Brandt, Propr.
Delicate Children Mount. Joy. Panna,
| where choice oysterg in every style,!
served. |
i containing Hypophosphites sandwiches, soups.
is not only the best food tonic butis [Drop In a+ any time.

pleasant to take. Sold only by us.
Subseribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | E. W. Garber.

of # r
LOSING HOPE Mr. and Mrs. G. B. McBride of # 3
[ Brooklyn, N. Y., are visiting Mr. and ' oO
[Mrs J. C. Smith, % \
1] | Misses Maria' Walk and Emma Sta | g ° \ - °
man. of Washington Borough, were a 8
us : {the guests of Mrs. Hubley. J
Finally Restored To Health| ni ana mrs. Abert Bard are visit E 0
. . . Vino ai idee a
By Lydia E. Pinkham's ins at Bainbridge.
1 C d | Mrs. John A. Fox and Abram @ .“
Vegetable ompound, | Kauttman are among the villagerson mu I
: jp the sick list. B of
Bellevue, Ohio, ‘1 yas ma terrible | Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kauffman en 3
state before I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s | ~ ° lovin. ot dinner 10 = at Ju
Vegetable Come {16717100 the : following ¢ h u
pound. My back |honor of their son, Lloyd, who was =
acheduntil I thought | recently married: Mr, and Mrs. a ¥
t would break, I had |Joe Berntheizel, Mr. and Mrs. John ® - : 3 hs
| pains all over me, pox Mr, and Mrs. George Campbell, ® = : ve
nervous feelingsand |. and Mrs. Jacob Kauffman, Mrs. g =u i
periodic troubles. I| h -f Bs
|Susan Kauffman, Mrs, Martha Eshle | 2 3
| was very weak and | s n 55
run down and was | man, and Martin Dellinger, Mrs. Bar u = =
losing hope of ever bara and Mies Hattie Kidders, of od = ° a : 5
being well and Columbia; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Har- = ar
strong. After tak- | mon and Mr. and Mrs, Penrose Bard, ® ca
” ing Lydia E. Pink: jos Centreville and Mr. and Mrs. Wil & of
hens Yogstene Compoun] 1 popecy [lis Kreider of Lancaster, | @ hs
rapidly an ay am a we 1 i
cannot tell you how happy I feel and I | - Tom Orrow & nd Friday »
cannot say too much for your Compound. | : la
Would not be without it in the house if | E a
it cost three times the amount.’’—MTrs, .
CHAS. CHAPMAN, R. F. D, No. 7, Belle-| a a
vue, Ohio. O11 1 ¢ oh
Woman's Precious Gift. : | a
The one which she should most zeal- 15
ously guard, is her health, but it is |
the one most often neglected, until | he
some ailment peculiar to her sex has | ps
fastened itself upon her. When so af- : be
fected such women may rely upon Lydia | 3
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, a ——— i
remedy that has been Wooneerinly suc- | . | o
: s : a3 Ns as ye
cessful in restoring health to suflering: (Chicks Eat Chickseat!
. | : 3 BC
If you have the slightest doubt and Th rive on it mn

For Fither and Son In
Two and a h#f million readers find it of dr
absorbing int-est, Everything in it is tri
Written So "ou Can Understand It an
We sell 400,000 opies every month without ha
giving premiums:
newsdealer will
publisher for fre:sample — a postal will do.
$1.50 A YE.R
Popular Mewhanics Magazine
6 No. Michian Ave., CHICAGO

have no solicitors. Any
OW you a copy; or write the
15c A COPY bu

Bring us you Films for x
We use the tank mthod, and our
experience and expertequipment ine
sure the best possible esults. Every
lcare taken and qualit'’of the work
105 pound champion of Mount Joy WwW D C ! guaranteed,
{ VS. ® ° handler ar on
East Main St,
If you want to eat oysters, get
ithe finest primes in town in every
them where they are good. 1 serve
Sold in any quantity at right
| style.
When its GOOD ICE CREAM you
want, I can supply you.
Prices to Parties, Festivals,
Mrs. GC. H. Zeller
Marietta Street
Develeprent no

Mour Joy, Pa,

Flavors at All Times
Suppers, Ete.


Electrical Contractor=#
I always have on hand anything in
| he 1ne of Smoked. Meats, Ham, I Yi
the wiring of your house.
Iml. Phone No. 850
| Electrical Supplies and Fixtures For Sale
At my Place of Business

be pleased to estimate om
feb 1-3 mo,

Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. J Advertise in the Mt Jo
Don’t fail to see us before plac-
ing your order this year. ®
J. N. Stauffer & Bro.


We are Always Prepared to serve 2
© T
Pure @ stra
Spring @ of u
Water 3 Bo
ICE: ©
Moderate Charges. ® w
of t
Mount Joy, Penna.