The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 03, 1915, Image 4

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    Railroad Company as a Siac.
hh. ‘ ‘
Mrs. Euphianna D. Strine
s. Kuphianna D. Strine, of Co-
a, died at Columbia Hospital,
hnday, from uraemia coma. The
sed was
vas a daughter of the late David
Martha of Washington
1gh, She is survived by seven
two sisterg and
Mrs, Amos Wolf
Mrs. Amos Wolf, 22 years old,
ed Sunday at her home, near
Tanheim, after a short illness. She
eral brothers and sisters. The fu-
neral will be held this afternoon at
$1 o'clock from the Mennonite meet-
ling house at Kast Petersburg, In-
S| terment will be made in the adjoin-
B- ing Cemetery,

ices Slashed
and slaughtered the prices
past few days that
rate there
or every foot
before I 1
efonforforfesforfosforfonfoctestcfusfosfortofe cfoofesfosfosferfocfenfocfontocfocfosfecfontecfscfocfortesfs
Harry Laskewitz

Winter Hats
Caps and Gloves
ingert & Haa
44 North Queen St, Lancaster,

wi Milk
h wa y milk and
The Best Milk Substitute to Use is
CY Meal.

Brandt &Stehman, Mt. Jo
The New Green (Grocery
am——— mr ——— eremvre—"
The undersigned have opened a
fresh fish market / Main Street
have on hand all kinds of FRESH GREEN
This store the retail department for Mr, E. H. Zer-
first-class green grocery and
they will always
Prices must
Brooks & Keener
West Main Street MOUNT JOY
O000000000000000000000000000000000DOVOVDOVDA00C MOO000
ih Seed Potato
All Varieties at
Very Lowest Prices
Write for Price List
a ——
JOHN KIENZLE,N. W.Cérner2nd & Dock Streets
feb 24-8t PHILADELPHIA, Pa.

{leader In
sixty-seven years old,
{ Cyrus, of Lancaster;
¥s survived by her husband and sev-
wiliiam Uhier Hensel
William Uhier Hensel, ol Lancas-
ter, tor years prominent; Democratic
Peansylvania, tormerly
president ol the rennsylvania Bar
Association, and one * of the best
known attolneys in the state, died at
Savannah, Ga. Friday evening, aged
63 years. For many years he was
solicitor for this borough
John C. Shelly
John C. Shelly died Thursday morn-!
{ing at the home of his sister, Mrs.
John Geib, Manheim borough, from
dropsy, at the age of forty-seven
following brothers and
Aaron, of Manheim;
Mrs. John Geib,
John Hollinger
David Frey, of
deceased was
years, The
sisters survive:
of Manheim; Mrs.
of Rapho, and Mrs.
Mastersonville The
known for twenty years or more as
the “newsboy” of Manheim, and had
a wide circle of friends. He retired
{from the newspaper-distributing busi-
ness about two Years ago, The
funeral] was held on Sunday. Inter
ment in the Highland cemetery.
N. Franklin Hall
County Controller Hall, born 55
Brecknock, teachei
for 10 years and a lawyer for 26
years ago in
vears, died on Thursday evening at
his home in Lan
short illness Mr
posts of county
rd solicito
ham, of Salung: He
fifteen children ind one
brother. John, ast of here The
funeral place on Saturday
morning 9:30 from the home of
Mrs. Zug
Miss Lavina Brandt
Mrs. Lavina Brandt, widow of
Henry A. Brandt, a former resident
of Bainbridge, died Saturday morn-
ing at her home In Steelton, of an
attack of pneumonia after a short
illness She was in her sixty-ninth
veur, Her husband died about ten
years ago. She was a member of
the Lutheran Church The follow-
ing children survive: Herman and
Fdgar Brandt, Steelton; Mrs. An-
drew Metzger, Philadelphia; Mrs,
Mary Hoak, Steelton. There are al-
go a number of grandchildren. The
funeral was held from her home
yesterday and this morning the
body was taken to Newville for in-
Business Changes
Engle Building Sold
real estate deal that had been
hanging fire for some time past, was
finally consummated when Mr. David
H. Engle sold his entire business
stand, a spacious two story brick
property with frame additions, front-
ing on West Main street and ex-
tending to Elbow Alley, to Mr. D.
H. Martin, the extensive clothier of
Elizabethtown who just recently
rented it. Mr. Martin began remod-
eling immediately. Several windows
were inserted, an open stairway, new
comprise some of the
improvements the carpenter work
being done by ‘Mr. A. S. Shires.
shelving, etc
A Business Change
conducted by H
L. Spohn, alsc inderwent a change.
Mr, D. H. Engle, the forme
The furniture and
business her
has again assumed charge of the
f occupies the
a full
urniture business He
Y V will
additional] office
ro yv the proprietors and the
tenant. being obliged to vacate, has
rented and will occupy the C. L.-
Eby property advertised in our win-
dow yesterday.
eet oe el OA
Our Ads Bring Results—Try fit
(Continued [rom page 1)
Kaylor and daughter Dorothy and
Miss Floience Kaylor spent Friday
at Lancaster,
Miss Edna Hershey left yesterday
for Lancaster, where she will be
the guest of Miss Ethel] Marrow for
several days,
Mr. Clarence Campbell of Hershey,
was the guest of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Campbell, Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gingrich and
daughters Emily and Alta spent Sun-
day with Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Shank,
near Rheems.
Miss Sarah Heilig of Harrisburg,
has returned home after spending
two weeks here with her sister Mrs
J. H. Miller on Columbia Avenue,
Miss Fianna Knyer of Manheim,
spent Saturday and Sunday here
with the family of Mr. Samuel Sink
Miss Anna Mary Ressler and
gentleman friend of Strasburg, spent
Sunday here with relatives and
Mr. J. W. Kreider, the eflicient
sale clerk of near Landisville,
called at our sanctum while in town
rs. Geo \. Fisher and son Geo
of Eliza
day with
S [Long necker,
Mary Walters, Miss Maude
and M
Saturday and
family of Mr,
vith the
George Myers enter-
ned these guests Sunday: Mrs.
N. A. Barr, Messrs. Homer
Solon Barr and Mr, and Mrs. J
and M
yesterday, mak
wntomobile They
he new Pullman and
Da ays she's a peach,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brinser and
Mrs. Ray Sheaffer of Middletown, vis-
ited among friends in town Sunday
and were entertained by Mr. and
Mrs. H. N. Nissly and Mr, and Mrs.
B. L. Garber,
Mr. and Mrs. levi LL. Hoffman left
last evening for their home at Abi
lene, Kansas, after spending three
months here on a visit to hig brother,
Mr.'S.. 1. Hoffman,
short: distance south of town.
Messrs. Eli H.
Ill., and Harry BH.
arrived here
who resides a
Grosh of Chicago,
Grosh of Johns
yesterday on a
parents, Mr. and Mrs
heir 1
Henry Grosh on West Main street.
Mr. Nelson Hauenstein left Satur-
day for San Antpnion Texas, where
he will go into odlz training with
the base ball team of that city.
Mrs. Hauenstein wil] remain here
for the present but expects to join
him later,
Rev, and Mrs, D. E Long and
daughter Laura, Misses Esther Hag-
enberger and Bertha Sumpman, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Hershey, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Tyson and son of town
and Mrs. Sara Herneisey of Lancas-
ter, were guests of Mr. and Mrs
Abner Hershey, Sunday.
me stent Af Qf maces
There is lons of tobacco unsold in
this neighborhood.
Mr. David
cuest in the family of E. H. Hoffer.
Mr. Oliver Litch in confined to his
ed with an attack of typhoid fever.
P. S. Strickler and family were Sun-
lay visitors in the famiy of Mr. Cyrus
Mr. and Mrs, Allen Hoffer Sr., vis-
ited on Sunday with Jacob Herr and
Hengst was a Sunday
Becker and family on
ertained Samue] Haldeman
Shank and bride were
3 family of Hi-
and family entertain-
Milton Werner and
Edith Strickler and
ttended the
Abraham K.
church on
rge crowd.
her y quilting party with Mrs.
Hartranft. Everybody can join. Mrs
Jacob Weaver and daughter Stella,
and | Mrs. Henry Buch were present
on Tuesday.
Clark Lindsay of __
' The Gleaners’ Class of the Reformed
: s. S. Wil Hold a Social
Dr. Geo. W. Richards, Professor ot|
Church History in the Theological
Seminary at Lancaster, delivered |
the address at the observance of]
the Prince of Peace Fund service, |
held in Christ Reformed Church, The |
offering amounted to $247.
Vyrle Binkley entertained the ju-'
nior class of the High School Mon-
day evening. Those present were:
Grace Heisey, Ruth Gise, Bertha
Baker, Ada Fridy, Anna Oleweiler, |
Anna Ebersole, Esther Shaener, R.
Westafer, Ira Risser, Hiester Ma-
deira and Vyrle Binkley.
Miss Viola Withers is the guest’
of Miss Daisy Rider, at South Fram-
ington, Mass.
A. H. Stauffer and son of Spring
Grove. are guests in the family of
Harry Woodburn,
Walter Wiegand of
spent a few days
Mrs. H. T. Horst,
Mrs. John Hose and sister Kath-
ryn, visited friends in New Holland
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Margaret Balmer
relatives in Hummelstown.
Miss Anna Ober visited
ther at Palmyra Saturday,
Mrs Carolin Ang
with Mr. and
is visiting
her fa-
ta was given
birthday party on he seventy-
anniversary, Those
were Mrs. Mary Harris and
urg: Mrs, William
3arr and Mr. and
of Reading; Mrs.
of Myerstown; J.
and family of Steel-
Harrisburg, has
purchased the livery business for-
merly conducted by John Witmer.
The Gleaners’ Class of the Re-
formed Sunday school held a social
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Ream, Friday evening, The follow-
ing members were present: Stella
Shaeffer, Edna Bender, Cornelia Ri-
der, Carrie Muth, Alta McLanachan,
Dorothy Frank, Cynthia Ream, Ber-
tha Coble, Emma Wenger, Mary
Campbell, T.ela Cobb, Anna Baney,
Daisy Shaener Coble, Mrs
Jacob Rear Mrs. Pau} Farmer. Mrs.
Chester Ream. Mable Frank, Mrs
Clair Barnhart and Mrs.
OQ.. M. Kiefer - of
ements emere
Much prevails in
Mrs. Allen Brubaker is on the
Roy Brubaker recovering,
the R. F. D
begin delivering
Mr. Albert Garner,
carrier, expects to
mail again on Monday, March first.
A wreck occurred on the Cornwall
railroad last Thursday, north of Mt
Hope station One car wag derailed,
o serious damage was done
in the ' different
well attended
been spiritually re
hers have accepted
Wolgemuth and wife,
isiting the sick.
the enterprising
ille, ig having sale
Henry Nornhold
called on Josiah Keener's be
inning ¢
Mr. Henry) }. Shearer and family
Sundayed with Nathan Zug's at Mas-
Becker's entertained the
following Jast Sunday: Joseph Bom-
family, Messrs, Howard
Merkey and Herbert Wolgemuth, and
the Misses Spickler.
Mr. Clayton Luttman was circulat-
ing among friends in the beginning
of the week.
Mr. Allen Hoffer, jr., and wife en-
tertained a number of their friends
on Sunday.
Mrs. A,
Farmers are
berger and
Peters is on the sick list.
beginning with their
spring work
A GH ren
The Pupils of Miss Anna T. Welsh
Prove Themselves Musicians
musical piano-
pupils of Miss Ish, on Mon
evening at the home of Miss
Mount Joy. The fol
yalop, Gobbaer
Maz Mumma
tand:s Bros. Have Started to Ship
stone Meal Quite Extensively
Kzra Soudeis spent Sunday as the
guest of relatives in Florin and Mt.
ii Brubaker, the Mt. Joy Twp
butcher, delivered some choice meac
thru this place on Monday.
P. N. Kraybill spent Sunday at
Morin as the guest of his parents,
vir, and Mrs, Henry Kraybill.
The March wind is prevailing,
the dust is sailing and those living
along the pike are kept busy clean-
Joseph Risser, the Elizabethtown
concretor, has placed his mixing ma-' gus
chine at the Groff machine shop for |
Henry Fry and many others have |
placeq large orders for early vege-
table plants at the
The solicitors ‘ for the repeal of |
the full crew law are meeting with !
success among the voters thruout
thig vicinity,
Mr. and Mrs. Abram Lutz of Don- |
egal were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Kraybill and Mr. and Mrs, H H
Bard Sunday,
Aibert Smith, ghe Donegal thresh-
puishased a mam-
traction engine, transact-
Lancaster Saturday.
Rheems hot- |
er, who 1lecently
motn Case
a business dat
H, Greider is forwarding laige
of his famous thoroughbred
I y by expiess to various parts
of th United States nd foreign
ouncries, ;
ickler, an assistant P.
1gent and operator at
place on his
parents at Milton
and Mrs. B. F.
ily hereby express thanks to the
1eighbors for kindnesses and favors
tendered them during their recent |
Those who can recall the weather |
contrast between last year and this
year, Last year the township roads
were blockaded with drifts as high |
ag the fences.
Charles Weidman, the Mt. Joy |
Twp. cider maker, Is making pre- |
paratory arrangements for a flitting |
day on or about Apri] 1st, to the
farm he purchased from his father-
inlaw near Erisman’s Church.
Landis Bros. have started the |
shipments of stone meal. Saturday |
they loaded the first car, using their
large auto truck to convey it from |!
their factory to the car. They have
orders for 100 cars to be delivered
during March and April.
H. K. Landis has removed the
two tall shade trees from in front
of his residence. The trees were
the first planted fn this place and
Shields and
The roots conflicted with the eon
crete walks which are to be put |
down in the near future,
— eel
News From Our Many Local Houses |
of Worship
Trinity Lutheran Church
Rev. I, Howard Kern, 8. T. ., Pastor
Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. |
Divine Worship 10:30 A. M. and 7 |
P. M. Morning Theme, Service and |
Sacrifice; evening theme, Hell,
Catechetical instruction Wednes- |
day evening at 7 o'clock.
Mid-week Lenten service, Wednes-
day evening, 7:46.
Junior League, Sunday, 6 P. M.
United Brethren
Rev. D. E. Long, Pastor
Sunday School, 9 A. M.
Preaching, 9:15 A. M.
Senior C. E.. 6 P M
Junior C. E, 6 P. M,
Preaching at 7 P. M. when the
employes of the Rollman Mfg. Co. |
will attend in a body.
Mid-week service. Wednesday. 7:30
| an improvement.
| have any cough and have
| were the guests
| and Mrs. Roy Ishler
| home of Mrs, Katie Gingrich. “BI
had grown to be about 76 feet tall. | y= i
| but a cracker-jack
{ Kline
| its sixth month of
{ March 2nd. Number of
| Wittle, Ada
| ber, Dorothy Musselman, Mary Sau-
| der, Miriam Sheetz, Raymond Rider,
And Sore
come by
man’s Std
Camden, N. J.
| cough, a run-down
were awfully weak
electrician by occup
kept me awake nig
| times I would have
everything everybod
had taken so much
“One evening I read
decided to give it a trial
I ke}
and today I am a well m3
ness is all gone from my |
pounds in weight and I an
riends that Vinol did it)
HiLLMAN, Camden, N. J.
It is the curative, tissue-
fluence of cods’ livers aided b;
making, strength creating pro
tonic iron, contained in Vinol,
it so successful in Mr. Hilimanl
We ask every person in this
suffering from weak lungs,
coughs, or a run-down condition
system to try a bottle of Vinol
guarantee to return your money
fails to help you.

fF iormn
ontinued 1 ok pd
Mi, Henry
Young wa
Hospital last
suffering with an attack: of riieuma-
Friday, March 12th is
the date set for the big live bird
orin Hotel, Everybody
Don’t forget
Sprout and Vena
Misses Mabel
Rounski of Lancaster, are
| some time with the family of C 8S.
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Bishop
s of their daughter,
Mrs. Newpher Smeltzer, at Mount
{ Joy on Sunday,
Hen’s fruit is surely plenty in
this section. On Tuesday Ayer &
McKinney, thru their local agent, J.
H. Rutherford, shipped 1200 dozens.
Mrs. John H. Shuemaker was giv-
{ en a handkerchief surprise in honor
of her birthday, . March 1. She
wishes toy thank’ al] who so kindnly
remembered her,
The two months’ old son of Mr.
of Palmy
was brought to this place last Fri.
day for burial. Interment was made
in the Florin Cemetery,
Mr. Wm. H. Gantz and force just
digging a sink at the
is not only ga first-class carpenter
at digging sinks
Messrs. Levi W. Mumma Jjr., Davy
| id Stoner, Edwin Witmer and George
have gone to Harrisburg to
| load a carload of lumber which will
be shipped to this place and used
{ by the former for the erection of a
large machine shop,
The Florin Primary School ended
school Tuesday,
pupils en-
rolled, males 17; females 23, total,
40. Percentage of attendance, fe-
males 91; maleg 92
Honor Roll—Mildred Kottler, Vio-
la Hamilton, Ruth Kline, Catharine
Dellinger, Esther Gar-
Benjamin Sheetz, Ephraim Arndt,
Walter John Keener, Earl
Fike, John Vogle, Christian Shearer
| and James Keener,
Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. BEB, 8S.
Booth, Mrs. Patrick Duffy, Miss An-
{ nie Oppenheim, Mrs. Abram Butzer,
| Mrs, David Wolgemuth,
Roy Shear-
er, Samuel Becker, Marjorie Mussel-
man, Master Howard Musselman,
Mr. and Mrs, Howard Musselman,
{ Mrs. Samuel Fair, Edith Fair, Mrs.
{ A. D. Garber, Mrs. H. L. Stoll, Joe
Special Notice
In this issue appears an announce- |
ment of The Donovan Company that
is of the greatest interest and im- |
portance to mother, This |
wellknown live department store has
according to their advertisement,
added another achievement to their |
numerous innovations by establish-
ing a special department for boys’ |
and. girls’ footwear, This depart- |
ment be under the supervision |
of a specialist who wil] cater and |
devote all the time to the attention
of this Children’s Shoe Department.
This Saturday, March 6th, marks the
opening of this Department and on
that day a souvenir wil] be given to |
0, each child with each purchase. Do |
not fail to attend “Opening Day.”
——— par
Violin Recitaj G
1 violin pupils of
vitz, gave a recital |
and Mrs. Geo
ning, Those who |
ogram were: Neva |
son, Dora Walters, |
] 3 rles Kesselring, Roy |
Tyndall, Oscar Laskewitz and Prof. |
Gestewitz, |
A number
Marie Gantz of
Lancaster, |
“spent Saturday -with her aunt, Mrs. |
rt _—
Mrs. C. L. Eby of Lemoyne, is
spending the day with her mother,
{vice was held in
Mrs. Marguret Zeller, who is cele
| brating her 82nd birthday.
Jacob L. Brunner,
A Frances Willard Memorial ser-
the Presbyterian
Church on Sunday afternoon.
{ Haines, Esther and Lloyd Vogle,
Patrons and friends of education
are cordially invited to visit the
Sue H. Brandt, Teacher
ree nl erm
Thieves at Sporting Hill
he home of Squire
J. BE. Stauffer, sporting Hill, on
and 12
o’'clocl They eff 1 an entrance
the outside
5 secured,
pens, piece
ibles. Mrs.
\nd gave
the neigh-
but the
get away.
locate the
“] Don’t Feel Good”
That is that a lot of people tell us.
Usually their bowels only need cleansing.
Rexall Cudelics,
will do the trick and make you feel fine.
We know_this positively. Take one
tonight. Sold only by us, 10 cents.
E. W. Garber.

A see dinaleatiech lh a