The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 03, 1915, Image 2

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Wednesday, March 3, 1915.

MOUNT JOY, PA. eee i
J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r. | |On Tap and in Bottie at Al} Princi- |]

pal Hotels, March 5, 1915 |
Six Months......... 50 Cents When other signs and sroundhogs
three Months.......25 Cents ail
Single Copies 2 Cents I'o consolation bring,
Sing! pi wala sere s
sample Copies FREE It takes the “Bock” to tell the tale
Samp pleBL Loney. “ :
eG a That now again comes Spring.
= SN EE Rs This sa yveicome message to a
Entered at the post effice at Mount |, multitude. but ‘a deplorable
Joy as second-class mail matter,
3 Jat it is not so to everybody
All correspondents must have their
¢ Tmunications reach this office nou and overindulgence of “the
ater than Monday Telephone news it cheers.” with its detriment
of lwpourtance between that time and 3 4 ; :
1 1d logical consequences coupled |
12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Chan-|"' * 0 1 conser . : ( |
ges for advertisments must positive with latter days’ fanatical teachings |
(y reach this office not later than have both created a widespread sen-|t
Monday night. New advertisments |i, ot that only a well balanced|F
Inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday
night. Advertising rates ou applica-

tion. I'o strengthen that senti-|
— ment, the Bible has been quoted by
MARIETTA lines and paragraphs where it 1s|
re made to favor the cause but the
Mask and Wig Club Will Render a other side's argument from the sam alB
Fine Entertainment Friday Night source you have yet to hear,
em riknespae When Solomon in his proverbs
Orrin B. Humphreys of New York says: “Give strong drinks unto him |
was a town visitor during the past|who is ready to perish and wine un-|
Mrs. J. Andrew Haas has been [let him drink and forget his pover-|
spending the past week with
at Reading more.” he is giving us the foremost |
Miss Margaret O’Connor is recov-|burposes served by stimulants. What |
ering from a severe attack of ivy|a great improvement a glass of]
poisoning, |
Mr. William H, Haas of Philadel- a long face and what a whole-souled
phia, spent a day in town with his nation it would be if we all could]
parents. :
Michael Kearney, who has been|a smile and a
{11 all winter. is somewhat improved cut a risk of hurting anybody's feel. |
this week ings or incurring the sour looks of]
James Donecho of New York, was
the guest of his parents, Mr. and Sucil Is not life. A widely known
Mrs. Isaac Donecho.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fitzgerald of [his crazed exhortation among other ©
the County Seat, were guests of the | fhings: “What would vou do if vou
latter’s mother, Mrs. Annie L. En-|Knew that this was doom’s day?
gle. Would you wish the beer-wagon to
The new theatre was crowded to
overflowing last Friday night in the
benefit show for the band. There
were 820 paid admissions.
John W. Rich and chum of Phila-|ment’s pleasure or to break the
delphia, were the guests of the for-
mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
S. Rich, on Fairview street.
Bayard S. Herr is leading in the
ten pin tournament in singles now
being played at the bowling alley
for the championship of Marietta.
Messrs. Frank Derr and John
Straub. who are attending
versity of Pennsylvania at Phila-
delphia, visited their parents last
Mrs. Edw. M. Miley met with
very painful accident last week
when a window, which she had
raised, fell upon her hand. While
no bones were broken, her hand was
badly bruised,
The Marietta Band was around
serenading Monday evening and re
stop at your door. ete.” just as if
mitted erime by taking in a case of
beer or bottle of wine for a mo-|
fanaticism has gone so far it can-

not go much further Christ. the
master of all, whose mor:1 code we
trving to follow, the father of
all evangelists. is the onlv one who

had no
for contributions or
present day limousines owned hy
merchant princes): who did not
have a trainer and outfit and choir
leader and cohorts to blow and
his own personality was the magnet
that attracted the multitudes. He
s the only one who ever descended
to hell, but did have enough good
judgment not to hurt anvbody’s feel-
isg by telling who were there or who
ceived next sum of money | Were not there and what more, he
from our citizens which they wiil

by his favorits disciple

: : his second chapter
use toward purchasing new uniform h econd ipter, to
and instruments converted about three hundred

The second annual sauer Kkrau ons water into wine at ome sin-
; eddir nd if at t
supper held by the men and boys of a ii that, the
1 Di € t Y us
the Presbyterian Sunday school in 3 on nust b
1 he re »f the B
the dining hall of the Church was | = as wel vi the rest
well attended and a neat sum réai =
ized from the articles that were or
sale during the evening,
Charities Hofer, the well-known Ci
jl War veteran, celebrated his sev-

ear of mind as anyone of any
occupation and consider the
of my labor of “cheer and

r 2 pret community if it is B t
enty-fifth birthday anniversary at a yi y s used righ
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Thidw cites away forget your sor
Little, where he boards. Music and : Tom Pepa
dancing were features of the cele- A eeortl mi more than |"
: oyable nds Wore
bratiorr and all had an enjoyab wealth.
time. At a seasonable hour re-
freshments were served. Mr. Hofe
was a former resident of Newtown,
where, for a number of years, he|
was the able correspondent of the
“A Count of No Account,” a farce
comedy in three acts, will be pre-|
gented in Acri’s new theatre, Mari-
ay es Se al -chools in upper Rapho on Monday.
e |
place, under the direction of H. J
Desher, of Columbia. Brill’'s Orches-
tra of Marietta will furnish the
music and judging from the large|
nnumber of tickets sold at this|
writing they will be greeted with a 3
tin the Rev. Weaver home near Man
crowded house. The Mask and Wig|
Let future worries come tomorrow
Here goes a Seidel to vour health.
Yours Truly,
rent A ee
Vir. and Mrs, Hiram Witme spent
afternoon at Elizabethtown.

Eby visited some of the
Miss Grace Eby visited her chum
Anna Witmer on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Clayton Brubaker and family

visited Mrs. A. K. Brubaker on Sun
H. Brubaker spent Sunday
| heim,
Club, the only dramatic organiza- i : ]
Noah Witmer has heen on the sick!
tion in Marieita, was organized al, . . fis past’. two weeks but it
few years ago and with the produc- Jif able to b . ,
agai y be about vin
tion of “A Count of No Account,” | M
will be the fourth show they have/
given. The officers of the club are MI isacr
as follows: David E. Brandt, Presi-| ,
dent; Leroy E. Brandt. Secretary; The
John K. Miller, Treasurer. and Har-

rs. Christian
Reuben Mrs. Benj

on Thurs
sale of Mr. M B Heistand


reel £ I
ry 1. Desher, Director, 1d pe : ns .
The following residents of Marietta | y,,.5,00t 0004 price
have within the past few « cele Rey Bi iM Mrs
brated either their birthday or their|paniel Metsle 36
wedding anniversaries, All are inthe vices at Gantz's t 1at
best of heal and many are well UD| community on Sun
in years: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc Some of ni e about
Mullen, of the West End, were mar-|,.., ly to market their fat at but
ried 25 years; Mrs. Peter Vonhausen ihe qrop in ke il] cause
celebrated her 74th birthday anni- inem to wait a hile It I
versary; Mr. and Mrs. George G.| Mr. Jacob Rohrer and housekeeper,
Lindsay were married 47 years; Wil-| David Nissley ar 1 wife and Mr. and
liam P, Sterrett celebrated his 88th nrg 2 H. Erb spent Sunday with
birthday anniversary; Levi T.ongen-|cyyistian Bucher and family
ecker, the veteran carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. Christian Nissley and
builder. who has made many hand- family attended the wedding recep-
: 5 lo.
some and unique tables of small tin 4 the home of Mrs. Nissley of
pieces of wood gathered from pnr..p

ville on Saturday.
various parts of the United States.| nn. ng Mrs. Martin Metzler and 1
birthday anni-iare ang Mrs. A. H. Erb and daugh-
celebrated hig 78}
versary: Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kis- (qo; Ruth and C. BE. Rohrer took din
ling were married 47 years; Leonard |... at John Metzler's on Sunday.

Shields .celebrated his 64th birthday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ebersole, Mr.

anniversary. Postmaster John Orthi. . aro (clayton Groff and Misses
on Sunday celebrated his natal anni-{ Anna Brh and Nora Bucher Sunday
versary. led with Christian Longenecker’s.
{ Christian Longenecker’'s are at

ts ns set A
Advertise in the Mt. Jov Bulletin. | present entertaining visitors from
Subseribe for the Mi. Joy Bulletin | Kansas, among them is his
Our Ads Pring Results—Try it | who has jived in Kansas a number
pneumonia. We hope she may soon
be better,

Baker will move his family into]
"| the Feist house vacated by Mr. Dif-
| fenderfer,
mind and sound reason is able WjMussel
een eee etl ee ee =
was seen Op
to those that be of heavy hearts, [crating
supervisors are repiking
friends [ty and remember his misery no|Bainbridge road above this place.
Baugh fertilizer
Stanton Musser
wine or beer would make in many | spent
. : her accustomed duties. Upon search
raise the sparkling purple cup with|iransacted business in
hearty “prosit” with-| day.
family of Eliza:
Jacob Kautz on
| a y
our next door neighbors. But. alas, |Sunday
evangelist said the other day in|Wednesday
visitors among friends)
place Wednesday.

you were committing an openly ad-|¢
Dupes returned
monotony of every day life When | Tt
| ter, closed since the first week In
November, except during very short|Mt. Joy Readers Are Learning The
| periods, when only sections were
open for trading on a limited scale,
money: he is the only one who did |
the Uni-| Dot ride in golden chariots (or! las

E. Eisenhart and |°
| because of the aphthous fever out-
maining unsold,
rm —— DG UI es
blast the horn: that he was there; |

hen 1 feel as conscious and!
as an important asset to this|"

| adver JOHN HALLGREN |!

| fore 9 o'clock on the road between |
| Naumanstown, where the family at-|
tended Fairview Church, at Union

' | of the carriage, and the maddened '
i animal dashed up the road, but was |&
| caught uninjured about a mile dis- n
| tant, The wagon was smashed to m
kindling wood.

escaped any injuries, but the father
| Hnmmer’s nose was badly lacerated

with a smile?
Mohn of near
spent Sunday
the new arrival

Preaching in the
Sunday evening at 7:30 by the pas-
A. B. Kreider
Roaring Springs,
Cumberland Co.,
attended the funeral of Mr. Sam-
sale follows on
Miss Mary Kendig is home again
after spending a few days with
family of her uncle John at
Little Evelyn, daughter
and Mrs. Walter Forry,

The cantata in the Lutheran
Church at Landisville was well at-
tended by our townfolks who highly
enjoyed the program,
Mrs. Ruth Kohr and daughter of
Falmouth and Mrs. Joseph Deibler |
of Royalton were Saturday visitors |
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. |
Fackler, |
Mr. Arthur Diffenderfer will move | 3
into the Dr, Kendig house at Chi-|
ques on the first of April. George |
Miss Dora Kauffman of Landis-
| ville, with her guests, Mrs. Geiger
{and Miss Flva Hagy of Reading. |
| spent Wednesday at the home of |
I Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Eby and Satur-|
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. |
“| John Peifer.
etn: tl) A Le
a [
i Man Returns Home and Finds wife's |
Body idanging in Garret

When A. 8. Nitrauer, residing inj
the vicinity of Ressler's Mill near |
Elizabethtown, returned to his home|
on the Aldinger farm on Tuesday |
evening after having finished his|
day's work on the construction of |
Hershey trolley line near his home, |
he did not find his wife engaged in|
ing the house he discovered in the |
garret his wife's body hanging by al
rope. Life had been extinct for
some time. Mrs. Nitrauer had made |
an attempt on her life once before, |
but no cause is given for her act. |
% |
She was forty-four years old and]
is survived by her ‘husband and a

r. Mrs. Elam Baker, Several]
> : +3 ey
vears ago the family resided in|
ilizabethtown, where they are well]
nown The funeral was held on|
| Saturday morning. with interment in|
: Ober's cemetery, i
i ee |

Seven Carloads of Cattle and One
Deck of Hogs Received Monday LGUOCOOVVTIVVVOCVOOOT
I'he Union Stock Yards at Lancas-
{ break, were reopened Monday morn-
ing under orders from the Federal
| ington.
Before noon seven carloads of cat-
and West Virginia, and one deck of
hogs Cattle and hogs may only |neys.
come from “free” areas, localities
free of the fever, and these include troubles for 50 years.
all of the South. except Kentucky.
Cattle may also be received from
‘anada but they must not come
thru Buffalo, N. Y
Our own county is free of the
is ipparently as no new cases

not entirely free of the disease,
however, for one new case was
I fo ind in Dauphin county within the everal remedies, but had got no re- Written So You Can Understand It BARBER
| past forty-eight hours. lief. Finally, I read of Doan’s Kid- |g or Die Rr Any
lief, inally es 8 | n 0. East Main St. Mount Joy,
ee eee et eee ney Pills and got a supply. Four publisher Eo sh sample — ny the AVE EVERYTHING oe
ron elieve a si D : A
HORSE RUNS AWAY boxes 1 lic ed me. I consider Dean's $1.50 A YEAR 15¢c A COPY |
ren |Kidney Pills a remedy of merit. | AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER,
Father and Mother Badly Hurt, But
Children Escape simply
get Doan’s idney Pills,
Mrs. Frye had. Foster-Milburn
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Returning from church Sunday ev-
The accident happened shortly be-
All the occupants were thrown out
The three youngsters marvelously
and mother were not so fortunate.
and his face cut; his wife had her
re rn tn
Entertained in Daughter's Honor
Mrs. J. I. Minnich of Landisville,
evening in honor of the birthday of
her daughter. Miss Barbara. Forty Also
guests flere present from several them.
places ifthe county and state, The Joy.

and ca
as spent in playing games
after which a splendid
was served.


To Our Patrons and Friends


E wish to announce to the public of
Mount Joy and vicinity that our
store is again fitted up for your accommo-
dation. For the past month we have been
extremely busy, in getting our store ready
for the Easter trade of 1915. We have made
many needed improvements and wish to
thank you all, together with the Mt. Joy Hall
Association for these many favors. We
hope to serve you better in the future than
we did in the past, and ask a continuance of

your much appreciated custom. Thanking
you, we remain at your service.


GETZ BROS. Mount Joy

The unnoticed urinary diorders—
That may lead to dropsy and
{ Bureau of Animal Industry at Wash-| Bright's disease. |
When the kidneys are weak.
| Help them with Doan’s Kidney
tle had been received from Virginia | pills.
remedy especially for weak kid-
Doan'’s have been used in kidney
Endorsed by 30,000 people—endors- on \ 2 8
by citizens of this locality. MECHAN ICs sure the best possible results, Eve

ckaches, with pains across my
been found lately. The State|pins
ould § t b % i
in the morning, was stiff and | Two and a half million readers find it of A . B. BENDE 1]
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t
ening, Henry Hummer, a farmer re-|Co.,
siding at Union Square, and his|
| wife, were seriously injured, when |
| their horse ran away after the wa-
S, | gon hit a telephone pole. Three
small children escaped injury.
Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin.
= =

Pure white stones of good
size, mounted in fourteem carat
Solid Gold Rings at

Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin |
Srbseribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. |

— iy dT
the little kidney ills—
lame, weak or aching back—

Bring us your Films

We use the tank method, ax

»xperience and expert equipmen

E. High St., Eliza- 21 care taken and quality of the wo
1, says: “I suffered g ; guaranteed
ey trouble and had severe For Father and Son ;
n't rest well at night |AND ALL THE FAMILY

I had doctored and tried absorbing inte-est. Everything in it is

Popular Mechanics Magazine| |
6 No. Michigan Ave., CHICAGO !
we tines Pils, the. same OYSTERS OYSTE]

If vou want to eat pysters,
them where they are good. I
the finest primes in town in ®
style. Sold in any quantity at ri
want, I can supply you.
All Flavors at All Times
Take Notice! Special oh 5 A, Festival
The Undersigned Wish to Inform the
Public that They are Prepared to de Mrs. C. H. Zeller
Marietta Street MOUNT JOY
AD mmm


Practical Horse Shoeing
a At Jno. Bombach’s Stand, Mt. Joy) JOHN H. DEITZ
Special attention given to all work
All diseases of the feet promptly at .
tended to. your work solicited |Eulectrical Contractor

back badly sprained. 15 00 3
| Dr. JS. Beamesderfer of Man- ° a General Blacksmiths and Horse-Shoers | Electrical Supplies nd Fratues For Sale
i neim was summoned and rendered = |
| MOUNT JOY, PENNA. At my Place of Business
the necessary medical attention. 5 A SPECIAL BARGAIN a ; y
; = ‘ ‘ ‘ SPECIALTY
Will Build a New Barn : a Krall Meat Market] il
large. barn of ‘the farm of » I wi 1 be pleased to estimate om
Snyder in West Donegal. a a ithe wiring of your house.
listance south of Rheems, CLOCKS a Ind. Phone No. 850 feb 1-3 mo.
will be replaced by a fine new and = |
modern structure this Spring. The Also unusual values in Eight a PEPPER
new building will be erected on the = Day Clocks from $3 up. s ® We are Always Prepared to serve ©
site of the present one but will be a I always have on hand anything in! ®
much larger, It will be 48x96 feet B : the line of Smoked Meats, Ham, ® Pure
long with a wing 26x33 attached. = 2 Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Bte. Spring
When completed it will be one of ® ; Also Fresh Beef, Veal Pork and ® ®
the largest and most modern in that g \ 0 Mutton, Prices always right. ater o
contract for its erection. This farm 3 " : J a H. H. KRALL © © @
is te e Pp 7 a 2 i g IN ANY QUANTITY at Very
is tenanted by Mr. Fr ink N. Hertz- (Near Bowman's Store) a West Main Street, © Moderate Charges ©
ler, who unti] last Spring was a ® 8 MOUNT JOY. PA © Don't 121) to nee us hefore pias @
resident of near Bender's Mill, east # MOUNT JOY, PA. e Bell Pelepiione ing your order this year. ©
of here, Work on same will begin & ® re ® y
as soon as the weather permits. OY | [La Pierre House 2 JN. Stauffer 4 Bro.
- — ad
Mount Joy. Penna.
OYSYERS! OYSTERS! Jos. F Brandt, Propr. 5000000000006}
Mount Joy, Penna. ent
. A Food and Nerve Tonic
: is frequently required by old age
Maurice River Coves. Try CAFE IN CONNECTION Ln Rn Yi age. Me
Olive Oil
Mrs. H. A. Darrenkamp, Mt. 0 choice oysterg in every style, | exall,
sandwiches, soups, etc. are served. | Emulsion
containing HypophQeshites
Drop in at any time. : %
asan ideal combination {this purpos
E. W. Ga
I have something specially fine in
entertained handsomely on Friday Rappahannock oysters at present
I am selling very reasonable.

tA A

Advertise in the Mt. Joy BuHetin. |



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