gp wioed of feed on Monday. RICE $1 EAR " Months. ........ 50 Cents Three Mon‘hs....... 25 Cents Single Copies........ 2 Cents Sample Copies Entered at the post office at Mount Joy as second-class mail matter. All correspondents must have their ¢ mmunications reach this office not later than Monday. Telephone news of importance between that time and 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Chan- ges for advertisments must positive ly reach this office not later than Monday night. New advertisments inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday night. Advertising rates on applica- tion, Editorial Well, if there's anything that Ground Hog theory had better look up her muslin gown and his old One mn one hat. straw didn't sce h shadow yesterday. ® 18 * * * Our readers are promised some in- teresting reading along the religious line, One our correspondents and a local in a battle—of of Billy Sunday of engaged on now all pastor are words, account “It is a shame that so many of the rich fields of Lancaster county are given over to tobacco, when they should be growing foodstuffs for the starving multitude,” was one of the verbal shafts at Dr. Harvey W. Wiley the noted pure food exponent hurled Monday evening at the banquet of the Pure Food Show at the Stevens House. Wonder whether Dr. Wiley would talk that if he was a farmer and out for the money? One thing is certain, i.e. as long as there is a demand, surely our farmers will raise fit, way reeset Geen MIAY IOUWN Not ravorapie HKeport Ine Trolley Committee Does very hdve a We are g:ad to say that Mr, John Slesler 1§ avie LO De aboul tae Louse agai. Donald Houseal, and ol Mrs. di, ddd als. Fuusadeipuia, visited MI. aviall »ivdd. Weichans, of Hummels- and visited his cuales tow, moluelr add sisier, 1ue 10. owuelrs of the Union Ceme- lmeeung Monday even- LO elect olucers. wds in wown tery hed a ing, usaybill, of Harris- town visiung her ters, tae Musses Sairemian. ilae committee was at Lancaster on 1hursaay and returned with an adveise 1eport. ar, Samue] Sload, Abram S.0ad attended the Sioad at Annville, al 8, burg, hialiy was ia Sls- trouey and rs, Sload and funera] of Pa. J00n Harry JdCOD has sold out the to Samuel this busi- J000ston cobbler Eng.e, sSnop equipiuent wlio Wil] continue ness at the same stand, Mir who had been with a badly fall, S. Due Wolile, confined to the house sprained caused a is greatly about. foot by improved and able to be Charles Hicks tendered a Mrs ipper to her Among the Mrs. George lent sort, anc she makes the worth, the coming season folks of those who may ouncement for benefit who know to grow them Several of our Rheems on Sunday to hear a dis- course by Albert Guyer of York. Mr. Guyer ig a clear, logical speaker, and convinced hig hearers that he knows what he believes and is abun- dantly able to give a biblical reason for the faith that is in him. On the whole. January has been a mild month. hut not more 8o than others we recall, One year we dug a garden bed in January and found the ground exceedingly mellow. The spring following we dug it again and the eround wag so hard one could scarcely use a digging fork to do the work. We are expecting some decid- edly rough weather during February, to “make up.” ts wish were at ED Wn es ROWENNA Mr. Daniel Fackler unloaded a car iss Iva Albright went to Phila deTphia Saturday morning. A 8 Emma Souder’s property was gold on Thursday, to Mr El Billet of town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dupns and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ~ Smith called on J. ‘Lane's Sunday, hera have 1esn no tobacrn huvers ghronoh thiz section wet. This com. ‘mnnity hae Havenne and Seecdlenf wr. Bd from Cumberland, one of the 1. 1. C. men, was helping H. thing is certain, he ° ry to an engwie this | Stall is Amos Mrs. H. i Fannie nk, daughter Engle called he Josephine Musser | nd Misses and Marietta. Quite a it thig place prayer number from ind Maytown attended the meeting at Clayton Sweitzer's on Saturday evening. from this lect at the Wednesday and number of folks the Hall Quite a attended ure Band nights. and Mrs, Albright, Mr. H. BH Automobile Show Friday place Maytown "Thursday Mr Mary ind Albright, Miss Daniel Fackler the Daniel Mrs Engle at attended Lancaster, on -~ yy — ELIZABETHTOWN J. M. Freymeyer of Florin, Buys the Ashenfelter Bakery Here Miss Kate Louer of Hummelstown, spent a few days with lL. R. Ebersole 1nd Wile Ilva Spangler of York spent with hel sister, Miss carrie Reem is the Bel ram East new operator at the High street telephone exchai of Har- with L. K. WV, family nd risbulg, pent a few days Kuhn and A place d W tamily, handsome front new of sign has Aid High street, Ol eSi Misses Anna Eby and Josie Gru- Vegetables to the ber of Middletown, spent a few days with Pau] Shirk and wife, Mrs. Fannie Blecher of Hill, passed a few days father, Frank Steinruck, The Keystone Literary society gave a “Billy” Sunday programms, ob Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Stevens with her a W. H. Muth and family “of Titity, | WWMr, and Mrs. I. G. Kopp. =-Samue] F. Nagle made a new up-to-| were the guests of Harry and Frank Muth and families for several] days. Miss Ellen of Lancaster, with Miss Miner- Washington street. Wormley, daughter B. F. Wormley, is home on account of Nissley spent a few days va Stauffer on Miss Minnie of Mr. and Mrs. confined her illness, Mr Baker to Ww. were Miss Emma of Dr. A.J Milton Grove, B. Thome and the guests family at S. and this week. Mrs. Sadie were the mother, Mrs. for several Thome Hein of and two sons Mrs. Hein's Long Mt. Joy guests H. H days. Misses Bernice Nissley. shey, Alma and Sue Brinser of Hum- melstown, were the guests of J. H. Buch and family. Miss at Cecil Smith entertained w. been to the the Moose Home again O. K. Sue Her- d MILTO ha | Rev.p. 4D, Rishel of Mt. Joy, liver a Lecture Here Thursday Wheat Use flour buckwheat are aviating. and cornmeal and these days. | Eggs are on a decline, Thanks to| the hen, Good lard is getting to be a scarce | commodlry. Jos. Ginder he subsists says on | plump ducks { Down in Chickieg Valley they eat muscles in place of | Niext swatt the flies by electricity. The hurling of bad eggs on pedes- rians is out of season just now. G. Kopp gave Elizabethtown | a Saturday afternoon business call. It wriggling | long Chickies creek. black- miles. | oysters, summer we contemplate to| | [saac is said, snakes are the banks of Clayton R. Gibble is the only a radius of three [Landlord A. Scott's Emulsion for deafness. Hill residents pickle it food. at twen- and they taste for | within smith S. Holwager recoms- | mends Crow's the bird and Up on 11001 the for sausages are sold « Smoked ty cents a pound more, A Milton Grove to beautif schoo) uses com- girl, (astoria her russet plexion. Paul had been confined the “mumps” is| Kose: house who with Albert Gingrich delivered a load of | Columbia market | last week. Clarence F. Ginder, who has been | seriously ill for the past week, is re-| covering nicely. Liver worst ig cents a pound and some has an offen- | | to twelve| sive stench at that. | down Mr. and Mrs. Isaac M. Kopp, of theems, Sundayed with his parents, date coach body for Daniel Kramer | P. R. R. baggage master at Mt. Joy. | Two young men returned home | from the ”’ Sunday morning and | looked plugged counterfeit pen-| “galg like nies. Mrs. Wm, Baker of end guests of Dr. family. Miss Myra sojourn to Lindemuth home, We two bread deliveries Monday. one Tuesday, one Wednes- two Thursday, one Friday and one Saturday. { Mr. and Mrs. Christian Good en- | tertained at dinner last Sunday | B. Thome and Miss] tlizabethtown, were week- | A. J. Thome and | Grosh, after a week's | her aunt Mrs. Emma | at Hershey, has returned | hav e ay, & Phares S. Ginder and wife and Jonas | number of her friends at her home Whistler and bride Thursday evening. A most enjoy- able time was spent by all. Mrs. J. H. Gabler of Franklin county, with her daughter, Gabler, at the Black Horse Clayton Sweigart and M. B. Foltz and Mrs. Daniel Kaylor were of W. Foltz at Royalton, on Waednes- the Miss Ethel Hotel. Mrs. spent week wife, the guests Geo and family cay. business met of was held tng ne nomnie . Harvey on South Market on Wenger 1 worthy should be ronized tar SO Churct These ittended nig interest is converted eviva] services, being well { much mani- fested. Mrs. ( Christian United Sunday evening “Foreign Mission World Over.” A children’s being led the of St R Endeavor XeOr ge Kersey society Brethren church on using the topic Opportunities the Paul's party was 2 from to 5 o'clock, The arranged for the benefit of St. Eliza- beth’s mission. An admission was charged, but parents accompanying them were admitted free. Refresh- ments were served and a neat sum wag realized. J. K. Freymeyer the Florin baker, who leased the Ashenfelter bakery on South Market gtreet took posses sion on Monday morning, February 1st. His brother, Henry, will move to the borough and have charge of |the plant. This was for many years {the Kuhn bakery and always enjoyed {a liberal share of patronage. | The executors of the late J. B. | Witmer, of Elizabethtown, sold the jfollowing bank stock at ~vblic sale to the following persons: Ten shares of National bank stock to A, H. Mar- tin, at $159.50 per share, Five shares of the same to E. C. Ginder, at $158 | per share. Five shares of Exchange bank stock to H J, Gish, at $114.50 ner share Five shares of same stock tn A. A. Coble at SF per share ™ve ghareg of sam to A. Z “itmer at $114.10 gp. Five chareg of same to J kn, at $114 per share. Strasburg, Mrs. Buch, | da Monday the given in|is on the indisposed register, market hall, on Saturday afternoon the only surviving sister of Mrs party was | David Forney, | | Frank Grove and his step-sister Miss Clara Green visited their mother Johp Green, at the County | Past Hospital in Lancaster, Sunday. Baker, place John F. a former resident made a misstep while the floor in hig room and fell, fracturing a bone in his hand. President Wilson pitiless term just of this pacing doesn’t seem to publicity about a now, but he wants term all the same, the most formidable Real Estate i fall the Upper want any second a second One of candi- in Oo ites for Assessor is Harry district town of vice Mayor struck who was weeks ago and ldle of be about the again. recently re- Union Na- present dinner at of former’s Heisey Joy, were parents, Heisey, DI pop in L.ancas man Sun- and salesman ular and Dep Store, known this to every young spent F, Grosh region, BE. reparations to Mrs. John from the Hospital to her home in this Her present condition has improved as to warrant her re- moval. are made being remove Green County place. been Miss Kate Brubaker, of Green Tree, a daughter of Eli B. Brubaker | She is { whose obsequies were held Saturday afternoon. { Quarterly Conference will be held | by the Evangelical Association in| this place Feb. 7th. Preparatory ger- | vices Saturday P. M. preceding. Eng- lish gervices Saturday evening, 6th, preparatory, by the presiding Elder, Rev. Charles Dresher of Allentown. Rev. C. D. Rishel, pastor of the Church of God in Mount Joy, will deliver a lecture in the Evangelical Church in this place next Thursday evening, Feb. 4th. His theme will be “What will it be? Education or Agita- tion. Who are responsible? “The School of Cigarette Smokers and its Graduates.” Harvey K. 8nyder and wife of Mount Pleasant, are the recipients of many congratulations on the birth of a male heir. Fortunately the little baby hag paternal and maternal grandparents, and they are go elated over the arrival of a grand child that they al} are enjoying a season of un- restrained enthusiasm, The making of good roads is one of the most important duties of the people and their prompt repair and careful maintenance is essential. BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA. 3, Wednesday, February 191 Get vour share of our benefit sale Clothes are one kind of merchandise that you can always use. When you get a chance to buy Hart Schattner & Marx clothes at anything less than regular prices, better do it; theyll give you good service when you need it. Clearing prices now rule: $12.50 Suits and Overcoats $15.00 Suits and Overcoats , $ 6.98 $18.00 Suits and Overcoats $ 8.98 $10.98 $20.00 Suits and Overcoats $23.00 Suits and Overcoats | GETZ BROTHERS The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes There is probably no subject in which the progressive farmer is more deep- than that of having connecting him with his mar- over which he may be able to convey the greatest possible load. Good roads, like all other good things expensive to build and of too much value to be neglected. Like the Indian and the bison, the Bull Moose are vanishing before the advance of civilization. Soon only a few specimens will survive, protract- ed in political zoological gardens. There be societies for their pre- to a generous funds for their penalties for ly interested roads kets are too will servation, appeals contribute conservation heartless men who pursue them in a sport, There are still indulge in vain to whether the Bull survive. The answer to recently re- latter strongest that does not. In a Bil] Flinn will desert the Armageddon and return the of his fathers.” The past the remorseless aper—death—invaded region to of the Father some of the most and highly esteemed citizens, Amongst .them are Dr, A.| M. Kalbach of Lancaster, who was well known in this community as a man of congenial nature and charit- able disposition. J. Harvey Raymond, of Florin, was a widely known citizen and perhaps one of the most familiar! figures in political circles in the] county, Mrs. E, E. Shaffner of Mid- dletown, was an estimable lady and | acquired popularity and respect while she was a resident in this place. | The venerable Samuel McLanchan, of Elizabethtown wag highly weer] ed in this locality, having in previous years commanded a lucrative patron- age in the community. He died full of years and good fruit. Supervisor, John Hostetter, of Maatersonville, whose funeral took place on Sunday and legiong of friends mourn his sudden demise. Mrs, David Forney, | of Mastersonville, who was buried at! Green Tree, Saturday was an amiable and greatly esteemed young Christian woman and her death caused a heavy gloom in the community in which she lived. mnt A Qs @reiner—Behmer David L. Greiner, son of Mr. and Mrs, David F. Greiner, and Miss Teanette A. Behmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Behmer of Manheim, were united in marriage | on Saturday. public to heavy spirit of false optomists who speculation as Moose will been the it his question uted by four vdherents is, of "hence standard of to party week this and gathered the home Eterna] prominent Advertise in, the Mt. Joy Bulletin. SALUNGA Mr, Samue| Greider’'s 6-Mule Team | Has a Mishap Here Mrs. Mary Charles is visiting the| of John Peifer, Large quantities of good tobacco | are delivered weekly in town, i F. 8. Strickler and family spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ephraim | Newcomer. Miss Anna Doerstler of Glen Man-| or spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. F. S. Strickler, { Mr. and Mrs. Heisey visited the | latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Adam | Deitrich on Sunday, Mrs. John Breneman funeral] of Tobias Martin Lititz Saturday afternion, Mrs. Mary Rohrer, Mr. Jacob Herr spent Sunday and family family attended the Light at and Mrs. with their near Kinderhook. Milton Miller, Jr., came home on after four weeks’ stay] at the Hospital where he underwent’ He looks and | son Saturday a a critica] operation. feels quite well. The revival is still on, and pas- and people are energetic as ever, Nineteen converts were tak-| en in on probation Sunday night, with more to follow. The Ladies’ Aid Church expect to supply the com- munity with their Fasnachts, Feb. 16, - To see them is to want some | and to want some and to taste, a) to want more. | A bad tangle of mules wag What | startled us last Thursday when in| answer to loud calls, we rushed to the door. Mr. Samuel Greider was, passing thru Salunga with his six- mule team when the animals be- came frightened and turned sudden- ly round, breaking the pole of the wagon and dragging the mules a distance. The minor injuries to the mules and wagon summed up the damages, ——D Gr EI c—— There Will Be Two Less On Monday Judge Landis filed opinions in the cases of the Vitale Brothers, refusing a new trial. They | will be taken into court in a tow | days and sentenced to the electric chair. / Cemetery Association Chartered The Falmouth Cemetery associa-| tion was chartered by the court Sat’ urday. The corporatorg are Abram BE. Cobaugh, Amos S. Bringer, Benj- amin Fink, William Sides and Eph- raim Brinser, tor of the M. BE.| iL. Read to Bulletin We print all the news fit to print IT ISN'T AN EASTMAN IT | ISN'T A KODAK IF Horses, Colts & Mu At PUBLIC SALE At MOUNT JOY, PENNA. No. | A Kodak Jr. PRICE $9.00 What more appropriate for a present [fs than a gift that keeps the happy times of that day and all the days to come, Let us show you our Kodak Xmas suggestions for your boy or girl KODAKS, $6 to $74 BROWNIES, $1 to $12 Sold by ZELLER, Auct, ZELLER. Clk ED. REAR 200000! We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring W.B.BENDER§ wvater BARBER [2 I1