A 7 1. X11. NO. 37 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 3, 1915 $1.00{A YEZ a —— So Rapidly Borough Council Our Dads Will Do Considerable Im. proving the Coming Summer Mount Joy Borough Council met in pefilar session Monday evening ll a busy session it Every 1cilman was present. The minutes the last regular were ad and approved: on was, meeting ort of Burgess Brown show- ected lependent © [lhe r $200.62 pole tax Telephone Edison Electric month. ommittee ceported crossings board crossings 1ese recommenda: Ek Columbia Avenue >t -to the Columbia Macadamize North om the old borough ent borough limits. a new crossing on n the north side of 1e and one on Colum- the west side of Pop- ordered laid. Recom- g a pipe on the east es of New Haven streets tta street. This will be a marked improvement at this point is a bad one laid Two new s the gutter there the the filled in, crossings recommended and ordered After pipes are will be were algo laid at this point. New Haven the side of New Marietta ordered the Jarto also recom: Street and award lowest bidder. etta at west and one across street. A laid west south side of crossing Marietta Poplar street. Mr, mended that the get bids for stone tract to the was street side of at committee the con: Water ommittee Mr. Ricksecker reported all right around the pumping station; at head repaired; -car- water received and at thruout race pipes various points bridge load of distributed | tion. street | One across Mari | Haven | on the | new | across | CHORAL SOCIETY CONCERT Will Render The Holy City in Mount Joy Hall, Feb. 11 The render the A. R. Gaul, Thursday, February will City, Hall eleventh. Mount Joy Choral Society “The Holy Mount Joy oratorio by in the The Society is under the direction of Mr. Paul B. Lititz. Orchestra of Lancaster, consisting of Beck of Myer’s nine rendi- “Re- pro- will assist in The entire the members pieces. the be be Society house will served,” and tickels can cured from of the for 35 The rving cents. chart be Monday, F will opened, for re- S¢ seats, at Store part icipating ebruary at on the eighth, eleven o'clock xar- ber’'s Drug The soloists are ap | pended: | Dr. everything | | Schock, Detwiler; Schock; Baritone, Mrs O. Stoll, Em- P. Frank Quartette, Soprano, Miss Contralto, Mrs. P. Tenor, Mr. P. Frank Schock; E. W. Garber; Trio, [Longenecker:; Misses Ruth Duet, Mrs. John Hoffer; Mary Frank Brown; Mrs. ma | i Misses Mary Schock. Beatrice Brown, the town. Chairman Ricksecker made | these recommendations: A main be laid on the Columbia road; one on Donegal street as far as is necessary and al- so one on North Barbara street as far as the borough limits. All these (Continued on page 4) All Right, If True brough Announces That He Will Shortly buy Tobacco Kimbrough, who organized Seed Leaf Growers’ Company, a ago, and who about January i manager of that com- ghortly launch a ‘“com- e house” for the Lan- bbacco growers.” Mr. oug s to pay cash, equiva o t1¥mount paid by the 0Ig rs and to give the farmers a e to get a large share of what- profits may. acquire after the lco is ready for the market. en seen by a reporter, here is Kimbrough had to say: hall be prepared to announce in lv days definite plans to finance i as 11 Straw Ride to Maytown he following persons from town fnposed a straw ride to Maytown turday evening: Misses Margaret barbeck, Helen Krall, Fanny Strick- . Ruth and Grace Pennypacker, ry and Leah Stauffer, Fannie Ging- , Mary, Blanche, Mae and Martha leman. Ruth Mumma, Messrs. rren Eshleman, Frank Gantz, Geo. hwn, Musser Stauffer, Carl Krall, sor Roberts, Charles DeLong, Ed- Missemer and David Stauffer. fle in Maytown the party attend- the spelling bee given by the ytown High School, eel CR —— Making Improvements he interior of Getz BrOSs. clothing | re is being repainted and papered. also beautified by L installation of three large glass or show cases, Mr. Frank Shatto i his force are doing the beautify- and when completed this will be e of the finest store rooms in the win. e interior was —- Ee Wil] You Join? Sunday School workers who Psire to become members of the pion Class in the Teacher Training cordially Invited to eet in the lecture room. of the hited Brethren Church on Friday 7:15 P. M. C. D. Rishel, Supt. District No. 6, a ———— Aa ituation at Present tors trade journal rty-seven weekly news are offered for sale. If ide in your home paper, s best you can and first pay your subscription. the paper goes ourse = are received at and your fault. Change Wash Day in again on Monday, Wwe rain every wash day since Then you oft ask why wo- grouchy. We would , sug: change wash day. A —— ught $59.75 a Share le of securities at Lancas- hy. twelve shares of Eliza. and Florin Railway com: bk were sold at $59.75 per F. K. Lefevre. e. Return to our contemplated community packing of 1914 tobacco by paying cash on delivery on the basis of the follow- ing prices: First—For all crops 40 to 60 per cent. of which runs 26 inches and up. in length, 12 inches and up in spread thim, silky, full of life, well handled ‘and good burmer—12 and 4. Second—For all tobacco which rung 18 to 26 incheg thick, heavy, full of life, well cured with green back, good burner—10 and 3 to 11 and 4. Third—For all other good burner tobacco and well handled—S8 and 2%. Fourth—For alt sized fillers sold apart from the wrapper—3 to 4c. Fifth—For all hall cut—63 to 8c. Bible Class Met The Ladies Bible Class, of Trinity U. E. Sunday School held their regu- lar meeting last evening at the home of Mrs. Rev. N. A. Barr on New Hav- en street, After devotions and rou- tine business, a contest was indulged in, and several prizes were given. A very pleasant evening was spent. Those present were: Mrs, Joseph Weber, Mrs. John Way, Mrs. Sophia Dowhower, Mrs. George Myers, Mrs. H. H. Morton, Mrs. Rev. N. A. Barr, Mrs. J. H. Gingrich, Misses Esther . Weber, Mary Cunningham, Edith Gin- grich, Anna Myers, Mary Eshleman, {Mildred Way and Kathryn Gingrich. BR. Saw The Little Cafe Among those from town that wit- nessed the production of The Little Cafe at the Fulton Opera House Monday night were Mr. and Jacob T. Snyder of Florin; Mr. Mil- ton Meshey, Mr, Harry E. Getz, Miss Mary MecGinnis, Mr. S. B. Bernhart, Dr. W. M. Thome and Mr, Clayton Keller, ee A. U. S. Juror Mr. Cle.yton Keller, of the exten- sive firm of J, B. Keller & Bro. cat- tle dealers here, has been drawn as a juror to serve in the United States court at Philadelphia. He goes on duty next Monday. — ~~ ~~ A Small Landslide A sma]l landslide occurred on the south side of the cut just west of the Market street bridge, yesterday. The did not slide on the tracks _but there a large lot to be: re- moved. Emm mmm School Board Met The regular monthly meeting of the School Board was held Monday evening but only routine business was transacted. The plans and speci- fications of the annex to the school building are not ready ag yet. A Mothers’ A well attended mothers’ meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Eby on Marietta street vesterday afternoon, to which all the pastors in town were invited. EE ——— Glad to Hear It | Last Saturday was the biggest pay at the Industrial Works here in five ‘years. ground is Meeting » water | Columbia Avenue to | Mrs. | Edith Bentzel; Heilig, Mr, Al- Marguerite Bertha Missemer, Quartette, Dr. W. bert Mumma, Herr, Estella R. Misses Bucher. BR a atarv ren ypsa Man Attacks Banker John Hertzler, president of the Lancaster Trust Company, was sub- jected to a bombardment of lumps of coal in his office, about noon Friday when Milton Landis, of Landisville. who is said to be mentaily deranged, took action when he was refused money. A charge of disorderly con- duct was registered against the man, but Alderman Doebler decided that the county hospital was the best place for Landis. He is there now. meat emma: Foreman—Heck Miss Mary Heck, daughter of Mrs. Mary Heck, of near Elizabethtown, was married on Wednesday afternoon to Albert Foreman, of Hockersville, by the Rev. Ellis W. Kremer, D. D, pastor of the Reformed Salem church, Harrisburg, at the parsonage, with the ring ceremony. A reception was held at the home of the bride immediately afterwards. Mr. and Mrs. Foreman will reside at Hockers- ville. Personal Happen id of Ou Ma ES Ne Pil We THE WHEREABOUTS OF OUR FRIENDS THE PAST WEEK Able Corps of Reporters the Card Basket About Friends and Your What Our Found in Yourself Your Acquaintances Rev. N. A. Barr spent yesterday in Lancaster. Mr. E. Cohen of Ephrata, circulated about town on Friday. Mr. I. Rosentha] of Lebanon, was a Thursday visitor here. Mr. H. E. Campbell of Reading was town on Friday. Miller in William few days here with friends. Mr. H. R. Behrens of Harrisburg, was a Thursday visitor here. Mr. Ezra Stauffer of Bachmanville, spent last Wednesday. in. town. Mr. Irvin B. Glatfelter of TLancas- ter, spent Saturday in the boro. Mr. D. F. - Greiner: of Elizabeth- | town, spent Thursday in town. { Mr.. Wm. Gruber of Bachmansville, | was a Wednesday visitor here. Mr. A. C. Landis of Lancaster, was | seen on our streets on Thursday. Mr.- J.. J. Martin . of Ohio, was a Monday visitor here. | Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Rothenberger | of Pottstown, were in town Monday. | Miss Fannie Long of Harrisburg, | is the guest of Mrs. Catharine T.ong. Mr, H. J. Miller of Philadelphia, spent several days in town last week. Mrs, S. H. Tressler spent Monday and Tuesday at Marysville, attending a funeral. Miss Anna Mae Eyer of Palmyra. was the guest of Miss Rebecca Eber- sole on Saturday. Mrs. Susan Williams, who has been spending the past six weeks at Co- lumbia, has returned home. Miss Anna Holwager and Mr. Frank Kline of Elizabethtown, spent Sunday with Mrs. Anna Fetter. Mr. Samuel] Goodman of Bain- seen Mr. is spending a Janesville, | ‘offer lortuary ] ( J fore | : ] Recordin fin Her, Wel fom Maloun Resioeni, Dead THE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUST | TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER territory Some Well Known People From Our Neighborhood Have Passed to the Gone to Their Reward | premises that G. | John H. Culp son of his home in Mrs, Ida Florin last aged H., died at from John Culp, Friday years, He young pneumonia, four months and nine days. is survived by his mother and one brother Arthur, The funera] was held on Sunday afternoon with ices in the River Brethren Church in [Florin and interment in Green Tree. | ; Jacob Weaver Weaver, one of the oldest Mennonite preachers in Lan- | caster county, and one of the best | known men in the Upper End of the | county, died on Saturday morning at his home in Martindale, after an ill- {ness of several months. Death was caused by a complication of diseases. Rev. Weaver was in his 71st year. Rev. | | Rev, Jacob B. Arthur Kauffman Arthur, the one-year-old Mr, and Mrs. Web. Kauffman, died on Sunday at the home of his pa rents, at Mastersonville, from infan- tile troubles. The funeral was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Gib- ney, 612 North Mary street, Lancas- ter, Interment was made in the Woodward Hill Cemetery son of Mrs. Barbara H. Souders Mrs. Barbara H. Souders, who re- sided with her niece, Mrs. J. T. Peters, near Kinderhook, died at 11 o'clock on Thursday morning from infirmities incident to her advanced age, she being in her 78th year. The funeral] was held on Monday at 9 A. M. from the house, and at 11 A. M. at Habecker's meeting house at Cen- tral Manor. Interment was made in the adjacent cemetery, t——— John Hunter John Hunter, a lifelong resident of Maytown, died at his home that place Sunday afternoon, was taken with a stroke on Satur- day, which hastened his death. He was 75 years old and was born Maytown. He served in the Civil War and was a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church, He is sur- vived by a widow, who was a Miss Breneman, and two sisters, Mrs, Em- ily Bowers of Maytown and Mrs. | George Willets of Cleveland, Ohio. The funeral took place this morning at 10 o’clock, with interment in the Lutheran Cemetery, Maytown. eet { His Conversion Seems Genuine | converted during the I services now under way in that town. had 20 He invited Rev. J. and severa] friends to bring | his cellar; this being kegs and jugs -carried gutter and smashed In his cellar he home-made wine. C. Bieri hatchets to he had nearest | done, to the with the hatchets and the wine went | iq here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. into the Susquehanna, rn eel G. Moyer’s Big Sale The big implément, = wagon harness sale. of Mr, & Meyer of | this place, will be held at his place of business on West Donegal street, | Saturday, Feb. 20. when he wih an exceptionally second-hand * goods poster of on of new and some for sale, A deseriptive this big sale will soon be out. DUGEESERS———— _ It Pays to Work There Hershey Chocolate Company | noticed employes that | heen The Saturday all who had months or bonus of wages Or Of the twelve eighty per cent or eligible. eee eee le It its in its service six receive a longer would twenty per hundred employes 1¢050 persons are | Please Return Recently Mr. county l erg ed into exposed, areas. miles | fifteen | sists of all territory | or municipality beyond the limits of | six | serv- | so in | 3 i {a closed area; Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue |? oq ar a8 j municipalities containing | day. gallons of | Sunday visitors to | Horace | Feb.. 14, | the speaker. for the occasion will be 1 announced. later. ok VOUCHERS FCR CATTLE Expected to Reach Long; Varicus Areas the County Be- Explained Already few farmers in this ha Federal Government d ve received - checks from the for property destroyed and animals killed and mouth disease State to the foot quar- is killed the antine. The for animals and these will no doubt reach county long. been district- and closed area consists of all three that than area con- township Lancaster county has modified A closed within a radius of an invested premises disinfected for An ‘exposed of ! less been days. in a all townships or an infected disinfected A modified also been for less than thirty days. has | area is all territory not included in a closed or exposed area. er etl E— - A Mothers’ Meeting woman's Christian Temper- ance Union held at the home of Tuesday afternoon at “Amusements.” discussed The a Mrs. J. S. 2 o'clock. The Papers on card subject was were read and incident | filling up vouch- | before Mother's Meeting | Eby on | We Print Neat, Cheap and Attractive Sale Bills..That's Why Our Sale Register Grows Fifth Anniversary ‘Boy Scouts of This Place, Will Cele- brate the The Scouts of St. Mark's Monday of the be held Brethren Church, 8th, 1915 invitation extend- fifth anniversary Boy America will in United Evening. A February at 7.30. cordial ed to the following public to be present. program will be rendered: Orchestra from Chief States. . Scout, Greetings United Anthem Invocation Duett Dr. E. Brown. Scripture Selection, of the Delong Choir Johnston Scout Chas. W. Garber and Miss Emma N. Boy’ Quartette I. E. Long Lesson... .Rey, Barr “God Save A my Male Fraternal Greetings. .Rev. { Orchestra Boy Scouts Oath 300,000 Boy Scouts in the United on On playing, dancing. street disapation and | the curfew. The ministerial associa- tion was received at '3 o'clock, Re- freshments were served, after a social hour the meeting adjourned, — el C—— Big Combination Sale Tuesday, Feb, 16, Mr. C. S. Frank will hold a big combination sale at the Washington House stables, Mount Joy. when he will sell about 75 barrels of apples, of various varieties; lot of farming implements, machinery, belting, furnaces, tank, ete. On The Band Fair The Citizens’ Band fair is draw- ing good crowds. On Saturday ev- ening the Metropolitan band will furnish music. Chicken corn soup, sandwiches, cake and coffee will be served every Saturday evening here- News at Flor LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION OF THE WEEK > What Has Transpired in That Thriv ness will © ing and industrious Village a Short Distance West of Mount Joy as Gathered by our Reportorial Staff Born to Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Barn- hart a son. Mr. E. S. Moore trip to Lancaster, made a business Tuesday. Mr, Christian Nissley was a Tues- | week relative to securing the wishes | day visitor to the county seat. Mr. Wm. Hamilton will move into the property vacated by Mr. Kline. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bishop visited | the latter’s father at Bainbridge Sun- | Mr, Victor union revival | day. were H. Greiner and Mrs. Abram Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Lutz. Mr. delphia, on Sunday. Migs Marie B. Dukeman of Phila- brother Chambers visited his Stover of Harrisburg, Cox. Mrs. J. D. Easton and Mrs. J. H. Dukeman spent last Thursday at the and { County” Seat. (Continued on page 4) nn ere For Men Only The Men’s Christian . Federation large lot Of | Committee met on Monday evening, meet- | hold a afternoon, Feb. 1, and planned to ing for men on Sunday The place of meeting and a _—os Celebrated 33rd Anniversary Just thirty-three years ago on Mon-| day Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Newpher were cent on their | joined in. the holy bonds of wedlock. | salaries for the past year. | They quietly celebrated the event at | over | their home on East Main street. ciel A AR oo LOCAL NOTES Miss Nettie Culp is on’ the sick list. Mr. Harry Brooks. who for some Frank Shatto was | time has been bar clerk at the Cen- the recipient of a fine umbrella upon | tral House, has resigned his position. the handle of which was carved his | While working at the post | name. { some one exchanged office Monday BR A EE When Will It Stop? Brandt & Stehman. our local mil bridge. spent Friday in town calling| umbrellas with Mr. Shatto. He would ' lers, are paying $1.50 per bushel] to- (Continued on page 5) greatly appreciate its return. \ ' day for wheat. Haldeman of Philadel | Lewis Ibaugh, a Columbia man, was | phia, paid his parents a visit on FTi- | big sale Hebnor | pany under the Dommel Defeated | | | ( In a match shoot at 25 birds be- | tween William Dommel, of Florin land Ward Moore, of Ironville, on | Thursday, the former won, grassing {19 to 18 for Moore. Both shot from {the 30-yard mark. Interest ran high lin the shoot, as the men kept close together down to the last bird. With the score tied at 24, Domme] killed his twenty-fifth bird with the first barrel, but Moore drew a hard quar- terer, which escaped both his loads, and Dommel was the victor. The two arranged another match, to be shot at Tronville on February 12. In ad- dition there was an eight-bird event with 14 entries. This was won by Shisler, who killed eight straight. Now Sales Manager Owing to the extensive increase in business at Mr. H. S. Newcomer's, he has added to his force Mr. Fred A. Farmer, who will be sales man- ager at thig well known business establishment, Mr. Farmer is by no means a stranger here, having been a former resident of this place. He came here direct from the Syracuse, N. Y. sales office of the John Deere Plow Works and having had ample jexperience in the implement busi- undoubtedly prove a very valuable addition to the sale force of | Mr. Newcomer. His many friends | will be glad to learn that he has | again decided to be ‘“‘one of us.” oY — AA | ! No Evangelist Here | A big mass meeting was held in [ the United Brethren Church last jof the townspeople ag to whether or { not an evangelistic meeting should {be held in Mt. Joy. It did not meet | with the approval of the people. | nr ett en. Ream’s Next Sale Ream will hold his of thirty head of accli- horses, colts and mules at Saturday, Feb. another lot horse sold un- full] guarantee so you can't go by 2t Mr, Ed next | mated here on will offer Every stableg 13, when of fine der a his 192 he ones. wrong buying at this sale. EE Now Florin Water Co. Letters patent record at the | merging the the received for Court House Friday Florin Water Company Donegal Water Com- title of the. Florin were and East Water Company, ga Hauer’s Big Ad H. E. Hauer |ing something in Mt. Joy this week For full {read his page ad on the last page of { the Bulletin, Merchant is sure start- |in a big sale. particulars — ——— - Allowed Plaintiff Half’ In 8. F. Scattergood & Co. E. |S. Moore. suit to recover damages defendant to ac- cept a: carload of wheat. the jury al- VS. of the for failure {lowed the plaintiff $72 - Lette's Granted Sheaffer of Mit Amos Shea Monroe 0 ship and Donegal’ townshil Wm. Sheaffer,’ late i Opening Tomorrow Mr. Wm. gd aston wil i new config at of Mariet Ita streets tomorrow, Thu v the corner The Big Event States peat at attention and Oath. Rev. PF, stand Scouts will the G, Bossert LTE Scout work from its origin to the present....Rev, C. Stewart Kitchin SONNE... i sirens Local Troop Boy’s Dream” Description in the motion of ship is imitated. As the sailor dreams of home and hears the church organ and bells. While chromatic work brings out the of the waves as the dreamer into slumber, Miss Della Shank While the Iron is C. D. Rishel the benefit S8 Solo, “The Sailor which deeper Address, Hot” Freewill] offering Local Troop. “Strike for Congregation Bird in Match America Benediction Orchestra Last Moore Over Florin Traps Dom’]l Moore .22001 21212 12112 20022 02201-19 20112 20202 22200 12222 (2220-18 Event No, 2—Eight Birds Shisler 2-2-1-2-1-2-1-1-8 Domme] 1-1-0-1-0-1-2-1-§.. W. Moore 2-2-2-0-2-2-2-0-8 D. Moore 2-0-2-2-0-2-2-2-§ Zellers 1-0-0-2-1-1-2-2-6 Sultzbauch 1-0-1-0-1-2-1-0-6 Humer 0-2-1-0-2-2-0-2-6 Snow 2-2-0-0-2-2-2-0-5 Paxon 1-0-2-2-0-0-2-2-5 BE, Mumma 0-1-1-2-0-1-0-1-5 Zigler .. 0-1-2-1-0-1-0-0-4 A. Mumma 0-2-1-1-2-0-0-0-4 v Gochnaur 1-2-1-2-0-0-0-1-5 J. Nissley 2-0-0-0-2-0-0-0-2 Honk! Honk! Honk! Our contemporary saw fit to criti cise a slight error in the Bulletin last week ‘when he should have been , busy shoveling the mud from his own door. In his “Driving Accident” item he says: “Kreider’'s horse was badly lacerated and ran away.” Of course that's a lie. The horse did not rum away and was not even scratched. Neither was it Warren Farmer that figured in the mishap. Instead of either of the above items, why don’t “Jakie” tell us something about that Ford automo | bite he gave away. Guess he will {have to be contented and keer | singing: ‘Where, Oh Where Can I Be?” a — They'll Have a Crowd | The Sons of Veterans met on Tues- {day evening. They plan for a big |time on the evening of Feb. 16, at which time the S. of V. will hold their Campfire Social and bean soup supper. Invitations are being sent this week to all Soldiers, Sons of Veterans, prospectives. and their to and enjoy the occasion. The invitation is giv- en bv Lieut. D. H. Nissley Camp, No. 74. Sons of Veterans of Mount Joy and with ‘it no expense to the invited guests. out families, be present carries mi At They Wee Appreciated Mr. I, D. Stehman, of tune firm of Brandt & Stehman, iS now on tne South, who thru sent a large box of oranges to be dis- tributed The oranges an extensive ~ trip employes here. certainly fine and greatly appreciated by Mr. aud Mrs, Stehman are now in Tampa. among his were the treat was the men Owl People tilation et Shut Off Ventilation complained of ack of ven- in Manheim’s moving pic theatre, An examination was and the ventilating shaft found e It re. moved and there now com- plaint of ventilation. ture made in a live owl was no was is snes — The Pattersonian With the 1015 comes Pattersonion new for news heads, are marked improvements and make it look better than ever. The local High School deserves eredit the More vear in a illustrated fine ete, F-ank Car-ies Them Now Frank Tvndall is the new lo representative of the Harrisburg here. succeeding John Miller As an odverticing novelty ‘he will give a conv of Puck with { every Telegraph so'd on Saturday. Mr cal [ Telegraph