The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 27, 1915, Image 1

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GGA NT nr Siig a Ar
ives have aided the auWorl- that energetic measures w..r _r
to stamp out the disease, satis- out the pestilence there as wg y i survived by
ory progress has been made at a elsewhere, Although large quant wwe Tsister, Miss Katie
expense than was at one of stock have been affected already, { Brupnaker., and alsq by her parents. |
hired. Indiana and Michigan, the number up to the present, is) | The funeral was held on Saturday |
| tive to thig store.
1e disease originated, were, small in comparison with the total morning at 9 o'clock at the house, |
I at first hard hit. Much quantity in those States. In Illinois | | with services at 10 o'clock at|
territory is, however, now there were approximately 2,500,000 |
| Chickies meeting house.
| }
' / . f
rely freed from quarantine, and head of cattle at the beginning of | ) f sr | ’
only a small area is the move- the outbreak, Of those 14,653 have | 2 (f | John H. Hostetter |
nt of live stock absolutely pro- been slaughtered. Out of approxi- { / A John H. Hostetter of Masterson- | ii d
ited. In Indiana 6,127 animals mately 4,500,000 hogs, only 21,587 | J ville, died Wednesday night from | ( :
gc saushtered and in Michigan had been killed up to January 1. Of | typhoid fever aged forty-three years. |
128. the 150,000 farms in that State about | Mr. Hostetter was one of the road
Illinois and Pennsylvania 500 have been involved. Hid ( 0l Il Mil li supervisors of Rapho township, and
: = | was a member of the German Bap-| Ni / K HeJmeyer | ese
x tist Church. Beside the wife, four
: . x : : | 01ers iit PIS| Week brothers and a sister survive. The 9 a } Si
Big Siow Possant 9 Saturday Will Be Held in the United Brethren | funeral was held op Sunday morn. [he Kilin's Bakery : ie arenice has
Evening— hea 8 and Com- Church Friday Evening Z| oe ing at 9 o'clock at the house and | ; § gel Bo mes Nand on
mn | | A MO ol y ag staten
g . ; y em | {THE WHEREABOUTS OF OUR at 9:30 at the Brethren in Christ ae ; 3 : a 03 ng sia ;
or Ru tert eT A grand mass meeting under the | FRIENDS THE PAST WEEK Church, Mastersonville LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION ~~ nf LORE LE Bews ive iia
Be band fair unaer ihe JSushices auspices of the Mount Joy Minis- | en : - oh OF THE WEEK DR. T. ALEX CAIRNS , See smouncing ¥hay the pald
of the Gigs Ben of ms in teria] Association will be held in the |... to Able © he | Mrs. John Rudy oa. Who will lecture in Mt. Joy Hall, |against certain New York se
) i sip he 1 Yah : hi = a 0 Tow: 7 rads ning agents he New 8
opened I their all on Marietta St Mark's United Brethwen Church ur e orps eporters Mrs. John Rudy. a former resident | What Has Transpired in That Thriv- tomorrow, Thursday evening, Jan. 22€Dls of the New Standard Har
Street, Saturday evening andin spite oo oo TT ang eo Found in the Card Basket About : : f : i : : 28 Humbugs and Mossbacks. Ware Works of Mount Joy was dis-
Friday evening; Jan. 29, 1915 at 7:30 ; of near Mount Joy. died last Tues-| ing and Industrious Village a Short <° On mbugs; andf Mosgoacks,, :
of the bad weather there wasa good _. , | Yourself Your Friends and Your a sd 4 i This is the third attraction of the Missed may be misunderstood. The
crowd in attendance o'clock. Acauaintince {day night from a lingering illness of | Distance West of Mount Joy as 5 is the thly alracuon 0 Iiliowtiin ie tie i Th
Ma ot tl erdhants. of the At which time Rev. C. E. Hillis, | q * {a complication of diseases, at her | Gathered by our Reportorial Staff | Lyceum Course. "Ligation 1s by Do means dead,
] he erchants { + Sultg against ew Y g
ny ? home near Hershey, Dauphin county, | SR | Tr - —2 ults against the New York parties

time as the plaintiff sees fit to take
Mr. Charles A. Greider, South of Ithem up. The Rollman Manufactur-
Town Elected Director ling Company has acquiesced in this
action temporarily in order to take
election for irectors of {advantage of recent changes in court
s change, suit hag beep instituted
in the United States Court in Phila.
Treas H. Frar delphia against the New Standard
Audite Jno. | Charles, A, Hardware Works for an injunction,
: ; ¢ Kendig and wn ,. Miller, lamages and profits on account of
complication of diseases incident to | visited old acquaintances in town on The
in town. Secy—B. F. Gre
of Florin, died at his home in that Mr. J. C. Fasnacht of Palmyra,
place Friday, aged 80 years, 8 months | was a Saturday visitor in town.
and 11 days. Death was due to a Mr. J. P. Whitman of Lancaster,
: have been simply set aside tempor-
Philadelphia |aged fifty-seven years, She was a| Mrs. Reuben Swords is on the sick roe ! Do
| d > dad,
which are being contested for by
| husband. one sister and three sonms. | was largely attended.
Solo by Mrs. Hillis.
been opened, where many good {noon from the Lutheran church, of to her bed with sickness. The
Mutual Insurance Company | procedure by instituting new pro-
and Mrs. C. D. Carson were pers and to recover full
noppers anf recove
3 : a : . visit I'S N ¢ J man 2h
can sure spend a pleasant evening Roland of Philadelphia, were in town isitors to Maytown, Pres.—A. N. Lehms
= body welcome,
Band of Lancaster, will be present M. C. F. Organized spent a few days here with relatives
er di ys are: M. M.
Tohacco News b ) old age. He was a member of the Sunday.
Y evangelist and his co-workers will! i :
town have assisted the band in as- conduct the' services Rew ? awl Mrs. J. H. Stoll spent Thursday in | /
sembling a long list of useful] articles _ . 1 ; ps A y INSURANCE COMPANY OFFICERS |arily withou eiudice il ct
g > will preach and Prof. B. H. Redden : ; i" {daughter of the late John and Sarah | list. ! t' wejidice unt such
will conduct the song service, Mr Miss Anna Hallsren is on on 4 Kauff i by her | Ti St f i Mond 4
: ' E e S service, Mrs. tia Pa | Kauffman and is survive 04 er | » Sheaffer 1 '¢ ] z
many of the young ladies of the : : 2 3 visit to friends at Chester, x utylved ! he Saoaper luporab on onday
Redden will preside at the piano. : r
town. Miss Mabe] Krall spent the week: | po ? 14 Frid fter-| M i . Brubal fined
; | " 3 e funeral] was hel riday after- Miss Lizzie rubaker ig confinec
A refreshment department has r 3 : : end at her home in Harrisburg, .
p The object of this meeting shall M Bdwi H x t Ba g i
3 3 oa MTS, nawin omrmaster 1s spena- | .
be to consider the advisability of en- which e was a member, at Hum-| Mr 7. Myers of Marietta wa |
things to eat can be gotten. The gniiive thi on ey oe ing the week with her parents at| jo V ik i 82, wl Mr, H. W. Myers of Marietta was a | Manor
gag r a y 5 elstow and burie he ce =| S ay isitor i 7 “2 y g Xe dav 33 :
band enlivens the evenings with all AIS PUY : he 3 pow Ds 21 ip sho come {Sunday vis; Tn LOWR. was held at Lancaste n Saturday | ceedings to protect it’s patent rights
> 3 Evangelistic campaign in a taber- S : tery at Hummelstown i Mr SA 1 Follow 3 : : =
the popular airs and ragtime and one > ott : ; Miss May Killian and Mrs. Frank : | : with the following ] on food chor S
nacle building in this town. Every- ——— Sunday iam 1 fi It of
: | v damages and profits. AS a result of
; 2 Ilia | .. George W 4 t Supl 7 Pras Waa :
at ihe fair. fits. weet wii i iam Sheaffer tnt Mr. Geor W. Dukeman of Suplee V. Pres—H, G
. v rr — A eee illia Sheaffer, an aged residen was a Sunda sitor
On Saturday evening the Citizens - Mr. S. S. Newcomer of Kane, Pa. i call hn pga P » Sunday visitor
and render the music. At a meeting held in the Presby-|and friends.
ert ern AA erm terian Church Sunday at 2:30 P. M. Mr. Ralph Sheaffer of Reading,
Jan, 24, 1915, the Men’s Christian | visited among friends here several
The following tobacco crops ‘were F ederation of Mt, Joy, Pa. was of fags Jast Weok. . :
sold in the vicinity of Bender's Mill 5anized and the following officers| Mr. Edwin Hofimester spent Sab
> : rday ¢ S ay w Ti i,
recently: elected: urday and Sunday with friends at
Brenemar ) Stauffer, B. F
Brethren in Christ denomination. Mrs. S. C. Deimler of Harrisburg, Charles. H. Lefevre. Peter S
His wife died ten years ago, but | made a business trip to town on Sat gravbill
these children survive: Monroe, of urday.
aad fharles A. Greider. ; ;
I ill Heretofore [Mr C. A. Greider| Mothers’ Meeting
3 Pres.—H. G awe ronville, . >retol Mr. JE FT el( mm 7 Y a . ) x i
Mr. Henry H. Eby sold 14 acres ih a reenawalt. Dr. HG § Kot of Colunibl near this place; Amos and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keller of Mid- served as anf auditor but he is now 12 +... CT UU. will holda
at 9% and 2; Mr. Amos Eby, in East ice Pres.—Dr. Chandler, r. H. G. Smoker of olumbia, a s t
John Masterson of Florin, The | dletown were Sundav visitors to our, gir £ oT : Meeting at the home of
” Sec.—C former harmacis sre, irculatec : Duley Y Ts a director off the company and can
Donegal, 7 acres at 93% and 2; Hiram Sec.—C. Walters. r pharmacist her circulated funera] was held yesterday with ser-| village,
: Sec.— y abo own yesterday. pi write insurpnce for any person Te 0 api at)
Strickler, 12 acres at 9% and 2. Al ASSt. Sec—H. H. Zeller. ol to ee) vices from his late home at 9:30 and | Master John Culp is seriously illat |jpterested. [He resides short dis- uary 2, at 2 o'clock. An
th is aE . 5 Treas.—Geo, Zeller, Mrs. Sadie Hein and two sons of : 2 : : SL y interes + resides a Sh 1B is extended to all ¥
ese crops were purchased by Long ; ilzanothiow i : th at 10 o'clock in the Brethren in | this writing with an attack of pneu- tance south of this place 's exiontes lo all Wonsh
& Taylor of Lendisville. Executive Committee Se H a ii pe: MOET rist church. Florin. Interment in |monia. : interested in the teaching of chik
a ; Ss roshv Pr Mrs. H. H. Long this week. | re
The following crop was bought by Presby.—Dr. Chandler. M- ww RE ils ween the Mt. Joy cemetery. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Brinser of dren.
Mr. Eisenlohr: Jacob Brown, 14 Church of God—A. B. Hoffer. Mr. Wm. Spera, our former towns-
acres at 9% and 2 U. B—H. Greenawalt, man and ' merchant, now living at
Louis Kramer bought these crops: Methodist—Dr. E. W. Garber. Lancaster, was in town Saturday.
Harvey Ebersole crop at 9% and 2; Lutheran—M. Grove. Mr, W. O. Cake, publisher of the
arry Miller, 5 acres at 9% and 2; Evangelical—Jno Way. Times, Terre Hill, was a welcome
\aron Will, 8 acres, 9% and 2: Amos Episcopal—Dr, 0. G. Longenecker. guest at our sanctum on Saturday.
Eby on Tuesday after-
— | Elizabethtown announce the arival of Inspected Our Banks rem — fle ossieeiiaie
| Harry K. Shellenberger |a son on Monday. A new Trust Company wil] embark
Harry K. Shellenberger, for eight| Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Nauman of Co-|in business at Bedford, Pa. and the
years clerk in the Federal | lumbia, were week end visitors to | proposed directors of this mew bank-
Naturalization Bureau, in Philadel- | friends in the vi lage, |ing in/stit are A\inspéeting bank
: : ! phia, died at7 o'clock Saturday night! Mr Jacob Boyer will move into { building prior to building. Last
ender, 4 acres at 9 and 2; Frank There are four churches to be| Rev. C. 8. Kitchin attended the | © Northwestern Hospital i a i We a : 3 | Thurdda he dozen men were
usser, 6 acres at 9 and 2. Mr. Jacob heard from. Meetings will be held |Patronaj festival in St. Pauls cara Io 0a Ren he he Ee B Tn Drones: How Seow: Ine re k over our two exception-
er also sold his crop but we every month on the second Sunday at Harrisburg, on Monday evening. btee Wooks "he Somuse of Gest) ) Tamitton, wa Her paiiiings A toat
earn hig price. at 2:30 P. M. Rev. N. A, Barr left yesterday for was a complication of diseases, Mr. | Rey ; » Sprigele of Marietta | ther an architect and also Mr. |
oe ia | Executive Committee wil] meet at|Steelton, where he’ is spending : {
4 | made a pleasant cal] on friends in the |.
Shellenberger was 33 years of age
|Dr. Chandler's Friday 8 P. M, several days with his son, Mr. Solon
| vill n Saturd {P. N iss cashier of the First A Bankrupt Discharged
{ village om Satu 7 istri
Took | B and a native of this borough. His | = 2 Ry: | ank at Claysburg, Pa. In the TU. S. District Court ia
ook a Short Run { eg aa arr. father, a brother and two sisters! i
. a former resident of Philadelphia on Friday George A
Fiday Mr. Harry Ressler left Mr. Albert Rettew has returned tO | qi vive im. The remains were and will in all Fisher of Elizabethtown was dis
n stand near the Keller) A Fine Interior : South Dakota brought here this week and the cashier of the new! charged as a voluntary bankrupt.
ards when it took a notion’ Messrs. H. H. Zerphy and sons are |time in the east on a visit to his funeral wil be held from the home| Miss Anna Sheaffer of Harrisburg, |r ny. ————-
They ran up Market to Done busy painting the interior of Mr. H. parents. i *
: ; of his father on Marietta street on | a Tuesday visitor to her parents,
PD oriela 10 Na BE many pl Jew Dept Mr. and Mrs, Amos Kaylor, Mrs |Thursday afternoon at 1:30 and at | Mr and Mrs. Amos Sheaffer,
able. ag vy. ih g oR a Sr : Simon Menaugh and Mr. Irvin Kay-|two o'clock n the Evangelical! Miss Grace Keener is spending the |
Fe An A a a lor spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. | Church. Interment will be made In | we t Maytown, the guest
Be ———— gloss ) v 3 ~ ¥
\ / [gloss v ave a dull finish |; @ johnson at Terre Hill. the Eberle cemetery. | George Sherbahn and family,
\ while all the floors are belng waxed. : | UB Missin
New Auto. Truele When completed this will be one of| nS: P. Hellig of Harrisburg, re —_ | Miss Anna Oppenheim of Philadel | heer to householders. It prohibits ce
Clarence . Schock, of the Inde the finest houses in the town. turhey home Monday evening after Samue|] McLanachan ’h Ie re on a two weeks’ visit!ine gale by manufacturers or whole Removed to Hospital
Oi1 Company, has purchased spending ten days here with his| go 0 McLanachan, one of the her sister Mrs. Patrick Duffy | salers of intoxicants to persons or; Mr. Harry Felker wng removed to
Autocar oil truck for his , daughter, Mrs, J. Harry Miller. oldest and most esteemed citizens Mrs, Harry Musselman and chili corporations not licensed to gell the General Focpital at Tancaster,
Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. (Continued on page 4) Continued on page 4) ren/ of Harrisburg, spent Sunday wit fanor at retail ‘on Sunday evening for {reatment.
Marietta Wants a Curfew
Marietta will have a cu.few, Ow
er aghundred citizens of that bor
ough have petitioned council and at
the next meeting it will in all p
ability become a borough law.f It’
is very badly needed there.
rn Mn
Henry Freymeyer will move |
family and household effects to | gn:
after spending some izabethtown on Monday.
Can They Do It
Bottled Beer Trade A great effort is now on to make
A bi introduced in the State: Middletown dry, We are of the
Senate to-day. if ted into law, opinion that that town is dry enough
would prevent bottlers from selling |since the pipe mill was moved away,