The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 13, 1915, Image 3

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THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA. esday, January 13, 1915.
doe 4234204043043 430 3 0 430 0 30 30 oS B00 1030430430 4304204304300 4300 3430430 20 So 20 0430430435430 430 43080 430 430404 Soot 480 30 Go 043 od egegrafoeieede
2 K. G. E. and Fire Company Elect
3 Officers for Another Year
| «
> Miss Ryntha Shelly ig the guestof
&¢ relatives at Shellytown.
| Miss May Dulebohn spent the week
| with Miss Lorig Geiter, at York.
& |
pe , |
nr RE Ba Shad Bi ae J. N. Witmer, of Blainsburg, Iowa,
rE UNIVER TRS oy N | visited the family of Isaac Zerphy.
caster Will Bub [ts Eyes With Amazement
" Extraordinary Values we will Oller

Po o%o%
00 0a 02 oO 0
. M. Witmer wag taken lo thé
| Church of the Brethren’s heme at
{ Neffsville cn Saturday.
J. K. Neye spent last week in
| Philadelphia visiting his daughter,
Mrs. Samue] Wilson,
J. Fletcher Eshleman of Cincin
nati Ohio, spent several] days in the
family of J, H. Eshleman,
Miss Amy Treichler of Blackwell
| Island, N. Y. is the guest of her par
rents, Dr. A, C. Treichler and wife.
Charles McElhane of Glouchester,

Poo ¥


Op a
oF at 4
partment Store and their friends at
ag. Never sells 5
g, J sells | tueir home, corner of South Market
& IN J. is visiting in the family of H.
: G. Gephart.
“2 The employes of the Kreider Shoe
| i | Company, of this place, contributed
~ oe | 1] nine barrels of flour toward
55En FREE. 3 ! Donovan’s Restaurant So |aie wines of 8
5 { Tc [deal “Lunch Place” for & Miss Franceg St Shere of Philadel- ;
ERE Bk RN { i the county folks. Everything & phia ai 1 Mi celina Stephens of
ned fg i delicious \n lainty mpting and $ Dany Va., are visiting their
V, ANSI ETC. ¥ ! tasty. \ ¢ 43 y he * M Anna Stephan.
EVERYBODY. | . i week { t is D1 : | I Me employe of the
2 5 0 Williamson's and Foster & Cochran | we lmow be one of its numer- 1 of Shoe Company, had his
sb i — i | ous patrons o% crust i operating a a
S a _ { Pcp OD . i ery : RY [fi on Monday, ge
Cx Tk On AL. DoRciases 0r$10.29) 14 32-3 Fast King Street | Menu For This Saturday 3 | Claude lf, who is attending :
Chicken Corn Soup, Pickles, Bread & & Mt. Airy Seminary, was a guest of
You NOTHING. AsK For I. Pr I A ICASTER . PE NN A i Butter, Tea or Coffee, Dessert. ¢ ws uucie and aunt, Mr, and Mrs.
dds Rd NS a 9 . | $i Re i | cS b, Dieiuil on sould market
%° [sueel AY
occa monn am oe ms ——————— . oo | oS. Malun, Superintendent of the
: oe | slsavelaiown roustry uxnipiuon,
pect too Much i Ji ti h Ni k f Ti i t d % | wile al wOiK on che exuibition noor
i le om Lue ladder, walch ne was
d f 1 S l f ! i> 1 t tne Ic 0 Ie or N 3 i i ay : usilg and was reddered unconscious
! » En — TRITIEEIIEY | OR A TS | Cer ASR Snth 104 a saort time,
er u a € 0 op A reunion of the children and
° { % granachudien of A. Z Witmer and
1 § €9 | wue was held at the home Qf the
uslins i RS tduler on ast High street o Sun-
} uay. 'Lhose present were: Mm and
: 3 srs. Hiram Witwer and chiifiren,
Siel:ia, John, Anna, Mary and 1a;
-New Low Prices ! % Mr. and Mrs, J. Li, Heisey and chil
{ + 2 dren, Adram, Samuel, Phares, A
IA Recent Purchase of the Smartest] #|um snr:
rawers ! ’s Gorman.
a oe Mr, and Mrs. A. A. Abele entertain-
yoods; each pair ( New Wi nter Garments Yet Sh OW n a | ed the clerks of the Bee Hive De

Special... * ~ a {and Bainbridge streets. The evening
$ wads pleasantly spent in the enjoy-
NIGHT Prices do Not Lover the oo ent of music and games, and the
59¢ oe | partaxing OL a sulupluous repast pre.
GOWNS ~ ? «2% | pared by Mrs. Abele, Those present
te High neck, long sleeves, also { t i M 3 { Eq i CY A | oe were: Misses Lou Coble, Anna Hol 2
pc slip-on-models. Worth every cent US { a ei id | one | 3 wager, Margaiet Black, Alta McLan- Y
o l- of 75¢c. But Special on the Bal- $ | & achan, Eiizabeth Mechley, Fannie a
& cony for 59c. | c oble Mary Holwager, Ely Painter,
Pow a
Women’s Coats Women’s Coats! Women’s Suits





3 | Levi Hershey and wife, Mr, and
4 { Mrs. A. A. Abele and three sons, all
3 $15 Values $24.90 Values $15.00 Values of | of Elizabethtown and Theodore Abele,
jo 4 Of all wool Chinchilla; Persiana Cloth; shawl col-| Cheviots & basket weaves. Unity Castle, No. 420, K. G. B., In-
* new military effect; fur col-|lar; raglan sleeves; turn-|short jackets: newest stvle oe [Stalled the following officers on Fri
® cmo Orsc ar; navy and black back cuffs; lined with yarn-| skirt; velour coll : So oglu pest Cut, Senge
T lar; navy and black. yack cuffs; lined with yarn-| skir velour collar. 3 Peters; Noble Chief, E. R. Ebersole;
° dyed satin. %°* | Vice Chief Henry Steiner; Sir
» | he isl e” e ucing & Herald Harry Shank; Venerable Hem
3 1 0. 98 ; :
bo 4 . 4¢ | mit, Ralph Wagner; Worthy Bard,
* St F Reducing Straps are invisible—out of sight, 3 Henry Hoffman; Worthy Chamber
* nside the corset. Give best kind of support and oy oe Soo. oy Uauge, Jiee
fF y «tm » y | Spickiler; ig est, . ‘ 1aers;
* soure-redifetion, with delightful ease. New “visible” Nemo 9 . W omens Dresses oy) Spicxie oe HH, :
ficure-redi§ 3 WwW ’ S First Guardian, John Balmer; Second
op || Hamre re ot nelle or died omen’s Coats Women’s Suits oh | 5: Qusrdian, Jou ;
3 “bridge” ofives ree breathing sp pinching or digging. $12.50 Values 3: Guardian, Frank Miller; Clerk of Ex-
: Long. modjishsskirt; slight nip at waist. Fine white coutil, $17.98 Values $17.98 Values Bit 4s 4 3 chequer, H. L. Gise; Keeper of Ex-
& g, ig assortment of styles in oe | ci : ht i
RE Goi . ; : . chequer J. R. McLanachan. The in-
V & sizes 21 t Of fine quality Astrach-| Poplins, Broadcloths and| Crepe de Chine, poplin and & stallation was followed by a banquet
$ ~ . i | x : y
YT No Ml For Stout No. 42 For Tall an; belted from side to| Gabardines; very smart | serge and satin combina- a served by Caterer H. T. Horst, at
oe $ . . back; collar, cuffs and belt| models; yoke effect on] tion. Navy, raisin and & which John S. Graybill, Guard Chief,
\ a Full Figures Full Figures of silk plush skirt. | black. & delivered a most enjoyable address.
& Y B O Ih $ At the regular meeting of the
3 {4 3 ; ur | ¥¢* | Friendship Fire Engi and Hose
A n Have One Fite to ou y $8 50 5 £) | 6 O08 do | conn y, the following officers were
: | elected to serve the ensuing. veass
2 Expert Corsetieres ° . . Ddevet w surie fie susyint ve:
$ 4 ! esident, G. Dulebohn; ice
oe oe President, Ge Brin Secre-
$ t I rer. George
90 & . 5
BB & | T 2 ° o R C yartment, H
/ ) jo J > I r
/ x | |A Truly Remarkable Opportunity| Chict, J. M. Beg
4 . 1 ® S . t.
[0 r eo | i 1 R/ ( ’ ($a: Id 3 oe i
l $ in Women’s and Children’s 2 ; a
i ¢ .
RR % i v oe 2
i $ I C Ny
he 3 | FINE GLOVES |}
larche ** ! of HQ
n, off o ” D o SU ITS 5 | [fo ~ : Reciman
eople * OVERCOA I S AN { Re al 50 | 2 s F. M. Spayd
ba on KA ea c G oyes & De
* ) aco | | . $11 I ( 7 106g { 1€ 9, stwei
trumen p Purchased Under Unusual Conditions At Unprecedented Low Prices | oo : welt
ipe Or, i | S € sizes | ! le . 5
2 a n
—tunin 3 5 | {i : shades ; all firsts. Spec J Sie RE 3 | 1
bie g dl LIPS P 11Pc [PSI Ver PIP | |! 3 oe
i CC EE A: TEETER . - 3
;pecialty A : 2 i . vr **
& 3] 50c GOLF 59¢ KID 4 C & /
] |l | GLOVES GLOVES : :
ine $19 15 ce £90 & £22 =0l! | : -OVES | A
Mo oe |Genuine $12.50 & $15| | Genuine $20 & $22.50) | sack wray, wu ne | : fh
% *s 3 i oy Evo ! i i 1 V si S ( S ! + - { i
mm & | Suits and Overcoats Sui ts and Ov ercoats || |. > | %
& i | OVERCOATS:—Kerseys N\A ( RCOATS:—S ! i jualitie Special S | %
PECI 3 14 ¢ ete., ete,;4 0) ) Lounie i Be i amem——— hr cmCT—— — sn same - - - — oS **
. collars. g orm-fitting ii 6
vo % . | i$
AS ; ities oT ~ § i + R/C co D a | 1
7 @ ye fins | | NEWEST DRESS FABRICS I
yest styles { \ tray ! 3 oe
\ Ss il - x ad = : ¢ 2¢ 1 N N
* giles Ji All The Lowest Prices Possible & cadets
soluble & $1.00 CREPE, 79¢ 50¢ SERGE. 43¢ i * o 9 12 878 a
’ 3 : : . A or ported Crepe Cloth: all-wool; All-woo] French Serge: al] new oe 10 to 14 16 i 3 15178
dissolves * Genuine $18 and $20 Genuine $22.50 & $25 k and all staple shades; 44-in. and staple colors and black; 36-in ® [15 to 17 st 726 I 5
5 ° ~ wide of |! 20 9.196 00 a
# e — —
oration” of 2 Suits and Overcoats Suits & Overcoats ct 2 ; -
used by fe! °° OVERCOATS:—Kerseys . OVERCOATS:—This sea py $1.00 POPLIN, §9¢ $1.00 SERGE, 79¢ S| ES Moore issues Execntion
r ten yea & “hi illas: et son's extremely smart Silk Poplin; soft and lustrous; Storm Serge; all-wool; for suits 3 | B.S.Moore. of Florin, issued these
odicine Co. hi S mg, Sanenl Bs Bhar form-fitting coats and black and all new and staple skirts, etc; black and colors; 50- X | sceutions against F. M. Kamn, of
their priva % and conservative siyies. Balmacaans, In Suits: — shades; 36-in. wide. in wide. * East Donegal, for $280: against WW. .
omen, which * In Suits:—Plaing and lle . ’ i ——— —— oe V1. Gradner, of Mt. Joy townchin fot 3
omen who RS allsmart models and all : y / 3
is “worth i 2 stripes; all smart models, this season’s styles and $1.50 SILK, $1.19 $1.50 BROADCLOTH, $1.19 Se and against C. Tressler on
uggists. b $< all this season’s styles ® coiors Black Faille Silk; medium Black and colors; guaranteed ast Donegal Jor ht
e Paxton T s* — weight cord; rich jet black; very non-shrinkable and non-spotable; :
oe lustrous; 36-in, wide 54 inches wide. The automobile hasiton the horse
Dur Ads & in one respect. Tt doesn’t shed lin

. or re fr rod dro dood o fro de Se SG dr fo fr redo rd fe Ser Pr rele BBP fr Sorbo fede do dr fro drdnd bair tn the spring.
| 3