PAGE TWO THE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA. J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR Six Months 50 Cents Three Months Single Copies........ 2 Cents Sample Copies Entered at the post office at Mount Joy as second-class mail matter. All correspondents must have their ¢ munications reach this office not later than Monday. Telephone news of importance between thal time and 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Chan- ges for advertisments must positive- ly reach this office not later than Monday night. New advertisments Inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday night. Advertising rates on applica- tion. MAYTOWN Carrier Miller's Horse Meets With a Bad Mishap Mai Protracted meetings are being held at the Bethe] this week. Mr. John Deibler of Harrisburg, visited friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roath spent Prof. David Kraybill of Columbia, spent a few days with. his parents. Sunday with friends at Marietta. Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Landis and family of Lancaster, spent Sunday in town. Prof. Chas also at home vacation. Mr. Rene Grove of spent the Christmas his parents. Messrs. Amos Root and Simon C. Heisey were our guests during Farm- er's institute, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Albright's hearts were gladdened by the arrival of a daughter, It is the impressicn of some of our people that Maytown neeus a revival. What do you think? Prof, Amos Cassell of Erie, was the guest of Squire and Mrs. Jas. F. Johnstin on Sunday. Mrs. Elizabeth bucket and was severely about the head ‘and face. Mrs. Bankard of slipped on the ice and fell, day, breaking her left arm. The revival which was in progress for some time at Reich's church closed on Thursday evening. Mr. Leo Wolfe of Washington, D. C., was home to see his mother, Mrs. Sue Wolfe over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Risser and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Glattacher spent Sunday with friends at Lancaster. Mrs. Wm. Brandt of York, and Mrs. Cora Mutch of Philadelphia, visited theig father Mr. J. P. Albright on Monday. Mervin Christmas of of ¥. & MM, I the holiday Harter enjoying Philadelphia, holidays with injured Manning received a remembrance the Church of Rev. handsome from the members God, of this place. Dr. Wm. Heisey who was here to attend funeral] Saturday a week home on Thursday. While enroute between town and Marietta, mai] carrier Miller's horse slipped on the ice and sustained an injury, disabling him for service. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dupes received the handsomest and most acceptable Christmas gift of any one in town on Christmas day—a fine little girl. Con- gratulations, Miss Marie Harter of Susquehanna University: Messrs. John Tome and John Wolfe Gettysburg; Mr. Wm. Hollenbaugh and Mr, Car] Minnich are among the holiday guests of par- ents and friends. re A QQ MASTERSONVILLE McKeesport, father’s left for of his ago, News in General From a Thriving Country Village Mr. and Mrs, Morris Ginder and daughter Alma, spent Sunday visit- ing friends in Lititz. Misses Edna Hackman and Mary Sharpe spent Sunday with the Misgseg Hershey near Penryn. Mr. and Mrs, David Gibble attend- ed the funeral] of the latter's father, Mr. William Dupler near Richland. The Mastersonville school taught by Charles G. Becker rendered a good program on New Year's even- ing. Mr. Henry Shearer and family and Miss Fannie Zug spent with the latter's parents, Mrs. Nathan Zug. Mr. Cyrus F. pnville cobbler Sunday Mr. and the Master- with Shuey spent Sunday Roath fell on a coal | Reich’s church on Thurs- | SALUNGA services will Dbegi day night in the M, E. Chulc Miss Mary Musselman burg is visiting friends in Sal Dr. John Kendig, and Dunlap were Sunday Miss Byerly Revival wife of Lancaster our town Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday visitors at and Mis. Ira Herr. Some of our young folks visited the home of Willis G. Kendig, Es and wife on Friday. Services are continueing Old Mennonite Church and converts are the result. Mrs. Annie §S. Hershey spent ia few days with her sister, Mrs, Heth- Hess, near New Danville, Miss Mary L. Peifer and Mr. Ils. Kendig visited the Uren testy} at Rohrerstown Saturday evening. Mr. Samuel Eby and family out an hgur on Sunday afternoon { with their niece, Mrs. B. Eck, who is ill. VHenry Bair and son Normah have taken possession of the Sjtrickler Hardware business and are fov on | the job. Mr, Scott the home of \Mr. in thi 4 severall ry Willis Baer, at Goshen, after spending with h's parents, returned studies on Monday morning. Mr, James Kendig returned a student to his to | | | { | } | | | ! son | Little \were | spent New Year | Ga'ner | New 5- | guests in own. | { E'town were | and Mrs. Leander in | RHEEMS The Revival the Church of the Brethren We greet you all with Year. N. Kraybill a P. spent Monday trips. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Heisey of Sunday Groff. Mrs. Elizabeth Gainer of Mt. with her son, Frank and family on Greider Ave, Miss Mary Hersh has accepted a position at Harrisburg, guests | entered upon her duties last Monday. Mrs. Harry L, Gise and daughter of Elizabethtown were guests of Mrs. E. H. Hersh and daughter Rebecca last week. Misg Lillie Snyder of near Master- sonville, was the guest of the Ezra Souders family near Locust Grove, last week. Harry Landis Bros. with a sore hand, extreme pain, There are rumors of automobile parties who contemplate going to Philadelphia to attend the Billy Sunday meetings, S. H. Nye, a representative of the K. Landis is confined to the house which is causing | Harrisburg Capital Building & Loan thé holidays | Association, spent a day soliciting in | this place last week. State College on Monday; Mr. B. F.! Kendig to Bucknell and Miss Miriam Kendig to the Phladelrthia School of Design on Tuesday. y Butchering is everwhere in evi dence these festive {days. The is filled with the /squeals of pigs, the barking of dogs ing of excited birjeds. We know of one excitable individual who com- air and the shout | Bros. menced butchering in 1914 and his | shouts and ever since in the vicinity of the pig pen, | ELIZABETHTOWN K.G.E. Installed Their Newly Elect ed Officers Friday Night Miss Anna Hoffer spent a few days | with her parents at Mount Joy. | Evangelical George Geyer and family of Florin spent a few days with Leo Kob and family. Mrs. Harry Brown of Philadelphia, spent a few weeks with G. T. Ulrich and wife. Miss Elizabeth is the guest of family. 0. Wells Hershey Stahl, of Harris- burg, Harvey Foltz and B. Alta guests of wife and Miss Philadelphia, are and wife. Philadelphia, J. H and of Isaac Hertzler Ww. G Hershey of spent Friday with his Hershey and wife The borough at the Mummers ter and Harrisburg, day. parents, was well represented parades at Lancas- on New Year's high school the Middletown team defeated team of this place hall, on Friday afternoon, of 21 to 16. J. A. Ulrich purchased the property of the late Mary Ferry, bridge street, at public sale for $2, The property on West High street was withdrawn at $2,500. A party of young f from Mid- dletown enjoyed a sleig ide to this place on Thursday evening, stopping at the Central House, where they partook of an oyster supper and Te- turning home in the morning. Rev. N. A. Barr, pastor church at Mount Joy, conducted the services at the Ma- The ket ball hool House a score high S( 900. orders are daily heard | | Jacob Campbell, New Year Day was welcomed with the majority of the people working. If the old adage is true they will be busy each day thruout the whole year, Harry Emenheiser received his sec- ond car of manure last week and The Farmers’ Association received a car of coal which was divided among the members in th s vicinity. Mrs, Charles Shirk of the Landis Dairy Farm, Mr. and Mrs, H. Gainer, Miss Bertha Warfel and Carl Dyer of Mt, Joy, weie Sunday guests of Frank Ga:ner and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cyius Schroll of Donegal Springs, Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Ruhl and son Donald, Mr. and Mrs. daughters Mary, HEs- | ther and Ruth of Elizabethtown, were | guests of Mr and Mrs. Roy Schroll [on Sunday. The Church of the Brethren serv- |ices are being held every evening and large crowds are in attendance. Rev. H. L. Yoder of Lancaster and Rev. Mohler of Elizabethtown, with a num- ber of home min'sters are assisting. A number of persons have been con- | verted. | Personal bas- | in Market! by on Bain-| { Sunday Mr. and | | of the | sonic Home on Sunday afternoon, at | 2:30 o'clock. He assisted by was | his excellent choir. | their hall on Friday evening. | the exercises The officers of the Knights of the Golden Eagle that were elected at the last meeting were installed at There was a large attendance and a num- daughter Stella, {the home of ber of visiting knights took part in| A banquet followed | the meeting at the Horst cafe. i { i son Jameg living at Table Rock, | Gettysburg. Mi Amos + ler and bfother Paul ¢f Brooklvn ation ss Mary Ar. Geib all ST Sunday va, petion. visit- | received aspdeht was on the | past week. how- is e about. | mere considerable | The Schnitzelbunk band of this place took part in the parade, at Harrisburg, on Friday Mummers’ | afternoon and won first prize of $35, as being the most comically dressed band in line. the mayor’s office upon their arrival in the city, where they gave a com- to Clarence O. marshal, plimentary Backenstross chief concert —— WHY MOUNT JOY MERCHANTS SHOULD ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN The Baking Powder bust ness was sold not long ago. Royal name alone the $1,200,000.00., and equipment issue, A up-torge order of insurance policies for e the Brethren's Fire Aid of this place, | the most pros companies in good and is The officers B. H. Musser, secretary; Zercher and H. E. Wolgemuth, D. S. Wagaman, Abilene, and Edward Diehl, Shippens- Pa. is one of perous insurance section, It enjoys a very members ally. are: its financi company B.O o y of the treasurer: H Joy; i" Mt. Kansas burg If You are troubled with heartburn, gases and a distressed feeling after eating take a Rexall Dyspepsia Tablet before and after each meal and you will obtain prompt relief. Sold only by us, 250 Cavuer: Advertise 1n the Mt, Jov Bulletin Here Still Continues by happy in Donegal, making one of his delivery | of Mr. | Joy, | where she | of the firm of | “= HOTEL McG) printed a | this | patron- | 8210" | 1p fact everything in season, Private | Dining Room for Ladies. Nissley, | THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA. 1111 OL 1 SE 10m LOOK AT TH REDUCTIO > Now, when the weather is cold and good warm clothing, you can save fro $7.00 on a Suit or Overcoat. In this sale are included Men’s S coats, Balmacaans and Raincoats. A tionate reductions on Boys’ Suits, Oy, Raincoats. SPECIALS Lot of Boys’ Sweaters at 50c¢ Lot Corduroy Knee Pants 39¢ 25¢ Linen Handkerchiefs half-dozen for $1.10 25 Boys’ Suits at half price Bath Robes at half price. All $10 Suits § 7 All $12.50 Suits § 9 Al $15Suils $11 All $10.00 O’coats &b3 All $12.50 O’coats &F All $15.00 O'coats & All Som QO’coats & PR We have lots of other big reduct can’t mention, but will be glad to Come early and get the fit IVIL. HI any time. Getz Bros. 1 TTT TO 1) 11 61 OE B | Am, Excha Moun ‘Albert IF IT ISN'T AN EASTMAN Rates Moderate "WI MiW' ISN'T A KODAK 00 | IT S. H. Miller WATCHES Clocks, Jewelery and Spectacles | Has all mod | Baths, Hot | Heat. Electri | Table Is Su} the Ma ' Repairing in al} its Branches. Also electrical goods of all kinds. = Electric light globes sold & Ex- changed for Edison Electric Company. { No. | A Kodak Jr. PRICE $9.00 What more appropriate for a present than a gift that keeps the happy times of that day and all the days FINE OYSTERS to come, | Let us show you our Kodak Xmas ' suggestions for yqur boy or girl. KODAKS, $6 to $74 | Also hun | Where Soups, Tripe, Clams, ; Report all Electric light trou- 3 ble to me which will have prompt attention. Bar is Stocked W of Beer, Wines Good Stabling Local and Long street PENNA East Main MOUNT JOY, gO EL | ; BROWNIES $1 to $12 OYSTERS OYSTERS Sold by a “—l Ww. B. B E N D E R BARBER the finest primes in town in every | East Main 8t, Mount Joy, Pa.! 6 ProL RED Author of se Marches. The an, offers his style, Sold in any quantity at right prices. When its GOOD ICE CREAM you | want, I can supply you. All Flavorg at All Times Special Prices to Parties, Festivals, Suppers, Ete. WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR THE | AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ate Wanted 500 Barmers ¢ to Buy| ; 100,000 acres of black muck corn|g Jaad better than the best in Ohio, Il linois or lowa at one-fifth to ore-third the price. We can this to your satis IN fiction. Drop us a card; it will cost you only a cent, and we will that tells all about It Pictures of the corn people in Land | { i i { i. | { { | ing on almost Pia Pipe Organ at Mrs. C. H. Zeller = struments Marietta Street MOUNT Jjov ’ prove g i —tuning piag send organs ang East Main stl specialty. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. ‘Restaurant and Lunch Bar’ OYSTERS IN ANY STYLE CLAMS IN ANY STYLE DEVIL CRABS TURTLE SOUPS rou a booklet ind shows elds. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY Terminal Bidg., Norfolk Southern Ry. NORFOLK, VA Mount , wo SPECIAL Che mgst econom germicidal o1 2a CHAS. H. ZELLER - REAL ESTATE AND J. WWW. MMoGinnis INSURANCE PROPRIETOR Mount Joy { LY Calling and Clerking of Public Sales | A soluble Antis Settlement of Estates | be dissolved in Collection of Rents As a medicinal an Surveying and Conveyancing | in treating catarr| ulceration of nose caused by femining For ten years the Medicine Co. has red in their private e pen; which pro 4 For a Good Clean Shave Or a Classy Hair Cut Stop at H.J. WILLIAMS TONSORIAL PARLOR~ \. Main St. Agent for Manhattan Laundiy THARLES S FRANK eS Mount Jy dl XO0O00000 OOOO 0OOOOO0000 * a DOO ly Yilye ©