HIGHT THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, Novembe 2, 1914. Ie inal Borough line, scribed, | and as appears on a cer- | tain plan or plot thereof, which is] hereto ttached and made a part | hereof, be\ and the same are hereby | annexed to and included within the] the said corporate boundaries of Borough of Mount Joy. 0 of the said plan or plot, showing the boundaries of the Borough and the section admitted together with a certified copy of this ordinance and a description of the boundaries of the Borough and the Borough as extended, giving the courses and distances in words at length, shall be filed in the Court of Quarter Sessions of Lancaster County, Penn- sylvania. And that after the filing of the matter aforesaid the afore- said sections of shall be deemed part of the said Borough of Mount Jov. and be sub- ject to its jurisdiction and govern- ment. The said “Northern Addition” be- ing that certain territory now a part of Mount Joy Township, Lan- caster County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the tree on the rocky bluff of the bank of the mill dam formerly on the land of A. S. Hackman, now on S. R. Snyder's land; thence northward along said dam, one hundred and seventy-seven (177) feet to a stone; thence through said S. R. Snyder’s land north six (6) degrees west, four hundred and forty (440) feet to a stone on the South side of Little Chickies creek; thence along the south and west sides of said creek, the several courses thereof, thirteen hundred and forty-eight (1348) feet to a stone; thence through lands of Mrs. Henry Hoffman, C. G. Sherk, and W. B. Detwiler, respectively, south eighty-four and three quarters (843%,) degrees West, ten hundred and fifteen (1015) feet to a stone on the East at its intersection with the Man- heim road; thence crossing the sald Manheim road and through lands of P. Frank's estate, North eighty-five and a half (85%) de- West, nineteen hundred and ve (1995) feet to a stone on t side of Fairview street; ce along line between lands of Jo Shearer on the South and EU fiostetter on the North, North jghty-four and a half (84%) de- grees West, five hundred and nine- ty-six (596) feet to a stone; thence through said John Shearer's land, South twenty (20) degrees West, fifty (50) feet to a corner of the or- iginal Borough line; thence along said original Borough Line and through lands of said John Shearer, P. Frank's estate, W. B. Detwiler, Clinton H. Eby, S. R. Snyder, and others, South seventy-one (71) de- grees Bast. fort-six hundred and eichtv-six (4686) feet to the place of beginning. Containing thirty-three (33) Acres and fifty (50) perches. The Second or “Western Addi tion” being that certain territory now a part of East Donegal Town- ship, Lancaster County, Pennsylvan- ia, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stone on the south line of the Penn- gylvania Railroad, and on the old original Boro line, thence along the South side of said railroad, and along line of lands of Henry C. Bhelly and Eli B. Helman, respect ively, North sixty-eight and a half (681%) degrees West, eight hundred and ninety-eight (898) feet to a stone: thence through said Bli B. Helman’s land, crossing the Elec: tric Railroad and the Donegal road, and partly along Alpheus Brandt’s line fence, South twenty-nine (29) degrees west, eleven hundred and seventy-six (1176) feet to a stone, thence through said Eli B. Helman's land South seventy-one (71) degrees Fast, ten hundred and eight (1008) feet to a point on the original Bor- ough line; thence through lands of H. Brunner and along line of land of Fannie E. Nissley and Henry G. Shelly, and along the said original Borough line North twenty (20) de- grees East, eleven hundred and twenty (1120) feet to the place of beginning. Containing twenty- five (25) Acres. The said “Southern Addition” being that certain terri- tory now a part of East Donegal and Mount Joy Townships, Lancas- ter County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the tree on the afore- gaid rock bluff on the bank of the gaid S. R. Snyder's (formerly A. S. Hackman’s) mill dam; thence thru fands of the said S. R. Snyder, south twenty-eight and one-half (28- 14) degrees Bast, eleven hundred and seventy-ome (1711) feet toa post near the Lancaster and Harrisburg pike: thence still along the orig- ina] Borough line and along a pub- He road crossing said p'ke, South ahd Eastern thirteen and three-fourths (133%) de- West, fifteen hundred and two feet, to a white oak stump, 1 along the said original ne, North eighty-six and one-half AN ORDINANCE : That a copy |33 acres 50 | Area of the “Southern and and | side of Market Street | (8632) degrees West, five windred and fifty-three (553) feet to , stake; thence still along said orig- north seventy-one twenty-eight hundred eight (2828) feet to the place of be-| ginning. Containing eighty-one acres and one hundred and ten (110) perches. | Area of the “Northern Addition,” | perches. | Area of the “Western Addition,” | 25 acres 10 perches. Eastern | Addition,” 81 acres 100 perches. To-! tal area of Additions annexed, 140 | acres. SECTION II. | For the purpose of taxation for The! iyear 1915 for Borough purposes, the | ‘respective properties and lands in- |cluded within the enlarged limits of said Borough shall be assessed at the lyaluation placed upon them by the | |bodies of which they were formerly a !part; and upon such valuation at, {such tax rate as the Borough shall |adopt shall the tax for the year 1915 be levied; {ment of the annexed territory shall | |be made by the Borough Assessor, | land the taxes and other assessments | levied thereon as in former limits of {the Borough. SECTION III All ordinances oT ances inconsistent herewith are here- |by repealed. Enacted into an ordinance this 99th day of October, A. D., 1914. B. S. DILLINGER, President of Council. [ Attest: R. Fellenbaum, Clerk. Approved and confirmed this twenty {ninth day of October, A. D., 1914. { GEO. H. BROWNL Chief Burgess. Wind, For Su. Fr en | | | —_— — | FOR SALE—A good rubber tire {surrey; also-a good runabout. Apply fat this office. nov. 4-3t. |” For Sale—A fine 8-room dwelling |on Poplar street, Mt. Joy, steam heat, bath, hot and cold water, elec- tric lights, etc; built only a few years ago. Will sell very reason- able, Call on E. P. Roberts, Mt. Joy. nov.4-4t | Si Notice:—Al] accounts due me can be paid to Mr. Christian Walters at Clarence Schock’s office, as I have empowered him to collect same. 3t Dr, F. L. Richards FOR SALE—A nearly new $350 piano will be sold for only $200. Have no use for same. Apply at this office. ig. OYSTERS, OYSTERS—I have em- barked in the oyster business and have for sale at all times and in any quantity, choice prime and cull oysters at very reasonable prices. Orders delivered any time. J. R. Baughman, New street, Mt. Joy, Pa. oct. 14-4t For Rent—A geod house with barn, garden, plenty of fruit and a pleasant place to live. Call on or address Wm. Crist, R. F. D. 3, Manheim, Pa. Sept. 30-tf. auto be- Reward Lost—Top cover to an tween here and Rheems, for its return to this office. For Sale—Poultry houses and poul- try wire. Inquire of J. L. Brunner. tf. I have a first-class equipment and am prepared to doallkinds of wood sawing such as cord wood, railroad ties, etc. Prices very reasonable. Call on or address Martin M. Weft- man, Box 83, Salunga, Pa. 9-1-2mo. Private Sale—A desirable building lot on New St., Mt. Joy, 54 ft. front and 180 ft. deep. Call on Wm. Dil linger, Mt. Joy. may 27-tf. NOTICE—] am prepared to do all kinds of hauling, ade and work of that kind. Chaxges very reasonable. Jacob Brown, t. Joy. tf. FOR SALE—Two fine registered bulls 90 per cent. white; one m a 65 1b. cow, the other from a 60 1b. cow, 10 and 8 months old regpective- ly. The mother of one of these bulls took a silver cup at the/sLancaster County Fair and was sofd for $450 and later resold to be shipped to the state of Washington. # Any person interested in securinf a first-class herd bull can see B. jf Brown on the H. H. Myers farm orin, Pa, tf. -— We print a Mt. Joy's We print ews fit to print. \ ‘Bulletin. s fit to print. (81) { Goals, parts of ordin-|ily were LEFT THE FIELD Lititz Crowd Played the Baby Act on the Gridircn Saturday Touchdowns, Sheaffer and Pennell; F. Garman2: Referee, Ellis; | Time of quarters, 10 and 12 minutes. | | | | | | Florin News (Continued from page 1) at Columbia Sunday. | Mr. Fred Niedenthal moved his family and household effects into the Wm, Weidman property vacated by Mr. George Dellinger. Mr. W. S. Stillwell, a state police | | | | | land or additions |respeciive assessors of the corporate | of Pottsville, returned home Monday | Anna, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harve Ging after spending a week in this vicinity looking for a stolen team. a Mr. Wm. Hamilton has purchased and thereafter the assess. |e Jacob S. Carmany propefty NOW | Emily, Earl occupied by J. Y. Kline and will take | possession in the near future, | Mary Cunningham, and family land Edith Gingrich, Anna Myers and | and Mr. Henry Freymeyer and fam-| Kathryn Gingrich. Mr. J. K. Freymeyer the guests of Mr. John | Sweigart at Denver on Sunday. | After training his dog for a year | buying a new gun and large number of shells “Tom returned home Mon- day with a half of a rabbit.” Better luck the next time Tom. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wachstetter, daughter Stella, Mrs. A. B. Winters, Miss Elma Wiley and Mr. Clinton Eby of Mount Joy, spent Sunday at the Zion Home near Lititz, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wachstetter. Following is the Florin Primary school for the second | month ending Friday, Oct. 30th. | Number of pupils enrolled males, 18; | females, 25; total 43. Percentage of attendance, males, 99; females, 96; | average attendance males, 18; fe males, 23. Honor Roll: Mildred Kot-| tler, Ruth Kraybill, Belva Reheard, Mildred Booth, Ruth Keener, Ruth Kline, Cathryn Wittle, Violet Smith, | Ada Dillinger, Lottie Loraw, Jose-| phine Arndt, Celeste Brown, Esther Garber, Dorothy Musselman, Helen, Musselman, Mary Sauder, Miriam | Sheetz, Virgie Wittle, Roy Forney, | Peter McGarvey, Benjamin Sheetz, | Walton Wiley, Henry Rider, Walter | Becker, Ephraim Arndt, John Re-| heard, John Keener, Earl Fike, John Vogle, Theodore Neidigh, Christian| Shearer, Harry Reheard, and James] Keener. Visitors Misses Anna and! Grace Hamilton, Elizabeth Sheetz,| Pauline Kuhlman, Arthur Dellinger, Mary Newpher, Mabel Smith, and | Paul Shetter and Samuel Becher. | Patrons and friends of education are| welcome to visit the school, | Sue H. Brandt, Teacher. eee Qe : WHY MOUNT JOY MERCHANTS | SHOULD ADVERTISE IN THE | BULLETIN Let's See, What Was His Name? In 1908 we experienced a very lively contest for the Presidency and Vice Presidency. No great discovery or catastrophe received more space in the public print than did the utterances, the goings and the comings of the four candidates representing the two great parties. It would seem one to forget men. Can you name the candidate for the Vice Presidency on the ticket with Mr. Bryan? Oblivion is the price of silence. Mr. Bryan's name has been kept before the public. His running mate is forgotten. Don’t let the public forget you. Use the Bulletin. met come CR — impossible for any the names of these Runaway Near Landisville While driving to Landisville on Saturday afternoon a team belong- ing to the Mountville Grocery Com- pany figured in a runaway near Lan- disville, The horse frightened at a trolley car and bolted down a steep hill, throwing the two occupants of the wagon out on the road, but they were only slightly injured. The horse was caught at Landisville. Christian | was served, | number of games played. The house report of the! was decorated with scores of pump- HALLOWE'EN PARTIES Three Big Social Gatherings Prove t Successful Events gram was followed by several games. In the corn contest Mrs, Sophia Dowhower and Mrs. J. H. Gingrich received prizes, and Miss Mary Esh- leman was awarded the booby. Im the donkey contest, Mrs. Geo. My- ers received . first and Rev. N. A. Barr captured the booby. Refresh- ments were served to the following members and friends of the class: Rev. and Mrs, Barr, Mrs. Geo. My- ers, Mrs, H. H. Morton, Mrs. John Way and daughter Mildred, Mrs. Sophia Dowhower, Mrs. Simon Men- augh, Mrs, Jos. Weber and daughter dood 3 3 og : 3 Annexing id the Borough of Mount -4} Gjegrees West, thirty-five hun- 3 Joy certain territory, lots or oul: dred and ten (3510) feet to a stone rere mer mance was woven into his life. The oe lots, lying adjacent thereto in on the West $8 of Lumber Sweet) Two weeks ago the Mount Joy A. The girls of the Sophomore class irony of fate played weird tricks 3 ( > S AA ! Mount Joy and East Donegal Town Hhelioe along Ime Ne et So C. foot ball team went to Lititz and of the local High school, gave a upon him. Adventure and thrills 3 ships, Lancaster County, Penn. end of the Henry Eberle Cemetery, | Was defeated 32 to 2 in one of the most delightful Hallowe'en mas+ were his, Danger and responsibility 3 WwW t H sylvania, fixing and determining South twenty-two and a-half (22%) roughest games ever played. It was guerade for the boys of the class Were placed upon him, yet a once de ¥ €S era orse and Colts the corporate boundaries of said degrees W Ssh one hundred and nine- the most unsportsman like deal they on Friday evening. They met at grateful public has all but forgotten 3 borough regulatin the assess- ty-seven (197) feel to a concrete | co. received. Four \ r 3 : : : : i i : i or. | 940 oy in Eo ad territory, ate posi, on the West sids of. the re mig! ii en 8 or the home of Miss Mabel Geistwelr, him. When the In NL ums On Frid N 13 h 1 1 I dling. ot rinamts Y: Marietta pike; thence along the team rougls home black eyes, fs and then hiked to the home of Miss '€d the lowest his forge puffed stead- ay, ovemper t y 0 4 ana r 1 ° west side of said pike, and along local official was not permitted 10! pq one Habecker Mori ; ily on, coining the death fuel with en 2 . ; parts of ordinances inconsistent the Wast end of said cemetery, officiate, and what not. Notwithstand- Dionenee SRI o Done Where which to preserve the flame. Wash- 3 At 1:30 P. M,, at the Farmers’ Inn Hotel, Mr. Stumpf, Proprietor herewith, South seventy-five (75) degrees jn, a1] this the tea layed the an. é opriate. Cory riers : ys ) Section 1. Whereas a petition West, two hundred and fifty-seven AiG ont 2 € mn. ms awaited them. The decorations were ington's i lacked ATvmunitien; ge At Mount JO N has been presented to the Burgess (257) feet to a stone; Sueties sjong ne Saturdes Litils. chine Kore and the in black and orange, the class cal ii Te Sop Soe ae i ) E Te ar ~ a ; : ons So Side oo stery Saturday Lititz ce ere 8 3 s fastness ylva pnd Town Council of the Borough the south side of said emetery, Bohra ; e x 4 ort... Comes Wore played, fortunes nis as ess in e n % bi. Mount Joy, praying for the an- North seventy-one (71) degrees locals went at them “for keeps,” de- ] | hills, supplied it. * Ww Wi exation to said Borough of certain West, three hundred and yen termined to wipe out that defeat of told and an excellent luncheon Was The historic significance of this pa- 3 e ill Sell One arload of i . 3 jae 0 347 AO a s 3 1 south- ” rare * iqQ. territory, lots or outlots, adjacent to (347) yee t tr 1 stone con ie OUR | two weeks ago. Mt. Joy scored two served, Those present were: Miss | triot is told in the number of the Ro-| : : said Borough, and situated in Mount west corner of said cemetery; Flore Habeck sil oo Joy and Bast Donegal Town- thence through lands of G. Moyer, touchdowns in the first six minutes © F OTeRCe abecker, Florence “| mances from Pennsylvania, History xtra 0 9 1g, ug- ships, Lancaster County, Pennsylva- south two and three-fourths (2%) play, Garman booting both goals. lers, Vivian Chandler, Frances Beat: | yy. the Sunday North American is x : 3 ci yg ajority of sgreas West, six ired and twenty-| yw; 3 eo +in- ty, Mabel Geistweit, Beatrice Shatz iehi reek y i nia, signed by a majority of the degre Wve t, six hunc rec r With the score 14 to 0 at the begin- t¥, 1 ’ » | publishing each week. It is contained '% ed and 1 P freehold owners of the said sos gd fog S02 Sn ol ning of the second quarter Lititz Catherine Witmer, Christine Moyer, | in the issue for November 8, and is 3 8 urposes erri y f the aforesaid sec- S S¢ Marietta ie] C oe 5 : F 2 2 gud termion ot to sai Bor- crossing said pike, and through said left the field. Elsie Miller, Verna C. Chandler, | entitled “The Bulletmaker of the 1 ough G. Moyer’s land; South Seveniy-rour An effort is now being made to Messrs. Jay Klugh, Earl Grissinger, | Revolution.” This section of the x orses n oO ts Therefore, Be it ordained and en- a a - hatred and play a third game on neutral grounds. Roy Tyndall, George Weber, Lloyd | state, touched so often in the series, i : acted by the Burgess and i East side of the Columbia road; Saturday’s lineup is appended: Garman, Abner Gingrich, Ross Bsh-| will find in this romance a story that 3 : They will consist of the Good, Big, ugged Feeders, Farm Couneil ot the Borougn >a gh thence through lands of Jacob Zer- Mt. Joy Positions Lititz leman, Charles DeLong, Lester Rob-|will charm and a chapter from his- Chunks, Carriage and All Purpose Horses ahd Colts. A few of 3 y and IE De ths Chet an GlaYion i: han a Myers ........ Tot end... Frey erts. Thomas Bennett Alvin Relist | tory that will instruet. i these Colts are Mare Colts, and the kind that will mature into real - iained DY Y “spectively, south ghty-five a 3 7 ? ; . + , " 5 : = game, that the lots or outlots of the half (8514) degrees East, thirty-five Derr ....... left tackle...... Grazier or this place and Mr. Kraybill ot | The whole list of ‘Romances has % good Brood Mares and will Weigh from 1250 fo 1500 bs. each when said section of land lying adjacent pundreq and twenty-eight feet (3528) Kramer ...... left guard.. Hornbeger mgrin. been an exceptional feature. It has matured. Also several closely Mated Teanhs in Greys, Bays is he said yorough he a storie; sense rough said How Zink vei rs Centre. ....... Ditzle aroused much favorable comment i and Blacks. The kind that will make Good, Rig, Draft Teams. n Mount oy an [man’s land and J. E. ngenecker's : : : | 3 Also a few Well B 3 Townships, Lancaster County, Penn- land, North sixty (60) degrees East, Heiseman . right guard. . Poflinger| Miss Kathryn M. Gingrich enter among historical societies and the £ Be 11 Bred Driving Colts. Mr. Grove advises us gvlvania herein for convenience and [six hundred and seventeen (617) feet|Groff ...... right tackle... Neidmyer| .. .. pe Ladies Bible class of general reading public as well. Those at he is shipping an extra load of Colts, the |kind that have the description, divided into three gen-|to a stone on the West side of the Ellis ........ right end...... Frailict Trinity United Evangelical Sunday who have bought one number have, 3 color, size, shape and bone to themselves, These Colts range in era] sections and designated as the Little Chickies Creek, near the South- Germer F....quarter back ....Diehm| | ; | for the most part, continued to pur- 3 age from 2 to 4 years and weigh from 11 to X3 hundred pounds “Northern Addition,” the “Western west wing wall of the Electric Rail- r 1 eft halthock Sturgis School at her home on Donegal ; ssors. ® each | ’ Addition,” and the “Southern and road Bridge; thence up along the, ennell .... ert altback.... ur street last Friday evening. The chase and preserve its successors. : Eastern Addition,” respectively, here west side of said Little Chickies|Germer G. ..right halfback.. Keller ations were spprOpiiate to. he Thig particular romance is doubly in- If in need of a Horse or Colt for your Spring Sales, or to in more fully and at length de-{Creek, the several courses fhoreot, Sheaffer ...... fullback. ... Bingham |, we'en Scocon. A ahort. Div: teresting because of the fact that feed out for the Spring Trade, or for your own use, don’t miss and twenty ¢ several of the old buildings which : this chance, as you all know how the W. M. \Grove Colts feed ¥ i Anna Fetter, Mr. and Johnson, Mrs. C. S. daughters Alta and Myers, Misses Mary and Mae Eshleman, Esther Weber, Fannie, Esther rich, Mrs, Mrs. Chas. Gingrich and | | | On Friday evening the Junior Class of the Mt. Joy High School, | entertained the Seniors at a Hal {lowe’en party, at the home of Prof. land Mrs. C. E. Roudabush, on Bar- Seniors were tak- len on “A Trip to Inferno,” Mr. [Frank Gantz serving as Lucifer, land ghosts, skeletons and witches | attending him. An excellent supper fortunes told and a —— {bara street. The kin faces and Hallowe'en favors. Among those present were: Miss Marguerite Herr, Miss Ktall, Misses Leah Stauffer, Mabel Moore, Mary Hershey, Virginia Frank, Helen Ha. becker, Margaret Ford, Grace Dietz, Lois Wiley, Vivian Coolidge, Maude Schroll, Blanche Eshleman, Esther Wittle, Anna Shonk, Beulah Zerch- er, Messrs. Austin Fellenbaum, John Stoll, Ellsworth Shrite, Arthur Moy- er, Clarence Brubaker, Frank Gantz, George Brown, John Booth, Harold Harmon, Ragner Hallgren, Warren Eshleman, John Baer, Oscar Laske- witz, Earl Myers, Prof. and Mrs. C. E. Roudabush and sons Byron and Robert. The Misses Edith and Ethel My- ers, gave their annual Hallowe'en party at their home on East Main street Saturday evening. Among the amusements were an alphabet race, parlor foot ball and a district school. The house was decorated in Hallowe'en suggestions and re freshments were served from a table handsomely decorated with Jack o'- lanterns and flowers, red being the color scheme. Those in attendance were: Miss Marguerite Herr, Miss Mazie Shelly, Miss Emma Shook- ers, Miss Anna Shookers, Mrs. Jos- eph Charles, Miss Caroline Mann- ing, Miss Edith Bentzel, Miss Eliza- beth Bernhart, Miss Edith Myers, Miss Ethel Myers and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Myers, rms AAP A rns WHY MOUNT JOY MERCHANTS SHOULD ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN | A $2,000,000.00 Example Without a dollar's worth of busi ness in sight, the Ward Baking Co. erected and equipped two magnificent bakeries in New York City, ata cost of $2,000,000. They knew the possibilities of ad- vertising and depended upon adver history and exceptional .in story. Ro- have a place in the story are still out, and make money for any person looking foi an investment standing. of this kind. \ — GT ——— “spring” an innovation in the way of a sale, a new matter of displaying merchandise—anything at all— ag soon as you could, if you con- tising to make their New York busi ness a success. The result was twnat in eight months they obtained distribution | for 350,000 loaves of bread per day. Without advertising those two million dollar bakeries would be ae cumulating dust and cobwebs, and the two hundred autos used for de livery purposes would be idle. Use the Bulletin and watch your business grow. e— Ce — | We print all the news fit to print. Read the Bulletin | Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | Read the Bulletin i Bulletmaker of The Revolution oferforferfocfooferfocorforforforforocfoofeofiodecfonfonforfocte: The “Bulletmaker® of the Revolu- a character important in D. B. KIEFFER & CO’S. ion” was Notes for 30, 60 or 90 days will be taken with good security WHY MOUNT JOY MERCHANTS and paying discount. j SHOULD ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN Zeller, Auct. Zeller, Clerk D. B. Kieffer & Co. Sale Friday, Nov. 13, 1914 at 1:30 P. M. at Mt. Joy, Pa. Preaching vs. Practice To Whom’ It May Concern If one of your competitors were to BA ES You would do the same thing just IT GIVES THE BEST RESULTS. LIGHT sidered it of value to your business. f Why copy them in the small things | and not in the big things? | : ’ 66 TRADE sl The greatest business men are the | MM The SMITH SONI AN warmest advocates of advertising. The fact that they practice what | they preach is the factor which! MARK. CORRECT made them the greatest business 2» men. | PA Money spent in the Bulletin will “08 be of far more benefit to you than] Pngng ! a thousand times the same amount] in the bank. | Steam Vulcanizing | By Experienced Hands | SPEED VULCANIZING COMPANY NORTH WEST CORNER ORANGE AND PRINCE STREETS R Lancaster, Pa, All Work Guaranteed. Quick Service| Acrona ed | EXERCISE By sending your work to us you, g ho will notice the difference in mileage, RC and decreased maintenance cost. We have succeeded in obtaining the Sole Agency of Mount Jog, th Repairing of all kinds done on In-|Pa. for the SMITHSONIAN TRUSS and sell on a 30 DAYS GUARAN- an ner Tubes and Casings at reason- TEE. pr able prices. Gr Mi “ae neon one w CHAN ler’ Drug Store x BUSINESS YOU SHOULD HAVE AN AD IN THIS SPACE. REMEM . Arn BER, HUNDREDS BESIDE YOUR WwW M S M J jp SELF READ THIS SPACE WEER est dln i. ount oy ter LY. Sunday hours 8 to 9 A. M. and 5 to 7 P. M. anc Mr Si B = or gs 7 2 % | a | : / ers Autoists, Read This © Eli DOES YOUR AUTOMOBILE NEED REPAIRING? DOES YOUR MOTOR BALK OCCASIONALLY? bal DO YOU HOP ALONG ON “TWO AND THREE” EVERY NOW AND THEN. IF SO YOUR CAR NEEDS lie THE ATTENTION OF A FIRST-CLASS MECHANIC. NOW THAT’S WHERE | CAN HELP YOU. Mu Est ° General Repair Work = fre | HAVE IN MY EMPLOY MR. JOHN KESSELRING, A MAN WITH EIGHT YEARS’ PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE ON AUTOMOBILE WORK. HE CAN REPAIR ANY MAKE CAR KNOWN TO THE TRADE AND DO IT RIGHT. DOESN'T THAT INTEREST YOU? Sai aAEE A740 oa . . 3 ° . last ; Rebuilding and Painting goo pre | WILL ERECT AN ADDITION TO MY GARAGE AND WILL BE PREPARED TO DO ALL Sar KINDS OF REBUILDING AND PAINTING AT VERY MODERATE CHARGES. LET ME MAKE A 1918 Cla OUT OF THAT OLD CAR OF YOURS. the thai Bor Studebak d d FE udaepakrers an oras d ot mor | ALWAYS HAVE ON HAND ALL KINDS OF FORD CARS—I HAVE ALSO TAKEN THE AG - Cou ENCY FOR THE WELL KNOWN STUDEBAKER CARS. ANY PERSON IN THE MARKET FOR A noe NIW CAR SHOULD NOT BUY BEFORE FIRST GETTING A DEMONSTRATION IN A STUDEBAKER. - oul THE EQUIPMENT ON THESE CARS IS EQUAL TO THOSE OF THE HIGH PRICED AUTOMOBILES. Automobile Accessories w foot CONGRESS TIRES, Har loca cide loca inju he ° agai him hap as 1 ing ing -_ I ALWAYS CARRY A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF PULLMAN AND AND ALL AUTO ACCESSORIES. WHEN IN TROUBLE, OR WHENEVER YOU NEED A FIRST-CLASS AUTO MAN, CALL MOUNT JOY GARAGE Peter S. Brubaker, Propr. Bell Phone 147-11 MOUNT JOY, PENMA. Also Auto Hiring at All Times Siu Bik Tak TT 5G T5RG FH