\ PAGE SIX 11 0D S. H. Miller WATCHES Cloeks, Jewelery and Spectacles II 1 Repairing in all its Branches. Also electrical goods of all kinds. Electric light globes sold & Ex- changed for Edison Electric Company. Report all Electric light trou- ble to me which will have prompt attention. East Main street PENNA § I MOUNT JOY, “is Emm | 1611 6161 THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, Get Around On Saturday For A Balmacaan HE TIME has arriv,” as Josh Billings would say, when a Top coat or an Overcoat has become an absolute necessity. When the temp rature hovers around freezing mark, it's time to bundle up. You CAN get a Balmacaan or an Over Overcoat at a of places, but you can’t get them in anything near the large selection or at anything near as reason- able a price as you CAN at this house. MEN WHO don’t know us might think that this is an exageeration or a mere “advertising statement,” but if | B [ | 3 | | 2 Vest Pocket Kodak The little camera that’s built as securately as a watch. One pull and it is opened, in focus,—a slight pres- sure on the ball bearing shutter re- lease, and the exposure is made,—a push and it is closed and back in your vest pocket. Has Kodak Anastigmat lens, giving remarkable definition, and Autotime Scale to .nsure correct exposure. Size of pictures, 15%x2% inches. Capacity, eight exposures without reloading. Price, $12.00, with single lens, $6.00. Sold by W.B.BENDER BARBER East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER CONESTOGA TRACTION CO. LANCASTER, ROHRERSTOWN, MT. JOY AND ELIZABETHTOWN DIVISION Schedule in effort January 1, 1914. Westward—Leave Lancaster, 4:00, 5:16, 6:15, 7:15, 8:15, 9:15, 10:15, 11:15 a. m.; 12:15, 1:15, 2:16, 3:16, 4:15, 5:15, 6:15, 7:15, 8:15, *9:45, 11:15 p. m. a arn ree x Bastward—Leave Elizabethtown, §: B, 6:45, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45, 10:45, 11.46 p m.; 12:45, 1:45, 2:45, 3:45, 4:45 3:45, 6:45, 7:45, 8:45, 9:30, 11:15 p. m.,12:30 a. m. Additional car daily except Sunday leaves Mt. Joy at 6:16 a. m., arriving at Lancaster at 7:16 a. m. Saturdays cars every half hour leaving Lancaster from 6:15 a m. to 7:15 p. m.; leaving Mt. Joy from 7:16 a m. to 8:15 p. m. On Saturdays a car will leave Lan- caster at 9:15 and 10:15 p. m.; leave Elizabethtown at 10:45 and 11:45 p. m. Sundays, cars every half hour from May 1 to Nov. 1, leaving Lancaster from 7:15 a. m. to 7:15 p. m; leave Mt. Joy from 8:45 a. m. to 8.16 p. m. Sundays, cars every half hour from Nov. 1 to May 1, leaving Lancaster from 2:15 p. m. to 7:16 p. m.; leav- ing Mt. Joy from 3:15 p. m. to 8:15 p. m. Sundays, first car leaves Lancaster at 6:15 a. m.; leaves Elizabethtown 7:30 a. m. (*)Daily except Saturday. 8000000000009 ©) We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring WW ater ICE IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy. Penna. POOOROEEO® EE For a Good Clean Shave Or a Classy Hair Cut Stop at H.J. WILLIAMS TONSORIAL PARLORS W. Main St. Agt For Middletown Laundry they take the time to look around at values elsewhere from $10 to $30 they will find that we are selling equal- ly as good and in many cases bette garments for from $8.50 to $25. : Competition is the life of trade and VOLUME is the master in competition—and that’s exactly why GROFF & WOLF'S prices are so low in comparison with the aver- age run of stores with limited busitkss—WE HAVE THE VOLUME. 5 En, © WATCH FOR THE GREATER GROFF & WOLF STORE. Groff & Wolf Co. 26-28 North Queen Street LBENCASTER, PENNA LANCASTER’S FASTEST GROWIN G STORE VisaieR RE TT) This International Harvester Engine Fills Your Needs Of all the satisfactory machines that are built for the use of farmers and contractors, the I. H. C. tank-cooled engine is certainly one of the best. Steady asa clock, ready and willing to do its work whenever there is work to do, it is getting a reputation for dependability which might be envied by any man. This engine has the long cylinde and piston, the large bear- ings and heavy crank shaft, the heavy fly wheels and split hubs, the well designed base, and all the accessories that make up the engine it is possible to build. Its performance is in every way equal to its looks. This is the engine to buy, because of its very low cost per year of service. The I. H. C. dealer has a demonstrating engine on his floor which you should see. Until you se it and see it at work, you cannot know as much as you should about oil engines. International Harvester Co.of America INCORPORATED HARRISBURG. PENNA LO OL nm | beautiful and impressive religious al Only Fee Min, Grinder That Grinds Wet Grain RL CETALT -~ You needn’t have trouble when you come to grind wet feed. We have a line of Feed Grinders that will handle it at the same speed as dry. LETZ =szavane FEED MILLS Give Letz Mills a trial and you will never use any other kind. They are the fastest-working, easiest-running Feed Grinders made, and cost you least for gasoline. Grind Oat Hulls, Alfalfa, Hay, Corn with Cobs and Husk, Wheat Screenings and all Small Grains fine at a single grinding. Buhrs sharpen themselves. One set grinds 1000 to 3000 bushels. We can furnish you the “right size Letz for your engine’s horse- power. See us about it at once. TE T——— obtained or no L TE en and brief 4 for FREE SEARCH and report on Send Been stacy 2p for NEW BOOKLET fun of patent information. w 2 help you to Id FER PApES.1ozt ir ive Eastern Distributor DUNT JOY, Advertise In “The Bulletin” Il moresque, Op. 101 No. 7, Dvorak, | = Miriam Bard; Hungarian Rhapsody, 4 turne, (Fifth) Leybach, Ruth Meck- !walls of Grand Lodge Hall, than it PENNSYLVANIA Thanksgiving a big special dance = in F, Ardella Brandt; Masonic Home News On Monday, Oct. 26, forty-seven of the male guests of the Homes, in response to an invitation kindly extended by Perseverance Lodge, No. 21 of Harrisburg, to visit the Lodge as 1eir guests, journeyed to Harrisburg in the afternoon for that purpose. ’ They were met by officers and members of the Lodge and escorted over the streets and thru parks of the city, in automobiles. At 5 o'clock they were served an excellent dinner in the Masonic Temple and the evening was devoted to an exemplification of Masonic work. At the conclusion of the work, the guests were escorted to the station, and thence returned to the Homes, It was a very gracious and kind brotherly act in Perseverance Lodge to thus generously remember their less fortunate brethren in the shel- ter of the Homes, and bring them to their own Lodge fireside, to re- call to their minds, the principles and lessons of Freemasonry and to infuse sunshine into their lives. The guests returned to the Homes, with hearts filled with gratitude to the officers and members of Perse- verance Lodge, for their thoughtful kindness, and with enthusiasm for the beauties of the Capitol City, and the excellence of the Masonic work they saw exemplified. This generous act of Perseverance Lodge is unique, in that it is the first of its kind in the Masonic History of | Pennsylvania, and entitles the Lodge to all credit due to the initiatory of all acts that are good. i As one of the Home's social en- tertainments, Miss M. Cecile Smith, on Thursday evenng, Oct. 29, gave a piano Tecital by her pupils, which enjoyed by the guests showed much | progress in the pupil's musical edu- cation, and reflected great credit on | Miss Smith's teaching. The program was varied with three beautifully rendered solos by Miss DeHuff of modulated was much and visiting friends; whose well pleasing variation to Maytown, voice was a the instrumental numbers. | Following is the program: Caval- | ry March, Hompesch, Ruth Meck: ley and Esther Young; Flower Song, ! Lange, Dorothy Casey; Alpine Hut, | Lange, Esther Sweigart; Cavalleria | Rusticana, Mascagni Grace Keener | and Laura Brandt; Melody of Love, | Melody in F. Rubinstein, Ardella mez- | zo Engelmann, Emily Freymeyer; Au- | tumn, Marguerite Brandt; Melody | Marie, Rich- ards, Beulah Loraw; Invitation to the Dance, Von Weber, Ardella | Brandt and Esther Breneman; il Dorothy Ricker; Maiden’s Prayer, Badarzewska, Ruth Sheaffer; Lust- piel, Overture, Keler Bela, Ruth Wickenhaiser; Il Trovatore, Dorn, Liszt, Esther Breneman and Ruth | Wickenheiser; Lucia di Lammer- moor, Donizetti, Elsie Snavely; Noc- ley: (a) Scarf Dance, Chaminade, (b) Me Valse, Godard, Osther Bren- eman; Palms, Leybach, Ardella Brandt: Comrades in Arms, Hayes, Ruth Meckley and Ruth Wicken- heiser. There being no Lodges scheduled to conduct the religious services for Sunday, the Rev. I. N. Seldomridge, Pastor of the TU. B. Church, and one of the Home's kind and obliging | friends of the clergymen of Eliza- bethtown, who are ever ready to | respond to its spiritual needs, ac- | companied by the excellent choir of | his church, kindly performed that service. ’ It is safe to say that no more service has been heard within the | was the privilege of the large audi { ence gathered there, to hear on this occasion, which is a strong asser- tion to make, considering the high | class of these services attained at [the Homes. | A sermon which held the undivid- |ed attention and interest of, and | carried conviction to the large con- | gregation, was supplemented with | the sweetest soul inspiring music | which left nothing to be desired and | gent everyond away with the feel- | ing that it was - good to have been | there. | The choir sang in their unrivalled | manner, the anthems, “Holy Spirit | Faithful Guide,” “Oh, Make Me | Clean” and “Calvary.” A beautiful | duet, “In the Garden,” was rendered Hii fine effect by the Misses Ruth jand Olive Shiffer. y | An interesting incident was the | arrival of a troop of Boy Scouts | from Mount Joy, who participated !in the services. There were also present an unus- | ual number of visitors who arrived lin time to participate, previous to vigiting the Homes. ee DG Qe Dancing at Columbia he Colonial Assembly, under | ane ement of Eugene Flanagan, will hold dances every Friday even- ing in Keystone Hall, and on will be held in Columbia Hall. Kro- del’s orchestra will furnish the mu- sic. ’ \ looks fine, It THE CHARM OF MOTHERHOOD Enhanced By Perfect Physi- cal Health. The experience of Motherhood is a cry- ing one to most women and marks dis- tinctly an epoch in their lives. Not one woman in a hundred is prepared or un- derstands how to properly care for her- which it is hard to recover. Following right upon this comes the nervous strain of caring for the child, and a distinct change in the mother results. There is nothing more charming than a happy and healthy mother of children, and indeed child-birth under the right conditions need be no hazard to health or beauty. The unexplainable thing is that, with all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting from an unprepared condition, and with am- ple time in which to prepare, women will persist in going blindly to the trial. Every woman at this time should rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, a most valuable tonic and invizorator of the female organism. In many homes once childless there are now children be- cause of the fact that Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound makes \\\ women normal, J) healthy and strong. « EFNKNAM If yon want special advice write to Lydia BE. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi- dential) Lynn, Mass, Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a | womun and held in strict confidence. TOBACCO LOOKS VERY GOOD Growers Believe That Buyers Will Be More Discriminating This weather is just what the hanging tobacco needs to properly cure it. While it was so warm and dry it was curing entirely too rapid- tobacco certainly has a beautiful color and a few samples of some of the early cut that we have seen, shows a fine texture. It is not likely that there will be any stripping done for some time yet ag farmers are busy with their corn and have just about finished sowing their wheat. Owing to the dry weather they had gotten The hanging | late with all their work, It is just about as well that they cannot get | at their tobacco as for years a great | many farmers were too much in a hurry with it and stripped it en- tirely too early. No tobacco should be stripped until the stalk is entire- ly cured, nor should they take any down unless it is in good condition as artificial good. The farmers of this county claim to have one of the best crops this vear that they have had for a long time and expect to get a fair price for it, This depends very largely on themselves. If they handle and put it up in good condition their hopes will be realized but if they handle it like corn fodder they cannot ex- pect it. We do not believe that this crop will be bought pell mell at about one figure as it has too often in former years, but that it will be mostly bought on its merits and it will pay to have that in view when handling it and it will not pay to hurry it up. There wlll be plenty of time to handle it during the winter. The few buyers who are going around are getting a cold shoulder from the farmers who seem to be unwilling to put a price on it or even to talk about selling at present. In this they are right; the selling on the poles in this county never has been satsifactory and very often has caused trouble while in some states it seems to be popular and we notice already a good deal hag been sold and at good prices. Some of our packers who operate in other states are buying consider- able and say they are getting good tobacco. Over in York county the dry weather was more serious than It was in this county and tobacco suf- fered more than it did here, but farmers claim to have considerable of a good quality in that county as in this the average is much lower than it was last year. Trade in old goods is good and manufacturers are buying right along when they can find anything to suit them, In fact lots of goods that were turned down a few months ago are now being sought and a higher price than would have been paid earlier. It looks as though the 1913 which the packers say is coming out all right will meet with an early mar- ket. The cigar business is really good, much better than usual at this time of the year. eee A Ce ee Elam is One of Them Mr. Elam R. Brubaker, residing on Route No. 2 from this place, was one of the young men that won a one-day trip to Philadelphia in the recent county corn growing COD- test conducted by the County Fair self. Of course nearly every woman nowadays has medical treatment at such times, but many approach the experi- ence with an organism unfitted for the trial of strength, and when it is over her system has received a shock from 1110 1 1 Winter Millinery dampening is not s0 | OR Association. The trip with a number | of others, will be made on Friday, 0 print. We print all th Noy. 13. : BOOOOCOOOOOOOO000M000000000C LLRIITOOLUOUUDOLOLY Oo 0 0 O 0 O) Q vince. bed size. strated, ~OOO000O00000O0O0OOODODOONNINRANANRANAARRAAAANSAIOOOOY a 111 0 01 0 Just received an exceptionally fi e and stylish line of PLUSH AND VELVET HATS for ladies and children. EST STYLES IN FEATHERS AND VELVET FLOWERS est Prices. East Main Street ofecfosfosfocfocfosfecfeciefocfefocs Curtains ahd Draperies How gratifying are the feelings of a hostess when she knows her curtains and draperies are pleasing when they show individual treatment, harmony and taste. Many helpful suggestions for decorating your cost are offered in our Interior Decorating vou to visit it and see our attractive displays ings. Among them are the @IMOSS ROSE “AURORA” DRAPERIES an unusually durable, mercerized fabric sheen of silk. The great variety of of color and artistic designs— mission, arts and crafts, period and floral—is a feature of these Draperies. Carpet Cleaning—Carpets called for, cleaned and returned at short notice. Westenberger, Maley & Myers LANCASTER, PA. 2.0 0.9 00 02 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 125-131 East King St. your service, 10 0 B efficiency. 70 test Gasoline and Al Lubricating O Shoe & Q NEW Barr's Repai WATT anc Corner Sjyusre ant Lancaster, F We Show Enougl & Comforts To E In Lancastd This proves we buy vast quantities, we secure certain big price concessions, far better Bed Blanket and Comfort values secure anywhere at the prices we quote. COTTON, PART WOOL AND ALL-WOOL BED WHITE, GRAY, TAN OR PLAID— 75¢ TO $N Beautiful Comforts Filled with pure white cotton, wool or silk covered; hosts of designs; $1 to $15. Every Home Needs a iance Sewing Machi Especially one of these newly-invented chines, which sews backward and forward operator. Another feature ig the new, patented also, an automatic bobbin winder, which must be seen in ac be appreciated. This is the machine that and seventy-five stitches to the ordinary the same amount of time. Guaranteed for ten years. nickeled steel attachments free with each PRICES, $29.50 AND $32.50. Other Reliance Machines, $19.50 and $21.50 FLORA DRABENSTADT Mount Joy, Pa. TE window hang- PETTITT 11010 1 TO AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES Automobile Casings which averaged 6,700 miles. When in TROUBLE, A STEAM VULCANIZING PLANT is at Genera] OVERHAULING time is spective of name or make, I will take a back seat fi rapidly approac, 11 3 DOOO0OOO0OS00OCOO00 ISOOOOOOO000O00O000 § > -