The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 04, 1914, Image 3

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    ae SoAbBRAaT EES EE
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es of good
urteen carat
Farm Bureau Notes
Investigations for a long time
By Dr. David H. Reeder, Chicage, lll! have expressed d ssenting and vary-
; gs ling opinions about the relative mer-
Care of the Hair:—Baldness is a its of calcium and magnesium lime
ondition dreaded by all men; by stone, Our own experiment station
omen it simply will not be toler- holds that magnesium is not detri-
The bald head is the inspira-| mental to op production so far as
or many a mean joke and it al-|it is known, The calcium, however
) seems to be the favorite roosting seems to command more favor, It
» for flies. is known that the greater
Ever since the
advertising game, ing or neutralizing power and quick-
as it is called by many, began, the er in its action is the magnesium.
curse for baldness and hair growers On account of the lack of experi-
have been flaunted in our faces with mental data on this point a co-oper-
a persistency that proves conclusive- ative experiment which will throw
lv that a good growth of healthy some light upon the limestone ques
hair is so greatly desired that people tion.
part readily with money in the hope The experiment was conducted on
of success with one more remedy. a dand type of soil, such as is
1 values in Eight
rom §3 up.
Bowman's Store)
L011 RTT
Rates Moderate is common in adolescence and adult
0 0
A few months ago the newspapers largely found in the
printed a report that a certain East- of Lancaster county.
southern part
ern hospital had discovered the The plots, one-fourth acre in size,
secret of the hairs growth and had were uniform so far as shape, size,
luxuriant general fertility and previous treat-
orowth of hair upon bald heads. ment are concerned Two of the
How much or how little truth there plots were treated with high ecalei-
been able to develop a
was in the report Ido not know, but um lime, two with magnesium lime
of one thing I think TI am certain, and one was unlimed The applica-
the hospital got a lot of free adver- tion was made to the corn ground
tising. with the following results:
The subject touches most tenderly Area of plot No. 1—14 acre.
the sufferer from what is called Al- Application to plot No. 1—1,000
opecia Areata, as in cases of that pounds high calcium limestone.
king the hair comes out in patches. Yield—1,552 pounds.
It is frequently confused with what Area of plot No. 2—14 acre.
is commonly called Ringworm or Application to plot No. 2—1,000
Tinea Tonsurans. A little study of pounds 42 to 44 per cent. magnesi-
the two conditions enables one to um Jlimestone,
readily tell the difference, however. Yield—1,668 pounds.
The one almost certain things that Plot No. 3 is a check to which
distinguishes the two is that ring- was applied no limestone.
worm is confined almost exclusively Area of plot No. 3—acre.
to childhood while Alopecia Areata Yield—1,725 pounds.
Area of plot No. 4—14 acre,
| life. It is seldom that the loss of Application to plot No. 4—1,000
hair is permmanent in those under pounds 42 to 44 per cent. magnesi-
H t ] [mace age, but in older people the um limestone.
hange 0 e | chances of a cure are not good. Yield—1,812 paQunds.
lount Joy, Pa.
prt Zaepfel, Pro
| modern convenience such as ‘ : }
Hot and Cold Water, Steam hair beging to fall out anywhere be- lime.
lect: Light, Ete.
Is Supplied With the Best
the Market Affords
* s +
ilso hunch Gounter
re Soups, Sandwiches, Cheese, |of oil of Capsicum. After a tho’
ough washing of the scalp with a is interesting in so far as it shows:
ripe, Clams, Etc., are served
ss 83
I might tell you a long story of the Area of plot No. 5—1 acre,
other kind of baldness such as Application to plot No. 5—1,000
Senile Alopecia which is caused by pounds high calcium limestone.
old age, Congenital Alopecia in Yield—1,696 pounds.
| wh ich case there is usually defective This experment shows that there
Alopecia, in which the the high calcium and magnesium
The difference, if any, seems
tween the ages of 20 and 40 years. to be in favor of the high magnesi-
These are the causes that should um. Most of our Lancaster lime-
have careful and prompt attention. stones run rather high in magnesi-
One method of treatment which um. Judging from the results of
is highly recommended and is un- this experiment, it seems reason-
doubtedly excellent is to mix or able to place par value upon the
shake well together 8 ounces of rock when either calcium or magne-
liquid Petrolatum withhalf an our grin or both combined total 92 to
98 per cent. This experiment again
de ntition also. Then we come to the is little, if any, difference
pure oil and potash soap, the mix- an average loss in yield of corn as
ture should be well rubbed into the compared with the unlimed one-
scalp with the finger tips, after fourth acre. This again substanti-
hr is Stocked With the Best Brands which, if about to retire, a silk or ates the opinion held by the Farm
of di Wines, Liquors & Cigars
Good Stabling Accommodation
Local and Long Distance Phones

If you want to eat oysters, get that we do not use what she sup-
I serve | Plies, she usually stops the supply. :
them where they are good.
the finest primes in town in every
style. Sold in any quantity at right
When its GOOD ICE CREAM you these but found only one that would Edward Spangler of Myerstown, Leb
want, I can supply you.
All Flavors at All Times
Special Prices to Parties, Festivals,
Suppers, Etc.
mrs. CG. H. Zeller
Marietta Street MOUNT JOY
Author of several Songs and
Marches. The German Musici-
an, offers his services to the
people in Lancaster Co., teach-
ing on almost any String in-
struments, Piano, Organ and
Pipe Organ at reasonable prices
—tuning pianos and repairing
organs and pipe organs &
Mount Joy. Pa.
te Tn
Some one has been carrying away
feed from a farm near Donegal
Springs. Beware; your life is in some

one’s hands.
East Donegal Farmer
I have opened a first-class restau-
residence on Fairview
serve the best of ev-
son. Try my oysters
Clams, etc.
Mt. Joy, Pa.
stocking cap should be worn to pro- Bureau for some time that the
tect the pillow and clothing from lime application should be made
the oil. This treatment should be more closely to the crop which it
repeated 2 or 3 times per week and benefits most, namely, the grass
persisted in for many weeks. Stiff crop. It is possible that had ground
hats should not be worn by those limestone been used instead of the
who desire to retain their hair. The more caustic forms very different re
practice of going bareheaded as fol- sults would have been obtained.
lowed by many school boys today is This, however, will be worked out
good. The hair was made to pro: next year.
tect the head and when nature finds
or mo—-
I have noticed also of late years, Owner is Put Wise by Mr. Ed Ream
many remedies advertised for re of This Place
storing gray hair to the natural col-
or. I have investigated many of A team stolen from Liveryman
really do the work without staining anon county, on Saturday, was re-
that many of the things to which between Elizabethtown
passing away. One of the most team disposed of it for $50, altho
fashioned grandfather and grandmo- team had been sold on Monday by
younger, they are no longer relegat- return in a day or two.
ed to the easy chair in the corner Mr, Spangler, the owner of the
ther of today in the city drives her from Edward Ream, a local horse
while the grandparents on the farm he had fed a horse for a stranger,
spend much of their time traveling which tallied with the description
or driving from place to place in of Spangler’s horse.
their automobile, They keep young was made to this place in an auto-
partly by thinking young thoughts mobile and telephone communica-
and refusing to be shoved aside or tions in many directions disclosed
placed on the shelf, and they learned that a cheap horse had been sold
the ways of health, which keeps the at Collins’ hotel. After consider-
blood clean and pure, keeps wrinkle able parleying, the horse was final
forming worries away and moves ly returned to the owner. No trace
them to keep the scalp clean, the of the stranger who stole the team
teeth well cared for and the waste hag been found.
or refuse of the body promptly re: me
moved. ; CORDELIA
e———— ie in Louis Golbert has finished paint.
That's an Old One \ ing the large stack at the J. E. Ba-
A copy of a paper called “The ker Co. quarries at Billmyer. The
Bainbridge Observer,” published in stack is 118 feet high, five feet in
1879, was found a few days ago, and diameter at the top, and ten feet
It is in good condition. It has four at the bottom.
pages, 73x11 inches, and is devoted A largely attended reception was
chiefly to small persona] items, un- held on Tuesday evening in the
der the head of “Wild Oats.” The United Brethren Church for Rev. O
Bainbridge market, corrected by J. R. Brooks, who has been returned
Piper, the merchant, affords some as pastor of the Centerville circuit.
Interesting items, wholesale prices There were over one hundred mem-
being as follows: Eggs, 15¢; butter, bers of the congregation and a large
12¢c; bacon, 6c; ham, 8c; lard, 6c; number of friends present. The
onions, 30c; wheat, $1.25; corn, 55c; reception was in the form of a do-
oats, 32c. nation party, and fruit, vegetables,
mt tlle. =csemsers poultry and cakes were given to the
For Their Patrons pastor in large quantities. Rev.
The Donegal] Gas Company, of Brooks delivered an address and
this place, Mr. P. Franck Schock, music and prayer added to the ev-
Manager, last week distributed lit- ening’s programme, ’
erature of its rate schedules, terms —— en
and conditions for the supply of $20,000 Fire at Lititz
gag for commercial service in this. pire of unknown origin, compléte-
boro. ly destroyed the two-story ware
house of J. F. Stoner & Co. at War-
Deeds Recorded wick, a suburb of Lititz, Friday.
The following deeds were recorded The building, which was a two-sto-
esterday: ry brick, 24x40 feet, and the con-
i Heisey | to Fannie A. tents consisting of 1909 tobacco
3-3 $200 = jand a number of cases of 1911, are
hes ARO Be otal loss, The estimated loss by

and it was not advertised. It seems covered Thursday at Collins’ Hotel,
and Bain-|
humanity has been accustomed are bridge. The party that hired the |
deeply cherished of these is the old- the owner valued it at $190. The
ther. They seem to be getting a stranger, who stated that he would |
by the fireplace, but the grandmo- team, received a telephone message |
own electric car and dresses as dealer, who knew of the loss of the |
smartly as her married daughter, team, apprising him of the fact that |
A hurried trip |

Wednesday, November 2, 1914,
too 304 3 30430 43 lo rl 343003093 3003 Bt 3040 630 340430430 480430 43040 4204300 0 00 0 0 0 30 4004
Ride to Lancaster FREE at Our Expense
9. 9,
9. 9, O
9, 0. 0, 0
Kar a Xa X
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lo XaX aX aX
9d, 0,
©, 00.00,
be 6%
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Kaka Xa x
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oie oled
Po? $0 04
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(S09 050 000004 Po?
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Fei fede ideidecdocfefode odode
jogo adr ade feed
9, 9,
eo’ %
9, 0, 0) 0 0 5 9
20 450-630 43040 450-450-0504,
It costs you absolutely nothing.
Make your purchases ’round the
store, the prices are the same whether you collect your car fare or not.
If your total purchases amount to ten dollars or more just hand your
checks into the office and get your car fare refunded.
[ts Our Method of Putting the County Pat-
rons on the Same | ooting as the Gity Folks

IF through any unforeseen cause, your
Suit or Overcoat fails to give proper
satisfaction, you get a new garment free
of charge or your money back as freely
as if you were drawing money from your
You Must be Satisfied
Your Money Back. Or a New ull
That is the Guarantee That Goes With Every
Garment Sold in Our Clothing Department

For well made Suits & Over
coats of all wool materials in
all Wool materials in ali the
new Fall and Winter shades. Several
special models for young men and again
many styles suitable for stout and large
men. We can fit averyhodly,
For the Donovan Special the
Suit and Overcoat that even
our competitors admit is
worth $20, and which we sell as a leader
for $15. Seventy-five different styles; all
hand tailored, all wool, all of course guar-
anteed. The Donovan Special is the de-
light of our customers and the dismay of
the local Clothing trade.
For the Kuppenheimer or Society Brand Suits or
Overcoats--two of America’s greatest lines. The
most fashionable New Yorker cannot wear anything
finer or more exclusive than either of these.
possible, positively you must see them to appreciate them.
Description is im-

The Great
Sale of
Prices that talk of
the Whole
Lancaster County.
Thousands of
New Hats Selling
at Half Price
New Merchandise Ar-
riving Daily

Women's &


Low Prices on
Our Fall and Winter showing this year is
a most remarkable one. There isn't a color-
ing or a weave that will be sanctioned for
Fall and Winter wear that is unrepresented
here, Donovan quality combined with Dono-
van low prices—that goes without saying.
50c STORM SERGE, 39¢
Half wool; good weight and quality; black
and all the new fall colors; 36 inches wide;
a 50c value special at Donovan's, 39¢
65c POPLIN, 50¢
All Wool French Poplin of fine corded
dress fabric; black, navy, eggplant, garnet,
brown, etc, worth all of 65c; special at Don-
vans, 50¢ ’
ovan's, 50¢
$1.25 GABARDINE, $1
Satin Gabardine; all wool; sponged and
shrunken; black, navy, taupe, green and
ylum; 48 inches wide; regularly worth $1.25,
special at Donovan’s for $1
89c MESSALINE, 75¢
Black Satin Messaline; all silk; bright and
lustrous; black that will make handsome
dresses; 36 inches wide; worth all of $1.
$1 PO" .IN, 75¢
Silk Poplin in all the staple colors and
black; a fine corded silk that has a beauti-
ful rich luster; 36 inches wide; regular $1
values. :

“Style Without Extravagance”
Is The Secret of the Success of Our Big
Outergarment Department
We carry the largest stock, we sell more garments & sell them
cheaper than any store between Philadelphia & Pittsburgh. On
the second floor is assembleda collection of Women’s & Children’s
outergarments that would be the pride of many exclusive shops in
the metropolitan cities.
In fine serge, crepe, satin, gabardine and
all the wanted materials. Styles are up-to-
the minute here always. Hundreds of differ-
ent models to select from, all sizes for wo-
men, misses, also a special stock in stout
sizes for large women. $4.98 up.
Serge Coats, Checks, Satin finish Zibel-
ines, Imported Novelty Cloth, Broadcloth,
Brocade Velvet—new ideas arriving daily—
you'd wonder where all the coats go to it
you say our big stodk—our prices are the de-
spair of our competitors. $4,98 to§35.
A hundred different styles im women’s and
young women's suits—the finest collection
ever shown under one roof in Lancaster.
Serges, Broadcloths, Cheviots, Gabardines
and Velvets in the long and short coat ef-
fects. In the suit business as all our cus-
tomers know, we have absolutely no compe-
tition in this city. Our suits fit right, wear
like iron and are always good style $10 to

32-38 East King Street,
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/Lancaster, Pa.