. 4 MOUN?” JOY, PENNA. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4, 1914 $1.00 A YEAR Decide That Mount Joy Must Have a Larger and Better School Building--Loan Carries blic ans Win rumbaugh Carry the State rast 150,000 Majority er Pinchot, | bver Pinchot : 4,000. | ity over Me- | tions, over Hetrick, of the ballots i proximating those for Of course the whole Republican ticket is elected by majorities 'ap- the heads of the ticket. It aws an old-time majority, sel- dom exceeded in gubernatorial elec- but occasionally larger in presidential years. Lancaster city gave approximate- | ly 3,000 majority for the Republican election in Lan- | ticket. ’ joyould | 34 21 45 76 60 n 33 52 37 45 7 15 23 lard Ward ard Borough— Vard Ward Twp.— 44 38 52 73 92 39 42 23 20 4 12 51 44 58 h Grove T 6 13 15 19 42 39 40 32 40 ng Hill kler’'s S. H h Square e the Republicans were pol- heir big majority thruout the! ry, Mount Joy was busy wrest. with the school loan proposi- | The School Board 'asked the | s for a loan of $10,000 for the! ose of erecting an addition to present school building, in order relieve the present congested dition, The voters acted wisely the mat. as they declared in vor of the loan anl by a majority fF almost 3 to 1. In the East Ward he vote was very strong for, carry- Ing by odds of 4 to 1, while in the A Sucorestul Masquerade Miss Viola Baker held one of the most successful masquerades in Mt. Joy Hall last Thursday evening ever held here, the only unpleasant fea- ture about it, was that the attendance should have been: double what it was. An orchestra of four pieces, from Lancaster, furnished the music. They were a good number of con-| testants for the three prizes which were ‘awarded as follows: Finest costume, Miss Florence Heilig, of this place, as an Indian girl; Comic costume, Mr, Jacob Lehn of Eliza- bethtown, as “Mutt”; Ugliest cos- tume, Miss Mary McGinnis of this place, as “some coon.” The hall wore a Hallowe'en dress and presented a beautiful scene, rr. eel A I —— | Tore a Ligament { While washing at her home on New Haven street Monday morning, | Mrs. George Myers slipped on the bricks and fell, tearing a ligament in her left ankle. The injury is quite painful and it will be some time before she will be able to be about; Dr, W. M. Thome is attend- ing her. eet Cee eee School Board Met A brief session of the School Board was held Monday evening, when routine business was trans- acted. The Christmas vacation was fixed from Dec. 21 to 28. After the payment of a number of bills, the Board adjourned. BL = Another Car of Apples This week Mr. G. Moyer received another carload of choice New York State apples. This is his second car within a few weeks. Evidently he has good apples or they would not sell that fast. te rl nnn Working at ‘Harrisburg Miss Sylvia Hershey has gone to Harrisburg, ‘where she has accepted a position ix the Bell Telephone Ex- change. She was formerly an opera- or at this local Bell exchange. rp As NamBoxing Show ng was advertised to A.D unt of 980.4Uag | cess, | tire The Vote in This Vicinity Hole H HOTWIODO IN 56 43 155 57 242 105 69 61 100 70 64 58 41 69 52 49 65 78 94 76 94 11 41 48 30 67 37 63 43 51 29 62 40 60 23 52 48 41 34 50 2 10 21 42 55 41 35 46 West Ward the majority was not as great. In the West Ward there were 61 voters that didn’t vote for or against the loan while in the East Ward there were 45. The vote was as follows: East Ward Por... J... . Against .. elie Nd . 43 West Ward . 96 For v . 64 Acolnst i... 0... Tota ..2569 ..107 For . see Asainst_ " In Mt ty Hall All Next Week The King-Sylvester Dramatic Com- pany which Geo. S. Grennel]l presents to the amusement loving public of Mount Joy at Mount Joy Hall the entire week of Nov. 9th is without a doubt one of the most popular of the many operative companies touring the country to-day. Great care has been taken in the selection of the company, and he plays to be present- ed. They are staged and dressed with great care and in fact every thing has been done to please the eye as well as to amuse. The opening bill on Monday will be Mr. Stanley King’s latest and best dramatic suc- “A Fatal Scar,” an intense drama with plenty of comedy. Strong dramatic situations and climaxes pre- vail throughout the bill, Vaudeville (will be given between the acts, thus doing away with tedious waits. Popu- lar prices will prevail during the en- engagement. Monday will be Ladies Night, when the fair sex will be admitted to any seat in the house for ten cents. Special Ladies’ Tickets will be distributed which can be ex- changed at Getz Bros. for reserved seats, This is a chance which oc- curs only once in a life time, so be sure to avail yourself of it, re ee A ee Former Residents Wed Rev. Lloyd M. Martin and Miss Sue Gable, both former residents of this place, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock at the home of the bride in Dayton, Ohio, on Oct. 27th. It will be remembered that the groom was born and raised in this community, He is now a pas- tor in the United Brethren Church and was serving a pastorate in Tennessee until about a month ago when he was appointed to a charge in Ohio. The family of the bride occupied the U. B. parsonage here until last spring, when her father, the late Rev. H. S. Gable, died very suddenly, after which they moved to Dayton. The happy couple have gone to housekeeping in their new- ly furnished home at College Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. They have the beet wishes of a host of friends. nm AGA ena, Shade Trees Removed V fhe shade (trees along the Market gide pf the First National | will be watched LOCAL BIRDS ENTERED Mr. Newark, Delaware | No doubt all of you have been reading about the big egg laying contest which is being conducted at Newark, Del, by the Philadelphia North American. Mr. L. Percy Heilig, most progressive poultry raisers, last week entered six of his big egg producing White Leghorn pullets in this big contest and shipped them to the show rooms. The hens are entered for year, A very accurate account kept of the consumption of food and production of each hen. There are hundreds of birds entered in the contest, of almost any breed. The work of Mr. Heilig’s birds with interest. The laying scores appear every Sunday in the Philadelphia North American. A A Discontinued the Work The Llorin Water Company had a big force of men employed laying a water main on the state road at the west end of town. main from the residence of Mr, Henry G. Shelly, (now in the borough) west to the residence of Mr. Abram Nis. sley, the work was suspended for the present. BE Gunning Season Opened The gunning season for rabbits and quail opened on Monday. Many gun- ners were out but rabbits are not as plentiful as last year and not many big bags were reported. one here getting the limit. AD A