PAGE THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY. P A. Wednesday, July 15, 1914 1 OO STF Miller’s s Jewelry Store WATCHES Cloeks and Jewelery Eyes tested and all kinds of GLASSES FITTED Currants, Celery, Tomatoes, Melons, Squash, Beets, Etc. USE BUG DEATH There is absolutely no preparation on the market that will rid your vines and leaves ofthe income ki ling pests so satisfactorily, thoroughly, ec oe and speedily WITHOUT the remotest, possibility of injury to plant, leaf or vine in any way. = Absolutely Free from Arsenic. In 100 1b. Kegs, 12%, 5, 3 and 1 1b. Packages. Also electrical] goods such as ELECTRIC IRONS, MOT- ORS, FLASH LIGHTS, BATTERIES, ETC. S. H. Miller East Main street MOUNT JOY, -:- PENNA ® mn 7 k for the free booklet—""Crop Insurance."’ TR Wl THERE'S ALWAYS ROOM Sea 11: Acro--Au-Hour Sifter FOR A! | for Appl yg Deat ry is Bug atest in design & low 1 also rice Can used in applying This si- Paris Green, more and Vest Pocket Kodak] as The little It as and = accurately n it is opened - | 4 sure on the ball “A lease, and the [ d i | P I q push and it is closes nd back in | N ll your vest pocket. | Has Kodak Anastigmat lens, giving | DRUG STORE remarkable definition, and Autotime| ‘West Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. Scale to insure corre : Sunday Hours, 8 to 9 A. M. Size of pictures, 1%x2% Sunday Hours 5 to 7 P. M. eigh without Price, Capacity, t exposures $12.00, with single reloading. lens, $6.00. WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER FOR A GOOD SHAVE | STYLISH HAIRCUT REFRESHING SHAMPOO or anything in the Barber Line. W.5 seNoEY Mount Joy, Pa. Sa They HAIR CUTTING Beware of Mosquitoes They let them East Main St, SHAVING Joseph B. Hershey Tonsorial Parlor Three Chairs, No Waiting Agent for the Midletown Steam Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday «nd delivered Friday. often bite are dangerous, spread disease. Don’t 4 Rexall Skeeter Skoot Will keep fier will do er work Killing 1 1 cabbage | J worms etc. than any | = / Expensive Spray} etd Call and in- Masonic Home News a Myers truck and carrier outfit. It! will give accommodation to 75 hogs. Five acres un either side of the pig | gery wiil be set aside as a arnge. _— On Wednesday, July 8, 1914, mem- | When we come to record the bers of Mount Moriah Lodge No. | {names of Masonic Lodges entitled '300 of Huntingdon, Pa., accompanied [to a place on the roll of honor, for by their families, paid a visit to the interest manifested in the Homes, Homes, we are impelled to inscribe the After viewing the grounds and name of Columbia Lodge, No. 286, buildings, they took dinner at Grand in capital letters, Lodge Hall, While at dinner, ad- When a lodge can charter a spe- dresses were delivered by Bro. G. G. cial train of cars and journey to the Harmon, Chairman of the Commit- Homes, bringing with them two tee. Hon. George B. Orlady, P. G. | clergymen, a fine orchestra, twoe la-|M., and P.M. of No. 300, and by dy soloists, a large male choir, to- Hon. Louis A. Watres, R. W. Depu- gether wih their families and their 1 Grand Master. friends to the number of two hun- The visit of the Lodge was mark- dred, for the purpose of conducting ed by the Presenter of two 3 religious services for ~ the Homes, Buch’s Bagle Lawn Swings, for the surely we are Sadtnt 2) i use of the children in Mount Moriah ably claiming that “These are our Grove, a grove which has been beau friends.” tified and named by this Lodge. This larze concourse arrived at! Again we have to record the death wo o'clock P. M. on Sunday, were of a guest of the Homes, in this joined by other numbers of our lo uence ons Wie: vos with jis bu cal friends, and when added to the te} davs. Brother Bell C. Henning tute an audience o ap, Daw 8 St as four Weal ie nt hy oe born an etonomist. His lost resi- spacious assembly room and enjoy- dence was Avalon, Pa, where he ed 5 most Interesting and MmspiringiiolioWed the occupation of An elec : trical engineer. He was made a Se Freemason on July 16, 1868, in Tem- Supt. N Franklin Heckler ex- ble Todze No. 412. On May 22, ¥ ed the ploas the Homes 1892, he became a member of Beav- 5 Lo iE : No. er Valley Lodge No. 478. He was 2 fa mives Fiends, admitted to the Homes on June 277, ° them 0. hem Wel 11914, and died July 7, 1914. He is con sented to audi-| ci ivived by three daughters: Mrs ence Brother 8. S Klair, Jr., Wor Gaunt of Columbus, Ohio, Miss N. shipful Master of Columbia Lodge H. and Miss Nina, of Avalon. His No. 286, who expressed the pleasure . .:\o tere removed to Pittsburg, of his Lodge in being able to be for interment in Uniondale Ceme- present and render a service to tery, by Lodge No. 47S. the Homes. The following was the : xcellent program: Selection, by Krodel's Orchestra; bring he Withor Hymn; Invocation, Rev. F. L. Bor- Ey oe WAoAee : : 3 dens; Anthem, Male Choir; Scrip- a Dsrches of Ime miiaied 1a ture Reading, Rev. F. L. Bordens; Masterscnville, Rapho township, Solo, Mrs. Geo. B. Grove; Sermon, $112.50 Bi 3 C ee )r bingy Br [srael G. Gibble, administrator of Church of Columbia; Anthem, Male Michael G. Gibble, deceased, to El frame mill Choir; Selection, by Krodel's Or- mer H. Witmer, chopping | chestra; Solo, Miss Edna Graeff; and eround situated in Masterson- Doxology; Benediction; “Adeste Fi- ville, Rapho township, $700. delis” by Krodel's Orchestra, Jacob S. Hackman to Elmer H. The ex heat which prevailed | Witmer, 62 acres and 32 perches, was insuffici to detract the in- Situated in Rapho township, $4,750. terest of the large congregation from Lizzie G. and Elmer H. Witmer, these unusually impressive services. administrators of John W. Witmer, The sermon was marked with ear- deceased, to Jacob S. Hackman, 62 nestness and conviction that left no acres and 32 perches of land in | doubt in the mind of any hearer Rapho township, $4,750 | | cially | praise | they | credit | mosquitoes away from | on Thursday, July 9, 1914, an that | ‘God is love.” | areca WBA === Music the order of artistically feature of | high A were Straw Ride To Mount Joy | up of about fifteen Columbia Wednes- day night on a large hay wagon be- longing to Joseph Weisser. The composed of young people Mr. and Mrs. destination Inn | was a prominent and was of a very lence. The and beautifully Service made left party solos render- excel young people male choir and balanced harmony Too much i... ; | Edward Krodel’s |. 3 in Mt. joy music t where they grea : i S {delightful manner, conduct-| | with refreshments. turned at a late hour the ride in the moonlight—Colum- | bia Daily News. SE singing of the novelty, ed. The was admired as a espe- party was fer its well general could Orchestra rendered, their and was chaperoned by Broome. Their Farmers’ evening in a efficiency. be given the splendid which reflects upon talented T. Johnson and not for the the and were served | The party re- and enjoyed was spent or, Prof, Krodel. The spirit of frie in the air The Committee on held their regular progress 1s now about the Masoni monthly Ir 1g: "ER Broke Legg Second Time in St. MOUNT JOY : ret ; : ; East Mai you, Just rub a little on the ex-| provision for extensive Minfprove-| John Poole, the Marietta lad, who, Terms Moderate Bell Telephone | posed parts of your body, and they ments calculated to greatly ehhance|some time ago was thrown downand CHARLES § FRANK won't come near you. Satisfaction | the usefulness and importanc of (had the wheels of a vehicle break | vo a beck the Homes grounds. hig right leg in two places, had to | ranteed or m y back. | : AUCTIONEER - guaranie one} ¥ For the past year, numer be taken back to the Columbia Hos- | a y 25 & 50¢ vo Sp : : y 1 { a J 4y bre MOUNT JUY, PA 10. 2 9 {of state and national a pital on Wednesday, to go through | !bureaus and colleges hav | the same treatment for six weeks | Prompt Attention given to Sales of zeal Estate and Personal Property. old only at E. W. Garber 81 E. MAIN ST, MT. JOY, PA. THE REXALL STORE Steam Vulcanizing By Experienced Hands SPEED VULCANIZING COMPANY NORTH WEST CORNER a ORANGE AND PRINCE STREETS ws =p VISIT THE All Work Guaranteed. Quick Service Mount Joy By sending work to us you will notice the rence in mileage Garage PETER S. BRUBAKER, Proprietor your aif and decreased maintenance cost. Repairing of all kinds done on in- gs and Casings at reason- 8 ner Tubes able price 0660000000000] 10 serve Weare Always Prepared Pure Spring If your Ford needs attention, I WwW ater be pleased to have you call on | me I car a complete line of re- ICE: | pair for these cars and can fix you IN ANY QUANTITY at Very |up on short notice. Moderate Charges. | General Repair Work a Specialty Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year Stauffer & Bro. Joy. Penna. ClClolol0lolClcloelele)e) PEEEEEEEEVEEO® eReeeeE0 EG For a God (lean Shave SPECIAL TO WOMEN Fhe most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antiseptics is Fruaderze A soluble Antiseptic Powder to Or a Classy Hair Cut $top at H.J. WILLIAMS TONSORIAL PARLORS W. Main St., Mount Joy Agt For Middletown Laundry in treating catarrh, ulceration of nose, throat, caused by feminine ills it has no equal. CHAS. H. ZELLER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE E. Main St. Medicine Co.has recommended Paxtine in their private correspondence with | women, which proves its superiority. Women who have been cured say Mount Joy it is “worth its weight in gold.” At —— iruggists. 60c. large box, or by mail. Calling and Clerking of Public Sales “he Paxton To#lét Co. Boston, Mass. Settlement of Estates Collection of Rents ; Surveying and Conveyancing Read the Bulletin Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Read the Bulletin about the when in | their ex c-|more. He was walking valued reeom- house, and the Homes, es and offering lending their using a crutch, | should | Kidney | If your | by home testimony. DROWNED ON SUNDAY Into Chickies Creek to Cool Off and Lost Life Dived the Miller, Raymond Miller, of + Aaron accidentally about the quarter The lad, being was seeking intense heat of that his favorite the Chickies Creek old son Oak, was day afternoon while bathing in at a distance of a from his home. swimmer, four Chickies expert from the He sought hole along joy a refreshing bath. and dived from the bank into the creek. The water at the point of the accident is eight feet deep. The lad was seen to rise and made a des- perate struggle in the water by sev- eral small lads who were on the bank at the time. No out ery was heard, but the boys realized that Miller was in a bad condition. They ran and aroused the neighborhood. | Before assistance could be secured, Miller had gone down for the last time. About half an hour after the acci- dent occurred the body was brought to the surface by Francig Manheim. CONTRACTS AWARDED Large Structures To Be Erected To Hcuse Cows, Horses, Poultry At a meeting held on Thursday at drowned Sun- o’clock, Creek, of a mile an relief day. | swimming to en- | He undressed | Way of sixteen-year- of White | the Elizabethtown Masonic Homes, by the General Committee of Ma- sonic Homes, contracts were award- for building a modern :dairy barn with a capacity for fifty cows, and remodeling a spring house; for a picgery large enough for seventy | animals; remodling and enlarging the horse barn to a capacity for twenty horses, and for the erection of a central house and granary and ten laying houses for the poultry plant. The contract was awarded to H. G. Carman of Phliadelphia, the price being private, and the work to be completed by October 1. There were three other bidders. This season the Home had 474 | acres under cultivation, and the crops will be enormous. The wheat harvesting has already been finished. rn lf Ql AQ TRUTH TRIUMPHS Mount Joy Citizens Testify for the Public Benefit A truthful statement of Joy citizen, given in his own words, convince the most skeptical about the merits of Doan’'s Kidney Pills, If you suffer from backache, nervousness, sleeplessness, urinary disorders or any form of kidney ills, use a tested kidney medicine. A Mount Joy citizen tells of Doan’s Pills. Could you demand ing proof of merit? Mrs. B. L. Garber, Barbara & Mt. Joy Sts... Mt. Joy, Pa., says: “I can recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills to anyone suffering from disordered kidneys. I used them with fine re- sults. I have no reason to change my high opinion of this remedy. You may continue to use my former en- dorsement.” Mrs. Garber is only Mount Joy people who have grate- fully endorsed Doan’s Kidney Pills. back aches—if your kidneys you, don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—ask distinctly for Doan’s Kidney Pills, Mrs. Garber had—the remedy backed 50c¢ all stores. Props, Buffalo, more convine- one of many bother Foster-Milburn Co, a Mount | the same that | | mendtaions in regard to the seil, {some manner it tilted and in trying [N. Y. “When Your Back is Lame— {dairy farm, poultry farm, piggery,|tosave himself he fell and broke his | Remember the Name.” ‘etc, All this valuable information | right lee again, | / sc Gael - {has been carefully preserved and | San et mi Heisey a Candidate studied by the Superintendent, with | Brubsksr=tinye Winfield 1. Heisey, of Rheems, the result of the adoption by the] Y yas 1 West Donegal township on Wednes- Nviri Tans e : 3 PN | Vor ‘eache ere friday rat EL B 7 Committee, o plans and specifica- Word reached 1h oy day presented nomination papers at tone for rect} re ve | MI. Paul Brubaker, of : BS Hons for the ereciion [of a dairy “ Sr . : . | Harrisburg as a candidate for the barn, poultry i horse | Was united in the holy bonds of : : : aw y : : z . Legislature from the Second district table, latest scientific | matrimony to Miss Geneva M. Hayes : : : : EBL Bik a ; : e of this county as the candidate of | basis, make them the last |©of Erie, Pa., at the home of the 4 ua BH : via ce : > “No Party. The paper was not in word ‘tures. At the Ju bride. The groom is a son of the : : 1 > 3 : : 1 proper form and was returned te ly me the Committee, bids [late M. M srubaker of this place, | : > : | nim. were opened for the same, and the|and is a graduate of our public : : ' hn) g 1 : Mr. Heisey was a candidate for contract varded Carson & Me-|schools of the class of 1904. His 3 s 1h : is : ot the Legislature on the Republican Limans, of PI 1 a, many friends join us in wishing the | |, 1 t th M : 1 oh . Rot ida . ig ’ : . | tick the May primary and re- The dairy barn will be 119 feet 6 newly wedded couple the compli- | oa y pritnagy : 1 1 on vi : : sceived a small vote. in, long and 56 feet wide, Ww two ments of the season. 3 : 4 Nis fi +3 33 : He is well known in this county Natice hollowstile s1ios at the south Sp ————A Greer > | 3 Tr $e. 4 i . An F Rea : and recently entered a suit in this end, each 40 ft. high and 14 ft. in Killed by Train | : : dianek The barn Will conta] Unknown y county without assistance of an at- llametel h barn wil] ntain ac- hile p or Vas PP comodations for 50 co and two While the trackwalker on the P. {oper He prepared the papers and modations I 9 ows an tw Aya : ? g 5 S bull. 0. continine. indi R. R, was making his rounds be not being in proper form the suit ; : ie i ” TR tween Conewago and Middletown was stricken from the records arir 1g cups and marked . . : ne r : * 2 Monday about 3 A, M. he found the a — as name yates > : 3 . : body of a dead man in a ditch, two ys $ ena: Joo : . fF Conewagc The body Rodgers=1.ashiy 0 *wago., > vy . ys : d th Of news 4 : Word was received at Elizabeth- 3 stranger. 1s suppose 5 th mm k ck. It 1b range y 1 town of the on Thursday ras it VY west boun ‘ s n7i : . ( Ss d m 2 hi 2) 5 i evening of Vic Rodgers, a former train and instantly killed. is body | _ : Oh 2% 11 be rain and instantly 1 d. His body resident of that place. The wedding | yutilated There were no : y Gish barn on Ulrich not mutilate Th : took place at Downingtown. The the 13 identify hi : : 3 ; ever {Uiitg. Soring res napkrs on the body to identify him. ide was Miss Dossie. Toghin, of TT eT ERR o 1to house, Honeybrook. Rev. 1. 8S. Mudge, of nd will contain vats for cooling the | \ 2,600 Miles Without a Puncture the Presbyterian church, performed milk. Word received here last week the ceremons The groom is a pas- T} lish barn is to be remodeled !that Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ebersole | senger brakeman on the Pennsyl- pproved plan, and will and son Bernard had arrived at Du | yvania railroad. The couple will re- for 20 horses, Quoin, Il. They are touring the sjje in Homneybrook. plant is to be further |gouth and west in their Oakland six. re et tee improved by the erection of ten lay-|Thus far they have traveled 2,600 Updgeraff-—Gottschall ine } uses ‘ ’ +g oe 3 3 | : : 3 i 5 | ing houses, and a central building. |miles and in that distance did not On Thursday evening Boy. B. M. mm Tooxsd Sak WE Ye mi : . Arr 4 The laying houses will be 10 feet Ihave a puncture, This is remarkable jive, of Christ Reformed church a on Sas Sas of the central considering the roads they have gijsanethtown united in marriage building. ey wi each accomo- |. Sa ¥ WN : ky 1 AA gone over. Charles E. Updegraff an Miss Mary | date 150 hens, making 1500 in all. | cod vi selene | ) i | Gottshall, both of that place. The - - | be dissolved in water as needed. | As a medicinal antiseptic for douches | stories high and will contain an in-| : 3 H. inflammation or | cubator 14x40 feet. and that | pe lighted and ventilated. | For ten years the Lydia E. Pinkham health, will be installed. The central building will be two | The Angler's Envy Aroused H. Singer, of Ephrata on Thurs- while fishing at Me- | caught a wall-eyed pike ! or as it is. better known, Susque- located on | HANNA salmon, which was in every the | Sense of the word a “beauty.” It | tipped the scales at an even seven and was twenty-five inches | The houses will Movable | fixtures for insuring cleanliness and |day {Call's Ferry afternoon, The piggery will be | the south side of the hill from Gish barn. Its walls, floor and] troughs will be of concrete, The | Pounds, pen divisions, yard enclosures and in length. { gates will be constructed of a frame —-— { work of one inch galvanized iron Executions Issued pipe, with heavy log wire. There Jerome Ober has issued an execu- | will be 24 open base James Vent}. | tion for $100.50 against Jameg Con lators, and it will be equipped with! rad of Rapho. i Oats, per bu. ......... couple were unattended and will go to house keeping in Elizabethtown where the groom is employed as a butcher, / et en. Our Home Markets Butior, per “ID. i... vets eierensiin on 2T Bges, per 0%. 20 Lad, per ID. v.ivisensiveins Driven SH cares en 150 & $1.35 Cavite eidS Wheat, Per DU. ...c..eevecsivsnes 90 Corn, por DU. ..iiicessvrsnearsan8l —— i ———i Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Poiatoes per bu. ooegoodonoofoefecfooooecfecfofoofeeorocfecfecfecfecfonforfororfocfocfsforfecferocferfecfocfucfocie 0 J LL) J 0 ¥ from the sy | onous,, When they are not promptly and com- ! pletely expelled from the body they clog other or- gans, interfering with their work. Therefore, kid- & J x J I o J oN I 0 & Your Kidneys for removing waste matters waste matters are pois- The kidneys are stem. These ney trouble leads to other troubles—eye diseases, nervous affections, chronic headaches, rheuma- tism, Neuralgia. Neglecting your kidneys when there is anything the matter with them is a seri- ous thing, Rexall Kidney Pills are, we believe, a most effective remedy for kidney ailments and weakness of all kinds. We make this statement after long experi- ence with other forms of kidney treatments, We are confident that we are wise in selecting as a remedy that we can recommend, this one among the many that we have for sale. If They Fail Your Money Bach We are so positive that Rexall Kidney Pills are unexcelled by any other similar form of Kidney remedy, and that they will do all we claim, that we sell them with our own personal guarantee that they shall not cost the user a cent if they fail to give entire satisfaction. Price 50c Sold only by E. W. Garber, Mt. Joy THE REXALL STORE sfeofecfecfecfecforforfesforfeciongengeseciesierferosferecfocesfortoriesfociorfofososfocferfocfoofosferiorfesfe A Big Special Fine Parlor Suites IN ALMOST ANY STYLE YOU COULD DESIRE; WELL MADE AND WILL LAST A LIFETIME AT FROM $12.00 up POOOOLOLLVLLLLVVLLOOLOLOLOOLOLLLOLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOCLO H. L. Spohn Undertaking and Embalming SUCCESSOR TO D. H. ENGLE W. Main St., ofeserfecferforiocde WHILE THEY LAST Mount Joy, Pa. 22 leslocleoloctoclooloetectoctoctostostoeoolocloctoctooto ote cloate ste slo sto cteots oloote stool RANI DD OOOIOOOOOOLGOOOOOLLLOOLOLOLLOOOOOOCOCOOOOOOOOS Atlantic Gity, Cape May Wildwood, Ocean City THURSDAY 5-DAY TRIPS July 23, August 6 and 20 EXCURSION TICKETS good on all regular trains to seashore destination cursion. $4.00 ROUND TRIP $3.75 ROUND TRIP Via Delaware River Bridge Via Market Street Wharf FROM MOUNT JOY STOP- OVER ALLOWED AT PHILADELPHIA RKTLANTIC CITY \ Avalon Stone Harber Anglesea Sea Ise City on date of ex- July 26, August 23 and 30 CL'Z$ diyl annoy BY SPECIAL THROUGH TRAIN Mt. Joy 6:51 A. M. Returning, Ave. Station), 7:05 P. M. TICKETS GOOD ONLY ON SPECIAL TRAIN or full PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Leaving leaves Atlantic City (So. Carolina information consult handbills or nearest Ticket Agent. SUNDaY EXCURSIONS \ AAT be Exceptional Low Prices ON ALL SUMMER FURNITURE,REFRIGERATORS PORCH AND LAWN SWINGS AND SUMMER FLOOR COVERINGS. We do not want to have a single piece of Porch and Lawn Furniture, Refrigerator or Swing leit over the season, so we have taken off from 20 to 40 per cent. from the original low prices: Porch Rockers, regular price $275, now .............. $2.19 Porch Rockers, regular price $2.98, now ..... wiv atateln -- $2.59 Porch Rockers, regular price $2.50, now .............. $1.89 Porch Rockers, regular price $4.25, now ............ -- $3.69 Refrigerators (Special), $14.75: regular price $19.75. 25 per. cent. reduction on forty other different sizes and styles. Westenberger Maley & | ers 125-131 East King St. Advertise Ink i 3 4 3 g ; I I < FE Sale : Sidi v' for Al Estima