The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 15, 1914, Image 2

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) Wednesdyy; July 15, 1914 |

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Bp 1B 0 PB BLO BB OSG OSB SS SO 9. 0, O90 0, 02 % 5% 5% 6% 0%0-4% 0% o% ov oo 2 D0 o% 670 6% 420 670-670 020-050 3,9 00920-02003 >
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$ NOW--Why do we make this big price saving sale? Can we afford it? NO. + B
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4 We are forced to do this because we have to reduce our stock for two reasons. First-- 3 )
$ We must have more room to display our merchandise and to do this we must remodel the I
3 interior of our store, which compels us to reduce our stocks. Second-We must close out all 3 :
$ Odds and Ends that have accumulated from our Spring and Summer Stock of Clothing, Shoes, 3% =
3 Hats, Shirts, Underwear and Furnishings. 2
3 Included in this lot of Clothing are such well known brands as 3
2 . : & {
Oo ; ; aid Bs, ; a € > Ts A , sa . i S - | 1 " S 3 & \
3 Hart Schaffner & Marx and Stylepius Suits 3
& 0 ; : ; | : 5
% You all know the quality and the satisfaction you get in wearing these clothes. These Suits %
Z were here the whole season, and no doubt you are familiar with the former prices. *
% %
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Men's Suits Children’s Suits : EB



> That were $10.00 now a S808. Thatwere 33830 n0w.....................oo0ieevvnn $2.75 %
3 3
. * That were $12.50now.... ............. ...... $ 848 That were 34008now. ......... ....................... $2.98 2
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$ That were $1500now................... .. .. ... $10.98 That were $4.50 now ...... a $3.48 i
3 $ ;
x That were $1800now.......> ............... $1298 Thatwere 383.00 now......................0...e.... . $3.98 4 J
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< That were 32000now................................ $14.98 That were 86,87new..... .............o cone, $4.48 54
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& Shoes and Men’s Neckwear Suit Cases & Bags DB
ES Oxfords Are just what you want to go on your 2 -
<r : : 2. We are selling about 4 doz. Men’s and vacauon, do 13
* Disat were $0.50, OW ane vsness: $3.50 Boys’ 0c Ties; each ..........-.... 23% $7.00 Cases and Bags, now ..... $5.50 * 5
> That were $4.00, now .......... $3.00 i on $5.00 Cases and Bags, now ..... $5.00 *s* i
> bt era nae oe as $2.60 This is a regular 50c Tie but we have no $5.00 Cases and Bags, now ..... 84.15 - : i
- a os bor two alike. Come early. $4.00 Cases and Bags, now ..... $3.25 & |
3 Ci a $2.53 Our regular 50c Ties, .....3 for $1.00 $3.00 Cases and Bags, now ..... $2.25 & 1
% That were $2.50, now .......... $1.98 : $2.00 Cases and Bags, now ..... $1.50 ® |
3 *
3 5
* 9 °
3 Men’s Pants Straw Hats Hosiery Cream Serge 5
2 We have about 150 pr. of Men's Pants to $0.00 Panamas NOW .......c..cneahs $3.75 Hole Pico Hose 74 doz. now ....$1.20
3 close out during this sale. S200 Hats OW... tevin $1.90 i nt "5 Pants *
= S200 Pants now... 00004-8315 $2.50 Hat $1.50 50¢ hose, silk, all colors ..............39¢ oo
> = : 50 HatE now i....... sve vnenis >
; i Ts a : ; : : eh ide : : : Sasa $2.00 Hats now ................... $1.25 25c Hose, all colors ..................19¢ Only 6 pr. of Pants. Be sure and get a pair a
s* $2.00 Pants now ...... $1.39 S150 Hats now... iis coding £1.00 15: Bose, all ‘colors ................- 11 e€ of these $6.00 Pants at ............... $3.50 3
% &
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3 . ®
+ Underwear Shirts Caps Rain Coats i
or UNION SUITS—White lisle, short sleeves; 3-4 EE We can save you a few dollars if you intend to pur- ao
oe ankle length drawers; regular $1.25 kind, now 85¢ To close out quick—about 2 doz. Men's $1.00 $1.00 Caps now Gi 3 good mines $3.98 3
i " : chi $12.5 KIN BW vin sis die neti .
3 Porosimit a mia separate Shirt and De Shite ot. oa 69¢ 69¢ $10.00 kind ii Ln Saran $6.98 &
> ers; reguiariy lic each, DPW. ..-.--- erin x40 ' dor. Meit's. 50c. Shirts. sl! “ $250 kind mow ion aie ie ak $5.98
& Regular 25¢ kind Gray, Cream and Black; now 21¢ don Bers Me Shines, igity spnesed, nove 20d Not mony. $7.00 kind now .................eeeeeenn $4.48 3% >
3 Qo
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3 This sale will be a big saving to you; come and take advantage of it. Don’t forget the date July 17th, For Ten Days.
% We are offering all good staple merchandise but must make room for our Fall Stocks which will secon arrive. Also that we

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can have room to remodel our interior.
Al \ ail or Phone Order Sent by Parcel Post FREE. - == Bell and Independent Telephones

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