¢ WeMiesday, Wiarch 13, 1914. 3 A OOOOO0OOO00OOOO0OOOO000DO000LL o of OIOCOOOCODOOOAOVOCOV to break. The tub is upported on a carbon angle wl, W braced and rigid > are noe tub legs ] frame made every part. All moviag I completely enclosed, making the safest washin The which does not float, lv vised if desired during the washing Grinnell Solid Dolly, clothes and may be ‘aising the washing famous the operation tsupon AOO000000000C000000000000 without ECONOMICAL VERY STRONG QUIET RUNNING LOWEST IN PRICE LOOK ME OVER In Extra Good and Up-to-Date Styles. Prices From 3.50 to $I0 Sizes 6 to 10 Years On Thursday, March 19 —— AND—— Saturday, March 2I wmamicsvo We Will Give a Reduction Of Ten Per Cent. On The Dollar ODO ILS BOO0CO000OO0OOOOOOOOGT Te pd } LR Jia or stopping the power. No dolly iron projecting into the tub to catch, tear or soil the clothes. The lid may be raised without changing any of the mechanism or stopping the power. The wash- ing and wringing mechanisms may be operated either indepnedent- iv or together. The machine may be driven with electric motor, gas engine or any other power. When built for electric drive it is equipped with one of the Grinnell completely enclosed 1-10 h p. Emerson Motors, the motor, pulley and belt all being thoroughly gnarded so that there ig no danger of their causing any injury. CO000000000000000000 CW COMET Pl Kreckel Trunks roe sno CTT CT SA mem oy ET L577 Ee EAOAOCAO00C000000000000000000000CA0C0000000000000000000000 200000000000000000000000000A00000CE Double JA( Green Tradirg Stamps On Saturday. (Marech 2ist. This will be a golden opportunity for all Boys of Mount Joy and vicinity to secure a handsome suit for Easter at a very great Saving. | COORONG GOOG OOOGOOOOOOUOOARIISOHANRNANS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOUOLLLU COOOO000000BINAC0000T0000TN00UTOTOOGN y i a Swell We Also Have In SOO00000 » EE TO PA IW TL N———————————————— i ; ~~ £N LNs EN § Ce ~~ STOCK WEEK-END TRUNKS $5.00 TO $10 BOXES 210.00 HOUSE TRUNKS £3.60 TO $10 PACKING TRUNKS $3.00 TO $10 WARDROBE S22 50 TO [45.00 | BUREAU TRUNKS $15.00 TO $18.00 | 1 TRUNKS HAT OOOO VOVOODOO0O00 DRESS TRUNKS $3.00 TO $22.00 STEAMER TRUNKS | $6.60 TO $18.50 || Our stock comprises, Trunks from the best Trunk Makers in Mendel, Likly REPAIRING & ALTERING WOAK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED KRECKEL’S “The Luggage Shop on the Square” Drucker, etc : DO0000OCIO0 OOD " Shoes, Oxfords and Do not forget that our Hats for Men, Young Men & Boys 10000000000000000GOGA0000000000A00000AA0CACE000 | are the finest ana newest styles to be had. A Liberal Offer Two Boxes at Price of One As many people in this community have never used BUCHULIN KIDNEY ETTS for kidney disorders and knowing they are superior to any kidney remedy on the market today we make the following liberal offer: On receipt of 50c and this slip of paper, we will let vou have or mail for (once only) Two large 50c Boxes of BUCHUL- IN KIDNEY ETTS, whieh will give vou enough to test the merits of the remedy at a nominal cost. WE GIVE “S & H" GREEN STAMPS LANCASTER, PA. DCOOULOUOUEONCOCOONTOC BENEMAN’S Department Store East Main Street Mount Joy, Pa. ESO OOOO0O00TODOOOOCOOOTOTO00 CHO OOOOOOOOOOLLOL These pills are for all Kidney disorders such as Diabetes, Lum- bago, Rheumatism, Backache, Inflammation of the bladder, Burning Urine, Heart Trouble and all urinary disorders. Two 50c boxes for the price of one box and thus save 50c Chandler's Drug Store West Main Street, Mount Joy. SUNDAY HOURS 8 TO 9 A. M, 8 TO 6:45 P. M. This pure lather that im- penetrates to Shampoo. mediately 0 WE CAN NOW SUPPLY Ml of hair and scalp, insuring a quick THIS HAIR PREPARATION and thorough cleansing. Washed off | # just as quickly, the entire operation takes only a few moments. Contains every part Our Harmony Laboratories in { Boston have caught with their big up 7 can harm the hair; Ee ES BUY YOUR Seed Potatoes HERE $n of it, or | All Varieties At Very Lowest Prices Write For Price List JOHN KIENZLE N. W. COR. 2nd & DOCK 8TS. Adveriice Ih “The | Bulletin” | orders now and so Wwe won’t have to who are using Beautifier and want any who have been advised by your friends to use it. now fill all demands, even even more of a rage bas 3 { disappoint any {| Harmony Hair : We can {if it becomes | than it is now. | Harmony Haf, Beautifier Is just | what it is named—a hair beautifier. {It is not a hair dye or hair oil—but | a dainty, rose-perfumed ing to give the hair its natural gloss | and brightness, wavy softness, rich | beauty. Easy to apply—simply sprinkle a little on your hair each PHILADELPHIA, PA. '{ime before brushing it. Contains no oil, and will not change color of the hair, nor darken gray hair. { To keep your hair and scalp danp- | druff-free and clean, use Harmony . liquid dress- nothing that leaves no harshness or just a sweet-smelling dleanliness. Both preparations come in odd shaped, very ornamental bottles, | with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beautifier, $1.00 Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaranteed to satisfy you | in every way, or your money back. | Sold only atthe more than 7,000 Rex- all Stores, and in this town only by, us.—B. W. Garber’s Drug Store, Mt. Joy, Pa. stiikiness— messmo Cross Keys Hotel Soild George D. Hoover, late proprietor of Wolf's Cafe, Columbia, has pur- chased the Cross Keys Hotel at Roh- | rerstown from William Witmer. He wil] take possession on or about Apr. 1st. iN 10 Ibs. best pure Granulated Sugar for 20c if added to your order for $5.00 or 25 lbs. for 50c if added to your order for $10.00 worth, of our other gn CUT PRICE GROCERIES Our big new Bargain Grocery Catalog shows you how tost : : on your biggest household expense. A postal brings if wholesale cut prices direct to you. C. J. Russell, of Salem, Ohio, saved $4.00 on a $10.75 order. doing the same—so can Zo, Get your name on our mailing list. 10,000 other bareains in stylig furniture, carpets, home furnishings, jewelry, etc. Send for eur big Bargain Grocery Catalogne I W. & H. WALKER 33 Herrs Island Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. ere vat wht ab lends. sicrid j /