The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 18, 1914, Image 1

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NESDAY, MARCH 18, 1914

$1.00 A

ols All

I Want
Larger |
E ¥°
git School 3 D

Jire acto
rs Say:

be 50 Instead
A special] meeting of the Mt.
Borough School Board was held Mon
day evening. The call was for ‘‘gen-
eral business” and the general busi-
ness included an evening's chat with-
out doing anything. Thése kind of
meetings, should and will, we pre
sume in the eyes of the majority of
the board, relieve the congested con-
dition of our schools but not before
pigs fly.
That “majority” of the Board
should know by this time, that we
need more room and that the people
of the town want it. Of course we
presume we'll get it if we wait until
they are good and ready to act
They saw fit to get the State School
Inspector here from Harrisburg last
week and hear what he had to say.
He told them fast enough that they
bave eighty-four pupils packed into
the High school room when there
ehould positively not be more than
fifty. Thirty-four too many in one
room and then the principal and the
teachers are expected to work to ad:
vantage, and pupils are expected to
progress. in their studies.
The State Inspector further sug-
gested that the congested condition
eould very easily be relieved by the
addition of an annex. He also said
that we should become a first-class
High school.
The Board also went so far as to
solicit the advice of architects from
Lancaster 4nd Harrisburg. They

State Inspector Says There Should Only
The High School Room.

‘years hence,
help the congested condition ne®t win
re Yoirore F 13 i me
Payers, Voters, Public, Press and Scho
Board's Special Meeting ™° a
Rapho Township Supervisor is Negli- |
gent in Opening His Roads
road supervisors of our
townships certainly
of 84 Pupils in
their respective districts.
on the job and done the best they |
2 matter to the attention to one su-
pervisor, who in our
The road leading
to Manheim
came here and were listened to and
that the present.
The majority of the Board now fav-
or putting the matter off until next |
November, at which time the voters |
vould be asked to say whether or not | “umber
they want the annex, and also
four years’ course. i
This is just another indirect way! t0 open the roads. Many obeyed his
of putting it off and putting it off. | orders, but for some reason or other
There are nearly six hundred voters! some refused to do the work.
in the town and recently the pup lz Matter should then have been attend-
of the High School took the time and | ed to by the supervisor but instead
trouble and went to the expense of, of opening the short distance of road
having blanks printed. They then! about one hundred yards near the
canvassed the town until they had a Keener farm, a mile east of here,
good portion over half the voters sig- nothing was done.
natures and then quit as they were | On Saturday an automobile from
convinced the town favored the move. | here had occasion to go out that way
These blanks they now hold and and was stranded in snow that cov-
the signers names may be published ered the wheels, After several hours
in these columns ere long. The list delay and by usingall the rails within
is also at the disposal of the Board. | hailing distance he managed to ge’
Can any Director give a good rea- thru.
son why this matter should be de- | On Sunday an autoist from here
[ ferred? , went to Manheim via Landisville and
| Voting for it next November may | Bast Petersburg and found all the
mean its erection in the summer of roads opened although at many places
11915 and ready for occupancy two the drifts had been higher than the
That would certainly! fences. Everything went very nicely
{ until he encountered the drifts at the
| Keener farm, where he was stuck.
the | Thru the kind assistance of the farm-
situation? Do they oppose progress? | ers nearby, some rails, a digging iron
Will they not listen to the multi-' and a shovel, he managed to get thru.
tudes? Do they not have the health| Shortly thereafter a second auto
and prosperity of our hundreds of came :along and was stuck at the
public school children at heart? same place, This one too encountered
Time, and time 2a will tell. considerable difficulty in getting thru.
was all for
was badly drifted at a
places. We
ter—Ower nit,
Can’t these directors realize

could but we have occasion to bring |
This |
nn in ee.
neigh- |
had their |
hands full the past six weeks keeping |
the 1oads in a passable condition in|
Many were |
so DB] Bes, Well Kou
from this place
wees RON MOD, Deqd
the | the supervisor in charge of that road, !
| instructed the farmers along the line

some Well Known People From Our
Neighborhood Have Passed to the
Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue
Gone to Their Reward

Mrs. © Harry Lauer
town, died yesterday.
William M. Guiles of Columbia,
died yesterday at- Columbia.
Samuel Brubaker, an aged resident
Sporting Hill, died yesterday.
Carolyn, wife of Geo. L. Markley
of Columbia, died Friday from pleuri-
8y, aged 74 years.
Mrs. Sarah Alwine of Elizabeth:
town, died yesterday of dropsy. She
was one of the town’s oldest resi
Jacob Stoner, former treasurer of
Lancaster County, died at his home
in Lancaster Saturday morning aged
72 years.
Mrs. Elizabeth Sheaffer dieg at the
of Elizabeth-
sey at Elizabethtown last Wednesday,
aged 75 years.
Mr. C. Edgar Seidel,
died at Marysville on Saturday.
ago he visited the family of

home of her son-in-law, Samuel Bro- |
aged 29 years !
| — ——
| Were Present to Hear R. L.
| Kimbrough and Col. J. B. Fort
{ Last Thursday Evening
| Many
Drug Store last Thursday
cng and we feel certain that had
more of the farmers known of the
meeting it would have been very
largely attended. There are compara-
ively few farmers nowadays who are
not interested in the tobacco question
and all that knew of this meeting
were present.
The following article in reference
lo the meeting was written by Mr.
Kimbrough and sent us for publica-
“R. L. Kimbrough gave,
address, the plans of the Seed Leaf
Tobacco Grower's Company. The
charter will be applied for at once so
that the Company may proceed with
the business of packing the 1913
crop. The sum of $5000 cash will be
raised at once to finance the half
farmer who has no banking relations
where he can secure the cash on his
6 per cent. negotiable Packing House
Receipt. By depositing 30 per cent.
of the total amount of his receipt in
his local bank the first year, 20 per
cent. of the second year, 10 per cent.’
of the third year, and nothing there-
after, the full $500,000 capital will be
fully paid and the half of the profits
each year will go to the surplus fund
to finance the 1914 and the crops
thereafter, until the company will
have between one and three million
tobacco growers was held at Dr,
W. Garber’s
in a brief
of dollars with which to handle the
entire Lancaster County tobacco

By establishing ample and modern-
[ly equipped sales and packing houses
{ over the county, the automatic regu-
lations of the competitive sales will
A poorly advertised meeting of the
he remained for 154 days.
returning home he was moving. abou
ances without them.

A Horse Seriously
An accident that may result seri
ously occurred on the farm of Mr.
Aaron Diffenderfer near Milton Grove
Just how the accident occurred is
not known. Mr. Diffenderfer had
harnessed a horse and had walked in-
to the stall to bridle the animal. A
man in another part of the stable
heard an unusual noise and upon in-
vestigating found Mr. Diffenderfer

| guarantee the grower fair prices for!
| their

lying in the stall with the horse.
| Leg Broken a Second

Hoffman of This
Certainly In Hard Luc

Evidently the hoodoo sign is cover- crutches. When on the |
ing over our townsman Mr. Henry G.|¢rutches slipped
Hoffman, familiarly known to his small porch. Dr. A. Fi
. i 3 3
friends as Fisher. Last October a harridly Sone {
his leg broken about |
year ago he fell off a ladder and
sustained a bad fracture of the leg. likely that he will be
He was taken to the Hospital where hospital as the break
Since nature that it can be prop®
with crutches and it has only been of |
late that he could walk short dis- friends will be very sorry to?
was i about again. b
Shortly before noon today he
about to walk into the house at his
home on
East Main street, using his ton Hoffman.
Man’s Skull Fractured

enderfer, Near Milton Grove


and h
above the former fracturd

t at his home, ©
The unfortunate man’y

his misfortune and it will ¥
| time before he will be able {
He isa borther of ex- Burgess

Injures Aaron Diff
He was hurriedly removed to ths
house and the family physician, Dr.
A. J. Thome of Milton Grove sum-
moned. An examination showed &
fractured skull and a few cuts about
the head and body.
It is not known whether the horse
kicked, cut or trampled the unfortu-
nate map. Mr. Diffenderfer is about
45 years old and a farmer. At noon
today he was still in a critical condi-

CO « Q aa x in. |
mes | The road was blocked for over an ; ) A i tobacco as soon as he has fin- |
hour and al] the teams going in both B. E. Hiestand in this place. | ished his stripping. WILL TAKE CHARGE FRIDAY
I hi 1 ohases Question directions were obliged to drive thru To { The 1913 crop will be handled at £ i
the fields. John H. Shank | the Skiles and Frye and several lo-| Mr. H. E. Hauer, Who Succeeds H. E. ‘
ie 5 The ground was thawed and the| John H. Shank, son of Martin §.|cal township packing houses. R. L Epersole; Comes Highly ) |
eams were obliged to cross a wheat-| and Louisa Shank, died last Friday Kimbrough presented the plans of Recommended f
2 field of Mr. Harry Grissinger, which, | evening at the home of his parents at | the development of the Seed Leaf To- V '
e Kimbrough Proposition a Deep one ger, which, | evening Sion
g Pp Dp ve understand, was damaged. Elizabethtown. Deceased was sick! bacco Grower's Company | Mr. H, E. Hauer, a _well known | .
In Lan caster C cuntv at Present Both automobiles that went thru|about two weeks. Death was due to! ~ Col. Joel B. Fort gave an extended | young man of Grantville Dauphin ¥ §
ne vJ FRa the drifts Sunday were damaged and|pneumonia. His age was twBnty-six | address on the results of cooperative | County, having recently purchased i {
mm we are unable to say at this time| years, six months and eight days selling in different sections of the { the store stock and Mr. H x
Just how to figure up the tobacco \t a meeting of the business m just what the outcome will be. terme —— ounty. E. Ebersole’s re
situ on i Coin y 1 en i it City ; 1 1 wd Fon. \ One thing is certain. A supervisor | Mrs, Sue B. Schock 120 growers were present. ime to town Mond and r in
I em ys 8 FY or a = zt on. should be compelled to have his| Mrs. Sue Schock -of Marietta died A local organization will be affect ventory, which is now being taken, ! jp:
seems a pretty hard propositi;n W. He told Mr. Kimbrough I | 5 : aa 1s
. vt I ind 37% roads opened at least within ten days|at her home last Tuesday from the ed NS yp ie Sie In IIS
. City oh and . Fort th Vv f¢ wand 0 this coi : a # “ a 3 2 fF hi . .
wv Rluvoues al POM Dou r \ : i Kop) . o jo after a snow falls. effects of a stroke. She was born —. \ day of this week. . t
Kentuckians, visited almost every Diliily YOUR wane Sonome em May 8, 1857, near Schock’s Mills. Closed for the Present It is Mr. Hauer's intention to re- i
TE 36 the couniv.. in. an endeavor e ane fraud : - 4 r K of the flour being sacked : ; Hanke vi . 3 { {
fown in the county n an Rdeave el i ar — si VERY BRIGHT PROSPECTS (Continued on page 5) I'he bulk of 10s flour be ing sacked | blenish the stock, making it up-to-the-| riers * IS] Woe
o show: ile tobacco farmers how to : Noeving 9 e .doard of Di ha instead of barreled, accounts for a | minute in every department and with C
“bust the tobacco trusts” and get a reciors of the Seed Leaf Tobacco ww EL LOCAL NOTES iremendous depression in the cooper-| hat purpose in view he will soon mmm
air price for their product annually. Growers Company, they sent out a There Will Surely be a Lyceum es ing business these days. Mr. B F. | visit the eastern markets and pur-| _ ire
They suggest the organization of a statement that the above charges Course Again Next Winter N “ Told in A Brief Vet's _| Greer alt, who manufactures thous-! chase whatever is required. THE WHEREABOUTS OF OUR
‘ 1 r social against the company were false. ews, stems. yoid: in Fie Or A Ch or here re : ally 3 m : Oriol a : val FRIENDS THE PAST WEEK
Seed Tobacco Gower's Association, a3 Me : : ; teresting Way { ands of barrels here annually, has I'he new proprietor comes here
store the tobacco in warehouses One thing is certain and that is The last and cone/ding number of a | such an enormous stock on hand that | very highly recommended by the oss =
those who need it make temporary that there is quite a lot of tobacco OW! Lyeeus Course, he Noms ao Be Hart Cae Tl LHe he was obliged to discontinue their | pus iness men of Grantville. He has| wnat Gur Able Corps of Reporters
loans from banks on their tobacco unsold at this time. There were 126 °€ Sages, appeared | in’ Mong) % LE RILY FSi 15.11 ius ome. | manufacture for the present. MT. had seven years of practical experi- Found in the Card Basket About
: : . z 2 Hall Thursday evening when the big-| Don’t fail to read I. D Beneman’s| ar ralt dls anufactures bOXes | ence as : : : : e
and hold the tobacco, in the mean- farmers in attendance at a Kim- d Haty Yc e 8 | Greenawalt also manufactures OXE€S | ence as a merchant in that place, and | Yourself, Your Friends and Your
gest crow > Seas as at- | ad o page 8. Grete . : i ; : : ?
time selling to advantage. brough meeting at Maytown last gos; crowd of the svason was ID @ gon bage 3 wa {| but that business is also a little] ig thoroughly acquainted with the Acquaintan
! 4 tendance Mr. S R. Snyder is indisposed | | q ces
Now here we have both sides of Tuesday evening and only twelve had ing hi : J i ae ve VIPER : Ky hi [+ slack at this time. | business He will have his opening
ow we... ay soos : The hall was packed and thus far|since Sunday. i eh — a4 . 5 oh :
tt estion and its up to you Mr. Sold their tobacco. Run 3 day on Saturday, April 11, full an-| Mr P. S. Pyle of Pittsburg, is in
1€ question an S up to ) Pls we have not heard of one dissatisfied That ad of Getz Bros. on page 2, Carload of Virginia Horses | nouncement of which. will be made inly od a ’
acco Farme . our ; armers © vour n judgme re y : | hounce ! > i ade wn today.
Tobacco Farmer, to, form your own Farmers, use your own judgment patron. The renditions of these col-|should not escape your notice. f On Monday, March 23, Mr. A. L.! these columns later own Ry nn 2: be &
opinion in this matter. in this matter. sd entertainers were verv g and rhe. : ; | lk : 2. jes ne . its. J. H. Stoll is spending the day
i Ft, R.A -HL™B aa te ap Ho o a —_— wy | 0790 gnLertathone Were Yery zoo ahd} : The report of both our local banks | ;rissinger of Mechanicsburg, will sell | It will be of great interest to all to | in Philadelphia.
THAT WAS SOME SALE the attendance on this occasion, was appear elsewhere in this issue. | o carload of well broke Virginia hors- | watch Mr. Hauel 8s ad in these col-; Mrs. Rev. N. A. Barr spent yester-
st eratifvine X ra rea Ny 7 Tn} p n "i n : i Wg Mrs, . AN. AL Ss 3 i
hin \ Tuost Hing to the promoters of i nr Booth of i cele- | es at the Farmers’ Inn stables in this | umns weekly as he expects to offer] 397 dt Lofbastor
1 T( the Course. brated her seventy-six birthday yes- ace. The hor oz y go SA Th li Bre x 2
J | ) §. H. Tressler Sells Over $8.000 ards w istr] in order SrAav | place. The horses can be seen On great values in his line. Mr. H. J. Ross of Lebanon was a
| : Cards were distributed in order to] terday. | Saturday, March 21, the day of Mr.| The Bulletin wishes this new com- Tuesday visitor here
J Worth of Live Stock ascertain whether or no the public is| For Rent—A 5-room house on Molin S. Newcomer's sale. The load er abundant success Ms y PF. Hawki : F b
; ¢ 73 : no hoe * Rnd : : Foe E ess. Mr. EF awkins Harris
desirous of a Course again next Win-| heim street. Apply to E. F. Baker, [ .onsisis of - chunks, drivers, leaders bas el xn ne of Harrisburg,
About the biggest sale held in this ter We are pleased to announce that| Mt. Joy nl workers v spent Monday a a :
; section was the stock sale of Mr. S. more requests were made than or| Mr. Albert Heagy moved his fam- | sae DE AUTO SMASHES WAGON a 0. I wit o berlin, was a
e : : onl a | : nesday visitor here.
6 H. Tressler at Donegal last Wednes- any previous time, there being 133|ily and household effects to Lancas | Seventeen Out of Twenty Thi es is > i vi tor ere 7 ;
(0 ih when he sold 110 head of live votes polled for a Course. ter on Monday. | Mr. Phil Pyle of Pittsburg, son of | re Taw 2 ss oier elea fies
The Committee in charge this year| Mr. Christian Walters hus installed | our townsman Juno. Pyle, paticipated Si hiorss Pun Before Thum ogy RY. on rille, w
— § ion Zeller was the auctioneer left nothing undone to give the people the Bel] telephone at his residence on |, (he big Jive bird shoot ai Milton a Fo : : We. JW. % er of y ifflinville, was
and hi sold the lot together with the best talent obtainable,” and so| West Main street, | veatordny He killed his twenty birds A hoi ing Bachan: occured ea a Monday on er = town.
: ] : | yesterday. He kil Ss twent 5 Sycamores in Landisville, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Baker s
I some baled straw in Just three and a that the attractions could be better,| Mr. Andrew Weidman dug a sink|; . 1. 1m Scored is oo I the Sycamore Hotel in Landisville, ir. and Mrs. - F. Baker spent
g { but only 17 scored as three fell out jon Monday after when a horse, Sunday ai Mount Gretna
half hours. The total amount of the they cut the Course to four numbers for Councilman D. F. Gable at his| a Te r onus alternoon when a horse, Sunday at } .
u | of bounds. Fred Dinger of Harrisburg, |, = John J. Hamilt tS: Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gingrich. visited
sale was $8,077.79. instead of five but spent ‘the same|North Barbara street property. | and Smith were tie for first money yh pemilion, Of Wh ee SE rs
‘ : R is {lunga frightened at Coble’s automo- friends at Lancaster Saturday.
Cows sold as high as $105 a head sum total. Mr. Harry Hornafius and his father | with 20 straight kills. Ferguson, . i Mr. Ge R. Weav { Lis castep
| [Xie tht p . Mr. 0 eaver ,
and made a very good average for The good attendance on each occa-| began work yesterday on remodeling] f, mer Mt. Joy boy was in second ! ible truck from Elizabethtown and To = } ayer o b al aster
i tra etly i P 4 "ing ent rsday 5 siness.
the number sold. sion is our best evidence that the|anq enlarging Spahr’s barn near the | money ‘with ‘19 kills n directly in front of the moving open - rst 2 ied on ! Snes 1
: , | machi The truck hit the sides of Mr. E H. auffman o cotlan
LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION Mr. Tressler still has seventy-five public appreciated their action and|Salunga rotary. | —— machine. The truck hit the sides of Pa. spent last Weil ” Town
2 : x : i Jie : | i rae ¢ smas J ‘heels a., S t last ednesday in t .
EEK tons of baled straw that he is offer- they wish to heartily thank all those | The estate notices of Lizzie Simon, | Will Speak at Sporting Hill the wagon and smashed the wheels. bo ; 5 Y 5
OF THE W : a : : wi ted making it a success.) ; ed 3 : Mr. Hamilton was alone in the Messrs. J. F. Huber and Geo. Grim
ing for sale in lots to suit the pur 10 assis in ing | ‘ate of Rapho and Lewis Seeman, Mr. Kimbrough, the tobacco ex- of Lancaster, spent Friday. in town
——— { | sil, on : ’ - a Eo Lancasier, s t Friday ir 3
What Has Transpired in That Thriy chaser at very reasonable prices. Preliminary arrangements for a|late of this borough, appear in Our | hort will address a public meeting| "2800 and escaped with a few Mr. Wm. P.. Relm of - Poliztow
“ \ = ; Pally Wi ne he > S Mr. SP; I S
P i Shor rr A re Course for 1914-15 are mow under | \dvertising columns. lat Sporting. HAN Hotel, Albers Swot, f bruises about. the head The horse sich ine om Ww on,
ing and Industrious Village a Sho way and the management will make| ear wad take il | on 4 Iran about half a mile when he was Pa. spent yesterday here with friends,
: West of Mount Jo ae H. S. Newcomer's Sale ay and tl g | Mr. John Hendrix sr. was taken ill proprietor nn Saturday afternoon, Mr. M. G. Albrizht of New Kings
Distance gst 0 ou Y a 3 a great effort to have it surpass the| very suddenly while : ork at t ; | caught and returned to the owner. SO Sra Uh. LS TIS : ings
h Reportoria] Stat Next Saturday, March 21, is the 2 8 | rory ‘suddenly while at Work at the March 21, at two o'clock. Everybody | ton, Pa pent : Wednesday in
Gatherey by Our p rs { ., bast most creditable and very satis- | Grey Iron yesterday. He was re ially invited tt a| The truck sustained some damage to ‘OW ta. Spent ast hi
vesn) day set for the big annual public fastory. Sie id W his fos = Ey oe most cordially invitec to atten fie radiator and fe front classe. of toWE
T: : ing aci 3 ¥ J 4 | ec 0 his ne and is impr « ino / d C =
Mr. John Hawk spent Monday at sale and opening of the spacious new z — ——— - { foday j the Hesting { the lights were smashed Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kling of Clari
Ni ’ repository of our extensive hardware _ / i ve a : = ——— on, Pa. are spending some time im
Blizaberrigws, BE IL. Nisslv's merchant and implement dealer, Mr. Delegates Will Attend Convention Mr. John Arndt, who has been in | Cheaper Ice Next Summer tous ’ 3 3
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Nissly spent 8 Nose . ¢. Dr. E. W. Garber and Mr. I. D. [the saddlering business here, will! alors ; | KELLER & BROS. NEXT SALE Rp : :
Tuesday at Lancaster 1. 8. Newcomer. He will have an ex The Lancaster dealers have all de- | Mrs. Emma Heckman of Reading,
ay at L 2 & 0 alas 3 3] ; Mrs ¢ Y
Mis “Stella Yogic. was 4 Subllay ceptionally large lot of farm wagons, Stehman will attend the Laymen’s discontinue and will be the tenant cided fo furnish ice to the consum- called ob acquatitances here
iss Pe Won S 8 farm machinery, new and second-hand Convention of the Methodist Church |on the Seitz farm, to be farmed by ers at 30 cents a hundred pounds, [sir Head of Extra Good Cows and Week
igitor t izabethtown. ‘hi g y : ; : OG : : ey
RE i Dyer was a Monday vis- implements, etc. so don’t fail to be Which convenes at Pottstown Folgey pr Jacob | Brown, | making a reduction of five cents on! Bulls to be Sold Mareh 27 Miss Clare Manning has returned
itor to Elizabethtown : on hand early. They are delegates from the M. E.| SN —— .—. the hundred. We. have not as vet | Se HO & Hi 1 Th rt Wao
ig . Y » i : : y ite y ~ ‘a MN
Wit. Harry Feller .of-Lititz called on Trt Church of this place. In the Fish Business leaned what our local dealers will| If its a few good cows you needor = c
friends in town Monday Bitten by Her Pet Dog / | Mr. Charles H. Dillinger, has em-| charge. possibly a stock bull, Messrs. J. B. Messrs, H. N. Lehn and M. Yerger
Mrs, David Hershey returned from Mrs. Margaret Dell of this place, | A Fine Present / | barked in the fish business. He will Ee — Keller & Bro. can supply them if you . Ao rveim were Thursday visitors
the General Hospital on Tuesday who is the owner of an exceptionally | The pupils of the High School pre- make a specialty of handling the An Easter Opening \ will attend their public sale at the ; oo
Mr. David Martin moved into the, fine white toy poodle, was bitten by | sented Prof. C. E. Roudabush, their |finest and best fish in season at all Miss Flora Drabenstadt has just re- [Farmers' Inn stock yards, in thi8 poco oo peters and A. O.
Sumpmian property east of town the canine last week. For some rea- | Principal, with a fine camera, last)times and will later add green goods | turned from Philadelphia with a fine | place, on Friday, March 27. Landis of Lancaster, spent Thursday
€ ‘ : i : :
Mr, James Sellbach of Philadelphia Son or other “Whitty” took exception | Wednesday, his birthday. The gift|to his line: His delivery wagon will] line of Easter hats and flowers for| They will offer fifty head of fresh in Sown.
Ee a business trip to town Tues. to the way it was being fondled and | Was greatly appreciated. ibe about town and the surrounding | her Spring opening on Friday and |cdws consisting of Holsteins, Dur- Mrs. Frank Gotschall of Harrisburg
+ % 7 eee lA re : % ‘ ~~ rie 2 tory
day. . bit its Mistress in the nose. Such a! |community daily. Success, Jim | Saturday. hams, Jerseys, Swiss and a few 200d wo the guest of Miss Ethel Trostle
Mr. Christ Leib of Lancaster spent | severe wound was inflicted that it re- Entertained His Friends ] yest Y i——— -.— brindles. Also some acclimated Brie oq week
Sunday in town with his brother, | Quired stitching. Mr. Carl Bube celebrated his birth- | Frank's Next Sale i Entertainment May 7 county cows and some fresh and! poo Rother Flowers spent a few
Harry. -_- day at his home in Lancaster on! pont forget the big stock sale of | The Ladies’ Auxiliary of ths Gener. springing Holstein heifers, also ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ep
Mr. Daniel Stark and family of The March Pattersonian Monday by pleasantly entertaining alc. S. Frank at the Washington |al Hospital will hold an entertain-| good stock bulls and a lot a Hue ply near town.
Lancaster called on friends in town] The March number of the Patter- | number of his friends. | House stables on Friday, March 20.| ment in Mt. Joy Hall on Thursday ev-|shoats. Don’t fail to attend this ey Mr. D, C. Boyne of Mt. Penny, Pa,
Sunddy. | sonia is out and again shows that aye {He will sell a lot of good cows, some | ening, May 7th sale 2. was sojourning in town the lattep
: » 2 p— rr ———— II 1
Mr. Tillman Hostetter of Lancaster! our High School and the faculty are| Ten per cent. discount on all boys’|extra fine and well marked Holstein mr | part of last week,
was the guest of Mr. Elam Hostetter | awake. The issue shows good taste | suits at Beneman's, Thursday and |heifers, 100 homeraised shoats, some Double green trading stamps on Mrs. Anna Fetter has accepted a Dr. W. D. Chandler spen
(Continued on page 4) ' and progress. Saturday, March 19 and 21st. breed sows and seed hogs Saturday at I. D. Beneman’s clerkship at Mr. H. BE. Hauer'’s store. (Continued on paze 5)
