PAGE THREE BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY. PA. o Wednesday, February 11, 1914. 20¢%0-6%6%.¢%.¢% 0 Oa 00 10, 0 0. 0, 0.0 006% ¢%06%0¢%06%¢%¢%5. 690.6% 020.0%. 00.00.99. 0. 0. 0 0 0 6 6 0000000000000 0000 000 0 0 0000 0 - +, 04} 0, $6 09. 090.949.00,, . : EGO I IIIS 0300 FEIT 00T0400 130470430050 470 400-470 706004504004 00 430 430400400400 430 400 430450 000 430400 430 0000004304300 T0 07040007000 000 03 ; 0 3 y & C ® 4 + Compare O it ther 3% ’ s C $ . ~ ® ge ”ge . 0 & Lo 4 $ kX tor SL U | 8 ere a : 3 ores e Know Yo y 3 : °6 3% Y YE § ~ . ego a oo + Compare PRICE - uality = Durability an tyie 2 * 2X i > - < © oe NC wT . . % ihat we are not nndersold in all America. * Pb DC : oo i Re That Lancaster City and County Stores cannot compare with us on values. & * $ > DC te . . . . oe = 3 & That Western Mail Order Houses cannot duplicate our prices or give the same service. & > 5 3 | ot ; : : % That when you deal here SATISFACTION is assured. 0 9 + ©, - 0 . Pe : tB Until ¥ S Our 3G t t 1 'Q PT s 3 & Don’t Buy Until You Have Seen Our reat Furniture Floors § 3 v P oY ' . w Y Will Be A d Wh Y S O th Stock ® 3 ' 3S ou 1 e maze en ou ee ar “Mrmo oC > on + = & * i= }- | | <» i | Po Pee ee —————— EN san DC { { ? : oe x) VFRIIVG DALEY UF 1914, NORTHWEST RAPHO oe i / i ~ SH vilai.wcs in «Cllr, Auclivncet : Cabs os i ! § °° LE ? Ground Hog Day Was Fittingly Ob- o : { i &, Jal. &4—aAlL Lis sLables served in Ground Hog valley 3 | { i 3 : la Mi. voy, Loises, wus and Coils oe 0 ! A : J i < RU | a | Ror Uy bd deca. ary Gibble is spending afew ¥?* Mah CY | ! oe ive ak yy y TARE Poo : Lubua,, vail. 47T—Al Holes Wi < maa , yh) Oh f oe aches. ih 0? 14 Ny i £ 2 yors Mer, Maileda, Pa, d Piope.. XO! o was the guest of RA : 1m | $30 Pa rl or “ Lil ‘is oe o foal the obuawee ul dic y Musoor, deC. uffer’'s on Sunday p. m. oe § i : ¥ | i x . ii & ; o> ive Welle uay, Jal. Zo—in Joy, hn Shank’s were Sabbath o i ! ! «oe sive Bdge «oo oi dousecoud Suvds by JLO. os tothe tonto cf Musrob cg HoE. 1 i Exactly As This Picture Shows It i 4 1 ond H. nauuniau, 5 a oo 3 i . ! ® ated: fiiuay, rub. 1—AL hig swabic 1a } . 3 § a ; 4 Positive] ne. af > fi nest offers we. Rive. ov j i i} Mi. ou,, ra, horses and mwes, by Samuel Flower is having house- ** } Just 1 ike § : ively one of the fi nest « 5 We nave evel § * Bd Ream. d n Thursday, February 12. ofa : ot ANG i nade, note the swell lin es of these prices. f O%* S per > ; Es able tolled + i . 3 ye : 53 : 2? Siunuay, Feb, 14, al Elizabeih ie valuable relics. ** | With the addition of two chairs, one rocker, ! ! or 1artered oak gy , 5° : ; R. Gibble delivered his 1913 o% | ) ; It is hand polished and Mahogany : : : i 0 1 NL. WWh, 14a, dadwaie SwWek and ox ; you ig 0 i one clothes tice a vd a tables ; Zan) N i oak. box \ Wes by D. Martin, Tius i tne op of tobacco to Jos. Ulrich & Sons 8, | : we phe ? finished and upholstered in any color i hoi dinithe toom: 3 } oe , I E.izabethtown o friday las : I made of soli seiected white , y : | = @8tale0L ue0: A. biplioh, BSenRiupL ! Oh ON Friday lau “ | a ns i of silk plush. FEBRUARY SALE i ou see it here, at < Hail ua feb, 14—On ul prem and family and 3 8 wood pull, trimmed and polished. { I } u : , { py ises 1m ML. Joy BOo10ough, 43 sSLovy and family visited 3 b Cash Sale Price ..... ou. oak . § RICE ONLY ¢ { TER Ol . § | s ANY Bae pout wid ouwundings iu home of Jno... B. GIbble On %F [pp caer ma m—————— rma ! w— Ea ——— IN NE TE —— {| % GiaLe UL Lldiiolle A, vllcy Sunday os o:} ra aq eq F fo 4 : : . i > Tie me ministers occupied & i $16.50 Golden $12.50 Solid Oak $10.00 £ ! $ Pass Heo ° {tank hicady, irusice in Lhe kslat its ro i : . i ¢ Vics of Aidus M. Charies, Bank upt ft of Oak Buffet g ; Exieniinn Tab Sanitary’ Mattress : The Best In The 5.) oo I I ren in Christ opened a | '¢ re ey «ALCS 10] 3 0% 1 sda I Yy-——Aa ESLOK 8 4 i { sy Ahu.sday, eb. 1 L Rox Usd tines at Mastersonville, 0 | A | i LE XJ lieage Gentle, Lancaster. Co, Pa, 3 uacts : : : t é% 1 {0% i oq i i (Te : & 1 Sun evening th a large at- 4 A i { f k ? 4 of Real [slate and personal proper- Do VeRIng With: a varge s i i i : i § N 0 . OO : i & i | ! ig O® W oy B. Miauk bready, Yiusiee in i = : %* : A bed o 1 § i Us i n th broad $ ; 5 Geib and wife of Eiston-. ¢% : i ! ng. with broad < FAR0D the esate of Hairy G ood Bauk- ; ire ee ~ > { a: ¥ : rd of value, made } ihest o s 1 } ssive = posts. 3 nt Sunday with Jno. W.! i { inches long, y yeh pedestal Co! : . ; re ot. teib and Harry Springer’s of $ i : : in one or two parts, where § cosh sé Has ch 1 i 1g seat and 3 . . - nie livestoc el] 1d Larry springer y and or ravers. Has GE: rho oe onens : is 33 baturday, February 2ist, livestock 5 a thoale of Dente O40 { dra 1is table opens 1 you get a value like this § o 1d r ou ed in Boston Ls = se plenments pear Donegal 1 e guests of Henry s | Ne : ta : ; os Ey oe ; Roy IX } edz a beauty. ynvwhere? i choice ‘ IES * by John Saylor 7d nu wit ton i 3 on i F 1 } E ’ p ax ABETIIW a 3 Tuesday, Feb. 24—At the Iivolley Fo : ; . H. I a a y \ vill have 3 to * waiting room, Mt. Joy,, Pa. Union J W cal 1 ny ° : her * Nationa nd First «National Bank Witmer's livery ang cesgpange ge 5. g® o* . ® k bles in Horses, | ,¢ \ 4 2 ~ . ® : Fr, rity tn : mcement Extraordinary 3 Thurseay, BSWusiy . 26, livesicd Tt cine Siaun DC . & be for i dl A7:043 %* . 1 implements, near Bender's Mill | enry L. Hess lac Stauf *, : - os 4 RS SN. Musse r ¢ families, Christ YT msn - Ee t———————a———————————————_ 3 Februa 7 ock and|l.ongenecker and wife of Lititz and | ¢g#* 0 roof 1 at OTE CON srs Iv *, ” v & “gr, FF 1 «i <3 ~% 5 & ~e v lent ne drisma | Prof. C. R. Geib were courteously ¢ t8 i R a A a o aw k RET wv BH Bey os » x & 2 78 © | | by B. G. Stauffer and wife | o% ‘or Next Sat urda Ys ebr Ually fe iviq o* ; ware | n os oe 1 A Nag 1 I ay Februa 20 will be sold 3 & ? Te x YE ANNOUNCE. OUR SEMI ANNUAL CLEAN UP 2 jee ( rty of the late M. G. Gibble of o X F N INU A LL IN by, 1% U L — Bad iN hd b pert) he Ie M. G. Gibbl £] 3 CISC lle by Israel G. Gib- | ®* / 1 r 11 wn ¢ TN y Pp £3 FY %¥ 3 os 2 f a3 RA rs Y M v3 $1 ) a ss a the estate of M. | 9 Sale of all Men's and Young Men’s $10 and $12.50 & March ivest Bonder ib! Remember these dates DC i ~ 3 5 : 2 oto ea Jender : or a Rei . JC S % 3 h h : 3 Monday 2nd was | o& finely tailored Suits and Overcoats which we are going to BS March and d Hog d . Ground Hog pa o% Si 4 Br y i] vit Qi ] * ££ 1} ° i i . 3 . <> Tic Chicki by a n he outside world ° ] arf g 8 eo 9 d vy £ - 1 ea f 9, oar tickles by} t 15 a. m. seen his shadow nd 5° put on saie 1 or {nis one ay ony at the sensational yy rice o %* : | hs te ved let - o March 5, livestoc! and k to his under Se ons et —— $ near Donegal it’s a Zn we'll have six] og A te of David Rarnba ore of winter weather. | «3» See The Three Furnished Rooms at $100 FREE- 1 March 7. livestock and | ‘he Vietorial Literary Society had fo ec e x i : : RIDE TO LANCASTER 2 pear Union Schoo! House | splendid meeting on Friday even- | og wv ly %* n Vice-President W. Martin Hess os f I 55 Al RN arch 11, livestock | ccupied the chair. The question de- | : . Laid oad Bie d ik Fra & Donegal Springs, d was, Resolved, That the United | x Uh Seid LP RRR rw (8 iat as IDONOVAN'SI EVIRTHTS, | 3 meron Farm). tes was not justified in declaring | %® { & 5 i A { { (0 WO U ff | i CAR FARE EVERYBODY. ji {lliiL ot 2, livestock and | yar with Mexico in 1846-48. The Aff. | o3e / Re : ne oe ender’s Mill, by |. cakers were H. A. Merkey and Ro- | XS ; 2 ndis Becker while Harvey Rettew | co, i , SE ———— oo vestock and im | Sane inger uphe neva lo i § nN Nn oo ros ock $ 4m | ‘nd Isaac Hollinger upheld the nega- & Successor To Foster & Cochran & Williamson's We Prr'Your Round Trip CAR FARE ON ALL Purcuasts Or $10.29 & arm at Mart-f i, The aff. side won 2 to 1 in I'h aff. 1 2 @ > 0 o . : ’ * : + ES ger {opi deta wits 3s seine % 39.38 East King Street - Lancaster Penna. OR More. Ir Costs You NoTHING. Ask FRI. J ch 26—Fast of Mt |. 5. (100d a better ground for argu | ** ! . Ssh an ‘et r ar ; n voided f 9, 0, Ob DO SSG OO 9, 1 ; \ goods by Harriet cn in general debate. This Frida LL a5 030 430 000050030 050 4 30030 0 0 038 300400 050-0004 00 450000 000 $00 950 $20 010050 030 450000 Qeofeedasin desler faafedefocdefefofeaedefeale der laale dle desloclo foto dole lo aslo lolol Breneny ecutrix. ening a special program will be, ® : a ren:lered Everybody is invited to | : : C. S. Frank's List ; : Tho : | an appetizing stew is handed out NO LOOKING BACK IN MT. JOY GOOD SHOOT AT E'TOWN a . come. nici a : 1 : ib i host t hungry husband — i FP SN rednesday 8 28—Nes Miltc i ns 4 by mine host to hungry : Sa Wed esd y. Jom 2 ee han Monday being Ground Hog Day | op New Evidence Constantly Being The Strong Wind Made Good. Scores Grove, I ee nd na atuRes and this being Ground Hog Valley a | °" Si Published e Strang pr ROS by Ae oi At Silver zeneral holiday was kept. Roasts of | MI. and Mrs. Elias Noit enter re Impossible { Thursday, Yen and implements.) chicken a ad : Hetise Soro al tained at their home near Silver Since the long Succession, of Nb Sprin livestock and, anipiel Pry an? me Hu ; | pings on Sunday the following: JOY reports were first published i A live bird shoot was held at Eliza-! Y. Ginder joyed. Everybody . seemed to be| ®Piilles gl Y “ the local press there has been no : : : : ! Ne, ” hic: res x Fonts | Mr. and Mrs. Bald and children, Mr. ooking pack. Mt. Joy evidence con- D on Saturday, in which a| Saturday, Feb, 21—At his resl- happy and cheerful. : : i BP 31 3 . } i Pe Joy househo'd | and Mrs. J. Shellenberger, Mr. and finues to pour in, ar better still large number of well known gunners | ] + 3 7 se UDO -limcccnmnee | 3 +} > 3 > oy x rere firs : fests x You "9 d furni Mis. D. Brehm, Mr. and Mrs. Bun. DOSE 1 hie A a Se hv participated. A very strong wind . tolls some S -han ni- le published many years ago, verify ¢é a : LE. 3 ods and vig — SALUNGA gert and Samuel Eby and family. 3 5 id in .a i hearty and un- Prevailed during the of the NN * bv r. D . En , a— x Ll : sa i Msi : ais y = wef E bu Feb BL Klinesville ; : The United warehouse in our mistakable way. Read the experience shoot which made it hard to kill p Saray in Yoments by Steven Local ‘Packs’ Receivey Consider: | town and Root & Baker warehouse, ©f Mrs. Henry Rrall oi Mt oY 3a within bounds and some of the scores! . watock and impler s S B 2 She § “My kidneys were dis- | vestock and Imp s able Tobacco Last Week { ai Landjsville reco onsiderable Sy ki Ineys Were 4i¥ made wore very good under the con- ” Jones it Landisville, 1eceived considera ordered and my health became hardly ! 2 nis v Mareh 2—Near Mt. Joy, 5 teeti | tobacco Thursday while the Long & run down. I had a constant back- ditions, ‘ onda; fo z > : Hard (ireezes ar no protecting | 3 che ahd was subiec ills ¢ Said = live stock and implements by Eman- 11 : ie 3 . 3 a i | Taylor warehouse was crowded till 2ct e ng Ww 1 i uhjest BD wal Ie i Newtown, as usual, had bells on, = LAR git os ee STOW S gl nm the V Ler at. | x iy : é izzy spells mes as e 3 & I baer oi Ow ? 3 with parties from various sec- : nd and YT Tor 0 1se- Harl Mumma, son of veteran Jacob B 5 Cary re uel Eby. Services in the Church of the toa o | 2D and ‘and I found my house- | ; a ww Se iV Gd . are Bias? Columbia . Sen : | tions, delivering their crops of 1913 rk a burden. Seeing Doan’s Kid- Mumma, being high gun with eight 4 = 9 Tues March 3—At | Brethren are well attended and wil re g i . 2 « 3 ; 1 nd implements by Henry i he Shade goods While the crowd was large ney Pills advertised, I procured a y is out of a possible ten. “Danny” ; £5 REG = nao TREES livestock 4 Implomen 2 “| continue the rest of the week vervihinZ moved alopz without jariPoX at Drug Store. This i i, Ince. tied Ke ca Geel CEERA AAT KRG. Smith ‘ Miss Minnie Eshleman was ten. | SY®'Y'IIE mOveq along wi a med) a world of good and Y°OTS: 230 of Tua place, tied Kersey Wednesday March {—One mile i WEBI by fifteen of her. °F confusion and much to the satis since us I have felt better in and Shissler of zabethtown, for ohh ’ 2 de rec < S ise ) i DC T ~ . p : : x 4 $441 northwest of FErisman’s church, live : 1 t in h me on Saturday ev. | faction of all parties concerned. Mr. every way. Ihave had little or no second money, while A. Weaver of is +f ever : i: , riends a er nome oO AY ev. 3 ¥ 3 sitvanhla 4 kidnevs ives NG 2 2 - stoc} implements and household one 3 : : i Phares Nissley sold his packing of ouble fre Ineys 3 oF 4 r me Newtown and Rutherford of Eliza A diwavs 3 » ening. ¢ : € ur again endorse nis { HwWays. was by Frank S. Walter. n Bg a : . { 400 cases of 1911 tobacco to Louis s bethtown, split third money, Weaver, g00a ] Ew liaz ile north Miss Kdith Cooper returned from Kral Wo dbsorved ew Sprink : Pai ; } § : Saturday, March 7—7% mile nortl observed a new spr r sale by all dealers, Price 50 evidently, was not in form as s Bell Telopho in. iis facnliv helm Datura In ca , ] Hvestock two weeks’ visit to her sister | im ; I3¢ : 3 x 5 Or. 8a yy a ie ers. I 4 ently, wa In : « ne X The Bell Te vhon in its faculty helping the west of Erisman’s church Ahi Mrs, Norris near Little Britain on| D8 SyStem DOW being installed at'cents ; Gk urn i a ad SLODPE d thirteen out of fourteen the housewife of io r to greater nleasuras. lioht and implements, by Philip Keener. : 1 : : * "| the Long & Taylor warehouse, and Yew York. gents for the Unkie orday previous. © The score: \ t > ) “bh. 3 wha " Lat io i ar ae Vx arch 10—at Klinesville, Saturday. ! {a considofod each. i sot Slate : : ; 3 asks and vanished cares, 1s that ideal servant. Tpesiay, wy IC » ite be Sam. The Ladies’ Aid of the M. E.|& on Xs d such a Soma: De en Remember the name—Doan's—and § Mumma 2-1-2-2-0-2-2- \ » stock ana mpiem Led Sac | from fire 1al We were informec € rake othe . y 1.9 - N . x iv La os church: will. bake:and geil Fasnackt) oh a Nu ake’ 80 other D. Moore )}-0-0-1-1-2-1-2-1- 2-7 \ It is the servant for every woman's home, whether wel Nissl % : 3 : _{ insurance is ¢ S : re —— zee Sia Dr 9 OATEN 3 9 : . : ; Thursday. March 12—Near Off cakes!from the home of Mrs. John{ _ ~ os in use Physicians Make Merry Rormey 22022110107 X it be large or small. Bring this help to greater Arson) Poifor Shrove esday system Is # hysicians Shiss! cL 2-0-0-1-1-0-1-2-1-2-7 J . ; : “os atation, livestock and implements by Peifer on Shrove Tuesday | Ono. of the most succeseful. annual Shissler a : 0-1 3-1-2 7 DN happiness and comfort into vour home. Tele- Pe . The Hospital Auxiliary meeting EE ——— - of! . » A. Weaver 0-2-0-2-0-2-0-1-2-2-6 | } h a : acob Goss. . : ring] banquets ever held by the Lancaster _ : A \ phone or post-a-card to the Beli siness Office. Wednesday, Mareh 25—In Mt. Joy, dt the home of Mrs. John Peifer : . > iG Meili Socloly Rutherford + 2-0-2-1-2-2-0-0-0-2-6 | oe “pousehold goods by Mrs. Martha wag fairly well attended and some | Will Build New School—Maybe City and ( aunty e feal Nore, Ellinger ....... 0--2-0-0-0-1-1-1-1-5 | 3 When You Teleph Q doi s f FE ip ; at 4 ig .: N > yrrerie nk business of importance attended to. | At a special meeting of the Board took place in the oni 0 ; ’ Farver .. 0. 19.0-2-2-0-0-0-0-0-2-4 3 phone, dmie ! On Friday, Feb. 27, the day of | of Education of Manheim borough, Hamiltor Club at Lancas Be H. Gochnaur 0-0-0-0-0-0-2-1-0-2-3 N The Bell Telephone Co. of Pa. - ! : ’ lav svening . J We - AN ) X . FRENCHFEMALER (1c B. E. Kendig sale, the ware |it was decided to build a new Wednesday evening. Drs. J Ty eB. Gochnaur ....... 1-0-2-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-2 3 R. E. SMITH, Local Mgr 2 £ 3 lac 3 ni . . . e I of N Pl LL s.) house will be heated up, so should | Schoolhouse on the old site, provid- pher of this place and L R. Le men A 31 E. Orange St., Y : ; itv ille. were se | X e the ‘weather prove inclement, the! ing a majority [of the voters of the of Mountville, were on the comm | X : Lancaster, Pa. X sale can proce nder cover. borough will give their approval to of arrangements | A soft hearted man always gets 3] 3 Meese, the nteur of Lan-| ©Xpenda§50,000 for that purpose, al ep————— — pe &! the worst of it when he has occasion Y 3 ; g 0 = ran . RRR N disville is doi iving business | SPecls tion d arch No one hed ever discovered 8 wo-|to transact business with a bard head NN Al... td many 10, 14 man whe was deaf to flattery. ed one,