THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA Wednesday, December 31, 1918 MILTON GROVE PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH Mr. Clyde Fry Has Returned From what Shwilkey Bumbleaock Has To . the General Hospital Say This Week he : . ct Re S iterary socleties e Cow | politicans are Inactive 4 | y Te Ww Down Plan : y around you CAN No amount of misrepresentation by the Not All veddlers of alum baking powders, no jug: itry and pe 5 1 1 ) : re “ IX ic nc jug- gang with chemicals, or pretended analysis, r | » 1 1 Ja HR v \ £ . r COORed-up acaLes, or falsehoods of ve the fact that Royal Baking Powder has been found by the ofii- rer Mo [5 WE cial examinalions to be of the rian highest leavening efficiency, continue i audit : rs free from alum, and of absolute es of sickness in this : i purity and wholesomeness. the present Gut ower ich bin froe des sive farmers should orga- Grishd: gt fe i8 Sis J < Jaki r 1 i 1 Aes) of Says] Diogressivo | ammesy Gri ho rby bo Sis imer Royal Baking Powder is indispensable ving breeds ¢ ¢ club ering teel glusseri fer about en wuch ep | Por via lel 3 . . - Tarot] he Tier. orton OF toate Hilo psserd ter WUOWL €3 VCH ¢f for making finest and most economical food. feather, we s locality is unsold. long noch em Grishdawk bis dale d prizes by Few families in this section will kals viter sich selver sin t everything else | change residence next spring Now ich mus sawga ich un de Betz TIE IB with Ted 1 rs Apis igesR SR soarde COM" hen en shaner Grishdawk, Now fer- Donovan's Big Anniversary Sale second to that enjoyed by no othee howe cing yn] I, Gnirieat Ym ume Ss 11458 Gk sf eles sie Sev] Tow teu ut wt smd oo, ee Jo Taste, Wale He Sree will join the group of benedicts cpa ! the announcement in our Manner in which they cater to thelr Naturalists should visit the Green gfressa des ich ken mins boy may | adv. columns of the big yearly sale out of town patrons by paying thei hills and thelr peculiar surroundings, 558 hop kenna. Ich hop de no usht | which this firm starts on Saturday carfare has made them prime favos Jos. Brubaker of Mount Hope sup- dot ghokt un draw gshmockt-—sel| and which everybody around here ites with the people living outside of plies this community with fresh oys- Dut mer sheer gore so feel gute ga-| eagerly looks forward to. The in- the city ters du es se fressa. | terest in the Donovan Co's Annivers- We understand the attractions fa Isaac G. Kopp transacted business Ich daref net fergessa eich sawga | ary sale is not based on sentimental pa forthcoming sale are greater n Elizabethtown, Saturday after wos der santy klaus mere gabrocht | reasons, but is the result of the tru- than ever and we predict that many hut. Ich hop vise der gut so tzimlich ( ly wonderful bargains which a year on Saturday will ride to Lancastes 'w policy on the on marks the on sense at ars the farmer utility fowls in when they seek noon One d more and poor bunny gute gfaert daer Grishdawk. Ich hop | and two years ago, they gave to the free as the “guests” of the Donovam enjoy his ten months’ a pore shany roty shnup-dicher | public and which are still fresh in Co. 2 freedom srickt. Se sin so shay un grose. Won | the memories of all Anna Grosh spent Saturd er noch kinner heta kent mer se Sa elatives and friénds 2liza- far vintola | 0 years ago the Donovan Co New Bank Building i el date aw et | one Pe : 5 'r & Cochran (form The Elizabethtown Bank has pur ! x flamson) and by | property on corner of public policy, liberal gq, Marke and Washington tn lich a handsome new rustworthy huilding will be erected. It will bea tablished for odern structure and will be anothes kent rousna kum hem grickt un patronage | boom f he southern end RESUL S Holwager shpara kon, n the Christmas sis ; shnita ep ich nuner ga Monday Well eny how sel hut gore nix tzu u according to dua mit my grishtkindlin. Es war engt] or , | abili 1 Christmas giving, but « aw noch en blug du-wock, en pife. | ® ea » GROWING : Unitl then | 10! blow yourself to pieces. un feel onera glany socha. Of koars | FEED ¥ 1 3 series of reviva 1eetings w ic 3 y ay soc ric rer | ery plan for A " : i : 0 re viv y n o ngs W il ich het noch may soch grickt ower | YOUR CHICKENS DON'T GET MONTHS own to the De inaugurated at Risser’s church gel] war oll des in my shtrump gonga | HALF ENOUGH TO EAT of normal | Sunday evening, December 28 is. Ich hop shure my orema fraw | HS d t feed ra wi iIricke ou Be: nty Much Mr. and Mi Irwin Bricker of o,3q0wert seller moria Se hut nix | y 0 no: leo : 0se ill nt 8 ay /it the | the same, for Rose h on Bi n Wo vin mt hi in era shtrump kotta des en glaner | The PARK & POLLARD : iat ? "n . L g. Dare x XM : : ation : lot hel 3. Saran Lood 10. shripe pensel un en shtick bobeer. | GROWING FEED Jersey is | U : Dot hut der Santy gshriva Kkotta | rine l nas it, 1at our township . } . . d figuring ! 1 , » oF dn : p Des war oll des ich do ney dua hop | No Magician in the Arabian Nights could trie mceiusions with ¢ J conc s ; Kenna.” produce results any faster than this feed. 0 secont Well enyhow ich hop de Betz de | From 14 oz. when hatched to 10 lb. weight at six months is helft fon ollas geva des ich grickt | . . . nothing unusual on this ration. hop un mer wara oll tzufritta Wp TRY IT at our expense; SPRING SALES OF 1914 Your money back if it does not do beiter than they claim. Charles H. Zeller, Auctioneer | FOR SALE BY Saturday, February 21st, livestock | ns son BRANDT & STEHMAN, Shy” Thursday, February 26, livestock nd implements, near Bender's Mill, | Amos N. Musser I 1 reported a Friday, February 27, livestock and y end | potent factor in transmission tuber- jaw implements near Erisman’s ofeofosterforfosfonfosfosesfocfosonforiocforecfocfecfecfonforfocfociocfocforfocfecforfefesgorfosfooforforfocfonfocfoofofocfscfocfssfecfocforfocfofesp Mr. Man or Woman 3 ul i The lime ia y I ‘ youd the | CUiOSIS, 1 ciimax 3 commonty Church, by M. B. Heistand bug : ; 0 bug Monday, March 2, livestock and im- more than Philip Singer the veteran auction- plements. near Newtown bv H. S. ten | known as the bed | siededodusfotolpdoooobofedseofodedosobdodododioiododed ge peas, and | eer of Elizabethtown, accompanied pysser And the by his esteemed help meet autoed tO Tyesday, March 3, livestock and ‘i h : oe . 1 ’ ; a . s new shoes vou are looking for, whether Men’s manure | this place Sunday as the guests of A. implements, near Jender’s Mill, by 1 fis 1 : ? Boys’, Ladies’ or Children’s, don’t buy until] you have first nitrogen | Curtin Good and family Cyrus Frey hundred | Clyde Fry who was taken to the wednesday, March 4, livestock and the top | Lancaster Hospital about three gjplements, near Chickles by seen my line. The prices I know will please you REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY acre per weeks ago for treatment has been Philip Staley. in crop | returned to his parental home the Thursday, March 5, livestock and + revo l 1 1 week implements, near Donegal Springs, E. Belser, pract tin smith for the Hstate of David Barnhart. ortrigh etal late agent of Saturday, March 7, livestock and | n a implements, near Union School House | by C. H. Hen * Wednesday, March 11, livestock |: aw near Done i ¢ S. Tressler Thursday, Marc lo Im ¢ ER TT HOC ERATE arry Laskewitz STREE" MOUNT JOY, Yeuk Jose sfesfost , oe Kistler ed * Frank's List VI 1 i ge One 2. (3 iurchn ToslosTesls BITE fo ofa Co) ae ¥ household | mile north- | : Krisman church livestock | Pigicale by masing 9 luss nd umpiements, D Philip Keener. the caraboa incident, on the luesday, March 10—at Klinesville, | contrary they are likely to get more live stock and implements by Sam- | | om the of it he caraboa may seem Ssome- uel Nissly eleven | thing like Bull Moose, but Dr. Wilson| py March 12—Near oit| int to | knows it is different. Station, livestock and implements by THEN COME HERE FOR IT 1e next Among the local commissions for Jacob GosSS veights | Justice of the Peace received in the Threads Feb 19—At Silver undred | Recorder’s office we notice the Sprin ivestock and implements, yme of | names of John S. Brinser, Elizabeth- | ; Ginder { | No other Men's Retail Hat Store In the State can show you as large am | i . oat y assortment to chogse from ot | town . Harvey Raymond and Saturday, Feb. 28—At Klinesville, | +08 taken’| Frank B Grosh, Mount Joy town. livestock and implements by Steven | oe ys het- | ship; I Wisegarver, Rapho: J L:.lyones | CG i Gl G 1 11 egw Keener and Charles H. Zeller, Mount | Tuesday, March 3—At Columbia, | aps an O \/ es a ore mi-| Jo Jorough; Geo. Mable and Sam- livestock and implements by Henry | z | Marietta. No justice { gi slects n East and West Done-| Smith lonoy township in 1913. : 3 ® Qn | Beware of Ointments for EY Joshing the Editor Catarrh That Contain Mercury | 1 | ger ad rearby 1e bor met us down | as mercury will surely destroy the sense , 3 3a + § and or te derange the | Ph the other with this ques-| oy / B toring Tt through C 1 | tion: “Say do you know how George the s es. Such art rd - eo A rr ora? used except on pres s| 144 North Queen St., Lancaster, § not we replied. “Why c-a-t.” We ac : 4 knowledged the corn and passed on | {| —Elizabethtown Chronicle. oh Tg on 4 rT a i : Advertise In , f / 11 Catarrh Cure > 3 > pine about/ the it is ta rnally and made in ] ® Id gant edo Ohio F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes- ¢é T | t fr e ste, Price T5c per bottle. 4 : y Pills for constipation.