The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 17, 1913, Image 1

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East Donegal Township Farmers Chase
a Thief Half a Mile, Capturing Him
With a Bag of Chickens That He
Stole on the Wolgemuth Farm
On Monday night about ten o'clock
P. W. Goodling, who tenants the
Inners farm recently purchased by H
KE Wolgemuth, at Hiestand’s Hill
along the Mt. Joy and Marietta turn
pike, heard a noise at his chicken
house, Immediately he proceeded to
| investigate and saw a thief make a
hasty retreat, carrying a bag of chick-
He notified his neighbors and at the
same time sending for High Constable
Frank Shatto, of this place. The fol
lowing joined in the search for the
| thief: Phares Wolgemuth, C. W, Wol
gemuth, P. W. Goodling and High Con
| stable Shatto. They chased the thief
over half a mile, in the direction of
| Mr Amos Eby’s, when they found a
i iri General Villa’ re h oo ranch ” . nc
seen directing the firing of the suot that opened a general engagement. He had 18 in hand-to-hand fighting a's men are here seen advancing under the protection of cannon fire to engage the
artillery duel, beginning at 4 o'clock, continued until after dark. bag containing ten fine, large and
i “specially selected” chickens. Con
Bill Recently Introduced in House Il
| tinueing the search they found the
\ ’ |} |
1 thief hiding alor fence 0 | R/ A
| lie ( 2 along a tence Iq / §
| Y I 3 pee J \ 4 \ News Items Told in A Brief Yet in| R/ J J T
| A He was brought to town that night i { /
| A v | teresting Way |
) and placed in the lockup. When A \ - — | 1
/ tice
Would Us Delivery Service \ : : : '
| questioned tis morning by. Jus The quail season closed on Monday
Zeller he said his right pame was Ei J Mr. Elmer Heisey is on the sick |
Residents of the 17 boroughs in
| ’ { ’
' this county will be greatly benefited | \ nest Benard, that many called him ) ) J ) \ list. | | ( 1 0
| 0(\ by a proposed bill offered in the] ¢ | Butch Stein but that that was his ’ i & Mr, Hiram Spickler is seriously | ; |
ll II House by Congressman Griest ex- ( ; { son’s name. Also that he was 72 / ( \/\/ il at his home on West Main street. | / |
\ years old and a resident of Marietta. | . B. E. Hiestand has a fine Bast
te ; ————— A heavy lock had been broken off| - Donegal farm that he is offering for | —
[tending the free delivery of mail to
|all post offices having gross receipts
tof $3,000 or more. If this bill is | the hen house door by Benard in or-| sale
. . | 1 ox :
| passed more than 5,000,000 people | der to effect an entrance After” the 1 A Loc Dnsioi i oe ft I - Mr. J. H. Stoll is now enjoying al Hel Ll [ 0 ie ll S Il {
- wil. be benefited by the few rajng. lll ( f OI [MY thief had been captured, a mun Mead] 11 No an al Jays’ vacation which started on \
At Ephrata, this county, the free ing a gray horse in a carria_e was Saturday =
: | ! Ra
: delivery system has been in opera-| i seen alongs bike near the scene of elle St ll Double S-& H Trading Stamps | Wis Blried 1 {
: 2 , c a ves ‘ i y ’ J .
\ Week tion for more than a year and it is [ f when he caught a ViVi | a's Department store | ud]
: ¥ given at BenemaR S
are employed making deliveries. re the arrest, he drove his horse toward wel Christies, ithe late Mary
OuR|™MeY 80 the rounds of OTuSE LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION | 0 =° © re 7 “CIMOVE SHOULD BE ENCOURAGED The estate notice of he lutp Mary | THE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUST
a wwice a day delivering aja Uemecting OF THE WEEK als. Plares Wolse ies AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE M. Hildebrant may be found TQ Our TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER
r " Sp nail matter, Postmaster Lightner Ha Mr. Phares W olgemuth, living at the a | advertising columns. —
vs sai that since the free delivery has ,. Has Transpiced in Ther Yar pail along the Pike, near the above| All Your Story Books, Maga-| Mr. and Mrs. James Chil Buel. FromiOns
What Corps of Reporters|cone into effect the receipts have in- ing. and IAduetsicus: Village a. 8hon place, lost ten of the finest cockerels| zines, Discarded Toys and Other Mount Joy street, dnnounce the P to th
Foun in Je Card Basket Aboutjereaseq more than $100: per month. | ny Tug (ou 0s - he owned on Sunday night, Indica- Things for Children That Are Not|of u son on Monday. y assed to e
Yourgelf, Your Friends and Your! The boroughs of the county which ay b 3. Renoir on tions are that one of a gang of poul-| Fortunate Enough to Get Their! A very good organ for sale very
Acqudintances {will be benefited hy the bill, if it is y try thieves that have been operating| Share on Chrigtmas | reasonable, Suitable jor chapel or
yassed, are: Adamstown, Washing- ey a : i ia ‘East Donegal for some” time, will ESET = co hdl To Av a is office. 3.1
wr W. Bard of Denver, spent — Terre Hill, AKron, Chris- Mr EB Gi Shelly spent Tuesday i be broken up. Christmas with all its jingles, feasts > ig an to] The hogy ‘0
Monday in town [tiana, Quarryville, Strasburg, Colum- Lanaastar. Weld . i Mond Benard was taken to Lancaster and | and fancies, with all its gifts, joys and | ig the new station agent here during |
Mr. Charles T. Petree of Reading | hia. Lititz, Denver, Elizabethtown,' : : ar un Spent; honda) { placed in jail to await a hearing. devotion, is near at hand. Shops and the absence of the rezular man, Mr
spent yesterday in town. | Manheim, Marietta, Mt. Joy, Mount- “! ok ans Po was a" Mondavi DP Wee stores herald the auspicious event; |]. H. Stoll. moa
Mrs. E. F. Baker is spending sev-|ville and New Holland. [oo De hie a | Y| The New Officers Church and Sunday schools are ardu-, Mr. Solomon Detwiler, who occu-| ; Benjamin Halk
eral ys at Mt. Gretna. | —————-— Mr. Tobin. Carson spent Sunday at| -\! the regular meeting of Casiphia| ously engaged in making the occasion pied one of the Eckhardt properties Hewjumin Halk, a. well known
Mr. Wm, M. Koons of Philadelphia New Church Paper Philadelphia, visiting friends.
was a Saturday visitor here. A new paper, Trinity's Messenger, Miss Mary Shelly of Lebanon, was | 48y evening, these officers were elect Many are puzzling their busy brains| household effects to the Landis
Mr. H. O. Rothenberger of Allen-| made its appearance on Sunday, being a Sunday visitor to our town. : BR perp ae ; aa
town, was a Monday visitor here. | distributed for the first time. It is aj = E. 3. Weaver made a bust. | Master, Harvey Buch; Senior War-| nes ang especially to the children,! wr Phares Hawthorne, who "gel " i Sar He uy eu
The Misses Anna and Frances four page paper, is edited by Rev. Li, oo (i) to Harrisburg Monday. |den Oliver K. Snyder; Junior War-| wnother they need or apreciate them sides on the Marietta pike, is critical (whe © nc e and Several children.
Shellenberger spent Saturday at Lan-| H. Kern and published by the Luther- yr. garrison Sheaffer was a wel-| (en J. Henry Engle; Secretary,| . not a a at this: writing "wit: sheht] xe fne al took: place Monday after-
caster. an Church of this place. It is the in-!.ome visitor to Maytown Sunday. |Henry L. Stager; Treasurer, Henry Tus noW there ate. attics rabbis 3 . = a en will Re) pen al 0'¢ ot k, with services and
Miss Belle W, Leader of Elizabeth-| tention of the publishers to have the! wr | OC. Keener of Harrisburg, | ©: Schock; Trustees, Geo. Boggs, M wopes for his Te y. {inte rment at Falmouth,
town spent Friday with Mrs, Sarah ' newcomer issued quarterly and event-|is here on a visit to his parents. ic Bowman and J. 8. Carmany;
ually monthly. The paper is indeed Mr. Harry Breneman of Harris- | Representative to Grand _Lodzge,
{ Henry C Schock The anniversary
| banquet will be held in Mt. Joy Hall
Friday evening. Mr. J. W. Mec. | PY mice and moths. | place. {from the effects of a fall sustained
As a Christmas Preface, I feel im- me ttl [two weeks ago. The following chil-
roving a grea success. Two men €
Tre Se of the crowd that had made
Dur Last Issue
one vear, who died
nterred at Marietta on
shly esteemed resident of
Zlizabethtown died at his home on
{ Wednesday night after a short ill-
| Ledge No. 551, F. and A. M. on Fri-| one of joy and happiness. ‘n this place, moved his family and].
jed lor the ensuing year: Worshipful| , cyprmise what gifts to give to loved Charles farm near town, yesterday.
rooms and closets clogged with toys,! omembered that some years ago he | -
books and magazines, and lots of hats, |... rolled a consideerable distance | Mrs. Caorline N. Lehman
caps, hose, shoes and gla which are| yy , rajiroad engine. He is a step- | Mrs, Caroline N. Lehman died at
burdens and left to rot destroyed | go), of Mr. John Lewrence of this | her home in Elizabethtown Friday
Mrs. A, M. Vogel of Marietta is| very interetsting and is the product of burg, spent Sunday in town visiting
! friends.
Cramer. [ Mr. James Horting of Puusder | 1 is ‘of Vote! Medinul i
i | : : : y mnis o ote McGinnis, wi serve
; x an wiity Sms rg’ |phia, made a business trip to town |" ’ ?
Mr. A. S. Bard, our able Rheems | Farmers’ Inn Sold [Ral ne 5 I | — — pressed to urge you to take off a Grey Is Very Prosperous | dren survive: Lizzie wife of Rev. 8
correspondent, paid us a friendly visit! The Farmers’ Inn Hotel, one otf the 3 ¥ a mi Sor g URL . . : aes BEE .
; rldest hotel stands in the town oud) Mr. Elmer Schlegelmilch is con- Monthly Record Sheets (tine, & Minuiesor an hour and. | The Grey Iron Casting Company of | Oberholtzer; Emma, wife of Amos W.
iin ( 2st hotel st: Ss ’ | { : oz age v closets, ete. g Fans 5; : Sets ia asa
owned by Mr. Wm. H. Gantz of thig {E1104 to the house on account of | There are quite a few farmers in [Mage your closets, etc, and Sather yg place, is working full blast and is! Reeser, of Elizabethtown; Amanda,
( [S ] 5 . & A LIE i . sis . y J Qe ines ag v. ave . 3
. | this vicinity who keep a daily record together such good things as you have | oinpioying more help than at any time | wife of N. H. Brandt, Lebanon, and
Mr. Frank Shires of York, visited |of the milk production of each cow,|N© absolute need for, and then put oni, its history. The company paid out| pavid B. Lehman of Lancaster. Fun:
: . i sickness.
place, was sold at public sale on Fri-| »
friends in town and vicinity Sunday | thereby knowing the profitable and|YOur thinking caps to learn whe © $1,181.52 in wages to its employes last | oa] services were held on Monday
there is @ home or a child who is not | week. This is the largest ovayroll in
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J.
day afternoon. It was purchased by |
al Mrs. Jno. H. Stoil are! B. Keller & Bro., who conduct :
y fand Monday. j the unprofitable ones. We have a
yisiting various points of interest! cistle sales th re every two weeks | og z J i
visitng is us 3 1 oii salt i id tor) Misses Bessie and Nora Ritter ot large supply of printed record sheets
thruout the east. the year round. The price paid for |. ia, calle iq sid ) : : ; |
¢ L I {Columbia, called on friends in the| gy. that purpose which we sell very ent the company is employing 12 men _John_P, _§
Mr. Frank Dyer of Atglen spent ty hotel, stock . yards, ete, “Was. ijflave <Q Lol . : Ves :
t village Sunday. | ch conabis We sell them in any humble. and boys. Joh >. Swarr died
. | morning
so fortunate as you, who would gladly | the history of the concern. At pres
accept some gifts, be they ever so
Sunday in town with his cousin, Mr. %¢ 005.00 \ | Mrs 3 '‘Eshbach : aughter While I 1 there is 2 desper- :
} se Campbell ee iy 4 & Fama ap daughi r | quantity. Why send away for them | hil lope there is not a desper ——— turday, at his home
Clarence Campbell. = returned home from a two weeks’ | Won. vou von Buy thon, st Rowe? | ately poor family in all Mount Joy, A Big Shoot Te years. oid
. Yds » : ie yn e 3 a ) nen one’ | » t J ears
Mrs. C. H. Roedell of Philadelphia, | Will Contested visit to friends at Pottstown. ! ae { yet 1 believe there are homes which Th 11 be mething doir t eumonia afte
. | s Thur ; bs , . { — ge ’ 1ere wi > something doing at : a & :
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Albert] ny orphans’ court on Thursday| Miss Ella K. Beamesderfer return- | would be gladdened if some sunshine X : : x > week, He was B
| rod re t : . : { Mail Bag Cut to Pieces | the Sporting Hill hotel Saturday, Dec. ve
Campbell on Sunday. [afternoon an issue was framed tQled to her home in this place after | | feo wtsige world entered in iia : p mnfield township and a
} ! Yesterday a mail bag was thrown | : 4 3 ‘120. Another big shooting match for ! or A
{ Think of some one, of your neighbor, store in lancaster,
Mr. Milton B. Mishey of this place |pass upon the validity of the willigending two weeks at Lancaster. | : : be |}
ate Bisi: Mrs Charle Iorale s . ei off the train here and rolled under| a lot of turkeys and geese will be| . :
late of tI | Mrs. Charles Dierolf and aunt of | ‘ : | of your employe, your washerwoman, |. x or - vas a member of the firm
| the wheels The bag and conten S held, and a free supper will be served.
ettended the funeral of Rev. C. I. Beh- |« Henry KF Breneman
borough. It is alleged that he did nof|Rlizabethtown, spent Tuesday in
have testamentary capacity when thet wn as guests of Mrs. J. S. Carmany.
{ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Souders of | contents were several advertisemen
i nl yrs | OR vr
Sunday School scholar or some | : nd Swa For 25 years h
’ f | If you want a jolly good time, don't
your congregation who would]
mey at Enhaut Monday.
. were adlv y lishe Arne
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Harris were vere badly demolished A1
; : neral store in Manheim an
ttend. Shooting begins at rE ne : 1a
i G : ia : : h 3 . good book, a magazine, some]. . st © years was a clerk in
and Mrs. Henry Whittle . TS Mechanicsburg, visited friends and for insertion in the Bulletin but thay | win ipparel I Hi » berger hardware store
: i 3 ‘ 1 . +1 foys,or vearing apparel. 1 His ~~ I §
Miss Norah Miller of Lancaster B'g Masquerade relatives in this vicinity the past] were so badly ‘“‘chawed up” that it] 5 hl — I nizh
Miss \ big masquerade ball Mt, Joy Hall week. 1 was impossible to use them We Bil cele Will Meet Jan, 8 a
in town on Sunday the guests of Mr. will was made
Junction, was the guest of D on vou 5s to
: = = | bh . 3 = brate or eC. 25... Carr) our gifts ( : }
Bertha Sumpman on Sunday. Dec. 24, 1913. Ladies 3b, gents 50, Messrs Edward and Joseph —— a v \s the ext regular meeting of Jonas Eshleman
prizes for Rutherford of Marietta, spent Satur- Is Critically Ili { ms “riendship Fir Company falls on! The death of Jonas Eshlem
Miss Verna Chandler spent Satur- [spectators 15 Valuable : :
is not too short for our good A I I
geneial holiday, | curred last night at his home a
+ > * AL y io 0S Ss Y day i 3 illace w their br . ;
day and Sunday with the family of [dressy and comic costumes. Come day in the village with their brother Mr. Abram Hawthorne, tr gate y I :
\ ( » of Mount Joy 0 organize a
5 : ~ trues na . sNiove » evening (Conti y ao 5 vs . : : Aig:
Mr. Enos Miler at Strasburg. jand spend an enjovable evening. ontinued on page 5) keeper on the pike betwee; re and gular meeting will be held (Continued on page 5)
Mrs. Harry Williams has returned hi
T m sdav -o — — - Christmas Sunshine Gui eague y
'irvy dance Tuesday even a | Maviotic is sine orl Iv il at his| hristmas Sunshine iuild League or THis evening. Jan. 8, A good] a
seh adi 95 cents 35 | ! dis 3 : | Club to earry out such a purpose. If 3 |
Dec. 30, Ladies 23, gents 35 Successful Fox Chase | home. Messrs. Benjamin and Har-| ee : attendance is requested as nomina- Missionary Meetin
——————o—— A largely attended fox chase was | AL | you read this and are interested : ; y eling
. a | vey Hawthorne of this place are| . ; tions will be made. The monthly meeting of the
mail the undersigned a card and ex- A g
A ne Viigo ula. is * .
sionary Society of the Church of
Our Home Markets will be held tomoriow evening
Butter, per 1b, . -+...32|7:30. The program follows:
home after spending five days with ing ;
her mother at Mechanicsburg.
Miss Rebecca Shay, Mazie Shelly,
Mrs. Belle Harry and Mrs. Ella Hev-|
arin spent Friday at Elizabethtown.
Fine Chrismas Trees held at William Zeamer's Kinder-|
: | | 313:
Mr. Charles Dillinger received a hook Hotel yesterday. The fox wae) press your willingness to act, and as
: 5 9. y —————el GE
large consignment of fine spruce and dropped at 3:30 o'clock. and was | | soon as five
es [pine Christmas frees in all sizes that followed by a large number of | Killed a Big Snake willingness, a meeting will be| : Srl
The smiling countenance of dno. | is now offering for sale from the hunters and dogs. Reynard escaped] While out gunning last Wednesday, | called. Eggs, per doz. .................. 34| Singing; Prayer, Rev. C. D. H
Miller of the Cotiniy Seat, was SEEN | residence of hig father Mr. B. S. Dil- after a hard run. Mr. Jacob Mumma of Newtown, killed Good reading matter has a strong! Lard, per 1b, ? 12 |e; Singing; Reading of Script
in town the fore part of the week. {linger on East Main street. - a water snake along the banks of|influence to keep many at home, Potatoes per bu. 65 | Lesson, Mr, Lindemuth; Anth
The Misses Katherine Kauffman, —— Bouoht Ba the Chigues creek that measured four] wi: : 5 raniae yc) Wheat, per. “ha Choir; Reading of Minutes, Mrs.
Kathryn Gingrich and Emily Van| : g nk Property : € que: cree the neasu W'{ What do vou do with your pictorial] , er bo. SmioHeor. il toi : : ;
: 5 hd 7 Nice Lot of Calendars Yesterday Mr. M. M. Brubaker, | feet in length. This is an unusual oc-| weeklies, your magazines, your amus-| » 1 Dm ltzer; Solo, Clara Pennell; Si
Read spent Sunday with friends wl This office printed a lot of fine cal- cashier of the First National Bank, | currence for this time of the year. ing games? Let them go into homes | Vt en 8 ima; Select Reading, by Josep
Donegal. ’ endars for Mr. Jno. M. Kulp, the ex- purchased the fine brick building at| . mre— 4 —— where there are none. Let them do TE - oT | Brandt; Reading, Miss Emma §
Messrs. Clarence Horst and John | sive local dealer in Sucrene dairy sent occupied by the bank. Tt ‘to v ar fellow citizens. Good Injured instep |ers; Singing; Reading, Miss
Eby of Hagerstown, Md. spent last , . qpe entire calendar was was purchased on private terms. " A Few Apples Left ; goo 3 el wit Rin: Mrs. Ella Heverin, a resident of | Greiner; Singing; Remarks,
week in town with the family of A.l oo. oq by us. i lise I still ‘have about one hundred] Wl SUL. Bh CD 'RISHEI town, while visiting at Elizabethtown |D, Rishel; Collection; Singi
W. Eshleman. S ! re el Lectura. at: Florin agers of Spas Het I wan to close o oh PHEM on Friday, met with a painful acci- diction.
Miss Emly Van Read of Bide | Reformed Mennonite Services Daniel K. Freymeyer of Dayton, ooh iL oe Im ary gusputy Jd ey dent. She tripped over a step and
oro, Derics County, is spending id There will be preaching in the Re- Ohio, will deliver a lecture in the U. ® v a Ph : 1 ns R by - Will Be Here Saturday was thrown heavily to the ground, | Trinity U. E. Annou
week here in the family of Mr. an formed Mennonite church on West B. Church at Florin Saturday even- fo ps o re k — h Fr 80] On satwaay Me. 2. Mf. Fachensios soaring 3 Neawent in her fosk | Sunday School at 9:3(
MIS. Wo H. Hewop { Main street next Sunday morning at ing, Dec. 20, at 7:30. A hearty bos. a ne. el paone. will receive a carload of fine home ett. rm ! Reg
| Eshleman, Supt.
Rev. C. D. Rishel, pastor of the ten o'clock. | welcome is extended to all.
or more indicate their
I OO00000000008
rr —— —
raised turkeys which he will sell Jught the Shank Property services at 10:30 a, n
Church of ‘God here, was one of the ewer el emesis os Gall Stones Removed very reasomable in any quantity. Per-| qo, Monday rea) estate agent Mr. B.{ The subject of the
A Bad Fall Mr. Amos Kaylor, the well known |Sons in need should not fail to calilp piostang sold the Mrs. Martha will be “Christmag
at Enhaut on Monday. It was Harry Ressler that had the | Mrs. William Scholing tripped and | butcher of this place, was taken to and see him. Shank property, corner Delta and| Means” and of t)
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Schweigert and | contract for hauling the creamery’s|fell at her home on West Main [the hospital at Lancaster lionday Ne Marietta streets, to Mr. William D.|“The Star of Be
daughter Helena of Quarryville, were jarge boiler and nét Mr. Nye as was) street last Wednesday morning. She| where he*underwent an operation for If you want a nice calendar for| Easton on private terms. The new | Morton will cong
(Continued on page 5) !stated in these .Golumns last week. |sustained a number of gall stones. 1914, we can print them for you. jner will take possession April 1st. at 6.88 p. m.
3 P's f al :
pallbearers at Rev. Behney’s funer We Were Misintormed