The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 19, 1913, Image 7

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    ET ——
11 these things for thirty-five years that we are known as
s Farmers Column ——
D = What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To | Excellent Suggestions: From One Who ~”
» lA During the mild weather of fall
4 BN N
Absentee Landlordiem Improper {4nd the early part of the winter is
b » Feeding a Cause of Infection {the time to prepare trees to pass
{ wu Plowing the Orchard--A Few Con- [through the winter without Injury
9 0 9 Jury
nw venient Things to Remember |from certain causes, sald State
ar , 9 |
ollowing second h ars at extremely ™ —— |Zoologist H A Surface, at his
® In the hog yards and pens cleaning [office in Harrisburg recently
0 TRUCK. w Is not only next to godliness but it is Professor Surface said that there
AMER TOURING C » the price of profit, lis great advantage in mounding trees
POURING CAR a Selling the heifer calves and buy- | [With earth around them before the
. r at blic sales cows fed | | permanent freezing of the ground
AC! ROADSTER. Ing at public sale 8 cows of untried le ae § i a
®| performances, is like stopping the | (for winter. He has had considerable
. TOURING CAR. ® bung and knocking out the head. experience with this work, and now
ROADSTER. m| Both the winter and the summer | practices this method in his own
silo are revolutionizing the dalr |orchard The grass and leaves
ake a specialty of rebuilding and repaly cars WN 8 | ps
let f Ford § rts and alety of Mm business, Many farmers would as | " around the trees should be drawn
rge variety of Ford repair parts uty of yg ; aw: tith & ‘we .
EB y I P y £ [soon think of producing milk with- | = away with a rake or hoe, and with a
i ® out cows as without a silo. | [longhandled spade that will let the
© make ja specialty of building fore doors on oldie! cars, B® The hog is more than holding his Well, letsht wuch wara ich, der workmen reach under the trees. The
and stat improves them considerably as it makes them ldike new Bown, both on the scales and in the ! Sammy Miller un der Shaeffer drova earth should be piled around the top
York, Is. mm | market. Once hog cholera is stamped in Shnider un Juniata Kounties'in a cone to the height of four to six
—— m [out growing hogs will become almost ' hoondta. Now ferluss dich droof inches. The reason for drawing away
ple BET Brith T rh like finding money | mere hen hawsa, fesonta, botereas-''he very loose earth and organic
3: . © © @ @ ® } There is money in sheep, and no! lin un gshwalla tzana un aw gshussa. material, such as grass, weeds and
4 L | p 3
4 | domestic animal responds more Of kourse sell hen dere ol] tzana ''eaves, at the surface before covering
» 4 i
; ¥ I {readily to intelligent care; but for | kena vu mere hame kuma sin. Mer the earth and the mound is that if orse an ets
T - Lia) 1 ) 1S } 10 ec ! S 5 [ some reason many farmers have a hen se vise der gut hame gshlaeft his is not done, mice will work
© » Mm prejudice against sheep. We suspect ve hulse, Du konsht denka mer hen ler the mound and gnaw the trees tand absolutely first in durability —one 5A Horse Blanket
] & = | that A ; ; : hii g cotts beneath it. If the earth is well ¢ will practically outwear two of the i r kind, T
® = P @ | that dogs are at the bottom of it. nine un-ochtsich hawsa kotta—denk A earth is well com- Wear Lo S '” practically outwear two of the ordinary kind. That
: =» Rheem:s, enni s| At a meeting of farmers in a New amole draw. Es is of korse net so Pacted and not placed on rubbish, gest Reans b Fine of A Hon e Blank You effect anther
) < " (Jersey neighborhood in the early fall fee] es en millyone ower es mocht ‘ere is almost no danger from their i e % ne dir 7 iatikets from your dealer,
% R100 1000 | . 3 : . ial dh Buy ; thy a Ble Ouys direct trom our factory-—the largest
4 {there were lined up thirty five en ortlicher groser howfa urrowing through it, horse blanket factory in the world.
pA A | Fie id y Nae - me great advantace of Hy 3 ;
& — (carriages and fifty-eight automobiles, Mer hen gore duners gshpos Kotta ( IS great advantage of the mound | Cost Least A Horse Blankets are made of the strongest, tightest
s | fl : ies : gest, tig
{ : A u d id d Jand yet horses have never brought se sheesa un fonga. A dale fon de hat it continues above the twisted Jam and are fashioned by workmen who are
& ¥ re naecide better ices thi thev ar now sell urface of the snow, and a craftsmen at their business,
: 5 citer prices than they are now sell: hawga hen de hundt room gshprengt ce 2 WLM We 4 Ask Y
inner . : ug h lo t me above the snow ne D 1
+ s ‘here to bvur bill of Lumber? | 78 for. bis se um gfolla sin, de no hen mer 80, 1 Ve | Sare Fit Ss our Dealer for
: J where to byur umber? | °° Gln Sis 4 . Bra : 0 it generally gives proteatio s
* 1 A | It is well, when possible, to give a ge wusht uf gapickt. Seller wake EEFyia WY gives proleduion, :
i jd If so, all ygve to do is to look F A rah 22 I'he same reshlis. sa wm : . | Square
& i cow fron ix to eight weeks’ rest be- huts ne t so feel shrate gnumma, Der ' Mas Ie sulis 3s mounding. trees | orm ing Blankets
& | at the prig are quoting for tween her periods of lactation, but Samn hut a pore suticha grickt re to be obtained by tramping down
i 1 nn rioas « acle , Lo Sammy £ ) } 8 cha gric g o | : in
y ] if it is Impossible Wh lite . ; 1C1 ; now after each snowfall. so- that | Sare Warmth the most popular medium-priced square blankets on the
5 { it It 1s Impossible to dry her off it is ower de onera kals hen era oll shee- : frm that 4 : be . | market, Extra large, extra thick, extra strong, extra warm.
+ | HIGFADE LUMBER better to continue milking than to g3 missa. Well der kennet usht saw-' re a or na 1at the mice will not | Weigh 81bs., measure 84x90 inches. Medium Priced.
: + » . ~r . 1 mp Ob row hr > it >, c y .
3 oe Won perytnin that is io attempt to force her dry ga vaich em Sammy wos der wellet, , : u oY H rough it. Buy a 54 Square Blanket for street use.
® A ’ g If a farmer can feed his 60 cent 'r kon shure de fesonta finna won he Tice which do . this damage 2 2.54 Si intl Blanket Jor lel we.
+ 5 of ai > . : © esl my : I we Short-tailed meadow i uy a 54 Ph ) age or
: i g) cluded ifding, for Interior or corp to good hogs who will pay him aer se net sheesa kon e the Short-taileq meadow mice | 2 254 Plush Robe for carriage or auto
if aer bog é . roperl ow & moles. and % rit book! i i
¥ $f exteriogfk, from the Timber 80 cents for it, does he not make an Es besht war der dawk es aer em | 0. yo ! rE O- Tooles, angiolien WM. A igh orion biawkste tatedlons
I WITH oh advance On thie ‘price of his cors and : ; wrongly called Ground moles. which | + AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia, Pa
* ” #8 in yourflation to the Shingles |advan nthe price of his corn and groger hinkel woy gshussa hut fer en ire seen in abundan in field 1! . y
EPEC qi fi ive 4 sriility mw a a i " . re see ¢ dance lds anc
t Eps vou profit in the fertility returned to the fesont. Aer hut en aw mit hame ga- orchards wh ther - x a
* $ soil, as well as saving expenses in pocht SAS Yaere ere = much.yege.
i teuki ’ 3 . 5 . |
5 & hauling? ; im : : ition I'heir smoot} winding Tun: | se wn =
$ E S MORE A harness half washed before oil- Der breln shafier hov iol wie £8 ways just at the surface of the| . .. Jeofoodostostentest JooJosgusgesd a
4 ar Ss 8 as . we Aer hi ot § g © a | Jerieciecierdeefeclonioniortontonienforfotesdesfortosto unto toountuntestsstestestootoot CRCRCRORN o% CRC)
; . = ne 18 2 Zecdbes Sudt roi i dowert, Aer hut net shlofa kenna ground are well known. Sometimes | & ri elefecioeededorduolnfosfesfonfosferfoofodossfecfosfosfecfosfecgorfesfecosfecfosgooforieofedoop
3 Dealer-in (Ing 1s a harness just about spoiled. per hen ene imer gabookert; aer is they 20.50. far as to die int » +
"ake ac ne Since i y ie . ly J they go ar as ) g Into or per- | »,
: A IT ike as much pains about washing iver en fense gfolla un hot si flint foratls th rory aha ny r os [2 a B \ 4 oo
q lag « y . ror . . ¢ the ground ang gnaw a@ 1e . R i
: » {as about any part of the work. Soft damaged; aer hut si hoondt ins OLE UE Batt a a Ae + | 0 § ) 7 { i Pp A % | od - Q 3
’ i rater « o 30% ar ssontialg + . a . roots ees 1at a) 3 SN t ho #& { : . [|
: al Lum Yaiix | water ‘and good soap are essentials; pay gshussa: aer hut si pife felora OF Liss ; 1 out |X 3 Jia ail IN =
+ | ’ : # Iso is a painstaking man in feel I , Some distance from the trunk. It is] . *>
i stud B Tb un €s sin Ieel onera socha gahapent | _ a a . 3 > <->
& : AE A te Rey: : a good plan to prepare f the winter | &
& FEED, HAY, STRAW, SLATE,SAL_VIENT AND FERTILIZER Acquire thes habit of hanging up ower es date net shay laesa von So, I y 3p : pare for 1 € win er * —e 5 . 2 +
& the pitchfork afier usine i . wo : )V poisoning them by putting poison | “
4 . . . ie pitchfork after using it, you wifl mers drooka date. Se eva net jn. 4 hol Bs
1 kX . rctantlv o ra Q atc au i a i > z 5 a A Ye : nite 1 ip les There ic : Marm- | o . - "pp
: A large stock of Feed constantly o_ Highest cash price paid! know right where to find it when It (aria User: ols BOVE. cc lion into their holes. ' There is a Farm | + Re d Th 3 ol ly and Profit Bv 3
y = o WES : . chins . i J a ? ers’ Bulletin on oisonine atieh ro- | Vd £1) Ud Gili y dana FOLLY 3 ge
for ¢ ¢ is again needed, and you will also . fer apore dawk si desert gfressa I ning such ro [3 . Y 5
: . 2 Tes 58 * EY ad ba) SHER dents, and published by 1 Uv. S¢5 i
know that it is not lyine around r ‘ale . publishec )y the - Da I . N >
: v ¥ Vare sel now net tzu arick? : : { * (+ i .
Estimates of Lumber an Work a Speciality where some of your valuable stock iy i R sal Blea or Department of Agriculture, Washing | 3 ay Xperience of Ot hers >
: may be maimed or killed on it ghiazie of kourse go Jenks ower ton, D. C, which can be obtained | o >
FLOR ye = } ( xX . by em Sam huts nix ous gamocht. f.., of charge by writing for it. It|T m Suit v 2
p dave yo ) i jor o : : narge : by iting t. this ad has pai but the way our cu el are talki
y ave you any pumpkins big enough Sis ollas shay gonga bis em Dunersh- : uch better 10 peavont tie { 9 ; : 1 i u 1 talking >
sit on whe ski 3 5 BELT Teve bof bout the results ey are getting from our A
— - ton Jen husking corn? Ifnot gayi ovet de no hen de onera tzway gamace pv such pests than to vel Eo, x y getlng from our FEDERAL STOCK &
ake something more comfortable. kals es home way grickt. Dot is VU iron y rea : : | POULTRY FOOD is vincing enough for you to try it too. fit:
There may be some romance about’ - obliged to attempt. to cure it or | a 5 L >
oo " sor r 2 a ich rey kumma bin. Ich hop se nows remedy it by bridge grafting, as was | ® were not good, we would not be selling it, They are not only >
sitting on the pumpkin, but romance s wels i y : ; DBs By BS NLT sased with 11 We + .~
| doesn’t keep the bones from nee on de welshkon shire gnumma, hoP Gone by some orchardists in this | % pleased with the results they are getting, but amazed at the beautl- %
tired halt so much ‘ug a good easy " a — uf der misht howfa ga- State last Spring. Ei ful and valuable premiums we are giving. These premiums are 2
as ¢ as} Je . ole eo 5 a- , tein 3 : : Yivued : ae
seat. will. ruckt, ns 0p a mole en shpeech ga In addition to keeping mice from | limited in number, so the first who buy, are the ones who will get J
| mocht. So hen oll tzway glocht bis gnawing the trees, the mounds hold | % i 3
It is fine and handy to have a i i i ; ES Hy ooo [the premiums, $
: o 9 y ve se heila hen missa un de no is era ihe {reeg firmly in place, keeping | :
f 4 . wee} wrench, some little bolts, burrs and! hame-wav srawt Svepk a s dial $e , . »
; S fst Racks things O hil ” dil hame-way grawt aveck gonga, them from swaying in the wind, and { & The goods is put up under serial number 17232 and all the jn- *
a Alings, In the wagon when you go! Ich hop sheer fergessa eich fertza- especially prevent the formatic ri® 30 Ly 3 2
> away from home: but don’t th 7 1 Ds 3D > {Tor nO | * gredients printed on the label of every bucket “
~ 1 di ’ D k HWE : UL, don TOW | la was mer ols ovets gadu hen. Olly joose holes down the sides of the |*® : 3:
them into the wagon, hit miss. | gve i z z oF Jt 5 [ o : : 3
€S adles €SKS ; 8 or ovet sin ols so kals ve der Jack typi where water can enter and | We will be pleased to show you what the proposition is an a
Have a neat little box to k th 1 prop a jo
8 é 8 © box to keep them Shtroup, der Pampy Nogel, em freeze, forming ice to the injury of | & 1 e t ; i i i +
‘ in. Looks better 1 the things will « : DZ e, g ice to the injury + feel confident of your future busines after you have given it a trial
a Other I ables Davenport - O04 and th ngs Will Shtroup si saw, der kal was negel the trees + ® +
not rattle ar d s ali Y nnale . J kd en tie
9 ; 2 ir around 50. ee fesslin rous saekt, der Solly Page, ER > Still more convincing to, ask the man who is feeding it. 3
. : IL MOSL cases it is not best to plow | yp fee] onera kals room koma. Der i : ;
ede pa Closets, Kitchen Cabinets orchard ground late in the fall. It Bickel un der Shadel wara of kours oLb EES | % Distributed by 3
1 : ni : ve : Ps a o
TR . : : : i Jigs £0 rou In washing, and al-| aw got. Der aersht huts vatshouse Fdod Commissioner Foust To Strict. | i
In fact anything in the Furniture Line By in ‘eaching away of the soluble gnolta un der omer hut ols morits ly Enforce Law [3 BR AN Mt. Joy, %
| & 3 r 1 -
[ fous It the plowing had been | gus gakaert up de kee ousgamisht tl [2 al | Al ’ Penna, +
; . {done in August or Se : 3 3 ot 3 rll y 5 . be
ndertaking and Embalming th 4 ; i anid i September, and yp won es ols ons ola fonga gonga Following up his statement that he | % +
oh grou Sects With a cover crop, | sin huts se oll tzway gnumma. Der would stop the sale of the 10,000,000 | feiaveoimsoforforst Goofoefosfeodeodesgorfecoofoufosfoofesfootonfofeetesfonfosfootontectortectont Fu
6. Arima rw aad : dS " : : Toojoooefoefesfoofecfofort forged Joogool Jorforfoefeoferorfeciort -
! ike crim on clover, oats, vetch or pic el hut se geshtuchaun der Shadel dozen eges in cold storage, if at.
(better) a mixture of vetch and oats py; der sock ghoga. Em Bickel si tempts are made to sel] them after | ™ = " m—
* rVe. | y 1 have on + 2 VT .
-— yen Rou Law hoes the proper oldty hut der sock ols ghoga ower they had been storage eig : Boofeofocidunfonfenfordeafecionfonfunfectosfocfoofoegestocfoocfeofonfocgorfecfonfococfesfosfestecferfesfeorde
: 3 «NK » iH y etter to bi ay dawk hut en groser ole era shots months, Dairy and Food Commis -> 2
Inti] very early in the spring, anc oO tQ ¢ SY nsi 1 Ris $e § oe
y un sel huts gsettelt. De er Foust Wednesdas issued binding t+ or 1 of
» TTT a ua then do the plowing and cultivating. : e EF 3 Bottled A >
MOTTRIT TOY. PENNA 0 : . : : : : de hut se of kors ns to ! 1 x oo
ii — Sei Ghuse Of mie Hon in hogs 1S | yn uf der dish gadu un mere hb nse D a +
warm - improper feeding, which includes un- no aveck gadu no 1 1 3 +
Toot : ET a 3% : Be . vii, Irie and ae
YOU WILl TEN TX ova: balanced rations, overfeeding, under- 01 was inl. ss » i Get b ” >
TEN CELEBRATED oeting irr he ns ih , was ich hop I + 1 rt ¥
re ik Se Bt des mer ets hawsapeffer > - €l ¢ € ho
. bage, soured slops, ete.), unsanitary He 1 ; I * rel
* | gshpeelt hen un I tellu wat mer hen . o ( >
& H.fTrading Stamps feed troughs and impure Arinking | ore mols shoffa misea vo dow di i %
uit n S S lla missa Vv der dihnen- ole
¢ water. Also may be mentioned in- ; : : A ( Zing 1 &
WITH EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF COAL PURNACWICH | (.meicnt housing, especially durine for ous em luck biiva. Ich Wm released from s + ! t of an - +
¢ vi SRN OSE ae : yu © der Shadel wara de Shampions ower re ) > . *
CHASED FOR CASH AT Gd 0 the heat of summer and the ec : : : eho in st “h spot cost le +
LAS AR £ { , | tl eat of summer and 8 ¢ 3 oe I € efu
AnAnAand . : : : % 4 the cold of mer hen nix tzu blosa kotta beka of their ¢ * “ v r -
winier, dampness, insanitary con- . . 5 ¢ n 1 >
5 Ay . der Jack un der olt Bickel hen uns I woRiR tile KX
dition of the pens or houses, over- g : imlicl . Bi JES Voie 4 L pac + pl ge
: 1 d er S crowding of sleeping quarters ete. ut mols so tn 64 W syne Mezss Foicased their proper 4 : 0 5
3 ; : : y von der Jack ols net so ferdult ins guie5 as outlawed and to arrest all | + LA €, and ataining +
{It has been estimated that 85 per . ias ~hav ef. Hy ua wR yO ph 2! bo Ege . . h -
| uch g ge ar i S 3 lawsapeli- , re w attemnt call ntlawe be 3 vO ne of
Coal and cent. of all losses from hog diseases lech £onga war hit Sing Pel owners who attempt to sell outlawed * y Rou >
arise from cholera. The need of all fer" heta se uns gletier, ., | CEES. * hie 3
LUMBER YHRDS precautions against infectio ang Well mer hen en bully gooter tzeit er ad i i x Phin ¢ ; A *
“ S as oS J n £ : il ) & le ul
: otte 4 + oll laeve bis | , : . of
spread is therefore apparent. It is koith “Ex Won mez oll ova . NO LOOKING BACK IN MT. JOY : a really make t taste po
g So within the power of all hoe raisers peckshi, yore gave mer. yiter Auf ea & +
/ a ® g Bry Ita New Evidence Constantly Being oh Cider in a dainty wafer glass act t richer than cham- %
“Y Q7 Losi Mount Joy, Penna, to guard against the contributary hondty, Shwilkes Bumbelsodk Published y % agne we te from a tin cup 3
Sale agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on band cause enumerated above and the JuViueey cumelsoe Tree 3 i +
e = ” re tl Gr rrr X ~ ) or 3 CESS] ]
| Also Siding, Tlooring, Sash, Door, Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Ete. simple statment of the causes also AS eiPat hoe 1 Jos agin TEL * Chiques Rock Root Beer, Sarsapar Soda, Ginger Ale, Birch oe
) 1 Agents for Alpha Portland Cement. Also Roofing Slate point the way for prevention. Cae on . vibred Miss the local press there Ty been no i Beer and Lemon Soda are always popular beverages: but yom +
7 Estimates Quickly and Cheerfullymade on all kinds Building Material Agriculture suffers from another A SO Mal» ening ip '00KiDg back. Mt. Joy evidence con-|& shoulg look over our whole list and try one flavor after another
i Telephone No. 833. Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot. handicap that greatly retards its | ances Childs Saturday evening in (inyes“to pour in, and better still until you are acquainted with the whole luscious line +
Li ht Ses honor of her fourteenth birthday. those whose reports were first hill YOu are acquainied with the whole luscious line. +
{hi ST ———— LL prosperity. and that is, if we may : : z oh
i iY ST — ’ Those present were: Misses Mary published many years ago. verify all .
ih rpocfesesieofastoofoodesdeafen] fefocfoofonfoofoofeofooforfoegosfoofesdosfeofaofosfosfoefeofosfontert borrow a phrase from the Old World, | me 3 a Bertha they said in a most hearty and un- 80600000 3
i te a) ae SRT " CO RE RTT q ilins Sar: 4 . 4 pi
i “& absentee landlordism. When the and Anpa Philips, Nn Good mistakable way. Read the experience I
| i i 7 ey - > |
He. Founded 1878 % young men leave the farm, there is! Miller, Lillian Roth, age 200 , g Mrs. Hears, Frail ot Mt. Joy oh 5 *
: 3 : ir ; be 4 : | Clara Pennell, Ruth onrad, Mary She says: “My kidneys were dis-| -
I i : You know what a lot of attention we pay to value giving—it's fiuoine left for the elders to LA Ella and Mary Childs, Mas- ordered and my health became hardly %
$ . : | wr ) ~ x S, I 4 > > . . bo .
; # one of your greatest advantages in buying here, but it’s not the J “01en the burden of years comes up | Joe Walker, Russell Sumpman, "UR d0Wn. 1 had a constant back “THE HOUSE OF QUALITY” -
siv one : 4 on them but to rent the farm and | ters Joe Wa ’ * ache and was subject to chills and -
> i 3 3 i > : .
i only " FUER + move to town, and this method is be | Merle Singer, Charles Roth and Rus- dizzy spells. At times I was hardly Fifth & Locust Streets Columbia, Penna. $
i : ef eoming more Widely ; [sell Rinehart. Refreshments were able fo stand and I found my house
We plan to give you clothes you like—clothes that * become ol g ldely practiced every |" " . t enjoyable! WOTk a burden. Seeing Doan’s Kid- |
|year. The resul 3 _| served and all had a most enjoy . Pill Advertised. I a
you, that ate new and correct. And it’s because we've been doin $i resulis are readily ob | jrey oe SL il
} , tL 1 ’ { : ; ;
n g %|servable. The tenant must live and | time. box at Garber’s Drug Store. This
; | eee remedy did me a world of good and
! Lancaster's
. Greater Value Store
he Man or young man who wants to pay $10, $12, $15 or
Fall SUIT OR OVERCOAT. You cannot afford to
our display of clothing.
\rth Queen d Ofinge Streets,
pay his rent, he has neither the in-|
centive nor the to maintain |
Beware of Ointments for
Y, Pa
I have
I have felt better in!
had little or no |
since using
every way.
o {
| 21s ee} . 1 i > vac
the fertfity of the lana or to make | Catarrh That Contain Mercury Uouble from kidneys.” It gives me
improvements. The consequences are as mercury will surely destroy the sense remedy.” 3 ;
c risi i f smell and vmplietel derange the ves
| so apparent. that the casual visitor in | Chole valor DY ao through | For sale by all dealers. Price 50
a farm neighborhood can almost | the mucous surfaces. Such artic ould | cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, |
s | unerringly pick out the farms that) Porer e iey rrsic {Sev York, sole agents for the United
{are rented from thos { they. will do i I : s iE Sates.
eg m those that are tilled |, pos ‘e from them. Hall's Remember the name—Doan’s—and
[by their owners. Therefore, the | Catarrn inufac red Lk > |take no other. |
most important task, so fat as rural | mere internally, acting | Er Tse
affairs are concerned, is to make the directly upon the bloed and n Sur Double Stamps {
{farm attractive financially and other: | Catarrh Cure be su v e genu- Double S. & H. Green Trading
ool | ine It is taken internally and made in i
% | wise that the young men will not be Toledo. Olio. by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes- | Stamps given every Wednesday and
|dazzled by the allurements ang |!monials free. ar mn Saturday during this sale, at I. D.
{ : | Sold by Druggists. Price T5c per bottle, 3
|promised rewards of the town. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Beneman'’s.
! + pre et Gees. eet meee eee eel eee.
o& If all the lars concerned in jhe; They say that the Statue of President Wilson has not been
& [New York campaign would vote as! Liberty in New York Harbor is be-'able as yet to make Gen. Huerta sur-'
3 a unit, they could always carry | coming dangerously corroded. Well, render on account of lonesomeness, |
p everything before them.
no wonder.
but he will scon. |
Te Chicago Board of Trade.
(Members Chicago Board of Trade)
Chestnut and 15th Gts., PHILADELPHIA
To any Grain Market in America
Lancaster Branch 220-226 Woolworth Bldg.
Advertise In “THE BULLET