The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 19, 1913, Image 6

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Leather Goods
5 |
€nas B. ZELLER
E. Main St,
@slling and Clerking of Public Sale
Settlement of Estates. |
Collection of Rents.
Surveying and Conveyancing
For a Good Clean Shave
Or a Classy Hair Cut
Stop at
W. Main St, Mount Joy
Agt For Middletown Laundry
RADE-MARKS and copyrights obtained or no
| fee. Send model, sketehes or photos and brief
description, for FREE SEARCH and report on
patentability. 26 years experience.
Send 2-cent stamp for NEW BOOKLET,
full of patent information. It will help you to
fortune. :
READ PACES 11 and 12 before applying
for Write to-day.
Mount Joy |
American Plan
nC woserme | Every Woman
Exchange Hote!
Mount Joy, Pa.
Don. Gorreeht
Hunting Case
and Clock
H by Miss Minnie L. Herr, of Mount:
ville. Rev. Levi O. Musses of this
place, uncle of the bride officiated,
1 i
w B| Cece
8 Graybill G. Wolgemuth, only son of
Em Mr. and Mrs.
On Gold Filled Fancy Engraved
= | the parlor to the strains of the wed-
' Guaranteed For Twenty 5
. this place.
a patent. y
Washington, §. C.
a 1719 Spring Garden St., (lormecly 535 N. 0th
8t., Phila., Ps.) Ein Deutscher Arta, Only German
Spociafist. The German Treatment, the only
@uaranteed Cure for Specific Blood Poison, ethers
can’t Care, all use Mercury & Arsenic, worse than
the Disease itself, it’s a curse of humanity. All
& Private Diseases, Excesses, both sex, Abnses, Weake
» Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Drains, Atrophy,
Losses, Varicocele, Hydroeeie, Rupture & Stricture,
apiting, Kidney, Biadder, 46 yrs. practice &6 yrs. Hospe
fm Germany. Book Free, tells all, exposing Museams,
& Country 4 ivertising Frauds. Hrs, 9-4,6-9; Sunn. 8-8
Shaving Hair Cutting
Joseph B. Hershev
Tonsorial Parlor
Three Chairs. No Waiting
Agen for the Middletown Steam
Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday
and delivered Friday.
Cast Main St, MOUNT JOY
Terms Moderate. Bell Telephone
Prompt Attention given to Sales of
Real Estate :t Property
and Person
* Don't permit your druggist to
® sell you a substitute. Other
* remedies are not as good. Rudy’s
* eures or money back.
TT 2 2 XX 2 % 2% Ek Et 2 EES TES ES
Steam Vulcanizing
By Experienced Hands
Lancaster, Pa.
By sending
amd decreased maintenance cost.
* |
AM Work Guaranteed. Quick service |
your work to us you |
will notice the difference in mileage |
Repairing of all kinds done ob
- baner Tubes and Casings at reason-
able prices.
Miller's JeweleryStore |
= ful gifts. Immediately after con-
@ | gratulations the guests were ushered
Near Bowmans Store ato the dining room where a sumptu-
uous dinner was served of which about
MT. JOY PENNA. 3 75 partook. At 2.30 p.m.the bridal
= | party were conveyed to Lancaster in
8 | automobiles driven by Mr. Amos M. S
LL | Weidman of Manheim, cousin of the
COURT PROCLAMATION | bridegroom, and Mr. Enos F.
Doestler of Letort. The happy couple |
| Whereas, Honorable Chas. I. Lan-|jept on the 4:28 train for a two | ¥
| dis, President and Hon. Aaron B. Has | woeks’ honeymoon to Philadelphia,
sler, Associate, Judges of the Court |
| of Common Pleas in and for the Coun
| ty of Lancaster, and Ass
ces of the Courts of Oyer and Termi- |:
| ner, and General Jail Delivery and |
| Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and |
| for the County of Lancaster, have fis- |
sued their precept, to me directed
requiring me, among other things, |
| to make public proclamation thru-
| out my bailiwick, that a Court of Oy: |
er and Terminer and a General Jai! |
Delivery, also a Court of the General |
Quarter Sessions of the Peace and
Jail Delivery, will commence in the |
| Court House in the City of Lancas-
ter, in the Commonwealth of Pern |
| sylvania,
VEMBER (the 17th), 1913,
In pursuance of which precept Pub-
lic Notice is hereby given to the May-
or and Alderman of the City of Lan- |
caster, in the said county, and all the
Justices of the Peace, the Coroner |
and Constables of said City and Coun-
ty of Lancaster, that they be then |
and there in their own proper per- |
| sons with their rolls, records and ex-
appertain in their behalf to be done
istant Justi- | Caverns, Virginia
{ formerly
aminations, and inquisitions, and Kiehi—Ciark
their other rememberances, to do :
those things which to their offices Miss Sue Clark, daughter of Mr.
Knows That
instead of sallow skin and face
blemishes she ought to possess
the clear complexion and the
beauty of nature and good
wolgemuth—Frey 0
A very pretty wedding was solemn: | Mrs. Jemimah
imed at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. |]
B. Frey, of Manor last Wednesday at
eleven o'clock, when their daughter,
lia H., became the bride of Mr.
S. S. Wolgemuth of
The bridal party entered
ding march from “Lohengrin,” played
using the beautiful ring ceremony.
The bridesmaids were Miss Ada H.
Frey, sister of the bride and Miss
Hettie H. Deitrich of Lancaster, the
groomsmen being Messrs. D. Avery
Hess of New Danville and Charles R.
Arnold, of Manheim. The ushers
were Messrs. John P. Heisey and
Enos F. Doestler, and Misses Ada
Kendig and Fannie Heisey were the
assistants. Misses Ella H. Deitrich
and Minnie S. Bender served as table
The bride wore a gown of
waiters. : ) : H., Stumpf. |
cream silk crepe de chine, With| no. .15 Mrs Sam Garman enter
Jeweler, Engraver pear] trimmings and lace and} ,;;.g Mr Garman's father of Eliza-
carried a shower bouquet of cream |, ..,.
roses. The bridesmaids wore pink
and light blue crepe de chine, trim-
med in shadow lace and carried
white carnations. The bride was the
recipient of many useful and beauti-
D. C. Luray
other points |
f interest.
Tuesday morning at the residence |
of Rev. Isaac Brubaker, in Rapho |
township, Prof. J. Lehman, of Can-
ton, Ohio, and Miss Sara A. Hostet- |
ter, daughter of the late David Hos- |
tetter of Penn township, were united
in marriage. After the ceremony the
wedding party repaired to the resi-
dence of Mrs. Libby Erb, near Sa-
lunga, a sister of the bride, where a
wedding dinner was served. Prof.
Lehman is a native of Lancaster, and
resided in Manheim, For
the past eighteen years he has been
principal of the schools of Can-
ton, where the newly wedded couple
wil] reside.
nd Mrs. John Clark of Marietta and |
and also those - who will prosecute | prank Kiehl also of Marietta, were |
against the prisoners who are or ther 1 " adze of ih
' i 3 a | Mmarrie at 1e arsonage o
shall be, in the jail of the said mn ’ ( al he parsonag : C ho!
county of Lancaster, are to be thep | Trinity Reformed church, Columbia. |
and there to prosecute against them | Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock by |
hz » jus |
as shall be just. the pastor, Rev. Dr. J. H. Panne-|
Dated at Lancaster, Pa, the 13th ir
day of October A. D, 1913. eral BE
Subscribe ior the Mt Joy Bulletin
Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulltein.
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelery
Eyes Tested and All Kinds of
Electrical Goods Such As ELECTRIC IRONS,
Boo Boas oleate de 2.
East Main St
| Samuel Miller, proprietor of the Leh-
| man poultry farm, near Spring Grove,
| | is completed.
| cently trapped were placed in
Started Skunk Farm |
The skunk farm on the property of
skunks re-
pen several days ago. The pen,
which is 14x5 feet in dimensions, has
been so constructed that no harm can
come to the skunks through dogs.
The flooring of the pen is cement,
with two cement pits in the ground,
two feet deep and six inches in dia-
meter, which will be used for breed-
ing purposes. A concrete wall, 18
inches high, with two foot boarding
on top of it, surrounds the pen. A
one-inch mesh wire surrounds the
rest of the stable. The two skunks
are splendid specimens with short
gtripes. Many visitors are being at-
tracted to the farm.
eet w= eee
The two
Bridges Approved
State water supply commissioners
last Thursday approved the applica-
tion for the Rohrerstown, Landis-
ville and Mt. Joy Street Railway
Company to build a bridge over
Little Conestoga Creek, two miles
north of Lancaster.
| Star and Enterprise, now a resident
| smiling countenance
| friend John Smith, son of
| Smith who
farm back of Rheems on Saturday.
All Perry county boys are possessed
with those friendly qualities, and we
know whereof we speak.
vigited his brother Fred
Mr, and Mrs. Levi Fissel.
grandmother at Lancaster.
and Mrs. Joseph Wickenheiser.
visited Emanuel] Kauffman and fami-
Philadelphia, was the guest of Albert
on spent
Sam Cover.
tended Teacher's
caster last Thursday.
a husking match at M. H, Kauffman’s.
Brandt won by 2 shocks.
supper at
| burg,
The week just ended had a little
| tinge of the Indian Summer variety.
rushing his hay
Garber's last
Cyrus Evans was
over at Rev,
Charles Bless is
ittack of Lumbago
suffering with an
and ls deterred
of Harrisburg was visiting her aunt
Neideigh and family
ast week.
We had the pleasure of seeing the
of our young
operates an extensive
Kaser of East Petersburg,
Mrs. Garret and son were visiting
Miss Elizabeth Shiffer visited her
Seofoctoofootoodooteotestoctectectetoto ecole stools Bete cte tonto ote cts Beate Be Beate Beale Be Be Bu Be 8. 8. 5.9 0 0 0 9.9 5 0
Sarah Long spent a week with Mr.'
Gedodivaleciocie dds eleclsibilhetodooddi dh Bel Bl £8 2 8 8a 8 2a a a
Sam Peters and wife of Baltimore
James Hackerty, Deputy Sheriff of
Mr. and Mrs. Buffenmeir of Leban-
Sunday at the home of
Emma and Fannie Dissinger
Institute at
J. K. Brandt and Albert Bishop had
The Republicans of Rapho celebrat-
>d their victory with asour krout
Stumpf’s Hotel.
Mr and Mrs. Eli Shelly and son
Clarence of Lancaster, were visiting
ir. and Mrs. Emanuel Kauffman.
Marie and Charles Shonk of
’ | Lititz spent a week with their grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abram Cooper. |
Messrs. Chubb, Kiesling and Arn-|
old returned to their homes in Perry |
county after working for H. Metzler |
since summer,
Elmer H. Kauffman celebrated his |
birthday at Stumpf’s Hotel with al
chicken and waffle supper. The boys |
had a jolly good time, |
te el Mei
Florence Gainer spent last week at |
Lancaster. |
Ada Melhorn spent last week visit: |
ing relatives in York county. !
Barbara and Katie Newcomer visit-|
ed their aunt in York last week. {
Mrs. Jacob Minnich spent last
Thursday with her sick sister at |
Mr. and Mrs. Christ Herr and son
John visited Mr. Herr’'s parents on|
Miss Barbara Newcomer of Peters. |
spent last week with her father
Jacob Newcomer,
Mr. and Mrs. George Way and
family spent Sunday with William
Way's in Mt, Joy.
Mr. Philip Metzger of Ridgeway,
Elk county, spent Friday and Satur-
day at the home of his parents.
Miss Sadie Hays left Monday for
a visit to relatives in Shippensburg. |
and other parts of Cumberland Co. |
Mrs. Martin Ebersole and son |
Jacob spent Saturday and Sunday]
at Donegal Springs, as guests of the |
former’s brother, Mr. Jacob Wier |
The revival in the M. E. Church
is still in progress and if the earnest |
work of Pastor and congregation |
ever counts on the side of the Lord]
then there will be great accessions |
to Salunga churches.
Monday Rev. Henry Longenecker
and wife, Mr. Longenecker’s brother
and sister, Miss Maggie Harmon and
friend of Lancaster; Mr. Henry Ben-
der and wife and Mr. Bomberger of
Cumberland county left for Florida.
eet A Cee:
The whooping cough
Misses Mildred and Helen Sload
spent Sunday at Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Keller and children are the
guests of relatives and friends in
Mr. and Mrs. James McClure have
gone to Renova for a week’s visit to
John Warner of York, spent sever-
epidemic is
———— ——————————————————————————————————
al days here last week on a gunning
Our road master is
repairs on the state
The many friends of Mrs, Mary|town. Repairs are very§ pn oy
Henderson will be sorry to learn of| Clayton Newcomer anid “ ny .
bel and Katherine Selfz ( 4 » ee
her serious illness.
Mr, C, Brandt and
Sterner have returned from a visit to
Washington, D, C,
pe. HN
Wit, A "be send 1a
Messor F| thee
“ the fadulty,
ville, spent Sunday at the
Susuan B, Dietrich.
Rev. W. F. Bare of Yjork,
Miss Margaret |
rr Motné
PRESENT EVER SEEN health, Any woman afflicted ||
IN LANCASTER |). M. Backenstoe, Pro or suffering at times from | from his work. ; “Luther Day” was observed last an church worker, addressed E IS NO 0Ase op
headache, backache, nervous- Samuel K, Weaver wil] handle the Sunday in 8t. John's Lutheran dies and mep 9k “Thursday ON Co \
£ CR ness, languor and depression tax colateral, next, vice Adam 0h, A very pleaging program was at the mid reek prayer servi IED NS\ [PAT 4
(i y Q T ks = . . i of spirits—ought to try Stump, retired rendered by the Sunday school, talk wag very interesting. . UMATISM,
FIPS run SE \ ruon A great amount of corn has been Mr. and Mss. Miclitey gave a dinner Dr, R. O. Dieh] will give a ta OR SKIN pe VASE
z B 1 C ) " ir St BEECHAMS | husked around here and a great | Sunday in hondr of their grand- “First Aid and Don'ts for Boyd incr dorad stom a bowels,
OF ALL SIZES, SHAPES 2) teat. i ht, Bte 3 | mount to be husked, daughter, Mrs, Elizabeth Reeser, of Young Men,” in the Zion Lutfi i A
STYLES AND PRICES. g| ‘ \ ¢ PILLS | Pues Gish Sletghiered a "oe Lancaster, who was recently married. church on Tuesday evening, D B A VK ed
=|, £ . : porker last week, and fed the Mari — . at 7:50 o'clock 1 rT FRAN
WHEN NO OTHER Z| Table is Supplied With the Bes: | elta people with part of it em oe Brotherl ander, the aug inlly Jot p, ener
STORES HAVE = : the safest, surest, most con- |“, ML TT LC er ' EAST PETERSBURG Af 130. Srothbrhood. Bb ok Ul, DB
WE HAVE z | the Market Affords. venient and most economical ie ess brothers, Harry and; po... 40 and Irene Lipold spent the The ‘Rgular monthly meetin your patents, or nul 8hbom,
= remedy known Beech ’ | Martin husked corn on John E. Gar _ it Nests . n he Ladi Jo Aid Societ, and BARKS, as thoy ds hawe
= | C6" med) wn. be am’s re. Paw : , 4 : week with Ephrata relatives, the adles™ y aoe as to pot
= = | Pills remove impurities, insure | bers farm by the light of the moon, poo A B Copper of Jersey Shore, Brotherhood of "the _ Lutheran chy b at Your druggist, and stat
: £ | Also Lunch Counter better digestion, refreshing {188 Wook fas nd ile’ . were. Al a former pastor here, was in town was held last Tuesday evening at o road to complete recovery.
= = | ” ' sleep, Id haves a Exegjiont | te LS Ve GF ee week having the other day visiting friends. Lutheran parsonage at Manheim. , 68 Marray St., New York, ¥,¥
g =| Where Soups, Sandwiches, Cheese genera Ol Ic ellect upon a 1." ’ a a . | ——— A Ri fay
i wal [BC 6 Z| Tripe, Bre, Ete. ar a whole bodily system. Theyhave | !ken their trip in a newly equiDPEd uufufujedsobibelrobobedodedioudeododidodododudod Pde
- HRC, Fac. e serie y ap : > automobile og 4
2 z a wonderful power to improve |® ile, + &
oe - : 0 3 acte. ines
g <Q ather 2 pen 'nre \ the general health, while by | A series of protracted meetings 4 ¥
i Harness and Leather =z Fine Oysters In Every Style purifying the blood, Beecham’s | Will be held in the near future over J —-— i
= . © E i clear a ski at Bossler’s church, under the au- % S L P S i
g Goods Stor z neva Pills clear. ths Shin and (At Bosslerls spureh, Winder Wie 0 of The Hager Store-Lancaster, Pa.-T r Store ¢ ”
B E | 8 § , i ( a oP ’ "
S 0 PENN. SQUARE = ; = $
z LANCASTER, PA. 1 oi Ww wil \ The Com lexion | A turkey of no mean dimensions, 2 \ e »
pL... - Sou i g! OF BEER, WINES, LIQDORS & CIGARS n | was seen lying by the road-side near | of D O O00 $ im
E Er. Soid SVeIyWHERS, In boxes, 10e., 25c. | the Rutt School house by your cor- 9 ¥ y
g -4 seve Mo woman, shoud fail fo seal the velusbte | respondent. Shot by an unknown e
g 10 U - - i S I" =| | hunter in violation of a warning % 3 ,
2 " g | d Q ing * ian - | notice to keep out. ' Wa cl cS { { at (C+ ece 5
g [runks at Half Price. Great Bar- = Goo Stabling Accomodation WEDDINGS | Mrs. Ellen Swartz, wife of Jacob 4 ]
g gains. On The Square i | Local and Long Distance Phones ! | Swartz an ex-reporter of the Newville :
» - 4
r 4
Abin i
M———— ———————
Epon = |
* 1
Originally 7c, 8c & 12:c
Housekeepers and hotel and apartment Stociss offi ®endable |
house proprietors will recognize this as a . p
very Gnisusl opportunity 10 sevwre wal Merdfan|dise
, i . 3
paper at a great Saving. HE whole store | is overflowing A
; with fresh new chandise for 1
One reason for this very low price is winter, greatly helplg to }get the whole ;
aS kel f thi family as well as th hoyle in readiness. :
that we want to clear our shelves © 5 Stylish Coats, Suiti and {Furs for Women. %
grade of paper quickly. Charming Millinery 3
Women's Knit Und:wsear z
Still more important, this low price will Women’s Flanellett. Sacques, Skirts & »
encourage continuous work for our effi- pi oni wv \ ts *
: en's, Women's and Chikiren’s Shoes T
; aper hangers.
clent mechanics #nd pape g Men's and Boys’ Suit, Hats & Overcoats 3 4
’ pu? &
Both conventional and floral patterns aera and Boys Liaw: and Sweat- t | a
in attractive colorings. Men's and Boys’ Shira, Gloves and oth- 3
er fixings. .
Attractive Draperies, (arpets and Rugs
Good Warm Blankets ind Comforts
And scores of other aricles that a visit
to the store will reveal.
Many Depariments In
Holiday Attire
For those wise shoppers who prefer to
do their shopping early, mny departments
are ready with charming ¢hristmas stocks,
including: E
(Wall Paper Dept., Fourth floor.)
Parcel Post Special
Cotton Blankets, Special at $2,69—until
Dec. l1st—regular price $3.00. 72x80 inch-
es. Extra fine, long staple cotton with
short “wool finish” nap, thus preventing
linting off in laundering. Made by Beacon
Mfg. Co., and Esmond Mills.
China, Cut Glass and Br:-a-brac
Dependable Silverware. |
Fancy Linen Sets and P) +
Toys, Dolls wand Games”
Attractive Jewelry and
New articles for the den.
Ideal Novelties in the Art Store.
Cards, Books, Calendars, Stationery, etc,
Comes in white, gray and tan, with pink
also in dainty 23 inch
two-inch bind-
and blue borders; i
block plaids. Bound with
double stitched.
Ey tl prin]
Te: fixings
Delivered free by Parcel Post.
—————————————————————— ee
—— VV
The Twentieth Anniversary
() NERS of Haynes cars feel pride in the fact that this year
witnesses the twentieth anniversary of the Hayres car.
Haynes purchasers find a certainty of service in that same fact.
Mr. Haynes, in 1893, built what has long been officially acknowl
edged America’s first automobile. In the twenty years that have
elapsed he and the splendid, skilled, sincere organization which
has grown up around him have built thousands of automoniles
which, by as many purchasers, have been acclaimed splendid cars.
The three Haynes models for 1913 have all the qualities %: dale agent f
efficient design, honest materials and careful workmanship that | Abo Siding
have made Haynes cars famous for service, and they have every * Ti
up-to-the-minute feature that’s worth while. Telep
Model 24, four cylinders, 5 passenger, $1785. : rire
Model 22, four cylinders, 7 body styles, $2250 to $3500. i -
Model 23, Haynes ‘‘Six,’’ 5 passenger touring body, $2500. Fl You kn
i 4 one of you:
Regular equipment complete. All models electrically lighted and started by the i only une.
Leece-Neville separate unit system. Left side drive, center control. We pla
you, that a
all these ti
Model 24, five-passenger
touring car, completely
equipped, $1785.
Call or Phone for Demonstration,
LANDIS BROS. Rheellis,