The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 19, 1913, Image 3

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    THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, Noveniber 18, 491 a 3
§ I N\ ’
0 Elegantly Handtatlored AIL Wool Suit
The Entire Surplus Stock of Glaser & Lang Phila.
as Been Bought By Us At a Quarter Off Regular Price
( | [
The trees a
Apples are ecarce
d high prices.
Mrs. Harvey Good
st Friday in to
Potatoes are noy
eents per bushel
A new bridge is
pent to the old Nj
saac Kopp, com
essment for the
No . drought is
the wells are abun
Marvey 1, Culp
the artistic finish t
house in Lawn,
samuel N. Mec
orders for lime tb to
MN for several wee
9he township wre |
washing stones fo the
reads in the southe ; /
Mrs. Hmma Lindl rone¢d to |
hey home in Hersh pending
a week with relativ |
Pr. and Mrs. A, b auloed !
te lancaster the pe combin-
mg business with p |
WwW. B. Hamilton the high-|
est Republican vole candidate
= Mouni Joy town
Mizabethtown is he Mecca
teward which the lovers of
Free Masonry are i !
Constable H. H. r made al
bwsiness (rip to thd orp end of
We township Mondd ing. \
Mrs. Harvey G. J h of Mount
Jey was a mid-wee pr with the
family of Samuel fman,
Misworth BM. Wea well known |
here dealer of irculated in|
Wis locality Friday Baturday.
There will be a ield of per-
summons this fall, nother good |
rest would make t} ore eatable.
Blmer Witmer a rinent cattle
traflicker of Maste ille transact-|
‘ed business in thi ace the past |
Narrow skirts donf, mean im-|
morality. One of thef most vicious
epochs was when hofy, gkirts were
B. Frank Kready a legal luminary!
Haht of the Lancasfor bar was al
eordial week-end bruinesg visitor in'
Mrs. Anna Peck his had a widow's |
pension granted the past week,
Wrough the agency of Frank B.
In consequence of the disagreeable
weather Sunday, the local churches |
and Sunday Selioly had a poor at
Mr. Abram Balmer of Fruitville,
y Now While The Lot Lasts, The Finest Clothing Made
t The Usual After Christmas Sale Prices
$20 All Wool Suits $15.00 1§ All Wool Suits $13.50 ~~ $IS All Wool Suits $11.25
“Opportunity” Day
- = : lemoevan, | Next Wednesday
ER ; The day the Country Folks are
DONOVAN’ A iF always in town, will be a wonderful
shopping day at this big store for
Successor to Williamson & Foster & Cochran it's out of town patrons.
It’s going to be full of Thanks-
= 32-38 East King Stree . | giving day merchandise at less than
wae a Saturday chiler in town. He We Prr'Ybur Roun Trap CAR hme On ALL Purchases Or $10.2 8 S tL Lancaster, Penna wholesale prices. Don't fail to get
a ere ' of prigtoe of - On More. Ir You NoTHiNG. As FoR IT. i, See Friday Evening Lancaster Papers For Details here Wednesday.
or Difendetter, Frash Oy | 00000000000 VOLPRCOOCCOCROLOO 0O00000006T000000000000000000E
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Ln Losers gutoed to Gettys-| ‘kind in the world. Its width varies MARIETTA | Esbensheid and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
i we Tuesday ~ p from 60 to 100 feet and its length is| SMALLPOX AND DIPHTHERIA | Peters all of Marietta the latter ‘ ’ -
“Waverly” Prices
Miss Ada Grosh smployefd on the about 760 feet. The bed has a grade Tr _ Daniel G. Hoke Dies ina Hospital at|being the parents of Mrs. Greena-
of these di- Detroit, Mich jwalt. They were the recipients ofa |
elerical force of the Coneslfoga Trac 9 of from five to ten per cent. This | There is less dread : | : ) > s .
was a feature to which engineers in|seases now than formerly, because a : {number of handsome gifts. A fine | 76 Gasoline [73°- 76°] -20¢
Wem Co. Lancaster visite her par-
emiai home. planning the work gave the closest|everybody knows they can be pre Mr. and Mrs. Henry 8S. Rich were|dinner was served and the table was Special Gasoline[68°-70°]- | 8¢
Myriads of blackbirds [are return-| attention as it was their purpose to| vented, one by vaccination, the other married eleven years Thursday.| peautifully decorated. Motor Gosoline [63°-70°]-16
he ras : a i ] -=0°1-
from the northern Zines aviating | make the bed resemble that of a|with antitoxin, You can keep from Both are enjoying good health. Mr. | Do 5 > 3°-7 c
A Auto Gasoline [60°-62°] -{4e¢
senthward destined for / homes in a| grippe, bronchitis, Rich is the cashier of the First|
i Family Favorite Oil, 150° -9g¢
fe gummy oliwate. Yield to Lydia E. Pinkhan's'
A valuable mule diedi for Allen R.!
natural stream. having colds,
To break the force of the water in| pneumonia, catarrh, typhoid fever, National bank. .
the channel large rocks have been |rheumatism and other dangerous On Saturday the Town Improve- —— is >: 1 J ~
bble, of colic and Was removed to! Vegetable Compound. set in cement. Pools in which fish cold-weather ailments, if you put ment club will hold their first pro- Apparently Waiting fof a Signal Pittsburg LampOil, 12e
» Elizabethtown phosphate factory | ie 3 'may rest are provided at easy in-|your system into a proper healthy gressive card party, in their rooms From Big Fellows
or fertilizing purposss. | Oder Bags, Towa: ] was always tervals along the course of the cur-|condition to resist disease, in the old town hall building, the
In the near future a call for basket | tired and weak an bik I ™ rent. | Rexall Olive O0Qil Emulsion helps proceeds of which are to be used for
badl candidates will be issued. Our | ; a cramps so! The engineers of the power plant the body produce substances which the beautification of Centre Square.
affable Mayor anticipates to de-| 4.7 bad that I would are confident of the success of the prevent tLe growth of disease germs A progressive euchre will be held Aes , :
velop quite a fast aggregation. | gli. have to lie down, al- | fishway in serving the purpose for in the blood, thus putting the system on Tuesday evening in the basement 30d II they go Info the field, what
A. F. Shelly, executor of Rosanna} so a distressed feel- | which it was constructed. Fish Com- into a healthy condition to resist di- of St. Mary's church. The committee they afc going to pay.
Meashey, deceased, sold the 28 acre | id lower part of | ysssioner Buller shares in this con- sease. It will help you get Well and in charge of the affair promise to This has been about the state of | waypmy QL WORKS CO.
#act of land near town to Ephraim | / SE Mohs Wis, fidence, He regards the fishway as strong if you have any of the above eclipse all former events. There will affairs that has existed for several PITTSBURGH. PA
Baker of Mount; Joy for $1,775. | —% wil and I know I the most feasible ever provided for diseases, or other diseases. It is be many valuable prizes given and YES. They always Soeln fo Stat) : :
Harvey D. Wittle has embarked in| HT ~4 had organic inflam- 'the passage of migratory fish. (very good for children just at this refreshments will be served. | the buying and all the others follow.
Whe butchering’ business and is out| ||} Uses mation. In the spring of the year when the season of the year—to make them The regular meeting of the school y P to Wiis Um they SW 10 disposi:
daily among fhe farmers slaughter- fy “Lydia E. Pink-'water is high and migratory fish ar- healthy and strong to successfully board on Tuesday evening was at. ton fo Soin.
img heeves and porkers for winter. | ham’s Vegetable iio in the Susquehanna river, the resist cold weather ailments. tended by members Knipe, Frey,| Really for as large a business as is
Mr. and Mrs. John Brosey and| Compound and Blood Purifier have!q ; oo will present the appearance, There's direct benefit to you in Heilman and Mueller. Vice Presi. fobacco, it is a funny one and is a
@sughter Mfss Hilda of Harrisburg, helped me wonderfully. I don’t have| . "\ o ho0 "Gear The success every ingredient in Rexall Olive Oil dent Knipe presided. The minutes matter of watch and wait. Hvery
spent the lhtter part of the past! those hens any more 2) } i Bohl the mew course through the dam Emulsion. The four Hypophosphites of the last meeting were read and buyer is waiting to see what some
week with¢ his brother Walter and | how Whe es ra Dy Prien! will mean the revival of the fishing it contains are used by leading approved. Treasurer Rich was Other one does and jus soon as a
amily. / told others what they have done for industry north of McCall's Ferry as physicians everywhere in debility, present and read his report. Bills fow Crops ars sold they all sail in.
Mr. angi Mrs. Harrison Gibbleof me Mrs, CHAS. MCKINNON, 1013 N. | {millions of shad and herring should weakness and liability to disease, to amounting to $131.70 were ordered This being a short crop it will not
take long to buy it all and if Levy or
any other of the heavy buyers once
start and it is once known, there
Fairland /spent Saturday and Sunday 5th St. W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. ow be able to ascend the upper strengthen the nerves, Purest Olive paid. After other routine business
will be some
The buying of this year’s crop of
tobacco seems to depend largely on
what the big concerns purpose to do :
All refined products from
Pennsylvania Crude Oil
a& the fuests of his brother, Aaron! Women who are suffering from those | gy squehanna river as in former Oil, one of the most nutritious, most the board adjourned. |
R. Alleh R. and Clayton R. Gibble!' distressing ills peculiar to their oy before an obstruction was easily digested foods known, being Mr. and Mrs. John Goodling, |
i s Tpouis uot Jose SIgit of these 1959 S | pinusa in the stream. taken with the hypophosphites, gives residing in West Marietta, entertain- | 18
A pbaming band of gypsies squatt- Vegetable Sy to restore their | Seen |vich tissue nourishment through the ed Mr. Goodling’s Sunday school Farmers are
\ past few days at the usual ro I | blood to the entire system. /class of the Reformed church in a about i
yy V0 in Oakdale, but they left) = mpepe gre probably hundreds of thou- | Church } Notes You who are weak and run down very pleasant manner. There were Work on 1
Mojdey morning for their camping’ sands, perhaps millions of women in the [and you who are apparently well present Rev. and Mrs. E. Elmer away one of
ground on the Cornwall hills. United States who have been benefited | (now, but are liable to suffer from |Sensenig, Alvin Staley, Gardner they ever
The new barn of Amos R. Nissley by this famous old remedy, which was Trinity UE, Anhsuncements | vaio yus cold weather ailments, use Dunkle, I.evi Fuhrman, Lewis Baker, €an now
moar Florin; replacing the one one produced from. rook and herbs over 80} Sunday Schoo) HPN E Tu { Rexal Olive Emulsion to get and John Gochanauer and George Pinker- about ever
fesontly destroyed by fire, is ap- i A Pann Rev, ». oe _ preach |, op well and strong. For the tired- ton After some business was them good
mroaching completion and when such a medicine, why don’t you try it? 4 x il Temi at ah Lana» | 21 run down, nervous, emaciated or transacted refreshments were served I
fmishoq will, be vey orpamenia) In If you want special advice write to Jo tne CA : or on- | bilitated— the convalesci g—grow: in ihndance ? a oe EST :
design. It is large and commodious| yygij E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confl- and in the'eyening at 7 on S ling chiliren—aged people—it is a Word reached here announcing the and having the w} vinter before Bargain Day
and undoubtedly, one of the most dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will | ly Name.” The song and prayer | cible aid to renewed strength, death of Daniel G. Hoke in a hospital them to get it 1; marke
Imposing and substantial barn be spened, peal fad apswered Sra service at 6:45 will be in charge of | | better spirits, glowing health, xt Detroit, Michigan. Death resulted are not particularly anxious to take 5 Big Reels For 5c.
@icuctures in the northern tier of the WOM 3 4 “Mr. 8. F. Eshleman. The evangel | Rexall Olive Oil Emulson—king of from a complication of diseases after the time to talk to buyers.
eounty. Te =~ istic services will be. continued every .; ..lehrated Rexal Remedies—is a long illness. He was thirty-seven If our growers will go to the trou- CCO00O0O0O0CO0OV0000
| evening next week excepting Satur- tor freedom from sickness of you years of age, and was born in ble to look up the markets and see FRIDAY
Special During This Sale : RITE : day. land your family. Pleasant tasting, Wrightsville, York county, the oldest what tobacco is selling for in Connec-
We will give to our customers a The Fishway at McCall's to Be Big- TT {containing no alcohol or dangerous son of Daniel and Fannie Hoke. ticut and Wisconsin and more espe- 5 One Dollar Bills 5
weautiful $2.50 rug, size 2%x5 feet; | gest on the Earth : U. B. Church Notes: {drugs, you'll be as enthusiastic about About twenty years ago he left this cially the latter State, they will be
for only 99c each with a cash pur-| Ti ini | Dr. C. 1 B. Brane, who was noth as we are when you have noted its section. He was a member of the greatly benefited. It has only been Given Awav Free
ehase of $2.00 or over. No customer, York, Nov. 17—The great fishway able to be here on Sunday, Will} strenghening, invigorating, building-| Catholic church. His parents are a few years since the Wisconsin was y
will be entitled to more than two Of the McCall's Ferry dam, which preach in the U. B. Church this ev- |, gigease preventing effects. If it dead and he is survived by three one of the lowest priced tobaccos on Save The Coupons
rugs. If you wish to secure one of | has been constructed at a cost of ening nT :30 in the Auditorium. The | oes not help you, your money will sisters as follows: Miss Jane, of the market. Now it is selling at
these handsome rugs for less than| $60,000, has been inspected by a public is invited to be present as Dr. he oiven back to you with-out argu-| Philadelphia; Miss Theresa of from 14 to 17 cents in the bundle.
$2.50 you will have to get them during) {party consisting of State Fish Com- Brane is well worth hearing. (ment. Sold in this community only Wrightsville, and Miss Katharine of, The reason for this is that they 2 SE
shis sale. See display in our windows, missioner N. R. Buller, members of Sunday morning preaching servic-iat our store—The Rexall Store—one Marietta. The body will be brought have taken a great deal of interest in a =
1. D. Beneman. (his office staff, the consulting es at 10:15; Sunday school at 9 a./of more than 7.000 leading drug east for burial at Wrightsville, growing a better quality nf tobacco W. M. HOLLOWBUSH
—— a = |engineer and superintendent of the m.; Junior C. E. at 5 p. m.; Senior stores in the United States, Canada| The following persons on Sunday and one that is suitable to the trade NOTARY PUBLIO
(McCall's Ferry power plant and C. E. at 6 p. m. and Great Britain—Garber's Drug helped Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Green| and for which there is a demand. Attorney-At-Law
In Prosperous Manheim | Assemblyman Robert S. Spangler, of At 7 p. m., the Woman’s Mission-| Store, Mount Joy, Pa. 'awalt residing in Walnut street, to And they are doing this on land, ¢8 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa
The Bisenlo}" cigar factory at Man- | york, author of the house resolu- ary Society will observe Woman's celebrate their twenty-first wedding that is mot worth mearly one-half as Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri-
PO eee
helm pays out “weekly in wages about, tion which made compulsory the
and thir respective families.
semmmt———c Atenas SHAD WILL CLIMB IT
Day, when Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mus- janniversary. Mrs. Greenawalt before much as the lands of this county. day at No. 62 North Duke Street
$8000; the Bonc Machinery Co. Pays work of construction. selman, returned missionaries from Peck Property Sola {marriage was Miss Maria Peters and | ini Mi ——rttp
about $1100; the United Asbestos Co. The magnitude of the new fishway Africa, will be the speakers. A spe- The home of the late Christian | at the family gathering three genera- | ; }
Peck, situated on the Marietta and tions were represented. They were| 10ere is a growing suspicion that
about $1800; tie Hershey ‘ Foundry | jon is on the York county side, its cial program will be réndered. . : FRENCH FEMALE
shirt factory mre A Ares ree Maytown: turnpike, which was offered | Mrs. Philip Krampel, Miss Mary | While Huerta supplies the obstinacy EAN PILL Ss:
° -
Co. about $110; the | Ingenious construction and its com-
) and the kn’ting willl about $250. pleteness impressed Fish Commis- Rumor seems to be very well in-|{at public sale by the administrators | Krampel, Miss Ella Shaub, Mrs. Bd. me one else is furnishing Lo A Sark, Cxararv REumy for Surrrmssan MENSTROATION.
nole nal R-vayroll is about! ,.. Buller and the other members formed as to what is not going to|through Auctioneer McElroy, was wards, Miss Dollie Metzger and scheme and the money to finance it.| | NEVER TO FAIL. Sete: Sure! Speedy! Satis.
of the party, who were enthusiastic happen in Mexico. withdrawn at $1,450. en Bex, Will send them on triad, te bo J
The sale of james Peters, Lancaster; Abraham ! ey 'y
J —— in praise of the engineering skill dis- rt Mn, the personal property was a success Gramm, Columbia; Miss Catharine] Cipriano Castro has wie yy ya Sox TA LANCASTER
only live up played in the work. In size the fish-' Just to start it off. Do your Christ-{and some good prices realized, es Kiehl, Miss Laura Rapp, Miss Ber-|disappeared in Venezuela. They must
itfes! | way Is said to be the largest of its mas shopping early! pecially for antiques. 'tha Elder, John Caskey, Miss Nora have made him vice-President. |
Sofdia M0: Joy by-E I . Garber
and Chandler & Ce.