BE TWO THE BULLETIN | MOUNT Joy, ra J. E SCHROLL, Editor SUBSCRIPTION PRICK Six Months Months & Prop'r $1 A YEAR 50 Cents Three 25 Cents Single Coples Cents Sample Copies FREE \ the od at Joy as si All cor GOI muni later t} of mj ance tL 12 Bek Tor adve tivel) Monda lmserted C alght cation Mount mall matter must have ations this oflice Monday lel that time and Chan posi Post ollice at ond-class siondent: their reach not phone news tween noon Wednesday srtisements must office not later than New advertisements reaches us Tuesday on appl D 'h Advertising rates EDITORIALS to propose > Colonel’ sof to see ny hang around while there so doing * # in * is any money * if Gov a has come when of Mass. calls everybody hangs Eugene Tits Foss up cal party, Sharks who )00 in four years give their views iarge fiuently a plant such here, The on e cost of Vv be required first i borough Just two-year contract and if there is anything to be done, is time to begin. ihe uuu CHARGED WITH LARCENY OF NOTE De asc recently entered into a now the C. H. A. Dissinger Wrightsville By Constable Lollar C. H. A. Dissinger, of gasoline engines, Friday at his home in was arrested on Wrightsville, by Constable Lollar on a charge of] larceny of a note, amounting to $1,740 Schultz, a| preferred by Charles S. member of the firm of H. M. Schultz & Son of Hosenback, Lehigh county, and bail has been entered for a hearing before Alderman Doebler. The allegation is that Schultz Son bought a gasoline the accused and issued a payment for it. When note woulf” have to be issued and it was, Bs, It is alleged that the accused; not destroy the original note] the new note was issued, but) HersMey spent the latter part of last pght it to Lancaster and had it ed “The case will be heard | r ‘Noebler. rf up should € Was Arrested at = a manufacturer &! engine from. note in| was | near due the accused notified Schultz] & Son to the effect that a new note gee eledleddedd 0 Qreealeadeee deeded ot et * ole 3, 0 ot Yr >4 > » > * » oJeeled + & LJ » 4 2003 oS 984 04704) ve Xa X yyright Hart Schaffner & Marx v THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. te ede ede ide ele deadedeae ae tefealeale ale fe ideale ides wade sfeideadeidofe doi doidr foo fo dodo dradededds ede sd *, 0, », One Wo Rubbers a The best on the mar B. F. Goodrid One Buckle Ar Four Buckle Ard oge+7 ere ie eles °» sole elo e0 elo 004% Yo ele XTX 4.04 o¥% + year, we gi oe ~ 26 670430000 +o ee oF * ot % 4, Po *% Po % LRN 0% Y% 2 > * & 9, ® 4 ®, ¢ because this confidence If the mak ®, spec Pu 0. 0, SX a Xe & & 4.64 4 ¢ o® %! & J vv 9 + *s *% Po % 9. & - 5 » 2g oO 0 8580 49! town. > ®, * oO 6 0 0? 7% 9% 0%, 9, + PRR) he? Ya 9, * * Getz Bros. 9, 9. + 9. * RR 44004 9. 0 XaXs (a \/ * & » * © Seeeddeddodied oe’ Yo * + wane ERISMAN’'S CHURCH mber of from this led In- people the Teachers’ 1st week. an Bucher are Philadelphia, relatives. ead farm week to homes last Landisy and Mr. Satur- Brook, I. Brubaker zler spent Sunda Stony County. Henry and Saturday Lebanon eSSTs Walter Stauf- pent part of Mt. Zion their County, Flinch- at uncle Kerwin Metzler, and Isaac Brubaker the’ Mennonite services near Mt. Zion, Lebanon county on Monday evening. They made the trip by auto. Mr. Jacob Newcomer from Salunga conveyed Elias Erb Messrs rh, A: B attended them there. ee etl eee JOINT SCHOOL Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Hershey Sunday at Yohn, York county. Chester Heisey of Elizabethtown spent Friday visiting Howard Garber of this place. Mrs. Samuel Wormley and daugh- [ter Gertrude spent Wednesday after- noon with Mrs. Wm. Rhea, Mrs. Henry Zeiger and daughter Alice spent Thursday with Mrs. Jacob Horst of Pleasant Hill. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Strickler and family visited Jacob Habecker and family of Landisville, on Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Crolley of Columbia '!and Mrs. Ed. Swarmer and son John of Punxetawny, visited Henry W. | Zeiger and wife last week. Miss Alverda Mae and Elizabeth spent week visiting their grandmother, Mrs. | Joseph Helsey of Elizabethtown. -atefully sa ers, one of this one suit, from the buying detail, you would have to pay and such character of style veleedeleddodededdededs and Sun- Albert H. Church or Thiankegiving spirit is in the air and we say THANK YOU We are also thankful Styleplus Clothes ee “rod DOV tl ecial suit i] . tne large Styleplus is always one price and always the BEST BUY. There is a fine showing of the clothes in our window---Many more in our store. that we ~ § “ho st in the business, did not conc of the woolens to the most trivial manufacturing at least $25 for such fabrics, such’ ‘workmanship we can sell you $17 really do appreciate the public's For the public's generous patronage during the past thank you. entrate upon Sr —— This is the only Styleplus store in Getz Bros. Unique Suits and Overcoats $7.50 to $16.50. Getz Bros. Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes $18.00 to $25.00. Getz Bros. Guaranteed Dress Shoes $2.00 to $4.50. Guaranteed Work Shoes $1.65 to $4.00. TTR EERE TTT RTT ERT GETZ Mount Joy Hall Building. $9 Os + oo 2 9% v * 9 . EE ——— Saachs attended the ity Teachers’ embled and helped of corn. d them Thursday 11 in a lot treate ED nes SPEAKING CLOCK Invention of a French Genius has ntry clock maker lock for the the hours gong. it re- ubstituted striking 1 in a loud voice. the idea during a journey where he heard the sereno, night watchman calling the hours’ street. it is proposed to extend the idea fixing public clocks with large! phonographs, which after announc- hour, would repeat in sten- torian tones some appropriate pro verb or wise saying. For example,! early in the morning the clock would, announce, “Six o'clock. Fortune be-| longs to the early riser.” At noon, “Eat to live, not live to eat. Remem- ber that alcohol is a slow poison which leads to sickness, madness and an early grave.” The clock phono-| graph could be used also in making important official announcements. rt Gp pre n Spain, in the by ing the Injured at Billmyer Melesovick aged was taken to the Melia eighteen years, myer, jured in the Baker Company, by a on the limb. Blood poisoning de- veloped and Friday afternoon it was necessary to amputate the ‘above the knee in an attempt to stay the ravages of the disease. og 20-0704 Foote eo? % sredealedde (ing in which a phono- The in-! Columbia’ Hospital three weeks ago from Bill-| where he had his left leg in- quarry of the J. E.| stone falling’ limb | Fe a BR a OS. Mount Joy, Penna. + ee BAINBRIDGE Gunners Secure More Game Than For Many Years spent a few Lancaster. Miss Miriam Smith her cousin, at Mary Jacobs of York is visit- and Mrs. George Jacobs. Erna Breneman of Harris- spent a few days at her home ays with Miss ing Mr. Miss burg here. visit. Miss is Herchelroth guest of Emma York, Esther Spangler. Prof. and Mrs. i Mrs. Fry’s mother, berger at Marietta. Miss Marion Wanbaugh, of Steel- {ton is the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Kuntzelman. Mrs. George Welcomer and son of |Middletown, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. William Hill and son {were guests of the mother of Mrs. (Hill at Middletown for several days. The gunners in this section secured [the most game of any season for !many years, both rabbits and birds. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Bachman are {spending a week at Philadelphia as iguests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bach- Iman. Joseph H. Nissley, who suffered a |heavy loss by the severe hail and rain storm last summer by having a number of his buildings demolished, {has them rebuilt in the latest styles, | land work will be finished on them next week. tl AQ ee Miss at ag the visited Fry- I. Oliver Fry Mrs. Mary Big Barn Destroyed Early Thursday morning the bot- tom dropped out of a lantern, set fire to the straw and completely, {destroyed the large barn on the farm of the late Tobias Landis at| Millersville. All the crops including, 1,500 bushels of corn, were burned. | The Joss is about $7,000. { | | | i | | | oo Sree de delododedelododdodfendefadefoddedd Oy ot, 0 Aa RNa @, 0, &. 0 GO TO W.B.BENDER East Main St,, Mount Joy, Pa FOR A GOOD SHAVE ~TYLISH HAIR-CUT REFRESHING SHAMPOO or anything in the Barber Line TAKE A KODAK IXEXIXTRD AAR ® HOT il McGINNIS The undersigned having remodel ed the old Mooney Hotel, adding | number of sleeping rooms, bath, etc. |is now prepared io entertain trans {lent and regular guests RESTAURANT TURTLE SOUP, Etc. Etc. Private dining room for ladies in connection with hotel where he | will serve in season. OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style | | | TF. WW. MoGrinnis. PROPRIETOR | Krall Meat Market § % WITH YOU Let pictures tell the story of the motor trip. The Kodak way is the sure way, the simple way, the com- ' venient way. Kodak goods have a reputation for quality and so have we. That's why 'we carry only the genuine Eastmaa { product. No chance for substituting. KODAKS $5.00 AND UPWARD BROWNIES $1.00 TO $12.00 HEADQUARTERS FOR KODAK SUPPLIES AZo for Standard Steam i Laundry Earn $50-$756 weekly selling guaranteed Underwear, Hosiery and Sweaters for largest mfr, in Ametica Est. 30 years. Complete outfit FREE. Wri MADISON MILLS, Dept. W, 486 Broadway, NewY orkGity. I always have on hand anything in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Bte. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and Mutton. Prices always right. H H. KRALL West Main Street, Opp. Bank, MOUNT JOY, PA. Bell Telephone. LECLLEPLLLIPIOPOY ® We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water ICE IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy. Penna. 000964 z L900 00609 0000900000000 - : Hi 9, oodeod TK feed bo-o3 Frode dredecdedde OO. 9 9, Ua¥ 9% a de ededdedds aS Seeded Huskers Lotion Heels sore hands and pre- SOOO vents cracking of the skin, A ¢ splendid preparation for apply- DOD ing after shaving, Ladies will find it a delight—Price 300005000000000000000000GB00G0060000I00B00GE00 25¢ large bottle. For Tetter Itch, Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum, Ringworm, ete., use Ann D. Atkinson’s. TETTER OINTMENT Physickns recommend it. Price 25¢ a jar at Brug CHANDLERS soe W. Main St., Mt. Joy Pa. Goods Mailed on Receipt of 25¢. Sunday, Hours 8 to 9 & 5 to 6-45 HOO000OOO0000O0O00O00S NJ Our Home Mark Butter per 1b. ....... Eggs per doz. ...... Land, per 1h. Potatoes, pds Whea Corn, bu. i, 3 Oats, POOSOOGOOOCCO0000S )
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