PAGE SIX SEER THE FINEST DISPLAY OF Leather Goods OUR WINDOWS AT PRESENT EVER SEEN IN LANCASTER IN Grips Trunks OF ALL SIZES, SHAPES STYLES AND PRICES. WHEN NO OTHER STORES HAVE IT—-WE HAVE Edward Kreckel Harness and Leather Goods Stor 30 PENN. SQUARE LANCASTER, PA, Tou-R-TsF Trunks at Half Price. Great Bar- gains. On The Square. AM €uss BM ZEL LER |S PWAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE E. Main St., Mount Joy = Z| g g - —-— g g g - “= 5 - E g 2 z g E g i z - E g E £ g 2 E : E g 5 g Dy DOLE ELIOT ELLER ROTTS TOES S OED ET SPST ETRE SEES rTTTTSS Calling and Clerking of , Public Sales Settlement of Estates. Collection of Reénts. Surveying and Conveyancing. For a Good Clean Shave Or a Classy Hair Cut f Stop at - WILLIAMS DNSORIAL PARLORS Main St. Mount Joy For Middletown Laundry § TRADE-! MARKS il capy Tights obtained or no fee. Send mod photos and brief description, f: and re 0h on patentability. Send 2-cent stamp for NEW BOOKLET, font ot patent information. It will help you to fo TAD PACES 11 and 12 before applying § for a patent. Write to-day. (0. SWIFT & C0. PATENT LAWYERS, 303 Sevesth Bt. a, D.C. DOR, THEEL &DR. w. 1. THEEL 719 Spring Garden St., (formerly 585 3 Phila., Pa.) Ein Deutscher Artz, Only German Speelalist. The German Treatment, the only Guaranteed Cure for Specific Blood Poison, others can’t Care, all use Mercury & Arsenic, worse than isease itself, it’s 8 curse of humanity. AH es, Excesses, both sex, Abnses, Weak mumsos. Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Drains, Atrophy, Ben, Losses, Varicocele, Hydrozele, Rupture & Stricture, =e ouiting, Kidoey, Bladder, 46 yrs. practice & 6 yrs. Hospe fu Germany. Book Free, tells all, exposing Museums, Ry & Country 4 ivertising Frauds. Hrs. 9-4,6-9 3 Sun. 9-2 Shaving Joseph B. Hershev Tonsorial Parlor Three Chairs. No Waiting Agen for the Middletown Steam Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday and delivered Friday. Sast Main St, MOUNT JOY Terms Moderate. Bell Telephone CHARLES S. FRANK AUCTIONEER MOUNT JOY, PA Sales © Property Prompt Attention given to Real Hstate and Personal %* % x ££ x F 2 FF $2 FE XS 2 FE 2 EX r * RUDY’'S PILE SUPPOSITORIES * * WILL CURE YOU : * Don't permit your druggist to * * sell substitute. Other * * remedies are not as Rudy's * - - * cures or money back. 2 * % FX FF FX Kk XS ERS EEE ES you a good. Steam Vulcanizing By Experienced Hands SPEED VALCANIZING COMPARY NORTH WEST CORNER ORANGE AND PRINCE STREETS Lancaster, Pa. All Work Guaranteed. Quick service By sending your work to us you will notice the difference in mileage and decreased maintenance cost, Repairing of all kinds done on Inner Tubes and Casings at reason- able prices. ar American Plan Rates Moderate Exchange Hotel Mount Joy, Pa. | J. M. Backenstoe, Pro Has just beep remodeled {nruout Has all moder. convenienzes suc! as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Stearn Heat, Electric Light, Ete Table is Supplied With the Best the Market Affords. Also Lhuneh Counter Where Soups, Checse Tripe, Ete,, Etc, are served Fine Oysters In Every Style BAR IS STOCKED WITH THR BEST BRANDS | Sandwiches, flood Stabling Accomodation | Local and Lo Distance Phones AI = On Gold Filled Fancy Engraved - | Hunting Case | , Guaranteed For Twenty . Years FFT I ATTA IT TTITITYT TY TTY Hair Cutting | '= Jeweler, Engraver |= Watch and Glock : Repairer . Near Bowmans Store MT. JOY PENNA. A COURT PROCLAMATION Whereas, Honorable Chas. I. Lan- dis, President and Hon. Aaron B. Has sler, Associate, Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the Coun ty of Lancaster, and Assistant Justi- ces of the Courts of Oyer and Termi- ner, and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Lancaster, have is- { sued their precept. to me directed | requiring me, among other things | to make public proclamation thru- | out my bailiwick, that a Court of Oy er and Terminer and a General Jail Delivery, also a Court of the Genera! Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court House in the City of Lancas ter, in the Commonwealth of Pern | sylvania, ON THE THIRD MONDAY IN NO VEMBER (the 17th), 1913, In pursuance of which precept Pub- lic Notice is hereby given to the May- or and Alderman of the City of Lan caster, Justices of the Peace, and Constables of said City and Coun: ty of Lancaster, that they and there in their own proper sons with ‘4eir rolls, records and ex aminations, and inquisitions, ana their other rememberances, to do those things which to their offices appertain in their behalf to be done and also those who will prosecute ageinst the prisoners who are or then shall be, in the jail of the said county of Lancaster, are to be thep and there to prosecu.2 against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster, Pa, day of October A. D. 1913. MILTON EBY, Sheriff the 13th fies the hair HAIR REALSAM Subscribe ior the Mt Joy Bulletin Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulltein. Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. * Ze Zeoloctecte stocks stocks BETTI | Miller's JeweleryStore Watches, ALSO goods Such As ELECTRIC IRONS, H LIGHTS, BATTERIES. Etc. Electrical 3 Re PY Cl a Clocks and Jewelery Eyes Tested and All Kinds of Bo sToete adele cleats b. 2. TEETBTPVPT GLASSES FITTED East Main St. MOUNT JOY, JPA. TEEPE TereT OF BEER, WINES, LIQDORS & CIGARS | aS | diseased matter = | Well, | you bottle up in the system a lot of | diseased matter a! 5 | W y avoid and g | stately dance, but it = | wash, in the said county, and all the | the Coroner | be then | per- | = HOME HEALTH CLUB David H, Reeder, Chicago, II Health It by college in Appendicitis, By Dr, and has been Play given medical much famous country, that which is the most this of with frequently come In contact esult we »o the direct r tal condition worry, is the immediate cause Now, Medical University does not give out as this until] it has | made thorough and exhaustive in- | vestigation, It must know whereof it speaks, There are always people | who will promptly declare thelr dis- | belief in such statements and cite | as proof some laughing young girl or | boy who come near dying before the { appendix was removed. | Looked at from all sides, however, [ that proves nothing. A laughing face may hide a grieving heart. I have heard many people say that | they laugh the loudest when they feel the most like crying. A merry | heart doeth good like a medicine, is one of the Biblical proverbs which has been proven true as many times it has been tried. I think there are few things in this world that cause more suffering then stop the revenue of half the doctors. There are many thousands of grouchy old sobersides who go to men- fear, of a downcast Daspondency, grouch so to speak, predisposing John Hopkins anger, a or the great ! such Information _ | church regularly and think they are pious, because they are solemn, when as a matter of fact they would serve God more truly if they would dance | the tango for a couple of hours at [least three times a week. Not that {I would have | church, not by any manner of means, but get a merry heart. them stop going to : Let a laugh break right out loud, even if it cracks the skin on that sour old face. A hearty laugh that comes from a merry heart is more quickly con- tagious than the measles, Some say that the measles eliminate a lot of from the system. if you suppress the measles that ought to be eliminated, but a person is not bene- fitted by the measles and should prevent the disease al- | ways. H Speaking about dancing the tango. = | You can hold up your hands in holy but I approve of beautiful and exercises near- ‘ly every muscle in the body and does it with the beautiful rythm of in- spiring and mirth provoking exhilar- ating music. I have five sons and a grandson and I want every one of them to dance the tango. There is'nt a step in it that I cannot take and if all the Granddads in the country would like to keep young like I do, hen let them limber up with some- thing in the form of an all around ex- ercise that employs the play impulse. One physical culturist has told us that a woman can get no better all around physical than to iron, sweep and wipe the dust the pictures on the wall. Person- I never could make play or get mirth provoking pleasure out of kind of exercise and I don’t be- there is a human being living more satisfaction out of day duties than I can. After however. I want Make the best especially of in every- {horror if you will, it. It's not ‘only a exercise off ally | any that lieve that j every | the to rest, can get duties are done, and I do rest. | and most of everything, | | yourself. There's good | thing, hunt for it, find it, rejoice and Fe glad express your gladness with music and dancing, not only smile but laugh. ee Eee ords‘ 7{ a probation officer . of German descent, grad. uated fre grammar school. Parents anpactable, and thrifty, Ger- mans. Gi wanted to go to work. Parents «~nuld not allow this, as they did not wages and thought she sho 4 tar _ f home and help about the house. Girl became unmanage- able, and stayed out several nights, | whereupon her parents hrought her into cov~t as incorrigibl2. The proba- tion officer that the girl be al- i lowed to go The parents the gir: four t | | { Work Wa: Remed'an, 2 { cant: “M. .. | | neat her urged to work. agreed, tion, and partment score, gave no trouble.” was I worl de GE Recover Stolen Tombstone, A stolen tombstone was unearthed furing excavations following a recent | fire in a shop in Girvan (Ayr). The | workmen dug out a tombetone in an | excellent state of preservatior bhear- | Ing the following inscription: “By An- thony Campbell, Saddler, in Memory | of His Daughter, Jean. Died July 1st, 1826, Aged 18 Years and Six Months.” It is believed that the stone was stolen from the old Girvan churchyard and | | converted into a hearthstone, a guite common occurrence in the early days i of Mail Famous Kisses. The 1rst recorded kiss was the {reacherous cnc given by Jacob to his father Isaac, when the former was masquerading as Esau. It is the first {In a series of deceitful kisses record- | ed in history. There is a famous kiss | in the “Beggar’s Opera.” It was given | by Macheath to Jenny Diver, and the | unpleasant effect which it produced on him may be judged from the sar- ' castic remark, “One may know by | your kiss that your gin is excellent.” , Petruchio gave his bride a kiss of | enormous caliber. We are told that he “kist her lips with such a clam- | orous smack that at the parting all ; the church echoed.”’ jin be fo} t. Joy Bulletin serif e Bulletin. | some climbers with the help of a long The followin report from the ¢ec- | is signifi- | the nineteenth century —London | MOUNT JOY, FULLETIN The Week in Gran Compiled for the Mount Joy Bulle tin at Mount Joy, Pa, by Wm, L. Rear & Pennsy.vania Building, Philadelphia, Pa, by D. B. Lehman Woolwort!? Rullding, lan Phila, Pa., Nov, 12, 1913 market was under Co. manager, The wheat heavy pressure around midweek, 8 decline of from the high bearish nearly 3 cents forced as a result activity, An of 1,600,000 bushels recent being of increase In visible supply sald conflicting the the could not be to have had much from news news bullish but offset influence Argentine from India. An estimate on the Canadian crop placed the figures at 8,000,000 bushels more than last year and this was later confirmed by the Government estimate. Broadstreet reported clear: ances of 7,800,000 bushels but re- ceipts at interior points have again shown a disposition to increase, particularly at Winnipeg. December wheat sold below 84 cents about mil- week but a rally of 1% cents oc- curred later, The short interest was decidedly nervous, probably because the Argentine scare season is now here and it was thought advisable to be on the safe side. The conditions for the new crop in our country have been exceptionally good and it is con- ceded that we will have an {ncrease in acreage, Ome western publication placed the increase in area at 11 per cent. with a total acreage at the record breaking figure of 36,000,000. Armour and Co. estimated farm re- serves of winter wheat at 179,000,000 bushels and of spring wheat at 75, 000,000 bushels but most local pro- fessionals believe that this is some. what high. | Corn showed great activity at a lower level. Diquidation on Decem- ber was particularly trying to those who have been looking for a bullish Government report but as a matter of fact it seemed that sentiment in this regard had undergone a change during the week, estimates of 2,350, 000,000 to 2,400,000,000 being general, Snow placed his figures on abandoned acreage at 4,833,000 and was inclined to believe that the report would not be as bullish as he thought several weeks ago. On the other hands the amount of corn in farmers hands is thought to be not more than 135,000, 000 bushels whereas a great deal more than this was estimated a short time ago. Poor husking returns from Iowa, Illinois and Missouri forced rallies at times and an analysis of Argentine corn samples by a Peoria export showed that it would have to be bought 10 to 12 cents cheaper than our stuff to be available for use in distilling. Cash markets have been showing good tone and a rally on Fri- day carried futures well above the low figures made earlier in the week. Kansas reports heavy feeding throughout the state as the heavy snow storms and low temperatures resulted in unusual demands for so in the season. Beeleslesleslectostortesteatertotetetotede dh BB 2 8 5 5 5 0 8 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 TEA TATATTTITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTITTDTDT™TN J J J a a Jb a a 2 a a a early no — The Hager Store-Lancaster, Pa.-Th¢ Give A Piano or Play To The Family This G HAT is Christmas without music? And what home necessities as that of a piano? No gift cz the spirit of Christmas, nor can any other bring great member of the family. For the home which boasts a pianoist we have colle lineage--instruments upon which the world’s great artists 4 If the family lacks a pianist, you should buy a Piang dred odd makes we have selected this one which we belei is a combination of pianos of great durability and musicia simple, easy-to-play and internationally famous player mech artistic. All are dollar-for-dollar, the greatest values the world’ A Pianola For Every Heppe Th Board Pi Sup The three-sounding ented in every coun Heppe Pianos—owned J. Heppe & Son, of Pi There is a pianola for every home—Pian- olas range from the magnificent Steinway Grand, which satisfies the tastes and re- quirements of the most exacting master musicians, at $2100, to the beautiful Stroud Upright at $550. The Stroud Is The Most Moderate Priced Pianola But it is not, by any means, moderate in quality. Its beauty in tone, responsiveness of action, its perfection in every feature, has won the praise and endorsement of not- able musicians. This remarkable tional sounding board a inches, greatly enlarging] creasing the tome quali that of a grade piano, Heppe Pianos come in cellus $315; Edouard In the Stroud, as in other Pianolas, you h I y Heppe & Son, $365 upwa will find many features that afford interpre- tation with masterly effect, not to be found in any other player piano at any price. Complete Lis trolas And C Now Re If the “gift” is to be a \ ola, select your style of i we will make delivery at a hold until Christmas, The six great Pianola Pianos are the Steinway, Weber, Steck, Wheelock, Stuy- vesant and Stroud. Priced at $550 to $2100 Francesca-Heppe Player-Pianos are $450. Parcel Post Special Women’s Knit Wool Underskirt at $1— draw string at waist; close with patent fasteners in back; crocheted edge; white, light blue, drab and black. Delivered free by Parcel Post. With either, you have a the best opera, by the wor all the famous bands; all tH patriotic airs; dance music; music you may desire te®i You can secure a Victrol or a Grafonola at $25. or yd estéd in the $100 to $200 st wood effects. popular RELICS OF THE BRONZE AGE * Remarkable Find of Prehistorio Weapons and Ornaments Made in Karst Mountains. prehistoric has been A remarkable find of weapons and ornaments made in, a cavern at St. Kanzion, in the Karst mountains, not far {rom Abbazia. The cavern, which is known as the “Cave of Flies,” from the num- ber of insects which, apparently breed- ing there, issue forth at certain times of the year, is a subterranean cham- ber with a perpendicular depth of one hurdred and fifty feet, the only entranc to wh; h is by a hole in the roof. It was recently explored by rope ladder. A Roman helmet, dating from the beginning of the Christian era, which the owner had apparently dropped down the hole, was first found. Encouraged by this the im- perial museum sent men to dig into the earth and stones which have fal- | len from ‘he roof and sides and form the floor : f the cavern, and at a depth of three rcet they discovered over a thousand siiticles of bronze, including two hundred lance heads, a number of | sword axes, cle ana vessels, The last ~~aed had al been burned through by fire. The date of the arti- cles is estimated at about 1000 B. C. Since iv appears impossible that men in the bronze age should have lived at the bottom of such a deep and inac- | cessible ~avern archaeologists believe the weanaons and vessels must have been thrown down the hole as a sacri | fice to s- me subteranean deity.—Vien- na Corre<ponder ce London Standard. Smal! Consolation. i In Dunoon (Scotland) the other af- ternoon one of the municipal em- | ployes had a free bath. He is a veter- an who drives the cart for watering | the roads. While filling the tank of | the vehicle the long hosepipe came off | the tap, with the result that the wa- ter rushed high into the air as if it were anxiov~ to do the aeroplane act. | ‘ There was r- way to get the water ! | turned off except to go straight into the middl€ of it. The waterman had | many trials before he managed to | | throttle the impromptu fountain. And when he had made it tap the mat, and { came out soaked to the skin, he was | not cheered up by the remark of a | witness of the Homeric contest, who | said—“Ach, Donal, never mind; itll | Do dae ye ony herm; it’s saut watap.™ Simple Remedy for Burns. : Common whiting, mixed with water | to the consistency of a thick cream | | spread on linen, forms an excellent lo- cal application to burns amd scalds. The whole burnt surface should be | i covered, thus excluding the action of the air. The ease it affords is instan- |. taneous, and it requires to | | tept Jo ional sp Balin y |) (OWNERS of Haynes cars feel pride in the fact that witnesses the twentieth anniversary of the Ha Haynes purchasers find a certainty of service in that Mr. Haynes, in 1§93, built what has long been officially edged America’s first automobile. In the twenty years elapsed he and the splendid, skilled, sincere organizati has grown up around him have built thousands of aut which, by as many purchasers, have been acclaimed splen The three Haynes models for 1913 have all the qua efficient design, honest materials and careful workmansl] have made Haynes cars famous for service, and they ha up-to-the-minute feature that’s worth while. Model 24, four cylinders, 5 passenger, $1785. Model 22, four cylinders, 7 body styles, $2250 to $3500. Model 23, Haynes ‘‘Six,’’ 5 passenger touring body, $2500. All models electrically lighted and started by Left side drive, center control. Regular equipment complete. Leece-Neville separate unit system. Model 24, five-pa touring car, pa equipped, $1785.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers