THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA Wodne | RHEEMS SOOPROEBCVOOO POO 0000000 VOe P. BR. Landis dalryman loaded a number of cars with choice hay fora / : Philadelphia merchant Jame Nauman the Mt Gretna Horticulturist pent asl Mogday Mi wd Mi D N tut down 10728 made Fr You'll Need a New Overcoa and Mrs, Reuben Kauffman of Petersburg Dent last Tuesday Wednesda itl Mr. and Mrs wn | It Ought to Gome F rom her residing near Green What more Can wi d« y tO CON 1 ce vou that vou positively ‘res rel purchased a carload of y 1 find perfect health and relief from vow suffering by : } \ ancaster tock vards last | Co 0 & \ X / 7 If E, Pinkham Vegetable Compound? All the . : r 0 ing L ydia | one of the oldest | | 170 1 1c} 1 \ Ww yl d knows of the wondertul cures which have been made oid in this section has [.vdia E. P Fim Vegetable ( Compound, yet so me wo- A turned to the Rheems ware: | : p : > 1 " work If suffering women could be nm: ade to believe that cs ot Blisabetbtows. who and old medicine will d | that is claimed for it a tay er IMPLY b hard d Doll i this gre An 1 a 1 CAI e will do al that 1 i ’ urchased the 8S. G. Graybill double | BE ecause every ard-earne ollar you spend ought to bring you 10w quickly their suffering would 8 Bas 8 force afl puale: apply- | 8 the biggest dollar’s worth you can get. YOU OWE IT TO YOUR v have published in the news ws of the United St: ng a coat of paint that harmonizes | Bi We have published in the newspapers of the to the surroundings | to get the very best value in an Overcoat that your e EN y money can buy—we don’ e testimo J letters than have ever | whether you pay $8. 50 for it or if you gb as high as $28, more genuin Mi > | , : , '. Hiram Kaylor and 8S. S. Shear! lished In the interest « any other medic MC VO two prominent ministers of the the world — and every year we publish many ne timo- church of the Brethren spent several | 3 1 +rue ol n Yorl wa 1 , | nials, all genuine and true. ( 1 York county, where they 3 Read What These Women Say! qd wosvir | Bluffton, Ohio. — “I wish to | ¢ what your remedies have ighter Glad nd son Henry thank you for the good I derived Se Ie 30 T ne ona Win- ) from Lydia E. Pinkham’s v geta- | GATE, X Bluffton, Ohio. ble Compound sometime ago. I suffered each month such agony : that I could scarcely endure, and | I was very weak and the doctor far in 1913 after aking ui ree bottles of Lydia I I had a serious displacement. %. 'S Booth first trick operator K.| E. Pmkham’s Vegetable Com- had bgckache and bearing down U. town returned to duty Tuesday | ound I was e ntirely cured. aim vad that I could not sit or Yo across the floor And for that reason—BECAUSE YOU OWE IT YOURSELF—the ove you're going to buy ought to come from this, the Largest Men’s en’s Clothing Si Std Sar src ——— Cra’) eries of evening meet- on -« Lancaster County. 2 several days last week at Red Lion, York Co, thriving borough, W& For there’s not a Store in all this section that matches our Overc priced from $8.50 to $28 under from $10 to $35 respectively HEN think of the incomparable selection in Overcoats you get here! Think of ao — 5,000 Square Feet devoted to Men's Clothing weater via LS alone, and a large part of that just now in rack Mi “A year ago where sixty houses were erected this ifter being absent four days “Then I had an attack of organi : i ! inflammation and took Lydia E 1s in severe pain all the oY BE il : Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound felt discouraged as I had other While standing near the and { am cured. I thank you for zen ¢ vervthing I could think of stove » fell over breaking a leg | what your remedies h ave done for | and was no be ‘ter, [ began tak- near the thigh me and should anything her Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- great inconvenience to ths me again, I shall use it again, for | ble Compound and now I am . I have great faith in your rer strong and he alt hy.”—Mrs. ALICE ry Cveolne wate The are. a 4 Ay aay venit when the rolle able dies. You may use 1 { JARLING, R. F F. D. No. 2, Box 7, ve op re 2 " i pial and welcome. I £very Pentwater, Mich. ! theem totary. | compelled to walk | accident that befell his after rack of Overcoats of every type. publi occured last Ss p- y e m Du ccured last Satur Why, we have as large a number of Over- HAT IS BETTER than a snug, wa “ é & § AA n) coats to show a prospective customer as most Sweater Coat in the “good old win - () stores show in Suits, Dvercoats and Raincoats time?” The boy of the street would say: “T For 30 years Lydia BE, Pinkham’s Veget able 4 Cod Cynt d 1C of bout five hundred | combined of 'em.” And we agree with him. Compound has been the standard re medy for fe- 7) Sen ar to proceed on the next Car male ills. No one sick with woman’s ailments (/ A \ VU The funerai f Christian Heralv) does justice to her seif if she does not try this fa- cet . mous medicine 1 le from roots and herbs, it ¥ be i : has restored so suffering women to health. \ ; Dreihren last Thursday with a large! 5 ttendane rm © ‘ Ta Writg Lie E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. (\ 2 fh itendanc Interment at Green | (COM EN_. al) LYNN, MASS., for advice, \\ Nia YY, free cemetery Christian Hernly | Your lettg 11 be ‘opene d, read and answered ( i A entered the Zion's Home near Lititz by a wor nd held in strict confidence. TR EBT NAW Shout 4 This is our First Winter in our new 5,000 feet Our Sweater Coat stock is noted all over oi , 1nthi ro! 5 6 r ci Men’s Clothing room. We've not only almost and country for its si 2 or its size and good, solid value can satisfy you at any price, from 50¢ u coats, but because we bought in greater » $12 church of the doubled our stock of WinterSuits and Over- We quantities than ever we can offer LOWER PRICES THAN EVER. At $2.50. $3.50 and $5 we have Sweate years ago in which he re- Bi he ro coats am— . = - mained inti] death. He spent his TORS’ NOTICE Here is an example for the class in early life throughout West Donegal | Eg Cynthia E." Miller, late of mathematics—If Mr. Rockefeller's in- } At $10 we show four or five particularly nice Overcoat patterns; a still larger range at $12. and at $15 and $18 the Groff & WOLF line is considered by expert clothing men “without At $2.50 Fine Shaker Knit, with large hip. Collar, Cardigan Knit, with Byron collar Also M Borough, deceased. : 0) a minute, how much The constant down pour of rain! in V-neck. testamentary on said es-jincome tax will he have to pay? ast Sunday morning accompanied | ave been granted to the under- * * 7 } yale from the Southeast caused i, all persons indebted thereto] Some one claims to have discovered many a one to remain in door. Those | an axe to grind” as comparable only to those i Anca: 1 2xg Sparaby y n At $3.50—English Rope Knit and Rack with Shawl Collars; Cardigan Knit jn Splendid line of Chinchillaslong or short with single and doublebreasted V-necks, a : the large cities. Stitch, requested to make imme sin ibstance that is more transparent hi entured out had plenty to do! Biyment, and those having claims ihan glas Some politicians must mtrol their umbrellas, Many or demands against the same, willjbe made of i people were waiting for trolley cars eee et vhich service was also effected to | ment to the undersigned, residing a ! A Six Pound -Radish u an extent that the 9:25 and} Mount Joy, Pa Mrs. Micha Wagenbach brougl 10: cars were abandoned. \ MARY E. MILLER ja six pound radish of the White, The followers of husbandry are | Will co. Kendig, Af Executc | ‘hinese variety t this office Satur- once more put to a hustle especially i N¢ 12-6t | day. those who have wheat in sheaves. belted back and Shawl Collar; Blue, Gray and thal Zand 2 : Brown, from $15 up At $5.00 —Shaker Knit, Rop. Knit, Rack present them without delay for seele- Stitch and Cardigan Knit. Your choice of each Or you may prefer a Melton, in light or dark in Shawl or Byron Collar or V-neck. You pay gray or tan, with inverted on side pleats; some $6 anywhere for equal value in fancy backchoth. These are just : Then for Conservative tastes is the ever- } I just a few of our BIG SPECIALS— ut we av £ 21 i . stylish 46-inch Chesterfield, in dark Oxford Mel- 5 jave a great choice ab all these prices: ton or Black Kersey, with Velvet Collar. O¢. $1. $1.25, $2. $2.50. $3. $3.50. « 4, 3 6. 6.5 ’ sf » WE HAVE ALL OF THESE—and many more, 3 $ $ $ 50 3 $8 $10. $12 the greatest stock in Lancaster—AT PRICES Splendiq Boys’ Sweaters: from 50¢ to $2. GUARANTEED TO SAVE YOU $2 To 87 and Youths’ Sizes at $2. 50. $3. 50 and $4 ACCORDING TO WHAT YOU PAY. with large all-wool Shawl Collars. = 7 The past few weeks an insect, the TO Oe | form of a moth was discovered | W f'working at the wheat. The wheat is | being damaged to such an extent WAT] 1 SHAN |) | that where stacks or mows of wheat | dll after being threshed could only be | = | used for feed. The threshing “rigs | { available in this section are busy. | ——el Ae ee JOINT SCHOOL Harry Myers spent Sunday in | Harrisburg Mr. and Mrs. J. Clem Wormley | Clarence spent Saturday! y visiting friends in Lan- | ‘ Corner S juare and E. King Sts. RELIANCE GROFF & WOLF 26-28 North Queen Street, Lancaster’s Fastest Growing Store 1 NE EE is the champion raiser for this vicinity. The J { ‘eighed 9 pounds and another | Sadie Eshleman and Sewing Machines Garber spent last Vednes- | on visiting Miss Eva | Mt. Joy | Kuhns, D. E. Miller, | and C. N. Hershey | barn raising at H. E.| gemuth on Saturday. chool chiliren are enjoying a $ ©000000090600000080606000800000 n his week while their are spending the week ter, attending the annual Sot | Away to Cut Your Meat Bilin Hall Teachers Yrstitute | Government experts have figured ied that if the present increase 1n meats . righ-grade, |! arm” Mz Where Are The Society Officers? contiiine, we shell be paying $1.3 roller and ball-bearing constructor One of the most inhuman acts that pound ‘for /peelstenk ; Good M handi C fully Sel i one of the country’s four greatest |has been perpetrated in this vicinity Already the increase in cost of 00 erchandise Larefu y 8 ected; Prompt and Careful Service; makes; oak case, carved and polished, (for many days has just come to light |™M€ats has reached 2 pointiwhere ib . swell front, automatic lift, five draw: | 5. pyinesville, a short distance west |S 2 real problem for the average est Prices Consistant With Good Quality | housewife to provide her table with . this one article every normal eater must have. ers, drop head; complete set of at tachments and our ten-year guarantet You pay $2.00 when you join the | of Columbia. G. Henry Gaus, who is | the tenant on the Senft farm, former- club, and $1.00 a week until paid. No |1y the Sourbeer farm, owned a very ; : : ; ; club fees, no interest charges; simply | fine Beagle hunting hound, which It naturally follows, therefore, if Cape Cod Cranberries fine . biN AT ONCE, AND HAVE THE buying a Sewing Machine on the c'n® | disappeared from his premises|we find a way to cut this bill In ball |g per gt. ... = USE OF THE MACHINE. plan at the spot cash price. several days ago. It was believed the | without skimping your table or dog had been stolen and Mr. Gaus |giving those who sit there anything ; 43 rertis 3 nourish- Possess all the improvements of any other machines and some advertised for the return of the|but the most palatable and New Seedless Raisins per Ib. Re . canine, Yesterday while walking|ing meats, we have done something | : not found on any other. through one of his fields Mr. Gaus; toward solving the high cost of | in ies hy ae iva ee YP CdS came across the carcass of the dog. |living. Here are a few of the features of the Reliance that have made ib He at first thought the dog had heen hia remaaikable article, occupying | Bvely Year ony ales do 5] shot, but on closer examination it a full page in the Sunday North New Crop Heckers Buckwheat uble was found that some one, evidently American of November 16, Mrs. | ....10¢ on this excellent brand, Try a . i x 3 : : 2 ; 3 1%-1b. package 0 price. First, it has a Ball-bearing shuttle lever, not found on any an enemy of Mr. Gaus, had tied the A F. Scott, the famous cooking flour : 3 ur own make poor dog’s mouth shut with a piece maT } can if you are looking for a fine expert, will demonstrate and show | clean, wholeso : : : | a , me of none and we it to os from how this saving can be effected. tort . article per can ....... 5¢ fi iler: ” strangulation. e one who com- ‘ | i alifornia Evapor- i matic shuttle race oiler; fourth, a capped needle bar; fifth, auto | DE dl coi be nn ue wil We regard this as one of the most Choice new C ing more popula atic tension release; sixth, tape Ime on_ table; seventh, ball- i be dealt with to the full extent of the valuable contributions made against; ated peaches per Ib. cee 14 Sweet Pickles h {the high cost of living. Every one is interested in this, and every one New Hawaiian Pineapple per Excellent flavor ang gvheel, #tc. Fhe Reliance has proven itself to be the best Sea Water in Baking will want 0 Secure 2: copy. of next, eal ily eT ded mel .-25¢ pickle per doz.., .. 3 : are complaining | Sunday’s North American. i arkety and the best is*ylways the chg gt in o bread sold by The one sure way to prevent dis- wip ackenos, $1 \ Qo gaaeSides | appointment is to either leave your ; i | order with your news ggent in ad- vance, or betta stil p a postal the Circ = ci Thc ad a it the peer of all other sewing machies, even those at twice its other machine; second, a roller-bearing feed motion; third, an auto- aging Pitman rod, not on any other machines; eighth, ball-bear- DP em
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers