The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 12, 1913, Image 3
\ \ \ THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA rears), D 49; Aaron R. Gibble, (4 Inspector of Blections—Henry H. becker, R 93. hy years), R 47; Ira 8. Hess, (4 years),| Harman, D 81; Albert B, Dissinger R| Registry Assessor—Wm, H, “Ad BM 42; Agron H. Metzler, (6 years),| 96; Harry Bell, B M 08, | tes, D, BM, 71; John A. Strawbrid§e B M 38; Sumuel Shearer, 1 Registry Assessor—L, H., Mease, R' R 89, \ 6 Township Auditors—J, Wesley | 120; Abram Breneman, B M 53, | Justice of the Peace—J, N., 8) Nauman, D 15; Amos Greiner R 64; Justice of the Peace—J, N. Sum- my, R, B M, 113; Frank Bell, 2; R Clinton H. Bby, BM 37; John G. my, R 109; B M 63; P, W, Baker 1. | os Hoffman, 1; D, W. Baker 1, R Moyer, B M 50, | Tax Collector—Jacob B., Dietrich, Tax Collector—-Jacob B. Dietrich, 68. [D 23, BM 48; Jonas E. Miller, R 112; D, B M, 68; Jonas KE. Miller, R 86; D. MT. JOY TOWNSHIP—-UPPER | Daniel Erb 4. Daniel Erb, 16, + D Judge of RElections—H, B, Gruber, | School Directors—Ezra Miller, (6 School Directors Miller (6 fam R 46; Jacob R. Miller, B M 49. years) D 23, B M 67; Sam’l R. Nigs-! years) D, B M, 61; Samuel R. Niss- BM Inspectors of Elections—Geo. W. ley (6 years) D 16, B M 651; C. H.!ley, D, BM, (6 years) 62; C. H. Ha Nauman, D 7; Walter A Herr, R 48; Habecker, (4 years) D 16, B M 60; | becker, (4 years) D, B M, 38; J. 8, {Allen H. Shissler, B M 34. J. 8. Kendig, (6 years) R 112; H. c.| Kendig, (6 years) R, 97; H, C. Rein- | iaig! Registry Assessor—Harry 0. Keen: Reinhold, (6 years) R 98; W, Scott hold, (6 years) R, 93; W. Scott Bush- i | | Galley 3 39: 2. Kready t y N 3, (4 years) R, 117, om Ww. er, R 62; Jacob E. Kready, B M 37. Bushong, (4 years) R 106. ong, (4 y » | 'e Nai Yhorie Registry Assessor—Morris B. Brad- | Justice of the Peace—Frank B.| Supervisors—M. H. Hottenstein, (6| Supervisors—M. H. Hottenstein, (¢ _JU18¢ of Elections—Charles Birk, i Pr y u f aK. ma. 1€Y, R 91; Monroe K, Hershey, B M ls- Grosh, R 53; J. Harvey Raymond, R| years) D B M 53; John H. Steh.|Years) D, B M, 62; John H. Stehman, | D2; oy Be, R 35; Els (33. | ; 133; Maris McAllister, B M 45; Allen man (4 years) D 24, B M 60; Amos! (4 years) B M, 66; Amos Cooper, (6 Inspector of Elections—Henry D.| | Coble, 2. Cooper, (6 years) R 110; Albert B.|/years) R 96; Albert B. Groff, (4 Weaver D 25 Peter Greenawalt R D, Tax Collector—Elmer E. Schlegel- Groff, (4 years) R 88. years) R 983, ’ 2 ’ 136; John T. Peters, B M 16. 'milch D 3; Wijlam B. Hamilton, R| Township Auditors—Cyrus M. Bie-| Township Auditors—Cyrus M. Bie : | Registry Assessor—Stephen Jones, B Herr Whisler, B M 44. mesderfer, D 18, B M 61; W. L. Her. mesderfer, D, B M, 57; W. L. Her | 21; Henry M. Eisenberger, R 43; Directors—C, 8. Frank, D shey, (4 years) R 106; J. H. Nissley, | shey, (4 years) R 101; J. H, Nisley, | Elmer Stauffer, B M 18. R 6; H. L. Stoll, D 6; H. H. Bomber- (8 years) R 99. (6 years) R 97; Noah Rohrer, 1. ' ger, R 39: David F. Greiner, R 41; | Justice of the Peace—John Kratz HEMPFIELD E. CONSOLIDATED gel Almos S. Earhart, B M 50; Oliver R.| 'EMPFIED E, PETERSBURG ’ er, D 26; Phares 8. Heidlauf, R 31; ton, Hite B M 54. Judge of Elections—Menno Justice of the Peace—J. N, Sum- [Charles M. Lichty, B M 22. {Gremey 5 on P= SWelen ™ lle J Of bes . IR 96; an . € years), { Supervisors—Hiram (6 Swarr, D, BM, 124; A. G. Hyle, R|my, R, B M, 464; Frank Bell, 2; Am-| ox Collector—Joseph Kline, D27; ) years) D 33; Aaron R. Gibble, (4 9L | 2; , 6 years), BM |John B. Kauffman R 38; B M 14, |35 Jacob W. Moyer, ( ' | os Hofman, 1; F, W. Baker, 1, School Directors—John W. Hoover {48 Christian M. Breneman, (2 years) years), R 35; Amos M. Heisey, (6, Inspector of Elections-—George D. Tax Collector—Jacob B. Dietrich, | 26: Charles H Zones o oi 3 M 24. years), R 43; Ira 8. Hess, (4 years), Sahm, D, BM, 123; W. H, Pool, R D, B M, | ’ . , ; B M 44; Aaron H. Metzler, (6 years) 92. 259; Daniel Erb, 40. iy - ; : 263; Jonas E. Miller, R, | Ephralm G. Bard, R 29: Willlam Bon. Supervisors— H. K. Nauman, D 7; B M 37; Samuel Shearer 1. | Registry Assessor—Jacob S. Zer- School Directors—Ezia Miller, (6 gart, R 32; Howard M. Greider, B M Aaron Sauble, (4 years), R 106; John 12; Franklin B. Moore, B M 22. H. Hostetter, (6years), R 120; Ed. Township Auditors—J. Wesley , Phy, D, B M, 96; George S. Foltz, R years, D, B M, 253; Sam’l R. Nissley, Supervisors—Henry : Reeth (4 1» Hane, (4 years), B M 20 Cyrus B. Nauman, D 29; Amos Greiner, R 43; 123. : (6 years) 1, B M, ue; J. 5 Kendig, | years), p 50; John F. Wasser, (6 Sweigart, (6Years) B M 18. Clinton H. Eby, B M 40; John G.| Justice of the Peace—J. N. Summy, (6 years) R, 292; H. C. Reinhold, (6 'y.,,5) 1 23. Henry H. ifusser. (4 TOVnship ~~ Auditors—Amos W. Moyer, B M 41. RB M, 189; Frank Bell, 2; Amos years) Ro W. Scott Bushong, (4 years), R 31; M. L. Weaver, (6 N R 104; T. H. Hershey, B M oliman | years - . an Y ie. y i years) R 28; Phares : CONSOLIDATED Tax Collector—Jacob B. Dietrich, Supervisors—M. H. Hottenstein, (6 Justice of the Peace—Frank B.\p pg u 134; Jonas E. Miller, R 61; years) D, B M, 275; John H. Steh- Grosh, R 178; J. Harvey Raymond, Wednesday, November 12, 191 1S The Greatest) Oller Ever Made! We Pay Absolutely ney Round Trip BMMU K. Nauman, R 25; R 23 BM 3b BM Gl Amo Hershey B (2 years), H (4 years) (6 yours) HBreneman, Supervisors 'gart, R 41; Howard M, Greider, M 10; Frank B, Moore, B M 6, Supervisors—H, Resh (4 years) D Aaron Sauble, John F. Wasser, (6 years) D 25; H, Hostetter, \ Henry H. Musser, (4 years) R 43; M. Hane, 1 Weaver, (6 years) R 44; Phares G. Swelgart, Breneman, (6 years) B M, 4; Phares R. Nissley, (4 years) B M 4, Township John Houk, D 23; Ged. Waugenbach, D 22; Samuel Judge Eby, R 42; Phares M, Noilt, R 42; H. or. D L. Gardner, B M, 6; Henry H. Greid- H M BM©&S D John Bd. L S Be o: 20, “e, Sum- (4 years) Cyrus Am- (6 years) Auditor H Niss 14 Ww BM Township ley, R 37; T A tors Auditors RAPHO—UNION SQUARE of Blections 8S. Show 13; Martin N R Pautz, B M 30 Inspector of Election Albert Gar D Nathan H. Givler, R 74; Behney, B M 28; Charles Beck- John Wig Ezra Greiner 90; er, ner 27, (C. 8S. | q er, J. HEMPFIELD WEST-— NORTHWEST ERN 929 Justice of the Peace—Jos, Wicken- heiser, D 13; H. P, Wisegarver, R | 88; BM 26. | Tax Collector—John P., Sheaffer, D (5; Josiah Keener, R 115; Joseph | (Werner, B M 19, School Directors—Geo, W. Foose, D 5; Amos Witman, D 6; Henry G. ni or, B.| School RETR. 4 M. Enterline, R D gn hh br R. 6 y (4 AO bars), CONSOLIDATED Phares R. Niss- ley, Justice of the Peace—Jos. Wicken- G. Brenneman, © (6 years), B M 10; Rey (4years), B M 14. Daniel B. Erb, 20. man, (4 years) D, B M, 253; Avs] Township Auditors—John Houk, D neiser, D 32; H. P. Wisegarber, R B 129; Maris McAllister, B. M. 127; Allen Coble, 2. Tax Collector—EImer milch, D 16; HB. Schlegel: William B. Hamilton, R 205; B. Herr Whisler, B M 128. School Directors—C. 8S. Frank, D 35; H. L. Stoll, D 34; H. H. Bomberg- pF + er, R 153; David F. Greiner, R 174; Alisa. S. Earhart, B M 130; Oliver R. Hite, B M 133. 1. Wit- oA 38. Frank B. aymond, R 35. Schlegel- Hamilton, R 42. Frank, D Bomberger, M. Heisey, R 144; Township Supervisors—Hiram Enterline, 33; Aaron R. Gibble, R 159; Amos Aaron H. Metzler, Samuel Shearer, 1. D 121; Ira S. Hess, B M B M 120; Auditors—J. Wesley Nauman, D 78; Amos Greiner, R 159; Clinton H. Eby, Moyer, B M 133. B M 133; John G. School Directors—Ezra Miller, .l years) D, B M, 112; Sam’ R. Niss- ley, (6 years) D, B M, 122; C. H. Ha-| becker, (4 years) D, B M, 112; J. 8S. Kendig, (6 years) R 83; H. C. Rein. | hold, (6 years) R 88; W. Scott Bush. | ong, (4 years) R 87. Supervisors—M. H. Hottenstein, (6 years) D, B M, 138; John H. Steh- man, (4 years) D, B M, 114; Amos Cooper, (6 years) R 74; Albert B, Groff, (4 years) R 84. Township Auditors—Cyrus M. Bie mesderfer, D, B M, 121; W. L. Her- shey, (4 years) R 75; J. H. Nissley, (6 years) R, 114; Noah Rohrer, 8. HEMPFIELD E., ROHRERSTOWN Judge of Elections—David Ring- walt, D, B M, 64; Harry L. Steh- Cooper, (6 years) R 280; Albert B. Groff, (4 years) R 265. Township Auditors—Cyrus M. Bie- mesderfer, D, B M, 247; W. L. Her shey, (4 years) R 282; J. H, Nissley, (6 years) R 210; Noah Rohrer, 9. HEMPFIELD W., MOUNTVILLE Judge of Elections—Joseph Charl- es, D 24; John Strickler, R 43. Inspector of Elections—Samuel B. Hambright, (6 years) D 22; Harry W. Murry, R 44. Registry Assessor—Frank W. Len- hard, D 23; Henry Heidlauf, R 44. Justice of the Peace—John Kratz- er, D 21; Phares S. Heidlauf, R 45; Charles M. Lichty, B M 5. Tax Collector—Joseph Kline, D 22; John B. Kauffman, R 44, B M 5. 29; Geo. Waugenbach, D 26: Samuel |p; 297. Eby, R 35; Phares M. Nolt, R 35| Tax Collector—John P. Harry L. Gardner, B M 17; Henry H.!18: Josiah Keener, R Greider B M 16. Sheaffer, D 252; Joseph Werner, B M 78. i School Directors—Geo, W. Foose, | |D 18; Amos Witman, D 24; Henry G | |Greiner, R 226; Phares 8 Stiiepler, | HEMPFIELD WEST— NORWOOD Judge of Elections—Arthur Al bright, D 26; Amos Rettew, R 31; Daniel Moore, B M 26. Inspectors of Elections—George 8S. Weller, D 32; Samuel C. Kahler, R 35; Hiram Miller, B M 17. Registry Assessor—Frank MeceDivet Dan EE emsy, R 33; {Cyrus S. Sweigart, B M 122. re . Township Auditors—Amos W. Niss- Justice of the Peace--John Kratz- |, R 234: T. H. Hershey, B M 126. er D 24; Phares 8, Heidlauf, R 33; | 35. M. L. Weaver, (6years) R 29; Charles M. Lichty, B M 26. [Phares G., Breneman, (years) BM | Tax Collector—Joseph Kline, D 30; (15: Phares R. Nissley, (4 years) B John B. Kauffman, R 37; B M 15. | ~~ R 210; Frank W. Geib, B M 10%; Jacob W. Moyer, B M 125; Christian |M. Breneman, BM 113. Supervisors—H. K. Nauman, D 19, Aaron Sauble, R 220; John H. Hostet- |ter, R 237; Ed. L. Hane, B M 83; Jacob | 1 NO OL i dr Fare} In Cash to verybody Living In ancaster 1 HEMPFIELD E. LANDISVILLE Judge of Elections—Truman Dis- singer, D 32; W. O. Hershey, R 105; E. C. Diffenderfer, B M 49. R 77; Almos iver R.. Hite, School Directors—John W. Hoover, Township D 32: Cherles'*: 1). 1Zeamer, D 28; ,, Geo. Waugenbach, D 31; Samuel | = Bphreiin 0 Bard, R83 Williaio py, "p sr Phare M, Nel R 2 Bongart, R 34; Howard M. Greider.|, ..'y "Gagner, B M 16; Henry H. BM 16; Franklin B. Moore, B M 19. | sreider. B M 18. Supervisors—Henry Resh (4 years) D 36; John F. Wasser, (6 years) D| 31; | School Directors—John W. Hoover, D 24; Charles H. Zeamer, D 20; Eph: raim G. Bard, R 42; William Bon- man, jr, R 95; Henry Newcomer 2. Auditors—John Houk, D Inspector of Elections—Edwin Mec- Queney, D, B M, 66; Albert S. Ha- (! finterhine, (6 On all or mo urcha It's )3 living ig Lancaste HEMPFIELD WEST-SILVER SPRING Judge of Elections—James RAPH C= NEWTOWN |D 46; Norman M. Bear, R 75; Judge of Elections—P. A. Brook, R Shirey, B M 37. 26; A. K. Weaver, B M 31. | Inspector of Elections—William Inspector of Elections—John Fogle, schlott, D 42: John W. Irwin, R 79; ! |R 21; A. C. Geltmacher, R M 25; | Harry D. Hougendobler, B M 37. { Horace Detwiler, 12. Registry Assessor—Adam Schloss Registry Assessor—Harry Whit-| man D 42: Samuel L. Witmer, R| mer, 20; Jacob D. Mumma, B M 38.93. william Hubley, BR M 34. Justice of the Peace—Jos. Wicken- Kratz- | | D2: Wisegarver, R 27, 34; “ Henry H. Musser, (4years) R Stively, Aaron ® you shop at Donova We Gladly Pay It Ask For It This . Week The following events of un- usual interest will -The prices To prevent disease- resist disease germs Justice of the Feace—John D | Charles fi | heiser, H: P. R BM 24. Tax Collector D 2; Josiah | Werner, BM Phares ©. Heidlauf, Lichty, B M 35 Jeseph Kline, D 38; 86; B M 34. John W 36: M. P. Collector- R John Stauffer Keener, Tax Joseph J B. Kauffman, R 23. School Directors Hoover | School Directors—Geo W. Foose, pp 44- H ID 2; Amos Witmer, D 2; Henry G. Ephraim G Bard. R 28; Phares S. Strickler, R|Boneart. R 73: Frank W. Geib, (6years), B M gp Mm Jacob W. Moyer, (6years), BM Supervisors ; Christian M. Breneman, (2 years) years). D 42: M 29. D 62: Supervisors—H., K. Nauman, D years), R 2: MM. I; Aaron Sauble, (4years), R 24; John|years), R 71: Phares H. Hostetter, (6 years), R 29; Ed. L.|(g years) B M 33: Phares Hane, (4 years), B M 22: Cyrus S.|ley, (4years), B M 35. Sweigart, (6years), B M 30. Township Auditors—John Houk, D! Township Auditors—Amos W. Niss 41: Geo. Waugenbach, D 42: Samuel | = ley, R 31; T. H. Hershey, B M 28. {Eby, R M. Nolt, R | m Harry L. 8; Henry H. | ® M 38; Greider Zeamer,~p 37; 1 R 80; William Howard M. Greider, | Moore, B M 36. | Resh, (4) Wasser, (6 | Musser, (4 Weaver, (6 | Breneman, | g C¢€dingly R. Niss- | Charles | Greiner, {21 | | dt . | Franklin B { oa | 24: | Henry John F. Henry H. surely values ex- SMALLPOX is prevented by vaccination — the injection of vaccine. B Sami ® crowd the store PHTHERIA is prevented by the injection of anti-toxin. | are supreme—The se enable the body to produce substances which prevent the growth of bx and diphtheria germs in the blood. tre are many other diseases, nearly, if not quite as dangerous, and far more on — typhoid fever, the grippe, bronchitis, pneumonia, catarrh, rheumatism, score of others — that can be prevented less painfully and more easily by making bdy strong to resist germ infection. 9. ay 89 - G low. The Great Sale of Coats and Suits with very Phares 78; Gardner, B BM 37 80; RAPHO—SPORTING HILL Judge of Elections—D. M. Nissley, D 6; Samuel K. Garman, R J.E.| Stauffer, B M 26. Inspector of Election—W. R. tin, D 8; Elmer H. Kauffman, R 57;!p ym Harvey Weidman, B M | Tax Collector Registry Assessor-—John Kauffman, 117: John B |D 6; Frank S. Miller, R 63; S. M. ; | Cover, B M 20. the H. lowest prices. Two purchase Beitelheim Stocks are included and the entire & 57; CONSOLIDATED Kratzer, D 107; idlauf, R 193; = (Coyne John Mar-| 1g ne The Great Reduction Of Fine M. 1-3 to 1-2 Men's Day Every Thursday wonderfu SS 25. Kline, BM Hoo D Joseph _ “i Kauffman, R School W. D 126; Wicken- pphrain Wisegarver, R 61; TRADES, + MAR} (With Hypophosphites) signed for the prevention as well as the relief.of disease — by enabling the body to overcome germs. It, at the same time, strengthens and tones the nerves, nourishes the blood, puts the entire em into a proper healthy condition to combat and successfully resist disease. Peace—Jos. EB Justice of heiser, D 6: iB M 16. | Tax Collectors—John | | | Bongart P. Shaeffer, D Josiah Keener, R 68; Joseph Wer- D BMI15 School Directors—Geo, !D 4; Amos Witmer, D 8; Henry G. phares G Greiner, S. Strickler, R/R. Nissley. Ww. (6years) B M! mo W. (6 years) B M 194. Christian M. Brenneman, (2 years) uel M 16. 1189: Supervisors—H. K. Henry Aaron Sauble, (4 years) R 65: | H. Hostetter, (6 years) R 65: | Hane, (4years) B M 16; | Sweigart, (6 years) B M 23. start Township Auditors—Amos W. Niss- Glynn. ley, R 62; T. H. Hershey, B M 27. | cr 1 LO | 4; | ner, 146: Hen W. Foose, 191 M1 Phares Geib, Moyer, 66: fi: Frank wnship values to the 21; Jacob Wauzenbacl This week ul R Harry L. Gardner H B M — ee Geo 26; are of utmost interest | B IO, Eby, stronger sex. are so unpleasant to take that many people can’t keep them down. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is pleasant to take. The Hypophosphites it contains tone the nerves. The pure Olive Oil nourishes both nerves and blood Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion strengthens you, puts snap and ginger and vitality into your system. It makes you feel better and stronger. It improves your digestion and your bowel action. a It contains no alcohol nor any dangerous or habit forming rugs. It is guaranteed to be just as represented above — to do all that is claimed above — to satisfy you in every way, or your money back without quibble or question. Enough for full two weeks’ treatment, $1.00. Sold only at The Rexall Stores —the World's greatest Drug Stores — and always with a full guarantee of com- plete satisfaction, or your money back. S— very person not in perfect health has incipient germs ne distressing ailment in his or her system. d weather, over-work, excesses of any kind, are 0 bring about just the conditions under which tent disease germs will get’ ~ ° upper hand, and 1 on your back “ down sick.” 1 who are run-down, tired-o ~rvous— bu who, though not sick enough to give up, still feel good— ou who are apparently well, and want fo stay well — ake home a bottle of Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion to- and use it as a means to gef well and keep well. pexall Olive Oil Emulsion is a real nerve-food Nauman, D 5; 76 John Ed. L.! 1 Mr. Sulzer gets busy in the New Cyrus S. york be tempted to | Gov. Greider, Don’t Miss Opportunity Day--Wednesday assembly he may an impeachment against 2S > 2 RAPHO—STRICKLER'S S. H. The Department of Agriculture's Judge of Elections— John H. Geb- Statement that the crow is the farm. | hard, B M 54. ler's friend in not calculated to make | ® It's been planned to make Inspectors of Elections—M. B.|the farmers have i this the most wonderful Werner, B M 26; Irvin Bricker, 12; |SPect for the experts in that depart Wednesday shopping ever Aaron K. Becker, 11. { ment. held in Lancaster. Registry ~ Assessor—Jerry Hilt, R —_— een Norman W. Ty , BM 31; Clay-| x 5 “ Save Time! Th {ime lost because of headaches, e ton Metzler, 22 J. BE. Bradley, R I. Justice of the Peace—Jos. Wicken-! heiser, 3 i 1 ; : 3 oo HP. Weisgarver, R| isitude and depressions of bil- sness, is worse than wasted. Biliousness yields quickly to the Comps 32-38 > PTL LC TCO Ce any increased re-| 11 h this it is different from most other so-called ics” which either have no food value and do noth- nore than temporarily stimulate you, leaving you in irse condition re or, ing food value, still in, this co nly at in, L swore darber’s Drug Store Sthing MOUNT JOY, PA. a. 9, * a A } 2; B M 27. icles used If safe, certain home remedy— Taw Collector—John P Shaeffer, D| SL wv BE D 8; | . 8 hey . | 7; Joseph Keener, R 39; Joseph Wer-| ner B M 21. School Foose, D 7; Henry G. Gre Std J East Main Street ‘King of AU = a \ 8 Directors A : RR ana oi 4 thee)”