The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 12, 1913, Image 2
GE Two THE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA, Editor & Prop'r,’, MILTON GROVE L'dv iu the MN lo Hullen Rheoms was Lown y Kramer of J. E, ——— (Gingrich SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR, 1 1 Sunday 50 Uents \ ! irs, 8S SCHROLL, visitor In mide a sojourn evening of Oakvale, Wittle Sia Months Felker Three Months =0 Cents { f Cyrus H = Cents FRED single Coples Wh FF. Fry visited in janibridge Sample Coples un l | post lice at Mount matter 1 } { ol Hill, Good Oy A 5 1d A nail Rose All Ir wast have their romani Mrs. Sarah this oilice no ephoue news and A. R. Gibble later of I ‘ 12 ges tivel Mond inserted If Opy read aight Advertising cation that ‘time and wday Chan must reach tl} oft not later than advertisements Tuesday Sine vi in noon Her rela posi- of with Lindemuth the aavert week hes us between de road appll- | wy Xe ount Joy is lemized rates on in n ition operat Fri now 18 Wednesday, reamery Monday, and Saturday 'd Mr EDITORIALS every Huerta waits to be walloped. Eli H. Randler, of A man 1 never { hero te a bill Sundayed with constable eollector 2 or ar family oted coach builder, of Annville, transacted business in this section Of course, Owen pill week, B milton tax collector of a weekend Samuel M. Kyver, of is on 10st beautiful . . is one mos yeautil pent Sur day in flowers stian Good ier of Jiddletown, Molday the Olay 5 Now mortem we are 1 Saturday to Tp spent baseball stories, puest of » » ent Joseph as and Mrs. Ebersole of wise men sre married. Nearly all eat is how they * * * * 8] ed proprietor of the 20C3cre Green Hill got their wisdom IY oS wan : : I farm was a recent yigitor in town. Mrs. 1 M Mr. Laace Kopp and Harry Koser anf family of Rheems, spent Sunday vith Isaac G. Kopp and wife. and A love affair is like a well—easy te fall into and difficult to get out of. » + » » woman has to polities her bonnet in aken As a factor arrived and ay. Harry O. leener, a prominent poli- 0 inde : : 2 tician of tle 49th election precinet, E Wiebm ’ . of Mount, yoy township was a Sunday - Jd ” . = : vigit Maybe Huerta is going to get ‘em #his imprisoned congress) fat enough te cook. or town Mr. Joa v / nd Ms Joy, /vere the and on of Mount the latter's Ulrich, at H. Christ, guests of Mrs. John Sunday. partis, O's Mr circus now touring the unis Hill J in Miss Ada Strickler, who has been isiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Strickler, took her departure Ww ¥ * Not a single sountry menagerie. carries a bull moose its . 9 &.® John Lebanon home. farm of Abram for her The is traveliy, few speecies. President Wilson making a Now a little and ¥ is catching. $8» S. was sold at con- Cen- Ben- Young faining 19 acres the | Manor hotel on Saturday to jamin H. Shickleyv, for $7,020. Deputy County Treasurer and B. F. Grosh, of Lancaster, spent the former’s parents, Frank B. Grosh, Miss Estella Good has returned home after spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Charles Shelley, the Colebrook Hill Church. perceptible improve- ment in Christian Shumaker’s con- dition since our last report, but his phvsician entertained no serious re- sults up to date. The woods at tra Huerta we are informed is getting such a cold deal that > haf gent for @eon. Blanquet Mrs. Sun- day with Mr and Mrs. Fortunate is the able to employ a the rubber plant. $s > NUhand who is I'iined nurse for near rumor that There is no a great i the aching has for. * * * survived many her beware of urst has Pkes, but let can Banquet. * * W * this season are dis- playing their richest tint. Golden browns, russets and scarlet leaves and here and there a touch of vernal green that Jack Frost has quite over- looked. MARIETTA | #7 Best vaper in town—Bulletin | D. spent Sunday at Dr. and Mrs. a few days at peter, ~QMr. Sulzer, the world awaits illuMirated illuminating history Murphy and Tammany. * * * * Would you not feel shy al a cur rency bill that approved unani- mously by the bankers? . . - ® Martin Glynn is Governor of New York, but is he also to govern Tam- many? Or to be Governed? $ 2 2 » was R. Mehaffey, of New York city, his home here, H. A. Mowery spent Strasburg and Lam- Brunner has returned visit at Palmyra, where h2 attended the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Mary Ann Brunner. The young who stoned the the Marietta and Maytown turnpike were given a hear- ing before Squire C. C. Hicks, of that and fined. John Grady, one of Marietta's lead- business men, and father of A. Grady, seriously ill at Market street. Mr, James H. Any senator who resorts to dilly from a dally tactics to delay the passage of the Currency Bill is a tool of “Wall Street.” men Maytown stage on If knickerbockers were adopted some impetus might be given to the Britton bill for the conservation of calves. place, 8% ® ing Tammany candidate McCall finally Charles is began to bite. When a candidate his Joses his temper he is mighty apt to Grady a veteran the Civil war lose the fight. well known over the county. 9 we 8 The Elson which was It is to be hoped that Mrs. Pank- held during the past few days in the fiurst will not form her impressions High has closed, and of this country from what she sees about was realized for the bene- at Ellis Island. fit of Many persons were the entertain- pleased with home on is of and art exhibit school room $30 the schools, in attendance at and well scenes, The third annual choir festival of the choirs of St. Luke’s, Mt. Joy; St. Paul’s, Columbia, and St. John’s Marietta was held on Friday evening at 7:30 o’clock in the Episco- pal church, of this place, when the full cathedral service was given Rev. M. B. Pulsifer was assisted by Rev. F. W. B. Dorset, rector of All Saints’ church, of Paradise, who preached the sermon. Rev, C. 8S. | Kitchin, of Laporte, will assist on the | violon-cello. A fine programme was One difference between a Democrat | "endered. and a Republican is that a Democrat ee Epworth League of the First will generally get canght in doing the” ethodist Episcopal church has been {organized under the following things that a Republican can get by| ne Pp R ¥ officers: Senior League, President, | > ven | Mrs. Martha Hipple; first vice presi-| it must be that the American col.|dent. Miss Lillian Thompson; sec | oe ir] Gas been slandered. A Vas |ond vice president, Miss Addie Rich; | lege gi red, S| hi : : i sar Student who received a proposal | Pird vice president, Mrs. Winnie arriage by mail accepted it py | Rutherford; fourth vice president, of m b | Miss Jennie Erisman; secretary, Al- telegraph. David E. |vin H. Miller; treasurer; Senator Tillman’s idea of a steam | Brandt. = = 8 L a It looks as if the Demodratic mem- ments were bers of the House have about decided to go away and leave Mr. Mann to run the job alone, * * * * the Zeppelin is a genius appears from his ability to avoid being abroad his various airships when they are wrecked. * * » * If Sulzer has been offered $100,000 for 100 lectures, as is reported, many of us will quit sympathizing with him, and save our sympathy. ” ® 9 * » That Count * ® 9 > The Junior League presi: roller is a full fledged freight train, dent is Mrs. H. H. Poticher, presi-| : indeed it takes that to impress dent, Edwin Rutherford; first vice : | president, Lee Poticher; second vice] some of the financiers with the value | : { gurrency reform. oresident, Mary McCloskey; third] : >» a » {vice president, Mae Engle; fourth| ng that the Prince of Monaco vice president, Miriam Miller; secre-| puffed up over the game he| 7; Marion Bucher; . treasurer, | the west, our Chicago| Cull Smith. took him to the = . ; e people's paper—Bnile M. ° the ° . L. Gingrich. ' Elizabethtown, {church visited | you have mentioned but two. THE SALUNGA john Pelfer attended the funeral of John Shirk at Blue Ball last Thurs- day Mi Peltor of Bast with hg and family Sunday Bhy Temperance Khy spent Elia burg, hrother, Samual The Sthaay observed 42 the musie world VAS vel fittingly Hat ehurch by specia’ and Mr addresses Henry N ister, Eby and and wife, his Mrs Mrs. Sira Hostetter Manlaim on Satur mother and Simon he tended Lehman's le at ay sod 1g meet ii hold a union ng of the Methodist definitly prop Thanksgiving Church God Lather; The and hurches : hurches place is not settled Last Frida; John and Mary Ken- dig went bY pai] and trolley to Dover, York Co. from nine mile they enjoyed a home of John Sun there walk to the Roland ghere they visited until jay. Thy which started Methodist The revival meetings 1! Sunday evening in the March are well attended pastor hade a very earnest appeal and we forward meeting n the look to very interesting coming weel 2 2 aT Poife entert Saturday follow zabeth afternoon at ladies Mis Friday of ing Misses and Elizabeth Elam My« Miss Martha Emma Lancaster, Mrs Mylin’s Corner of Salunga, The Hospital Mi and Eby Auxiliary eld at Bess Heistand’ Wednesday kindness of Through the Minnich credrt- fternoon, Mr. I.andisville. The ed with a bed and blankets with $27.- a rising Simon auxiliary i 50 as his donation, for which note of thanks was given SE LANCASTER JUNCTION family, with of Jonas John Haldeman and Marietta, spent Sunday Snavely and family. William Heisey, wife and son Jonas Daniel Ferry and Hill. Breneman spent Sunday with near Chestnut Esther Monday family from Mil- SS spent Saturday to with Elmer family near Erbdale. jr., wife daughter and Jonas Snavely, Cl ler son May Gantz and Anna George rence and spent Sunday with near Milton Grove Joseph Breneman and wife and Jacob Phalm and wife spent Saturday Sunday at with Mr. Mrs. Albert Misses Fannie and Mabel Miller of Sporting Hill and Miss Florence Gross spent Sunday with their friend Miss Mary Breneman, Clayton Sharbone and wife and Ed- win Geib, wife and daughter, Florence of Elstonville, Sunday with El- mer Geib and family. Cyrus Root and wife of near this place; John Musser and wife of Mechanicsville; Peter Shelley and wife of Manheim; Jonas Snavely sr., and wife, John Hartranft and wife, Christ Rothfus, John Lump and daughter, Emma of near Landisville; John 8. Weidman of near Kauffman’s Henry L. Buch and wife on Sunday and Monday. Isaac Walborn and family enter- tained the following on Sunday: Daniel Walborn, wife and grandson, Percy of near Ruhl’s church, Nathan daughters Beatrice Mastersonville; John W. Becker, wife and daughters Ella and Minnie of near Manheim; Henry Nolt, wife and daughter Mabel and soc Henry of near Sporting Hill, Miss Viola Rambler of near White Oak. Lancaster, Hoak. and and spent Kupp, wife and and Elsie of near Greene WHEN IRVING PLAYED ROMEO Sllence, Light and Actors, the Three Things Necessary for Artistic Ef- fect and Atmosphere, Wendell Phillips Dodge relates an incident growing out of the Yirst meets ing of Robert Mantell with Sir Henry Irving, back in 1882, when both were playing Romeo in London. There were reviewers who found Irving too old for the youthful Romeo, and one ad- vised that he should make way for “the young fellow over at the Olym- pic.” Irving prepared a special aft- ernoon performance in the Lyceum, to which all the players in London were invited, After it was over, Mantell went back of the stage, and T.ving ask- ed him how he liked the performance. “It has been like an afterroon at school with congenial lessons,” replied Mantell. “How do you do it? How do you manage effects? How do you get such atmosphere, such a realiza- tion of the glory of the tragedy, with such little effort? Is there no recipe?” “There is; indeed there is,” answer- ed Irving. “Simple, too; only three things to remember. The first is si- lence, and plenty of it behind the scenes, so that the actor may be at | ease, with nothing to distract when striving for his shadings. The second is light, regulated as far as possible so that nature is counterfeited—s id that, young man, is th» recipe.” “But,” protested Mantel, “you said there were three things to remember; 13 there a thira?” “Did I say a third?” asked Irving. “Um, perhaps I did, perhaps I did; but what could I have had in mind? Let me see. Ah, yes, sileucn, light, and—um, shall I say—a~t""3? Re- member that, my boy, acto” Silence, light, and—actors, that is . e {hird.”— London Strand. It Depends. The Springfield Republican, replying to an inquirer who wants to know if children are worth while, says it de pends on whether they're yours or the neighbors. That goes for dogs and chickens, too.—Kansas City Times, / SO00Q OK meeting € & BUL{ ETIN. MOUNT JOY. PA. DOOOOOO0O00000000000O00O0O0 SU ITS OVERCOATS a. 00 0 of Copyright Hart ner & Marx 3000 SOOO Our Shoe Lin viakes as SDLOOOOTOOCOCOTCO you in our Shoe Department will astonish ycu. 8 new pair. e Comprise These Shoes must be seen to be appreciated. and we guarantee each and every pair Prices:- $1.65, $2, $2.25, We want you to know whe = values for your money at a price ford. You don’t have to study question if you intend to pay $18.4 or Overcoat, but we know you wil before you buy if you only want té to $15.00. And wealso know tha here if you want the best values for" your We are showing the newest designs in Chinchilla, Worsteds, Cassimeres and that you could find any place and the col ful shades in Blue, Brown, Gray, Tan an{ as well as the Black and White pin_st different patterns. coats at $12 t : be had. Come look at ’em. Other Suits and Overcoats of ~1C i eb “Beacon” ad $2.50, $3, at $15.00, $17.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.50 $25.00. h Veil Known Bostonian” The values we are offering Cur styles are all the very newest / to wear satisfactory or we will give you a 3.50, $4, $4.50 We show the bes » $17 in Blue, Brown ai We are leaders in this Gray at $2.0 Blue, Etc. the newest and best in Blue, We show Brown and line. Velours and other Hats in Black, Brown, $1.00 to $4.00. S a . aah wea It is needless for us tp/ the Sweaters we sell. We wi that wear our Sweaters talk fg your friend he wears one. “Notair” ButtonholegSweate $1.00 to $7.01 QOVOTTOVVOTIOTOOOOOTOVTVOOVCTOCOOCOCOOCOCOOOTO0 TOSS TOTO0 Mount Joy Hall Building OOO00000OCOO00000000 OUR HAIR MAY BE YOUR FORTUNE Beautiful hair has made the fortune of many a woman, by adding charm and loveliness to an otherwise plain face. Nothing means more to good looks than beautiful hair. It adds to the attractiveness of every feature. Without it you can’t be beautiful; with it you will be at least pretty. To have beautiful hair, use Har- mony Hair Beautifier. It will im- prove the beauty of your hair, taking away the dull harshness and stringi- ness, softening and polishing every hair in your head and making it soft, silky, glossy, easier to put up and | keep in place, and at the same time |giving it a rich and lasting rose fra- |grance that will delight both you and those around you. Very easy to apply—simply sprinkle a little on your hair each |time before brushing it. It contains |no oil, and will not change the color of the hair, nor darken gray hair. druff-free and clean, use Harmony | Shampoo. This pure liquid shampoo {gives an instaneous rich lather that immediately penetrates to every part of hair and scalp, insuring a quick |and thorough cleaning. Washed off |just as quickly, the entire operation takes only a few moments. Both preparations come shaped, very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beautifier, $1.00. Harmony Shampoo 50c. Both guaranteed to satisfy you in every way, or your money back. Sold in this community only at our store—The Rexall Store—one of the more than 7,000 leading drug stores of the United States, Canada and Great Britain, which own the big Harmony Iaboratories Harmony Per: fumes and Toilet Preparations are made. —Garber’s Drug Store, Mount Joy, Pa. ! / in odd- ! 4 GO TO W.B.BENDER Kast Main St., Mount Joy, Pa FOR A GOOD SHAVE ~T'YLISH HAIR-CUT REFRESHING SHAMPOO or anything in the Barber Line. TAKE A KODAK WITH YOU To keep your hair and scalp dan- | | Let pictures tell the story of the motor trip. The Kodak way is the sure way, the simple way, the con- ! venient way. Kodak goods have a reputation for quality and so have we. That's why we carry only the genuine Eastman product. No chance for substituting. KODAKS $5.00 AND UPWARD BROWNIES $1.00 TO $12.00 HEADQUARTERS FOR KODAK SUPPLIES Agent for Standard Steam @aundry We do the can get for tA ob ng you us. Aj the loca Mount Joy, | CO0000000000000000000DOVTIOOOODOLCT HOTEL McGLNNL | Lv lhe uwunuersigned uaviug relods {ed the old Mooney Hotel, adding | number ot sleeping rooms, bath, etc {18 now prepared to enilertaln traus ient and regular guesws RESTAURANT IURTLE SO! bre. Bu Private dining room for tin connection with hotel [ win serve in season OYSTERS and CLAMS in any sty)r ladies | | ! where Is J. OW. MoGrinmis PROPRIETOR Krall Meat Mark et I always have on hand anything in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Ete. Also Fresh Beef, Mutton. Prices always right. H H. KRALL West Main Street, Opp. Bank, MOUNT JOY, | Bell Telephone, 290000000000 0000 We are Always Prepared to serve Pure = pring Water ICE IN ANY QUANTITY at Vg Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us befor ing your order this year. DOLLPOO SE b Le J. N. Stauffer & ov. Pen POPP09000000 Veal, Pork and, 8 Heels sore ha vents cracking of splendid preparat ing after shavij will find it a d 25¢ large bottle. For Te Itch, Barber’ Salt Rheum, Rin| use Ann D. Afking TETTER {NT Physicians re Price 25¢ a jar at HANDL pl W. Main St, oods Mailed on Sunday, Hours § PoDoSCoSd