The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 24, 1913, Image 4

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Wy dll V2 ;
+ Backing Up the Purchaser |
nav in (
fs.) future, and if we didn’t what i
ff | bo else was 0 P
RGR think , we could sel s ;
bo ) r machines for 1 h less §
1 but ( 1 not put I HC quality in- }
tot . Thek vould start coming in right {
away, and soon there would be no market for &
I HC 3 }
I H C «¢ nes stand for everything that is &
O1 ( d to ich LP y I'l FHC w 15 i
to bu d always for the 1 pect and g 1 ill §
of the American farmer, and to that end it has {
been successfully working for n AT'S, b
The dealer who sells youan I H C e X= i
pects on its merits to do busin with you f
again. The purchaser of an :
» 1 wy ° ¥
I HC Oil and Gas Engine
buys security and safety with i H nks on
the 1 y years of square dealing and t 1-
t: 1 ba ofall I HC ma ¢ 3
it is the best*engine bargain beca 5
him efficient service in all kinds of { 1 work
-— pumping, sawing wood, spra} , running
repair shop, grindstone, cream separ
He knows that I H C responsibility for ;
as long as the engine is in servi nh
1 H C oil and gas engines operate on
gasoline, naphtha, kerosene, distillate, and
alcohol. Sizes range from 1 to 50-horse power.
ey are built vertical, horizontal, portable,
stationary, skidded, air-cooled and water-
cooled. I H C oil tractors range in size from
6-12 to 30-60-horse power, for plowing, thresh-
ing, etc.
Look over an I H C engine at the local }
dealer’s. Learn from him what it will do for §
you,” or write for catalogues to 8
International Harvester Company of America
sourg Pa.
4. Personsi
\ Im | ( [DH Ie
0 ¢
burg ¢ 1 ind 1
Owl ¢ Vi Mary
) ownshij ith
\M 1 \ I) | lat
' I . Anna 1 \ ( indi
) y 1 y
3 Hocele ited Mr, | ‘ I
\ | (
1 | \
I nd 1
I Do
1 I
1 l
I i
( G oC \ \
of COW dg 1 %
of fin 0a (16 l ( 1 | }
\ 1 rar ATC ‘ Abilene, Kansas, 1 ec
= 1 ( IS On the pren ( 1 i Ong el 11
es in Joy. at 2 o'clock, 2 lots of acquaintance he tl I ’
hi ol
nin vith a fine frame double house eel
S 1 Market street, Mt. Joy, the Walter Loraw attended the con
3. Coolidge properties, by Mr. B.,K vention of the Junior Mechanics at
KE. Hiestand, real estate agent, Frank, I.ebanon Wednesday and Thursday
.. Garden Theatre ..
A Rip-Roaring Comedy
“His Crooked Career”
Big 2 Reel Kay Bee Feature
“The Seal of Silence”
Laugh From Start to
"Calamity Anne Takes o Trip”
| Prizes Given Away
A Feature American 2 Reels
Do Not Fail To SEE The
1914 BUICK
Lancaster Automobile Go.
Garage Never Closed
230-238 West King St.
The largest dnd only strictly fire proof garage and repair
shop in Lancaster
(Members Chicago Board of Trade)
Chicago Board of Trade. To any Grain Market in America
Lancaster Branch 220-226 Woolworth Bldg,
| cases, one 3-ft. with top, has 2 glass
Co. washer, 24 shirt capacity, just
[at this office.
| equipped with top,
| speedometer, prestolite tank and 10-|coveral of our cattle feeders last sea- |
Wanied, For SOIE, FOF REAI coven mom won oo.
~~ Monday for Goshen College at
Wanted—A good farmer to farm |goghen, Ind, where he has enrolled
about 100 acres south of Philadelphia as a student, Miss Emma Nisslev of
having 3000 fruit trees in fine con yj ayngisville left the same day for the
dition, to farm for certain rent or On|... institution
nares. Apply to Fred Eckhart, 1620
N. 8th street Philadelphia. at.
Messrs. Adam Elbert, Jacob Danc
and Harry Elbert of Philadelphia,
For Sale—One good surrey and a and Leo Elbert of Lancaster, the
200d runabout For particulars call former two uncles and the latter
at this office. tf brothers, came here by auto on Mon-
For Sale—A home on E. Main st.,/ day to call on Mr. Adam Elbert of
Florin. Apply to Mrs. Katie B.|this place.
! Gingrich, Florin, Pa. 2t Mr. Geo. Seeman of Hammond,
For Sale—A fine property -in Flor-| 111, and his daughter Mrs. J. W.
i Apply to Mr. H. S. Stoll, Florin, | Funston of Lovington, Ill, are here
Pa. tt! on a visit to friends. They formerly
For Sale—Three lots fronting on
former's first visit east in twenty-one
2, ar n y 3 F
Poplar St, Mt. Joy, each 45 ft. bY | years and the latter's first visit in
113 ft. For particulars address A. | forty-one years
B. Root, Elizabethtown, Pa. if; Guy L. Bair, son of Rev. and Mrs.
Wanted—Woman for cooking and; N. A. Barr of the Trinity U. 'B.
genera] house work. Good Wages | church, left for Philadelphia Monday
and steady place for the right per- | morning where he entered upon a
tf| the Philadelphia College and Infirm-
~ Wanted—A farmer for one of the | ary of Osteopathy. Mr. Barr is a
best farms in Lancaster County,| 8raduate of the Steelton High School, |
§ , |
located near Marietta, containing| class of 1913.
ninety acres. Applicant must have | ————- eee: |
3 |
a stock y \ a
good stock, competent help, nd FARM NOTES
understand the farming of tobacco |
perfectly, Give reference. Apply at| i
office of B. F. Hiestand & Sons,| During the past summer, farmers |
Marietta, Pa. sep 24-tf,| have noticed a general premature !
mig = . ———————— | dying of potato vines in sections
Tax Payers Notice © [north of Lititz, south of Lancaster, |
Don’t forget your School tax. 5 Per, iy the vicinity of Paradise and
cent. on school and county taxes will | In most cases the injury was
be added after Oct. 1st 1913. I willl, (tributed to blight, The writer
receive taxes daily at my office, |, tod that sprayed and unsprayed,
directly opposite Garber’s Drug| geiqgs were similarly affected. Close !
Store. I. M. BRENEMAN, Col|ovamination showed that the trouble |
TRUCK FARM FOR SALE | was not caused by blight but by the
A good truck farm, 10 acres more potato stalk borer instead,
or less; all kinds of fruit, good! The larva or worm of this insect
location, fine buildings, good well at| feeds upon the interior of the stalk
house and also running water; 3 and thus cuts off the food supply. As
miles northeast of Mt. Joy. For a result the stalk dies rapidly of
particulars call on or address Isaac!/starvation. The larval and pupal
3. Breneman, R. D. No. 2, Mount Joy, |stages are spent almost entirely
a. 10-2t.| within the stalk so that arsonical
———— | spraying has little or no effect. The
; ; adult moth hatches out and issues |
\ 6-ft. and two 4-ft. counter: show |
from the burrow either late in Sep- |
tember or early October. . i
As a control measure, potato stalks |
should be burned as soon as the
tubers are lifted or shortly there-
shelves, A 4-ft.,, 6-ft. and one 8-ft.
floor case almost new will sell cheap.
A 20 quart Ice Cream Freezer with
copper can, hand or power, used one :
Bl : I 1 after. It is also well to destroy the
season. .
stalks of eggplant, horse weed,
Also A Columbia Laundry Machine I
1mbia ar) cocklebur, and tomato because the
same worm often harbors in these
ebuilt. Wil 11 either of above : lias i
HLA 1 sell either of above at plants. Late fall plowing especially
n half } ir y x
one-naif thei 0 : , : :
re cos! vhere rag weeds thrive is a very
H. E. KLUGH, Mount Joy, Pa effective desPructive measure.
As the economic value of silage is
Beagle Dogs For Sale ~™ becoming recognized more generally,
ter of six thoroughbred beagle 'he¢ number of silos in. the county
hree months old Are marked art gradually increasing, It. Is
0 fection and mus I or especially gratifying to know that
( ¢ The a eady ( , not only the dairyman but the steer
work this fall For partienlars apply feeder as well is accepting the silo
tf. into his good graces.
The high prices of corn and bran
coupled with the increasing im-
Owner will sell 5 passenger 30 H. portations of South American cattle
P. car for less than half of original
cost. Car in first class order and steer feeder narrower. This makes
run less than 1800 miles. Fully ie call for the silo all the more
wind-shield, | emphatic.
Auto for Sale Cheap
make the margin of profit for the
Feeding accounts from
inch upholstery. Good reasons for son show beyond a doubt that their |
selling. For particulars call at this|cheapest cattle gains were made with |
office or address P. O. box 70, Eliza-|cottonseed meal and silage although |
bethtown, Pa. tf.! their total gains were not quite equal
Happenings ,c... icc: vin some quiity. 01 =" voctions this’ year. an
Mr. Loraw was the delegate from |
General Cameron Council of this
resided east of town and this is the
son. Address Lock Box 15, Mt. Joy.| four years’ course ‘of instruction at |
yy yew _—
corn i , Siri npre at Tr ole
wily fertilized tohdy the s
rue of p oes; badly atthcked by mildew the man
. ( equired he wave Ciood
vields unos
ol ) L s Grand Prize
ha p 1 \ ‘ ave i ] y fo \
(qe 1 of lie ) | orae ( l Have ‘
¢ Co t hea | cas- | 1} oye
( nhe Lot \ Ie )
| 1st | \ Cred i iracticall
kin 1 nooth ! ( ( | note
ry Chatty Gol Coin a i p 1 | vithout su
Large Apples
Yis dogs
had tried
n treat
nown of
olution of
CCess, I
( il Re Re 1 China, Wyan-| 1} Ie or one part in 25 of
] l \i¢ ne wile I iin reason that
Pp { I I Ful VOI Lave ne eel ccessful in
( fir late ) ‘ Ve l.ou e pest on your animal
1 ©] ome ( | 1 I ¢ iel ¢ el 0 many of
ol \ ‘ ng 1 i cepin place
nie | ol ny « hove him with the
I Ww ‘ ( 1 ( are on hin
I'he p | Bure 16 ame
‘ fl ! such persot vhers ‘ m him after his
i ! i le vill 1
) = 1 The
man ishing oO
A p ‘ '(
I ( ind
mot x
¢ mn 1 T t}
Li ¢
( 11 1 11D
in ( eM 1 Spray
( ¢ 1 oodwork and
h rosend
he pests at
: og required no once I owder ithbed into the
¢ lowing ( 1 raise a 1 he ¢ | drive the fleas
¢ on I ea nly e Nn If 1d powdered to-
New York—B led wheat yields ifarme who was alert he situation bhaced pu n hi leeping place will
ra 1 1 Stiff quite and who conserve what litrl in 0 ¢ (
especially well fall ther : bh frequent cultiva ar
01 ndy sci! on he man who has the 100 pel
Fulcaster—Probably best bearded C¢! rop. The fellow who followed Mr. Abran Sload, of Maytown
vielder; inclined to lodge on moist the rule by cultivation only so often brought to his son Paul at Rheems,
Jor well fertilized land; stools well; at his convenience Is the Par Who a basket of summer rambo apples of
large plump, white grain has the 50 per cent. product. There very arge size Most of them
Rudy—Rather good yielder; not are Eom exceptions but | in general measured 13 inches in circumference
inclined to lodge; stools fairly well; this is the trouble. and weighed 14 ounces each. They
: : : ; ertilizer cannot do its supposed :
grain white and medium sized. A fe y : oy PI were, grown in his lot at M
A : duty if there is insufficient moisture
Longberry Red—Fair vielder;
a . to dissolve the plant food in the
straw not very stiff; will generally
cr vel: fertilizer and supply it to the plant
lodge after well fertilizer tobacco or
li ; : 1 as it becomes available,
| potatoes; medium size grain, rather 53s
! : zed 9 doubtedly some fertilizer was wasted
hard Good for poor soil, . ris O S i “hare
i y I his year by not maintaining a proper olumbus, O., in charge
registered Holstein cows p
there by H C. Reinhold,
\ o ® \ wheats i 3 3 . Tie
Among the smcoth wheats in the «ij jyuleh so that such fertilizer
County are the following: might be better utilized, the question
: : . . : . Peters on
Harvest King—Probably the heavi- of too much from the plant point of | Petersburg.
{ est yielder; straw long; will lodge view should hold less this year than
occasionally: grain hard, red and last.
| small. | Two especially striking instances|[f You Want All The
| Klondyke—Good vielder; straw | of the production of the 100 per cent. | .
| News Subscribe for
| rather short and stiff, grain white, and the 50 per cent. variety were
‘ ”
noted in the’ same field where the
not very hard and large,
Fultz—Fair yielder.!time of planting, the preparation, the |
Four Rowed
()WNERS of Haynes cars feel pride in the fact that this year.
witnesses the twentieth anniversary of the Haynes car.
Haynes purchasers find a certainty of service in that same fact.
Mr. Haynes, in 1893, built what has long been officially acknowl-
edged America’s first automobile. In the twenty years that have
elapsed he and the splendid, skilled, sincere organization which
has grown up around him have: built thousands of automobiles
which, by as many purchasers, have been acclaimed splendid cars.
The three Haynes models for 1913 have all the qualities of
efficient design, honest materials and careful workmanship that
have made Haynes cars famous for service, and they have every
up-to-the-minute feature that’s worth while.
Model 24, four cylinders, 5 passenger, $1785.
Model 22, four cylinders, 7 body styles, $2250 to $3500.
Model 23, Haynes ‘‘Six,’’ 5 passenger touring body, $2500.
Regular equipment complete. All models’ electrically lighted and started by the
Leece-Neville separate unit system. Left side drive, center control.
Haynes Six, 130-inch wheel base, com-
pletely equipped, inciuding electric
starter and lighting system, $2,500. \
Wire wheels $100. }
Call or Phone for Demonstration.
LANDIS BROS. Rheems, Pa.
i Sin
— etl mesma
Purchased Registered Cattle
While un- Amos Foltz, of East Petersburg,
has returned from the State Fair at
of ten
of Fast
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