Prop'r -. PRICE 81 A YEAR ths S30 Cents lonthy 25 Cent Opies 2 Ce each this oflice not felephone news en tAat time and Vednesday Chan ments must posi lice not later than Ww advertisements 7 1e8 us Tuesday rates on appli- SALUNGA M Ma \ . N¢ n ( n K rN el W « x \ d ( ( M \ ki € 'm-re I it Eph lery I y Rohre Vi § Nis 1 Sun \. Eb 1 Str le ente her, Mrs, Dostler and Mrs Washington Borough, days last week, e sewing circle met at the home iss Alma Hershey on Saturday oon, the attendance was very a roval good time by all Esther Hess of New Provi- b spent from Saturday to Thurs- 1s the guest of Miss Elizabeth During her visit a corn-roast Riven in her honor. er and Mrs. Jacob Weise were br the eight guests entertainer nner at the home of Mrs. Jacob ir at I.andisville, last Wednes ard club consisting of Martha Trout, Grace Mumma athel Steincomp, Anna icken and waffle sup ain feature. fearing Sted very uneasy be- cause of ti tartling statements by the minister. Mr. John Malehorn, well driller, is et with a slight injury to his hand nd not thinking it dangerous, paid ittle attention to it until severe pain sent him to the doctor, who put him on the retired list for the time. old paper carrier of our town, while delivering his papers, fell from his oyole, fracturing his arm. Dr.. J Kendig fixed him up and in a few ver his route on foot. Eat ERISMAN'S CHURCH e seeding of wheat this week. arence Eshleman left for Goshen ege, Ind., on Monday morning. Daniel Eshleman received a car-|. heifers from Michigan on] pad of Saturday. gperated on for appendicitis, is im- proving nicely. Miss Stella Witmer is at Lancas, taking a course in sewing. She bonnets. student at Elizabethtown Coll A. K. Brubaker. Mt. Joy ‘visited their parents, Keener and family, on Sunday. on Sunday } der the direction of Amos Eby. evening, Oct. 1. Clarence Eshleman entertained dinner on Sunday. Those Rohrer from this vicinity. o tO Best paper in town-—Bulletin | Ty us. MILTON GROVE SPORTING HILL B: EE. Kendig, Mrs. A. B. ined slizahethtown s Ella Habecker entertained | of Elizabetl { at the home of his nephew the M. KE. church] emperance sermon | ‘es and we are sure|’ the v saloon men within | in Chickies Valley ang Ple after spending two fortnights at the domain of her adjacent to the Elizabethtown stork paid a visit to the home suffering from blood poisoning. He m I g N. Terry have re- where she anticipates to remain ing the fall and winter. Squire Charleston of Newville, has been a mid week visitor in town as McClure of Renovo, is {spending a few with his parents, | of potatoes. They anticipate the Walter Eshleman, a twelve year The squire is one of the salts of the acre. : has a host of friends here and . the glad hand on all sides. Manufacturing the farmers will give it time to ma- ture, regardless of the frost period. hys Walter was delivering papers, | lto t for the present he manages to], | visiting the scenes church of the Brethren in this ome of our farmers expect to do|friends. LANDISVILLE Elizabeth Brubaker who has been|The) wil] make a specialty of caps and}|' Miss Anna Brubaker, who is a a congregations amusement for the money in the spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Samuel Keener and family and George Keener and family of near seen supplying Albert Erb, Phares Kauffman and Martin Metzler and their families, at-| tended Petersburg Mennonite church and visited relatives in that vicinity A singing school will be held at the Lincoln School this winter, un- yo The first meeting will be on Wednesday gumber of his friends at a bachelor ~ ed his hospitality were: Messrs. El- mer Heller and Walter Shenk, of New Danville; Reuben Nolt of Lan- disville: Frank 3aer, Salunga; Jacob Carper of Manheim and Martin Metzler, Clayton Yake and C.. EB Want to Erect Bridge ll A An Execution a new | Geisenbe bridge over the Little Chickies creek yne; between Rapho do the best job printing vou townships on the THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. 0000000000000 OITOIOOCCDOOL FALL SUIT At Moderate Prices a ———————— ————— MAKES RAPID HEADWAY Add This Fact To Your Store of 2 Knowledge © ® Kidn lisease often advances so © ipld it many a person is firm- @) grasp before aware of its ® Progr Prompt attention should © given the slightest symptom of @ Iney aisorder 1 there is a dull @ pal n the back, headaches, dizzy pelis ur a tired worn-out feeling, @ or if the kidnsy secretions are of- @ en 1 ilar and attended with ® a good kiduey remedy @ at once ®) Thousands recommend Doan’s A) Kidney Pil R¢ the statement p< below ©) —_— \. BE. Cox, cigar maker, Orchard © St., Manheim, Pa., says: ®@ “Some years ago I had occasion to @ take Doan's Kidney Pills and two | (@® boxes gave me entire relief, Today ©®@ I still hold this remedy in high es- ® teem Anyone suffering from kid- nev complaint can denrend upon © Doan’s Kidney Pills to remove the ©) trouble A public endorsement for ©) this remedy is no more than it de- ® For sale by al? dealers. Price 5" (3) cents Foster-MIlburn Co., Nsw @) York, sole agents for the = States Remember the name——Doan's and take no other Ae RHEEMS OG GE ® \ J 5 k @ Miss: Sadie Weavel Tr {« Wash © ngton, D. { after spending the @ Smnme vit ier sister. Mrs, Jacob © Shank and family © A novel way of raising. celery can \ I'l be geen at the Rheems rotary where © each stalk is enclosed with paper in- © stead ot banking up the ground Q Cyrus: Evans took Mr. and Mrs, P.|® C. Sload to Maytown last Sunday in © his automobile where they. spent the @® and Lancaster spent a day with his sis-| ter, Mrs. Jacob Shank Mr. Weaver TROLLEY SCHEDULE Rohrerstown, Landisville, | is a prominent employee of the Bell Adany Stumpf, tax collector of W Donegal township, will sit at the P N. Kraybill store Saturday afternoon from ome to four o'cleek, to receive school tax. m Morris Kulp, who has charge of|g 15 i . | ’ the I} G. Brinser delivery wagon Leave contemplates going to, farming on hisy 5.35 , : : : y, HR: father’s farm near Mastersonville, | Ly as 1 00, April. I; 1914, The A. M. E. campmeeting which was beld ip W. L. Heisey's park, was abandoned last Sunday owing, to afternoon and evening. | m P. K. Landis, Harry Hauenstein, [7.00, Irwin Fridy and other potato farm- ers have not lifted their many acres vield to be about 150 bushels to. the The rainy and cloudy weather last | week increased the growth of the] late tobacco to such an extent that There will de singing in the] place Saturday evening, Oct. 4th 2 ~ : | Regular church services Sanday, Oct.| 5 and Children's day ia the after-| g : moon when there will be a number of | 1.30, | 8.30, prominent ministers present. | en eee is Garden Theatre vy. Starting Monday, Sept. 28, Mr. Le-| 8. on Yackly will return to the Garden| __ cash prizes will be given away this oo same week and the high gradeMutu- 15 al Service Pictures continued, giving | 1.45. the people of Mt. Joy the very best On caster hethtown 11.45, country. in ee ee et casions Ready to Pay Bounties T.ancaster hour from 333 Sundays v bounties for the kill-| ."¢4= s animals. A number of] 745 wre on file in the office, These! with News The county commissioners are now claims have not been paid because State ials have now provided another, ————-—_ Our Home Markets tatoes ¢ Ba. ois 6 Whea BH. Si nissan 86 er DU. oir ecinsarerrnns 85 € Bi. i i sae ness 50 ee eel = - \ A Very Old Chair 3 Yocum of Manheim, is sosvooscrecees old. which is used daily and is as 00d as ever and is very comfortable. i+ belonzed to Mr. Yocum’'s great- oreat-grandmother and is now in use n the sixth generation. Wednesdiy, ® Unique Suits $6.00 to $17.00 Styleplus Suits $17.00 Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits $18.50 to $25 These Suits are in all the new shades such as Blue, Gray mixed, Brown mixed, Tan and Mode. NE —~ % @ee® © \ © ( PeOELELRROR® r Telephone Co. Lancaster, Salunga, Street Railway Co. l.eave 6.15, 6.57, ’ . Leave the threatening weather during the 7.00, %00, 9.00, EASTWARD Elizabethtown—a. Mount Joy—a. m. 5.30%, 7.1 10.35, ‘1115, p. ma 12.1 3.15 5s 415. 5.15, 6.35, 7.1 55, 8.99, and take personal charge of the) 1.55 theatre. He will also resume his ac- oy customed place at the piano. Big Arriv 8.15. T.ancaster—a m. 6.c 20x. 10.15, 11.15. p. m. 12.15, .' 3.315. 415, 5.18, 815, 7.15, 10.15. 1135, a Mm saturdays a ear will leave Tan- 3 : Plza- Samuel B. Bernhart, tinue the business, p. m. i Saturdays and Special oe. lions of the or that purpose inthe. HOP SGSSPOSISOODL v © WeareAlways Prepared to serve ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy. Penna. of a chair over 200 Yeu 9 09H 0000S 9000S Subscribe ror the ft Joy Bulletin i All the local news in the Bulletin. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulitein. | pi WwW aters Sweater ‘““Notair Buttonholes’ Anything in Sweaters that you want, 1s have them in Red, Blue, Gray and Oxford to $8.00. a Shoes! Shoes! $1.85 to $4.50 GETZ Mount Joy Hall Bldg. day with Mr and Ais. vam Sond 006 50OOOOO000000O0CE OOOO OCOOOOQO@ Joy and Elizabeth. | 5, 2.15, 3.15, 4.15, 5.15, | 5. aa, 01s, 1115. J, Ml. Backenstoe, Pro. Rohrerstown—a. m. 450, .35, 10.35, 11.35, 35, 2.35, 3:35, 4.35, 5.35, | 9.35. 11.35. tias just beep remodeled thruout. | . I. eave Landissilie—a. m. 5.12, 557, Has all modern ; 9.57, 10.57, 11.57. D.i.¢ Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Stear- tieat, Electric Light, 257, 257. 4.57, 5.57) 9.57, 11.57. Junea— 5.15, 6.00, " . 0, 50 000, 1100. 12.00, p. Table is Supplied Wish the Best Pp 3 400, 590, 6.08 . 0 a the Market Affards. 10.00, Leave Mount Joy—a. m. 5.30, 6.15, WE ol | o, 11.95. pp. mn L15 >15, 3.15, 4.15, 5.15, 5, 5, 10.15, a. m. 12.15. Rlso Luneh Counter RT at Flizabethtown n-—a. m. 8.45. 9.45, 10.45. 11.45 2.45, 2.45, 4.45, 5 J. 10.45, a. me. 12:30 10.45, 11.45, p. m, 12- 3.45, 4.45, 5.45, 6.45, 5.45, 2045, a. m. 12.30 BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRAND! OF BEER, WINES, LiQUORS & CIGARS bi oo 11.15, a. m. 12.45. SAAEA m. 5.45x, 7.28, 1030, 1130, p.m. 12.30, Good Stabling Accomodation 3.30, 4.30, 5.30, 8.30, 7.30, 10.30, 11.30, a. mx. 1.00. Local and Long Distance Phones ave lLandisville—a. m. 5.48, 7.33, 11.33. p. m. 12.33, DISSOLUTION OF P P 0%, WN. % J, um | OF PARTNERSHIF 9.33. 10.33, 11.33, a. m. 1.03, [Leave Rohrerstown—a. m. 6.19%, 7.- Notice is 5. 11.58 12.55, 2m} p.. M.; leave will be run between by and are and Mt. Jovy every half SAMUEL : 6.15 resem REUBEN T, FELLENBAUM | 1€0t and regular guests. first car leaves lancaster l.eave Elizabethtown at Car n Express at Tancaster rked (x) connects $& JA 4 > & a Sold in Mi. Joy by E W. Garber . P Chandler & Ca. { American Plan Exchange Hotel conveniences such Where Soups, Sandwiches, (heose 3:45, Tripe, Etc., Etc.,, are ser:ed mos, Fine Oysters In Every Siyle y givea that the partnership heretofore subsisting be- B. Bernhart and Reu- trading as S. B. tween Samuel ben T. Fellenbaum, Bernhart & Co., and doing a gemeral merchandise business ough of Mount 12.15. solved by mutual hi tember 1, 1313. in the Bor- Joy, Pa. was dis- consent an Sep- Al] accounts due by said firm are to be paid forthwith to who will con- are assumed to be paid by him. B. BERNHART GASOLINES LAMP OILS Lhoxnerns Me RY = TI DT——— A T_T ROS Mount Joy, Penna. Rates Moderate OOOO00000OCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC Sick Headaches OEE J ® Q here a ————————————————— — OC ( ® O@ @ o CRPRROREEOOEE® It makes no WESTWARD % whether you are » rag 9 5.15, | | , $3 adie : wo A Ng TY > Mount Joy, Pa. from sick heahaches 8:15, wiv, way > simple ordinary every from headache. remedies give relief comes quickly. RESTAURANT in connection with hotel will serve in season. Private dining room for ladies. Pure h : 2 Auto Oil as 7- VW. McGinnis, Spring @ E Ideal for either wig or waler- = PROPRIETOR water & FREE=3 320 page book=-all about oil —) oy é WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO. W. M. HOLLOWRUSH ¢2 West Main Street, a Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri- un h ¥ dav at No. 52 N x Ww = ENCH FEM) 3 a= 0. 5 orth Duke Street EP i L L S. headache, you will get splen did and satisfactory Chandlers’ Headache Wafers These wafers are compos- ed of safe, harmless ents, and produce relief very highest manner possible on account of the splendid sults 1 have noticed quickly indeed. I mend. them to you their use during the past five years. More of my customers are buying than are buying all gether. This in isself is good reccanmendation. are troubled with headaches Chandler's Headache Wafers a trial and you will find that CHANDLERS W. Main St, Mt. Joy Pa. Goods Mailed on Receipt of 25¢, Sunday, Hours 8 to 9 & 5 to 6-45 HOTEL McGINNIS all obliga- The undersigned having remodel- ed the old Mooney Hotel, number of sleeping rooms, bath, ete., is now prepared to entertain trans- OYSTERS and CLAMS in any styie A Thin, Pale Oil TURTLE SOT P. Ete It feeds freely; free from carbon. - i , Etc. gw Waverly Specials NOTARY PUBLIC Attorney-At-Law sdvertise in he Mt. Joy Bulletin. y © tur 1.00) wonth ng con { ility ] hat the an get winner ting for Barron souri co Mr. B his bird last eig have be performs So his 1 work, of care mention In my are just more of If they : year to hen it v dollars t duced b) SUNDA nter-Tow esting The ! I ed Se Pr len own; vi man, Eli Mathiot, H. Stauffs departmer zabetht Rev. S. F Elizabetht ment, Mrs ry depar ondary di The pro lows: Inv mn, “Al Name, on. Re Fran president's dress, “He th Myer “Modern § N. KI incaster i Je Nomina hymn, “Lo Blessing IT DO Tivg yWeekl Hall A , On the e and W acadse Isement cts IO] cries mora bear, bunny and these © he adolescs evils o } Th Yas 1ImMmore 1a S In placed unde Janis, Berks: turkey trot step panzee clufc wriggle squi waddle, Sion glide, sq glide, combi drag, serpen the castle w None of tl attempted at weekly danc is thus save issueing sucl