8IX 300d Things to Eat will ‘hold no joys for you if you huve indi gestion or any STOMACH, LIVER or KIDNEY trouble, You need not pay big doctor's bills, but if you suffer from any of these ailments just step into your nearest druggist and get a 50 cont bottle of SEVEN BARKS, the great household remedy, the finest toni and blood purifier known. If your sy 1 is mn down and you want to reg your yout thiful energy, SEVEN BARKS w w lie plish it, make your food dig ve Money refunds { . you new life fled, Tryit and enjoy your \ LYMAN BROWN, 68 Murray St., New York, \. JY. IN Grips 2 Trunks OF ALL SIZES, SHAPES STYLES AND PRICES. WHEN NO OTHER STORES HAVE IT—WE HAVE Edward Krecke! Harness and Leather Goods Store 30 PENN. SQUARE LANCASTER, PA. Tou-R-TST A THE FINEST DISPLAY OF n Leather Goods OUR WINDOWS AT Trunks at Half Price, gains. On The Square EERRRRRREEAARRRRRNRRERARIRINEY > €unas B® 2 REAL ESTATE AND PRESENT EVER SEEN IN LANCASTER INSURANCE E. Main St, Great Bar- Settlement of “Estates. Collection of Rents Surveying and Cg r a Good Or a Class Stop at H.J. WILLIAMS TONSORIAL PARLORS W. Main St, Mount Joy Agt For Middletown Laundry TRADE-MARKS and copyrights ehtained or no fee. Send model, sketehds or photos and hrdef deseription. for FREE SEARCH and report on patentabll ity, 28 1's Experience. Send 2-cent stamp for NEW BOOKLET, full of patent information, It will help you to READ PACES 11 and 12 before applying Write to-day ol a EAD P D, SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS, 303 Seventh 8. Washington B. C. OLD DR. THEEL 808 W pring Garden St., (formeriy 535 N. 6th St., 3 pp Pa.) Ein Deutsel her rts, Only German 8 The German Treatment, the only @ teed Cure for Specific Blood Poison, others .L THEEL ean’t Care, all use Mercury & Arsenle, worse than the Disease itself, it’s a curse of humanity. All Goojosfoedresdocfociodpele wforlefosjosforforforioclecfecfortorieciodoofecforiorieds Mount Joy Calling and Zlerking of Public Sales Don. W. Gorrecht JEWELER, ENGRAVER, and '$ WATCH and CLOCK REPAIRER Bowman's Store | Near MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Guaranteed ——————— — —————————— Watches At Remarkably LOW Prices $2.15 movement Will buy a good 1 Heavy Silveroid case At $5.50 reliable \ thoroughly move- ment in a Gold Filled Case. GO TO East Main St, FOR A GOOD SHAVE ~TYLISH HAIR-CUT REFRESHING SHAMPOO or anything in the Barber Line. TAKE A KODAK WITH YO venient way. and so have we. only quality we carry product. KODAKS $5.00 AND UPWARD BROWNIES $1.00 TO $12.00 SUPPLIES Agent for Standard Steam Meet Me on the bridge Have a Plate of the Best Ice Cream In Town 3 1 and We'll a aan PRR a PTTTPTTTTTTTYS Bele he eile dleelesds Pee TeTTYTT PRT TRIE TT TITTTeTY uh be ub RE bb Bb BB bb bb bbb be be ube ule ubeodeeBeelecDeclecteedeod le vofeafenipriec cir AE PITT TT W.B.BENDER Mount Joy, Pa U Let pictures tell the story of the motor trip. The Kodak way is the sure way, the simple way, the con- Kodak goods have a reputation for That's Ww the genuine Eastman No chance for substituting. hy study HEADQUARTERS FOR KODAK Laundry Eta i ob hE THE BULLETIN. SUFFERED AWFUL PAINS For Sixteen Years. Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. Moretown bled with pains an 1 {Vv thin, | { ne rvous, no 1 fwould lie down it {would seem if 1 roly right own ol ( L 1to some h 1 t v { t { A out | I Q lout of doors it would seem as if something was going to hap- circula- be like a dead » weak- 1s sore and I pen. My blood was poor, my tion was so bad 1 would person at times. I ness badly, my had awful pe “J took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- ble Compound and used the Sanative Wash and they certainly did wonders for me. My troubles disappeared and I am able to work hard every day.’ —Mrs, W. F. SAWYER, River View Farm, More- town, Vermont. Another Case. Gifford, Jowa.—*‘1 was troubled with femaie weakness, also with displace- ment. I had very severe and steady headache, also pain in back and was very thin and tired all the time. I com- menced taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable C ompound and I am cured of these trouble e vour medicine tro hir —Mrs. INA MILL- SLAGLE, Gifford, Iowa, abdomen we ns, T cannot prais rb CAUSE OF ROAD FAILURES | Heavy Wagons More Detrimental to Roads Than Automobiles That the greatest cause of the de struction of modern 1oads is not the automobile but the heavily horses is Massachu- after has work loaded vehicle drawn by the conclusion of Commissioner No setts Highway a full investigation. state made than road the damage by automo- Ma report recently greater progress in first to as and the Massachusetts of macadam | official notice waterbound biles made by the ssachu- was in its of report setts commission 1907 this latest is- sued is of interest. In in the re- day, each broke up the road travel- three two instances quoted port 50 to 75 ice teams a car- three tons or more on a inch the loaded surface rying 2 1-2 within a inch to 3 tires of teams lasted where or month side on which the the the back ed, while months on other side the teams came empty. miles roads These bevond the ice the still in are of asphaltic shows,” houses condition. treated “The the number —one loads on failure.” good macadam are with traffic report, of teams or more narrow roads heavy oil. says is not the teams it heavy “that but horses, tires—that The report says: { million dollars are in commonwealth improved roads, and provision made to prevent them The law should per inch with the heavy the and cause further “Many being se- a year | spent this to cule should be destruction. maximum tire in contact from fix width ground.” A carefully to the causes roads some weight of prepared statement as of wear, and what certain will stand is present- ed as one of the results of the care- | | { | | eee, Barra memes TEoet abouts. Dratar AIrophYs | ful trafic study entered on some esas Hy drneeley Ro on: | years ago by the commission ln Gormasy Boek Fri, tits, exporting Mien 3ST ZELLER’ S | Among the established results are i All Flavors at All Times. i the following: A good gravel road Shaving Harr Cutting ,ccial Prices to Parties, eluate) I wear reasonably wel] under a Joseph B. Hershev : Suppers, Etec. | daily trafic composed of 50 to 75 . | light teams, 25 to 30 loaded one Tonsorial Parlor mrs. CG. H. Zeller | horse vehicles, 10 to 12 loaded two Three Chairs. No Waiting | Marietta Street MOUNT 0% |, more horse drawn wagons, and Agen for the Middletown Steam | 100 to 150 automobiles. With a Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday | Krall Meat Market | targer number of automobiles the and delivered Friday. | gravel should be oiled, when it East Main St., MOUNT Joy | { would stand fairly well under 500 — £1 { to 700 automobiles daily. Water Terms Moderate. Bell Telephone | bouna macadam will stand under a CHARLES S. FRANK daily trafic of 175 ‘to 200 light AUCTIONEER teams, 175 to 200 heavy one-horse MOUNT JOY, PA | I always have on hand anything Yehicles, and €° to 30, perhaps Prompt Attention given to Sales of in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham, more, heavy wagons with two or Real Estate and Personal Property | Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Etc. j Rote Borges. It even 50 to 100 au arp | Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and ; tomobilss per day go over the road é Bess meats assveresenn| yon Prices always right. | at high speed dust layers will be : RUDY'S PILE SUPPOSITORIES * > > : | serviceable. With a really good WILL CURE YOU * | dust layer the road will stand 300 Dons permit your druggist to * H H. KRALL to 500 automobiles a day, although ) : sell you a substitute. Other * | West Main Street, Opp. Bank, | the stones will wear. On water / : remedies are not as good. Rudy's * | MOUNT JOY, PA.| bound macadam with an off and cures or money back. * | ; : avi annh I ; E32 Assn 22232212444 se Bell Telephone. sand blanket. applied hot, a large | number of automobiles seems to Ee ————————— | Leep the oil rolled down when it REE REE ER ERE ER would cut up and crumble under a trafic of 100 heavy one horse ve- ! nicles and 50 two or more horse 1 er ’S | Store ! wagons on a .narrow tire, such as ewe ry | loaded farm wagons, ice wagons i loads of wood, etc. g rr As Watches—Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Electric goods, Trini ans rinity U. E. Announcements Electric Lights for everybody. * 6 Candle Electric Light Outfit large Harvest Home services will enough for Barn or room, $1.85. Electric Iroms, Small Motors for held Sunday morning and evening. . Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. The Wash Machines, ete. Also repairing of all kinds. pastor, Rev. N. A. Barr, will preach wk ’ ® in the morning at 10:20 on “Sow- @ ing and R 12” and in the even- ®m ing on Atonement.” C. 8S. g | Gingrich will have charge of the’ EMILLER o.. fo- MOUNT JCY, PA. m. ; i EE i Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. be Su ' condition. HOME HEALTH CLUB By Dr. David H. Reeder, Chicago, Ill | finished elling you the most common and trouble worm h time Ir't ope name for the round A 8¢ imbricoids but 1 now a helps us at all ¢ verv much resemble in size the or ng yorm hough they e more of a pink or flesh color and Are more arn ¢ i! from three 0 10 1C1e€ I ength, | is seldom that mor il Wo Ut NOrms are 1{ A ne human being, JL 1y ¢ merous and Ome ¢ ( ruction ot One testinal worm of riety pable of discharg \ nd ese egg ret n 1 y Imnae mos I'he € i ree \ feces fron he ¢ € wi nto i S I 10°¢ Nag vells I'hus juen ippens that )OTSONS 10 ¢ 1pon hallow ve 0 « 01 their water supply are 1fllicted with worms, while those whose drinking water is secured from deep wells or filtered water are comparatively im- mune, Worms usually remain in the intestines, but occasionally they wander into other parts of the body, such as the stomach or even up be- hind the nose in the pharynx ana possibly into the Eustachian canal, leading from the pharynx to the middle ear. Occasionally through fistulas or abcess they may enter the bladder and they are many times vomited from the stomach. In some cases their presence is not even suspected until they are found in the stools or vomit. There may be no pronounced symptoms, but as a rule tnere will be nervousness, irritability, gritting of the teeth at night, foul breath, dry hacking cough, dark rings under the eyes, a red spot on the cheek, pinched and itching nose, headache, dizziness, sickness of the stomach, irregular appetite, indi- gestion and diarrhoea, while children may act listless and have colic pains or even convulsions. The old and common remedy is santonin, but I much prefer the proper cell salts or tissue foods. There is no danger whatever in their use and the result seems to be even more satisfactory, The principal cell food to bring positive results is Natrum Phosphoricun "but there seem to be a demand also for Ferrum Phos, Kali Mur. and Cale. Fluor. These cell foods are best and most conveniently used in sugar or tablets. An excellent stomach tonic for adults, whieh should be used when worms have caused weakness and dyspepsia may be made of an in- fusion of equal parts of goldenseal and peach leaves, Those of you who have Vol. 5 of the Home Health Club books know how to gather all kinds of herbs and make infusions, others should send for the book. al ee = The Farmer's Own Department The Department of Agriculture lieves that farming be- business and to yield a profit. part of the this reason the depart- methods to motion. into two (b) increased is a made must be I'he home is business and for makes public labor and waste work falls plant, ment save money, The protective production and On the protective campaign fields: (a) increased profit side note the de- partment’s to aid the farmer to overcome plant diseases, to ravages insects and other and blights and effectively with contagious seases and epidemics ‘among plants and animals. On the government's actual soil, years been “and studied showing the nature crops best suited the soils. The dairy division conducts work to cut from herds unprofitable cattle, dairy products and to increase the side; side. and stop of pests prevent to deal di- constructive side the work begins with the The bureau of soils has making complete soil has furnished with complete maps of the soil, the and how to treat for analyses country to produce and ship with greatest profit values. Another tention to at- to pays especial showing how produce, pack, chill and ship eggs and dressed poultry so as to com- mand highest market prices. Other bureaus search the world for new agricultural products which might be profitably raised on American soil. The biological specializes the protection of birds and wild animals which are beneficial to farm- ing, and on the eradication of animal pests, The hauling farm produce over can run up to 25 cents a ton a mile and so make it impossible to « compete on equal terms with producers located on good The department maintains a office of bureau poultry, survey on cost of bad roads easily ‘oads. special public roads which is conducting extensive experiments to secure good roads over which the farmer may haul his produce to market, \n Offi« 0 els will investi- gate thoroughly possibilities of suppl farn with market otati nd I endeavor to aid hem in co-operative and other forms f g. This office also will take up the questions of shipping farm produce. The department . is ready and ynxious to see that every farmer receives the benefits of its service. sia: met nn range in good te. f ‘ "A steel Apply at this office For Sale- each | MOUNT JOY, PA. THE COUNTY FAIR A Large Display of Machinery and Many Starting Free Acts Secretar Seldomridge and a corps { sistants are very busily engag ‘ reparin fo he Lancaster ( ry vhic} I in a montl AWAY ve indication points te he Arg and most successful fair that h eve wen held in Lan ( Le For weeks | t the cretary been visiting the big fairs and the hibitions in the eastern part of the state and ha secured a great m exhil Speed Secretary Mil er and George Swain are looking after the race hors and entries In that department will be very large Especially the exhibition of machinery be large The large anufacturers f machinery have arned it pays to have their ¢ xhibits at 1 fair The International Harve company will have the largest display they have made in La in vears and have not only eng A grea deal of space, hut hey will send many of their agents here. Lancaster county has a great many manufacturers of machinery of different kinds and their products will all be seen at this fair. It is doubtful whether it will be possible for the fair to furnish sufficient space for the machinery men, who seem (0 be coming from many places. The poultry exhibition is expected to be a big feature of the fair and many special cups are to be awarded. The meet also attracting a great attention and it will be held Among the big free attractions at the fair will be Kelly, the daring balloonist, with an assistant, six parachute leaps. The Smithsons will appear in a death track is deal of on Tuesday. King makes sensational de- who, fying act entitled “Cycling the Chasm.” The aerial Howards will walk upon wire 111 feet above the ground. The Hoagian Bros. of Trafalgar, of trained Indiana, have a number horses. They are seen in a series of races. including Roman standing, tandem. chariot, races and a number of others requiring great skill ee alli We een Meeting for Road Loan cood roads convention A State be Representatives House on A. loan of the Harrisburg at 10: $50,000,000 will held in the hall ot Thursday. M, for at September 18, 30 in favor of the improved of doctors highways, Prominent leaders the various political judges, lead- leaders parties, lawyers, motori heads of the trades, ing labor organizations and of tions denomina- the fous will the various relig in the State compose convention. At for carrying half of the persons invited The of movement increase this meeting plans will be made campaign in be- All attend. on the loan, interested are to completion this good roads land values in will more than $50,000,000 as other no State the interest if is Real estate pays Pennsylvania, states. and cor- the taxes in porations alone will pay loan, any but it be- license fees and sinking fund on the additional the tax is needed, automobile sufficient time the loan is amount next lieved than to meet the will be more charges bh) issued—these fees will than million dollars an of one hundred over no debt now the loan. New of $100.000,000 all all more to one increase trifle vear per cent, in a two vears. Pennsylvania has afford with a debt authorized roads. and York for more can easily State, canals, $100.000,000 for The Lancaster Auto Club fore the club and it will be to the in- terest of every member to attend. The World’s Remedy You make no risky experiment when you use occasionally— whenever there is need—the most universally popular home remedy known,—Beecham’s Pills, which have stood the test of time with absolute suc- cess and their world-wide fame rests securely on proved merit. EECHANS ILLS relieve the numerous ailments caused by defective action of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Cleansing the system, they purify the blood and tone body, brain and nerves. Beecham’s Pills act quickly; they are always safe and reliable, and you may depend upon it they Will Benefit You Sold everywhere. In boxes 10¢c., 25c. Everyone—especially every woman—should read the directions with every box. Subseribe. ior the Mt. Joy Bull etin. | When the Lancaster Automobile Club holds its regular monthly meet ing at New Holland on Friday even- ing, Sept. 19, it will have held meetings in the north, south, east and west sections of the county, | which is in line with the club's policy of meeting at least once in each section of the county each sum- mer. This meeting probably will be the last of the meetings of the season outside of Lancaster and a large attendance and many new members are expected. There is some important business to come be- FERRER ER RE ORR RES RR RARRE TRRERRRERRR RRR RRR | | i i Wednesday, September 10, | 00000 RR EER Corner S . - -. ext Week New Merchandise Will Be Launched With an elaborate display of the new models in Ladies’ Ready-to-wear apparel, followed by special day Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 17 and 18. Unlike former exhibits of this character, the Opening evening, Sept. 16, and all 17 play, planned for next Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. and 18, will excell this or any other store ever attempted before. In addition being a leading factor in the great Unity d Fashion Show Lancaster, our heavier than ever purchases this season perior selections resulting in larger varieties will cause Fashion Exhibits at this store to be of far greater to you individually than all the displays could possibly be where. Living models in past seasons will exhibit the as Suits, Coats, Dresses and Millinery for women, while displays of men's clothing and furnishings, new silks, goods, new ladies’ neckwear, hosiel gloves, corsets, chiefs, new dress trimmings, new table linens and art new wash fabrics, new floor coverings, draperies and nishings will be strong features of the season's Opening play. \ hearty welcome to you—come—its yours to enjoy. another feature ” |. 'm " . w ww m nu n w = " n - Ww 4] Wu a » = » M “ ~ " " - » = “ ® m = " m " - - = = = n w - Wi = mw wm = =u L] = n m ou mn cic = - 1913, Watt & Shand re and E. King Sts. Our Formal Presentation of The For Autumn & Winter of 1913-14 Tuesday Evening September 16th Millinery, exhibits all Dis- ‘day anything to of and su- the importance else- new special dress handker- linens, housefur- Dis- Mu- AENEID ZOEEs Ee Yseew FREES REE EEE SEE = ” : : = . n . : | UNTER NEEERRRRRRRRERRRRRRRRERRRARERURERES Mr. Man or Wom Don’t throw that pair of good shoes aside because they are = slightly torn or the sole has worn thru. Bring them to me and 2 = I will make them like new for a very small consideration. = A SPECIALTY =e a If its new shoes you are looking for, whether Men’s, Boys’, s = Ladies’ or Children’s, don’t buy unti] you have first seen my line. S = The prices I know will please you. z 1t £ E Roc 2 Harry Laskewitz } 8 cs EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PENNA, £ —~ E g d TLL LL eX te a i | & REFRESHING AF ; - £0 == Ee | BAA CASA cS Manufactured By FLAMAGAN’S The House of Quality Columbia, Penna. The Bulletin published mony ARK S | in one (week than any other { per doep in two. Then too es_a _loxurient A ¥ la® year Jails to Restore 4 imine A Amn 27 Bg paper ‘n t pertise e It the Mt. Joy