The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 10, 1913, Image 5

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September 10,
‘ > { a or vii t wre the delegate 8 4 . p =
} Ww C T U ternoon devotion Delegates wer ¢ delegates to visit their establish Personal ’ wafers on the deck at 10; luncheon!lda wife of Charles Meyers, of Lan
4 » . . . then elected to the State Conven- ments which was gladly taken ad By [ | { f ff 11:30; coffee and rolls or cake &t|ecaster ; Anna wife of Garfield Shearer
x C t1 fon, and Ephrata was voted as the vantuge of by the delegate H » " dinner at 5:30 and sandwiches at|of Elizabethtown, and Lizzie at home.
{ \ "nn é ow he y » { — - : -
onven on place of next V Out neeting \ I'he president, M Amanda Lan appenings ) m. after the concert in the din! These children of his second wife al
! » - citation by Mi Myrtle Hess was de tppointed the following commit — Ven n 00d things here below | oom HO urvive Stoner, of RElizabeth:
| (Continued from pag: vell iven and enjoved by all o Wednesday he Page ommit (Continued fiom Da: [) I tnd Lid. oul most enjoyable I offered my ervice to the 'lown; Robert of Johnstown and Ruth
utes. Mi N a Barr, gave, in A WW. ( I'' U. quiz. conducted by '¢ i Fannie Murphy of Lancas i J. Cassel of Baltimore. wa Pp to Europe, from July 156 when we ‘ Nn CASE of sickne on at home. Funeral services took place
leasing manner the addre he president proved interesting '¢r. courtesy Mrs, Duncan, of Mount n lay inded in Copenhagen to August 20 boa and he asked me to take yesterday afternoon at 1:80 at the
{ i the ¢ 3 } 1nd . A i i "
4 ) | ane 1 KS Y en t le \ ) \ | ' '
welcome, which was responded o “nd instructive Mi Pearl Me vy And M Rakstraw, of Christiana \l John Miller of Lancaster vent vhen w epped on the Imperator a © ol the services on Sunday I house and interment in Milton Grove
by Miss Alice oon Much of | Cleary represented in. a few ra Pr reporter for the Morning New Monday in. town Cuxhaven, (the Hamburg port of de he assistance of other | cemetery
' i : . Trai : Q ) M W. J. Wade for the New Er: parture,) Every i | g it 1 1 : ' RR
the morning session was given to Marks "Our Training School at Chi Mi Ania. Mart ¢ m Ae Era Mr. C. M, Buckwalter of Lancaster ' day ought its de niste and found Rev, Prof. ( EDN Si ———
\ NS i i the , ght ( me { i
business, during which reports of cago” Mrs, Coates followed with rd 5 rn Tim 'e Bxaminer |... i. (own Sundas Ae benefits and | man of Capitol University, Co S El
“wr , : and the Inquirer 1 le att blessing 0 \ { Lust We n pl R
wu increased membership and a fav. 8 talk on “Woman Suffrage She ; ‘ a I Henne and Mr. J. C. Hollenberry wa ver ii i un Monday Augu 18 O., who read the scriptures, vere eC
Ol 1e Intelligence t ) ~ entere the ag ice ‘ Lb > : . "mn
wable financial standing were read. sald the right of suffrage should be nN " | 4 iy An } he Horning own last Thursday ered the magnificent Hambu ind offered prayer I'he . l S
: . aL al I Souder Atitz . o erica line © i 0's { ( va led tha " t t
‘In Memoriam” and Noontide Pray-| granted, and considered it a power audit “ MeM . e ol 4 : Mr, KE. C. Lenick of Lebanon pent n line headquarters in Ham vas held in the dining room rica orm
an ng I cMichael an Mrs burg and > MN { ee Hel { 3 y ¢
sr, led by Mrs. EB W. Gaylord, fol-| to be wielded by woman on the _ si nd Mr vesterday in the boro and secured our tickets (which p.m. Sunday, August 24th. ———
’ ’ ’ ’ * Guiles credential Mrs Ida M \ ve had ordered while il in ¢ pianist of the hip's orchestra . {
owed these reports Subscriptions ! side of temperance Brown. Mi Rel G IM | 3, ( lensen of Delavan, Minn Aner : l ! 3 stra (Continued from page 1)
> 38 Rebecca Griest an rs nd nerica) ane ound nde and | : ol ) ic ‘6 SANE | «tf .
for the Bulletin, Young Cru After a few snap shots from the Wo Rr Sgsea | ‘ a ( Xe pent yesterday in town Pore ( dred n charge of the music We sang storms seen in that vicinity for
y : res on, 8, Nora 1 ousands oll there on the sam enre } T y ‘ “ m
sader” and “Union Signal” vere | local Unions, devotional exercises, Brow: Mi Charlott Grube and Mr. James Wilson of Hazelton was a : . C : 2 ue r My God to Thee and "A twenty-five years, Trees were up- i
; { e » dy, . . nran Sue ‘ 0 secure pas ght Corte } . :
then called for, after which the ses.| in which several of the delegates Miss Myrtle Hess committee for ne vi ‘riends here Monday Le a 1 ISL moment ind | 1g ) i ; u ls. om God rooted and washed fo; quite a dis-
. 3 tee ‘ p 3 hi di ¢ ) an Cur wl n 0 ang Vig { “ "mn ‘ ow
. sion stood adjourned led in earnest prayer, closed one of selecting a place of meeting in 1914 Mr. A. C. Landis of the Bell Tele he wo I'oo: La Evel Berti‘ > > i tng Night and tance I'he Conestoga Traction Co.
9 the most interesting and enthusias : 5 HS phone Co. was in town yesterdays : Ae Yury rth Dream n German and we preached guffered some loss by trees falling
At 2:00 p. m, the afternoon ses 4 : ; { tl Mi McMichael and Mrs, Miller: Mr. John Welsh of th C Faker VMiany were thus disappoint- on ps. 14 I'he whole service lasted tl Kk . .
' C anti 3 |i he tory o 1e . els ( the unt) J ne over + tre 5 ‘oles ere
sion opened with devotions, led by HC conventions in the hist nominating Mis Anna Andrews, go. wa : ounty bin It was itcidet Be a ie acks. Poles were blown
; y aT n oe V een about own ot Vion : ht 3 , “down tl . a i og
Mrs. Janie Sentman. The Temp- | O'8 nization. Mrs. Eva Herr and Mrs Maggie day The \vperate inher of dlergyisen wholintroduees aud Xe downpour of rain was
as ide -operate with v . ay. e erator ny rg) exceeding a rivi »
erance Light Bearers,” “The Loyal It Was gee ed. ra a t Htaylle: committee to select unions Mr. Wm, O. Shes f Ober] \ 1 nit AL themselves later and by representa v Rely avy. Vivid fasts gi
. y the dcense oague in order to . . B . Sh Is Oo werlin was wit | Hol 1 18 Us 20 ‘ . . ' « lightning ac ¢ a a R .
I'emperance Legion, “Young Peo e No-License gue t Dott entitled 0 state delegates, Mrs. v 1 1 i I ial tive men and women A Roman Bf ng accompanied the storm,
1 101¢ the interest oO oth . oe i t™ ¢ Live 1 town on o vith | ) special train . R The ) arr y g
ples’ Branch” and “The Union Sig- P"™° Gi I | : t Sanders and. Mh Griest; Mterature, gq, 1, 1dqay ‘ e Imperator passengers Catholic service was held at 10:30 a ® hew quarry of J. EH. Bagen
' societies at the Ancaster county ' ba : Nig oy y assengers y by T+ east of Mariett; y e , A
nal, were the subjects of brief elle 2 n- Octo! {2 M Dai Deterline ( \ Rol : ( R. } tation at Han m, in the dining room ” I ! ark 13, ultered consider
: air on September 0, clobeg ' a - . 1 and * e | \ L { on ¢ am abl 08 YW water The rv ,
talks by Mrs, W J. Wade, Mrs : Tl ! 1 mportant Ler - \ fo 1 ensiy O 0 hie harbor it Cuxhaven I'here were no torms during the fl . . The quarry was
: and 1s is an 1 ortan step = rel es . > Hl ¢ i 2 ¢ oode { the < ‘to oP
Sara Jenkin Mi A. V. Grosh, and " " p 1 REGISTERS’ RETURNS ‘ ‘ ‘ P here aller vovage; very few persons were sea ed nd (he ols, ete, were
. : toward the development of the com WY where Smalie . washed away
Miss Rebecca Griest, re wilvely ot elsus the wale of in \ 1 "id Sa LN 0 thi bi hip, th cl At 6 p.m. Wednesday Auzust )
y Dined Interests vers 5 € Se ’ . x y , . { ‘ MA ae WwW ‘ 1 bi ¢ | \P .
All reported progres and advance nical There Are About 46000 Voters in This \ wa 1 pleasant caiier on friends! |arge ocea line the world ever ith we Ww the statue of liberty : Obacco and corn were riddled by
oxicant i 8 aller jen i ri V Y! ihe ' . .
nent over last vea M AF ia Landi resided. at County of Ours e Sa which thrilled us with. delizht. at ie downpour of hail and the losses
S88 nana: a’ ( S slde £
e, i manda 1 I ( y We the Toren : ! will run into thousands of dollars
report ae n_ read by the ,,. (hee sessions held yesterday and Me I. R. Moye and A. G eviatha ol ie deep is a P he huge hip was anchored
ntehdent : . : : 4 ’ e return ide hi e Te ti ‘ ? i . . : bea eto | 111 médny tobacco fields water cov-
intendent ( he departments he course of the afternoon session 1 1 1 S fe { Palmyra vere Monday ol) o ,l Hei hree Al 24 passed into the Custom :
Sunday Sch Social, Soldiers ry interesting address on ; Yu a toun commis. visitors to friends here acl her huge hull her re domain, They treated us with “'¢d the plants so that they could
‘ Ve a er nterest 2% Ss > y ’ 2
: , v one © ven below not he see Ovi . ¢ ‘ .
and. . >allors Unfermented Wing \ Messag from Across the " : pow ( D. Hartman « illino ngth (919 1 alm vice as long respect nd consideration \t mid on. b en. Evan's run at Mariet
Sabl 1 Pp : he number of i n d ( Deh A tl \ x {OU ’ ruireas i the highest on Sunday that
ath Ob nce, and Prison and hin v5 \ppreciated by a ) i few av ‘ he ‘ 1 Vash oO1 Vonumer 1 Ve four other passenger
lospital 16 0 ch an exten ha 1 : PN I he er Mi Wm. H, Gai ( higl ndin 01 nd a 'f e Imperato ought our room ! lor twenty-five years Out
Dr. Lyon LV niniscence of ‘ \ppointed 0 have e i vie P Vise John Smith Fire Loy 1 orl lle Lutheran Inui nt House, 4 ting! were washed away and
¢ " la a] 1 3, t «
he ork in No 1 y iblished M Lan ! t 1 ¢ 1 He idth of alr 00 ft ind ¢ W weght our “ell were flooded. \ stone was
aigr n - Che / } Ww <Q : ) H it \ un he . ‘ ed Go is pr ashed for five hundred feet and
al in 1e L te “or he orl Sut 1 f :
~ } N ¥ < i W Gro \I Ol 1 ose ‘ n ( nif: \ \ o large that it took three men
i O 0 t on 1 1e ol I AE! f | (
small numbers 0 \ i to ; ering : \ f X 0 me here re I e exlerio y con tir an lo replace it
» B RIP : i : Y W ol I ; “wi [ ’ he The creek under the trestle at
aariision. fod wel res teat is the. to | oat Mortuary Chickles Park was: high, overfiawy
} IB : git <s
I I'¢ 1 I m of f ha v regular montl I d a ( t 1 f ¢ : ing its bank
I tm 1
hi om pe ion hroughout nior : tiere R d g
. : ecordings An Original Vice President
u 0 O( ) 1 1 Lh€ Vv 1 11on . ‘
1 - I'here is hardly any topie that Vice
no 0 election 1 ou ! ) ‘ I i
: f W : : 1 i (Continued oh : Presi Marshall doe not discuss.
0 1 i il g 14 Ve: In Hann 3 | W I | A ole «( 3 A 1 :
T i 2 rintende i OUnLy1'e Gotma Va i Ande of East is time f American fathers and
I'he evenin 101 Ain a 7 McK l.vol erintende of the : ' : : ;
- 1 4 ; } ur i 1 o ) p I . . . Air ersbut died on Sunda ning 1¢ ive opinions on religions
Tat evotion a b Re Lie con ey y . \ We vonder why th
B. Jol Y A ‘ et ween 1 Sunday 1 Olle ibra ( he home of her daughter, Mrs. J. "¢ vo wonder 13 e
Johnston \ Study of I 1 y ' 0 : \ ’ urke rot, the tango, and the slit
) Problen 1s tl ubje ) Le ( ) ing he I W H ( 1 n ¢ I'he 1 Lox Ka Petersburg, from a . ' Fr 3
2 ui f ist y t C4 3
{ fu 1 M ‘ number of member 1 D Me I pli King ng, complica of disease in her |™ ly it is because the
orcefl ddre n by 1 1 yorouet . al hi 1 . 1 mothers of this country are not inter-
- Wir 3 Philndelohi Memorial exercise were held for ) 5 My Gant : ( A » the K even eal he deceased a : ya :
L ; tor oat mber vho »d during the y ye fv i Vionday I'he is cour n We known and highly re- ©5'ed in their children, Going farther
of, 724, of Milk TORTUTER free . v : M Saft Da . ya re 4 1 I 1 M pp 0a el cle resident of that communit tong in the same direction, the Vice
I 1 veal 'hey were Mi Margaret \ I ring VI ( lai | HP Pe everal lent ¢ d a :
Lag Le C( hird 1 § lent hes «¢ 7 3 -
: Fox, Mi Dolan Mrs Binkley, of Pound : ndir eV here 1 1 rhe hoy vriting 1 member of the [Lutheran ident branche Af with the fol
1gue, told of the work the Lea : : os a Marietta borou . . ; I : p i i tassaditen wi I want the right to sit in
1 ; 1 dird-in-Hand, M Amanda Grosh, of £ he ue I grandparent M1 on } containing the late irch. Beside the daughtel
rue has done and is doing. A reci be First rd ear 17 Vi \ HG Ie for he passenger piano: ) he lived, there survive seven " narrow little upholstered Presby- x
[ 1 i Mis Martin and Mrs. Mec ' u Wim.» rantz k ‘ elise anos, ee : vy " 7 =A =
ition by M Amand: I.andes de- Gis i Second wi 11 § . rian pew and p inn NArroy
So : oi ad ye : ds Se Clune on Vas see 18 I'he Misses Clara ind Lillis A ya chestra everything to andchildren Another daugt ; ‘ k Daw 0 it I , my 1AITOW
1gnteg all and conc 4 the 1 Hrd war . 1 r i ttle wa and illing give
The Lancaster Young People’s Schoenberger of Reading spent Fri hhc ob ere and benefit, deceased I'he funeral w eld aN Loi } EV A
gram. ; W CT 1 b nt Joy borough i i Sai i ; I'he promenade de wre numerol terda (fternoon at i the whole outside shout
31e 1 > WwW. y the . ~ day and Satur ere with thei , hus ¢ JL 1 a al 7 ? ‘
Devotions at 9:15, led by Mrs Branch of the won a East war 307 s : ya ith hein “wi ( t} i nd ’ . i our . Me, kiileluiah
1 Grut 1 five zold medal at the recent State con Ww cousin, Mrs. J. H. Cramei all paciou ET esse] consume the house and at o'cloc 1 he ' ‘ “
( rube oan \ warsdav est war 2 “iy ; ym uy I t \ > 3
; Mahe, PeEm i Tharsdas vention of the society. It s stated M J 4 I BS Mr. Harry E. Getz Miss M. Mc wer 1000 tons of coal a day and 12- Mennonite Church at Ka Peter d Ill nois Senators Differ
morning session After the reading : . ount Joy township v: : 1 sil di Of ) I de ! , 5 bui terment in wd poinil berates the fe that
1 3 y in 2 d that November 9 would be the Sun- Upp 195 Ginnis, M Jacob M Schroll ang "VY tons are loaded at New York and 1 Interment n ipoinin > fact 1 as
1114 approval of the minutes anc . So 3 ' 1 . 3 Fé o ) 3 } ‘Clete vil] fall heavily upon
: day set aside for National Temper ; . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Schroll spent Hamburg before each trip. cemetery r
: the report of the Credential Com- ° : Lower 186 we FRc, This giant of the ocear teamer recalls that
iti h I . i ance Sunday. Milton Grow: 9201 Sunday at 'Tolchester Beach Re I
mittee, the 1 owing ofnceirs were ars . p 1 x Za & nme 18: 3 ‘ 4] o ” re . that state
: ne in ik Iie contest for a mile of pennies Mountville borougt 24 Dr. and Mrs. C, G. Rohrer autoed one of 1s teamers belonging to Mrs. Elizabeth Eichoitz 14 4
sete for t > ens 3 o rear: Pres. 2 1 © yorough 242 > ¢ ha . > née : . . We Alera ~ 3 a sy lve
ected for ye nsain year Pres., between the Red and the Blue was Rapho from New this Dlace and le Hamburg American Line, which Mi Elizabeth Eich { i« it the ennsyivania 3
x ” wi Lin Fi ‘ 1 : ¥ 1 Plc ’ « ' . : . Y hiv, 4
Amanda Landes; Vice Pres, =~ Red. “the: menthers of : ie" visiting ihe table parents, “2° founded in 1847 with four home of her daughter at Lititz, last wo thirds of the
Ne + Nise fn ’ ’ ig Newtow g 41e k = L > d IS arents, "eh . v 13 } Raw
AM M. Souders; Cor. Sec, which had collected $45.42 against wn 11 ’ . ron . essels I'he Imperator rudder Friday from gangrene aged 78 years, ¥1% He believed that
3 . 1 he . 240.42 ag Sporting Hill 159 Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Detwiler, i : the ese situg very lit
Brown; Rec. Sec., Mrs. $36.20 of the Blues g : b¢ ol o : alone weighs 90 tons and is on a Mi William H. Gantz of this place, "? present situation is ery littla
. . ob.2 Strickler's 215 Mr. and Mrs. Jos t. Char and iffer T den:
reas. Mrs. Griest The treasurer reported that the Hekler's SH. 71s R 1 M M. J Bi i : rudder post weighing 110 tons. The is a daughter of the deceased. The different, The Senator omplair
: : § 8 ni quar 346 Rev. and Mrs. ] J. ber spe : ; at 3 © ris i
sident spoke briefly of the amount collected this year is $2,231. Union Square. 267 ohe SPEIL 1 opellers are 16% ft. in diameter. remains were interred at Pennville 'hat the country is levying a tax not
es, amou C ( 5 yet S 94&9%7 washington borough from Saturday to Monday at Kutz rm . J : :
fe. of ‘the work of the 10-'g7° 1: was discovered thst the Lan hgton borough : fons There are 5 anchors the heaviest of on Monday. upon the people in their own states,
/ af Cl Upper war 91 town, making the trip by auto. : ; ! { ew 2 ;
urging each to put forth caster Union has done the most hper Jan A M R Pascl Ds 0 which weighs 12 tons and the small- - ee but upon those who are his constitu-
oe 7? » . LOwer war 7¢ Mrs 7 t aschall Wi > : : y i a n . 3 /
forts SF cive. Fock ducing ti Jot vex in Lower ward 79 ’ 3 : ul of iter, est 21 tons, which are attached over Jacob H. Kaylor ents in the Empire State. Senator
> Re : i has. ————— Wr eee Mrs, Elias Martin, Mrs. Elmer Miller . . . IY ewie p inode {
of superiBtendonts of va. s Elias Martin, Mrs. Elmer Miller yr 2 nije of chain cable (3900-ft. Jacob Kaylor one of the oldest 1-6Wis of Illinois took up his cudgel
perintendents f va- the county. wit 0 of Lancaste nt last ) yior i dest :
: : ’ ; ang SO ) ancaster spen as ie mT i 5 - : . : re after s digti ™ J
rious ¥ departments followed, after At the ome of he. morning CONTEMPT PROCEEDINGS Thursd i “ ¢ 2 pe : é of special steel, The ship flies 23 and most highly respected residents 4nd went after the distinguished New
/ g e wrsday with Mrs, Fran rian. } : . ; ; i : y forker gi . the Ser
which the session engagéd in Noon- service lunch was served to the dele = M R i : } Re miles an hour but can sail 25 miles of Rheems, died at his home at four Yorker. Do I gather from the Senator
: Se >e Y as serve ; Mrs. S. . Snyder an 1er sister . . . : ‘ > : ati }
tide Prayer, led by Miss Anna Boy- |, in. Mi. Jov hall after which an York Haven Company Has Failed to oR K ger ’ d ; ; €T an hour. Many stair cases and o'clock Saturday morning, Death that only that distinguished brood of
el ee v | Bales 1 JOY ¢ alte i Mrs . . Kieffer of Cha ershurg, y ov oa ame y y
er, and adjourned bie ot sas ow xtond by the C°MP!Y with Order of the Dau- ' J AmIDCISOUTE, vestibules are in marble. There are was due to old age and the immediate 2ehtlemen who nestle around Wall
’ invitation was extended IY : left Monday for Atlantic City where ; a : Street are his ‘ Me
x : . : : : phin County Court numerous elevators, 220 bath rooms cause of his death was a stroke of Street are his people asked Lewis,
Mrs. Ellen Brubaker led the af- various industries of Mount Joy to they contemplate spending a month : : : . wl oceede, av. § ¢
. w— iE Mi Yatil B rs il a picture gallery, 10,000 electric apoplexy. He was a faithful and con-' WHO proceeded to pay his respects to
SE Seb ER . lm The failure of the York Haven Wa Miss leatrice srown will leave amps 1 winter garde Ve y 1 , those people whom he \aracteri
¢ lamps, i gi n, special tent member of the Church of the people oO 1€ haracterized
ghteoderfusdesdodusfoudofodededodedodedulngodndeuifoulfiduioioiuiiiofoieiinieidebdedoiielolodeidedd and Power C as oe Monday for Bradford academy. Brad : . : i : : A h of as owing most. ¢ hei ena .
bo iter anc wer Company to remove Tor i" is : eo restaurants, dentists, doctor nurses, Brethren for a number of years. Be- ¢ wing § f their success to
* ] Y v : ier ord, Mass. She e ace f ) 3 3 la ™~ . : arin v vn ai
3 [from the Susquehanna River the dam '© 4 w I De nan: and hospitals I'he ship has sides his wife he is survived by the Perjury and evasion of e ia Ha
hai pet 1( Ww ( 3 athel Te : : +
3 % between Duffy's Island and the Dau- '¢ rk by her fatner, Mr. Geo. op, marine bells and three following children: Rev, Hiram E., of concluded with a plea for enactmer
- ool Brown
. poy jcognty share, TWO miley helow © 1 i 1 M H M wireless te Operators who re- near Rheems; Clinton of near Eliza- © an equitable income tax
” " y 1H a “Dr > Pa Mr. and Mrs, 11'1 Gros Mrs I : . . : —
i) 2 | Middletown, will cause the appear- x : & : 4 > lieve each lay and night .ethtown; Mrs. John G. Enterline, of H TI
8 jgnce of three officers of the company ADBna bullel and Mrs. Jacob Grogg ,ng are in constant communications Rheems and Mrs. Tobias Gerlach, of Yr Arvest Home Servieés
o& | before the Dauphin County Court on SPent last Wednesday at Hershey, with the shore and also with other near Rheems. Funeral services were I'he Harvest Home services to he
ofe : aking 3 i ' : ye ‘ Nl 1 1 hye Lins
3 a. 3! September 18, for alleged contempt. making the trip in ( 8S. Frank's gteame Beside he commander held from his late residence in 1¢!4 by the Church of God on Sun
id * \t the same time they must show Ford car. 1ere are fo capiains one of whom Rheems on Tuesday morning at 8:30 “4% promises to be an interesting
x L | cause why a receiver should not be Mr. and Mrs. Ler Jates and son exclusive occupied with the navi- and at Greer Tree Church at 9:30 4nd instructive affai \side of the
* (oud clean stock of i =-to=date : appointed to take charge of the com- Albert of emanstown returned rior of ‘ hip and the 1 fe vliere interment took place His age decorations of flo plants, vege-
T y | pany flome Sunday aft pendin two a Neen on board was eighty-five vears and ten month table and fruit, Re el will
3 motion granted by Judge weeks with M \ Ibe Camphe ¢ ib large model of Ye Old
Trg ; . x . : The as > and Cre v
i a . 3 | McCarre Wednesday to Fox & and famil x © Passengers and Crew Samuel C. Fissel } S¢ propriate to
+ genera 1 erc an I1SE€ ei ttorney representing John MrS. David Bria ar Mrs, Jno. Herne oy ’ I Sane C. Fisse ne o ie 1 ocea | be d ed at
se Rider, a Londonderry farmer, who Wike of Lit ere © yf 2 } ! * ere fir ea ( ¢ ent th place 0 ol COS
o ©] 3 « ( Hi : 2 4
+ ge | WON a sui for damages from the Mi: 1] B Vednesday hel bi x A LA ( ( idle nging be a feature
i : < a : | company, b h George B. Harris 1 irsda e W 3 Cld i l H ; I 5 ; — ae
Clot he Ho rai in
= Including Shoes, No r O 1g e o the resident: Grier Hersh secretary ( [ I Conve I I Vi i On Saturday Sept 132¢}
o p ( i
2 & | and treasurer, and W. L. Mann, the Miss Belle Leader : ! : ‘ p 00 Ve offer ou 36 soft and
r: + v 16 [ I'he ate .
i Stock Only Two Years Old 3 |seneral manag ave to appear. fown and her cou A.B 8Y0 «Sepia ite $1.00 + ats at
5 of Rider, who wo he damage suitin Almon Towa yent : pat : x ¢ Isc butcher t ( ¢ 0 $2 00)
oo jo) : : : ( I p » ASSEN Ze :
= L y : A ; 3 Y or obs Dauphin ( ounty Court, because esterda ir OWI the gus of 4 ¢ ; : i mi } Get Bio
2 INNO accumulations, the besi location 11 town, buiiammg * i done his fai i he dam, Mrs Sarah Brae Ho cout Stee ¢ p cove
: i p p ere
ode - : . b orde of the Court LY \ 3 Ohi p " : y
> : Yala nerdy edi Naw Blacat 2 sy H H. Gro O Vi ) 110. et ¢
% remodeled and improved-New Elevator installed * dam be removed bo October a Sui00] elative Vil |
os o> not been led out, He ,, ent ¢ ¢ ¢ i a
ope . \ 1 ’ i 1d ( ¢ n - “
“» = G d Opp t F H | * ys no hones tempt tits > Ohi : Cin :
Y . ( « , ;
: Goo ortunity For a Hustler £77" hom tons 220 Men tres tC hi ie: s clerk in
4 > Ride von h suit in ti Dauph 1 B ¢ i ? ¢ € ) H G
{ I (rood Reason For Selling % County Court a year ago. It was ap {lod Y 0 01 tout : oar aon Hage \ ®t
< »; 4 1
s . = c ; my ’ DOL. +N ha lau y X ‘ : ae ( an Stoler
x —— > + —ti— % ou! Ih n County ,p VI 1 J Oper 1 1) now
oo fi “a ou wa ustaine ler ( n . J nte I - ;
1 ) 1 iingrich
oe x } 5 - COI pe 10t then carr ou < 3 AT y Jc WwW :
A m B } bush, atte
t bake of BE nat ( Sur ‘ ( A 2t
io) ® ® 4 Gn I'he he 0 held at 10 . ¢ 2
ole ' 1 n daays Y { Cc
2 o ecltc I a
oe . ¢ ling
Ge tte Pros : : ne e he ordere . : d ng, corks i : ’
+ Opposite Post Office :-: Mount Joy, Pp. * oe 1 Ie ; d Ste. Mt. Fo 3
le f wl Y
oe o I Sper - ( 1°} .
%' Be sbeutect 0 02s oSa uted » a € 5 .bersol¢ :
sfeoferferfeoferiasiesfesferosiocfecsofectocfasiordesfoefeJuctuodecforianfunosfasfoctusestsofonfesfestontosfuronfsogesiaotesteofesont SEE 4 I } M p tf
. No-Licens League Meeting folwig nd tifa Wicke eis S ine prop¢
(EE EEE22 EZ STEN ESNEER EERE EEE esult o he reat intere olo durir S, Sto I 0
= - ¢ o1 zatior oO < 1 t i
5 ? u
BE = [ice [.eag er “
u P L 10 a il ip for
= U speakers: from Vi e
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4 A » .an oloniaj a
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BEER IEE CE @ 8m’ am Fr Subscribe for the B 1 avid of nea: Mount - Joy ] ast
) Lygcaster, Pa,