The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 06, 1913, Image 4

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    p*GE FOUR y
Personal 2 ONE OF LEBANON COUNTY'S QOGO00000000G0G0000000000000000000000000000000000000
ay . { ’ . ED LIME STONE FAF
Happenings fa nS
y 1)
) ( 0 | ¢ ( | f
) Lornwa 1 n He &
| LIC ) kt
' { \ oon one house Hx4Y 8 mT EES
mnin vatel Barn 44x86 wy
| Pp | VAgot hed | 5
1 1 y a
I$ ft. Perpetual water supply froi W tatior lor a suit of cioth you knew
( ra A A EH ali ( 3 | { "1 | | l bo
| ———— ‘ ( ) hie Pipe ine to © ¢ bo t 00 1 Chicago, had the coat made in Lincoln
\ Pi MAINE Er e a barn 0( $145.00 per 1 :Y 1 3
t Nel ¢ st in St, Louis Mo ind the nt nS nefie i
i : : 7 ] and the pants in Springfield 1
b Yo D " lea $200.00 per 15 1 1at 1ad to do was to put in the pockets and $
I "eu i CT mn farm n Lancaster v On the uttons 5
Owl 1St wee . ' Count al compare t thi :
g AN + Philadelphia, | Animal Is Less Liable to Tuber- onal tompares. witlr this one 3
0 on, buildin mm 0 s0il
f friends here culosis Than the Cow. ly it Bnd -~ Win arrv witiel ;
Belle Leader of Elizabetl he motor car « ny which 1s going to be in business
ent 8 ith Mrs, Sarah | 174-ACRE FARM WITH VALUABLE 8 Rive years irom HOW icern that builds its own product
. } | | - . . Pt 1.3 :
Toggenburg and Saanen Are Most TIMBER & PASTURE LAND from the ground up ['hey can build it cheaper and thev can "
\ 1 M In Her x yen Popular, Although There Are { Lpcated about 6 mile fro Lel "Zit Fat r ' ’
n ! end I Great Variety of Breeds—Need | anor 1510 1 g oe wi build it better. Ve want a car don’t you, that is backed by -
no WM) acre under cultication :
4 ; Elam of @ : Protection Against Rains. | balance best pasture lind. and a company that wor be quitting business about the time you ~»
\ Vas Iugh al urg 8 | :
i valuable timber Running wat ire needing some mechanical replacements?
the fami Mr. H. | By MRS. A. JOSEPH.) Fr Ig el al 5 b ep :
Kiueh DRE are er i tts rw ; | Good buildings. Price $65.00 per acre
1 i I he goat because of its hardy nat- |. MIO0.00 to. SEA00.00 tad hlane
The M Christi Mary | ure is less liable to tuberculosis than | : ash, balance % : t a og '
A n frien We the cow. It utilizes food better and | “an remain on long term mortgage What are acknowledged as the best motor cars on the mar-
and absolute i :; ) giv more ilk considering its body |at 4% per cent AYN ay Vaiavs.sykvis nr ’
tand absolute indurability —one 5A Horse Blanket ( [ gives more mi 8 k¢ Name them over. Aren't we right? re yy ar
will Drastically outwear two of tire ih : k : - res LA . weight. They prefer hilly ground and | 2 : . ; . . : . Aren't they the cars
Wear Longest means a sa of money to you You effect another 0 ‘ woh ATT n do not do so well on low swampy | WRITE US WHAT KIND OF A built by the conc s that sells them?
ing 5A “Hy JIE Bla inkets from your dealer, ’ : aa) round. They need protection against | FARM YOU WISH TO BUY AND '
d from our factory —the largest 3 cold rains and should be well housed. | ge OUR LARGE LIST OF LE
1 | HH t ’ : > -
i k] f Dr." H va Goat's milk is thicker, richer and | EB & Tl Buick Motor Company builds everything from tl %
Cost Least ( Mt. G ( || sweeter than cow's milk and makes [ANON VALLEY FARMS FOR SALE 2 v Tt. . iy TyMimg Tom ie
mer eo an execellent food for invalids and | ground uj We ! building a motor car that sells because
i D P yur babies, being more like mother's milk J | R tt t 1s a go 1 )W ( ar, a durable and ec mica
babley, Boing | J. L. Rutter : I car, a durable car, and cconomica
- Ask Yo \ P I S 1an any other | :
Sure Fit ¢ ur Dealer for n Although butter is made from the F § !
5A Stor Kin Square CT milk it takes longer to make it than armers Trust Bdg. Lebanon, Pa. a
= m J Blankets a . i from cow's milk because the fat glob Aug. 6-2t) § i
1les a maller and will not rise & '\ t bu ? 1 1 w do ( b
the most popular medium-j ed squar l $ tl) STA ¢ ¢
Sure Warmth mo popu A PHioed squat pinankeson) ckl ASSIGNED ESTATE OF Q 3
Weigh 8 lbs od ! kes excel ese. The & :
y WJ ™ ~~ ™ ld 4 L
oa > ) known goat’ Ik cheese is the £2 ) B as
hos 2 54 Sua | own goat’ cose 12 the Epnory Warfel § $975 to $1,685 F. 0. B. Lancaster 3
yi a 54 Jia ) J 0 : : y 5 2
Buy a 54 Plush Robe for rria auto wir at mostly duce )F EAST DONEGAL TOWNSHIP, 2 % :
/, ) le ca the milk absorbs LANCAST P a ’ : 3 !
Write for booklet showing blankets in colors NOT Hckiv o even tha Es 8 ER SOUNTY A a Roadsters and Touring Cars 2
WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia, Pa. , gn RUST Boon PAGe 2 2 : 3
A 1 1d o quarts of J n Audio U : & w— — 2
a vo ans OF] a = : o oh p——————it x
"=" A A A A AA | t i They NH ¢ LR Ce e hands @ 2
” » ” - ~ - n > R i { ( Lar I | n for 1 nthns f ah i 3
REx sgepEeEEaasEm IE SEE EeERs a £3ep 8 up tor o1 n months. {of Cha H. Z r, A nee, toand & r 2
: hy I \_ good milel ut i be milked : : > the Y na atom A 4 1.4 " Q
r August. 1013 3 pe I le & i Aq el ix U 01110 ] e 0 a
The Time gust, 1913 BS vanes id won g + LidllOASLEL AULOHIOULE UO. 2
burg | Saanen, although ¥ Augu : t n Q 2
+ : ¢ 1 \l ( ROOT No = &
t H } Ze variety of breeds L001 \ a! g » N
ory Hofman, here 5% 8 grey vaviety of Diese. [SOR ite Ane ans sarage Never Closed 3
y ; ‘ oh: = Ir 0 ( hair is brown with | Land fe P I persons ir 4 2
A Vitiian sic | @ Jolt Yan » \ o 2 tia _ White stripe down each side with | tereste : js teihntion av. at 8 3
Oj 16 | 3 pend few wee white feet. The Saanen is white. tor 8 7 es in
i 7 )20]21122123 | = V¢ Isaac Forry, Samuel Wea Both breeds are suposed t » horn- : * = g t
August 15th Is Positively the Last Day of | :1252627282020 | gg ver ond sa Shan ar Rh SE I Ia Q Joke pea WILLIAM R. BRINTON, © " : g
. | > ) lonaily 5 2 3
Our Pre-Inventory Piano Sale 31 Fo pen Friday an Saturday at At-!| found on some t Q
3 Audit . \
: ; a 0 ic Cit When just beginning the business it yor 8
If you have not noticed the Won ful Reductions we are offer Rn Mrs. Charles A. High of Reading | iS best to buy goats four or five years 8 Al A ER PA
ing we urge you to conge in and let us show you the instruments Bis spending two weok hare tire guest | old as they will known how to take | op One 2.8. Vins, ! ’ .
and evplain to you the Piano Values put forth in t Cr. ha | 8 et Cy care of their kids and will also be The head of the Krupp steel works
1 Piano \ 1
é alu put forth in the Mid Summer BB her sister, Mrs S. R Snyder : | has 65,000 ployes.” “Not! t 1 1 1 i
a. her . : ] *| broken to milk. | has 65,000 employes Nothing to I'he largest and only strictly fire proof garage and repair
” ? m| east of town Goats produce milk after their first | brag of,” opined the housewife. “I've | ; ’ * > > pan t
Don’: Wait Too Long! Remember th nH Mrs. C. E. Rice and daughter kid but do not attain their greatest | had that many in my Kitchen, but not | g& shop iv Lancaster City or conmy. (
Date August Fift Th 1 h e Elizabeth of Washington, D. C., are! milk capacity until their third year. all at once.”—Louisville Courier-Jour- 8 " >
. 8 ; een s the Last Day m visiting in the home of her sister, Beginners usually breed their goats nal OCOOTOOOOOODBT > 4
15 per cent. or approximately $50.00 or $75.00 saved in the pur- RB Mrs. E. W. Bentzel | too young which not only stunts them
chase of your Piano or Player-Piano is an item not offered every m| Mr. J. M. Backenstoe and family, | Put reduces their flow of milk. New Idea in Education. i akful Dray Horse.
day in the year, particularly in the Grade of Instruments found in m! Miss Mame Ludwig and Mrs. P. E. & Bt jo ey io Ureed a at When she The moving picture has been intro- “Whew! sniffed the dray horse, as America's Vast Corn Fields. —.
our Warerooms. a | Getz spent yesterday at Linglestown, Ts a > oar Oo ae age | duced as a permanent feature of the a smoking motor car rushed by. “1 The combined area of the cora A
making the trip by auto. | is em kid Ey A AECL il I= Dest German schools. Films for courses of have some faults, I know, but, thanlg flelds of the United States is ucarly a
a Prof. BE. R. Barclay and family are | to breed Rr oar dhs bacteriology. anatomy and biology are goodness, I never learned to smnkel™ | equal to the area of France or Ger a
K; j | ® : ? : ay = . ? ear. a already available in that country. —Judge ! many, eo
(spending a week here with Mrs. Goats need plenty of exercise in .
1r O nson 8 | Barclay's parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. M.| Some place were they can climb. A 3
ig id ly four feet high will k ts || | IE f
Wm | Trexler on Marietta street. | fence four eet high w eep goats TOE TET] i i | ii Ii ml / i B J
16-18 West King Street El Siw Belle Brady and Miss Bligs. | B5id6 81 inclosurs which js 5 better 5k Mt i Ms i So Mil 1 i
ar Ts wt way than staking them out. They | 200000003 AE I0G200060S ERI RICYIL A 4 I [I-h SO =(000000000003000039030 m 1 n
t gi Borthwick left Saturday for] can be kept on the pasture much as n a
ancaster, Ponta. EE ar oo whorl 338 Jo wm on oh . .
here as auests of Mrs. Sarah Brady. | ———————— »
¥y| . 4
Announcing. The New Columbia Gra The Mister Grace andl Wide Lich .
8g. 2 irafonola “Leader” at $75 > | PORTAB E E i
We will be pleases a Sv; oe : : 5 $75 = |tenberger left yesterday for their | 0 T L HOUS FOR SWINE a "
2a I 1 to demonstrate this machine to you in our : a : Sa | :
l'alking Machine Department (Basement). hore In. York alter Spending 4 week, gyjlding fs Cheap and Often Old =» :. >
u mi | here as guests of Miss Sylvia Her- Material May Be Used In Erec-
BEE = 1s : fee .
FaEEE EERE ome | SEY, Hon— Easily Moved. | -
| Dr. John J. Newpher and daughter :
Tonic Laughter | 8 :
: y ins rw ” | The Colorado experiment station n
There is no spice like laughter at Tarn nan Miss Mary E. Newpher spent part -
Bus faeals. the most saluiare of afl RENCWINED | ooL OF SIVA or Monday ut Zititz. They made the) lescribes the house siown in he & 1 rH oe. "
the bodily movements. It involves T [trip by auto, with Miss Newpher at ' Je 1s eight fe Ts iy a 1Ca © ear n
both body and soul "°° Wond fui Waters Credited by People | Vaal mo ! ® It is eight feet wide, eight feet long, ' mg
ED Jub 4 good, hearty of India With All Sorts of he ‘wheal and the roof is eight feet in length, .
BE aon ihe Creal an Machetlc Attributes. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Freck, Miss making the building seven feet high. =
Hotes J Ee on an es ivens every er Gladys Funk and Carrie Taylo of The door in front is 2% feet wide, H y y
al organ. 8, in short, a sort ¢ iller i
shower b 1th of the 4 Tm : tol A remarkable Indian ceremony ia Millersburg, spent Sunday here. They three feet high, 8nd anether at the H I .
the whole man, and 9 is the chonpesr [he Kumbakonam Mahamakam festi- | Were enroute to Philadelphia in back, near the top, is 12x18 inches. s
luxury at our. comand. ore 8p St val. This feast takes place once a |their auto. heavy muslin, admitting air and light | & n
13 & I land. LOT€ Kr, % ’ x 4 2
cheerfulness is largely a mati of Jal, JUeiiie wiindu gn re supposed Mrs. Lawrence Whittemore of vithout draaght': The frame ismade | 8 n
habit, and there is nothing that vield 0 ; 3g ! : on a h |New York and Mr. Ephraim Wittle a = ivi
larger returns for the effort slved i : said that lof Kansas, are spending some time ka | Hl s 0[8
. bE » 1e god Pa : e requested Siva here with their sister, Mrs. Anna o .
—— ollect the essence of all the waters | q.; : :
he Sehlegelmilch o fe =»
Book for Baby. in the worid. It is understood that Gi 1 he Ln : a Two important reasons for these striking price reductions; First, we want no summer suits =
When baby arrives at a taste for Biv + se eded in «doing this, placing 3 I 3 < hie and Mrs. Mark of - carried over—second, owing to the expected tariff change, woolens will cost less next your honde. odr = jo)
ic i the fluid in a pot, which he hid away | YO'K, Mr. and Mrs. John Shimer i iti :
books a durable one can be made of 4 2 nat, Whien Bh bid away | al I John Shim is of ‘mm stocks must he readjusted to meet the new conditions.
brown holland or linen. Buttonhole oa A: op. e en During | Palmyra and Mrs. Mease of Willi- m
found the leaves with bright silic or LC [001 this pot floated away from |amsport spent Monday with Mr. R. 3 4
thread, and paste in brat ied tS 1 1d. when the waters sub- |G. Heilig and family. w Yale Your Chole any, 5 & $15 50 .
pletures cut from magagines. A row Sided rested at a spot some dis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watt . and "| M. Suit V orer Price $25 for 4 MEN’S STRAW HATS n
of stitcning made with an unthreaded ; IWay, now own as Rum: |. paiph and Miss tio’ Bs : =
Beedic will mark an. even border and bakonan Siva, ~Mo happened to be Gri pe : ind Mi $ Lot ic Philemon = Practically all are this season's popular styles REDUCED TO E
serve as a marker for the insertion huniing in the vicinity, saw the pot Sak today for a ten days A Colorado Hoghouse. m from. $18.00 %o $25.00, including blue serges, Nor- wu
Bead oir. or 2 : 25 and, a1av his bow and arrow. shot | Visit to the former's parents, at New folks, shepherl checks, and fashionable mixtures, $1.00." from =
holing. : g g Lhe bullon-: .+ it with 4 tro esults. The wa- | Germantown, Perry county. of 2x4’s and is covered with drop ® grays, blues, ns and browns. $1.50 and $2 and $1.25, fi 2.5 =
ter, rushing out, f a hollow, and Misses Mame Good, Salome Fees- siding. No floor is used. When it is m od $1.25, from $2.50 E
= ——— this at the present ye is ‘the rev|er and Esther Clas. of Harel! ®" | desired to move the building, it may B nu x
prose € r an Isth : f arrisburg : = !
now i tank. This tank is now a plz v , y S| be tipped over onto a low wagon or = : 1 Cl 1 )
Remedy for Ch 1ds. a place | n\1:c¢ Esther S senbr : set's EE - earan -
Quarter if an oSagReY Hands the of jilgrimage, wnere, during the fes- Ne } i ther Roon il P ADYOOK and ; stone boat. This is the house we rec- | M Lot Bide Serge Duis & Mis $10 85 39 be of 35 Al Wsol Suits at 85 ‘
a2 SOF sweet. ofl end Wk —ax ti ntcld thousands of the faithful Ma Jal Koons of Linglestown, ommend for beginners. It is cheap, gg tures, Formerly Priced to $18 * lag nel s and young men’s suits, formerly more u
place together ha - p to po antil dip themselves in the wonderful wa. | Pent Sunday as guests in the fami-) and often old material can be used deh vo and three times clearence price, reduced
thoroughly mired Well wash the ter, which is credited with all sorts of | 17 of Mr. J. M. Backenstoe. | in building it. It is easily moved and n Thirty fine twill and medium wale blue serge Sanus dome o the coats are a trifle longer than
bands in ‘warm water aid oot va magical attributes.—Wide World Mag- Mr. V. A. Meck, Mr. Arthur Meck | easily disinfected amd can be changed HM suits, that are guaranteed sun-proof. Two and three Year Soli ee a) are good quality and will
\ ust before going bed ZOO soab, | Szine and Miss Lydia Mock of Strachuee | #0 frequently that it may be kept on ; gg Piece models. A few with patch pockets and a few 3 + LAN sizes, from “33 to 38.
3 be ors going to Bis , rub thor- a [Pe peat Sy Tas . Silas Ws clean ground, free from disease. | Norfolks. Ail sizes in the lot, including stout and Th
or Tr De Temes, Chandler and 2 wil na Dr. Ww. 2 When a sow farrows in cold weather, (5 Peguian: Reduced from $14.75, $15.00, $16.00 and ree Clearance Lots Men’s Trousers
: el XS y 0se rertis < 'r and family and during the 3 $16.50 4 « oo .
gloves with holies cut in the palm Advertise in the Mi. Joy Buileti: | afternoon Mr. Meck and Mr. Chand : Inter Byne oe foo! il heey (8 i it bd Sageey fom iu Bray Wiagonai aad
g¥ Subscribe for the Bulletin, [ter vistica: histo RE ar Chand the building sufficiently warm. |m Also sixteen suits of mixtures and two-piece Nor- self Stripes. : —
= Advertise in she Mt. Joy Bulletin | qo aronC Donegal ; ) | folks that were $15.00, $16.50 and $18.00. stk $198 a special purchase ($3 grade) gray self
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | ##The people’s paper—'Bulletin. I ane Mrs. Harrison Stauffer Shipping Breeding Pigs. [3 § i $2.95 odie :
a: . . — p———— son and daughter and Miss Elizabeth In shipping breeding pigs be sure m hin duged from $4.00 cassimeres and
— her] v AH ay vee { : an. 3 . Dyas, Irringbone stripes
efoeeoiosdocfororentecfortosforfororfoforfocfert Eberly of near ° Quarryville, visited | 8nd write or wire—better wire to be > pe
ofeofesfosostoctacforferfesorfecte |here over Sunday. Mr. Siarifer { on the safe side-—the buyer what | m A Hundred Suits Formerly $7 85 N 1 H .
PENN SYL V A NIA RAILROAD for merly lived here but recently | train the pig is shipped on, so that he 'n $10.00 to $20.00 For Only yo early a Hundred Boys School
Y | will be looking for him and get him | i
SPECI L E 2 33 noved | fo that section of the county | home and uncrated promptly |@ 22 Blue Serge Suits (sunproof) mohair, and serge Suits at Half and Less }
a A *XCURSION & | where he purchased a small farm. i Pigs thot i i chilled I = lined. Three-button, conservative models; three- At $2.50 formerly $5 and $6 gray and t i
3 Mrs. Rev. N. A. Barr will give two | when thev :: ars B piece. All sizes in lot. Also, Norfolks. Reduced tures; all sizes, 8 to 17 years Tod an po
% |addresses at Millershure on 5 dav. | sit ots |m from $10, $12 and $12.50. styles. Ee STeasie
3 at ] § o Sunday, | sit arc: 1 - At origin
i Mt. Gretna Pa. in when the Evangelical chureh there !"" {m 15 all-wool Norfolk suits, for young men. New vires alivy i 4h 55 an $1} Lancy wis /
5 Il will observe girl's dav. Mrs Barr. |m this season. Reduced from $10 and $12. 17 vears. R ue serges; all sizes, 8to
#lis an able speaker and will ei mei |Z on : : ; 3
3 le speaker and will give an — {@m 65 men’s and young men’s suits, broken lot, one
: . i . a, W in : : “ .
i adress during the Sunday school | May Ward Off Pneumonia 'm of cd : Sug Du LL Sees 9 0 40. Medium Letting Manhattan” Shirts Go At
S3lon and atce gs & y rd On Pi (s S s, ine stripes cassimeres, .
eo anon a |day morni t the regiar Sun-| Here is a recipe which a physician | gg worsteds and cheviots. Not this season's styles, Unusual Reductions
» n | f orning service. gave me several years ago, says a |= Formerly $15 to $20. The styles includ hi
Sand A | Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Eshleman, Mr. writer, and I have used it in my fam- |= and pleated iii attac and taney paieras, plain §
ay, August 17, 1913 | Frank Peffer, Mr. and Mrs. Amos ily ever since. For coughs, colds or | M all cut coat style. hie eched Or Separaie culls, 2nd
hora ARAIN wil Se i on the following schedule and EXCURSION | Kaylor, Miss Florence Kavior : Mr any bronchial trouble saturate a flan- = colors, as well as black, will be’ Touma. All gl v
ETS good ou Specis ain Ww i ; sbpindaiiiond d
¥ pecial Train will be sold from the following stations: Samuel Funk Mi nel cloth and apply to chest: Turpen- g Men’s Oxfords Reduc d greater variety in 14 1 2 : :
I k, Miss Barbara Hemper- os e y Rud Je3 Growved in
2 aves. Fate Special Train Leaves. Far BM ond We St » » T-| tine liniment—Take a pint bottle, put = From $4 00 and $5 00 . price lots.
5 : 75 : - - - + MT, Mrs. € a) : s ’ = ¥ .
a Ph Dremel. VEAL #8 Die Katie gd Hie. Bilan) foi tbleprnrin iouine. Sih 1 At 3138 reduced from $ied
a oy Zaberhi wn. 863 AM, BY Wi Sd A ab Eshleman f or tablespoonfuls turpentine, shake : mg In this lot are patent colt, gun metal, tan I $1.38 reduced from $2.00.
“60 Leb ye v Shh “ . rs ram Welsh and, till foamy, then fill with good vinegar; | = calf and viei kid. Either strgizht i At $1.65 reduced from $2.50.
,ebanon 855A M. ..& Moss . my Other h i
Eins a am a 4 | Messrs. Irvin Kaylor, Abram Risen shake well. last; Blucher or lace; low or dium heels Netri Yi igh giade lines, such as{ Bates-
; won 6.50 P. M. an Gretna ” heer 4nd . ic an ariffon, are also marke
d Monroe Kramer attended Rb special] prices. qn
eting at Millway on Sunday. Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin.
1 il