PAGE FIVE Women Are Constantly Being Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. “Worth mountains of gold} says one woman, says, “I uld not give Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg Compound for all the other medicines for world.” Still another writes, “I should like to have the merits of Ly ydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound th on the sky witha searchlight so that all suffering women could read and winced that there is a remedy for their ills.” We could fill a ne wspape r ten times the size of this with such quo- tations taken from the letters we have received from grateful women whose health has been restored and sutle rmg banished by Lydia IO) Pinkham’s Vegetable Compo d. Why has L ydia E. Pinkham’s Ve getable Compound accomplished such a universal success? Why has it lived and thrived and kept on doing its glorious work among the sick women of the world for more than 30 years ? Simply and surely other medicine h ply because the Here ar of thousar man who FROM M table women in the own ¢ CO because of its sterling worth, The reason no as ever approached its success is plainly and sim- re is no othe r medicine so good for wome n’s ills, two letters that just came to the writer's desk— -only two is, but both tell a comforting story to every suffering wo- ill read them—and be guided by them. RS. D. H. BROWN. | MRS. WILLIAMS SAYS: Iola, Kansas.—**During the Change Elkhart, Ind. —** I suffered for 14 of Life I was sick for two years. Be- | years from organic inflammation, fe- fore I took your medicine I could male weakness, pain and irregulari- not. bear the weight of my ties. The pains in my and was bloat y badly. 1doe- | increased by tored with three doctors but they did me no good. They said nature { 1nt} 11 clotnes S1A¢es were walking or standing on my feet and 1 had suchawful bea ring down feelings, was depressed in d ve must have its way My sister ad- spirits and became thin and pale vised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's with dull, he avy eyes. 1 had six Vegetable Compoundand I purchased doctors from whom I received only a bottle. Before it was gone the temporary relief. I decided to givh bloating left me and 1 was not so | Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- sore. I continued taking it until 1 pound a fair trial and also the Sani. had taken 12 bottles. Now I am ti h. I have now used the stronger than I have 1 for years | remedies for four months and cannot thanks for what or me, —Mrs, SADIE and can do washing. Yo my \ press my they WiL- have done {ic 1 cannot praise its weight in gold. LIAMS,455 James a # enouch. more wi n would Street, Elkhart, OF take your medicine ther would be | Indiana. more healthy wome You may use this letter for the go dol other Mrs. D. H. Brow, 809 North Walnut Street, Iola, Kan. Write to LYDIA E. PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. BF cv DENTIAL) LYNN, MASS. foradyvice, our letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Another producing blood lines—the ——— » = a o ¥ > = = = | = n u & Vom What is As onl money on the prizes in the road qualities there not only THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. INDIGESTION FIVE YEARS Relieved by Vinol, Strength and even life itself de pends upon the nourishment and proper assimilation of food, and unless digestion is good, the whole body suf- | fers Mrs. L. D, Cook, Vineland, N, J, says: “1 was sick five years with in- digestion My stomach seemed to have a heavy load in it, and at other times it seemed to be tied in knots, Nobody knows how I suffered, “I tried a great many doctors and a great many kinds of medicine, but nothing did any good until I took Vinol. It has helped me wonderfully. I am improving fast, feel better and am getting my flesh ck ag Vinol has done me a worl tof good.” We know the great our delic tonic without oil, in curing stomac! trouble and building up all weakened, run-down persons, and that is why we guarantea to return your money if it does not help you. CHANDLER, DRUGGIST power of Vinol, cod liver and iron chronic W. DP. Mount Joy, Penna. In The Sfud-Season of 1913 THE HIGHLY BRED STALLION Spotdale 47817 At The Hotel, Florin Pann, MR. ESHBACH, Propr. SPOTDALE a ric bay tallion, and off hind pastern white, ands 16 hands high and weighs 1200 pounds. Foaled 1903. Individually he is a horse of grand and plenty of substance with a in disposition, deep strong houlders, stout back, very strong loins and stifles, strong bone with ood feet and legs. His blood lines are of the best as be seen by the most popular and prolific combination in kind race that get course show ring That he will beget speed and is no doubt, inherits but possesses degree. jualities in a marked 2 NET } pr i ya 2 ; | v Lihanrshd €4 & WBA RD wy Even common mares bred to a i horse of this class cannot fail to pros A 3 duce foals that will find a ready a 1 i wih "1 i ’ el 3 (market as carriag horse or roads- : i . 1-1 § ers genera 111-purpose - ) a ii puri L's {1¢ 5 £ ion fd n H ill make the 1913 at t I 1 g 00 to insur 1 turn 1 I Ca O1 f w i Will not I r nsil fo 10( f i % os +n ; Columbia Telephone Co. COLUMBIA, PENNA, i the M Jo 3ulletta et ———————————————————————————————— -— r in the Mt. Joy Bulletin a EA I a RE I rE AAD a EE —— EE —— ——— os o ———— BERNER RR RR EERE EE i I A) EID om z LE # 8) a oN uo 0 EW Sy Sha 0 TF EN00 worth coverings prices, price offerings well require new floor reduced find early summer and carpets. Whether to take advantage of You will these need new rugs you it will certainly pay you these standard 8.3x10.6; reduced Sewed Important Sale of Rugs and Carpets at Substantial Reductions Our Own Standard High Grade Lines while ONe Please Velvet Rugs an inexpensive rug, velvets splendid genuine—from our regular selling prices. Included in the wide range Axminster Rugs Xmins g 2, Here are three desirable grades, with a full lless _ange of patterns suitable for living rooms and tiv patterns. make, laid and lined. right at the time when you the whole house, the reductions are room or that grades and sizes are: note you will find these seam- wearing qualities, In attrac- parlors: 9x12 feet; reduced from $15.50; 5 9x12 feet: reduced from $17.50; Q14 {5 Special Sale Price er el3, 0 : ) § 8.3x10 feet; reduced fr 50; Special Sale Price .........o00000n Sia or ay 312 50 9x12 feet: reduced from $19. 15; ‘$ I 6. 85 Special Sale Price ......... vresiens ' a Special Sale Prog iin Tapestry Brussels Carpets 0 These popular priced carpets we offer in : e n a full 9x12 feet; reduced from $25.00; $21. 75 range of patterns and colorings, suitable for hall- an 351c a ways, stairs and rooms. Sewed, laid and i Special Sale Price ..........0.00n. complete, . usd : BD 1 R At 57¢ a yard—reduced from 75¢ Body, russe S ugs At 69¢ a yard—reduced from 90c¢ These are good substantial rugs, including high At 90c a yard—reduced from $1.10 grade Oriental and other wanted patterns. In these two leading room gizes: es Velvet Carpets---90c. RB yd. This is the special sale price for the regular 9x12 feet; reduced from $24.00; $19. 75 $1.25 grade. Excellent wearing fabric, in room i . SL patterns and designs suitable for halls and stair- Special Sale Price ................ ways. eSwed, laid and lined complete. 9x12 feet; reduced from $27.50; e 9 - $21. 50 Body Brussels Carpets---$1.50 a yd. SPecig) Sale Price i .ivuiiinis This is our regular $1.70 grade—the “Whittall” choice patterns and colorings. Special Sale Price ....c..ivievvvss 8.3x10.6; reduced from $25.00 $20.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs These celebrated standard Roxbury Rugs are well and favorably known among our customers. In several] patterns. These measure. measure. from $17.00; 9x12 feet; reduced Special Sale Price ....... PARCEL POST SPECIAL WOMEN’S COTTON VEST SPECIAL AT DELIVERED FREE BY PARCEL POST ribbed cotton embroidered yokes and are neatly trimmed. Exceptional value. Plain styles in 40, 42 and 44 bust Give size wanted. Send only 10c in stamps. address plainly, 10c vests have lace or i i In 34, 36 and 38 bust Write name and 1 0 Oc OL "Ne : SL A il his tabulated pedigree speed trotting the and the grand as he these AOD 01 OR Torin Al lls | HAPPENINGS IN THE BUSY VIL | AGE WEST OF HERE Local and Personal Briefs That Have | Occurred Since Our Last Our Hustling and Wide Neighbor Village, Florin. Issue in| Awake | Mr, John Boyer of Rock Point ¢ alled | on his brother Jacob on Sunday, Misses Bertha Eby and Eva Kreider spent Saturday at Elizabethtown, Miss Mary Weller of visiting relatives Mr, George Columbia was in town Sunday. Eshleman of Steelton in town Ishler were Sun to friends in Mount Joy Waughtel of a Monday visitor Mr, Martin visited friends in Mrs. Harry Ole called on friends Monday Mr. and M Roy Readin tO out own Midd mda) Klizabeth Force of own town St weiler of own called on friends in town Tu day Mi Frank called on friends in the v Keller of Lancaster e Sun day Mr. Frank City Stultz of the Capitol made business trip to town Tuesday. Miss Mary Middlet friends in the village on Shank of wn called on Sunday Messrs Harrisburg with friends Mrs, John F of El Harry and Frank Kulp of pent Tuesday in town lowers and two children izabethtown called on relatives in town Sunday. and family of Har Mrs. Jacob Mr, George Stoll risburg were the guests of Hostette Mr. and Mrs eelton r on Sunday. Harry Eichler of called on the former's par ents on Sunday Messrs. Amaziah Good and Irvin Landis of Mount Joy called on friends in the village Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. A, B. Sunday at Elizabethtown as Frank Fornwalt and family. Mess! Wm. and Howard Baum Lititz called on Mr, Mrs. J. Winters guests of spent and Easton on Tuesday. Mr. Alfred Robinson and family spent Sunday in town a guests of C. A. Wiley and family. Mr. John Roth has returned home Lancaster ] Mount Joy a ROO 0 4 i5 Miles of yr " \ Wednesday, May 21, 1913. 40 Squares Pianos We have on hand 40 fine Square Pianos that have been thoroughly overhauled and are in first-class condition and, when you think of it, they are wonderinl bargains because we are offering them at the ridiculously low prices of from "$10 to $100 RR FT HNTB 00 a te 1 b vou po i" ‘ ol i play n cul ot { i : hap yurcha A | Priced ) 1 fine chan W Beca y children in 1 ) ya qu y y m any one of Sua Piano y ) Pian it cost ny whe from W n you purcha of Square Pianos you are simpl \king a investmen { will 3 won he tollowin ie Flag wr Plies Pinon: Kiion. Harlin Hote che Miller, | deter = ¥ We irantec he Instrumer fered for ale at this time for a period of x years, and we will glad- mm! xch e for you if yo ire no lied within a reasonable time« » | zw | KIRK JOHNSON & CO. | ramus s VICTROLAS MUSIC, s $200 LANCASTER, - - - PENNSYLVANIA. | A COPY = ND 9 00 O. ——0 o | | Wednesday, May 21st, 1913) “VERNON” from York and has accepted a posi- | tion at baking with J. K. Freymeyer, The Impersonater Miss Della Wagner of Palmyra is | spending several weeks in town as JOKES, MONOLOGUES AND the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hertzler. Mrs. children of Smeltzer and Mount Joy parents, Mr. op on Sunday. Mr. Wm Bate and family of i i 1 s of hi \ lvin Bate Q Ca 1] i d M \ f Mout M I 134 1 Mis io] 1 r ( Mr nd M J I in 1 & Bro hl 11 u Harry Grosli Joh ( on ar Eshbach vitnesses 1 Ha ind Wallace circu | Tuesday ms sree Slr Qlffeeei esi Immense Auto Industry Few persons, howe , 11 they may be rn t it th t ex- tent of the a ould estimat 1 making fabr 0 and tires at ] rue | figures, which 100 bales. Advertise In the Mt. Joy Builetin Read the Bulletin unravel complete ness. fl i mm Te ll Ephraim two called on her andd Mrs, Jefferson Bish- The Beil Telephone Company of Penna. R. E. SMITH, LocalManager, Lanc Pa. PERSONATIONS SEE AND HEAR HIM IMPERSONATE J. And Other Leading Men Admission 1: DAILY ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Ml. En ) i decea i Li ( nist 1 ik 1 n granted to tl un d 1 ( indebted th ) ¢ d to make immedi: ] ment 1 those having claims or demand rgainst the same ill present them out delay for settlement to t un igned idi at Mt, Pa H., CLINTON ENGLE CLARENCE H. ENGLE J. H. LINDEMUTH W. R. Brintor \tty. Administrators. May 21-6 ‘My Partner, The Bell Telephone “You bet are partners. We swing along arm in arm, or ear to ear, my Bell Tele- phone and I, up and down the wire highways of the Bell System. Usually we travel about town, and sometimes we travel long distance. we “Wherever I go, my Bell Tele- phone takes me, and our journeys | are profitable. trouble, We buy and sell, | give orders and 3) every detail of our busi- “Yes, indeed, a partner and a profit-making one, Telephone.” fii Certainly, you need a Bell Tele- phone in your business. too, my Bell | | E. L. Yackley Mgr. | {of friend daughter IM-| was the gues | Blessing. MAYTOWN [Che rain and hail of last Friday did Mrs, Al Risser has returned from a gomq damage to vegetation, washing it at Harrisburg. he ground badly. Some fine trees John K. Roath has returned from a were blown down. sit at La William ncaster, Mr. and Mrs. Hollenbaugh is the guest gna Mrs of Ronk's . Samuel Smoker of Souders- Mrs. John K. Joel Smoker at Lancaster. Dr. and Mrs. G. A and several] days. burg visited Mr, Harter and jfijler for ere at Lancaster Elaborate preparations are in vogue spent for the Memorial Day exercises to be John Herchelroth of Brooklyn eral days with his father at York. given here. The O. U. A. M. and Misses Lizzie and Alice Sterner of Sunday Schools have charge. .ancaster spent Sunday with their Rev. D. W, Bixler of Halifax, ran parents. into a tree while in town, and, aside Miss Annie Blessing of Hellam,' from slightly damaging his machine, t of her brother, Frank he suffered a badly sprained leg and other bruises. D. Rockerieller Housework Drudgery She brushes, dusts and scrubs, or of the household, her back ach= Housework is drudgery for the weak woman her feet all day is on attending to the muny detail ing, her te emples thr »bbing, nerves qui er t stress of pain, possibly dizzy feelings. Sometimes rest in bed Ot re hing, bec ause the poor tired nerves do not permit ¢ efresi 5S Fhe ‘ v k, r s women is satisfied by Dr. Pierce’s Favorite tion, iggs and ox Ss te CY XY ' 2 nic: Wi rTacatd Yi it MM S WY eat “dC { n V Vell. This ** Prescrintion’’ ? women’s w Fe 8 ? 73 l1zes (ne encouras fie peti slic » it ot ey ie know what t of ine druggist SN hos » a, 5 th \ § AN Y= \ | t nedies \ /TINY Ry in ti Favorite I ind x J / / ‘Purify I i of / / / Lealtt I ! 1 nes wi whi 1G( Dr, P i t towels vw. Y KLINE All Kinds Concrete Ww ork a ‘BUILDING All Style BLOCKS and Colors Porches! Colnmns and Banisters Door and Wine Lintles { ow Sills and Timneys, ies Vite Retailer the Best Grades of Cement PEININ A. Sell Life Insurance High Grade AGENCY AGREEMENT to offer responsible man to represent Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co. Tf Ss A. Mi. CLARK, Ceneral Agent., 137 So. Fifth St., -- Philadelphia. 3 ¥ Get Your tens Ready | for heavy lay P ish the tl ol hens th t na winter. he m a varied ration Laying prot? P altry Regain Hen jncresssd egg prod Retion $8 4 assured. Your money back if it : fails.” In packages - 25¢, 50e. $1: 25-0 Poultry Get Pratts Profit-sharing Bo s to suit For Sal« N D handler,