THE ye Arbus seokers are with soekin BULLETYH ETA lowers on he ~ MOUNT JOY, PA, wd + BE, SCHROLL, Editor & Prop'r, { = vnuel Nagle mm —— - . - . Wie NOOK end Dual » Ms Ta SUHSORLTTION PRICK $1 A YAR rethiown Six Months S30 Cents IT the blossoms are any indication three Mouths 23 Cents n fruit on 0 store ‘el Single Copies = Cents O in + Sample Copies FREE mill —— — saturd vith Mis ohe Entered at the post office at Mount nd N Sarah MM loy as second-class mail matter. ir, and M Blaine O. Grosh All correspondents must have their wkend visito in Lancaglor, com communications reach this office mot bining business with pleasure ater than Mouday Ielephone news Mr. and Mrs, H. T. Kulp and laad of importance between that time and iM \. S. Holwager, au 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Chan » Eliza htown Friday evea Pes for advertisements must posi- tively reach this office not later than bere are as many automobile Monday night. New advertisements Owners in this place thai by careful fuswted if copy reaches us Tuesday omputation there is one to avery afght. Advertising rates on appli- five vole cation. Mrs, Sue Eshleman and daughter . Miss Ada and Hiram S Kshloman Editorial were business visitors in Lancaster If you are fond of jokes read the Sengressional record ® 5 8 "0 ven your best friends seldom lose much sleep worrying in your behali «ss en Turkey is Night” in all the rope, learning to say ‘Good languages of Eu- a man by looks like You cannot always flatter telling him that his baby bio . . = . No, Cordelia, titled to shot. is not en being balf a soldier a pension for Picking out vacation dates is sae of the easy things that it is hardest oé all to do. \d Ld ~ - » The Colonel's two . oF | # | TONSORIAL PARLORS 5 ¢ W. Main St., Mount Joy Iien a Agt For Middletown Laundry i LL. i ol Ai | Shaving Har Cutting | Joseph B., Hershey Tonsorial Parlor| Three Chalrs. No Waiting Agen for the Middletown Steam | Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday and delivered Friday | re guaranteed if y 00y' L fees ory yd fat. Thompson, Sap't WT e a * Puro, 50 ( : by Drag ata. MARTIN RUDY, | sein 81. Joy byE. W. Gaon and W. 5. Chandier & Co. Colt tor free sample. ~ | Fast Main St. MOUNT JOY | {as a remedy for mucous membrane af- | the Kodak q fof the § | disinfectant, CHANDLER'S Sunday Hours 8 to 9—5 to 6.45 p. ma. WEST MAIN ST. We are therefore using W.B. BENDER Kast Main St. Mount Joy, Pa FOR A GOOD SHAVE STYLISH HAIR-OUT REFRESHING SHAMPOO or anything in the Barber Line KODAK Winter or Summer, on dull dape or bright, indoors or out, you cam Kodaks are simple; a child can operate, so efficient, there is ne limit to resuits—and always ready {for use on the instant. That is way of it. Daylight loading and unloading— {no dark room needed for any of the work toont for Standard Steam For Your | Chicltens' other Laandry For Cholera, gaps and poultry disease use Ottmars Great Remedy preventitive and a general tonie. liquid which you place in their vater. Price 25¢ For Chickens, Lice and Mite Use Zeno Dip This is a sure remedy and a friend well as a powerful 50c, and $1.00 chickens as Price 25c¢, i iat Drug Store MT. JOY, PA. a ium His Tl