PAGE THRER THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA Wednesday, April 30, 1913, —— bh G0 0 0 0b 00000000000 00% 0% 0% 106% 0a eta ta Bebb ooh e age feadeadeaededele fe loafee oils CEERI PEPIN CRESS EPRICE L000 C0000, XA XIE XE XIX EX LICEN ENE XEN EX ENE XE NE XE NEN XESE NANI NE XE XE XSI EXEX EXE NRX EISEN ENE XE XENI NEES RESTS Gree desde 0 S000 o > (a » + , 0 ty * » oaths » * > * * > Xa) 0 Xa Xa) >, J ¥ > *, *! ®, ho’ > * Ca’ * » * >, o. 0 0 Xa Xa X a’ J * », + oo o*% 000% 0 0 bee aa aX SEAN XIX) 9 $004, , ¥ ®, * 9, 0 ay 90, 4, » 4b 4, *, >, > * (ar + * 4 *, aKa) ®, * *, oe, Te edeele ®, $0 u®, ° 0 os 20 0304005043003 o. 0 "ne Sot 9% * Xe +0 * 0 oo * aS &. 6 6 0 $0000 * 4! * * >, * * >4 7 + J 40, *e- 9-0, * o 0! *, o. 0 5% 0 * AR) e000 & S$ A SENSATIONAL MAY SALE OF MILLINERY A $10,000 Stock of The Surplus Steck of Philadelphia’s Greatest Importer and Broadway's Most Fachionable Manufacturer At Oc. ON THE DOLLAR Exquisite Summer Hats For $6000 New Shapes, New Ribbons, New Flowers, New Fancies, Aigrettes and Ostrich Plumes Included In This Sale “Castle” Hats Which ‘Ne P The firm of Castle & Co. located in one of the dizzy upper floors of a tall Broadway Skyscraper have been for many years almost the vizard:s of the Millinery world of America. Their leadership of fashion in woman’s head gear was as solid, undisputed and deserved as that of the late J. P. Morgan in Wall Street finance. “Castle” hats have a style and an elegance all their own which the most skillful operators cannot copy and no Millinery sale in 5th avenue is complete without the “Castle” line. Their big establishment, large and imposing as it is, has been outgrown by their enormous and constantly increasing patronage and they are moving their gigantic plant to 33th and 5th avenue. All Hats Trimmed Aree. Sale Begins Saturday Morning May 3rd, 1913 Free Car Fare We refund to you in cash the full amount of your Of Charge, By The Most Expert Millinery Talent In The Country AT 29¢ quality Ribbon n a variety of Ribbon ce- OT — T 49¢ p ria y n the Yots) the sari AT $1.69 AT 296 regularly $1.98 to $298. | ‘OU rw Moire Ribbonsj for ; we : 1 children’s Hair Bow 111 AT 19¢ Foals be : \ ing | up to the minute styles; Colored Hug, . AT D8¢ : VCC riety of the x S si ¢ oh fol 31.69 00 I ATTIC. TENS BENET GREEN inviic e t A La] pe are Lisia ¥ 39¢ children and your AT © a 29¢ PHICE dt Several lovely patterns § Java Peanut rai New Dresden Ribbons; 3 th very prettiest de- AT $1.98 Imitaticn Panama; signs; daint pink rose Panaia carfs patterns; worth 49c handsomes Bulgarian | 3 - effects: fully worth $2 . ter p Roses 3 g AT 49¢ AT 396 The Donovan Co. | owen nitro The tea, pink \merican Choice of the newest Ribbon Velvets 314 in nations in hlack ribbons: 69¢ Children *. 0. 0 Oo oP, OO 0. 9, 6 De o®0 8 ®. & + * * * ®. & CR) CARR IR 4 , PD ; , ® ¢ 3 2002005005002 620620020620 670 6% 6% 620 020 6% 0% 6% 000 25 0% 020 000 050 0% 20 ¢ ¢ hq Da Be o9s Oo Os oF. 0 Ye rs an a is 0s oh 2, 8, 0 IRAP oe? % 0? 96% 06% 06% 00 458 02 050 05 » CAAA OANE SESE NE ENR NESE XE NE NE Xa Ke KX GRAN EXE XIX ENE X SX EX EXE REX XE R IX EXER ER ERENIR HENS REKEX ERX Maytown’s [2 ay De ener of labor. On the other hand, men Anna Uth WLO pant oration, the mantle ceived by John L. Garber for Commencement! uc. tu ror hh soul of ass 1914. M Louisa Cle Doors Open at 7:30 A, IM. V ap Is a Portion of The International urchased at Less Than Half Price They decided however that they would not move their stock and they have sold it to us and some other of their regular customers at less than 50c on the dollar. To attempt to describe or eulogise “Castle” Hats would be like “painting the lily”- enough in beauty, elegance, style and radiance, they have few equals and no superiors in America. In addition to this most unsual attraction we bought from Phila’s greatest importer, nearly one hundred dozen of the newest, best and latest shapes in chips, Milans and Hemps. This big institution had more merchandise they ought to have at this time of the year and took a big loss rather than have it left over on their hands eas man 31.69 value Ha n vari ol AT $1.49 ; unl a ceptions {a e beautiful in styl AT $2.98 AT 29¢ Ostrich 1 ¢ x pa AT $2.98 Plumes, . Aikido a 1anab elie \ $3 GS | Gi : \ ' ‘ black, white and coio . ~~ hed 0 - \ -p- Hemp a ©X ] 3 deautif haded effect a ¢ | 23.9 ind $4.98 ! . : Apple Blossoms, in ¢ ! AI aid : > : Sprays, 1a S \ xceptional values I o also ellow al white . $7.00 LC AT 3 98 eden I and | “CASTLE” jo they're Value $6 Q ap HATS $3.9 to $10. Some ot ort AT 49¢ 1 effective color com- hinations the usual $4.98 Bohuiye. Tersimly 9) ve AT 19¢ wires Sora tase ves mai ave wai} 32-09 Fast King St., Lancaster, Penna. | = Clusters of Pk to 0 9 9, 8 50) ay Bs Ox 0s abs oP: 18s 02 Fa o¥0 0% o¥.<% o% 6% o% +%0-0% 006-430-6542 6% 4304! IOI EI EDO IEDC COCO SIDED ODIO 00 099% 464% < Sm —— — — S.A S round trip care fare on purchases of $10.00 or more. C shat Ostrich Fancies; Diss Be Pe ob 2 WT » he %e* > 0 be > > > * > ho’ Ye" > * - * J & ro” %o* > > & > > bo o%0o% o. poet Nt er J > > , * 0 Oe, o* % * Oo o%% oF ho? %o% et 9%, Ooo oe ot, (SOS O00, ie * J Sa Sogo ae feel role led “ 4, * $ $e * CR) og * $ * > / oO. 0 0 0904 ®, 9% LR) e® %% a’ % & * CE Soe > ®, * ®, XaXa) * toed , * od Di .m = ¢. 0 4 The bas $0 8 or hd 0, > -4 em bg Rn S ®, ro? 4, Delicate Hydrangea 4 7 4 the most popular tes; gular $1.49 to $ 0 4, ®. ot AT 89¢ Lge spray of purple $0. 0 0 0 0 6 9H > Rr 4% %* re * > * + many trials and tempta- to u h hich no one else could tions to overcome, but in conquer beer You have assisted us in § y s.' day’s happenings, Tomorrow is i ine vell. ' cksmith p to ive him WOM i i i RED . ) next youl 1 1 el ‘ fell and in’ { Bay MS NAN) being 14 fi S next yea in youl | ¢ 1 ou nave peen : i : : : Bak : 3 oie 3 5% € Gd i i il TEN YEARS ep] | wealtl and leisu: b dden follow ec with an essay on “Civ I hem we come near 0 solvil 0 u e encour- NOW A on 2 . SES WA g CET { ; ; . : 3 ’ 2 . » < tere ¢ EXERCISES WERE LARGELY AT-| thrust into the isiness world, su ide” and the Hizh School oratin yroblems. Often the vital p ) needed it, you ! — — TENDED | rounded by man influential me: as given by Clayton S. Farmer on of Of character is formed by t el ith us alike our ev- : Bie Si] ine N ~ db — — y he 0 x . > . 3 den | 1 1 f Pn 3 8 7 1Q Fol 40 OF; e by | Why does he not succeed? Why does the subject “The Mission of t1 surrounding influence I'l young 0 nd 0 \nd the dear : From INervousness Lause y A Class of Nineteen, the Largest in|} not n 1:4 W} : } eire ol a. Te - 1 D_. So ol : | ne no in honoi na da nclon jcholar Louis Clever and BEdr folks a more t ) sul'roul unde y( lead ) ¥ le Hs— Restored Qo History of This School Graduated | Because he did mot start at the bob: m hola: Le ui 2 lepper and Edn ; K i» : : &i ; 1 a I 1 ; a ; od has Femal Ills s ; t | au I start a h bo rank endered a duet “See th 1g influences than grown-up peop! 0 last four years, ar A Visas : : Health bv I dia E —Halil Was Tastily Decorated for] 1 did hot } : ) : ' : cine Aho 1 va altil V ALY . {len a aid not labo Ng and eal-| pije Face Moon” and Mary Heisey are. Hence a well-balanced life re nd \ | upon our memo- ; SHO Noi Pi kk ’ Vv t the Occasion { 4d not ehimb i 1 f : Rh Es mnmKnams egeta- - 1 tii no 1 nt 1 tcie] 0 + : d n 11 nt vou a TY t Lael gay ecitation s good nvironmen in youth ies S and no dni bast i 1. 11 ¢ ( ( § yi ician, but | fortune rung D ang but gained {though we must follow chosea joyful da of our lives And now, hout avai Hol emedies were ble Compound. mn 2 hi cit vit} { 7 1: » | ic o i En peda 3 2 : I'h commencement exercises o | hi osition without any labo: Ji The Valedictory ideals at all times, we are not dis- ou last token of respect and nd thi y 1a liey : the Central High School of May- part, and therefor next number on the program turbed by passing occurrences. Thus kfulness for your kindness and 1 Tered fron town, one of the first of the town 1 d to fi Hn et was th valedictory, delivered our characters are strengthened and abors with us, we bid you a pq and had suct ship High Schools to be estab. ditions be reversed lake a youth Isabel KEndslow, who had as her we are aided in the partial solution kind farewell. He we 1 ic Dan that lished in Lancaster county, werd 4 as thrown upon his yi) vject «1 Enigme,” speaking of our life's difficulties. As we go Presentation of Diplomas poisoning had nf e ho hg i inl d our segs PL baie 1 : rn Try : 4 y : . ER » IN be ) days beld on Thursday evening in the urces and started as a clerk in a as follows: on toward the attainment of our The presentation of diplomas was } A al 0 he iain Lay + x : : 3 } I {at a time, could not town Band Hall. large business house, but soon )} Marvelous, indeed, are the achieve life's ideal, day by day we learn the next ip order and they were pre be eat or sleep and did The exercises were opened with his faithful services was promoted ments of modern science and phil | truth of the poet's words when he sented to the class by Prof, J Ss. f « : I not want anyone to il final 1 H . YY i re . : > a 1 1 nan Y ¢ 1 l ¥ ~ the invocation by Rev. G Arthur UNU. ANaly ge became a men osophy. I'he inventions of an Edi- said: Simons, principal of the school, who'Compar iting he ne zh {talk to me or bother the fi a i nth 1a _y ' : 3 1 t } ime at 3 2 Fry, and after the High School had the firm. [Is mot this youth able on, the philosophy of a Bergson Over and O° agai in a few vell-chosen words told Ine at rendered two selections, Miss Edna Succeed? He will succeed because (he financial genius or a Morgan—all .. 2 Ys the graduates that he hoped they VY t : ! BIY ng Dm {times 1 wi : Yon be his Dee trait 3 hoot of f f No matter which way I turn, A Bie ; In ; yn of the lin be {for s 1 She gave the salof: woos recs. he has been trained in the school of! {Lege : the glorious triumphs : 5 i i 1 S e to gain il] g ter’ " i Shank gave the salutatory address. hor these add to the lorious umphs 1 always find in the book of life would al i o gail ] rea : hn : Bh f the present age. We fly througn K1 n e ab ) did The Salutatory C le present age, e Hy t "Some lesson that I must learn Big A , y fq hi d 1 ir like rds 6 Swi ane ri " di a opt « ‘ wn P . cipging WW o : APL Io > x 1 Miss Shank had as her subject, In the secular world, why do the the air like birds, we swim benearh I must take my turn at the mill, | et at Maytown. After singing b; iy a rs on fie : 3 x i i ’ } um )f in a iving ie the ¢ ace > sea like fishes : ia ; the High School le exercises were ~ © = BEE > our months ago )¢ “Honor Awaits at Labor's Gate,’ names of Lincoln and Livingstone th urface of the sea like fishes, | must #£rind out the golden grai he High School, the exercises ® i ror bout a half mile fro y thay 3 1 to forth 2 Tin 1 rrie 1 we 3 wWwegages wi t 3 } 1oht $ Jose which vas Vvoi- % 4 inknam and she spoke as follows, after wel. stand forth? Lincoln carried the we send our messages without r¢ I must work at my task w \ brought to close, i which was Yia p S trial and now I am in good 1 i 3 . alace cars take ver { nos he 2 uc rs 4 coming the audience to the exer- burden of the nation through the gard to space, our palace cars tak resolute will ed by everyone to be mos STC tin - : p Mrs. WILLIAM H. GILL, 15 5 > . A 12 u ? i < = ALS. ¥YIiLLas i il. aladay t vil Tar an ivines ¢ STE S across 2 ¢ ine at & ate : cessfu Sy > t Mavtown 2 A r > ; cises: Civil War, and Livingston spent us across the continent at a rat Over and over again. ssful ever held a aytowr men thous} SOM ne et, Auburn, New York. i ater part of ‘his life minister. hithe indreame f The ideal . As iy : 4 the greater part of his life minister- hitherto undreamed of. 1e ideal ’ The Graduates murdered Edwar Hammon Labor was truly said by the an : : Ty ma ha Src heh we > . nn ef vi A “ tor’s Dane aE - ’ ; “20 : 2 ing to the needs of the people of of the poet is being actualized, the The time has now come when we Polio ine: ne the paws ol Re hie too Rat Sofia Doctor’s Daughter Took It. cients to be the price which the Is hi} 3 st leave this dear old Maytown Following : suo PTL St Cloud Mi “1 was so run down i thin vorth hav dark Africa. These men spent no dream of the philosopher is being: Must leave Lis qear: 0 or oraduates Edna I Frank Marie piercing it n then several Dl Ou, wi va: 1 Id gods set upon everything wor nav- : 4 5 > y : or 3 g t t 3 e com °° hahha Tay : ? K and worry that 1 could not ine I 1d imes the difficulties time In idleness, labored long, earn- realized, the, conceptions of the cap- High School and set out in th C. Harte Lot 1? Clepper, Emily were dug t. Upc xaminati 3 ; I \n talk aloud ng. n olden times : i i is : 1 ¢ I $nd TV am $ne at mencement of our life's duties. Bu 3 oi Toss : nnd Mitdren talk a'0u( of tudy we fa reater than now ing the eward of true men In he tain Oi Industry are being mater: a Dy A Roat \nna 1 ( Mary Fi. coffir wa ound te ¢ n 00d con or he floor One of my study were far greatel hi 1 Ww. i : ; ; : : . ; y — Wo. will 1 absent i body. in J 2 oo. ¥ : Y it yo x 1 > 1 . Books were expensive and cumber- religious world, just consider the alized, the wisdom of the ages is although we will be absen 2 od) k her, Mary M. dition, and as far as possible the frends said, ‘Trv Lyvdic E. Pinkham’s 8 J pens 3 3 ; r deepest interest and kindest i fied ha hed , v xe 1 some, - oftentimes chained to desks labors of the Apostles Peter and open to the eyes of the humblest) our deep st interest and Kinde 3 Vumma, Edna M. bones were pulled fron e hole. Tt Vegetable Compound, for I know a doc- ie, S ile £ 2 re y 3 : rar 1 eve ¢ i itl 3 r auger a >» in tow y £ on which they were kept. Anyone Paul, and yet they considered their child. Yes, truly, the achievements gards wil] ever remain WHA oul Shank. Ezta R. Garber, Charles M.'™ 1 r } ve ago ighter a in town Kho takes Walch: hey Were Reh. Aly : ; : : 3 : a alms ater. Y schoolmates, have 7 es 1 nd she would not take it if it were who ‘wanted only a meagre know- greatest labors small in comparison of modern art, science and philoso- | alma mater. You, schoolmates Hous de B. Henderson, He BDO dl’ hi oL% 4 K ¥ oe iE Re BE 5 : : y : 3 : 3 : 30s e - ki gsociates during ti oi fi 5 : : = icin OT g00( ledge of books had to labor long to the honor that would be theirs in phy are marvelous beyond the dream oon one 3d ow 3 R. | Mary L. Rutt, Jane E ro . 1 sent for the Compound at once and : gia he z invitee Satuels Think: ho lone the ancient sages time spent here, Ve have a i AFR e208 LA RL : and earnestly to obtain it. Now ev- Winning salvation. Think how long of the ancier 1Z€ Cv ranoe ond uerertoibetoraet: i C.avton S 1 ind Minn Eli Wants His Mone 1 ing it until I was all right. ervone is allowed the privilege ot the reformer Luther must have ia Yel. in spite of miodetn wchiova many lappy © ; : finer " y A M. CKXSTADT, 727 6 y . aes » n » a eg =o. x avs with vo And 1t 1s wi o ~ : obtaining knowledge by the free ed- bored over his theses, and when o.oo. no jaree element] | D QEYS Nia You } wddress to the graduates was Nissley against E. H. 6 and A Minn. : 3 : to bl Br 3 es 5 Hig > cepest regret that we must y : ucational system. And yet the they were completed and given t. of the mysterious. ii lf THG BDO the deepest re t th : delivered by Rev. H. M. ol Der x 2 16 we wetable Com- privilege is oftentimes abused. Stu-'the world how was he rewarded? ... of childhocd, the strength last bid you a sad farewell Franklin and Mars R $ | civen by 1 as the most : Qi ; ; i rder to appear ay : hi - Ana rectors. it is * bv arietts ale ills. Why dents forget that they should labo:| Simply by being o Sore % . born of struggle, trial and tempta-| Kind Board of Directors, it 1 y ——— ite M A A . y rev AY ies . for 2 3 and Emperor and! 3 ! vour. ai at we have sen able Light Company and iis- long over difficult studies, and for, before the Pope and 1 : g| tion, the transforming power of your. aid that we have been able io MAYTOWN “the Uulon Natl y he res - 5 rg » retrs g he a . : ! ; ur © 3 10 ( Y OU counted at e nion National Bank told to retract all he had said and] : foll 1 to the end You ounted the Uni tion in is reason many do not win honot | Ti > ee . idea]. | follow our course to the ‘ th . y | thought, the influence of an ideal re ree Mount Jov. Mr. Nisslev paid the Cross Roads Lovefeast which they expect. This is true in writ . Luther was ot the! written But Luther as n these are a: few © : i 7 rer oy illir supply 6 . f the mighty, have ever been: willing fo Pp! Unearthed a Coffin While Planting A lov note and he now sues the other en- the business as well as the educa- kind of man to take back what he mysterious forces which influence! the means necessary to our ac an Electric Light Pole ow : tional world. : Znew fo be Hizhi NW es faise: and shape our destinies. They are vancement. You have done ye ——— eh Io Brie 1 Be church A youth is said to be the child of ; Flood. To ais heroic. labors the world! elements of life's enigmas. Innocent best to promote our interests and John Tome of this place employed NRY | 14. yood fortune who is! born to wealth | 1S greatly indebted. { childhood thinks little of the great; to smooth ou: pathways, and WOW,'} uy R Hoffman, is nursing a very, ye | in behalf of the class of 1913, I 1 1! sore left leg. He had taken a mule, aerBest paper im town —Bulletin. | A nd leisure; freed fr | i Becessity | Following a recitation by Miss future before it. It segs only to- \ } | 4 ekeast will be held by the Brethren in Christ a Cross Roads Florin on May 13 and re mean lA nen. the local news in the Bullet