nt THE “FAGGED-OIT" WOMEN | Will Find a Helpful Suggestion In This Letter BULLETIN, MOUNT MOUNT JOYANB WERE TH Lines From the Pen of Lieut, Wert of Harrisburg JOY, PA. Wednesda) April S, 18148 ERE TS : : RR " wy onl RRR Rh Se Ee Are you one of those fellows A ort ght LunIversary poem Ovjerwo ked run-down fagged | On the conflict at Fort Stedman, in ’ : Ny out Lunes win fel Shou Tf | tron ot” Pirsar, re 8 who considers himse ~ oould hardly drag about, should profi t \ ' ) : J Je b A Richt » @Xperient she f I nbe of ou ( . > 2 - y n § 8ay La winteg | wa mpletely Hed ended [ Yo hs It d ff t 7% run down fag t all the Ri) ul I eren * time, was nervo | had indigoes | I ear of night 2,0 tior a roar of sudden figh : { If you are really out of shape you are not a ov ” oF Lo aly, the fhe line is rent! MA candidate for ready-made clothes. But we i take Vinol, and it has 1 me - , . ' u tl er widening vent | guarantee to fit any normal man. good I'he tired worn-out feeling . all gone, and | am strong. vigorous 1 n Ly came urging in ith the Rest | 30d well. The stomach trouble soon | A ¢ wild, infernal din You see how our clothes look on you before A disappeared and now | eat heartily av a ‘ox She p . lord and have perfect digestion I wish | Hon i i mak you pay a cent, you are sure of more wan a 9 ‘ y ne desperate effo £0 W na . . A ¢ every tired, weak, nervous woman authentic styling and much better work could have Vinol, for I never spent ( 0 uin is the stake . . any money in my life that did me so 0 sever with a deadly blow manship than you can secure in custom 3 much good as that 1 spent fi Vinol.” ne oy Yo & ihe it x na \ - 1 'Q OF Sever: C lars cunten I ay a, T hent I ur arn and On came the fo made clothes for several dolle . . - tesoundoed I the Southern Vell, nore . \ Thousands of women and men 10r€. ches Lheay who were formerly weak and sick! \8 ban rose, as banners fell Ready-to-wear clothes- are served { OWe their present rugged health t ivi oe lems 4 the wonderful strength-creating effects | \1ove (he batt choruseds. peal making has developed of Vinol. We guarantee Vinol to build ee y ~ : 10 ( Jy st ers ” oh and m ral on strong. If | Responsive cheers from hearts of SUH to a fine art, and our o . . it does not, we give back your money teel asssortment is of ly Style W. DD. CHANDLER, DRUGGIST Fold Pennsylvanians were at hand he the finest. "sre Mount Joy, Penna l'o rike for flag and native land ] Al ITH THE BEST BRANDS SPORTING HILL Bra ons of State to manhood lea INES. LIQUORS & CIGARS NH 1 Who like to us for ‘each can feel ends a Manheim I'he elbow-touch has Knit our lives sens bi Hol ( 1 10 ¥¢ IVI § wi) «4 CN ~ ' J “4 . od Stabling Accomodation | 0 Honor to those who fell that day, ERAN tO aOR DA BA one and Long Distance Telep) : suits { n 1 i ay Cvery VI I I ( \ 90590000000 000200 0002040, . . : 1 " OL aye enon | Ue clothes and th @ i)" 1 pon ! 1 l¢ 1-2 ld 1 q . : Bow WS Catarrh le lly : Yor will fool ¢ ! ¢ ‘ me out the Red, the White, the oi It will not only ) Wl a Ravar * V BI ’ . . 3a ai ¢ Latarrh, Hay Fever, Asthma, Cold : a : y you will like the drape of the coat, . 4 i 1 b lathe valo 01 p o 3 * mn the Head ie ¢ . ( ino anal hs: Arata : un the Head, Influenza $ By them begueathed from ‘sive to the free flowing lapels that create MT AV r $ i ‘ ; Q - f correct >S § Uuaranteed or Money Refunded $ ; ne 401 the atmosphere of correct dress. ® Price = ¢ Bv Mai! onl & J “The same price the world over.” : : ¥ $i Farha gga, round 0 twine ~The materials are pretty fabrics of all Y cnil " Vig \ 101¢ rok i Ervice 1 y “rr »e ~ Bows Mfg. Co. 5 _ Fha:r mght when Gordon broke th wool carefully cut and finely made. The service is guaranteed. You ‘ ¢ unday sitor li . 8 Se “i . West 159th Stregt 3 ! : Jan : have something to learn abqut dressing better for less money if you » " .t . | And ent lvaniar ba d the way , . Vhs i i a . $ New York City 3 nd wife of Bis Ang saved rod Stedman's. fal haven't seen our new spring models. Styleplus models are in the Mt Pure Food Serial No. 45605 § on of H 8 | fraught da window. One of our salesmen will explain how the values are * e wife on Sunda} . . . sep * . 000000000000000000000000 4 era possible for the price if you will just step in. 4 I 3 vif i or ol fer, Iwi hd ; NORTHWEST RAPHO 3 : feet Me on the Bridge am@ We'll manuel visited his brother Henry C. B. Heistand’s public sale - . 74 > Eo Mount Jc y, Hall Have a Plate of the Sheaf 1 family at Waldecl . : \ 9 cx : ; | iL uesda Ww well attended § 7 Somebody ask Queen A] ffman of Yardley pent \ & iid Mi phony t Mito : : v J) Mount Joy. ™ + v ay 1 yoy! {swe | tL. and ribhble of on \ y Mary, what are King George's views Best Ice Cream In Town | part of iy and Saturday here | : ; : : 70] hp] ¢ 7s pe . Gr "Wi W © 2UEeSls 0 min ribbhie s Oh woman aif he * . inspecting the Willow Grove poultry Q | fon Su 1) ? ui fai ; a ! : FAN Cg, Akron. O h: ovely climate oi . ; Je R. Gibble spent Saturday and 2 HR " PA leave it plants out of | A Wenge Vile and daughter, ! q,90v visiting 1 latives and friends . p es ¢ | M Emma pen part of Sunday : er i — it Fairland 8 ’ | {0 \ \ I ror H ar | a - | { with W ). Grove any family a \ thunder gust accompanied by a is a close affiliation be-| La Elizabethte : 5 Rha ST re — GET AFTER HEM NOW y wv 7 » Sars pe Bn oe a Hi SPECIAL TO WOMEN of high living k Slide : lial” | day evening es ; Re. Yor The Aptis. Konis Do you realize the fact that thousands of "= 8s 9 @ - te Lotti 1 David Barto, wife and | ‘ id 1 ; . § Early aying for e Apple ps women are DE 7 | Georg Gell) hi a fine driving ¢ ror. i & : . vomen are now using Britiar is ooking 0 7 aU daughte Grace were Sunday guests |)... which he offers at privat § ; 7BYS Po Ye 1% Suna 73 & ; Huerta, possibly because he | F XT R'S of Samuel K. Garman and family Ie He x dandy re 4 y ! SR hard to overlook. Z BE L LE { Phares 8. Mohn wife and on, | ! : 2 dan i ’ va ole fy Sean § A prominent nurseryman of Penn . » . . | Al Flavors at Al Times. Jam f Salur pent sunday | Pe Da o Hig Yicimity pis ” 8 : Ny vi nia ont two Immfested apple : Price: artie Pestivals |". © > Dalunga spent Sunday | yprended Communio service { : 3 J : : . 4 1 woman isn't suspicious of her | ‘vecial I rices to Parties, Festivals with Joseph Wickenheisel Sarah | (iy : I o i x he 5% - twigs to State Zoologist H. A, Sur and it's because she has some- Suppers, Etc. Kopp of Penryn is spending a week bet a 0 : ty i - face, at Harrishurg and received the A Soluble Antiseptic Powder Pr else to worry her | s wilh | \pple, cherry near anc peach § . i ONCerning the | as a remedy for ihe: f C2. = a TR Sv at th ame place trans Tore TA A 4 wn : . ¢ y ng reply concerning tng . emecy 1or mucous membrane af- ~~ Rocce anil : Mrs C. H. Zeller ~~ are udding and will be.in full | § Aphis. which i a ‘pest that fections, such as sore throat, nasal or gan their polit cal aetivi Marietta Street MOUNT JOY' Cat in Wail [Ploom in the near future ! ¥ has heen one of the very destructive pelvic catarrh, inflammation or ulcera- Assitant Secretary of the Navs | n iW | Mrs. Mary Gibble is spending this | ! et the aopnle orchards of HOD, caused by female ills? Women whe ! 3 ss » i Kim A live pussy cat was sent thru k the domicile of her son, H.! eh Aetna _., | have been cured say “it is worth ita Don't WOT if vou can't TO the mails by parcel post at Lebanon | R. Gibble at Hotel Fairland i Eastern america urmg. past weight in gold.”” Dissolve in water and v NOUNCe he name of Mexico's Presi ons ina atio : ie § st. week The animal, in a small Stout purses are beginning to look | Ave y ars : : ; on apply locally. For ten years the Lydia dent, there may be a change soon id s8 i box with openings for arr, was tak- | imazed these davs while thin ones § y 0 2 se, LrOSLOR "The Specimen of apbe 1wig on E. Pinkham Medicine Co. 1185 760M > * ° “I'or many years I wa troubled, in ' en by a clerk and the contents were | Beping 10 he rekindled as. April 3 0 ree ey by von is infested with the eggs of mended Paxtine in their private cor- The King and Queen of England | § spite of all so-callad remedies L used. not discovered until anothe slerk | j ); F aM | o : eh } i § the Apple Aphis I discussed this Yesponcence with women, will have to call on the Bov Scouts WAL last I found qui K re lief and eure > "ro hi : 15 1 abou gt apd eve. ef § subject with some care at the re For all hygienie and toilet uses it has to protect them from the Suffra in those mild, yet thorough ! felt the animal moving. A council| ( Hollinger wife and daugh ———— . ——————— | tir th Stat Horti no equal. Only E0c. a large box at Drug- pro . 3 © nee o ¢ Slate ort gettes really wonderful | of clerks was called and after due] (e Esther visited Hiram W ea j he : : ot on at RH . isburg gists or se nt postpaid onreceipt of price, aa | DR. KING'S | Cy Mas By the way what are the names | of those mighty men who have been | “eliminating Bryan” during so many | years? | it NewLifoPills| ho Adolph Schingoeck, Buffalo, N. mer 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE AT ALL DRU $ Wages go up and the cost off living gofs down. Nex June ought] | clos: to do a ushing known as inspection of the inside of the box|iibble was decided that the animal did | come under tne ban recently | M: ed by the Post Office ed again and sent on to its des- stersonville on Depart [Gingrich & Bro. at it on members of the cat family | nesd skunks. The box was | ed hy a complete | Sunday any persons delivered calves Lawn on Wer lay morning and were saturation due heavy rain storm s at Beverly formerly of nea: referesh The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Masa, W. D. CHANDLER, Mount Joy. There seems to be a gegeral idea March 26, 10t that lime-sulfur s when dor ) } BACK RUN ] 4 tithat lin 1 I Albert Shank and family visited mant does not destroy these eggs,| Bllis Rettew and ‘family on Sunday MARIETTA but 1 have found that they can be David Waltz anq family entertain- vi¢ Tate nd William Tai d : ; od ha 2 Swollen 3 ie an : ind son, Wiiliam Ta killed with the dormant spray if] Phare Sweitzer and wife om 0! of Philadelphi th onests : ut Sunday of Philadelph I'e the gues of directions are followed In fact, Levi QGinder of Palmy: Asi the family of John B. Bastan on Yung H awmyra visited ibout a dozen persons at the meet- business ir wed : . j . among friends in this vieinity dur- ; SJusiness.in wed | tination, a rural mail carrier taking TTT. Market street ; : ; Yor : sofled 1 ing this K h gun dings and sweet little hungalows ra cat ar et ! | SS ing testified that they had controlled | ing this wee : =v 0 8 3» s { the box along Graduated From W. F. T. S. Raymond Killian of Philadelphia the Apple Aphis by the lime-sultur Jacob Ginder, wife and son Henry Calls. to the republican factions to 2 | Mr. Walter W Greiner, son of Mr. [after a visit with his parents, Mi pris “hil a fon othars. Rap: non ind Miss Martha Lauver spent Sun- ay, 1 i ¢ Tay vith amuel eker : ami geunife may depend for success on 4 | Philip Greiner of this place. was one land Mrs. Levi Killian, Second streei |, ty With Samuel Becker and family whether Mr LaFollette can be | Musical at Landisville | ; tas y ot ‘a done so, it Manhei -» e 1 \ lo é class o N 1al graduateq a returned 10M ¢ my i INA r Y i dragged in rage of the Megaphone, | A musical programme was given | W 2 I y Trad rs | l Ther ’ v H Giliil Fhe element of success in spray On Tuesday) Rendle Malin moved ! Hliamson Ie rade School at J. ang S riliiland of Sh, Sa to his fect fro Slop? . 5 0 0» in the Bethel, of the Church of God, Philadlphi : S ¥ i M : : " : » ing for this particular pest is in free ne m Zhe Hossler’s 7 ir 1 sradiiing ; : : lia Saturda Mr. |C yd, Pre nd Stibgen ; - lise ( Os Musser’s >N: We have no irouble in crediting at Landisville, Saturday evening. [ Cn oA ¥turda) r./Cynwyd, Pa ind Mr tibgen © ting the material on them at the . . ne Hao) oyers om ‘the census statement that there are | " : : Greiner is a carpentel A year ago Seattle, Washington were the guests : rad is : Fries RYILe En : 3 | ff y a g The programme consisted of vocal : ight time, or in waiting until the her lette rife & anghie 25,000,000 school children in the ! always have on hand anything I . “ [the president of the school an-lof relative and friends in town this!, : . 2 wh after | A hers Doe. wile and daughters United States. We have half of | an the line of Smoked Meats, Ham, | and instrumental music, cornet solos | © sd that Would ficke iho vw ; buds are bursting and spraying after Fannie and Kate spent Sunday with . . § : a : : . ed 12 e yOu (¢ ak J eek. 3 ” i oy . | Henr Qweitzar ‘ J Iv > them in our neighborhood Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Etec. and readings. Miss Minerva Stauffer | : : * > ; the green leaves commence to ap- H nry Sweitzer and family, nea 3.3% + 2 i rv A i : . | student who had a clean record for Mary [Lloyd was committed to the : . 1 11 the | Sunny Side schoolhouse Also Fresh Beef, Veal! Pork and of Elizabethtown recited, Miss | : : pear. 1 have sprayed when 1€ Yoo, : ’ is ; Between facing any angry popu } conduct for one year, a present of Lancaster county jail for thirty ey: : John Hossler and family entertain ; 8 ] sry Mutton. Prices always right. Habecker of Rohrerstown sang and |... ¥ : i ° leaves where one-half inch in length i follow} 3 i gce on one hand and resisting the ; . 1325. At the exereises it was an [days by Justice of the Peace : , ed the following on Sunday: Elis ——icm— there was piano music by Misses Y : ‘ of . allies on the -other, the Turkish jea®/ would seem to have | Mus nothing to lead but a dog's life { H H. KRALL i trv» Vest Main Street, Opp. Bank, revolution- pea- MOUNT JOY, PA. #ell Telephone. Some of the Mexican ists lost weight on a diet of nuts. Let Mr Taft, who is in Georgia where peanuts grow, do as | he pleases. He may prefer to be that way. M hein sesiroleodpoddosfocfooforooivfodecfoctafocfeforrofpedoofodidiods was = . LJ M Al 1 1 Ss > ; 2 5 For a Good Clean Shave Tos What do the British suffragettes celet want .to see King George for? Or a Classy Hair Cut Lloyd George is the ruler of British | . 3 near airs of state and in domestic and | Stop at social matters Queen Mary seems | J ae t H.J. WILLIAMS : Two days before J. P. Morgan | TONSORIAL PARLORS Seach hitherto un- 2 reached Rome three { known paintings by Raphael were | iscovered., the arfists having bare- | ly enough time to complete them be W. Main St. Mount Joy Agt For Middletown Laundry no ui Good fore the great connoisseurs arrival > - . . . 0l¢€ Secretary McAdbo's ieparture | from Washington for New York in a search of guiet and rest reminds us too that Pierre Loti once left New York | chu for Constantinople with the same | Com Tr p objeet in view. wads . . - - Bresident Wilson didn’t learn the abet until he was 9 years old e had obtained an early start by ng to Kindergarten at 4, the Jole course of recent history ight have heen changed. REO "+s 8 ® ! rhit It’s all rieht for a number of Con | ma 2 n man.” 3 gress to be admitted to Practice be ppt £TS. A L Anzs (fora fhe Supreme Court, buf what _ - a i how! would go up if a Supreme] jourt Justice should claim the same ¥ tive at either end of the } Tala ———— Mi DAME DBAN'S FRENCH FEMALE ILLS. A Sarx. Cervix Rxume for Surras D METRE ATION ER KNOWN T0 FAIL, Safe! Sur *! Speeds ! Satis. Guaranteed or Money Refun 9 1 A = 2 2 olan conservative ¢ld Democrats not been swept off their feet current wave of radicalism, | willing to nse the Re | office holde as io | 1ave them send your orders 10 the UNITED MEDICAL CO., sox 74, LANCASTER, Pa experiments Sold in Mi. Joy by E W. Garber and W. D. Chandler & Co. iding there versary at the accur public 1, who until several years ago | cash a resident of that place, always | five prior to that time, brated her 97th birthday anni-! was United Zion Home | most le oil. The best 1s Family Favorite Oil FREE—320 page book 2hout oil Potato WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO. Wheat Pittsburgh, Pa. dr Gasolines te Butte) Eggs Lubricants Lard ped 1b. 50 that each of thes twenty students received Mr. Greiner was one of them. Walter also awarded a gold medal al the size of a silver dollar, for Lititz, on Sunday | the best shop, academic and conduct et ——m record in the Senior Clas He is For Sale now here on a visit to his parents good clean stock of up-to-date | 2nd Will leave April 15 for ral merchandise, including shoes Worcester Mass... where he has clething. Two year old stock, no | SECU d employment nulations. Best location in town RL > reason for selling. H. E. Eber Good, If True u Yov. Pa . tf. | Editor Westafer in the last issue rm —— of the Elizabethtown Chronicle i says: “It is reported that the P. R te: ot uttons such as fencers | R., whieh has secured control of their weapons the Massa i WOT might, in order to ‘Ne Cornwall and Lebanon R. R 1 wit} the new law, stick | Will make Elizabethtowr the terms- of chewing gum on the points ! of the latter road. The Pennsy, heii at pins 0 protect the ! according to report. will utilize the from injury d trackage orth of Elizabethtow: wd wil un a spur from the track x6 he Conewago and Il.el no ne etween Bellaire and Cc ) is said this change uld efi passenger trains onl and tha Conewago freight yards wuld darge ane Conewago 1d fre terminal Em __— Our Home Markets per 1b eta . 30 per doz. tnd course, before they expanded. Hollineer ans dh SEH . iw selman’ Trout’ and Hershey ang | nounced that out of the 225 students Gramm. on complaint of the chiet BY ‘tho time’ the orca loaves are Sopa ie pl nea Maohsin by other local talont : | there were twenty-five with clean burgess for disorderly conduct peeping out of the buds one-fourth Henry B: r and family enter- ai a { records As there was only $25, a!Constable Filby took the prisoner to inch the Aphis eggs have hatched! tained the following on Sunday: : umber of those present. including the jail and the young Aphis have crawled | Kram Showers, wie © and danghter, Ninety-Seven Years Old some of the leading citizens of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Straub, resid-|, therm y 0 sid. A an ang ; Misses Mary Sheets, iss Barbara Danner of Man-| Philadelphia, contributed enough ing at the eastern end of town cele 0 them sand eommenes) 10 feed Alice and Yule | Dresher ard Anna Spray them with the regular lime-| Rettew rated their seventeenth wedding : el ! (ii ” PAAR | culfur solution, the same as for San! anniversary Thursday in a quiet . | COURT PROCLAMATION : Jose scale and you will destroy... or . manner at their hom Both are en pe : , yids | Whereas, Honorable Chas. I. Lan- them that is also a good time toj ,.. hice joving good health They have re ' : dis, President and Hon. Aaron B. Has- add two or three pounds of arsenate] gjer Associate, : Si : : : i Judges of the Court sided all their lives in this sect a : v £4 281 2h: _Beclon. |of read to Gfty ‘sallons of the lime- {of Common Pleas in and for the Coun George Ziegler one of the oldest sulfur solution to kill the Bud moth, |!¥ of Lancaster, and Assistant Justi- esidents of town residing in Front A j ’ ft th orchard | ces of the Courts of Oyer and Termi- an ar resent i { » renard t=» > 3 Street iat the eastern end. was &3 Ik any are j € |ner, and General Jail Delivery and I am of the opinion that spraying! Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and rfectly dor-| for the County of Lancaster, have is- sued their rt, tn moe directed. years of age | i 2k | FE uiring me, among | re { | vesterday Mr. Ziegler is a remarkable man for his age, while the buds remain pe man! may not kill them. There is a —— 4 § other tl na reason why ong should not in-{; » make nnuhi elamation t Cottage M r : ta : a ? ges for t. Gretna crease the strength of the spray|ont my hailiwick, that a Court of Uy- H. O. Numbers, contractor, has liquid to the a dozen ¢ specific gravity of 1.04|°T" and Terminer and a General J i : pelivery, aiso a Cc the or the eggs of the Apple Aphis it] > a Louri of the General | ¢ killed by the secured contracts to build iarter Sesqior new cottages at Mt dormant | ; Moisi a hs Peace snd é | dail Delivery, wili commen ‘e In the cause the leaves to curl|Conrt Honge in the City oi Gretna U Bi thav wre not » 1eetine o S his spring ) campmeetin grounas thi SPrIng. vray the Lancas- He will erect a large cottage for nd stunt the growth of leaves, twig|f®" in the Commonwealth of Penu- himself and family and will make ,, fruit and cause considerable | svlvania SE : : 1 | IN TIM THIRD 1 NDAY T nis permanent home at Gretna after damage. unless after thev occur on : : Fre MONDAY IN the se: 1 Prost ts > 1 the ' | APRIL 1 ason. ros cl are that ne the undersides of the leaves you | | y a 019 coming season will be the best build wil] spray then vith a strong to-| (The 21st) 1913 I spre hem wi 1g em : ci ing ; I pursuance of which precent Pub. ing irr the campmeeting associa- haecco decoctis & s the best] i $ i ced ecoction his I : h | Notice is hereby ven to the May. tion has had for a long time n al to use after the leaves ex-| and Alderman of the City of La: T—-- pand, but it really should not peters in the said county, and all the stices » D Trinit uU EF Church neces to use it, as the strong Justices of the Peace, the Coroner y . 1 4 nd Constables of said City and Coun- Sunday Schoo] 9:30 a. m ime solution vpplied when | fv of Lancaster, that they be thea bursting or immediate {and there in their own proper per- o'clock v thereafter also many | Sons with their rolls, records and ex- { nminations inquisitions, and their other re ememberances, to do 1 Preaching in the morning at 10:30 the buds are nd in the evening at destroys } : the Viegas insects. as well Subject of discourse in the morn- ¢th pecles of insects, as well 5 M f og 1a ’ > 3lister A N 1: ing: “The Waiting Harvest” and in Mite causing the Blister M hose things which to their offices th evening: “The Church f the (roubles of leaf disease germs prertain in their behalf to be done, Ie ven ’ hd Fe ; id als x y 3 » Living God.’ A fiftee i | variens kinds especially the d also those who will prosecute Aving Go« \ fifteen minute song hi Pool leaf oaet” nst the prisoners who are or then j causing tl each leaf curl. service preceding the - evening ser- “¢USINZ he € shall be a the jail of the said AT Inn I ag eae 16 vice will be in charge of Mr. Harvey it: 8- ye ‘ounty of Lancaster, are to be then a RE Ae nj wp 3 i " : 3 and there to proseeiis against them és per bi 504° DEI h. N. A. Barr, pastor. If Dr. Friedman's tuberculosis ex-|as shall be Just. if CA ee sae 24 Ho aa periments are a success he may Dated at Lencaster Pa. the 29th per bu. ................. 1» work on the discovery of. a serum : 5 * } Bahn a yw'mer resident of day of March A. D. 1913. Per bu... .. ... 5000 .56{ John Bahn, a former resident of. . _. -elieve the pangs\ of pro- 3 i hat will relieve € pang I MILTON EBY Sheriff per bu, ...... ira eid 28! Columbia, died at York. ’ | \ ) fessional jealousy: | U |