The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 19, 1913, Image 7

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    : { i
A. Wednesday, March 19, 19
y v
| "a : ’ re -
According to a New York Digpatch Low Fares to the West | I rr S | PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. AN
Mayor Gaynor mdvocates thederea: po, vivania Railroad. Tickets to! armers 0 umn ———— iy S——
—— ' . What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To — ot
Hon of a department of morals; but Rv : Pacific Coast, | '
. Rocky Mountains, acific onst, | Say This Week 0" I \ 3/ )
: i \ > yr aN n » nw . 1 [EN =
6 haven't boem able to figure Out \yogiren Canada, Mexico and South USKFUL INFORMATION FOR THR y | Ma ch22 vou NA ~
i y » \ {arch ; 9 -~ " T
y Whether ho is going after the crooks wogtern points on sale daily March FARMER irhed NN » Your Chance 0 ecure
3 be stage or the 400, 11 to April 14 inclusive at reduced | May 32. 1010 0, /
» —— fares. Consult nearest Ticket Agent | PF Spa re Farm Implements Now for Ecx 4 Y
» ya q the Spring Work-—Specially in u Lon — — | oN ’ - .
. ile, D. P ling
4 Farm fo Rent-—Apply at thig or A. ( Welle, D. P, A., Roa 8 Faiming—-1he raising of Onions Park & Pollard : OWNLY N eedle- Molded Suits
* aM gt. Pa to April 2 The Lowly Hog is Economical Growing INGIIELD |
» — Food. |
» | I'he American hog is the mo . Prom | r
2 Are You Undecided economical of animal Of what a Can you ie) | Y M
. Mote.
$ horse cats LH2 per cent, goes to waste beat it? | 0 our easu re
: where to buy your bill of Lumber? Forty four per cent, of the food con |
: 1 J ht 1 J : ® 1 arly / E ~ ' w ? > ol
y If so, all you have to do is to look ng bs r : on ie if A ilarly lo oo | What are need; Molded” Clothes? you may ask
> ’ y ‘ ve ’ . ‘ suce .
t at the prices we are quoting for take into their stomachs. Only 12 Simply answered, the products of one of the highest
* | per ny a yiat a pig is © class Custom Tailoring concerns in America, the Globe
> { wasted, Fiity wo per cenl. 0 1¢ | . Tailoring Comps f Cincinnati
) HIGH GRADE LUMBER [food eaten by a hog goes to make eatt 1S recor g, wompany, of Clneinnali
2 | growth A sheep utilizes only 25 One To ' ? — :
3 4 : tof . 0 : Th A ble i feed ne of the factory experts will visit this store with
as \ ‘ wery - rr ce ) 8 sustenance r gr » on’ wav pos . \e
; as well as everything that is in pes ven oh me a ce ow ae To 1¢ on>r way possible 18 lo ce about 600 of the newest and best se lected Spring and
1 cluded in building, for Interior or production of meat These figures the Park & Pollard Gritless- Summer Suitings of this coming
3 exterior work, from the Timber are obtained from recent experi Chick and Growing Feed just
: - nts ade by government expert lech war shunt long net onera fen as directed in their Year Book
, ; ” gleg | IDONLS MA ) ern 8 : as directec § OK.
* in your foundation to the Shing who find, as a result of their study du, un ich hop usht gadenkt ich gay We sell the feed and give away .
: on your roof. | that the pig has what they call amole nunner tzu em Frank Emsh. , bp Frid ay-~-Satu rda
$ | “economic superiority” even over wiler siny letshta Fridawk. Now the books free. VY,
3: poultry. That is to say, it produces ferluss dich druff sel war ower iH The book alone is worth a dollar
more meat in proportion to its en fendu Gut im himmel reich 4
hp 3 3 i > .
3 E. S. MOORE | wit ight, and the animal weighs more noch amole ower es war a lot lite or more to you Ma rch 21-22
Ii p ti 1e { fo 1 as gons house J o > Wi i
$ i ors] re. you mroparal ‘ww. ve your ht |
| 8 tight) ol weipslite > nh Bi ] wiv ate hia : The feature of “Needle Molded” Clothes oi
3 Deal er in { of the carcass of a hog is utilized as ve a lol gense von mer se retsa. newly hatched chickens a warm at Dries reagtuzbie win thes is their
$ meat; of the beef animal, 75 per Un monsleit, och du lever shtro|and comfortable place to live? We BI pricereasb.nableness hs compared with the gen-
* ” | cent. is edible and of the sheep only sock noch amole Iveroll wars mix | can aid you, as we have received eral charges of custom-tailors If you have had ex-
p 5 wr cent. Thus it appears that ¢ mslel uve Dy ara ony b : . rience wi ade-10-me re Bui jces ,
Pw Coal Lumber, Grain, S3 her Po Tus he Sppear tat 155 THUS en as Th i R I end, | the famous PARK AND POLLARD perience with made-lo-measure suit prices, you will be
| Bre: ercentage 8 how tzway douset leit o a r WW RARE IRR TY 3 agreeably surprised a he elegance se a
’ | available for food than of any other Der Frank hut ollas in “apple-pic LULLABY, FIRELESS BROODERS ag Te arp ised at the elegance of these suitinge
domesticated creature otter kot Well du konsht denka.|and shall be pleased to demonstrate and the Saving they will afford yon against what you
Feed, Hay, Straw, Slate, Salt, Cement Planting an acre of onions ig too Der “Hilly” un si bruter, der “Adam” | 4 your request. We are carrying have been paying
| big an undertaking for a person who hen nix gadu siter letshta Augsht es it stock lifferent size WATER : dey
and Fertilizer does not know when it is time to/de si, kee, uxa, gense un aesel |! Stock dinerent size ie Make this one of your Positive engagements next
J plow and to sow the seed and how gshtrigelt Mer hut sel aw Tech! FOUNTS, DRY MASH HOPPERS, Friday or Saturday. Come, if just to see this display
Sniong ate cured. Bim os ofl, read mule tzana Renta De we *}Y HICK FEEDERS, ETC. all of If it “strikes you right” and you tee] inclined to have a
and study books and bulletins. on bowera gsharr un ollas hen so ‘shay which are guaranteed to give satis- made to measure Spring Suit, he will measure for im-
A larxe stock of Feed constantly on hand. Highest cash price pald onion growing: then plant a f i
of an acre for a start, and thus find en
for grain out what vou can do with onions I
States, the right time is the first |
' chance in early spring that the land un
Estimates of Lumber and Mill Work a Speciallty can he Troaght. in perfect condition]
for the operation of seed sowing. dot
hid bh bd bd bh 4 4 4 4 A A A BE Hy & Re ™
TETEITEPT 00999990994
h { s five pounds of good seed to the acre. | uf setsa, mocht aer der brise De | Manager, Woolworth Building, Lan-
{ '
(S. & H. Trading Stamps A comparatively large amount of no beet epper recht gshwindt ep aer| ‘aster. Perna a toys
: hand labor, by means of hand wheel-| yaest wos aer dut un usht so shnell os Phila. Pa., March 19, 1913
yy EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF COAL PUR hoe, is required in order to keep an|shlockt der Sharleys op mit sime | _ Fhe week has been one of per
4 z onion-patch properly cultivated and | “Queck er down, all done a stent liquidation since the
: CHASED FOR CASH AT free from weeds. And this work| un sel is es letsht. De no grisht aer, | publication of the Government
y | must be attended to in good season| “Wos nesksht,” otter “rous mitem | © timate of farm Do at he -
| and with great thoroughness. If you|soch,” oter so eppas. A pore mole begining of the week. As expected :
b H Baker S do not propose to do that, better not| hut aer es shtuft so ferdult shtarick | the volume of grain still in farmers ARE YOU BUYING YOUR kb
' ' | plant many onions. | ferkauft des es a mon busy Kkolta hands is above normal, The trade
Practically every advance that has hut nix du es bly pensils shariff | Surprise was in Oa 1 Where 2 on -
been made in any field of endeavor| mocha fer de tzway klerks—so | Serce in excess of SIX 1undredmillion
Coal and has been the direct resu’t of special-| shtarich hen se shriva missa fer uf bushels, or 42.6 per of Bo the toma) e
izing. Many of the benefits that are| holta. vield, is above the highest private
LUMBER YARDS now almost universally enjoyed had | Aens fon de kals des em Emsh- estimate This 5 impesten igi »
their origin in the minds of men| wiler kulfa hen on dara fendu hen a | Showing the abundance of this V V h Y C G I'h B
| who realized that the surest road to' pore uxa un aw a pore kelver uf der | Cere al, and evidencing the tenacity ere ou .an et e est
Mount Joy, Penna. sHneees in concentration of effort. hofe gyvawkt un grawt aveck | With which growers Rave held be li .
To specialize in the sense here in-|sawgt der Sharley, ower usht fer | cause of an unsatislactory price ua it at The Lowest Prices?
: I de. Q y hi ’ i ores ore ins 4a otuitor Fo level. A showing of 1,289 million y
scie agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hang 2 nded a0 2 not heat i tie { SiDos. ya mn Ion ge Tl h I Cant was helow trade’ oxpactations
id: n X . i 2 he armer shoulc aise a eat, all} selly gale ku; se rotes do s era | “Ol 4 ow { A 0
Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Door , Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Ftc. corn, all tobacco, all cotton, all po-| tzwet kolp.? Epper grisht grawt, | following the mild winter and a crop
; Agents for Alpha Portland Cement. Also Roofing Slate tatoes, or all of any one thing. It|«fuffsich dawler.” Aer fongt grawt | production in excess of three billion vy oh answer tiie Sti . sctelv aHer v 1
i mstimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material | means rather that his plans shall in-| aw. “Fuftsich dawler, fuftsich daw-| Here, as in wheat, the a ou can answer this question correctely aiter you have ex-
"nN 3 se that tever y | ~ fuftsi ler wr finf.”’ | feature is the immense volume 1at
i Telepl » No. 833. Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot clude a purpose that whatever hejler, fuftsich dawler, gep mer finf. 2 1s : reas . :
: & Telephone ™ does raise shall be the best of its| De no sawgt epper, “Selly ku war | has distributed since harvest, 106 amined and compared our prices with what others ask and
) kind that ean be produced If the| usht emolka otter se gept net arick million of Wheat having gone for
farmer raises corn in considerable) feel milich won se frish is—wy se | export = io atin tasted the quality of our goods which are guaranteed to gi
1 Nevertheless, y ht niiion
1 t
quantities, let him study the seience| nnt
of corn raising until he has at his| hut
corn-raising. If any farmer in the|mi
corn belt will specia
» | or anvthing else he specializes on,| gj
gest line of Caps in the city. large part of his crop at seed-corn' wy
in the regular market will bring him I
————r— — | the highest prices that are paid, be-| in
| cause he has the highest quality. | vet
: vators, drills and rollers in order for| her
: snoring work. Lay in a few extra |
plow points and bolts. Have the |
harrow teeth sharp, extra whiffle-|
y | trees and some good hame lacings
! | should be provided. The seed oats, |
or harrow is worn out, it will pay to Mt
buv a * good steel plow and a two 28¢
FO AFR M0601 0 1
tion one of
us experi-
of others.
>t to cus-
afer smnen declare our Prope
the best, clean-cut money-making
ties ¢ ver re Without pre
y C te the 8
sent the subj
y : 5 LO as interesting & manner as though 3 a | Reagisterec >
re Nght out Jaci bpointed as ed reputation for supplying his me : eT, Boppy | ON TR
o Milton Grove patrons with th tH in \ iro ?
We can GF i 0 Joseph Ebersole of Elizabeth 1 , ht 1K rc ’ I - =
can Favs, Gr on town The propor of the Gran Mave sold recently to C.C. Gingrich THE GRAIN HOUSE OF THE EAST
: A Soluble Antiseptic Powder | Hill srange was a visitor in this _. 0 o's 7 Witmer. of Union ESTABLISHEl 1897
ac Wi ality Iatnrdav . . , r
awake men do as a remedy for mucous membrane af- locality gaurday. = ’ are, deposit, registered cattle te .
hE special seen: | i . Mrs. Cathryn W. Kipp of Hum- val g lo £2 00 The = sal
gt render fections, such as sore throat, nasal or . § ! e value of $3.000 The sale .
% egiered ibn ney | : melstown, js the guest of her; wallaved tv te ihe larcest made in >
5 | pelvic catarrh, inflammation or ulcera- Drother. Samuel Soetior ond fumity 1h) ved to he e lar I * S
.. | tion, caused by female ills? Women who in. Steuliers Valloy i ¥ lancaster county of reg 1 (Members Chicago Board of Trade)
a: | es te: 3 » i te 5 “ . : cattle
le ru onl ¥ the ce | have beon cured say J 1s worth iis Beside the regular election ui) sr BROS
a postal card : weight in gold. Dissolve in water and officers and register assessors, Mt. 3 .
apply locally. For ten years the Lydia | joy township will elect this vear, For Sale '"ENNSYLVANIA BUILDING, Cbestnut and 15th Sts., PHILADELPHIA
Ask for Catalogue 161. E. Pinkham Medicine Co. has recom- | {y
gists or sent postpaid on receipt of price. ' and
igookt mit ra neya Bain usht ve
For open-air sowing in the Northern grover Now ich hop shunt uft weip- | ES
preferable. We put the seed in with | war
ym. Aer frogt de leit wos se beeta | dear & Co., Pennsylvani: Building,
a common garden seed drill, sowing | room.
iladelphia, Pa., by D. B. L.ehman,
about one inch in depth and four or| vella
tongue’s end and his finger's tips, | gay
every bit of knowledge, praectical| un
and theoretical, about corn-raising | het
that he can avail himself of. In|ow
other words, let him “specialize” ing mit
ze in this way | Fa
2 ew Shapes and Shades in Soft Hats, and all proportions in Stiff 5 few years, he will establish a|licher aesel ferkauft hut Daer | ance
> reputation for quality of corn grown] aes
that will enable him to dispose of a| finf-un-tzwonsich dawler vaert ower
prices; and whatever he has to sell| huynert gabrocht
Have the plows, harrows, culti-|gsiter des der Wilcon Bresident is |
need be lost when the season opens Jacob M. Brown of Florin, spent
EE ——— — says a writer. Buy and haul the some time in our town on business. | Ss
| fertilizer you need now. If the plow The seven month schoo] term in
CINCINNATI, OHIO The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. years.
neyer shpigel
yer Sharley Sellers war der | A
haera blowtera fer en shtundt
uft mols lenger ower der Sharley
\ aenichs weipsmensh seva mole
oom twventen stwersa dex'1en n | rand t& Stehman
We must have a nice clean seed-bed mime laeva ghaert hop. ‘Ich hop ene
neither too wet nor too dry Fall tzana dri ferkawfa uny si otem M N' :
: : : : ) OUNT JOY, PA. rn
FLORIN PENNA. plowing ind early pring working { le a Ich date gore ferdult Oo O O
’ will often Secure these conditions. | hossa si si, won aer so blowtera : ®
, In most cases spring plowing or re Tut ehame. Aer hut de fendu I'he Weck In Gram
—" SN — plowing will be found necessary or| gshtart noch de tzwelf un bis finf ure ‘ompiled for the Mount Joy Bulle- 26 & 28 N. Queen St.
aer fatich, Aer foolt net long | tn,
un won sees soch tzu venich | Phil
voe sheer ken milliech sock.” Des
der Sharley gleche
vet aer. “wy selly ku is visder gut | £
ux.” Mer hen oll gute glocht un | libe
ta noch feel may locha kenna | a
t op! reat
er der Sharley is viter gr
de fendu un mer hen haericha
| ine
sq i
besht war vu aer en olter shim- Inu
el war olt ganunk em Sharley
rose dawty si un war so about
n oll iver war hut aer iver tzway | me
: : ond
yes war de graecht fendu des ich | 2nd
mime laeva tzana hop un ich
, froe des ich gonga bin. I telly, | sent
1 mere guty fendua do room
Shwilkey Bumblesock. |
eset Maecenas | cant
ken in*
| » 1 . 3. . 1
| corn, clover and grass seed should Mrs. Frank B. Grosh was a Satu take ly,
| 144 North Queen St., Lancaster Pa. | be bought this month, so no time day visitor in Elizabethtown. ih hinod, eng
Joy township will close on the py
h inst. Po
’ . horse cultivator and a springtooth| gamuel Heisey was dragging
Engle S Furniture Warerooms harrow. A corn planter and a grain gome of the township highways the catarr Axminster, 9x12 Rugs, from $18.50 to $26.00
drill may be hired for 25 cents per past week. FJ C . On Tapestry Rugs, 9x12, from $11.50 to $18.00
acre Lf y¢ only lant ten acres oe Mrs Core 5 1d 1} i c in . : as :
MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Dia y a is n. J >. O it will Mr. and Mrs. John Myes of Take Hall's Family P ills £ r constipation. Best 10 wire Carpets; with or without borders; as low as 8ic:
and seed a lew acres to oats, ! Elizabethtown spent last Sunday an Te Ar S110 Hoy pn e Y
be cheaper to hire than to buy these with Mrs. Katie Drace - = worth $1.10. Others from 69%c¢ up; scwed, laid and lined
orton eel D2 seer i "ments : : ose i ) [TED hihi fon ; . ,
<p Ink nt nts. Only oy the Be oo Irvin Bricker and his family of How Did it Get There?
~ ments You realy eed, ! lose i spe S ay ¢ 1 A vad tobae as brought to r
GOOD HOMEMADE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. you if you need the implements, but Hos, HY een Dadam Ts He OO a a a Westernberge . Maley & Myers
y : IT ome of Amos G. Greiner Mr. Elmer rove tobace are
t i cause 5 cheap, : 1 : : Pre 131 Eas in . ul r
fio a hey IY eae on eno Edward Ober has leased the hot the other ) which was 25-131 East King S:., LANCA! PA.
UPHOLSTERING DONE TO ORDE' or hecause ey "tenant house of Aaron R. Greiner,! handled in the usual v off the wag |:
Tha : 3 lle: due. and. it ofte Len £ 4 1: RR. Grein handled in 1 f { a :
Ph pos gape us So on lS of now tenanted by Jacob Nagle. on, onto the scale nto the ranks WTP RE RE :
i Rs £ | comes ue ‘her nares . t Ts s ra id ‘ : 1 . +h :
ig B fund Dn not ask your neighbor to Nathaniel Hollinger of Elm mill, | and then onto the le for t e men vis —
3 S ask si : J 3
i Au . : antl. wi has rented a house at Old Line and to prepare Ior cas Now, her ” oC Aer : . ¥
Brinis: . 8 zo security. It the bank will not Al hither c ony Pe aonters al ond ot One Of oO OE
oplar Lumber for sale in lots to suit the purchaser. £ | accept the note with your wife as in-| Will move thither on Apri] 1st. i Lgl te ens was found em-1B
8 dorser, do not buy. This is sound Jerome. Sower, of Chiques Hill, the 2 indles a an ¢ gs 3 2s foun ;
E | er, not buy. BS If : . a ra namaii orn far bedded ong the jutts, unbroken | gm ° 7
8 | advice and if followed will save vou has completed preparations for 3 Lh ; aa S | W che:
— Dr Hee Eg | ad ive.) : ong Te Ri and go 1S ney How did it get p ne
> gl 2 lot of trouble and considerable three months sojourn to Colorado. ond BO Tow i he i Cc oilE Special on b ai &d 3
# | money, Do not go security for any- The measle epidemic has greatly he Y Y ding. I A Salon ding tank 5 I Have jhat Durcahesd 5
¥ : . 2 > i ong. ; av ruin reduced the percentage f attend-: 108, ‘oad; ; ’ dk Bt] esd a num-
i one. It is wrong, as you may ruin pe tag of atten : oe ee
% = : r : . zg, and n upor sorting
v ndertaking and Embalming = | yourself. and oftentimes your family ance of scholars the past month. na i V ab : ae 3 55 . |= ber of watches, undoubtedly the
ys 2 3 te IF ( 1( ‘al YK ) Ove
: as well. A good natured easy going Mr. and Mrs. Harry Good and 2% wg : i's best values offered in that line
> 550 000000 | C7 Did better remain away from aught > Pacimanvine, Soont ———— —— for a long time. They are open
} | farm sales. Sunday with “hristian 00d anc | Fexvaes 2
\ titel ieee family. Foils a Foul Plot gl BR St hear ho case, =
ho Teavor : say Yai : : i ckford movemen
5 Hear the chorus of Americans in Harry Weaver : of heal pn When a shameful plot exists be- | g ; ent, 17 jewel,
oe | T i The , bridge “visited bis father L. F. . ; fully guaranteed, with care will
i - -. Mexico sing. “There's no place like (yO tok aR : $7 tween liver and bowels to cause dis- !
Weaver and sister Miss Lizzie on = last a lifetime. Can you beat it
00 Ww k 1 t $10 00 D | home. Sunday. tress by refusing to act, take Dr 5 airywhere for only $10¢
ee | —l Eee > . a © an) ere Ic ) y 7
$50. a s aimos - a ay Clayton R. Gibbls who was King’s New Life Pills, and end such
Col. Roorevelt seems to have ac- cently kicked by a mule and fi his fv stem Thev g Iv | ® . .
Be » tor Safes and fi f boxe | sii . >. oh y 4 f abuse of your system They gently Q ’
to Sling Yie ns Se Ivers LG quired much of the oysterousness tured his lower Jaw, is improvil omnel right action of stomach, liv- » Also Repairing m All It § Branches
well- to- do fs armers, all of whom realize the need | of Oyster Bay. nicely. compel rig action f st a ’
i \ rE VEis ns a yowel and restore our
t do not know how easyitistoown E. F. Grosh and dauzhter Miss er and bowels, and estore vou ® =
Sunday, the guests of Isaac He S
B. Flory of Lawn, has a meri
Myra, were Elizabethtown visitors health and all good elings 26c @ a ~
i rade ie sid ald ; RN Berchet © Cot East Main Street,
Do you realize the fact that thousandsof (}.v ang family i : A 8 ' ' MOUNT JOY, PA
{ } 5 sy PA.
women are now usin > D
auditors, one justice of the A
THE VICTCR | mended Pasting their private cor- peace. School directors and justice general merchandise, including shoes STOCHS BONDS INVESTMENTS
respondence with women. i of the peace are now elected for —no clething. Two vear old stock, no YN
SAFE & LOCK 08 For aN! hyslenic and toilet ses 3k has | six years, supervisors and auditors accumulations. Best location in town fo Chi — See et ie T So Tag Amerie
t+ [noequal. Only 50c. alarge box at Drug- | for four years and ellection officers : oe > yor y ago Doarh of Trac © any Grain Market in
Ss sole,
{ faction, or money refunded.
rt de no | Wheat
ral amount on passag
large enough total to amply meet
irements until another crop. The
From speculative standpoint, the
1 of prices are hoth important,
bin | doubtless create a sharp turn in
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured : Great Rug and Carpet Dis spla
iste : "S Good reason for selling. H. E. Eber
fi is gy Lancaster Branch 220-226 Woolworth Bldg.
mediate or future delivery We stand back of every or-
at Mount Joy, Pa.,, by Wm. L
still in reserves, 1 you entire satisfaction. All L gaat Delivered.
supply and
1er with the
e grain reserve is record break-
and with good weather, liberal °
rior marketing and heavy clear
gs from Argentine, lower prices
followed BELL PHONE
ibility of crop accident from this
forward and the extremely low Joumnt Joy. Penna.
unfavorable developments would = a — — A ———
00 LD SE LLL 1 110 0,
iment and price trend.
i —eeee
Before buying your fine Wilton Rugs, let us show you the Famous
Windsor French Wilton Rugs. This Rug is one of the finest weaves;
its nap is like mohair; yet it has a s heen like silk Rugs. They are
made in the most beautiful Oriental colors and designs;9x12 size.
They are made in all sizes. Other Wilton Rugs from $24.50 to
We can furnish vou Ettrick Mills High Grade Body Brussels,
9x12, from $22.50 to $26.50. These are also made in all sizes
See our West Window for dispia
seat of y dis
r constitutiona
Tate it you must pie
10t Ie
h is a
in or
RR RAR An coh
15 9
el We
good clean stock of up-to-date
Mt. Joy, Pa s tf