PAGE BIX HOW TO PRESERVE YOUTH AND BEAUTY. One great secret of youth and beauty for the young woman or the mother is the proper uaderstanding of her womanly system and well-being, young or old, should kwew herself und her physical make up. arrive at this knowledge is to get a good dootor hook, People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser,’ readily be procured by sending thirty-one cents for Ya bound copy, adaressing Dr. Pierce, at Buffalo, N. Y. Every woman, A good way to such for instance, as ** The ' by R. Pierce, M. D.,, which ean The womanly system is a delicate machine which can only be compared to the in- trioate mechanism of a beautiful watch which will keep in good running order only with food care and the proper oiling at the right time, so that the delicate mechs | Mrs. G / had to hire Dr Pierce 8 | Ms. WiLLiaus, TROLLEY SCHEDULE Rohrersto, Landisy Lancaster, lle. Salunga, Mt. Joy and Klizebeth- town Street Rallway Co WESTWARD Leave Lancaster—a m. 430, 6.15 6.18 415, 8.15 9.15, 10.15, 11.15; p. m. 12.15, 1.16 R15, 3.15, 4.16, 6.15, 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 11.16 Bis Leave Rohrerstown—a m, 4.50, 5.35, 6.3% 9.85, 8.35, 9.35, 10.35, 11.35 P m, 12.35, 1.35 RES, 3.35, 4.35, 5.35, 6.35, 7.35, 8.35 9.351136 Ieave Landisville—A m, 5.12, 5.57, 6.57 1.57, 8.657, 9.67, 10.57, 11.57. P m. 12.67, 1.67, 57, 3.67, 4.57, 6.67, 6.67, 7.67, 8.57, 9.67. 11.87 Leave Balunga—A m, 65.16, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00 0.00, 10.08, 11.00, 12.00. P m, 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 6.600, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 12.00 Leave Mount Joy—A m, 65.30, 6.15, 7.1%. 8.15, ans 10.16, 11.16. P m, 12.15, 1.15, 2.15, 815, 415, 6.165, 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 10.15, A m, Lis. Arrive at Elizabethtown—A m, 6.45, 7.46 R46, 5.45 10.4. 1 Pm, 12.46, 1.46, 2.4 8.45. 4.45, 5.45, 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.46. 10.45. A m 12.30. BEBASTWARD Leave Elizabethtown—A m, 64, 1.4 8.45, 9.45, 10.46, 11.46 P m, 12.45, % 2.6 B46, 4.45. 6.45, 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.45 10.46, A m £2.30. Leave Mount Joy—A m, 5.30x, 7.15, 8.16 8.15, 10.15, 11.15. P m, 1216 1.15, 2.15, 3.16 418, 6.15, 6.15, 7.15, 816, 9.16, 10.15, 11.15 A m 12.46 Leave Salunge—A m, B5.4x, 7.30, 820 8.30, 10.30, 11.30. P m, 12.30, 1.30, 2.30, 3.8 430, 5.38, 6.30, 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30 A m. 100 Leave Landisville-A m 48 7.58 8.38, 9.33, 10.33 11.33. P. m, 12.33 133 233 8.83, 4.33, 65.33, 6.33 7.33 833 9.33, 10.33, 11.33 Am, 103 Leave Rohrerstown—A m, 6.10x, 7.66 8.55, 9.56, 10.56, 11.56 P m, 12.66, 1.55, 2.56 8.68, 4.56, 5.55, 6.55, 7.56, 8.55, 9.56, 10.55. 11.56 A m, 1.2%. . Arrive at Lancgster—A m, 6.30x, R15 8.15, 10.15, 11.15. P m, 1215, 1.15, 2.15, 3.16 18, 5.15, 6.15, %15, 8.15, 9.15, 10.16, 11.16 A wm 1218 1 On Saturdays a car will leave Lancas ter at 10.16 p m; Leave Elizabethtown . m. On Baturdays and special occasions will be run betwwen Lancaster and Joy every half hour form 6.15 a. m. t Pp. m. Sundays, first car leaves I, € 615 a m Leave Hlizabethto at a m. Car marked (x) connects cars Mt > 8.16 7% with DIGESTINE Dyspepsla, F Heart FOR Indigestion, lency, Sour Stomach, Belching in fact for stomach order, Digestine is one of the 1 efficient and helpful remedies yet duced. Digestine is composed of I Pepsin, Charcoal, Nux Vomica, Peppermint etc. \ Imgredients (each one in ¢ splendid remedy) are combined any "atu burn, ( dis nost pro- ‘ure Soda Bicarbonate, These itse anism may not be worn out. got old or rus dows before their time through ignorance and the improper handling of this human mechanism, depression, a flashes and many symptoms of derangement of the womanly system can be avoided by a proper understanding of what to | do, in those trying times that come to all women. confused H. WiLtiams, of 1 since my health guve way (I employed three) said | would die il ttles of "Favor ," and now | am at fourteen pounds 10 try your Favorite Prescriptu I advise a W.B.BENDER 0 ) Agent for tO are Ds demands against if a; Se in such proportions as to secure the very best results. YOUR weakened stomach needs as- sistance after eating. Digestine ders this assistance. ren- Every Digestine| tablet contains enough Pepsin to di-| gest 3,000 grains of food. For that un-| comfortable feeling after a ful] meal’ nothing is quite so good as Digestine. | Its quick action gives almost immedi-| | ate relief. When troubled with in the stomach try Digestine. You Be convinced of its merits. , will | 8TOMACH disorders usually cause) Headache, Nervousness, Constipation, Biliousness, ete. ean be used freely, since no harmful effects need be feared. Ask for Digest-| ine. Imsist on getting Digestine. eannot afford to be without this v able remedy. DIGESTINE is sold in the reg size at twenty-five cents. If unabl obtain Digestine from your druggi You| alu- ular e to st a package will be promptly forwarded postpaid to your address upon rec of price in coin or stamps. AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND AT CHANDLER'S WEST MAIN ST. MT. JOY, eipt | Drug Store! Sunday Hours 8 to 9—35 to 6.45 p. m. PA. se0000000essoces We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. $00000000000004 Electric y Mian Of Him. from pain in m Kk,” writes ! oy | Use Digestine, keep | ‘your stomach in a normal condition, | and avoid these complaints. Digestine! F000000000ss0e $e Very many times young women Mental head, backache, headache, or hot ynnhaven, Va., wrote: “It is six years I had female trouble and all the doctors 1 waa not able to do my work, Finally, I read in the papers about ind decided to try it. 1 had not 1 it had done me good. [I took, in all, ption' and two of ‘Golden Medical o do all my housework, and have gained women who suffer from female trouble It's the only medicine on earth,” 1 the time GO TO ast Main St, Mount Joy, Pa FOR A GOOD SHAVE STYLISH HAIR-CUT REFRESHING SHAMPOO r anything in the Barber Line. KODAK nter or Summer, on dull days W r bright, indoors or out, you can ) y efficient ere is no 1 ind always ready n the stant That is I i Wi ( Daylight loading and unloading— lark yom needed for any of the Standard Steam EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Iistate of Jacob H. Stauffer, Wate Mount Joy Jorough, Lancaster nty, Pt: L tamentary on ‘said es- t been ed to the un- risgned, all persons imdebted there requested to make those having claims or will pre- for settle- iyinent, and the same nt them without delay ment to the undersigned. B. ANNIE N. STAUFFER, Mt. Joy. ELIZABETH N. RISSER, Rheems FANNIE N. SNYDER, Lititz R. 1 Shaving TRADE-MARKS and copyrights obtained or no fee. Send model, sketches or photos and brief description, for FREE SEARCH and report on pate ntability. 28 years experience Send cent stamp for NEW BOOKLET, 1t will help you to full of patent information. fo: READ PACES 11 and 12 before fo RED *nt. Write to-day. D. SWIFT & CO, PATENT LAWYERS, d 303 Seventh 3t, Washington, D. C., applying Halr Cutting Joseph B. Hershey Tonsorial Parlor I aundry. Three Chairs. No Waiting for the Middletown Steam Goods called for Tuesday Agen and delivered Friday. East Main St., MOUNT JOY MEAL for Fertilizer Hafleigh & Co. Philadelphia BONE | ¢8 West Main Street, Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri LUNG DISEASE “After fuar in our family had died [8 of consumption 1 was taken with a frightful cough and lung trouble, Due my life was saved and I gained 87 pounds through using DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY W. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex. PRICE 50c and $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. W. M. HOLLOWBUSH NOTARY PUBLIC Attorney-At-Law Mt. Joy, Pa day at po. 62 North Duke Street g th Laundry immediate Frank Kready, Attorney. jan15-6t | Home Health Club | here is still a superstition among a few physicians that a running of Middletown, Pa.—‘“I had headache, n Ue .f varine dow the ear should not be stopped. This backache and uc h awful bearing down rroneous idea dat from the time| PBINS that I could not be on my feet at © 0 ) on Ales N e | . . » 4 . Tous Ga 3 Ue! times and I had organic inflammation so y y Qe 3 i “ Y » ' ¥ when Setons, which were open| badly that I was not a to do my work. ores, were placed near points of | I could not ret Zo | for my hus- pain supposedly to draw the impuri-| band and one ¢! Ai | 1 hors anid | * v @11iFor 2 A i ) | ties from the blood. These Setons | they thought my suffering w: rrible. | : | “ r husband got tired of seeing me were often of benefit in relieving My husband got tired of : cing mo | iin, although the manner in which | Suffer and one night went to the drug pain, alll ug > 1 3 3 ’ > . 3 4 y : : | store and got me a bottle of Lydia E. hey did this was misunderstood. | Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and | They acted as counterirritants like| told me » | must take it. I ean’t toll you mustard plasters applied to the all I suffered and I can’t tell you all that body, or as a drop of chloroform! your medicine has done for me. I was | does to. a' Sore. tooth. greatly benefited from the first and it \ ’ } has made me a well woman. 1 can do I ing ar Gh 3 ha the mung en Mens. thay, there ai my housework and even helped some is an abscess inside and an abscess of my friends as well. T think it is a s due to an infection by germs. wonderful he Ip to all suffering women. Only the foolish and ignorant nowa-' I have got several to take it afte r see- days believe that an abscess is a ing what it has done for me.”’ = Mrs. | food thing for anvbodv. o that. it EMMA ESPENSHADE, 219 East Main St., £00« n 8 or g y Y, I 1& - r > iti : the bod Middletown, Pa. draws any impurities. from the body i . soont tho it croatos Much The Pinkham recordis a proud and hon- excep 105¢ of 2S. i Lb . : : orable one. It is a record of constant harm and damage has been done bY | victory over the obstinate ills of woman | this foolish belief Many people —ills that deal out despair. It is an es- have neglected to get themselves tablished fact that Lydia E. Pinkham’'s or their children’s ears treated Vegetable Compound has restored yeompti anti tl tostruction. of health to thousands of such suffering pt tly inti he destructi : : te : DH» oH women. Why don’t you try it if you tissues d ti i hearing ) : 2 Sue ¢ the loss of hearing be- ,..4 such a medicine? me such that great permanent 3 3 Lia ' : ! If you want special advice write to damage was done Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi- The discharg ren ie ear is dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will , matt 1 be opened, read and answered hy a ( ) call [ : : y s : woman and held in strict confidence. ntain willior f bacteria ind 1V¢ he t Vir 1 1 meddl vith the ir whe not need 8 € ( it ropel . . I ed Blowin of powders 1ich treat neglected dd to th vas done 1} 0 ecent time onl damage Thus p 1 ea 1 little : clogs up the yassa nders the hol hrougl 1 um at first pus from coming out and has no en mak ger and larg ' ; value because it does not reach the y na the ont drum eat of the trouble iike water ind n ! 1 ( rather the : : 2% '" other fluids. b 1 I us, ( not mit ~ . : 3 : > K The general healti: usually needs mselve to the drum, they attack % 3 3 a : ak : looking after in these cases and the every g In sight, looking espe- : vi : : 9 ! : ® system requires building up. In the cially for nooks and corners where iis : ‘ S Bi majority ol cases the nose requires they can work undisturbed. I'hey : : . treatment, since the ear is really en burrow upwards and after Cs 3 : an extension of the nose and is ving the thin bone that sepa-',. ; : : lined by the samc mucous mem- the brain, cause eath thr ’ : thTu 4 rane, ; neningitis na un After readin ) one thing = Coffee and Tea must have becom clear namely- Siz : . : Are vou satisfied with your hat e quicke suc! abscess is . > ’ : Coffee If not stop in at Garber’s valed. the s¢ damage will result oh : ’ N i tr ’ Drug Store and I will show you one t the mn. Not vill 1e de . . . : . 1 of the finest Coffees on the market uction t l¢ I un and con- or : . 7 that sells for 35 cents a pound. I equently the cost of reatment wi ~ 3 > 5 i 1d also have fine varieties of the finest I €88 bearin proof of the old . : ! oo So Teas on the market. Stop in and sayin 1at stitch in time saves : ; v le > examine same. EE. W. QGarber’s nine 4 Drug Store, Mount Joy Pa., 2t. There are various germs which lism cause abscess and discharge from! Aj] the local news in the Bulletin. the ear, and some are more virulent - . than others, resisting also longer to Have you thought of giving your treatment. Abscesses of this kind family a surprise by placing some | ARTI THE CLES WRITTEN EXPRESSLY FOR THE BULLETIN BY DR. | REEDER { All Readers of This Paper Are at Liberty to Inquire for Any In. formation Pertaining to the Sub- ject of Health at Any Time Abso- | lutely Free [SO | BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Bheems Famer HUSBAND | TIRED OF SEEING HER SUFFER Procured Lydia E. Pinkham’ 5 Vegetable Compound, which made His Wife a Well Woman. and should 6continued | a Joy Cr Nissans itselt, .y XB Rd J ha AR W¥eake sibilit noeds ply w for | be a | specs to farms tic, b cal, employed the county the things know themselves about (Continued from page les, The county agent to will visit &ll sections ot hat the well alist mo The ut the the farmers rounded He and should than re agent farmer The speaker showed business men of the city and county farmers, State The College He will prov agent be and secure details of the ap- ides must man and not must not will mus the conditions on unders tand be expected be sci t be that farmers the enti practi- the are most enthusiastic over the farm bureau and have contributed heavi- (ly. This will no doubt mean a re action of some kind, Good results will come from the farm bureau. | The rudiments of agriculture will | come into the work of the public school. Through the agent agrl- cultural inspiration will come into the minds of the boys and girls, thus creating an Increased interest in country life. Whether or not the farmers will take hold of the matter is for them to decide, Members of the bureau are expected to pay $1 per year. Farmers should avail themselves of the oportunity of be- ing connected with the bureau. The speaker said that country life in general will be more successful. Boys and girls will take up the work of their parents and remain away from the cities A farmer in the wudience asked “What is the advantage of grow- ng bigger ops when prices are low for at c¢wn now?” In eply Mr Jrubake said that the dea no » much to increase rop tha a higher stand rd 1¢ d than to in a nancial 1 In 1 u ion ti peak ha igent would be iti d in L ¢ ind will be ily ccessible ru telephone The ent wi itten public me n the coul for th pur POS 1dvisin far: 8 mn diff 1 topic Wh crops look ood the whole country looks good. I'he farmer the backbone of the country and his wealth comes from the soil The farmer can have what legislation he desires if asked for in the proper way, While the agent will be paid about $1,800 per year this is not high, al] things considered. Another tion } peal er vy Can }1'€ than the farm In rep Mr. Bru baker said ait the agent would conduct seed corn tests and other like acts. He believed that the farmer can be taught to raise better crops. The farmer may also be in- duced to raise tobacco differently. In conclusi on, M r. Brubaker some of the things expected of He must submit his plans and where he wil] be, agent, as a _ Od Arg follows: bil sold his bill board to pay his gag read the in tt & Shand ; Corner Square and E. King Sts. Wednesday, March &, W913, 1878 3 ; : * * 3 * * + * * * * * ® * * * 4 * * » ® * * duplicated *» * * ® W : : + @¢ ® 4 ® ¢ ® ® i ® ® ® ® ® ® ¢ 4 ® ® ® ® ® ® Ll 4 ® Anniversary Sale Another List Of Powerful Price Con- cessions On The New Scason’s Immedi- ate Necessities We told you our reason for these sensational priee redue- tions on the New Spring Merchandise This is this store's 35th Birthday celebration, and we are bent on making it the most memorable in the mercantile history of the community, Values soar high, and prices re acl he lowest $v. during this event, . Remember there are no “just good” substitutes—no see- onds—nothing but new, clean, fresh goods of standard quality offered at prices far below the regula: Buy now, while these opportunities are open to you—nothing like them will ever be Anticipate Your Future Needs Buy Dinner Ware 1913 Now Here's ax 35th Anniversary Op i i to appea to vou A great line of the ver) 1 wit the most exquisite decorations vou ever ked at pp Ss much be- ow their real worth. Can be had in sets or open stock, just you wish Note the following, but don’t hesitate values like these LV 3 habit of melting away very rapidly ® : American and English porcelain, Thre patterns open & sStoeks; regular $15, $16.50 and $18 patterns; at $10 the set to 3 close out. ® : 3 107-Piece Dinner Set; regula $10 set niversary Price ® $6.35 ? ® 279053590990099096042994409004 0000000900 PEI OOPGE HOG EE — BLANKETS WE SAVE YOU TWO PRO- FITS ON WOOL HORSE BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS, iS THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO $10.50. FINES" STOCK LAP ROBES IN THE COUNTY, FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV- ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL STOCK OF VPTERINARY MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS dward Kreck! LANCASTER, PA. RARER ERR REE E ERE R REAR NERRRRI HERR R INR RR EER fl : Tou- R “1ST s Trunks at Half Price. Great Bar- = gains. On The Square Easter Seashore Trip 15 Day Excursion ATLANTIC CITY Cape May, Wildwood, Ocean City Sea Isle City, Stone Harbor Saturday, Mar*22, 1913 $3.45 From Mount Joy Tickets good going reg- ular trains March 22, and good returning unti] April 5. STOP-OVER AT PHILADEL- PHIA particulars Or A, C. 11. 8S." 5th St; on of Ticket Weile, D. Read- Full Agents, P, A, ing, Pa. oa IC, Additional to Atlantic City via Delaware River Bridge Route Pennsylvania Railroad | are quite apt to occur during or af- fine bread on the table? You can do (pe papers, at least one week in ad- | ter other diseases, when vitality is|it with our “VERIBEST" FLOUR. vance; make personal calls and to | lowered. For instance, they come a flour made from strictly Choice answer questions on agricultural sub § “in many cases of scarlet fever, Spring Wheat, jects by telephone or in writing; | diphtheria, inuenza, measles, pneu-| conduct corn shows and other con- | monia, typhoid fever and do particu-! k B d sts; arrange exhi agri- | larly oy damage in the a first a ts etter rea . i aa wy a | named. All diseases of the nose] akes etter Biscuits demonstrations and instruction _ in help to bring them on as well as crop situation, soi] building farm rapid changes in temperature. Cold akes etter Cakes ie est ig Wii water entering the ear during div- k tt P t y intendents of city and county ing, produces them frequently. Any- a €s ¢ er as r | schools in teaching and rudiments thing that lowers the vitality and) Try a bag and convince yourself. ©f agriculture; on iequest he must yermits the blood to become Stag- sist that your erocer gives you prepare a practical schedule of farm nant opens a field for successful BRANDT & STEHMAN'SY “VERI- Practise on the county farm so as propagation of harmful bacteria in|pagye FLOUR. If he does not to put the farm on a self-sustaining the system, hence the value of a have it, write or phone us, and we basis; he shall prepare seed plots good circulation. [will see that you get it. Ask the to breed. to the highest efficiency Having settled the harmfulness of (woman who bakes with it. the variety of seed wheat, corn, ear abscesses and pus bacteria the! oats, barley and rye, and be ready only next question remaining is ——— to cooperate with existing agencies ho to get rid of them Here the] looking to the improvement of the structure of the ear with its many, Brandt §Stehman farmers’ conditions, recesses, runming into surrounding Mr. Brubaker made a plea for the bone may offer considerable diffi-| MOUNT JOY, PA. [farm bureau. All depends on the culty, which it‘takes time to over- | attitude of the farmers. If Lan- come, The more recent the case caster is to remain the “Garden the less time is usually required (larden Theatre Spot” of the world ihe larmers a cure The treatment should 4 must help. Farmers in other coun- be carried out under the super-'| MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY ties are pressing for the honor en- vision of a competent physician, or — joyed by this county. better still, an ear specialist. Also WEDNESDAY, .FEB. 26th | A pleasing recitation by Miss Ra- Cleansing the ear frequently with . chel Mumma and singing by the warm (never cold) water, to which Ventro The Ventriloquist chorus, made up of sigh led girls lit boracic acid has been added 4 Reels of Feature Pictures 4 , brought the meeting to a close. will carry away much of the pus. Admission 10c¢ —— A — eee Plenty of room for the water to zet a | Convention at East Petersbur out gain should be left. If the wat- THURSDAY, FEB. 27th A Sunday school convention yo er is too hot or if it is forced into i : held Friday evening in the Reform- the “ar without leaving sufficient “Wild West mm the Days ed church, at East Petersburg. The exit Zziness or even unconscious- 99 speakers were Dr. Hull of the Mill Ros wil] Solow. If Ho syringe hi of 1850 ersville State Normal School, and handy a fountain syringe t whi i a els ss aa 4-Reels of all Western Films-4 Joke Lanais. Hse o Milisrvills a very serviceable substitute Do With a Cow-Boy Vaudeville Act ahi ny of ao not use much pressure. Hang the Admission 10¢c the Ladies’ Chorus of Petersburg bag about 2 feet above the patient's —_ sang. The Petersburg male quartet head and put tip to and not into the FRIDAY, FEB. 28th also rendered several selections. ear. A teaspoonful of boracic acid 101-Bison 2 Reel Feature | nD Me resins (powdered), to a pint of water is : | about right. Let the patient lean ‘Massacre of the Santa Fe’ Trail’ Firemen Attention over a basin, if able, otherwise Admission 5c The stated meeting of Friendship hold a dish under the ear to catch | Fire Company No. 1 will be held at | the water. A towel around the neck their usual place of meeting on will catch drippings. Douching the SATURDAY, MARCH 1 | Thursday evening, March 6, 1913, at | ear in this manner with warm water 5--Big FEATURE Reels--5 || 7:30, for the transaction of current | makes it sensitive to cold and the Thanhouser, Gaumont, Ma. | business. Members will please at- | patient should not go right out into jestic, Kay-Bee, Solax Bn without further notice. By or- ae cold alr, without covering the Don’t Miss This Feature Night [2 of the Company. ear or putting a litile cotton in it. | ue | Cotton should be frequently chang-{_ 3 A Tongue Twister i od. othormse an ecrema is apt to| OLD DR, THEEL 8 DR.W. L THEEL Bill had a bill board. Bill also St.,(lormestysts5.00 | had a board bill. The bill bored | In ordinary cases the chr should | {gh Sorin ba diab Trcament, eon | Bill so Bill sold the bill board to| be cleansed morning, nood and at stars, ai ue fformey & Arsenic, veretinm | pay his board bill So after Bill d A cure guaranteed if you use uoy's; PILES fie Graded Behools, Stateaviile, N. they do all you claim for | | Terms Moderate. HOT. We sell them EVERY You are sure of keeping your feet warm, dry and comfortable when you wear the famous Arctics PAIR GUARANTEED Also the Ever | Reliable Freed Brothers Work Shoes For Men and Boys. For the ladies the Lintuer Shoes jrane be {them, beat. Service and satis faction in every pair. Call apd see In a Dress Shoe 7 nave the beet THE CROSSETT. Charles L. Dierolf EAST MAIN ST. MT. Joy PA, iL McGINNIS | The undersigned having remodel ed the old Mooney Hotel, Baim { number of sleeping rooms, bath, | is now ent and Prompt Attg prepared to entertain regular guests. RESTAURANT in connection with hotel where he { will serve in season. OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style TURTLE SOT P, Private dining room for ladles. Ete. Etc. WW. McGinnis, PROPRIETOR Bell Telephone CHARLES S. FRANK AUCTIONEER MOUNT JOY, PA. [ion given to Sales of { Personal Property. ” » EE ® wv A im Sah Fe a