”~ $100 A YEAR 4 ———— MEDIUM IY = Record turkey | 41 MOUNT JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH ’ VOl. X11. NO. ) l ] \ \ Boranof ADVERTISING - Wor South THAT'S WHY ADS BRING RESULTS MERCHANTS KE THIS Hill BN vmarel: oF Joni = Fame by H H My! | -OUR ) CIRCULATION ALWAYS COUNTS 4 WAR RELICS SECURED Mount Joy Will Thru WwW, Porsonal repre BANK OFFICIALS BUSY A TURKEY DINNER Figure in This Ww Mrs, tertained on Sunday Were Up At New Haven, Conn, In. and CC, Owen brandt specting Bank Buildings Griest On the house ol the home ( bill Griest On Sunday and Mr apenoy = friends at a ery the First National nothing undone unlimited erection The officials of Bank regards to formation new building. Six the | 0 | Brown, J. 8. Carmany, \ approved the intro ven on leaving procuring Lhe are in Congressman to do was the seene of a in they when of | prior to of its nate cannon and cannon balls fo cathering | HrDOsaE. in; T.anasten vad thi } nuinber nell The elaborate Lancaster secured for Res equipment be ot eines directors, will used in rvoir linner 1536] Dele Muss M and N left S. Bowman, Amos Abram L ers, Nissley Sun William United Spani MV W k by General Closkey Camp Ll nieresting Session Held In Korey Mi nd Mi tow1i "hose sent were pre Graybill Strickler of near Jum J. ey, A Well Known Mrs 1. B gg of On Hig Re 5 Drs he Pos Week ico L.ongenecker Mr H eterans In connectio i a Ime New inspected a evening for they day Haven, Conn, G M iss where numbe; f morial monument to be erected n N.S, Fil COU fo Go Woler Pe |= === Th VilOge SCHOO HO |r 'I | xtensi signers rac ; 8 | congressnmy Griest eltorts Pp PIKE CO. REAMBURSES COUN. | °Xtensive designers, contractors and TALK ON FARM BUREAU ; i ons = how | | builders New York City, tank Irom the battle HE WHEREABOUTS 0} OUR | CIL FOR STONE USED ON : - a ' | MAIN STREET contract ior the Brubaker tne | SHIP Maine, was delivered to the FRIENDS THE PAST WEEK I'his Lancaster Spa Wai - H Association, 4 seventeen honor of the hero« he Spanish building HImer, Died Yesterday HE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUST 'RAVEL SOONER OR LATER Some Oliver Alice Mi and dang Vis Mary and Mrs of der recovered 8 he were of fan Brandt daugh Mrs | tenhen Grissinger erection n ihe M. G. Farmers’ given 1 aster Mi Martha G | { | Mrs stella ; Marth: of y Veterans will of the new building firm ish - i Bucher and Secretary an | 3 : Lal It Sone Gives | i ind it Instructive Address on the Work- | ings of the Body | twelve the is understood be Well known People New of What Our Able Corps of Reporters |, From Our the Card Basket About| hn Engle of this Passed to the Your Friends Your | > Great Beyond Since Our Last lssue _ { to A Number of New dered—Part of Detwiler Avenue] to be Graded—Gas Put in the] Post Office Building—New Boiler at Water Works and | B10 , : H { Fhe directors returned home my the Pronounced Right \ Farmers’ A mn 1] terday morning much pleased th | 1 veterans 3 | their Council . | erected Crossings Or- | : , | banks in Haven, included in the memorial monu Found Neighborhood Have Yourself, n They are now busy on the plans | ment Mount Joy will receive the 3 : and ind cannon balls for Lieut Gone I'heir Reward, Nissley innon David A and work on the erection will be- | this TI Acquaintances, incl 1c March meeting | ’ Mi * } 4 ' f ‘ i" Peter Grab died at Form Affars Jos omnis V., daughter of fre early Spring : . Post, Grand Inspected Bi of : i — — Republic, and the Sons Columbia om be lot of ' ', Swange Camp, to installe i ( led v in Mt r. B. J "| Saturday town (ieo, Willy, dropsy aged trip the soldiers’ buri: th : € oldi uria In £ Hersh o was seen | | HAPPENINGS GE of Borough schoo] house i Columbia The meg members _—-— Cemetery Frid m R. town IN WEST I'HE HERE ray bill regular lon Monday ev wtendance membe BUSY all Vere in S¢ excention He rtzler—Hiestand | ts —ve- Miss Charlotte Anne, youngest| daughter Mr. J. B of Mill, wife H knot wa iends ‘lation T'h Charles Pittsburg oO} I Friday aged Mari- He ening and with one . Mr Th in b Friday in towu Mason died at INgIing . ’ t wae! Lod Haphonngs | 5 m3 mm moe Marie ( lall present neet on 36 years, of Hertzler Misses Ol McCarty, mother of Miller Mariettd ged sixty-three yea at Elizabet} a comp leaves a y a : » : Burgess’ Report Bender's became the Ba ocal and Personal Briefs That Have ; musician ability ’ : ' . Ru The Hoffman | Hiestand Thursda Occurred Since Our Last Issue i Geo Lwaks Henry of Our Hustling and Wide Kllsworth of the councilmanic showed collectic amount nuptial $200.25 for the past op Jacob Brubak orgoni MANY HORT NEA i { n York she . 1 i \ sHOR WS ITEMS OF } Hoffman also reported | wedding reception Officers Brubaker the account M month bh special election | home of the brid Officers were elected as § : : : So is eorge 1 ‘ ent Md own saturday from He | Neb., B. F ming President, J Barnhart; H and of sickness | happy Tax O B eman where S ri, ughter. hirl of the Within Middle of di < I Klizall ren but would uen direct Weirich of W stein; nt April anable 43 3 y . Quick Reading meet Council the meeting, I ITiendas Newcome . complicatio ew pays pl Lon \mong the surviving Street Committee Whitman of Leo very would } Hi Grad the!’ Ba ore : ; le di It The Benefits o : : Jacob Haldeman of Bainbridgd 14 years made h Walter commendations County rm I » stable of vb Haldeman twile twl as iar ess * * bitte of 8 i Or of Avenu« Mr crossing last Thur wn orphan lay aged and Mrs. funerah. sg Garber, rete resent » Associati he results a across Farmers’ y : it ¢ ning he ntertaine numers- Mr. and the West side] ained numer-| ,, Mr. and enjoying exce said that the Avenue on 3 Qn | dict | He outlined ry | bureau for 1eatre | Seiad initiation W. Griest obtained most | from the bureau o reet Ordered Nort gide Lay Lay with interment ross h Barbara | the i { 0 a metery. of Detwiler this co Landis Garden § 3 * - its when ersbur sterda Cross- | of | left | Avenue Ordered a new Anna Stol Andrew there will be shown at| broke 3 Mrs. rd place Mr mg on Marietta on the west side a ; this one ol the v ia, wife of street matter was Mt. Joy. 1t and i's ry Hinkle and Xe ! home Poplar Im the hands the Street Commit- (Continu \ i i) al fos) Have Commision Bite oF Comimed by Sel BILL: WAS IN THE LOCAL OPTION DEFEATED HOUSE THE EASILY News by StafY the Bulletin—Senate's Delay—Licenses of Condenced a Report er for Policy of for Hunters—Local Taxation porations 1913. over the March 4, backward Pa., view Harrisburg, A bird's-eye week's proceedings of t Pennsylvania that the two prominent events of the Legislature reveals Cor- | | | { i | | { { For wonderful pictures evel seen, en- titled the 1t from Bridge of Sorrow depicts real train falling the St Jridge and $80.000. ances. a Suspension of perform- Lawrence was made at a cost Two or mort a 0 The New U., E. Pastor N. A. Barr was appointed of the United Evangelical church here by the conference at Lancaster. Rev. W. A. Shoemaker was appointed Kinderhook and East Petersburg and Rev, G. A. Knerr to Manheim. Rev, Barr comes here from Steelton. ee A rere Will Address C. E. 8. Edgar J. Huggins of Harrisburg, vice president and field worker of Chirstian Endeavor Society of the Churches God will address a joint meeting the Christian En- deavor Society and the Juniors the Church of God Mount Sunday evening at AA Rev. pastor to the of of of Joy on ir 6 o'clock. Licenses Granted applied proprietors Monday. Mr. the All Hotel Mount J the third Branat, Pierre Every License for 0 was ranted court on the Joseph l.a by consecutive year. proprietor the Ol House, was first applicant to lift his license. rr AD ee A Slight Fire Irom | the | Donegal moved Whether the farm main yureau roperty to is up to the !arme Th BrODBA Wes bul proper West The cou do not meas- t! should, there inducemente thrown reau does not need the tf ner, bu the farmer needs 1e eau, personal pro; Root, old urday afternoon lH. Zell For f Mr ala Sat c | this | ur to what too many to them. The advantage of educational (Continued on page 6) Et — An Erroneous Report “HEIGHT OF ABSURDITY” SAYS REV. DUNGAN farmers of iy B was at pu ure up y B vas at | by Auctioneer being fail ne pos- open rmers to take Sale—Good tauk wagon, 26! gallon capacity; just the thing hau] water. Call on Jacob H. Shenk, Mt. Joy. 1t For hatching, from Leghorns, at to | | | | Eggs for | 2-year-old White | each. Amos Shelly, { of Mt. Joy ferns, Sale ) miles | at. be nar east rubber plants, hyacinths, and THE Palms, gonias, blooming freesias, primroses ar- | aniums at Hoffer’'s greenhouse, 2t Mr. John Brubaker moved from | one of the Eckhardt properties | this place, to the farm of Mr. M Church to cissus, There is No Petition Being Circu- lated to Stop the Weekly Dances Mount Joy Hall—Our Con- temporary is Handing the Public a Lemon y in in B | Hiestand near Erisman’s goof kinds do a dec on East Office am still in a position of paper hanging and You ec street, ‘A ainst dances being remonstrating ag held the circulated petition : me Post an find ating in town is | and of opposite being numerausly > Dieter, Mount Joy. the town.’ the Hall hoax, residents petition to Mount signtd The dances in Mr. O. K. item appearing in DY - iD -—— stop Joy private : Celebrate 15th A Odd Fellows held 1 ; elepration by The | week anni 1104 ida of its Snyder, is a 1 ) r nanunel ) © NO a paper last . 8 paper last Fi is untrue and is entirely foundation. We members of without | ration and 214 lodge its number rested interviewed the have a Methodist OL funds 000 ‘hure S24 ¢ hureh, | 4 qgition the order one of on was 1S Mr, rday. Mr, sday M vas the Willie caster, Chan John the £1 lay ton (Con guest B 1e8t ( K nue Saturday Wit fri of i Ol of Black iends er of ends iT N€ \ page here Nolt he 4) ree en, SGA oo ted Pul- Iie Sells The Views of Rev. CC) at ile Lan Horse Sat viile Wed was motile M York, Roth the ol spent ay in town guest of his rents. Mr. Fran ncis N near Elizabetiitown Sunday of dig spent the guest his ther. Mrs Steelton, spent Saturday guest of Communion in the United Sunday, March Mr. Harry Bedford Snyder of the relatives. i services will Brethren 9th. Mumma and in Samuel Hummel son { town be church on Everett y 0. K of County called on Sunday Mrs were on Dr and Frankhouser {arrisburg welcome Florin Inn Rev. J. at the Sunday Mrs erat Funk is B ev days Reading the f her son Ira and family Dr. Shennybrook, of County spent Sunday Rishel of This Place PLEASED FOUND Mount Schools—Pupils Progressive—An Joy IN VARIOUS Ha WIT s Ar Teachers—Agitates H Able WHAT GRADES Excellent Corps HE Public | Attentive and { of | a Nine Months of hel daughter Neidis Francis hite W Orpington ege du Who ? can beat it entertain and cla Mount Joy L T teacher hool t1 the theran last 1esday ipper Dommel | Harrigbhul i | United { Township, | at .| der’'s Mill, of a valvular heart, in his in Florin 10:30, aged 28 days. 0) o Bb at s and by three children: ldeman and Mr. Harry I and Mr. Georg The funera late home thi and at ten o’clq Brethren Church. was made the Florin mornin mont vived H. H f Florin s. her son 9 ment in | tery. John J. Frey Frey, well known and resident of Rapho yesterday morning late home near Ben- John J. highly esteemed died at his a 8:45 Sth He the had been in good of his death. faithful member of Church, He was a earlier life. He was for nine years , 3 7 Director for a vite died five dren \ the G., Fr, vill k year, to time was Ith up ised a nnonite his the Poor . ‘chool His i ) a Ga after | erm—Other News : or a Tener’s the confirmation, aii a RHEEMS LongeneckKel were as as its lev, well a. W,| Dungan, wno tell us that no such pe- period pastor, delay, appointment araphernalia Zeller, member fire the dry the Jacob bridge Mon- the| 427 night about o'clock, but the flames were extinguished by |church. Last Yoie Mr. B. W. no such petition was done. this Ee... aai.ho. In | gan he says i A near to grass outfits of p Mr. Jacob ce is 4 train set finest Governor in| EM. Bigelow place Commissioner b jate on Monday night by tl 37 to 9, and the defeat on the House of the so-called Option Bill. In the the Governor purpose that but later people $50,000,000 i or I) ong Ol I {the H that : ae street State : Of as originated day ssion of but tition in there rounds | nine ever a charter 3 department Superintendents he Na A new unloaded by H. BE. ised the least is | the Highway not _— ——. hh A Fox Chase Mr Morrett Farmers’ Inn, fox cha v 1e : ional BEducatior ARROPIaS T Brown before any damage making ional »ducatio 1880C1a ues- : In town. nroprietor of ympanied George in presidents, Colum biz al nfirmation hed o his Dun- | of ab- | interview with Rev. is the “height circulate our hold his first this fternoon, the t of Princeton, uration at W Jigelow known March dropped at| ¥! Masquerade Dance annual well grand masquerade dance be held at Moore's Hotel, Ironville, | on Saturday evening, March 8, 1913. | Everybody cordially invited | attend. accom- Meikeljohn of day \ d ve s of the Rheems, a charter WwW. Moyer, WwW. Dun- George S. Dr. Ha RK, Heisey, Bertha Samuel G. Simon /C. Paul Heisey, H. Stauffer and surdity” to such When the it was taken a story this office as a joke for A will | report. |hostelry on Friday entertained by was very : 2 ; AY ite reached Sly reynatd ducation that w ollowing were dinner Mrs. Mrs irthday Sunday M 1 which may | reason the heart, hind ! hink effect the : : several | t] umber of and for serious on in oles i hum? { aR for of rou- Booth Heisey, J. man, tt tim the whom would them of their petition? |t State rr en GA | Some say the Burgess, but what au-|with his pacl of hounds Dinner | { that Five Hens Lay Six Eggs | thority would he have to stop will be served at two op t nind 1 spirit, { Schlott} I ( andisville; Mrs, brahan B the Our Mr. Garman | dance properly nO Wg the | has five hens and one day last ducted. been in| they laid six eggs and John didn't Others high | forget hunt the the day | Association, previous. On this particular day one | Would it laid a double-yolked egg don’t want _ A Ga a conducts the dances in an order- Easton Property Sold manner as has been the case? The property of Mr. William Eas- While the Methodist Church does ton on David street, was sold to Mr.| not approve of dancing, the mem- Abner Hershey, who owns the prop-| bers and pastor are a unit in, that erty adjoining. The sale made | they could just as easy make the thru Mr. B. E. Hiestand private | sun stand still as they could stop terms. the dances without just cause. We also pastors members of other churches and we have as yet to find a person that has seen that ‘“numerously signed” petition in question. BI ee en ia, present reasons, to 1€ will atter among Zea n of is most sportsmen . : | petitioners eing Mr mer of Kinderhook, G tion to issue to | yeing Mr, er o {inder G. ieorge L issle Ir OH which build na be fairly administration during ate nds by to 1tz, it ¢ oclock Ve can said ¢ Joao s 3 g as it is on- and not to allow N vy I ow'’s of townsman John so long as it is con ind 1 ( 0 to the operations of a machine,’ ati IT Fanny ] and 31 ol Susar G. Overcome by Gas ras escaping from a coal stove the tobacco the farm Mr. H H dered three but for would have Department week he way | oh Hall Hibben Chandler, or “We as oe the in of ren- Mount but why to Mr. your money” say Joy should Snyder, so long months has Heisey, Ober Q eighteen is exactl) Princip vn cellar Myers, ladies their has not been of such to eges ob Yond len order of merit ing to his wisdom and judgment the expenditures of so It would Governor charge as to justify entrust- say pear Florin, Roudabu XC¢ was tenderec and | corps of teach arty Monday evening the pupils «¢ hen unconscious discovery of ublic schools. While being her resulted serious. Mrs Benjamin Brown, Mrs Christian| charm Grove and Mrs. Lefevre were the] clock victims. The Incident occurred last|ing pupil Wednesday evening. first grade the retiree we in the High concerted effort, initial 1e timely sum further vast have had whom sentiment oi whatever. ; Mr. Bigelow has been in politice part of the State official record machine order. who voted anniver the Mumma, I money ly the entire school vorks as fay sary if the commissioner was widespread hostility on any ground a of at home of given Engle Exceeding Speed Limit Borough Treasury is going at the expense of autoists if they don’t exercise bet- ter judgment in going thru here. More go up and down Main street at twenty to twenty-five than at = twelve miles an hour. rr Ann, been wiser and almost in The be increased is no machine there All 10 against yet the Senior | of the € picked a there and at tt refreshments the way up from Games were played no was end of the V€ I rved he werk ent: Ruth and Margaret Stokes, An-| Dearbeck, Ada Laughman, Anna Hoffmaster, Mary Hoffer, Margaret Dearbeck, Ruth Trostle, Mary Wit- mer, Stokes, Clara Arntz, Attention K. of P. Ruth Mumma, Rhoda Hersh, John The members are earnestly re- Young, William Walters, Albert E.|[quested to be present at the hall of Geyer, Irvin Earhart. Christ Wittle, |of Cove Lodge No. 301 Knights of | and Roy Strickler. Pythias on Tuesday evening. on class School there is a | s¢ following pres- ly strenuous exert- mind pupils have personality easily and a Carload of Poultry Feed | Brandt & Steh-| man, local millers, | received a carload of assorted Park! & Pollard poultry feed. There are various kinds of chick and growing feed and dry mash. They also re- ceived a large number of fine stone- ware feeders. to “develop the as a living | na The earnest ed spirit.” the teacher and lead to understand that it is their privilege to do their own thinking only to be guided by their teachers, on page 5H) + meee eee tll ABR mmm have interviewed S. S. Organizes On Sunday March 9, the Brethren in Christ will organize their Sun- day School at Mount Pleasant meet- ing House, 2 miles northwest of Mount Joy. All interested in the school are invited to be present. Today Messrs. our in the western many years, and his is entirely of the Out of the 37 Senators for his confirmation were Re- publicans and 10 Democrats. Two- thirds of the Senate, or 34 members (Continued gf page 4) \ and extensive grasped each readily of are Grace om 27 iT Best paper in town—Bulletin. All the local news in the Bulletin. (Continued