PAGE SEVEN THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, February 26, A y y v ” i leans Up Slot Machines Low Fares to the West A Farewell Party PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH, P2; | After being warned repeatedly,! Pennsylvania Rallroad. Tickets to, On Thursday evening the members — « Ee Neate Berross John HH. Shenk, assisted by Rocky Mountains, Pacific Coast,' and friends of the Trinity United | What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To — Ny 4 the district attorney, made a rald Westren Canada, Mexico and South- Evangelical church gave a farewell Say This Week {atched Saf ] 0 on the slot machines at Manhelm western points on sale dally March party for Rev, I, B, Johnson and fam | arch 22,1910 nov Wy . 3 N last Wednesday and haled the 14 to April 14 Inclusive at reduced fly, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. S { Waighed X 4 I ime S Here To Make i awners indo the meshes of the law.! fares, Consult nearest Ticket Agent, F, Eshleman, A most enjoyable time | May 22, 1910 » | | | iH ‘Me offenders were ordered to or A, C. Welle, D. P. A, Reading, was had by all present, Music was | Raised on ” - appear before the district attorney,' Pa to April 2. furnished by the Sunday School or Park & Pollard RY ownen Your Spring Suit _ —- — - _-— - — — chestra and elegant refreshments | Growing Shona iD Because you are a monkey If were served. Those (present were Food. NJ L . » you do and not a very intelligent Rev, and Mrs, I, E. Johnson, Rilda Can you Com anrisons one at that [and Dorothy Johumson, Mr. and Mrs, | beat it? P : auded | BF Bookman, Mr, and Mrs, Frank | The reasor Jarw concluded . ; The ronson I Twin ived {row Peffer, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Menaugh, 0 thir tl ¢ I J d ¢ ¢ § ‘ awolvel rom . - A — ne Aln 18 slore hh ways our ) » that man must have eve Mr. and Mrs. John Way, Mr. and Eg e ha AYS courte in. evary the chimpanzee is because 80 many Mrs. 5. PF. Eghleman. Mr. and Mrs] | line of its merchandise-—-and that is COMPARISON people make such monkeys of them G8 Gingrichy Mr. and Mrs, George. ; solves on just such simple things v: Ss. gi. . : y 8. f. g ‘Beat this record And, belleve us, speaking in a general way, there's pers, Mr, and Mrs, J arve Ging : as the VY ¥ | no man in business today who sincerely welcomes free and ¥ rich, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morton, Mi | The only way possible is to feed COMPARISON unl 1 1 X A Join Wa oo : w Tavl 3¢, . : J J . open unless he “has the goods” and feel FUEL QUESTION and Mrs. Earl Kaylor, Mr. and Mrs | the Park & Pollard Gritless- . Ee Frank Bryan, Mrs. Weber, Mr, and . Chick . ae confident he wil] profit by it Do you want to help prove that|_ _ : . ; L : ick and Growing Feed just ’ ~ Boy Mrs. Samuel Funk, Mr, and Mrs, Amos Well, doe bin ich viter un aw so as directed in their Year Book Y ; the theory Is wrong Then buy Kaylor, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Watt, foll difel shtrache des si laeva Ww 1 the £ { i . | ou may not be contemplating aSpring Suit just now y » 'r | > Se > feed ¢ give 2 ily. vour coal from us | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaylor, Dorothy | l.etsht wuch hov ich tzawt ich date | i " . . Rec! and. give away | but you will be shortly. That is why we throw out this J vy ’ v . i e £S AC, | 2 Kaylor, Mrs. Irvin Walters, Mrs, Al wos ghapent hut mitem | x Cl as } loll | suggestion MAKE YOUR COMPARISONS NOW and be ? . A . . g e & ore > Lis | 1¢ book alone 1s worth a dollar | E. S. M( )( > a E bright, Mrs. Dowhower, Mrs. Harvey ime shtink-woga wu de kals | OF OTe. 15.YOn | in shape when the time comes to make your Spring Suit { OTRO ¢ ' Mtolor « len uf der pike rickt hen so d ore to you. i . Hawtkorne, Mrs. Lucy Stoler, Mn : : : ' ne purchase in confidence that you are getting the best value Deal er In { Alpheus Morton, Mrs. Fannie Welsh, go : : | Are you prepared to give your possible | Mrs. Harriet Blessing; Mess Ab i Rershy Sag des i recht newly hatched chickens a warm . Jisenberger ‘harles rt MN is war dot on yers: Se |, n rt a iva’ 7 G " ram Eisenberger, Charles Morton, 5° , kok } : ¢ : © | and comfortable place to live? We Has it ever occurred to you what has made ours the Harry Geibe. George Wel «Lest in ver Ime Dols hofa nous, de no 'g ¢ te o a salva: Coal Lumber, Yall, i f v : . ni is der Morris so about holy bage jsp ud: you, We have received LARGEST CLOTHING BUSINESS in Lancaster? Possi- y / and Howard Kaylor, Ralph and Clyde gig 0 8 t nolver DASE | the famous PARK AND POLLARD 1 \ " . : wara er sawg ym Myers gre | y ’ . ly a surely wi > J £ "hi z yol- Eshleman, Ear] Myers, Irving Kay : A 2s WE € n ye: Sn LULLABY, FIRELESS BROODERS ) not oy rely you will otal this: That great vol Feed, Hay, No raw, Slate, Salt, Cement lor; Misses Barbara Hemperly, Jes Lol ng y = . wa. 5 Ee “" land shall be pleased to demonstrate ume of business produces lower prices than restricted : . Ol: nt O¢ m ike s 3 | : sie Mishey, Kathryn Gingrich, Mac De 1 wit 0 oy pa |at your request. We are carrying volume; that it produces advantageous buying facilities 2 a ta . Fath ie eK . € « Saws de app, Myers, ; Af an. y a, and Fertilizer Mary and Blanche Eshleman, Esther Da holshoufa war shundt finf] in stock different size WATER that in turn accrue to your (the consumer's) interest, im and Anna Weber, Sue Mary Cun ’ debi ivy a) | FOUNTS Y ; IRS nd Apna Weber, Su ind Mary Cur n-tiwopsich | Tore on 3en aenta UNTS, DRY MASH HOPPERS, short, that it produces many advants the Adimited con- ningham, Edit! Fannie and Esther loi I \ CHICK FEEDERS, ETC. all of n blotz n bleipt aw dot.’ We ) an possi fF ros A large stock of Feed constantly on hand Highest cash price paid Gingrich, Florence Kaylor, Ida Bry ¢ a > ph ell, which are guaranteed to give satis- GET CaNROt Possibly. reap oi "a. AL course, sell hut der Morris net |. _. for grain an, Anna Myers, Katie, Ella and Mar Sohi nts ower vas hut ace du fa tion, or money refunded. Yours for an early and thorough comparison of Groff tha Eshleman, Clara Arnts, Rose Al 1 . ASK THE CHICKEN THAT US- & Wolf Spring Suit th hat : nn wr 4 olf Sp u wi whatever st A286 bright, Ruth, Haze] and Nedra Kay Ww Yo drs. kd : viow dsl ES THEM. 8 i A3LeYe Ores you please. \ € ade aril Kals sin enynow der 1 Lotti Cshlema: Mildre Vi Estimates of Lumber and Mill Work a Speciality lor, Lottie Eshleman, Mildred Way, .ye nunner nocn Drytown ve der —— Alta and Emily Gingrich . — y : { dousich Der Moirris war om rawt a > der Sammy om enjine un der John! B randt& Steh man A LANCASTER JUNCTION on de lock Der Sam gept em a : ] MOUNT JOY, P S FLORIN, PENN . Mrs. Henry Buch is still improv- mole. ga un kotzlich gane se a! JOUNT JOY. PA, G i off Wo 1 in venich shtaricker Se sin seller oO. ~ John Weidman of near Junction glay hivel nunner ve en veterlache : MASTERSONVILLE YOU WILL GET TEN CELEBRATED (amaeaat™ spent Sunday with Henry Buch and Gly mole grisht der John, “Socker The meeting is still in progress 26 & 28 N. Queen St, wife ment, vos maena deer Em Haerr | At Mastersonville. i . 3 | 3. 'S. Zug is icte i - ; is. & H. Trading Stamps | Jonas Snavely and wife spent si shier hut gagookt ve en ema-| 2s Afflicted With Yuen LANCASTER’S FASTEST GROWING STORE Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob heisly.” De telegraph poshta hut |™Matism. He takes = electrical treat- $ Becker near here ler gore net tzana kenna Der ; BERL al Lancaster dH (WITH EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF COAL PU rR ; Sore HO ane K f f ; rs ve ; by d ¢ af : AT Harry Hollinger, wife and daugh- Morris grisht, “Dray en op, Dray en Nathan Ginder had his auto over- 5 CHASED FOR CASH / ter Grace spent Sunday with Mr. op.’ Of course der Sam is shundt | hauled.’ He brought it home on Sun and Mrs. Jacob Ober. feel uf sella moter-sycles gritta un | day. Now we will see - - — SN Ap Neothv Ania} hi . : Jessie and Mrs Thomas took a Si he people are nearly all finish- in blots fons op drava dravt aers | > nt ) 1 ER iy i I F H. Baker’ Si.. sripping their tobateco nd are ale. 86. vite aor Roh De to izes trip to Manheim on Saturday even- 3 {0 CCE 1 i i 0) al to attend the public sales over ferdultzsy gonga (ing in their little Ford for hill and = Coal and Miss Stella Weaver Der orem John hut der otem nimy | mud climbing I ® z rs : A. M., Mrs. Sadie and Maggie A : day ith her friend M Ie kenna Der Morrie war so Maggie B LUM BER YARDS Steinman near Kauffman's church r fershrucka des aer net shwet Shelley accompanied by Benj. Zug, = C Isaac ‘alborn, wife and daugh- sa hut kenna bis der neckshta moria too. 3 . - ; 3 De Friday u n ter Leona spent sunday un der Sam, well aer is soen groser | €VeRIng in his big Mitche = On my entire lines of all wool horse blankets I 2 3 soen gros : ie i ye 1 é ankets am going to Mount Joy, Penna. yd Mrs. Abram Grotti at titel des ner gore mix mindt . Dear John Geib of near Gelb's mill, : N 1 1 I 1 M1 1d Mr Jacob Weaver and huts usht op glocht as six, cows which netted him $107 | E close them out at cost to make room for Spring Goods. If in sole ag for Cong loofing NO. O r S| gles 1 n hand 2 cai nes, adc 2 "on . He agent for Congo Roofing, No oe ar Hog ve always o3 dang daughter Stell: attended hurch Tcl ) de Marri 30 about | 7 $17.83 per cow Mastersonville ® need of a horse blanket don’t miss this opportunity 4 Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Door , Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Etc. t reamery pa) the higl t pric per Mm i . ¢ { Manhe ol olve ( ¢ 1» hop ©1N¢ er Tea he y ie highest 28 hn, © wu Agents for Alphs Portland Cement. Also Wwofing Slate ve! ch ie 4 100 pound n mstimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material enim ! daw} sili wa Pi ( i » a A Y ow § Y 1 v Y ) ( t r I nt = Telephone No. 833. Opposite Old | R. R. Depot Pry ny . roma i n:-ZI eel Haly i ‘ ; : "® V nd Mrs. H Haldeman, near bin ich shure de r ne sht contralto HA 0 y I ia] nH v i A f wank in Mastersonvil W : rr re A - | REE Are wife 02 M a ra; 0 targets to won MOUNT JOY. P&GNNHA. a \ Jo n M Ifa I im { ‘ I h Id u O V S Rosar nd M I | Ose Yo wel } ier p voc |TV T1011 1 RR ll 9 : I nd 1 Za 0 } } i —— eg an 1 I > Le Ww 1 i ve : x . 3 } ( nor: } t ’S ON ALL FUR CAPS AND HEAVY LINED GLOVES Pwo From Landiswill Yor Veli off shu oF \ ! 1 he New LF IY REDUCED Ihe ville High ool net base wara ive en hpos yi A ! ; : 2 ( 1 an Orchestra with the ) e Kumma ! n migh ed out ALANCE OF OUR IMPORTED VELOUR HATS CUT FROM {,110w riisis: Violin. Mi } : to be very serlous. While driving B Sn ) iolin, MN 1 E NE O uh > y to $3.25 liller no Mi Barbara Min hwilke 2a oc) the ro know 1 he creek \ nicl mand M Winona He rn i A Aen rom Ma ouvitle, lo Mt M : WwW € ] THESE GOODS WERE BARGAINS AT THEIR ORIGINAL |[M¢ ay . b I LOE Hie TERORS Vox I o left sph broke and ihe €n s§, Womens anc 1 ORS THRY'RW YINUY r AQ wt Cornge steve Miller; violin, Howard . VWORS DRAW % . RICE '’HEY’'RE MUCH MORE SO NOW Kite TET. Bor oka ho ran off throwing Mr. and Mrs Cl ild 1 Si a seraAmi—— violin, Clyde Will Serve at Next Term of Lancas.|Dr2dley out of the vehicle. The AUAren s OnNoes — A ——————— AC —— . : A ot horse did not fare so well, his hind Marth Gre utrix of Lillie ter County Courts 4 1d € 0 , deceased, so the real legs being badly lacerated. Through At From 98¢ to $2.48 and personal property of said dece Judge Landis, Sheri Eby 1 e use of lephone the ho to be found in this town. They com- dent. The real estate consists of a Jury Commissioners He and : stopped at Aaron Metzler prise the best there is in shoes and lot of ground and two-story frame Buche on Wednesday morning Posraet should be considered when you pur- dwelling house in Landisville drew 204 names of Lancaster Uncle Frank B., G. H. Brubaker chase that next pair of Shoes. . ; : . . : and Mrs. Barbara Lehman while { 44 N h in which for a number county jurors from the wheel to Ble > y returning home from t leas: i ort Queen St., Lancaster Pa. of years has been located the post- gerve in the Criminal and Common H i 3 4 Mt. Pleasant All Kinds Repairing ne . . . urch also had ¢ accident / . - — - office. It was sold to Ezra Miller, for Pleas Courts of April and May oh : i o 3 =n rceident All Having modern machinery 1 am X — - — .. o : : % ah 5 the seriousness abot t as 3 - 364, who is said to be an appli- Those from this section are ac Fey i . a i oy te » Be prepared to do repairing on short vant y x . 1 prabaxker nmoneg ) bram She YY SLT 1) 1 gaqcant for the postoffice follows to fetch thom. Brother Aba wr uote and at right prices. Give me i = ——— i Gr }Yope Avril. 21 A o fetch them. Brother Abram says _ : ¥ i rand Jury, pril 21 \ mos ( rol DOt'T Will” #nd th + shor your next job and let me show yon En le’ s Fu rnit rn Ww = Rapho Teacher's Meeting Friday, Elizabethtown iy tt > bi ai : i ; hs In 2 short ime » v itche ve oht HERR ga u e arerooms The teachers of Rapho township Quarter Sessions, April 21-—Sam- : he i oy ish 2. Rove in sigh Y LASKE \W/ 1 I Z oF : Tyrer : NAL . nlf iat on't you forget there were some S MOUNT JOY, PENNA. will hold an all day ingtitute at tne uel Sload, East Donegal ownship SUGHNE faces and’. S6bh tH Were Mast Main St., MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Sporting Hill school house, on Sat- Samuel Thuma, East Donegal; Isaac 1 1 oe G of ; : I , : mo 3 : nome to supper r00d for the auto- or urday March 1 The main feature Walke Elizabethtown; Jac y ’ So m ER CN . J : ® nre r Ota Jacob | | obile brethren. They heat the | ASSUME MN 0 LE - Ll -_ of the morning session will be a de- Becker. Rapho; J (Clarence Riest, i bh brotl ® " " ; : churen rethren ® GOOD HOMEMADE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. bate on the Woman's Sufferage Mt. Joy — un Our Creat : . . : hl a ———— > -—— , Question. The principal address of Common Pleas, April 28---J. Wil- . ADA TSI ta UPHOLSTERING DONE TO ORDE' the afternoon will be delivered by lis Freed, Mt. Joy; Benjamin L. rT ronTISG MUL . Furniture Sale ' 2 | Dr. Blose, Rector of 8t. Paul Kauffman, Rapho; Henry Hamilton | ? Miss Stella George is staying at w fs ti #@ Episc shurch anhe apho: Charles E +o. | Mt. Hope at the “Grubb mansion.’ ; # er scopal church, of Manheim. | Rapho; Charles E. Welchans, East Levi Fissel Is hot ml Starts February 1st, with the largest assort: { o Pop! L ¥ There will also be special voeal Donegal Gi S5e) J8 home from Phila. furniture and carpets ever shown in Lan ter at " 4 : i i = : Sn ¢ Yohis : Yon iL a ; f ire and cg pts or 8 'R in Lancaster a oplar Lumber for sale in lots to suit the purchaser. g music. The public is invited. Common Pleas, May Michael | Seibina With an avtack of la-gtiDpe. : ee 2 1 Hi. RaRdler, MU JoV t6@nship; John Mr. and Mrs. John Sheaffer spent Just think of it! One and one-half acres of ¢ - — Doni Petre ; To Escape Lawsuits L. Reinhold, East Donegal: Walter part of Tuesday with Romanus used to display the things we have been buying all th n | One by one, the buildings at Safe |l. Eshleman, Mt. Joy; D. C. Wick- | js P Bt Prony United States for the last six months oi { . | . B. Cover of Labpcaster spe arbc ‘ 3 . hah-le iis . a > ~ a «abcaster spen nN : . b ondeviiing and Embalming 8 Ha fhe it xe is a r, when jonhatses: Raps Bop Charles | Sunday with his parents Mr. anc In the five years in our present location the buss has © ever high wate 3 > : : 1g a Jose 2. | a) Ns pi 8 . a ; : : : ib > ator Ihe aque snda | iy oi ; Se ox % E. | vir and Mre. 8 M. Cover almost doubled each year, and to-day we are furnishfig more ¥ 7 anima. nl po {causes ice gorges below that village, Geyer, Marietta: A. K Stoner, | Bab. 2. 1] > : EK ERR 0 - . | homes than any other two stores in the city. I ES TT EL BBM | ore coming into possession of the Conoy; Victor F. Mutch, Marietta, Miss Lizzie Hottenstein of Bast 2 Ponivania Water & Power Co. Benj F Gochenauer, Elizabeth. | Petersburs is spending several days From a small beginning we have® grown to be the largest 2 W oe Jo he owner of the great dam and town With F. Y. Koser and wife. {= furniture and carpet store in Central Pennsylvania s HY NOT MAKE $200, A MONTH - =» That's clerical works at McCall's Ferry. ——el Miss Mabel Rohrer of Manheim, |B 2 x ; spent Sunday with her parents, M 5 buildings bought will be re- Di ein Fe? SDS J r parents, Mr. | ® WwW 5 id They Skip Us? Z > > $50.°° a Week, almost $10.°° a Day fo : rs and Mrs. Phares Revver esternberger, Malev & Myers We are in receipt of a map of all| J Lone. of Beinter oT 125-181 East King S.., LANCASTER, PA. img el mar . | coe ng, of Lancaster spen Selling Victor Safes and fire-proo! boxes the proposed highways In. the {Munday in the home of his i) 9 I. B wif § 1 01 ive congregations In the evening! direct hi from Pittsburg to Q n Special on Watches perl Sl KH 1 I report yf the ast conference | Philadel according to said nN 1 tue report of . the pa onierence, Lai: according to 1! Keener , ) » have just purcahesd a num- rear was read and proved to t nap betwee . a y 's rea ind I oved > X A hig? Soi 1 S. Bir ’B ber of watches, undoubtedly the ee olan a Pin an Dope i Se hi Ls M of Manhe ere saav i best values offered in that line r Johns “At the! aken over Ve y 4 1y ohnson At th : g il We D. Dis 3 un for a long time. They are open Grea Home Gat ch was e t is v )e 1am ang Miss Fanr D . | face, dust-proof nickel case, = | well receive towns betweer these twe i } 1 a t i well received. bd ete a Se ing the week at Rl , Rockford movement, Jewel, 8 resent eee. —— wil remain on the map it) a with fi Adi ully guaran Foils a Foul Plot ee el eee 2 : w ! y - Rutsed, with care will 2 SRL PERE When a shameful plot exists be- + ' ye : » ast 2 lifetime. Can you beat t ut to learn all partici Don't Want Hotels Miss J Sunday a iza yvwhere f ly $10? Wil ont ORL re | tween liver and bowels to laa ) a- | = anywhere for only ? a postal card. wo. : 1@ bowels to cause dis- Remonstrances have been filed | bethto D. Groff and tress by refusing z ake Dr 3 7 i 2 3 . se . Ask for Catalog ve 151 Kins 'N ‘ . en £0 act, take DI.|against every hotel in the borough | family in Also Repairing in All It’s Branches & ing’s New Life Pills, and end such|of Lititz, the main reason being { nd son visit- | ® i THE VICTCR (abuse of your system. They gently|that the proprietors sell to in le and | ®@ = {compel right action of stomach, liv-| toxicants Bast Main St = | SAFE & LOCK G0, fer and bowels, and restore . your| Salt : S. | ¥ Vi L: LE El . East Main reet, y ! : . MOUNT JOY A BE CINCINNATI, Hla jbealth and all good feelings. 26 All the local news in the Bulletin > o-— ¥, ra w mea. Capacity 20.000 Safes A ily. jat ’ Our pacity nnually {at S. B. Bernhart & Co's Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin The paper—‘Bulletin RT CERT ST i