vB Sdddéddaudily COAMMAMA Aad ahdhadibabibididbbitid I Abb bAAAAA LALLA Lb bbbbbd hd bb ny ww 13 SR TEER VOL. XI. NO. 49 CIRCULATION ALWAYS COUNTS—OLl The Sixteeners Twenty-Sixth Annual Reunion Held in This Place on Saturday | Former Pupils of the Mount Joy Soldiers’ Orphan School | Pay Their Annual Tribute by Meeting Here Convention on Washington's Birthday. Siller nee Hoover, Thes. Hipsley, Pauline Jackson Stokes, Wm, The twenty-sixth annual reunion of the Mount Joy Sixteeners, mem- pers of the Soldier's Orphan School, Rodman, Kate Dieter nee Mooney | INFORMATION FOR THE TAX-| which existed here many years ago, Wm. B. Bender, Kate Dorwart nee | PAYERS wae held in Mount Joy Hall last Sat- Smith, Delia Wyant, Nellie Bell, | mes Sadie Wyant, Mrs. Fetterman, S. M Harris and wife, Mrs. B. F. Eddinger | nee McFadden, Mrs. M. E. Miller nee | clement weather Carrigan, Chas. Gearhart, H. H. Lin- | The delegates came here, many a demuth, Mrs. H, H. Lindemuth nee | in advance, in Rhoads, C. Day Rudy, Gertie Luft nee Schadt, Lizzie Kavanaugh nee Reitzle | Mrs. Geo. H. Brown nee Kellar, Mr. Brown, Mrs. Cleeland nee arday, Washington's Birthday. This wag one of the most enjoyable events meld thus far, even in spite of the in- order to few days “look around,” as they termed it, all the town's im- Reg- Geo. H. peing pleased with provements from time to time ©id Soldiers’ Orphan School Building on N. Barbara St., now owned by W. B. Detwiler Zimmerman nee Wm. Afflebach, Mrs nee Sherlock, Ada Bom Appleton, Mrs. J. F. Bair A. Walton nee | istration began promptly at ten o'clock Richelberger, Mrs when the following per found to be in attendance: Seward W. Jones, Dr. E. E. A. B. Rudy, Wm. Kiern, T D Eichelbergel sons were Bombergel Brown, berger, Lou Appleton, Mrs. BE Beamesderfer, Hoop- nee Appleton, Mrs Harry | er, Lillie G. Rowley nee Hooper, J. A. Logan and wife, Maggie Miller Schaar. mee Carr, Nora Gannon, Adelina Wei- Promptly at two o'clock the regu- | gelt nee Biddle, N F. Il. Weaver lar business meeting was held when | nee Weigelt, Thos. ( Knowles, Jos were elected for the ensuing | gimmers, D. Cotterell, Grant Sowers, year. @eo. Curtis, Jacob Gramm and wife, At the evening session, with Doc. | Anabel Myers nee Wonderly, Mrs, BE. Brown as toastmaster, the following | (Continued on page 3) | Wetherill, Kate Welsh, nee Knipe, Ed New Chel { I 10 —— small and antiquated for a pro- | gressive and fast-growing congre- gation and is now used as the resi- dence of the sexton of the church. The new structure was started in the latter part of October, and was (finished in record time, owing to the lopen winter. The committee, who had charge of the work, consisted of Eli Mumma, Samuel Nissley and |Hiram Stehman. UD Gere PURE OIL COMPANY GROWING Vy HII ER C01 corm ld Of Longe el That the Mount Joy Pure Oil Com- pany, of which Mr. Jacob H. Shenk is manager, is meeting with abundant LARGEST MENNONITE MEETING | (ois evidenced by the fact that HOUSE IN THE UNITED STATES it will erect two large tanks of 7.000 SERA gallons capacity. Mr. Shenk has leased a portion of at Landisville on the land of the New Standard Hard- Sunday When Dedication Services o... Works, recently purchased west Are Held—The Church is a Very of begin tanks. | several Thousand People Assembled Saturday and town, and will at once Fine Structure the erection of these large SR : They will be placed in position on the The largest Mennonite meeting house in the United States was ded- afternoon and point just opposite the residence of Mr. George Bichelberger and arranged so that oil can be tapped into them di- Sunday i S , rect from the cars. The services were at- : S : Mr. Shenk also purchased thousand people : . The 300 gallon tank wagon which will be e «.. delivered very soon and when ready for business “Jake” says he will give them all a run for their money. lie seinen ijcated on Saturday evening, and Landisville. tended by from all parts of the dedication exercises started on urday afternoon, when the, first ser- held The church was doors and many morning, at a new several country. viee was crowded to the people were forced to be denied ad- mittance. Bishop Jacob N. Brubaker borough officials of Mt Joy, had charge of the ser- have been approached by temper- vice. He was assisted by Rev. Abram ice people of the town in reference Temperance People Busy I Several of our WhO They Fomd | we Have Taken ADS BRING IR [OW (nd Nearly Disc These From a Tabulated First Time Ever Joy Herewith is appended a 152; Mt. Joy Borough, East 139; West Twp. 353; Rapho 472. Male Tenants ward 157; West Joy Twp. 234; Rapho 337. Single Men (Continued on page 6) R——— fslative ON remonstrances against local hotels. Just is being made we are Herr, of New Danville. In the even- to filing ing Bishop Brubaker again assisted several of our by Rev. Brackbill, of Strasburg. On what progres Sunday morning, Hiram Kauffman unable to y. and Rev. Kraybill, of Elizabethtown dS — were the preachers. The new building is a handsome The Bible Bible Class Officers class of the Lutheran edifice, and was erected to take the Sunday school elected the following place of one which was built more gfficers on Sunday; President, J. wil- than one hundred years ago. The jig Freed; secretary, Paul Getz; treas- The lower house state conventions of 1911 curtail the evils which unlimited power to ‘‘assist” new building is 56x96 feet, and is urer, Miss Grace Holwager; teacher, a one-story brick structure. It hasa poy | Howard Kern; assistant teach- | Prominsiit. in the debate of om 1 e debate O over were John R. hitherto stand-pat Re- seating capacity of over seven hun- or. Dr. W. ER. Heilig. dred. Three ante rooms, which will be used for committee meetings, A’ Very Gov Sale etc. The pews are of solid oak and On Saterday. afiefoon | Mr. Bd. the altar is the one used in the old Roath cold & ite tot of Bishop Brubaker, Who had horses at public sale at his stables charge of the dedication, used the fo tars place. Hotaes - sold #8 Bign same altar more than fifty years 4c $225 aud Averaged aimost $190. ago, when he was ordained. There © II TZellbr wai the auctioneer. is a large basement connected with | SE -— » 7hi i itable for the church, which is su Ladies’ Aid Society weddings and funerals. Not far from | i : ra: : the new structure stands the oldest, ar Eidies Aig Society of the Lu- Mennonite church building in the| theran church will meet on Thursday United States. It is a log structure, evening at the home of Mrs. H. J. | Stambaugh. and, although built more than a — A CI —— century ago, it is still in a good | state of preservation. Tt became ad &Best peper in town-—Bulletin. specially church. to mark their ballots. two hours duration K. Scott, of Philadelphia, an uncompromising (Continued on page 4) Figures Statement of the Assessor's Returns as Issued | Kauffman hurried him to the by the County Commissioners — pn, A r. G, / Published in Mt. report| Ward |" yy, Ward 140; Mt. Joy a oe egy 364: Jes Yone- go Donese) ny You Daas Mrs. Harry Dyer, who had been 8 : Mt. Joy rough, Las 3 2 2 : % gal Pr t oy orough quite ill, is very much improved. Ward - 134; Mt. , East Donegal 98; West Donegal with an attack of pleuro-pneumonia. os; Me Joy Bosough, East Ward The local option bill was defeated 59; West Warq 54; Mt. Joy Twp. in the house at Harrisburg yester- 46; Rapho 90. dav 2 Total Bosident Taxables Mr. Clayton Capp accepted a posi- East Donegal 869; West Done- tion at the Elizabethtown shoe fac- gal 394; Mount Joy Borough, East he House MOKeS Good In)“ News in Brief. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 24, 1913. redeemed last week the promise of all the political in Penn- sylvania, that the ballot law should be reformed and improved so as to flow from voters A | ACCIDENT TO YOUNG GUNNER [ Boy Makes a Narron Escape erin] ) 4 | | ’ Death and Loses a Finger | | A ( | Moses Kauffman, fourteen years of | | age, who resides with his parents at| | Kauffman’s Mill, Rowenna, had a nar row escape from being killed Satur. day He was maimed, loging a portion of a finger of his left hand. i After dinner Saturday afternoon the | | parents he was going to shoot spar- | rows, which are numerous about the mill, Suddenly the gun was discharg- ed and the load of shot passed close to his left dropped the weapon and to his horror, found that hand. He with his hand covered with house blood. An examination showed that | he had shot off the first two joints of | yyw hat Our the index finger of his left hand. Mrs office of . Harter of Maytown, and the | wound was temporarily dressed. Dr. | Harter ordered the boy to the Colum- finger was | bia Hospital, where the morning he was| x iy | amputated. Sunday that is indeed very interesting. It | . 1 * : ‘| taken home, and his condition 1s re is the returns of the assessors oi] . | ported excellent. the various districts and we feel] . rs etl certain many of these figures will] make you all sit up and take not- He's Wide Awake ice e local correspondent of the IT.an tor Ney Tp is < The table shows the number of} “" “"" ! New Era | ertainly dogs, the number of taxables, in- furnishing local news that up to 1 : the minute n the Mt. Jo) ews cluding frecholders, tenants, single vinute In ti yy. na ) irda viecht wer A . Se men and women; the acreage of |°! rdqay night were \ clothes timberland, cleared land and total |P'! party held two weeks ago, the 1 f riendahin I re 3 § ! acreage: the value of all real es fficers of Friendship Fire Company | py Laverton arly three Yo. tate, of real estate exempt by law |®€cH nearly three ), and | nmbe yf ther tale from taxation and of real estate}™ "™ ol other! Bia K : 1 h it ared ir the bl ie number and value of i . ems 4 ee el Rulletiy few. dave 1fter they oO horses, mules and cattle over four|™" letin 2 ca er ey 0 enived ears of age; tn amount of money | I a - er interes je number and value | of vehicles for hire and the levy ot} ’ State and ( ounty tax (('¢ § ft | (\ Male Dogs [ J i A g - Bast Donegal 132; W Donegal A 143: t. Jo Borough Vard | " 143; Mt Joy borough t Ward| yjynv SHORT NEWS ITEMS 54: West Ward 26; Mt 0 wp. | . EARS 3 Rapho 301 GENERAL INTERESY 219, tapho oul Female Dogs : I Ww D 3 jrief Local Happenings Gathered a lsast jonegal »s, est onegal, + . n : i . Ward 1 | fhey Occur With the Whirl of the | 1: Mt. Joy Borough, East ard, 1; : 3 | BE 8 ? > y 3 ! world for Quick Reading With Wes Nard 2: Mt. Joy Twp. none; . ont rei 0s wi | the Past Few Days. | Rapho 7. | — | esident Freeholder | ; ii Resident A eh Iders Farm fol Rent Apply at thls Kast Donegal 377; West Donegal, | i office, 2t John Bombach has purchased a fine pacing horse. Good Shoes for the whole family at I. D. Beneman’s. Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Rye announce the birth of a daughter on Sunday. Mr. Sylvester Dearbeck, jr. is ill tory on Monday. For Sale—A horse, narness and sleigh. Apply to Kline, Mt. Joy R. D. No. 1. 2t For Sale or Rent—Two story brick | dwellling, corner New Haven and Da- vid Sts., Mt. Joy Inquire of H. E Ebersole. tf Making $1.00 do the work of two. Lamps, Queensware, wagon, Paris good Glasses, Pillow ma sont soo oe FIGS OF OU MOY Re- he had been shot, and hurried to the | pPHK at Lancaster, f Mi M. M. Leib is spending the | tal on Sunday aged 54 years. week at her forme home, Trenton, | {«©cal and | ersonal Briefs That Have ne Mary Renninger High, NJ | Occurred Since Our Last Issue bh ww of the late ex-Sheriff Johm . Mr. 1. Shiffe of the Elizabeth { Onr Hustling and Wide AwakeTHigh, died at Ephrata aged T8 town in town on Satu | Neighbor Village, Florin. vears. day. Et #* Matthias Kline, a retired farmer | VM. M. Cassel of larrisburg, | Mrs. Joseph McGarvey spent Mon-| of near Columbia, died. at St. Joss + Wednesday in town with {day at Elizabethtown, eph’s Hospital, aged $2 years, from = : : « ) rvi e held thma. hoi I's nit f Lancaster |} I ( « on ! ) The infant child of Mr. and Mrs, } ] Frid ( i h | Mr. V urly of Lititz made man Tyson of Elm Tree, was od | busi o to ida d yesterday in the Mt, Pleas- Mrs. Frank Gramm of Philadelphia Mr. k ner of Mechanicsburg t ce ~% the guest of Mrs, Geo. H. Brown riday in town visiting friends Rev. John Middleton Mellen & : n Saturday Mr. and Mr non Lei ent eacher of Marietta, died ‘very : Reynolds of Harris ues n Pot n la ly on Thursday aged T% nest of friends here | tives ‘ fle was born in Marietta, o Mr. A Bshbaugh of Pottstow } I lefevre dropped over M1 Alvin Gingrich of Reading, | made a pleasant call a* the Florin Inn dead his home in Manheim on he guest of Mr. C. S. Gingrich | Tuesday ( on page 4) Miss Lawa Stroup of Marietia Gp omit an | Wednesday. | J. Hoffer spent | at Elizabethtown Tops at 1-2 the regular price at Bern hart & Co’s. Snappy new styled Qualitie | gonias, blooming hyacinths, nar- i for this week. for $3. M. E. & R. Hoffer, Mt. Jov ——E—————— Suffering From Poisoning Mr. John Mumma of East Done- first joint of the finger. week, Vien's Shoes| day her | Eva Reed. four | as a civil engineer, is spending some assemblies of Pennsylvania into { great disrepute with the people. Cs TRO SAE CORN ED | Mr. Charles Linthurst left on Mon-}, 3 jive news is set weekly, there- There were other able participants, Sold an Auto Wagon ‘day for Wilmington, Del, where hel, aking the Bulletin the lead- but these two stood out most Mr. H. S. Newcomer, the local | Will spend some time. Tt is rumored |; weekly hereabouts and at the prominently because of their | representative sold a fine Inter- | that he will purchase « eusncer” for vary low price of $1.00 a year, different interpretations as to the |national auto wagon to Mr. Amos| the large gasoline engine at the ice|pon’t fail to read every page in the desire of he people for honest|H. Hoffman, the extensive seed plant of H. F. Breoks & Co. . Bulletin as a paper with all its elections. Scott pointed out in]dealer of Landisville one day last Mrs. Rebecca Bomberger or Slack- Ynews on the first page is a thing of RESULTS—THATS WHY MERCHANTS USE THIS ADVERTISING MEDIUM BOUGHT PIECE OF LAND ‘ The New Standard Hardware Works, our very extensive manufact- uring concern of hardware specialties, | » few days ago purchased from Mi 1 between here { | uA The land purchased] the pike Sumpman, who resides and Florin, a plot of ground along the P. R. R. old line, point between Happenmes begins at a and railroad tracks just opposite the | Kichelberger, | | residence of Mr, George and extends northwest considerable distance porters te Past Week WHEREABOUTS OF OUR WEEK | | As soon as we learned of this we in- | { terviewed Mr, M, A, | | | | Rollman of the “New Standard” as to the company’s views of purchasing this land, who FRIENDS THE PANT informed us that he had nothing to | rds to the com-| Able Corps of Reporters | say at present in rej | Found in the Card Basket About | pany s proposed intentions, | Yourself, Your Friends and Your The land was surveyed on Friday | Acquaintances, and the new owners have already | taken possession | Miss Mary Frank spent {onda cat Le i Mr. Frank Monday or Philadelphia. | Stoll jr, left Morin Affairs 1° Mrs. Amos Garber spent Monday | vith friends at Harrisburg Mrs. C. S. Gingrich called on rela ives at Elizabethtown Tuesday AGE WEST OF Mary | made a pleasan call at A. D. Garbe friends Misses Anna Hoffmaster and on Sunday. Anna Sunday with Arndt of Mount Joy Miss alled on relatives in the village on Mr. and Mrs. C Corless of New York City, Exchange Hotel on Sunday. Mr. Frank Thatcher and daughter Miss Pauline, of Manheim, spent last sunday Mr. Harry lL. J. H. Haldeman's delivery Monday. Mr. George K. friends in the registered at the were Stoll had charge of ! wagon on Smoker of Columbia Saturday in town with friends. village last | Mrs. M. F. Breneman, Mr. and Mrs. H. C Schock and Miss Mary Schock spent a,few days at Atlantic City. George N. West, buyer for Butler Brothers of New York City, called on the Grey Iron Casting Co., on Monday. Miss Katherine Kauffman attend- ed the Roberts—Bremner wedding|of bis parents. | « at Millersville Wednesday evening. The regular monthly board meet-' | Messrs. Jacob and Martin Brown ing of the U. B. Church was held on | of this place and Bard Bigler of East Tuesday evening. Petersburg, spent a few days in New Mrs. Diffenbaugh of Elizabethtown, York. spent Sunday here with her mother, Rev. and Mrs. I. E. Johnson and Mrs. Benjamin Mickey. { daughters Hilda and Dorothy left] Messrs. H. A. Oberdorf and H. W.! Monday for their future home at Marks of Columbia called on friends Terre Hill. in town last Thursday. ! Mr. Joseph Mr. George Kuhlman guest of his parents, Mr. neral of his Dearbeck, sr. called on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carson spent Sunday at Maytown the guest of the | Jatter’'s mother. Mr. Hugh McGarvey of Lebanon |g Dearbeck of Lancaster attended | was the step-brother at and Mrs. Monday. Sylvester r meeting will be ome of Mr. and Mrs held at the I Mr. ang Mrs. Charles E. Reed of} = . hil ‘ v lenry Young this ev ing | Philadelphia spent Saturday and Sun- Mr. M ! I 1 enna. . i : : 3 Mr. Mileg D. Garber of Blaine, Per- e as guests of his sister Miss = Farber of B is bi ry Count} the guest of his broth and Oxfords you'll like , that will wear good $3.30, $4.00, Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Roberts and er Mr. A. D. Garber on Sunday. : Beneman’s | son Lester attended the Roberts— Mr. A. D. Garber had three very rubber plants. be-| Brenner wedding at Millersville on pleasant callers on Saturday evening { Ask Mise Flo St about them. | Wednesday. Paul Arndt entertained his i cissus, freesias, primroses and ger- Mrs. Christ Maier and two child- Gung Bool (rookedness aniums at Hoffer's greenhouse. 2t.|ren of Lancaster, spent Saturday lady friends Mise Elizabeth Hendrix Wednesday March 19--At hi 6 ns tests of her mother Mrs of Mount Joy at dinner on Sunda) implement warehouse in Mt. Joy,| Harriet Shelly Mrs. Milton Arndt and sc {ard AN INQUIRY INTO THE HOLDING |new and second hand wagons, im-| Mr. J. Walter Frey left Monday =p Week With het paremts, Mi OF DUAL OFFICES | plements, harness ete. by Mr. H. S.|for Hershey where he will fill af Hurry Neideigh near Mi el Newcomer. clerical position in the office of the he: The Wages of Coal Miners—A Bernhart & Co's Wednesday and| jjershey Chocolate Company vi > Nissly ; s Weekly Letter Written by Mr. { Saturday specials have been of much Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyer and . Sgt n hig Spacious How John C. Dight, Expressly for The | interest to the people because they|nyr. and Mrs. Aaron Seigrist of East va, it: is Ho 2 Mount Joy Bulletin—Legislative | are great money savers. See the ad | Berlin, were vigiting in the home of hii : Don’t fail to have Your ey ex-| {Mr. and Mrs. Cling on Sunday. : . a mined free of chargs by Dr. Frank- Mrs. Elliot Thompson of Christiana |. : i houser of Harrisburg. Dr. Frankhous- ind Mrs, ,anghorne, were the guests of Mr. © - : March 2 from 9:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m,, | nd Mrs. Elwood Roberts on Frida 2 S and will be glad to have you call | ( Flora Vannarsdalen, of Paul Brubaker, who is in the em- ontinued on page 4) ploy of the state highway department | v re se ee A | pator (115 egg) used only times, good as new for $12.00. Also| time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Read it Thru and Thru | a Philo Brooder Hatcher (50) egg, |M. M. Brubaker. Ve are frequently asked, “Why vou have so and so in your | Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Krall enjoyed ; sr ? The an automobile trip to Marietta, Co- reply invariably is, { | | lumbia, Mountville and Roherstown lid have it in. We wish to | returning via Landisville and |5tate that the Bulletin cannot be| compared with any other weekly in| {Salunga, on Sunday. shite 2 oka Js eal, a br 3 ) ilme C.'N hi publican, and Richard J. Baldwin, al 2 brother of Counciim in bo fps aan Toft 1 g this county because we set more | : ATHY x 3 wi 1 rs nema 3 iast sun- of Delaware, the Tener floor leader, Mumma, is suffering W ith blood! Mrs «B, eneman left 1st ; un type than any of them vou will and an equally uncompromising ad- |Polisoning on the middle finger. It|day for Washington, D. ( where find local news on every page of this Le : | was scrate wi ail about she will spend some time. She will > : ym = vocate of the Old Gang methods |W2 dy hed fo 8 nal a ou) ; Balti I h 1 | paper; not only on the first page g y r two weeks ago. He may loose thelalso go to Baltimore where She wi on 4% that have brought previous general C 1 and “boiler plate” on the balance. buy her Millinery and other lines. on J { No less than twenty-five columns of New Standard Hardware Works Buys ‘ ‘ | I Land Along Railroad \ A ) ' | bes Geer Dies: {HE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUS® ! lied on G. A. R. POST DONATES HAND- Exercises School rendered a specially prepared spent several days in town the guest or | ton, Ellsworth Schrite; Declamation, Lincoln’s Choice and Destiny, Stoll; Tribute to Washington, Grace er will be at the Flor! Inn on Sunday | © i and susp {of Hotel McG | attended the Recordings Hs one Vi TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER yme Well Known People From Our Neighborhood Have Passed to the Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue Gone to Their Reward. Bittner, sr. of Columbia, Monday aged 74 years, Mrs. Elizabeth -Mattis, aged 9% arg, died at Marietta Thursday. Miller, a lifelong resi- died on Thurs- Conrad George D. nt of Manheim, red 82 years. eallie, wife of at the Columbia Hos- Wolf of Harry rietta, died Hi Sou res SOME FLAG TO THE SCHOQ Appropriate to Vvasnnig- ton's Birthday Were Held in the High School Last Friday Afternoon —AIl| the Schools Sing Two Songs The pupils of the Mount Joy High rogram last Friday afternoon in hon- of Washington's Birthday. The somplete program as rendered fol- OWS: Music, School; Sketch of Wiashing- John Dietz; Instrumental Solo, Medley of National Airs, Ruth Spangler; Recita- Pride of Battery B., Beatrice Anecdotal] Life of Lincoln, (Clarence Brubaker; Music, Instru- mental Solo, Gladys Flowers; Waah- ington's Farewell to the Army, Danie€l Resolved that cou to enj tion, Murray; Ginder; Debate try life is more conducive ment than city life, Affirmative, Martha Musser, Hal Longenecker; Negative, Alvin R Viola Ream, Dale Garber. The juds Messrs, Austin Fellenbaum, Char Bennett and John Stoll decided in ro of the affirmative. Music, Inst mental Solo, Arthur Moyer; An H tract Webster's Sa isey; Recitation, 4 r Laskewitz; of (ieo, Brown; of Lincoln, School, £ Aftegl mond Nissley, from 1a} y 4 R. The dow, afte) “America” Glory.” All then dismiss Had * Mr. John Lancaster Sa while makin market house pocket of a find — For, A good clean § general merchand —no clcthing. accumulations. Good reason for sole, Mt. Joy, P \ (Continued on page 4) the past at this office. | Advertise in / / {