The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 19, 1913, Image 8

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No More Blue Mondays If You Use a Grinnell Lewis Wcsher
Why You Should Have a Grinnell Lewis
Wednesday, February 19, 19123
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It Will Save Your Health. It Will Save Yur Time. It Will Save Your Clothes. :
It Will Save You All That Worn Out Tired Feeling of The Average Wash Day. !
THREE STYLES--Lewis Electric Washers. Lewis Power Washers. Lzwiis Hand Washers
ve i
The Simplest, Quietest and Easiest Running Washers Built.
Just Received a Carload of These Machines. Call at Our Store For a Demonstration “Ri
decieadeodedondrolosdrdenieofrnocdrodeodeoddeofosiooisolesfesfodeafooforforiosdedoriesfodesfuoforforiociosfonfeafocfodeifonfooduofecfoofostoafonferioafeorts rode cfootesfosferforfosfesfortosdeafosfocfosfeoe sje cp foofeofesfecfeodecdeeferdeofesfooecfecdeforcfociedfecoefesforiofoaferfrdrcfucfesfededecfosdrfrioriv rofrfechofrifonfeofecfecfoofodrefiiriideifsdbdmfodoidedooiuidn Sof sho db dep ded dodo fod pddrdbddebbdbd bbb bide
Read The Bulletin
Are You
| Losing
If So, You Need Rexall Wine
of Cod Liver Extract
This well known remedy is designed to build
your strength, improve vour weight, appetite and
general health, and put your system in better con-
dition to combat disease.
Whether convalescing from some severe wast-
ing disease or weakened, run-down and below weight
and thus in a condition to more easily contract dis-
ease, particularly those brought on by cold weather
and exposure-we advise the use of Rexall Wine of
I VE 000000 SA SA A 0 OO
. s ®
Cod Liver Extract. .
Fry it at our risk. If it does not satisfy you g
your money back. ®
Pri 1.00 :
rice . »
Sold in this community only at our store "
: =
ra H getting ready tor
his sale hould not iiss \ Tobacco Farmer “Doctors” His
le eld on March 5 Filler Bales
1 \ ind family enter
ed A Becker and wite and n estil case, and one t
son, Vincent Boyer, on i nore omment h
usual, occured in Manheim ast
181 week the Back Run school veek. That horough has become a
was visited by Elmer Blocher and great place for delivering tobacco,
Miss Dora Shank sister of the 1d never i tistory has as
teacher. Their home is at Quarry- much tobacco been received as this
ville year. It is non occurrance
Benjamin Zug, wife and daugh- several of the ge firms to re-
ter Cora and granddaughter Mabel quarter of a million pounds
White spent Sunday in . the family
,of Herman Snyder near Nissley's Several weeks ago one of the
mill, i lirms discovered about a bushel of
We have certainly had a remark- sweepings and offall and short
able winter so far. But Mr. Ground tobacco stalhs nicely packed in the
Hog simply is proving that he saw THE CARROLL CHILDREN entre of bale of flle they
(his shadow. \t The Garden Tonight do not tag filier bales, it im-
Jere Witmyer of Manheim is buvsy! possible to tell who delivered it
sawing logs into building ! er SPORTING HILL [.ast week the fim detailed one
for Amos Shearer. The lumber 1 Wenger is spending several of the employes to e¢ramine each
used to erect a new barn in thel!da Eliz: hale of fillers that was delivered
early spring. Mary Sha of Lititz is that day, thinking that if the party
If it had not been for the work staring with her ndparents, Mr. that delivered the previous bale had;
of the Sunday school the member- and Mrs. F. Y. Koser. not finished stripping, and as he
ship of the church would not be Daniel Brandt, wife and three was not detected in his first
one-half of what it is to-day. It has!children of near Lanceaster spent attempt wonld try it again. The
been the support of the church in{Sunday in the home of D. M. employe preformed his work faith-
the past and it will be equally the! Nissly. fully, and up to four o'clock had
me in the days to come Amos G and daugh- not succeeded in finding the guilty
ee A ter Lottie son-in-law, party, and bad almost given up
EAST PETERSBURG Samuel K. family oy; hope of succeeding that day
Menno Swarr is on the sick list, |{Sund A prominent man of the
eing laid with a bad case of DD Nissl® -one of our produce northern part of the county then
grippe. dealers and a gang of helpers are drove to the place where the
The lronville Band furnished | busily engaged in filling hig ice tobacco was received and at once
music for the social and fair in the house. began unloading his fillers After
town hall en Saturday evening. Phares S. Mohn, wife and son, carrying in a few bales the long
The youngest daughter of James of Salupga, spent Saturday sought-for one was* found. It was
William Pool fell off the high chair, Sunday with Joseph Wickenheiser taken off the scales and opened,
jon Monday afternoon and gashed and wife. when to the surprise of all present,
her face Henry Barto, of Mount Joy visit- there was an exact duplicate—the
Miles Zeigler of Penbrook. is,ed his mother, Mrs. Rebecca Barto centre of it was filled with sweep-
visiting the family of A. H. Her- [and sister, Mrs. B. I. Kauffinan on ings, ete. The man stood by,
hey for a month. He is attending!Saturday, apparently very much surprised,
the local schools, Mr. and Mrs A E. Behm, of und remarked ‘that is to bad, the
Rev. A. E. Cooper, of Jersey Manheim spent Sunday in the boys must have done that
[Shore, formerly pastor of Zion|home of their son-in-law, A. D One of the boys was present and
ifathesan church of this place is | Frankhouse ¥ heard his father's remark, when he
{visitinz fr s here. Milton Werner and wife and replied, ‘Father, von told us to do
Floyd Zerphy was tendered a Master Charles Fissel of nmear.:it.” The father was caught and the
{package surprise, on Monday even- | Hossler's church, and Samuel Mar- son completed the job The man
ling, in honor of his Birthday He tin, of Philadelphia, were Sunday offered to compromise matters, but
| was the recipient of many gifts guests of Levi Fisgel and family he was giver one of the planest
nA iii ei Dl Reco and most effective sermons that
| U. E. Announcements Working the Farmers Was ever given to men by fie man
Sunday School at 9.30 A. M. An impostor Was at ‘work recent who had purchased the tobacco
| 10.30 A. M. Sermon theme “Serv- ly among the farmers of East Done- eau ny fol Res he Mn
line al » Wav +} ” . ie we : cep 18 ace e 8ave )
Ing Sos Hs hid re a art gal and yieHty, endeavoring lo-Se- him for a gift, and was told to take
jo TP M ev. ohnson will ype subscriptions to farm and also ft home. which ho did
{ preach his last sermon for this con- to poultry journals. He offered a Li a
ference year. This will also close fountain pen free to the subscribers
hie pastorate with this congrega- gpg agked from them ninety-nine Good Dressing
tion. Hilda and Dorothy Johnson cepts which he said was to cover A Magazine every woman should
{have. The first issue is of great)
will sing at both these services.
At the
will read the annual report of
church. Everybody welcome.
rr CBee er.
levi B. Henry of
Minnie 8. Gebhart of Rapho
granted a license to wed on Satur-
Rheems. and 2 clever talker.
were On their guard.
postage. Information has been re
evening service the pastor ejved from these publications that
the ihe fellow is a fake.
He was about
thirty-five or forty years of age, of
of average size, smooth shaven and
Farmers should be
el A An
value in every home and should be
| kept for reference. The color com-
| bination chart, what to wear and|
| when to wear it is of special value. |
| Free for the asking at Bermhart &
eA an mete. stot
All the local news in the Bulletin.! All the local news in the Bulletin.
Get Your Sale Bills
OUBLE green trad-
ing stamps at I. D.
Beneman’s Department
Store Mount Joy, Pa., on
Wednesday and Satur-
bib dad add da bid tadadtddgadd idea dias TEE AT EERE
WHY NOT MAKE $200.00 A MONTH - - Tha
$50.°° a Week, almost $10.°° a Day
Belling Victor Safes and Ere:proof boxes
to merchants, doctors, lawyers, dentists and
well-to-do farmers, all of whom realize the need
of a safe, but do not know how easy itistoown
one. Salesmen declare our proposition one of
the best, clean-cut money-making opportuni-
ties ever received. Without previous experi-
ence YOU can dug vte the success of others.
Our handsomely illustrated 200-page catalog
will enabis ‘nt the subject to cus-
& ner as though
appointed as
you to
ective ¢ to dor hy
re someone else 3 Ud tor 7
The 25th annive our 7?
company ole 1 3
erecting the node '
a postal car
Ask for Catalogue 167.
Our New Home. Capacity 20.020 Safss Annually.
me —_——
I -
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