NATURE'S ILAWS, Nature's laws are perfect if only we obey them, but disease follows disobedi- ence, Go straight to Nature for the cure, to the forest ; there are mysteries there, some of which we can fathom for you. Take the bark of the Wild-cherry tree, with mandrake root, Oregon grape root, stone root, queen's root, bloodroot and golden seal root, make a scientific, glyceric extract of them, with just the right proportions, and you have DOCTOR PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. It took Dr. Pierce, with the assistance of two learned chemists and pharma- cists, many months of hard work expe rimenting to perfect this Vegetable alterative and tonic extract of the greatest efficiency. Mr. C. W, PawLgy, of Millville to tell you that I have used your in my family for twenty year We have had a doctor called in but once during that tim I have a family of ten chil. dren. all well and hearty, for which, to a great extent, we owe thanks to you and your ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ and ‘Pellets,’ which we use when sick.’ Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate / stomach, liver aml bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. SOLD BY ALL World's Dispensary Medical \ Calif, writes: ‘I wish ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ DRUGGISTS. \ssociation, Buffalo, N.Y, , ESQ. GO TO Annual Report Of The Water Account Mount ending East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa for the 1912; Joy Borough December 31st, For year FOR A GOOD SHAVE STYLISH HAIRCUT REFRESHING SHAMPOO or anything in the Barber Line. KODAK dull you can RECEIPTS Balance Treas. Jan. 1912 Mar. Mar. Mar, "$1060 82 2500.00 1800.00 3.60 300.00 500.00 284.19 col. col. col. Fellenbaum 5, R. Fellenbaum 26, R. Fellenbaum May 6, R. Fellenbaum col. Aug. 30, R. Fellenbaum col. Dee. 30, R. Fellenbaum col. Labor & Material furnished P. R. R. in raising bridges R. R. Co. for labor in raising valve boxes R. Winter days or bright, or Summer, on 8 5 3 r 8.45 indoors or out, 4 $6541 EXPENDITURES Adams Ex..Co., Exp.,,..... Baker, F. H. supplies.... Bombaugh, Jno. labor.... Bopp, Mrs, Margurite rebate Brown, Brown, Boyce, Sybilla Brunner, H, C Bouhl, Jno. H. supplies Childs, Samuel labor Cummings & Co., supplies Fellenbaum, R. express and commission Fellenbaum, notices @arber, Jac. @arber, H. €arlock supplies Groff, B. F. Hamaker, J. S Heigey, E. IL. Herald Printing, Herr, R. H. Hershey, F. E. Hinkle, Walter, Hinkle, Harry, Independent Oil oline 3 Kern, C. B., rebate Kolp, A., labor Iytle, S. P. Est. Miller, H. E Missemer) printing. Mt. Joy Twp. Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Insurance..... H. Miller Mfg. Co. supplies Nagle Jacob, Newcomer, H. S. Northern Mutual Insurance P. R. R. Co. freight Penn Twp. Mutual Fire Ins Co., Insurance..... ©tto Gas Engine Works, repairs Rahm, Jno. labor Reist, Jno. H. dist. Rye, Ed. Stark, Tillman, Shatto, Frank, B. Elmer T¢ bate labor rebate labor labor child can is Kodaks are simple; l operate, efficient, limit to a SO there results— [for use on the the Kodak way of Daylight loading and unloading— 23. 09 no dark room needed for any of the | 82.43 work 68.10] 18.60] 4.50 Agent for 20.85 | 2.00! 4.36] 4.35 {of Austin dist. instant. That it. is | 8. auditing... Standard Steam Laundry printing. auditing. . labor EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Jacob H. Stauffer, late Mount Borough, Lancaster {county, Pa. 17) Letters testamentary on said es- : 3a having been granted to the un- 0 derisgned, all persons indebted there | 5(to are requested to make immediate | : 00 !payment, and those having claims or 58, | demands against the same will pre- 35 'sent them without delay for settle- .71| ment to the undersigned. ANNIE N. STAUFFER, Mt. Joy. ELIZABETH N. RISSER, Rheems { FANNIE N. SNYDER, Lititz R. 1 .00:B. Frank Kready. Attorney. janl15-6t Joy supplies Ins. 20 .43 notices labor labor. .... pT NOB aw coRwD TRADE-MARKS and Copyrgi obtained or no fea. Send model, sketches or photos and brief § description, for FREE SEARCH an d report on patentability. 26 years experiel Bend 2-cent stamp for NEW “8B OKLET. full of patent information. 1t will help you to § fortune. CX READ PAGES 11 and 12 before applying 8 fora ADP AQ rite to-day. D. SWIFT & C0. PATENT LAWYERS, 303 Seventh St, Washingtan, D. C. TE EE rl Shatz, Mary, State Treas. Bonds Stauffer, J. N. & Bro. stone Siller, Lewis labor Sink, Sam’l, Schock, Clarence, and Gasoline fchroll, Jno. E., Shonk, D. S., Trexler, BE. M, ‘Watson Isaac, Webb, J. E., repairing.... ‘Weber, Joseph, labor Weidman H., Welsh A. B, Wililams Eli, Stoner, Katie N., tion of water bond No. 38 and Sept. coupon... Bowman, M. C., redemp- tion of water bonds No. i 39-40-41 and one Sept. coupon on No. Herr, Mary A., redemp- tion of water bond No. 37 and one Sept. coupon 79 coupons each $10.00.. 158 coupons each $2.00.. Balance in Treas. Jan. 13, State Tax on — rt ob UT NCD ed pd Material 154 wD LO OF rd io pb pd LD = a OD printing. auditing. . | Shaving Halr Cutting AVOoONMMOO WEA | Joseph B. Hershev I'Yonsorial Parlor No Waiting Agen for the Middletown Steam 1510. 00 | Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday (and delivered Friday. i Bast Main St., 510. 00] 790.00 316.00 NORD DDI [SR redemp- 5 | 510.00] Three Chairs. MOUNT JOY 1030.62 BONES WANTED Hafleigh & Co. Philadelphiz $6541.18 We the undersigned auditors of Mt. Joy Boro hereby certify that we have carefully examined the ac- count of the Union National Bank, Treas, of Mt. Joy Water Account, and find that said account shows a eredit balance of $1030.62 this 13th day of January, 1913. Have also destroyed 79 coupons of $10.00 each and 158 coupons of $2.00 each. Respectfully submitted, M. TREXLER E E. HERSHEY i Auditors | mn i ed ne omens | feb.5-3t LUNG DISEASE ® After four in our family had died of consumption I was taken with a frightful cough and lun yrouble; bat my life was saved and I gain unds through using R. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY Ww. 3 Fattetson, Welington, Tex. | |: | Niado A Mow Man Of Him. | 3 waa Writes kguffering Bg from painin m NOTARY PUBLIC Attermey-At-Law 48 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri day at jb. 52 North Duke Street Read thp Bulletin be for the Bulletin. W.B.BENDER and always ready THE | HOME HEALTH OLUB | ———— a —— By Dr, David H. Reeder, Chicago 1 Continued, 1 three causes of now to mention the four principal causes: namely over- that 1s, taking more food needed to supply the energy ed; lack of proper mastica- either through sheer laziness, washing the food in-| stomach with liquids; gorders, such as] rdation of metabolism, which | that the work of tearing] not commensurate with | that of building up, which two pro-| i cesses in perfect health should be| balanced The fourth cause is the abnormal functioning of the | thyroid gland As 1 said above, {the thyroid gland is a small, duct- {less gland situated on either side] land below the Adam's apple, and | has a great deal to do with the] | proper nutrition of the body. | | Before any definite treatment can| adviged, the habits and life of| individual must be inquired in- | A comparatively easy form of| ity to overcome would be, for that occurring an other Obesit Part 11 have mentioned obesity I want y feelling than pen ton greadiness, or Lo constitutional d ) the reta means | down Is he | the | to { obe i : | instance, in healthy physical eating taking limiting and teach wise person, too little exercise combined |g with too much nsist upon| } outdoor | quantity | to| uch a person more the him how | exercise and lof his food, | select the proper i foods, and make [let {of joue. me repeat; a proper combination | foods is absolutely in all | obesity, referring the the intake of food is greater | and to! essential to a| of cases to ordinary | | kind, {than the output of energy, | : l arrange a proper proportion between | solved, a problem to be solved, the two is ‘and having been the overly | | fat person need no longer be overly | | fat Yes, 1 “need no longer,” | } prust will be, | won't | diet said, simply system he follow of special | exercise that is not to his| the diet person can be| following: Meat off) with vege- |, or fish, Jean green getable! sl, with as little | possible, vinegar, pickles, tomatoes, | radishes; abundant raw but little sugar, or tart fruits; graham bread) at all; mineral] desired: one or but not least, any and General by speaking fat | liking | {for an unusnally { , { selected from the ! broth (fat skimmed tables, lean meat 0 abundant ve cheese, and salads prepared | f fe it L1e mons, or ‘oil as sour | celery and { fruit that lin other words, sour (bran bread, | potatoes sparingly, 1f | waters as much {two eggs, and (b uttermilk. | An exclusive diet {and zwiebach with, acid fruits, if length time, contains coarse as last buttermilk some | of perhaps, persisted in ror will cure an obesity This however, | it enough thoroughly. cases that are and the lack of exercise simple. Cut down the intake of food, learn what combinations to select, and increase the outdoor exercise. I would thtt such cases try the zwiebach, and sour fruit diet. The object Club is to teach, those interested in their per | of the some of ordinary treatment | that few people thought to try it | The treatment for | due to over-feeding of case is so simple, give out is, of course, amount of suggest buttermilk, Home Health will be glad selecting diet suited to particular but to 90 cent. of the this article who are over- say this; begin each meal tumblerfuls of buttermilk zwiebach, then go meal. [I don’t care just so you chew liquid in fat will the and it of to aid a needs, readers of fat I will | with four { and ahead with your much what it is, every, particle until it the mouth, and your disappear. If you get hungry be- tween meals, drink buttermilk, one- half pint every 2 hours. Yes, I know won't be room for anything but that's all right, you don’t need it and you won't want it. In another article I will give you lean folks an inning. two pices of is extra there else, meen treet Eee eee MONTHLY MEETING THE An Excellent Program to be Ren- dered Next Wednesday The reuglar monthly missionary meeting will be held in the Bethel of the Church of God next Wednes- day evening when the following program will be rendered: Anthem, Song of Jubilee, Choir; Prayer, Rev. Rishel; Singing, When Love Shines In, Page 12; Reading, Scripture Lesson, Mr. J. E. Longen- ecker: Duett, This Is What We'll Do, Beatrice Hawthorne and Joe Walker; Reading of Minutes, Mrs. | Eli Smeltzer: Singing, A Crown of Life, Page 15; Reading On Mis- sionary, Miss Malinda Greiner; Recitation and Chorus, Early Sow- ing, Dorothy Heilig, Elizabeth Shat- to, Anna May [Longenecker: Duett and Chorus, Why Stand Ye Here Idle, Mr. and Mrs. Reist and chor- us: Recitation, Elizabeth Shatto: Singing, Is It Nothing To You, Page 36; Reading, Chapters in Mis- sionary Book, Mr. Shatto: Duett and Chorus, Lead Me Gently Home, Father, Mrs. Stauffer, Miss Emma Shookers; Collection; Remarks, On Missionary, Rev. Rishel; Singing, Hidden Peace, Page 103: Benedic- tion. etl AQ rete Fox Chase at Milton Grove A grand fox chase will take place from the Milton Grove Hotel, A. 8S. Holwager, proprietor, on Tuesday, February 18, Fox will be dropped { would hardly get os ol ¥ on account of} 4 progre gsive | | {the td | Witter { manstown, BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, WOMAN SICK TWELVE YEARS Wants Other Women to Know How She Wa: Finally Restored to Health. Louisiana, Mo.: ‘1 think a woman naturally dislikes to make but comj lete restore. ation tohealth means so much to me I cannot keep from telling mine for tl ake of other suffer ing women. “I bad about twelve years, and h tors. ging ul eleven doc- I had drag. lown pains, pains at monthly peri wis, bilious spells, and was getting worse all the time. 1 » spell when 1 Ver ( again. No tongue can U ered from cramps, and walk. wot ald be What I sufi 3 1 could hardly 1 might die at one of those times I at ] took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege ta- ble Compound and got better right away. at | Your valuable medicine is worth more han mountains of gold to suffering wo- ."'—Mrs. BERTHA MUFF, 503 N. 4th | combination of | Street, Louisiana, Mo. it more emphatic, | Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound, made from native roots and herbs, | contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and to-day holds the record of being the | | most successful remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands of voluntary | | testimonials on file in the Pinkham | laboratory at Lynn, Mass. , | this fact. If you want special advice write to | Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi- dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will | be opened, read and answered by a | { woman and held In strict confidence. | because he] 2.000 Pounds to the Acre A Strickler owned manager by 4. H. of New- eighteen of which was realized pounds the The farm is near Newmanstown and ker for Pennsylvania tobacco raising Joohn farm manufacturer, produced from ybacco cigar has tobacco 2000 acres to acre. is a record brea for PROCWAMATION ERECTION NOTICE TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF | MOUNT JOY BOROUGH There will be an election held Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1913 the 7 o'clock P. M and regular voting Borough of Mount Joy, for the pur- pose of submitting the question of a loan of Forty-Two Thousand Dol- lars ($42,000) to the electors of said Borough, the proceeds of said loan to be applied and appropriat- ed as follows: Twenty-Seven Thous- and Dollars ($27,000) thereof to the refunding of the outstanding bonds issued under the four per cent. loan of September 1, 1880, falling due September 1, 1913, and Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,- 000) or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the erection and in- stallation of a filter plant in con- nection with the water system of said Borough, in pursuance to a resolution passed by the Council of Mount Joy Borough December 2, 1912, The amount of the last as- sessed valuation of taxable property in the Borough of Mount Joy is $823040 The amount of exist- ing indebtedness The amount of the pro- posed increase of indebted- ness isl LL oud see $ 15000. The percentage of the proposed increase of indebtedness is ap- proximately 1.822 per cent and the total debt of $42,000, would be 5.01 per cent. All qualified voters can vote at this election, which will be held at the usual and regular voting places in Mount Joy Borough, on Tuesday, February 18, 1913, between the hours of 7 o'clock A. M. and 7 o’clock P. M. R. Fellenbaum Clerk of Council. CLAYTON HOFFMAN, Burgess. hours of 7 o'clock , at the usual places in said between M. and the is 2 7000. (Garden Theatre WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12TH AT THE FLAMES A Tale of Japan THURSDAY, FEB. 13TH 101 BISON FEATURE, “The Heroine of the Plains” A Great Western Picture FRIDAY, FEB. 14TH A Champion Feature “HER WHOLE DUTY” Great Dramatic Story SATURDAY, FEB. 15TH 101 Bison 2 Reel Feature At Old Fort Dearborn : 5-Great Big Reels-5 Admission, Five Cents at 3 o'clock py m. Saturdays, 10 Ceats. her troubles | known to the public, | that ! been sick 1 11 | The doctors | seem to prove | ot | A. PA, Resolutions of Respect Whereas, Our divine Father wisdom has taken from School our amiable esteemed co-worker, Holle in| our and Sister his Sunday highly Margaret Ww herew which occurred and death, ol influence, her early the iy in very midst usefulne nd happy hool yartment earnest be Sunday and especially Frimar has lost y Le ne of their and eflicient Therefore i olved, B) Mount Joy submiss 1d will ertheless dly Vorkers, School Church of He the Sunday the God ively bow to the ff Almight God mourt | our loss Re parents, Bro her Hoff mpa this tho That and extend to A, B solved wi Sister ler and family, our deepest y {thy and earnest prayers during their hour of bereavement | they sorrow not those who have as no hope | Resolved, That be Sunday resolutions of cony ose entered the ords our School upon red he that Joy t a d and tha ent to the family, and also * | they be Mount Julletin inserted in the the and Sunday Sheool Gem C Rishel Greiner Ea Rev D linnie N | Wilma I. pastor ton | > —— | | RHEEMS fivans and family spent with Mp | Cyrus Sunday Evans’ parents at Lancaster Mrs. | some | David sell at Wolgemuth will property Susan her on of personal public sale February 27 + J Levi Floyd Bainbridge Henry and son, spent { Sunday with and fa Harry mily, of There Farmer's f the near was no meeting of the association last week, speakers appeared and Mrs. Daniel and Mrs. Eli Engle Wolgemuth last none o i vr Wolgemuth Mr Susan and visited Mrs. A cistern has of the owning to the week. been made in the Brethren church at being basement this place, well condemned. Arther Hendrick | appointed to fill the | Rheems been the has at the vacancy caused by re- John F. Zellers. Clayton Witmer moved from B. H. Greider’s to Elizabeth- | town, where accepted in the Schwanger traveling His and retary, signation of has house he has a I position shoe factory. [ Robert has accepted a position as salesman for firm. tervitory is York a Lancaster { Cumberland, [Lancaster counties. on rr A ee Organized Congregation M. J. Bieber Lutheran Church a Rev. , a former pastor the | complishing good The Daily Telegram Ontario, of Feb. 3 important day in half history of Lutheran Church in Sunday, was is ac- field of | of here, { results as a { worker. Berlin, The most says: the and months’ | seven a the English took congregation | this city place when the on per- Concordia interested manently Hall was twice filled with and organized. devout worshipers, 25 adults, families laying At the morning service whon are heads of the many of were confirmed hands. 5 The pastor, preached After Chas. thanks of by on of Jieber, Re M. J. appropriate VY. an sermon. the service an address read by the sincere Bicher Lossing expressed the class to Pastor of gold and roses and car- two little girls] Rev. M.| responded. accompanied by a purse a bouquet of white nations presented white, feelingly by dressed in to which J. Bieber ie President in the of One Year Term for The resolution introduced Senate by Senator works California which extends the presi- dential term to six years and limits each president to one term has been passed by the Senate by the re-| quired two-third vote. Senators who have been hearing from home all received the heartiest endorce-| ment of this measure as the Ameri- | | RRR TAURI TIA can people are bitterly complaining | of too much politics and of presi- | dents playing politics for a second | term, instead of serving the country | with all the statesmanship that hel possesses. cena smi No Backache or Kidney Pains If vou have pains in the back, bladder kidney trouble, | and lack of energy, try | Mother Gray's AROMATIO-LEAF, | the pleasant herb remedy. As a] tonic laxative it has no equal. At] | Druggists, or by mail 50c. Ask to- | day. SAMPLE FREE. Address— | The Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, N. Y.| jan15-4t ets A ee | Change in Time of Stage Trip James McClure, the veteran stage driver between Marietta and May- town, has announced that he will leave the postoffice in Marietta, in the evening at 6:20 for Maytown, instead of 6:30 o’clock. Mr. Mec- Clure has been carrying the mails for more than fifty yeafs and makes two trips a day. In A Fox Chase A fox chase will be held from the Garret Hotel, Elizabethtown, on Thursday. A turkey dinner will be served and at 3 o'clock the fox will be dropped. ur- | inayr, dizziness or FIVIPITOV0000000000900030090090006002003 090000 PC00P0IP0000000009000050000000000000604 Wednesday, Febwuary 12, Corner Square 1913 and E. King Sts Featuring Newest PEIVIVO0000CP0POVVIL D609 9004 000 > 999 of newest waves Our entire Aisle posing array of the Fabric manufacturers for Spring of and and Coat The contributed have Suit best collection, exhibited. almost to the able we ever nd colors is the most ALL-WOOL qualities weaves delight NEW wear-resisting in all the Spring shades; will zood, beauty, weight material had in the $1.00 most desirable a yard NEW, Two-Toned SPLENDID VARIETY AT All-Wool 36- French Serges, Scotch We Wool All-Wool Tweeds, inch in the very ne t and prettiest 0c. a yard. CORDED hard service MOHAIR—Have tation for here in yard TWO-TONE 39 iD skirt or suit, in new tans and good, desirable, Suit and for CREAM Skirt; gray of stylish tan a Spring 56 HAIRLINE or good variety of neat, stripes; 42 inches wide; 7c. ALL-WOOL be shades of gray or had in new house or street wear, BEDFORD especially appropriate wide: $1.50 yard. MIXED SUITINGS, checks and new for a skirts, stripes, to 31. NEW wide, 50 a yard. \ WOOL and 75¢ vard a splendid weave : Dress Suits Fabrics for Spring Woolen Dress and colorings both E The v endless, hard-to-please « POPLINS—A but NEW ALL-WOOL TAFFETAS— A splendid for house or light or Piagonals—I1 in demand for dresses or suits 50c¢. Storm Spring always te WHIPOORDS—A grays. ALI-WOOL: COVERT CLOTH—In a inches wide SERGE—Always narros a yard. DIAGONALS—Thes tan 50 inches wide; CORDS—All-Wool, one-piece su in a wonderfully large mixeully PANAMAS—Plenty Fashion's Woolen & (Coat over an im- Woolen Goods given to in Dress and America have the new urope remark- different that most and it is certainly riety of providing an assortment Istomer staple weave, noted for Ig attained new 75¢ which has a vard. light 40 inches wide a firmly woven, very wear; which can be 42 street dark shades inches wide ble and very inches wide: 5% yard, YARD—Including All- All-Wool Batiste, and 52-inch Mohairs and All Ita-fashiona RE. a A Serges, Whipcords shades designs enjoyed splendid repu new shades 36 inches wide n for coat, a yard. shade very cloth weave, $1 good 56 inches wide 50 and cloth vard, medium light medium weight and $1.50 a for Spring Suit black hairline popular or wide, and can for 50 inches wide, are very dressy material $1.25 brown, a yard blue, suits oY gray, inches in new it or coat 50 variety, for suits or large variety, for suits or light and dark colors; a a yard. Ol ae. for | #] ] AT A RE ——— P— BLANKETS WE SAVE YOU TWO PRO- FITS ON WOOL HORSE BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS, 18 THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO $10.50. FINES" STOCK LAP ROBES IN THE COUNTY, FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV- ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL STOCK OF VFTERINARY MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS dward Krecke! LANCASTER, BRE] Trunks at Half Pricc, Great Bar- On The Square. gains. LL LET LLL LE ULE CU EET LL EEE LUT CE ETF Inauguration REDUCED FARES WASHINGTON March 1, 2, 3 and 4, 1913 sold from stations miles of Washington good returning Tickets 250 above dates, March 8, within on until inclusive. CONSULT TICKET AGENTS |can’t be faction in every pair. them. Pennsylvania Railroad Jan. 29-bt. A care guarantead if you use» Bers: Stpposiiory PILES ® PILE . att, Thompean, Sap't Graded Schools, Statesville, "aE writes: *‘ I can say they do all To ciaim for wher.” Dr. 8. M. Devore, Raven Rock, Va., writes; * They give universal satis hid ry D. McG, Clarksburg, Tenn. rite} “in a ‘practice By 23 y. I have found no Sesion * Pwics, 60 Sarre Samples Free. yA yours. Drugzisie. mamyine P DY, hr pa. PA, Sald in M1. Joy byE. of Ww. D. Chandler 0 & Ca Call for tree sample. > All the local news in the Bulletin. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. swBest paper ir town-—Baulletin. The people’s paper—'Bulletin.’ Advertise im the Mt. Joy Bulletin, Dry Feet You are sure of keeping your feet warm, dry and comfortable when you wear the famous | We sell them EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED / Also the Ever | Reliable Freed Brothers Work Shoes For Men and Boys. For the ladies the Lintuer Shoes beat. Service and satis- Call ard see In a Dress Shoe I have the best —THE CROSSETT. Charles L.. Dierolf EAST MAIN ST. MT. JOY PA. HOTEL McGINNIS The undersigned having remodel- ed the old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of sleeping rooms, bath, etc., is now prepared to entertain trans- ient and regular guests. RESTAURANT in connection with hotel where be will serve in season. OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style TURTLE SOUP, Ete. Ete. Private dining room for ladies. TJ. WW. MecGrinnis, PROPRIETOR Terms Moderate. Bell Telephone. CHARLES S. FRANK AUCTIONEER MOUNT JOY, PA. Prompt Attention given to Sales of Real Estate and Personal Property.